Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-28T16:22:07-05:00
I walked away from this over an hour ago to come back and find this. A look at current stats show backing and pledge numbers trending UP. What the what? No people, this is not how it's done okay? If you look at other historical models the trend is to flatten, not increase after the first few days of one of these campaigns. If you keep this crap up you will completely negate the historical models, fire will rain down from the sky, cats will be living with dogs, and the creators of this ridiculous game will become insane successful gazillionaires. And I don't think any of us wants to see THAT happen.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T16:24:15-05:00
Where are we In relation to cities and their population?
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-28T16:24:45-05:00
@ Yohannon I think that goes without saying once these guys are insanely successful gazillionaires. : )
Brandon Johnston 2015-01-28T16:24:53-05:00
Getting anxious for whatever announcement is today...
Casey Bauer 2015-01-28T16:28:19-05:00
I pledged for the hairy boob dragons. What's not to love about that?
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T16:28:57-05:00
@Casey B,
The hair? lol
Casey Bauer 2015-01-28T16:29:53-05:00
@BruceP - That's just makes it a more comfy place to rest one's head
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T16:30:35-05:00
lol and Ew
Ben Mossman 2015-01-28T16:30:49-05:00
EXPLODING CATTSS!!!!! 2015-01-28T16:31:58-05:00
Maybe they figure their is no need to update since the pledges are coming in without saying anything else at all. That or maybe they are thinking of new and excitingly diabolical ways of making cute precious little kittens go KA-BOOM without getting PETA to protest on their front lawns...
Chris Johnstone 2015-01-28T16:32:33-05:00
I know Exploding Kittens team is working with Cards Against Humanity, but has there been any word if Exploding Kittens will be on the same distribution plan after the Kickstarter fulfills? I am just curious if I should encourage people at my FLGS to back the Kick Starter, or if the game will be distributed to retailers, and my FLGS will be able to sell the game.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T16:34:25-05:00
@Chris J,
We haven't heard either way. Though someone posted they emailed Elan and got a response where he said they didn't have plans to release EK after the Kickstarter. So not really sure. I would have thought they'd make it available in The Oatmeal's online store, but don't know yet...
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-28T16:35:25-05:00
Does anyone else realize just how crazy it is that we're sitting here watching this thing happen and making statements like "a million to go" like, "yep, just a matter of time here"? It's like a happy car wreck, I can't look away, and I don't want to.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T16:35:56-05:00
@Bob L,
I know, it's crazy. :)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T16:36:30-05:00
@Bob, in full awareness of the incredulity of it all! 2015-01-28T16:36:45-05:00
At least I get paid to watch this stuff. heh!
Catzalcoatal 2015-01-28T16:37:44-05:00
I hope the creators are able to use their new found wealth to acquire monkey butlers. Nothing like a good monkey butler.
Casey Bauer 2015-01-28T16:37:45-05:00
I watch it at work. When an update happens, I go, "SQUEE!" and get concerned looks from the coworkers...
@Casey: I don't get weird looks...I have my own office(more of a file room really...) and am always listening to music. I get comments on my choice of music(pretty much everything except rap, hip hop, and r&b is in my list). But never on anything like me talking to myself or making weird noises.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-28T16:42:27-05:00
I talk to myself frequently. Everyone has just learned to avoid me.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T16:42:42-05:00
Over 112k backers! Amazing
Casey Bauer 2015-01-28T16:43:19-05:00
@Owen I sit in a cube farm. I talk to myself and make weird noises and they all give me funny looks. On the upside, I've become my own excuse. "Oh that? That's just Casey being Casey, you know?"
Ah, I was right... when we blasted past the Reading Rainbow backer count, a whole new slew of new stories echoed across the media-sphere, including this breathless bit... at freakin' FORBES:
We're generally nice people, as long as the people talking to us understand payroll isn't just a push of one button. For 250~ employees, it takes 1.5 to 2 days if nothing goes wrong(lots of checklists to make sure everything is properly done, and we are compliant). But keeps me busy.
Casey Bauer 2015-01-28T16:48:46-05:00
@Owen.. is there a lot of "Where's mah $2 ?!?!"
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-28T16:49:15-05:00
My company is only 1,000x bigger... Luckily the only time I've had a problem they were still able to resolve it in a day or two.
Me I'm doing technical support. For developers. So, I never know what issue I could get, or if it's one of a dozen derived API's (Python, Perl, Java, Ruby, PHP... etc.). I might "go quiet" for a bit if I get one of THOSE calls (A server melted down? No backups? Everyone off the ledge; Yo will fix!).
Oh, and I'm the leading support engineer in terms of caseloads.
So if I'm going to chortle from time to time at a K$, ain't no one gonna say a thing. :P
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T17:01:12-05:00
Anyone else doing an update dance? Kind of like a rain dance, but much much dorkier?
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-28T17:01:58-05:00
And my guess of 2pm PST was wrong as well for the update.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T17:02:35-05:00
@Eric B,
I usually do the dancing after the update. :)
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-28T17:02:56-05:00
I just realized I haven't seen a shout out to Shane yet. We've mentioned Lee and Matt, but not poor Shane
Hi Shane! Good job dude!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T17:03:14-05:00
@Eric B, does it look like the peepee dance?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T17:04:00-05:00
@Bob, +1, Shane's the man! (as long as its okay with Elan and Matt of course!)
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T17:04:21-05:00
@Rod. with a lot less rhythm, but yes.
Jim Mosser 2015-01-28T17:04:37-05:00
The attention given to this project because it beat out Reading Rainbow sure has propelled it to new heights….It's taking a life on all it's own. Nearly a quarter million pre order decks of cards is nothing to sneeze at.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-28T17:04:44-05:00
Holy crap I think your right @Bob. Shane we love you too! Don't hate us. When is your birthday so we can get you some cake too?
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T17:05:29-05:00
+1 to Shane. Good job, Shane, we love you, too. :)
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T17:06:20-05:00
Maybe they're waiting for the 5000th comment to announce the update. :P
Okay, the problem with reading the new stories was one commentator that mentioned buying extra packs as incredibly unique holiday gifties (may have been The Register) -- suddenly I think I need to kick up my pledge by 35 or so to get extra packs. :P
Nate Outland 2015-01-28T17:12:47-05:00
The mobile version (on android at least) was redesigned a few months back and no longer shows total comments anymore, for whatever reason
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-28T17:15:11-05:00
@Nate we are sitting at 4,857 now 4,858.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T17:16:14-05:00
And no hope of breaking any comments record, unfortunately.
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-28T17:16:44-05:00
Right now there are more pledges and more money than Tuesday. You all remember Tuesday? When we were fighting like mad to beat the 100K backer goal to get the SG? It's happening organically due to the media exposure now. There are still more than three hours in the KS "Day" to go, but the next few days will tell a story. If the news exposure continues, we could very well be looking at a new and as yet un-experienced trending model. One that could potentially have this campaign beating the Cooler for most funding ever. It's unlikely, but possible.
The project is still young Bruce. We have 22 days to do so.
Chris 2015-01-28T17:16:58-05:00
They are just waiting till tomorrow... which may coincide with 5000.
The Ex-President 2015-01-28T17:17:15-05:00
Overflowing with happiness bubbles and catnip salads;
Sing forth the ruin of little balls o' fluff;
Kick into high gear for the (patron) saints of backers;
The Lee, The Shane and The 'Meal;
All fumbles aside, I have spoken to Mr Lee, and he is a most righteous dude and will respond as soon as the temp goes down to something below hell level between his inbox and phone calls.
Thanks to all the backers as well for making this KS so freeaking AWESOME!
I'm now down to every few hours check in on the $& and backers and comments. Would be nice to get an update but with all the coverage they're getting I'd be shocked to hear anything today.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-28T17:22:01-05:00
I don't know for sure if No9 has the comments record.
I do know for sure, we will not beat the comments record.
I do know for sure that if we somehow get close, I don't really want to be a part of that. :P
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T17:23:01-05:00
@Eric A,
I don't think any other project even comes close to No9 for the comment record. I've been part of a lot of huge ones, and nothing has come close to No9.
Chris 2015-01-28T17:23:23-05:00
Holy F that's a lot of Chatter.
I'm with you Eric.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T17:23:33-05:00
@Quinn, you seem to be more chipper today! I'm glad to see that!
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-28T17:23:52-05:00
I guess it doesn't show the total on the mobile version
Nate Outland 2015-01-28T17:29:31-05:00
I used to be able to see the comment total and the remind me button on every campaign too...
Jonathan Brown 2015-01-28T17:30:30-05:00
@Bruce P - that KS ended over a year ago (15 months) and they are getting about 1 comment per minute TODAY. It is crazy.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T17:31:23-05:00
@Jonathan B,
I know, it's crazy. Looks like it's still an active chat room. Not sure why people use it for that when there are better options, but there ya go. :)
Ken Varley 2015-01-28T17:31:30-05:00
Maybe they can introduce a new stretch goal of free worldwide shipping, with that increasing total?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T17:34:27-05:00
Maybe as a strech goal they can increase shipping! Now that would be awesome!
@Rod: For just another $15, for shipping, you can get your package the same day as you would have for the normal shipping amount!
Jonathan Brown 2015-01-28T17:36:18-05:00
They could make shipping an optional add-on, with the default being pick-up in LA.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T17:36:23-05:00
It just kills me that so many want something awesome for no cost, it can't happen people, shipping is expensive, fact of life.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T17:37:11-05:00
@Owen, thats a deal at twice the price!
Brandon Johnston 2015-01-28T17:40:23-05:00
I wish I had a way to get a second NSFW deck without having to also get the regular deck. In the end ill probably pledge the extra and get two of each but ijs.. it would be nice to have that option
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T17:41:21-05:00
@Brandon J,
You can likely add $15 to your pledge total and have them add another NSFW deck to your order. They'll send a survey after the campaign asking people what the extra money was for.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T17:41:28-05:00
Maybe the next stretch goal will be announced when we get the One millionth comment asking to lower shupping rates. What are we at 999,998?
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T17:42:17-05:00
Is it bad I read it as shipping when you had it as shupping?
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T17:44:44-05:00
@Brandon J,
But don't quote me on that since they haven't said people can add money for extra NSFW decks.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T17:45:58-05:00
@Brandon J, you could always buy both decks and sell the sfw version on eBay, or something...
Jonathan Brown 2015-01-28T17:46:41-05:00
Then see if you charge shipping...
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T17:47:06-05:00
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-28T17:47:22-05:00
@BruceP and @BrandonJ. On day one I upped my backing from $100 (collectors level) to $135 and wrote to Mr. Lee asking if that would get me an additional KF and NSFW deck. He responded :That should do it".
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T17:48:26-05:00
@BobL. Because there a $35 backing level, the isn't one for only the NSFW deck.
Brandon Johnston 2015-01-28T17:49:16-05:00
@Rod that is most likely my course. except ill just give the normal version to a friend for their bday or something. just noting that option would have been good to have.
I walked away from this over an hour ago to come back and find this. A look at current stats show backing and pledge numbers trending UP. What the what? No people, this is not how it's done okay? If you look at other historical models the trend is to flatten, not increase after the first few days of one of these campaigns. If you keep this crap up you will completely negate the historical models, fire will rain down from the sky, cats will be living with dogs, and the creators of this ridiculous game will become insane successful gazillionaires. And I don't think any of us wants to see THAT happen.
@Bob Lindley: You forgot mass hysteria. :P
Where are we In relation to cities and their population?
@ Yohannon I think that goes without saying once these guys are insanely successful gazillionaires. : )
Getting anxious for whatever announcement is today...
I pledged for the hairy boob dragons. What's not to love about that?
@Casey B,
The hair? lol
@BruceP - That's just makes it a more comfy place to rest one's head
lol and Ew
Maybe they figure their is no need to update since the pledges are coming in without saying anything else at all. That or maybe they are thinking of new and excitingly diabolical ways of making cute precious little kittens go KA-BOOM without getting PETA to protest on their front lawns...
I know Exploding Kittens team is working with Cards Against Humanity, but has there been any word if Exploding Kittens will be on the same distribution plan after the Kickstarter fulfills? I am just curious if I should encourage people at my FLGS to back the Kick Starter, or if the game will be distributed to retailers, and my FLGS will be able to sell the game.
@Chris J,
We haven't heard either way. Though someone posted they emailed Elan and got a response where he said they didn't have plans to release EK after the Kickstarter. So not really sure. I would have thought they'd make it available in The Oatmeal's online store, but don't know yet...
Does anyone else realize just how crazy it is that we're sitting here watching this thing happen and making statements like "a million to go" like, "yep, just a matter of time here"? It's like a happy car wreck, I can't look away, and I don't want to.
@Bob L,
I know, it's crazy. :)
@Bob, in full awareness of the incredulity of it all!
At least I get paid to watch this stuff. heh!
I hope the creators are able to use their new found wealth to acquire monkey butlers. Nothing like a good monkey butler.
I watch it at work. When an update happens, I go, "SQUEE!" and get concerned looks from the coworkers...
@Thewarstore: Are you kidding? A protest from PETA would boost this 'Starters numbers to even higher levels of insanity.
I am one of the fortunate few, I'm mostly retired now. I only work when I want to. The thing is I really should be doing SOMETHING.
@yohannon, someone should make an annomous call...
@ Yohannon, agreed.
@Casey: I don't get weird looks...I have my own office(more of a file room really...) and am always listening to music. I get comments on my choice of music(pretty much everything except rap, hip hop, and r&b is in my list). But never on anything like me talking to myself or making weird noises.
I talk to myself frequently. Everyone has just learned to avoid me.
Over 112k backers! Amazing
@Owen I sit in a cube farm. I talk to myself and make weird noises and they all give me funny looks. On the upside, I've become my own excuse. "Oh that? That's just Casey being Casey, you know?"
It's actually quite common for payroll and accountants to talk to themselves. So we don't normally get weird looks...they just avoid us.
So... now that I got a signed copy... any chance I could pay the shipping difference and get the signed version as an uncut sheet? ;)
Ah, I was right... when we blasted past the Reading Rainbow backer count, a whole new slew of new stories echoed across the media-sphere, including this breathless bit... at freakin' FORBES:
Generally I try to avoid accountants and payroll unless there's a problem with my check. Then you better watch out!
I bet another bunch will go out when we pass RR's money total and become the 6th largest campaign. :)
I still want this thing to beat Pono so it's sitting in that top row on the "Most Funded" page.
We're generally nice people, as long as the people talking to us understand payroll isn't just a push of one button. For 250~ employees, it takes 1.5 to 2 days if nothing goes wrong(lots of checklists to make sure everything is properly done, and we are compliant). But keeps me busy.
@Owen.. is there a lot of "Where's mah $2 ?!?!"
My company is only 1,000x bigger... Luckily the only time I've had a problem they were still able to resolve it in a day or two.
There's a lot of "Why does the government get my money."
Haha... who is this FICA guy and where does he sit?!?
Then how come in this small company with less than 25 people it takes the accountant all 6 days to get it right?? oh wait.. it's the boss' wife.
Me I'm doing technical support. For developers. So, I never know what issue I could get, or if it's one of a dozen derived API's (Python, Perl, Java, Ruby, PHP... etc.). I might "go quiet" for a bit if I get one of THOSE calls (A server melted down? No backups? Everyone off the ledge; Yo will fix!).
Oh, and I'm the leading support engineer in terms of caseloads.
So if I'm going to chortle from time to time at a K$, ain't no one gonna say a thing. :P
@Bob Lindley: I'm still waiting for Slurm!
This Polygon article with Elan is good (for those that haven't seen it):
Anyone else doing an update dance? Kind of like a rain dance, but much much dorkier?
And my guess of 2pm PST was wrong as well for the update.
@Eric B,
I usually do the dancing after the update. :)
I just realized I haven't seen a shout out to Shane yet. We've mentioned Lee and Matt, but not poor Shane
Hi Shane! Good job dude!
@Eric B, does it look like the peepee dance?
@Bob, +1, Shane's the man! (as long as its okay with Elan and Matt of course!)
@Rod. with a lot less rhythm, but yes.
The attention given to this project because it beat out Reading Rainbow sure has propelled it to new heights….It's taking a life on all it's own. Nearly a quarter million pre order decks of cards is nothing to sneeze at.
Holy crap I think your right @Bob. Shane we love you too! Don't hate us. When is your birthday so we can get you some cake too?
+1 to Shane. Good job, Shane, we love you, too. :)
Slow clap for Shane
Maybe they're waiting for the 5000th comment to announce the update. :P
Okay, the problem with reading the new stories was one commentator that mentioned buying extra packs as incredibly unique holiday gifties (may have been The Register) -- suddenly I think I need to kick up my pledge by 35 or so to get extra packs. :P
The mobile version (on android at least) was redesigned a few months back and no longer shows total comments anymore, for whatever reason
@Nate we are sitting at 4,857 now 4,858.
And no hope of breaking any comments record, unfortunately.
Right now there are more pledges and more money than Tuesday. You all remember Tuesday? When we were fighting like mad to beat the 100K backer goal to get the SG? It's happening organically due to the media exposure now. There are still more than three hours in the KS "Day" to go, but the next few days will tell a story. If the news exposure continues, we could very well be looking at a new and as yet un-experienced trending model. One that could potentially have this campaign beating the Cooler for most funding ever. It's unlikely, but possible.
The project is still young Bruce. We have 22 days to do so.
They are just waiting till tomorrow... which may coincide with 5000.
Overflowing with happiness bubbles and catnip salads;
Sing forth the ruin of little balls o' fluff;
Kick into high gear for the (patron) saints of backers;
The Lee, The Shane and The 'Meal;
All fumbles aside, I have spoken to Mr Lee, and he is a most righteous dude and will respond as soon as the temp goes down to something below hell level between his inbox and phone calls.
Thanks to all the backers as well for making this KS so freeaking AWESOME!
@Owen M,
Oh I know. But do you know about THIS campaign that holds the comments record? ;)
I don't frequent KS much, but when I show up, I tend to look at other projects on the go.
Has anyone else Pledged anything else that they wouldn't've if it weren't for ExK?
What is the comment record? The most from any campaign I've done is on zombicide season 3, not sure how many though
I'm now down to every few hours check in on the $& and backers and comments. Would be nice to get an update but with all the coverage they're getting I'd be shocked to hear anything today.
@Nate O,
Over 355k! From here:
Sorry, from here:
I don't know for sure if No9 has the comments record.
I do know for sure, we will not beat the comments record.
I do know for sure that if we somehow get close, I don't really want to be a part of that. :P
@Eric A,
I don't think any other project even comes close to No9 for the comment record. I've been part of a lot of huge ones, and nothing has come close to No9.
Holy F that's a lot of Chatter.
I'm with you Eric.
@Quinn, you seem to be more chipper today! I'm glad to see that!
@The Ex-President. Thank you for the update.
@Bruce: Yeah, when I last looked at it(yesterday) someone commented 30min prior To my chexking.
Is anybody else not able to see total comment amounts? Or am I the only one in that boat
I cant see them(using Chrome on my phone though)
I guess it doesn't show the total on the mobile version
I used to be able to see the comment total and the remind me button on every campaign too...
@Bruce P - that KS ended over a year ago (15 months) and they are getting about 1 comment per minute TODAY. It is crazy.
@Jonathan B,
I know, it's crazy. Looks like it's still an active chat room. Not sure why people use it for that when there are better options, but there ya go. :)
Maybe they can introduce a new stretch goal of free worldwide shipping, with that increasing total?
Maybe as a strech goal they can increase shipping! Now that would be awesome!
lol Rod
@Rod: For just another $15, for shipping, you can get your package the same day as you would have for the normal shipping amount!
They could make shipping an optional add-on, with the default being pick-up in LA.
It just kills me that so many want something awesome for no cost, it can't happen people, shipping is expensive, fact of life.
@Owen, thats a deal at twice the price!
I wish I had a way to get a second NSFW deck without having to also get the regular deck. In the end ill probably pledge the extra and get two of each but ijs.. it would be nice to have that option
@Brandon J,
You can likely add $15 to your pledge total and have them add another NSFW deck to your order. They'll send a survey after the campaign asking people what the extra money was for.
Maybe the next stretch goal will be announced when we get the One millionth comment asking to lower shupping rates. What are we at 999,998?
Is it bad I read it as shipping when you had it as shupping?
@Brandon J,
But don't quote me on that since they haven't said people can add money for extra NSFW decks.
@Brandon J, you could always buy both decks and sell the sfw version on eBay, or something...
Then see if you charge shipping...
@BruceP and @BrandonJ. On day one I upped my backing from $100 (collectors level) to $135 and wrote to Mr. Lee asking if that would get me an additional KF and NSFW deck. He responded :That should do it".
@BobL. Because there a $35 backing level, the isn't one for only the NSFW deck.
@Rod that is most likely my course. except ill just give the normal version to a friend for their bday or something. just noting that option would have been good to have.