Stuff that appeals to ALL backers, sure...I don't think an LA party is going to appeal to many outside LA or who don't have scads of money or something.
Definitely find better shipping, as friends of mine in the UK wanted to back, but shipping was 75% of cost.
A box that holds all the cards is a great idea, as I am IN LOVE with with my Smashup Big Geeky Box. Best. Thing. Ever. And making it something that hands up to lots of use is a must.
Vin Reisling 2015-01-22T07:53:07-05:00
@Drew Jones With the NSFW addon you get 40 extra cards.
I'm guessing next stretch is at $3000000? Should be awesome! So excited! Think we can get there today?
Scott Armitage 2015-01-22T08:32:26-05:00
@Peter S: Another one you missed was guest cards from other popular webcomicists.
Carry Crawford 2015-01-22T08:42:23-05:00
I'm just glad I'm old enough for the NSFW cards. Not sure how to keep my 14 year old out of them, though...
Seriously, guys, I'm thrilled for you! You obviously have an army of fans who love supporting you. I have no suggestions for cards because I'm just not that creative, but keep up the good work!
Peter S. 2015-01-22T08:46:26-05:00
Revised list:
pgraded card stock – plastic, waterproof, foil, etc.
• Upgraded box
• Box that will hold base deck and NFSW deck
• Make the NFSW deck a full deck that can be played stand alone
• Make the base deck big enough to allow more players (up to 8)
• Improve international shipping rates
• EU Friendly Shipping
• Bulk tiers
• More collector editions
• Add-ons (T-shirts, posters, calendar) or discounts for backers on such items sold at TheOatmeal store
• Themed Expansion packs
• L.A. launch party
• BGG page
• Digital version - online/mobile app
• Guest cards from other popular web comicists
Mr. PACG 2015-01-22T08:50:56-05:00
Keep on sharing this project via social media / email, we'll get them to $3M today!
James K 2015-01-22T08:55:26-05:00
Idea: How about a separate KickStarter campaign with special set of cards as a "reward" for a donation directly to the Tesla Museum?
The primary goal would be in support of the Musuem, but I wonder how many Exploding Kittens Backers would jump on board. (I would)
LordCrash - OD | OOoE | WoOS 2015-01-22T09:03:47-05:00
I really want to back this project but shipping costs are holding me back...
I think at 2.5M they should really think about offering better shipment options for international backers...
Will Tingle 2015-01-22T09:10:10-05:00
Seriously, the international shipping on these is outrageous... Is Matt planning to fly over and hand-deliver each deck?
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-22T09:11:34-05:00
Thanks for summing that up Peter. You caught everything I remember seeing (but comments are coming in too fast for me to read them all anymore).
Personally I hope the creators stick to what this project is though and doesn't branch out too much. That's a sure fire way to miss deadlines/bite off more than you can chew. So no app, no shirts.
I also hope they stick to things everyone can enjoy. So no launch party (they can still do one obviously... but it shouldn't be done as a SG)
So my main wish list would be upgraded box and card stock (including a combined box for NSFW backers that holds both sets with a partition to separate them)... followed by more cards. Love the idea of themed mini expansions as stretch goals. The web comic guest cards is an awesome idea but might take too long too coordinate w/o effecting the July shipment.
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-22T09:17:04-05:00
@Will. Based on my admittedly limited knowledge of things... it seems like the way to ensure cheaper international shipping is to ship everything in one bulk container and then distribute them within the destination country. Problem is they'd have to hire people to do this work in each region they ship to (so at least one in EU). I bet the high shipping costs is them shipping each one individually from the US so their team can handle it internally.
Keep in mind they set up this KS thinking the would sell only a couple thousand... as evidenced by yesterdays update and their $10,000 funding goal... That was not really enough to justify that type of setup. They might be able to do it now that they have so much support... but then again they might not have time to set all that up and deliver on time at this point (just printing and delivering the 70,000 and growing decks is going to be a lot for July!)
I'm sure they are looking into it though and hopefully they can help you all out.
Ollie 'Reach' Denning 2015-01-22T09:21:28-05:00
The shipping to EU had better include customs + VAT for that price
LordCrash - OD | OOoE | WoOS 2015-01-22T09:21:36-05:00
You don't need to hiere someone for that in the EU. You could just use local distributors like or How to do that is explained in depth in the links of my latest post. ;)
Anthony Terragna 2015-01-22T09:24:31-05:00
What's the difference if they added an additional $20 to the pledge amount with a "free shipping" label attached to that reward tier? It's still the same thing. The way you see the price for a single deck is a different perspective.
John Hare 2015-01-22T09:25:29-05:00
You had me at 'Exploding Kittens'! :)
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-22T09:28:51-05:00
Good to know LordCrash. Hopefully your posts can help them sort it out then :- )
Moneygoose 2015-01-22T09:32:35-05:00
Favorite "character": The mantis shrimp.
It should either somehow distract an exploding kitten, or if you pull the card the game simply ends with all players being smooshed by a sonic punch simultaneously.
Nicole Phelps 2015-01-22T09:34:54-05:00
I'd like to cast my vote for favorite characters. I'd love to see a mantis shrimp card and one with the email monster :)
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T09:34:55-05:00
For everyone that is asking for a BBG page. It is right here:
However it doesn't seem to have a lot of info and I'm not sure if it's an official page made by the game creators or not.
Also lets push to 3 mil today!
Cian Mac Mahon 2015-01-22T09:35:16-05:00
Add me to the list of people who *nearly* didn't back due to the ridiculous EU shipping rates. The team really need to get in touch with the guys at Stonemaier Games, who have shipping to the EU from KickStarter down to a fine art, and charge similar prices for a giant board game as we're getting charged for two packs of cards.
TC Conway 2015-01-22T09:36:47-05:00
Sharks with laser beams. PEW PEW PEW
Misty Dawn Ring 2015-01-22T09:37:10-05:00
I'm super excited as this is expected to come in right after I get married!
George H. Webster III 2015-01-22T09:38:04-05:00
I like that about 92% of backers are getting the NSFW deck.
Chris 2015-01-22T09:41:32-05:00
Suggestion for Shipping savings to over seas or other countries that have high import costs.
It MIGHT be worth considering manufacturing the cards in more than one country.
just a thought.
Raymond Fowkes Jr. 2015-01-22T09:45:04-05:00
Between this and Schroedinger's Cats Kickstarter there's going to be a lot of dead cats in this house soon ! And no, I'm not involved with that Kickstarter campaign but every other Kickstarter right now is going ... Exploding Kittens, wow just wow. All my Kickstarter updates coming in via e-mail today are mentioning it.
Let's not forget to give these other great projects some love too! I bet Exploding Kittens has caused a half a million new Kickstarter accounts to open this week. Anyone know how to find this info as I'm curious?
Chris 2015-01-22T09:48:30-05:00
Raymond, I woud love to see some metrix too.
Like the first 48 hours on a graph
or how many other kickstarters are getting a little boost from this would be really interesting too.
YES to an Exploding Kittens calendar!!
YES to a sniper cat card!!
YES to a Sriracha/Bobracha burn card.
YES to other types of cats being shown. Granted 2 of my 3 cats are black, but I appreciate all of the fuzzy buttheads.
Carry on with the international shipping grumbling.
If things continued the way they are (they won't lol) this project would be on for around 26 million :D which would be awesome but I'm inclined to say the data isn't spread over enough days to show a correct trend yet :D
Brian Thedell 2015-01-22T09:56:39-05:00
+1 special foil/exotic ink cards as stretch goal (at the $5,000,000 mark, maybe?)...
Brian Thedell 2015-01-22T09:58:23-05:00
I will also offer sexual favors in exchange for a laser-equipped chihuahua card.
James K 2015-01-22T09:58:46-05:00
Agreed. Plus KickTraq appears to not use any sort of historical statistical analysis in their trend analysis. There is definitely enough data available to determine the mean curve or cycle a campaign goes through in 30 days. That curve should then be applied to the current data and historical data of the specific campaign, as opposed to simply a straight line trend up or down.
Looking at KickTraq's figured for other campaigns, I doubt they have ever estimated a trend correctly, until perhaps the midpoint or later in a campaign, when the presumed economic downturn would occur.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-22T10:03:52-05:00
@James, as with any type of statistics, the more info you have the better the result. Kicktraq gets its best results in the last couple of days. For better results, do the math yourself, the neat thing about kicktraq is the daily info, if you subtract the current days info and the highest (typically first) days info, then get the mean numbers, you will be able to more accurately get that info. I find that you need to wait until at least day six to make it any kind of accurate though. Just my experience.
Nina Kroner 2015-01-22T10:05:08-05:00
knocking the goal in less than 42h... are you guys think about stretch goals like additional rewards (exploding kitten hot pants calendar, free expansion when it's released, a magic-glitter special card, animated short films, etc.)?
even so we will probably still reach 7 million by the end of KS
James K 2015-01-22T10:24:45-05:00
@ Rod,
I completely agree. But until there is a large enough sample of data that can show a definitive trend for a single campaign, Historical campaign data can be used to show the estimated long-tail trend, or maybe it kick-traq should just not show it at all (in the beginning)
My reasoning for them not showing it at all is two fold. (1) Data from a small sample size on a short timeline (Short-Tail) cannot be extrapolated to show a long-tail trend or outcome. This is impossible numerically unless it is feasible to have infinite exponential growth, which would be a near impossibility on Kick-Starter. Even this campaign is starting to slow down. (2) The majority of those looking at kicktraq (or any website for that matter) assume that the data they are looking at is from a knowledgably source, verified, and true ("If it is on the internet, it must be true!"). We see this in the comments section here. While you or I might look at that and know it is not correct, many will not.
I am not knocking kicktraq, I use it frequently and think it is a great tool. My only complaint is in the display of the "trend".
JLamp391 2015-01-22T10:27:12-05:00
Well obviously you need the "Call upon hoards 50 Mb/s ninja money men to fund your outlandish ideas to over 10,000% in 24 hours" card.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-22T10:32:26-05:00
@James, you had me at completely agree :) Stats certainly aren't for everyone. I have found that using days 2-5 as the sample actually works overall as it compensates for the mad rush of the last two days of the campaign. Certainly a larger sample size will be more accurate, but I'm just doing it for fun (sad I know) not for a true forcast.
Charlotte Kubler 2015-01-22T10:33:33-05:00
I hope your printer won't mind the order update too much :3
3 million dollar mark, ships with recipe for unicorn enchiladas
Heather Park 2015-01-22T10:44:06-05:00
I've got a love cat at home who explodes multiple times a day and can clear a room in no time. Poor Dexter has explosive diarrhea. He sounds like a grown man when he poops. Its horrible.
Brandon Lieu 2015-01-22T10:49:04-05:00
I sincerely hope this becomes the most funded campaign on Kickstarter.
James K 2015-01-22T10:52:36-05:00
Are you the developer of Kicktraq? If so, Kudos to you.
My comments are merely meant to be constructive, not insulting.
For some history of myself, I am a professional UX and Data specialist. I analyze user experiences on websites for accuracy and the ability to collect actionable interaction data. Additionally I develop and code methods to collect that data within the browser experience and send it to the required endpoints.
My professional persona sometimes crosses into my personal persona, as it did here. :)
Julia Gosztyla Ziobro 2015-01-22T10:53:08-05:00
Need an awesome "heavy" game to balance out the Kittens? Stretch goals falling like dominoes, and this one is going to be very collectible, with high resale value in the future.
Peter S. 2015-01-22T10:55:23-05:00
If we're plugging other game here - please check out Tiny Epic Galaxies. Seems pretty awesome and incidentally much cheaper international shipping.
Christy Kirby 2015-01-22T10:57:07-05:00
Characters I would love to see: Bobcats, your dog, party hat gorilla (from how to use a semicolon), printers from hell, the mf'ing pterodactyl.
edward b 2015-01-22T10:58:51-05:00
Was wondering when the leeching/spamming would begin. Did not disappoint!
Like the simplicity of this campaign... You give them money, they give you the game they described.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T11:06:03-05:00
Everyone that is asking for lower shipping should check out the FAQ. They are looking into it and will keep us updated as they can about it. I know that we haven't gotten a lot of updates. But remember we haven't even hit full day 2 yet.
"Göttingetten” 2015-01-22T11:08:31-05:00
The Exploding Kitten Team has already given us something that could almost double their costs. I was happy with the original proposal. All I can say is thank you and go TEKT.
Aaron Jackson 2015-01-22T11:10:43-05:00
Any word on stretch goals will work if any?
Khell 2015-01-22T11:11:13-05:00
This will make a wonderful accompaniment to my second-edition copy of Kittens in a Blender. =p
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-22T11:13:09-05:00
@James, I'm not the developer, nor do I have any connection to Kicktraq, other than a user. Sorry if my comment came across that way! I'm just a math nerd :) My background is hydronic design and flow specialties. I design boiler systems and piping arrangements. Nowhere near as cool as what you do! :)
Peter S. 2015-01-22T11:14:08-05:00
@edward b - point taken. I certainly wouldn't do it if this wasn't so far beyond the target.
James K 2015-01-22T11:20:37-05:00
@ Rod.
I would not call it cool. lol. I sit at a desk all day. What you do sounds cool.
The grass is always greener I guess. :)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-22T11:29:17-05:00
@James, being in the plumbing industry, we say if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, its normally because its growing over the septic tank! lol! :) Cheers!
Lucie Sheppard 2015-01-22T11:35:30-05:00
Kitten version of The Blerch??
Keith Glass 2015-01-22T11:37:37-05:00
Laser Sharks. Gorillakitten.
Hal 2015-01-22T11:42:47-05:00
Fat cat on a diet card......don't try it.
Guys this thing is awesome, really cool idea, great execution. Can't wait to start playing!
I'm honestly contemplating adding even more NSFW tiers to my pledge...just so there can be even more fun...or if just the two would be enough.
Jennifer 2015-01-22T11:47:21-05:00
Claymore Kitty. All the shrapnel.
Seriously awesome idea for the game, guys. Happy to sponsor! Will be happier to play! :-D
Chris S Luzynski 2015-01-22T11:47:36-05:00
4% away from being the highest funded game in terms of % ever...
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T11:55:05-05:00
I feel like it's SG time. the funding seems to have slowed a little.
Chris 2015-01-22T12:04:10-05:00
CRAP! hit refresh and lost my comment. ARG.
I wanted to point out an advantage we have here now with so many decks being made and how that'll affect the PRINTING PROCESS.
Generally a 4 colour process is used. Sometimes 5 colour.
the quote for a couple thousand cards would have had the cards all printed together, all in one run.
now that it looks like it's going to be a couple 100,000 decks Each card will likely run on it's own.
This gives us some new freedom for inks and mediums that will have little to no effect on the cost of the deck.
Specialty cards will likely cost a little more if they get too exotic, like holographic paper... but for very little change in price if any, metallic ink, spot vanishes, neons, and glowing ink could be had.
We're at quantities now that you'll be paying the printer for ink and paper, the set-up costs will have all but been saving money after that won't be as easy... however.
4 process such as CMYK is a standard however, knowing that some of these cards may also be VERY simple, they may also run on a 2-3 colour process using only the colours you need.
This saving here could be used to put some of the funding into the specialty cards.
hope that helps.
Arianna De Los Santos 2015-01-22T12:04:29-05:00
Here are my following character votes:
-Realistic Robin from the Realistic Batman comic (Batman can be included too so he doesn't feel left out)
-The Blerch
The Bobcats, can't forget them!
Yeah, that's pretty much it. Can't wait to play the game!!
David Johnston 2015-01-22T12:06:39-05:00
Pop rock litter box defuse card.
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-22T12:07:37-05:00
Throw some thundercats in there!
Steve Burch 2015-01-22T12:10:16-05:00
This is now the most backed project (by percentage) on Kickstarter OF ALL. Happy to have supported it. This game will be epic
@Brett, you are probably right. still the wait is killing me :-(
Vin Reisling 2015-01-22T12:36:42-05:00
You had me at thousand year back hair, love the idea and love The Oatmeals art style, this gonna be good~
Peter S. 2015-01-22T12:37:21-05:00
9:30 am LA time. Exploding Kitten team please join the conversation here.
Sveniuh 2015-01-22T12:44:44-05:00
I have pledged.
Grtz from The Netherlands !!!!
Brendan Carr 2015-01-22T12:48:19-05:00
I hope the NSFW edition has the m-effing pterodactyl so we can ptero-other players a new one.
Sarah N. Patton 2015-01-22T12:50:36-05:00
Do you feel loved yet?
KorieK 2015-01-22T12:51:32-05:00
Exactly, Bredan. That way we can ptero-orize the other players with our mad card skills!
KorieK 2015-01-22T12:52:35-05:00
Ze-Yi Ng 2015-01-22T13:00:35-05:00
Buy. This. Game.
Jonathan Kay 2015-01-22T13:01:29-05:00
Yes Backer and want the game. But 20USD to me in NZ or the rest of the world just looks like revenue gathering. Honestly how much is it to send a deck of cards out of the US?
Chris 2015-01-22T13:10:44-05:00
Jonathan, there are many factors in shipping international. it could be NZ that is driving the cost up for you. for the US to ship to Canada, it can often negate any savings.
Hopefully they can figure out a way for some nations that have high order rates to have a drop shipment, and have it distributed from there.
Sidney Blumenthal 2015-01-22T13:12:19-05:00
@Jonathan Do you have any idea how many man hours it's going to take to ship all of this? Shipping might not be THAT much, but the "handling" costs are going to be exorbitant.
Chris 2015-01-22T13:13:19-05:00
It's too early for you to start looking to much into this but you might want to make a note of this. When talking to the guys at Card against Humanity, ask about distribution in Canada at Snake 'n Latte's and Snake n' Laggers.
for the longest time this was the only place Canadians could buy the cards. I don't know why but you may want to pick their brains on that.
Benjamin Birch 2015-01-22T13:16:11-05:00
As far as new card ideas go there has to be a mantis shrimp card that lets you see 5 cards in the deck or see another players hand with the crazy eyes they have. All hail the mantis shrimp
Brent Michael Krupp 2015-01-22T13:21:45-05:00
I urge you guys to examine the experience Steve Jackson Games had with Ogre Designer's Edition as well as the other massively successful Kickstarters. They've usually ended up incredibly late because of the scaling issues with doing massive print runs. I hope you either have experience with this sort of logistics or are willing to hire someone who can help you with it. I'd hate for you guys to end up on one of those lists of "most delayed Kickstarters".
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T13:31:32-05:00
I'm sure that's why they are working with CAH. CAH is a solid company and have dealt with big send outs before.
Chris Scalzo 2015-01-22T13:36:53-05:00
What makes you think they are working it CAH? Because both games have cards? Also CAH has not done something like this, most big game publishers do not do 70,000 print runs.
GK 2015-01-22T13:41:58-05:00
@Chris Scalzo, from the front page:
"The biggest challenge for us could be fulfillment. (which we're addressing by working with our pals at Cards Against Humanity)"
Stuff that appeals to ALL backers, sure...I don't think an LA party is going to appeal to many outside LA or who don't have scads of money or something.
Definitely find better shipping, as friends of mine in the UK wanted to back, but shipping was 75% of cost.
A box that holds all the cards is a great idea, as I am IN LOVE with with my Smashup Big Geeky Box. Best. Thing. Ever. And making it something that hands up to lots of use is a must.
@Drew Jones With the NSFW addon you get 40 extra cards.
NSFW deck is for Ages 35 and Up....haha
@Branden I hope so.
I'm guessing next stretch is at $3000000? Should be awesome! So excited! Think we can get there today?
@Peter S: Another one you missed was guest cards from other popular webcomicists.
I'm just glad I'm old enough for the NSFW cards. Not sure how to keep my 14 year old out of them, though...
Seriously, guys, I'm thrilled for you! You obviously have an army of fans who love supporting you. I have no suggestions for cards because I'm just not that creative, but keep up the good work!
Revised list:
pgraded card stock – plastic, waterproof, foil, etc.
• Upgraded box
• Box that will hold base deck and NFSW deck
• Make the NFSW deck a full deck that can be played stand alone
• Make the base deck big enough to allow more players (up to 8)
• Improve international shipping rates
• EU Friendly Shipping
• Bulk tiers
• More collector editions
• Add-ons (T-shirts, posters, calendar) or discounts for backers on such items sold at TheOatmeal store
• Themed Expansion packs
• L.A. launch party
• BGG page
• Digital version - online/mobile app
• Guest cards from other popular web comicists
Keep on sharing this project via social media / email, we'll get them to $3M today!
Idea: How about a separate KickStarter campaign with special set of cards as a "reward" for a donation directly to the Tesla Museum?
The primary goal would be in support of the Musuem, but I wonder how many Exploding Kittens Backers would jump on board. (I would)
I really want to back this project but shipping costs are holding me back...
Here some insight for the creators on international shipping for kickstarter projects:
I think at 2.5M they should really think about offering better shipment options for international backers...
Seriously, the international shipping on these is outrageous... Is Matt planning to fly over and hand-deliver each deck?
Thanks for summing that up Peter. You caught everything I remember seeing (but comments are coming in too fast for me to read them all anymore).
Personally I hope the creators stick to what this project is though and doesn't branch out too much. That's a sure fire way to miss deadlines/bite off more than you can chew. So no app, no shirts.
I also hope they stick to things everyone can enjoy. So no launch party (they can still do one obviously... but it shouldn't be done as a SG)
So my main wish list would be upgraded box and card stock (including a combined box for NSFW backers that holds both sets with a partition to separate them)... followed by more cards. Love the idea of themed mini expansions as stretch goals. The web comic guest cards is an awesome idea but might take too long too coordinate w/o effecting the July shipment.
@Will. Based on my admittedly limited knowledge of things... it seems like the way to ensure cheaper international shipping is to ship everything in one bulk container and then distribute them within the destination country. Problem is they'd have to hire people to do this work in each region they ship to (so at least one in EU). I bet the high shipping costs is them shipping each one individually from the US so their team can handle it internally.
Keep in mind they set up this KS thinking the would sell only a couple thousand... as evidenced by yesterdays update and their $10,000 funding goal... That was not really enough to justify that type of setup. They might be able to do it now that they have so much support... but then again they might not have time to set all that up and deliver on time at this point (just printing and delivering the 70,000 and growing decks is going to be a lot for July!)
I'm sure they are looking into it though and hopefully they can help you all out.
The shipping to EU had better include customs + VAT for that price
You don't need to hiere someone for that in the EU. You could just use local distributors like or How to do that is explained in depth in the links of my latest post. ;)
What's the difference if they added an additional $20 to the pledge amount with a "free shipping" label attached to that reward tier? It's still the same thing. The way you see the price for a single deck is a different perspective.
You had me at 'Exploding Kittens'! :)
Good to know LordCrash. Hopefully your posts can help them sort it out then :- )
Favorite "character": The mantis shrimp.
It should either somehow distract an exploding kitten, or if you pull the card the game simply ends with all players being smooshed by a sonic punch simultaneously.
I'd like to cast my vote for favorite characters. I'd love to see a mantis shrimp card and one with the email monster :)
For everyone that is asking for a BBG page. It is right here:
However it doesn't seem to have a lot of info and I'm not sure if it's an official page made by the game creators or not.
Also lets push to 3 mil today!
Add me to the list of people who *nearly* didn't back due to the ridiculous EU shipping rates. The team really need to get in touch with the guys at Stonemaier Games, who have shipping to the EU from KickStarter down to a fine art, and charge similar prices for a giant board game as we're getting charged for two packs of cards.
Sharks with laser beams. PEW PEW PEW
I'm super excited as this is expected to come in right after I get married!
I like that about 92% of backers are getting the NSFW deck.
Suggestion for Shipping savings to over seas or other countries that have high import costs.
It MIGHT be worth considering manufacturing the cards in more than one country.
just a thought.
Between this and Schroedinger's Cats Kickstarter there's going to be a lot of dead cats in this house soon ! And no, I'm not involved with that Kickstarter campaign but every other Kickstarter right now is going ... Exploding Kittens, wow just wow. All my Kickstarter updates coming in via e-mail today are mentioning it.
Let's not forget to give these other great projects some love too! I bet Exploding Kittens has caused a half a million new Kickstarter accounts to open this week. Anyone know how to find this info as I'm curious?
Raymond, I woud love to see some metrix too.
Like the first 48 hours on a graph
or how many other kickstarters are getting a little boost from this would be really interesting too.
Time for me to chime in again and say
YES to an Exploding Kittens calendar!!
YES to a sniper cat card!!
YES to a Sriracha/Bobracha burn card.
YES to other types of cats being shown. Granted 2 of my 3 cats are black, but I appreciate all of the fuzzy buttheads.
Carry on with the international shipping grumbling.
You can use Kicktraq
If things continued the way they are (they won't lol) this project would be on for around 26 million :D which would be awesome but I'm inclined to say the data isn't spread over enough days to show a correct trend yet :D
+1 special foil/exotic ink cards as stretch goal (at the $5,000,000 mark, maybe?)...
I will also offer sexual favors in exchange for a laser-equipped chihuahua card.
Agreed. Plus KickTraq appears to not use any sort of historical statistical analysis in their trend analysis. There is definitely enough data available to determine the mean curve or cycle a campaign goes through in 30 days. That curve should then be applied to the current data and historical data of the specific campaign, as opposed to simply a straight line trend up or down.
Looking at KickTraq's figured for other campaigns, I doubt they have ever estimated a trend correctly, until perhaps the midpoint or later in a campaign, when the presumed economic downturn would occur.
@James, as with any type of statistics, the more info you have the better the result. Kicktraq gets its best results in the last couple of days. For better results, do the math yourself, the neat thing about kicktraq is the daily info, if you subtract the current days info and the highest (typically first) days info, then get the mean numbers, you will be able to more accurately get that info. I find that you need to wait until at least day six to make it any kind of accurate though. Just my experience.
knocking the goal in less than 42h... are you guys think about stretch goals like additional rewards (exploding kitten hot pants calendar, free expansion when it's released, a magic-glitter special card, animated short films, etc.)?
PS: please let's not forget about the glow in the dark ink card for an exploding kitten tangled up in a radioactive yarn ball. :-D
Like most the shipping & potential import duties to the UK is stopping me from getting additional decks. I really hope that will be looked Into.
Clitoris of Doom
So called because it cannot be pleased, no matter how hard you try.
Into the Dome MF'er!
So... Estimates on when this thing is going to hit the front page of most backed KSs ever? (150k more)
and now the slow down begins.
even so we will probably still reach 7 million by the end of KS
@ Rod,
I completely agree. But until there is a large enough sample of data that can show a definitive trend for a single campaign, Historical campaign data can be used to show the estimated long-tail trend, or maybe it kick-traq should just not show it at all (in the beginning)
My reasoning for them not showing it at all is two fold. (1) Data from a small sample size on a short timeline (Short-Tail) cannot be extrapolated to show a long-tail trend or outcome. This is impossible numerically unless it is feasible to have infinite exponential growth, which would be a near impossibility on Kick-Starter. Even this campaign is starting to slow down. (2) The majority of those looking at kicktraq (or any website for that matter) assume that the data they are looking at is from a knowledgably source, verified, and true ("If it is on the internet, it must be true!"). We see this in the comments section here. While you or I might look at that and know it is not correct, many will not.
I am not knocking kicktraq, I use it frequently and think it is a great tool. My only complaint is in the display of the "trend".
Well obviously you need the "Call upon hoards 50 Mb/s ninja money men to fund your outlandish ideas to over 10,000% in 24 hours" card.
@James, you had me at completely agree :) Stats certainly aren't for everyone. I have found that using days 2-5 as the sample actually works overall as it compensates for the mad rush of the last two days of the campaign. Certainly a larger sample size will be more accurate, but I'm just doing it for fun (sad I know) not for a true forcast.
I hope your printer won't mind the order update too much :3
so what's stress goal number 2?
*stretch goal. slip of the tongue there
3 million dollar mark, ships with recipe for unicorn enchiladas
I've got a love cat at home who explodes multiple times a day and can clear a room in no time. Poor Dexter has explosive diarrhea. He sounds like a grown man when he poops. Its horrible.
I sincerely hope this becomes the most funded campaign on Kickstarter.
Are you the developer of Kicktraq? If so, Kudos to you.
My comments are merely meant to be constructive, not insulting.
For some history of myself, I am a professional UX and Data specialist. I analyze user experiences on websites for accuracy and the ability to collect actionable interaction data. Additionally I develop and code methods to collect that data within the browser experience and send it to the required endpoints.
My professional persona sometimes crosses into my personal persona, as it did here. :)
Need an awesome "heavy" game to balance out the Kittens? Stretch goals falling like dominoes, and this one is going to be very collectible, with high resale value in the future.
If we're plugging other game here - please check out Tiny Epic Galaxies. Seems pretty awesome and incidentally much cheaper international shipping.
Characters I would love to see: Bobcats, your dog, party hat gorilla (from how to use a semicolon), printers from hell, the mf'ing pterodactyl.
Was wondering when the leeching/spamming would begin. Did not disappoint!
Like the simplicity of this campaign... You give them money, they give you the game they described.
Praise Jibbers
Given the current scale of this project, the guys really need to read this blog post: How to provide FREE shipping WORLDWIDE. Just think of the backers falling over themselves to pledge if they do that. Maybe Kickstarter would melt.
Everyone that is asking for lower shipping should check out the FAQ. They are looking into it and will keep us updated as they can about it. I know that we haven't gotten a lot of updates. But remember we haven't even hit full day 2 yet.
The Exploding Kitten Team has already given us something that could almost double their costs. I was happy with the original proposal. All I can say is thank you and go TEKT.
Any word on stretch goals will work if any?
This will make a wonderful accompaniment to my second-edition copy of Kittens in a Blender. =p
@James, I'm not the developer, nor do I have any connection to Kicktraq, other than a user. Sorry if my comment came across that way! I'm just a math nerd :) My background is hydronic design and flow specialties. I design boiler systems and piping arrangements. Nowhere near as cool as what you do! :)
@edward b - point taken. I certainly wouldn't do it if this wasn't so far beyond the target.
@ Rod.
I would not call it cool. lol. I sit at a desk all day. What you do sounds cool.
The grass is always greener I guess. :)
@James, being in the plumbing industry, we say if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, its normally because its growing over the septic tank! lol! :) Cheers!
Kitten version of The Blerch??
Laser Sharks. Gorillakitten.
Fat cat on a diet card......don't try it.
Guys this thing is awesome, really cool idea, great execution. Can't wait to start playing!
I'm honestly contemplating adding even more NSFW tiers to my pledge...just so there can be even more fun...or if just the two would be enough.
Claymore Kitty. All the shrapnel.
Seriously awesome idea for the game, guys. Happy to sponsor! Will be happier to play! :-D
4% away from being the highest funded game in terms of % ever...
I feel like it's SG time. the funding seems to have slowed a little.
CRAP! hit refresh and lost my comment. ARG.
I wanted to point out an advantage we have here now with so many decks being made and how that'll affect the PRINTING PROCESS.
Generally a 4 colour process is used. Sometimes 5 colour.
the quote for a couple thousand cards would have had the cards all printed together, all in one run.
now that it looks like it's going to be a couple 100,000 decks Each card will likely run on it's own.
This gives us some new freedom for inks and mediums that will have little to no effect on the cost of the deck.
Specialty cards will likely cost a little more if they get too exotic, like holographic paper... but for very little change in price if any, metallic ink, spot vanishes, neons, and glowing ink could be had.
We're at quantities now that you'll be paying the printer for ink and paper, the set-up costs will have all but been saving money after that won't be as easy... however.
4 process such as CMYK is a standard however, knowing that some of these cards may also be VERY simple, they may also run on a 2-3 colour process using only the colours you need.
This saving here could be used to put some of the funding into the specialty cards.
hope that helps.
Here are my following character votes:
-Realistic Robin from the Realistic Batman comic (Batman can be included too so he doesn't feel left out)
-The Blerch
The Bobcats, can't forget them!
Yeah, that's pretty much it. Can't wait to play the game!!
Pop rock litter box defuse card.
Throw some thundercats in there!
This is now the most backed project (by percentage) on Kickstarter OF ALL. Happy to have supported it. This game will be epic
I want today's new update from the devs, grrr it better be here soon
If they do it at the same time as yesterday we got 2 hours more to wait
this idea is probably already been posted but wouldn't it be fun with some really weird looking catfish :) Or Cat stevens :)
It would be awesome to see Jehovah's army of demon tiger monkeys. Oh and Jesus riding a velociraptor.
@Brett, you are probably right. still the wait is killing me :-(
You had me at thousand year back hair, love the idea and love The Oatmeals art style, this gonna be good~
9:30 am LA time. Exploding Kitten team please join the conversation here.
I have pledged.
Grtz from The Netherlands !!!!
I hope the NSFW edition has the m-effing pterodactyl so we can ptero-other players a new one.
Do you feel loved yet?
Exactly, Bredan. That way we can ptero-orize the other players with our mad card skills!
Buy. This. Game.
Yes Backer and want the game. But 20USD to me in NZ or the rest of the world just looks like revenue gathering. Honestly how much is it to send a deck of cards out of the US?
Jonathan, there are many factors in shipping international. it could be NZ that is driving the cost up for you. for the US to ship to Canada, it can often negate any savings.
Hopefully they can figure out a way for some nations that have high order rates to have a drop shipment, and have it distributed from there.
@Jonathan Do you have any idea how many man hours it's going to take to ship all of this? Shipping might not be THAT much, but the "handling" costs are going to be exorbitant.
It's too early for you to start looking to much into this but you might want to make a note of this. When talking to the guys at Card against Humanity, ask about distribution in Canada at Snake 'n Latte's and Snake n' Laggers.
for the longest time this was the only place Canadians could buy the cards. I don't know why but you may want to pick their brains on that.
As far as new card ideas go there has to be a mantis shrimp card that lets you see 5 cards in the deck or see another players hand with the crazy eyes they have. All hail the mantis shrimp
I urge you guys to examine the experience Steve Jackson Games had with Ogre Designer's Edition as well as the other massively successful Kickstarters. They've usually ended up incredibly late because of the scaling issues with doing massive print runs. I hope you either have experience with this sort of logistics or are willing to hire someone who can help you with it. I'd hate for you guys to end up on one of those lists of "most delayed Kickstarters".
I'm sure that's why they are working with CAH. CAH is a solid company and have dealt with big send outs before.
What makes you think they are working it CAH? Because both games have cards? Also CAH has not done something like this, most big game publishers do not do 70,000 print runs.
@Chris Scalzo, from the front page:
"The biggest challenge for us could be fulfillment. (which we're addressing by working with our pals at Cards Against Humanity)"