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Walking with Cugan
"Waltzing Matilda"

Megan and Cueball sat on their salty beach, building a sandcastle at the edge of the sea, and then they noticed the water level rising so they walked to the river to learn what it means. Walking with Cugan, walking with Cugan, we'll go a walking with Cueball and Meg. And then they noticed the water level rising, we'll go a walking with Cueball and Meg. They walked up the river, past all the sand dunes past all the wow trees and the pretty wowterfall. Then Megan and Cueball came upon a homestead, and built a castle in the little front yard. Walking with Cugan, walking with Cugan, we'll go a walking with Cueball and Meg. Then Megan and Cueball came upon a homestead, we'll go a walking with Cueball and Meg. Then a fearsome molpycat pounced on Cueball, "You'll never take us alive!" Megan screamed. She whacked that molpycat with a mighty thumper poll, and with one last swipe the molpycat did flee. Walking with Cugan, walking with Cugan, we'll go a walking with Cueball and Meg. She whacked that molpycat with a mighty thumper poll, we'll go a walking with Cueball and Meg. Megan and Cueball camped upon a hillock, watching and waiting for break of day. Stars and the planets spin above their circle heads, and the bright sun drives away all night fears. Limping with Cugan, limping with Cugan, we'll go a limping with Cueball and Meg. Stars and bright planets spin above their circle heads, we'll go a limping with Cueball and Meg. Up clambered our heroes, to the heights of the mountain, they found a tall tower from which to see. In the far distance they saw a glimmering, it was the Beanies, with spoken squigglies. Limping with Cugan, limping with Cugan, we'll go a limping with Cueball and Meg. In the far distance they saw a glimmering, we'll go a limping with Cueball and Meg. Megan was patched up with Beanie Neosporin (tm), they were fed and watered, and tried to speak. After Pictionary (tm), about USB fluent Beardo, they went to the castle on a high mountain peak. Walking with Cugan, walking with Cugan, we'll go a walking with Cueball and Meg. After Pictionary (tm), about USB fluent Beardo, we'll go a walking with Cueball and Meg. Beardo was a librarian with a lot of awesomemaps, With broken speech, she taught all about their sea. It was fast filling with unchecked torrents, and their dear forty they nevermore will see. Learning with Cugan, learning with Cugan, we'll go a learning with Cueball and Meg. Their sea was fast filling with unchecked torrents, we'll go a learning with Cueball and Meg. Up jumped Megball, and they pilfered all the awesomemaps, and down the mountain Cuegan did fly. Down past the towers and on to a shortcut, racing flood waters, their families they spied. Running with Cugan, running with Cugan, we'll go a running with Cueball and Meg. Down past the towers and on to a short-cut, we'll go a running with Cueball and Meg. Will Cueball and Megan save the forty Cuganites, and bring them to high ground away from the sea? Or will they perish along with all their salt flats? They must run and we must wait and see. Running with Cugan, running with Cugan, we'll go a running with Cueball and Meg. Or will they perish along with all their salt flats? we'll go a running with Cueball and Meg.

Posted on 2013-07-24 05:16.