Looking at the newpix; it's an older one. Progress, I'm making; but nowhere near done. Current, I'm chasing; I don't dare to stop. Thoughts, I've a mess of, starting from the top: I want to thank you for letting me post my blitz, again; I want to thank you for letting me post my blitz, again! Trying to follow, pages off the pace. 'Tip-tap-typy,' typin', always out of place. I have missed the parties, and jokes along the way; Many things are on m mind, I will try to say... I want to thank you for letting me post my blitz, again; I want to thank you for letting me post my blitz, again! Spoiler'd my signpost; hope that isn't wrong. Don't want any people to miss the new ONG. Maybe I'm too sappy, don't wanna make you cry, but I'm still thinking, my words are worth a try... I want to thank you for letting me post my blitz, again. Different posts for different folks, yeah! I want to thank you for letting me post my blitz, again! Flamin' words of peoples thoughts, burnin' into view Maybe folks are missin' much -- my posts are thoughts, too. Yes, I'm quoting old stuff, not sayin' I'm smarter; But you can skip posts I make, is that so much harder? I want to thank you for letting me post my blitz, again; I want to thank you for letting me post my blitz, again!
Posted on 2013-05-16 20:06 by StratPlayer.