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Postings: 891

"Always" by Erasure

Look at Cuegan, you see, Cuegan are building. Look at the castle they built See it is crumbling. When it's Ended now, Are we here, in vain? We're OTTifying, There will be no shame. Always, I want to live through Time And play around with Time, Cause there's nothing else to follow right now Always, I want to live through Time And play around with Time, Cause there's nothing else to follow right now Having an adventure, The sea is rising. Why is that, we don't know. It's Zanclean flooding. When it's Ended now, Are we here, in vain? We're OTTifying, There will be no shame. Always, I want to live through Time And play around with Time, Cause there's nothing else to follow right now Always, I want to live through Time And play around with Time, Cause there's nothing else to follow right now When it's Ended now, Are we here, in vain? We're OTTifying, There will be no shame. Always, I want to live through Time And play around with Time, Cause there's nothing else to follow right now Always, I want to live through Time And play around with Time, Cause there's nothing else to follow right now Always, I want to live through Time And play around with Time, Cause there's nothing else to follow right now Always, I want to live through Time And play around with Time, Cause there's nothing else to follow right now Always, I want to live through Time And play around with Time, Cause there's nothing else to follow right now

Posted on 2013-10-02 17:50.

Time! It just goes on and on and on...
Original song

It just goes on and on and on I watched two people build a sandcastle And now they're on an adventure. Waiting for it... That's what I'm doing, Waiting for it... That's what I'm doing. The thread in the forum is so long I haven't got the time to read it all But I'll keep up with the present, And then post. Waiting for it, that's what we're doing Waiting for it, that's what we're doing. Blitzgirl blitzed her way through all the posts, Buffygirl just made some hats A religion was born from everything, And many a newpix appeared as we went Waiting for it, that's what they're doing, Waiting for it, that's what they're doing And LaPetite, we don't know Megan has a trebuchet Cueball doesn't really know much And bag puns lead the way... Waiting for it, that's what he's doing Waiting for it, that's what she's doing Waiting for it, that's what they're doing Waiting for it, that's what I'm doing Is the sea water or semen-cancer-babes? Is the river water or just the same? The ground of sand or mud or snow? And what will happen next?? We'll know once we have waited for it, And we're waiting for it, Waiting, waiting for it, All we're doing is waiting for it, Just, simply, waiting for it...

Posted on 2013-05-02 18:48.

My heart is burning, My mind is racing, My eyes are running, Because of The E**. But life is ongoing, The OTT still growing, The rivers still flowing, And comics to bend.

Posted on 2013-08-23 10:32.

The Thread goes on, ever ever on, Post by post, hat by hat, Blitz by blitz, rat by rat, The thread goes on, ever ever on. *shrug*

Posted on 2013-05-28 19:09.

Time thread Waiting for it There are some mysteries There are lots of things to discuss With puns.

Posted on 2013-06-08 00:00.

I am bored

Wait for it, Wait for it, We all must wait for it. Wait for it, Wait for it, We all must wait for it. And waiting for it is neat, Running is not really neat. Wait for it, Wait for it, We all must wait for it.

Posted on 2013-08-10 00:52.