
ZoomanSPs avatar ZoomanSPs avatar
Postings: 1658

Der perfekte Comic (Language: German)
"Perfekte Welle" - Juli

Mit jeder Stunde kam ein ONG, doch Newpix sind vorüber, dein Kopf ist so leer, deine Gefühle schäumen über, du hast vier Monate gewartet, hast gehofft auf LaPetite hast den Glauben nie verloren, hast dich nicht vom Fleck bewegt. Jetzt kommt es langsam auf dich zu, d** E*** schlägt dir ins Gesicht, siehst den Comic wie ein Film, doch du weißt, es endet nicht. Das ist der perfekte Comic, das ist der perfekte Thread, lass dich weiter von ihm tragen, wart nochmal von A bis Z. Das ist der perfekte Comic, das ist der perfekte Thread, es ist mehr als nur wow, es ist mehr als nur nett. Loggst dich wieder ein, zu sehen, was die OTTer hier so treiben, zwischen Kuchen und Eis, fällt es leicht noch hier zu bleiben, du hast vier Monate gewartet, hast die Molpies stets gezählt, hast das alles gern gewollt du hast so gerne hier gelebt. Jetzt kommt es langsam auf dich zu, d** E*** schlägt dir ins Gesicht, siehst den Comic wie ein Film doch du weißt, es endet nicht. Das ist der perfekte Comic, das ist der perfekte Thread, lass dich weiter von ihm tragen, wart nochmal von A bis Z. Das ist der perfekte Comic, das ist der perfekte Thread, es ist mehr als nur wow, es ist mehr als nur nett. Rufst das Forum auf und schreibst, ich bin hier, ich bin frei, Alles was ich will ist „Time“, ich bin hier, ich bin frei! Rufst das Forum auf und schreibst, ich bin hier, ich bin frei, ich bin hier, ich bin frei. Das ist der perfekte Comic Das ist der perfekte Comic, das ist der perfekte Thread, lass dich weiter von ihm tragen, wart nochmal von A bis Z. Das ist der perfekte Comic, das ist der perfekte Thread, es ist mehr als nur wow, es ist mehr als nur nett. Das ist der perfekte Comic, das ist der perfekte Thread dafür. Das ist der perfekte Comic, das ist der perfekte Thread.

Posted on 2013-08-11 15:33.

Every New Frame’s Awefulsome
"The Major-General's Song" - Gilbert and Sullivan

A couple sat down at the beach, it seemed that they did just relax And sandcastles were topped with crenellations and some tiny flags. The journey didn’t start just out of simple curiosity, They want to know about the rising semencancercoffeesea. Why Cuegan seem to know not much remains a constant mystery And leads to theories about apocalyptic history. We post and ketchup every dix, some read it all and others skipped. No matter, everyone’s welcome! (and have you seen the javascript??) I’d rather lick a pricklymolp than thwap a big moleopard To witness buttermolpy’s end was nature’s course, but really hard. The molpyhunt, it can go on as soon as the next ONG will come Just put me down as “Waiting for it” – every new frame’s awefulsome! Now, if you can't prognosticate, that's ok in the OTT But if your memory's weak as well, you'd best consult the Time-wiki. The nested quotes will make each post a struggle getting brackets right. All flames are quenched and this is why we haven’t seen an ugly fight. We were prepared for epic battles fought with tiny trebuchets And LaPetite’s return was almost missed due to the fading’s haze. Though wow-trees probably suggest a Madagascar set by far The wiki page lists arguments for Randallverse or Africa. They want to find out if the rivers influence the sea at all But all they have found up to date are big hills and a wowterfall. I recognize my coma-schedule's gone and help will never come But put me down as “Waiting for it” – every new frame’s awefulsome! Dilgunnerangs are used for drinking, Cuegan do not use a mug The steambottle’s a no-go; it just makes them want to utter “ugh”. Cue’s too ophiophobic to consider herpetology And Meg can't stomach any part of her self-picked weird-tree-berry. While flashy things give twitchy eyes, hence spoilering is what we choose A poetry degree is earned for double-dactyls and haikus. The inquisition likes to use hot chocolate and the comfy chair (The punishment with S&Ms for heresy is very fair). By hatting people’s avatars, we show our creativity And cupcakes seem to taste best when they’re relished with an OTTidy. In terms of ingenuity, a greater thread will never come. Just put me down as “Waiting for it” – every new frame’s awefulsome!

Posted on 2013-06-26 19:21.

I'll Wait For It
"Faith of the Heart" - Theme from Star Trek: Enterprise

It’s been a long walk The castle has come and gone It’s been a long Time But again there is an ONG. And I will see molpies come alive at last I will watch the sea1. And they’re not gonna turn around no more No they’re not gonna leave me here. Cause I will wait for the ONG Going where Cuegan will take me I’ve got faith to ketchup I have seen LaPetite I have read the whole thread No one’s gonna drag me Outside I can wait with you all. I will wait I will wait I’ll wait for It.

Posted on 2013-06-19 02:23.

OTTer Fellows
"Otter Pirates" - Owen Evans a.k.a. yappobiscuits

Many wips ago in the internet Some lonely xuys just did dwell Plenty of comics they could read They were silent, all was well Until one day they woke to find A comic that did change More timeframes came by javascript And the alt-text was really quite strange But our OTTers would not give in A plan they hatched, they worked all night Newpixbot, aubronwood, geekwagon To reclaim what was theirs by right Now they’re a crew of OTTer fellows The thread is all they read They sometimes write off-topic But the place here is really neat The river’s small, the sea’s big And wow some trees are called. And they’ve begun to gift some cake OTTer fellows, brave and bold Then one frame they saw the rising sea Some dikes as it reached the shore And Cuegan started on their quest And they’re left alone once more But they thought “This needle-pulled thing is much too fun Outside is full of tears” They came to stay as loyal TimeWaiters Now all will live in here… As a crew of OTTer fellows The thread is all they read They sometimes write off-topic But the place here is really neat The river’s small, the sea’s big And wow some trees are called. And they've begun to gift some cake OTTer fellows, brave and bold “We've followed the whole comic, at our best But still we hunger for more, no time to rest For we're OTTers now, there's only one place to be So now we'll wait for it and we shall see" They walked upstream for many days Till the mountains came in sight Analyzed all pixels’ change No one can stop the OTTers' might Now they're the rulers of the forum Pride of the OTC Don't be fooled by popes and lingo They will ketchup as they please They’re a crew of OTTer fellows The thread is all they read They sometimes write off-topic But the place here is really neat For all Time they'll wait for newpix So long as the order’ll hold. And that my friends is the tale of OTTer fellows, brave and bold… OTTer fellows, brave and bold!

Posted on 2013-07-18 16:18.

ottification of "Hamlet" - William Shakespeare

To wait or not to wait, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to follow The trebuchets of awesomeful sandcastles, Or to take bags against a sea¹ of pixels, And by exploring, find It? To die: to coma

Posted on 2013-06-13 12:19.

ottification of "Hamlet" - William Shakespeare

Alas, poor molpy! I know him, Megan; a fellow of infinite chirps, of most excellent waiting; he hath watched me with my bag a thousand times; and now, how neater than in my imagination he is!

Posted on 2013-06-13 12:19.

Cakily wakily papal decree says that posts must be dactylized here on this page. This is my first attempt so if I got it wrong conciliationwise please, have this cake:

Posted on 2013-06-14 16:32.

Piggedy freddegy Lil' hatted hamster has Here in this quoted post Asked 'bout a word. Holland is singular So it's not said with "the". NetherlandsHollandDutch? Here is a link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE_IUPInEuc

Posted on 2013-06-14 17:47.

Shake That

Ottercomic of 1261

Posted on 2013-09-07 12:43.


Ottercomic of 1270

Posted on 2013-10-01 12:16.


Ottercomic of 1278

Posted on 2013-10-16 15:25.


Maniplation of frame 1339

Posted on 2013-10-16 13:44.


Maniplation of frame 1526

Posted on 2013-08-12 13:31.