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Postings: 449

One Pix More
"One Day More" - Les Misérables

MSCHA (Valjean) One pix more! Another pix, another destiny. Their never-ending quest to solve the Sea; The Raptor-cat, strong and sublime, Will surely come a second time. One pix more! CUEBALL (Marius) I’m glad we both survived today. How could I live if you’d not thwapped it? CHRONOSDRAGON (Valjean) One pix more. CUEBALL & MEGAN (Marius & Cosette) Tomorrow we could reach the top (And then the Wiki will recap it). LA PETITE (Eponine) One more day all on my own. CUEBALL & MEGAN (Marius & Cosette) Will there be folks at the top? LA PETITE (Eponine) One more day by the Sandcastle. CUEBALL & MEGAN (Marius & Cosette) I was drawn to be with you. LA PETITE (Eponine) What my life's like: they don't know! CUEBALL & MEGAN (Marius & Cosette) And I swear I’ll protect you! LA PETITE (Eponine) 'Cuz they never saw me here! Epic violins and key change! BLUECRAB (Enjolras) Three full pages full of math! HAL9000 (Marius) Better than those dumb decrees! JJJDAVIDSON (Enjolras) How do we get so off-topic? JOVIALBARD (Marius) Choose an empire, not a pope! STRATPLAYER (Enjolras) See the filks begin to form HES (Marius) Do I coma? Do I dare? UCIM (Enjolras) Will you wait for it with me? ALL The time is now, the ONG is here! K.BOOKBINDER (Valjean) One pix more! RAZOR AGENT LMJB1964 (Javert) One more pix to hunt down zombies, We will nip them in the bud! We will relocate the raptors, They won’t feast upon our blood! VALARYA (Valjean) Cupcakes more! BLITZGIRL & TAIXZO (Thenardiers) Watch 'em as they lurk, Posting from the past, Give ‘em all a cheer When they catch up at last! Never do we skip, Everything we touch We are the true Blitzers So we don’t miss much! 2 Groups: RANDALLVERSISTS & AFRICANISTS 1: This pic proves it’s all a fiction! 2: Too specific snakes and trees! 1: Baobabs and squirrels don’t match 2: Don’t forget the leopard cat! 1: There's a new world called Cassini 2: It’s our SAME world—Africa! ALL Do you hear the Yappo sing? KENMELKEN (Marius) My place is here, I wait with you! BUFFYGIRL (Valjean) One hat more! Epic finale key change and overlapping reprises/variations of the earlier sections: CUEGAN (Marius & Cosette) I’m glad that we survived today. LA PETITE (Eponine) One more day all on my own! CUEBALL (Marius) How could I live if you’d not thwapped it? ETERNAL DENSITY (Javert) Cue & Megan are our heroes We will follow where they go We will learn their little Secrets, We will know the things they know. RULE110 (Valjean) One pix more! CUEBALL & MEGAN (Marius & Cosette) Tomorrow we could reach the top LA PETITE (Eponine) What my life's like--they don't know! PATZER (Marius & Cosette) And then the Wiki will recap it! RAZOR AGENT LMJB1964 (Javert) One more pix to hunt down zombies, We will nip them in the bud! We will relocate the raptors! BLITZGIRL & TAIXZO (Thenardiers) Watch 'em as they lurk, Posting from the past, Give ‘em all a cheer When they catch up at last! KIERYN (Valjean) Each newpix watch the OTC Each newpix write the OTT ALL Each newpix we'll discover What the one true author has in store! One more frame One more pix Oooooone piiiiiiiix mooooooooooooore!

Posted on 2013-06-28 11:37.

The Wonderful Thing About Molpies,
The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers

The wonderful thing about molpies, Is molpies are wonderful things! Their tops are made out pixels, Their bottoms are made out of... well, also pixels! They're bouncy, pouncy, hide-y, flighty, neat neat neat neat neat, But the most dangerous thing about molpies: they knock Cue off his feet!

Posted on 2013-06-21 01:20.

There once was a Thread, One and True Each day checked by me and by you It followed Megball Up the Mountains so tall And I'm not very good at writing limmericks...

Posted on 2013-06-10 05:11.

Sweet sassy MO-lassy BlitzGirl's great poetry Made us amazed with its Wit many times. f-horn the PagePope with Meg'lomaniacal Papal authority Ordered the rhymes

Posted on 2013-06-10 06:45.

The wiki I am contemplating, as I fill my newpix Waiting. Clearly we're at a new period, but do tell: Do you think we approach a new era as well?

Posted on 2013-06-10 07:34.

Maniplation of frame

Posted on 2013-06-06 22:14.


Maniplation of frame 2321

Posted on 2013-06-24 22:27.