
jovialbards avatar
Postings: 511

"I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" - Aerosmith

I could stay awake just to read your postings watch the lurkers make themselves known and the inside jokes as they grow I could spend my life just waiting for it I could stay lost in this thread here forever where every moment spent with ya'll is a moment I treasure Don't want to coma now Don't want to loose consciousness Cause I'd miss a page And I don't want to miss a thing Cause even when I dream of Cue(ball) The weirdest dream will never do I'd still miss Megan And I don't want to miss a pix Reading here with you decrypting your rot13 And I'm wondering what your thinking Is the madness back and kicking Then I realize That the madness never left us I just want to read this thread and it's madness forever Forever and ever Don't want to coma now Don't want to loose consciousness Cause I'd miss a page And I don't want to miss a thing Cause even when I dream of Cue(ball) The weirdest dream will never do I'd still miss Megan And I don't want to miss a pix I don't want to miss one hat I don't want to miss one graph I just want to be with ya'll Right here with ya'll, till Time ends I just want write a post Make you smile or think with it And stay reading this thread here For all the rest of Time, yeah yeah yeah Don't want to coma now Don't want to loose consciousness Cause I'd miss a page And I don't want to miss a thing Cause even when I dream of Cue(ball) The weirdest dream will never do I'd still miss Megan And I don't want to miss a pix

Posted on 2013-05-02 15:42.

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" - from Mary Poppins

It’s… semencoffeecancerbaconbabiesoniceocean! a list that long of nasty things is quite a noxious potion but if you say it long enough you might enjoy the notion semencoffeecancerbaconbabiesoniceocean! *Oh molpy molpy molpy oh grapevine *Oh molpy molpy molpy oh grapevine Oh, Cuegan went out to the sea to swim is all they sought they hurried back on to the beach where Megan pffthhed and coughed then Cueball asked her "you ok" "Just got some in my mouth" what is it that's inside that sea oh we may never know: Oh! semencoffeecancerbaconbabiesoniceocean! a list that long of nasty things is quite a noxious potion but if you say it long enough you might enjoy the notion semencoffeecancerbaconbabiesoniceocean!

Posted on 2013-06-18 17:13.

Thread of Time
"Ring of Fire" - Johnny Cash

Time is a changing thing and it has a marvelous thread bound by its hover text i fell into a thread of time i fell into a growing thread of time i read on on on and the pages went higher and it grows grows grows that thread of time that thread of time the songs, graphs, and hats are neat when minds like ours meet we're coma-less for far to long as the maddness carries on i fell into a growing thread of time i read on on on and the pages went higher and it grows grows grows that thread of time that thread of time Time is a fickle thing the more you have the more you need bound by our simple creed we wait for it while we read i fell into a growing thread of time i read on on on and the pages went higher and it grows grows grows that thread of time that thread of time

Posted on 2013-04-30 23:59.

Wait Together
"Come Together" - The Beatles

here come rot-13 it come out of nowhere it got crazy letters it make no damn sense now it just drives blitzers to their knees got to make some trouble with that damn rot-13 then come the small text with the size five tag now and the tiny strike through with it's mystery message it's just hard to see, hard to read one thing I can tell you is it drives me insane wait together, right now over Time we've had no flame war for all 800 pages got no need for anger got no need for hating we got love through the OTT hold on to your madness but please post pleasantly wait together, right now over Time we post with style post with imagination post an ONG that's special post a fancy graphic you can have fun on the OTT please now just remember that you post here with me wait together, right now over Time

Posted on 2013-06-11 22:37.

piddledy poddledy poor pining people put off by pope pasturing poping no more posthumus papacy padantic padgentry pleaseing the people but no pope du jour

Posted on 2013-06-14 00:22.

drattily damndilly double post once again how can I manage it so many times oh well I hope i can make up for it with one more double dactyl to make you forgive

Posted on 2013-06-14 16:25.


Posted on 2013-04-24 05:05.


Maniplation of frame 2321

Posted on 2013-06-24 22:36.