Tappety typety jjjdavidson wanted some poetry fit for a nerd. Start with some nonsense but stick to the rhythm and end with a sesqueped- alean word. Incubus thinkubus - Such a response from us! Not to be bested we all joined the herd. Neologistical entries were flying and soon there were prizes and honors conferred. waltzity schmaltzity More like a jig, I see. Write it with care to a- void much disdain... ...about lexical choices. It isn't sufficient to polysyllabicate something that's plain. clickety clackety Once on the track any rhythmic distrubance can derail the train. What a calamety That would be if somehow things got a little messed up. It would all go down the drain.
Posted on 2013-05-19 19:03 by ucim.
Painfully, maimfully ucim has taken a hammer to my frontal cortex, I fear. How could you callously place that disgustingly, meter-destroyingly awful thing here?
Posted on 2013-05-19 19:13 by Platonix.