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Postings: 2155

Prayer for the End of Time
Original song (harmonies based on the first post Voldeframe sequence)

[1] Keep our Cue- gan / [2] safe where we left them / [3] step- ping on the / [4] shore. The / [5] sea is- n't kind, it / [6] does what it wants. It / [7] may rise a- gain once / [8] more. We / [9] pray that the raft won't / [10] float a- way. We / [11] pray that they reach high / [12] ground, a- bove the / [13] fi- nal shore's ex- / [14] panse. We / [15] pray asc- / [16] en- ding seas do / [17] not re- claim our / [18] Meg and Cue's new / [19] home. / [20] All of this we / [21] pray: / [22] Be it safe to / [23] stay. / [24] Squir- pies and chir- pies / [25] fill the trees with / [26] joy in the pro- mised / [27] land. We be- / [28] seech Thee the / [29] For- ty have / [30] made it to main- land and / [31] not to an / [32] is- land and / [33] trapped in ri- sing / [34] wa- ter if the / [35] sea is not quite / [36] done ri- sing / [37] up. / [38] Lead them. / [39] Lead them. / [40] We be-seech Thee . / [41] now, at the / [42] end of / [43] Time. / [44] Hum- bly Thee we / [45] pray: / [46] Let them be o- / [47] kay. A- men / [48] A- . / [49] men.

Posted on 2013-08-04 05:23.

time after Time
Time after time

Staring at my monitor The ONG shows the latest view. There lies the Voldeframe Will there now be nothing new? Time ends. Will we now be left behind? So many memories, time after - Sometimes an OTTity tempts me to skip ahead. (The) future is calling me, I can't hear what's being said: what blitzers forgo. I'm posting blind. The Thread of Time unwinds. If you're lost you can look - and you will then see (there is) time after Time. If you fall it's ok we will all wait here (in the) time after Time. If you're lost you can look - and you will then see (there is) time after Time. If you fall it's ok we will all be here waiting time after Time After the Newpix fades and darkness comes every day Mabye our True thread, you're wondering, has gone away. This won't happen. There's no "outside". There's no defeat for Time If you're lost you can look - and you will then see (there is) time after Time. If you fall it's ok we will all wait here (in the) time after Time Blitzers we know are disinclined to second-guess our minds - If you're lost you can look - and you will then see (there is) time after Time. If you fall it's ok we will be waiting If you're lost you can look - and you will then see (there is) time after Time. If you fall it's ok we will all be here waiting time after Time time after Time (there is) time after Time (always) time after Time (treeish) time after Time (in the) time after Time time after Time time after Time time after Time time after Time time after time after

Posted on 2013-10-03 03:18.

Tumbley fumbley Cueball was clumsy and dropped in the sea (which is big) his canteen. Megan gave Cueball her doubledilgunnerang, slaking his thirst and they both stayed serene.

Posted on 2013-05-19 00:47.

Tappety typety jjjdavidson wanted some poetry fit for a nerd. Start with some nonsense but stick to the rhythm and end with a sesqueped- alean word. Incubus thinkubus - Such a response from us! Not to be bested we all joined the herd. Neologistical entries were flying and soon there were prizes and honors conferred. waltzity schmaltzity More like a jig, I see. Write it with care to a- void much disdain... ...about lexical choices. It isn't sufficient to polysyllabicate something that's plain. clickety clackety Once on the track any rhythmic distrubance can derail the train. What a calamety That would be if somehow things got a little messed up. It would all go down the drain.

Posted on 2013-05-19 19:03.

higgledy piggledy handed a mystery look at the otters jump into the fray Could not The Randall be protolinguisticly sniping the nerds who have come out to play?

Posted on 2013-07-09 00:42.

Clickty clikety; HAL (not the red one) com- manded the spoiler to hide and restore, characteristically monomaniacal, stopping at last when his dactyl was sore.

Posted on 2013-05-22 05:47.

Does BlitzGirl update her location to show that this thread's her vocation? It's always in sync with the present, I think. That's been my preoccupation.

Posted on 2013-06-10 06:45.

Missingly wissingly Words so invisible haunt many phrases and work their kung-fu. My explanation is Jersey folk lazily zombificationize poor little "to"

Posted on 2013-06-14 16:12.

Beauty reaches high, Cavorts on wings of color. One chomp. All is gone.

Posted on 2013-06-17 18:55.

Higgledy-piggledy flapping and frolicking Nary a care had the beesnake today. Hungry, a rapter came aerodynamically diving for lunch in a rapid ballet. Poor molpybeesnake. I hope it was painless, the moment your beauty was taken away. That's all I have in the poetry section. I'll post something else maybe later. Jose

Posted on 2013-06-17 18:55.

The stars await. The stars await, and someone comes, and looks, and leaves... Unchanged. Unmoved. And the stars flicker out, one by one until there is nothing left.

Posted on 2013-06-27 04:31.


Ottercomic of 161

Posted on 2013-09-07 15:54.


Ottercomic of 1267

Posted on 2013-09-20 20:13.


Maniplation of frame 1120

Posted on 2013-05-06 01:52.