
mikrits avatar mikrits avatar
Postings: 267

Hills Full of Dew (Vi gå över daggstänkta berg)
"Vi gå över daggstänkta berg" (trad.)

We walk over hills full of dew, tralala; They've borrowed from the emeralds their hue, tralala. Never are we grieving, Oh so merry are we singing, As we walk over hills full of dew, tralala. The old, clever Beanies may say, tralala, That we are not as sensible as they, tralala. But who would be singing About the youthful spring, eh? If we were as clever as they, tralala.

Posted on 2013-08-10 14:57.

Vitssågen III, ja.
Possibly no longer to the tune of "Trollhammaren" by Finntroll

Blixtens Flicka rider snabbt i denna enda sanna tråd. Motorsågen bär hon stadigt. Vitsare får ingen nåd! VITSSÅGEN! VITSSÅGEN! Inga vitsar kan hon tåla. Gycklare, ditt liv är slut! Motorsågen börjar vråla. Ingen hör ditt sista tjut. VITSSÅGEN! Mullpisarnas krigarskara ger dig blott ett hånfullt flin. Redundanta svarta katter tittar på med sorgsen min. VITSSÅGEN! VITSSÅGEN! Blixtens Flicka rider dädan, fortsätter sin långa blitz. Men ur gycklarblod och mylla växer kanske upp en vits. VITSSÅGEN! VITSSÅGEN! VITSSÅGEN! In English: The Girl of the Lightning rides fast in this one true thread. The chainsaw she carries steadily. Punners get no mercy! THE PUNSAW! THE PUNSAW! No puns she can endure. Jester, your life is over! The chainsaw starts roaring. Noone hears your last scream. THE PUNSAW! The warrior horde of molpies give you just a scornful grin. Redundant black cats watch with sad faces. THE PUNSAW! THE PUNSAW! The Girl of the Lightning rides away from there, continuing her long blitz. But from jester's blood and earth will perhaps a pun grow. THE PUNSAW! THE PUNSAW! THE PUNSAW!

Posted on 2013-09-17 23:59.

Wibbely wobbely meaning-conveyable words can have letters that do not repeat. Vodkathumbscrewingly¹ is one example, and pubvexingfjordschmaltzy² is pretty neat. ¹In the manner of applying thumbscrews under the influence of vodka. ²Pertaining to the overly sentimental aspects of Norwegian scenes that annoy British beer drinkers.

Posted on 2013-05-19 15:05.

Elderly, shmelderly! This is my first day as quinquagenarian. How can it be? He in the mirror is balding and greying and yielding to gravity. He can't be me!

Posted on 2013-06-05 18:51.


Ottercomic of 1010

Posted on 2013-09-15 00:37.

Business Plan

Ottercomic of 1021

Posted on 2013-05-13 22:15.


Swedish Aplhabet

Posted on 2013-09-22 20:56.

We must enhance!

Maniplation of frame

Posted on 2013-05-26 20:25.


Well, this looks like a good place for action:

Maniplation of frame 1672

Posted on 2013-05-28 22:29.


Maniplation of frame 2874

Posted on 2013-09-01 20:49.