
AnotherKevins avatar
Postings: 88

Peregrinational Cueball and Megan have seen that their castle can no longer stand. Faced with the sea's rise, an investigational quest for the reason leads them o'er the land.

Posted on 2013-05-18 21:09.

Dactyla fractala With all the nonsense verse I am now tempted to Flee from this thread! Were I to do so, would 'Extemporaneous' Be a good word for The state of my head?

Posted on 2013-05-19 02:24.

Makery bakery Poster Valarya brings Cupcakes and other small Sweets to the thread. Better stay current: the Micro-patisseries Taste bad with ketchup. (Use icing instead!)

Posted on 2013-05-21 04:12.

Mandala Randall-a Timewaiters posting here Veer into madness com- Posing light verse. XKCD number One-thousand-one-nine-ought Has come to bring on us Such a strange curse!

Posted on 2013-05-19 02:24.

Doggerel woggerel, jjjdavidson says that he favours a poem I wrote. Touched to be noticed, I find myself suffering globus-hystericus¹. ¹Lump in the throat.

Posted on 2013-05-24 15:07.


Colorization of frame 2074

Posted on 2013-07-31 03:22.