"Look mommy, there's no Raptor up in the sky." Ooh oooooh oooooh ooooooh ooooooooh Ooh oooooh oooooh ooooooh ooooooooh Ooh oooooh oooooh ooooooh ooooooooh Did did did did did you see the frightened ones Did did did did did you see the falling sun Did did did did did you ever wonder why they didn't stay in the shelter with the promise of a place to stay and rest beneath the clear blue sky Ooh oooooh oooooh ooooooh ooooooooh Ooh oooooh oooooh ooooooh ooooooooh Did did did did did you see the frightened ones Did did did did did you see the falling sun Lucky is now long gone but Megan's pain lingers on Goodbye blue sky Goodbye blue sky Goodbye Goodbye
Posted on 2013-06-26 17:41 by k.bookbinder.