
Pfhorrests avatar
Postings: 85

Time Goes Ever On
"The Road Goes Ever On" - J.R.R. Tolkien, from The Hobbit (and LoTR)

Time goes ever on and on Down from the beach where it began. Now far uphill the river's gone, And they must follow, if they can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where wowterfalls and canyons meet. And whither then? They cannot say. Time goes ever ever on, Under star and baobab tree, From fields where long the sun has shone, And rivers that don't reach the sea; Over dunes by aeons sown, And through the long abandoned vines, Over grass and over stone, And through the trees engraved with signs. Times goes ever ever on Underneath far-future star, Yet feet that wandering have gone Turn at last to home afar. Eyes that Beanies' maps now know With horror in those halls of stone Look one last time to home below And plains and hills they long have known. Time goes ever on and on Up from the beach where it began. Now far above the tribe have gone, Let others follow them who can! Let them a journey new begin, As they at last with weary feet Will step into the air so thin, Their destinies and fates to meet.

Posted on 2013-07-30 08:50.

Time Warp
"Time Warp" (from The Rocky Horror [Picture] Show)

It's astounding... Time was creeping... the Madness... took its toll.... But wait patiently... Maybe not for much longer Cuegan just... took control.... I remember...! Waiting for Time, bored.... Blitzing... Those pages when... The javascript ran... And the ONG would be calling... Lets wait for Time once again! Lets wait for Time once again! It's just a RUN to the left... After a walk to the ri-i-i-i-i-ight Put the map in your bag... And seal it up real ti-i-ight Then it's panicked RU-U-U-UN (Unless your leg's still in pai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ain!) Lets wait for Time once again! Lets wait for Time once again! Cueball dreaming... The hot sun is beaming! Beanies aren't scheming... No, not at all RUN another direction To higher ground for protection Find the Twenty Save them all With a bit of a time skip We're at the in-camp strip Where nothing will ever be the same Megan's got lots of cunning But they ought to be RUNNING! Lets wait for Time once again! Lets wait for Time once again! Well we were walking down the beach Wonderin' 'bout the sea When we came on a river And said "golly gee!" We climbed up some mountains Where we met some guys Who had some beanie hats And a big surprise They said our world was coming to an end But we said "screw that noise, let's save our friends!" Lets wait for Time once again! Lets wait for Time once again! It's just a RUN to the left... After a walk to the ri-i-i-i-i-ight Put the map in your bag... And seal it up real ti-i-ight Then it's panicked RU-U-U-UN (Unless your leg's still in pai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ain!) Lets wait for Time once again! Lets wait for Time once again! [action montage with no dialogue] Lets wait for Time once again! Lets wait for Time once again! It's just a RUN to the left... After a walk to the ri-i-i-i-i-ight Put the map in your bag... And seal it up real ti-i-ight Then it's panicked RU-U-U-UN (Unless your leg's still in pai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ain!) Lets wait for Time once again! Lets wait for Time once again!

Posted on 2013-07-24 05:51.