Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:07:17-05:00
Take a gander at updated humans- Please let me know of any edits. (real life update-have made four batches of cookie dough)
Potatten are kittens and potatoes combine, they're an aggressive bunch that push things off of shleves and tables with impunity, they also explode taking out monuments such as the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower.
Fruitattens are fruit cake kittens, there's some animosity with the Potatten.
Steauppy- Steak puppies
Groutatten- Ground beef + kitten
Kittzels – Pretzel+kitten, twisted in mind AND body
Brussel Sprittens – Brussel Sprout Stink Bomb Kittens
Broccattens – Broccoli Kittens
Zombittens – Don’t get bit by one, you’ll become one
Dr. Pottaten – Evan W.
Lord Zombitten – Kevin B
Tchotchke, Trinket's evil twin- Eric A
Wicked Felina - Bad, bad girl
BaKahn - Rod M
The Chameleon – Bruce P
Trinkets - Eric B
Great Mountain – Owen M
JusticeBolt - JusticeBolt
Blind Justice - JusticeBolt's sister
BlackHawk – Cal R
Cheetah Butt Sycophant – Mike K
Da Wolf – Living F
Neutral Townsfolk:
The Creeper – Melissa F
The Historian- Chris L
Fizzziks the Healer - Fizzziks
Stretch Goal request –
Scratch and sniff hologram trinkets with mood ring capabilities in protective sleeves with fruitcake holographic armor and mystery smell SAS, a hairy boob dragon sweat booster deck, in a protective tin with a protective sleeve for the tin that is EU friendly, with a GPS locating device to find tin within protective trunk in protective lake that is EU friendly.
Also: Real life dragon boob hair
Lower Postage Rate Requests- 1,000,009 and counting
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-29T20:07:29-05:00
@Da Wolf; Sorry, I meant, most comments per/day on the EK campaign. It is truly scary how many comments the Top Commented On campaign received. Which project was that?
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-29T20:07:36-05:00
Yeah! Less than 349K comments until we are #1!
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-29T20:07:55-05:00
@Da Wolf Thanks. I'm at work right now. So... I can change that once I get home.
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-29T20:08:02-05:00
@Melissa; You should write a script that periodically reposts that history lesson :)
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-29T20:08:12-05:00
Really hoping for an update soon. With all that's been stated about community I can't imagine they would come out and have a SG concerning money so it would need to be about # of backers again.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:11:06-05:00
Also: Real life dragon boob hair with EU Friendly Ambidextrous sleeve, flannel optional
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-29T20:11:34-05:00
@The Chameleon - That sounds almost like an average
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T20:11:50-05:00
@Creeper, you're the best!
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-29T20:12:06-05:00
@Bruce; Thanks for the link. Didn't know you could keep commenting after the project ended. Makes total sense, but it means we still have hope! How can we persuade people on that thread to slow down and join our cause instead?? Hairy Dragon boobs??
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-29T20:12:12-05:00
@The Creeper - The real life dragon boob hair is kept warm at night. So sweet of you!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:12:29-05:00
Wonder what the Pottatens have been up to while all this commenting. Making more Fruittatens, no doubt.
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-29T20:13:05-05:00
I sense a connection between Trinkets and The Creeper.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-29T20:13:08-05:00
The potattens and fruitattens are enemies
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:13:11-05:00
Maybe we'll get lower shipping rates!!
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-29T20:13:11-05:00
@Da Wolf; Must protect the dragon boob hair!! So much was sacrificed to attain it!!
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-29T20:13:22-05:00
lol Sadly, I think even just their comments during their campaign far exceeds our output. :)
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-29T20:14:03-05:00
@Fizzziks - For sure. Only one was event found in the La Brea tar pits.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T20:14:10-05:00
And 1,000,010.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:14:15-05:00
@Lord Zombitten My mistake!! Still in a baking state of mind.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:15:10-05:00
@trinkets It had been awhile since anyone requested it. needed to be said.
Mike Kabala 2015-01-29T20:15:27-05:00
How did I get tone good again? If you're going to keep changing my orientation, maybe I should just be chaotic.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:15:53-05:00
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T20:16:44-05:00
It's the backside. :-P
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:17:15-05:00
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-29T20:17:32-05:00
Ok, I just added up all the comments for Mighty No. 9 during their campaign. It's a fraction of their current total, but still WAY more than any other project. Here it is: 118,788.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-29T20:17:33-05:00
Yes, Trinket, but whose backside?
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:18:22-05:00
We could use a few more villains, if you'd like to embrace your evil backside, sycophant
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-29T20:18:33-05:00
At least you get a choice... I spend time at work I'm just assigned to evil. :(
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T20:18:47-05:00
@Lord Zombitten, that is the $4,742,859.00 question
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:19:25-05:00
@Tchockie- its because you once had a goatee
Mike Kabala 2015-01-29T20:19:37-05:00
@Lord Zombitten, maybe they just want us to "think" that they're enemies so that we'll let our guard down.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-29T20:19:45-05:00
I see what you did there, Trinkets. Nice!
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-29T20:20:01-05:00
No, too many villains! :)
Wicked Feliina
Lord Zombitten
Dr. Pottaten
Cheetah Butt the Sycophant
The Man
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-29T20:20:12-05:00
I bet it is Shane's backside since we really haven't seen or heard from him. Hi Shane. We love you too.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-29T20:20:17-05:00
I was assigned before I said anything about a goatee. :P
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-29T20:20:41-05:00
And lest we forget Tchotchke. Though he wants to be good, I can feel it!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:21:35-05:00
@The Chameleon - Eric A is Eric B's evil twin... and what is this mention of The Man?
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-29T20:21:45-05:00
Everyone WANTS to be good. And I do good work. That path of bodies I left behind me? Had to be done for the greater Felina good.
@BruceP: 118K?! Why yes, that IS interrobang worthy!
And I thought I was lost in THIS insanity. :P
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T20:21:54-05:00
O!!!M!!!G!!!! Tchotchke, your pic is.......EVIL!!!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:22:10-05:00
Dr. Pottaten – Evan W.
Lord Zombitten – Kevin B
Tchotchke, Trinket's evil twin- Eric A
Wicked Felina - Bad, bad girl from El Paso
Cheetah Butt Sycophant – Mike K
BaKahn - Rod M
The Chameleon – Bruce P
Trinkets - Eric B
JusticeBolt - JusticeBolt
Blind Justice - JusticeBolt's sister
BlackHawk – Cal R
Da Wolf – Living F
Neutral Townsfolk:
Great Mountain – Owen M
The Creeper – Melissa F
The Historian- Chris L
Fizzziks the Healer - Fizzziks
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-29T20:22:22-05:00
Tchotchke wants to be good, but he fell under Felina's spell. I'm glad that I'm immune to her wiles.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-29T20:22:23-05:00
The Man is a villain we talked about awhile ago. You might have been baking. ;) He's always trying to keep us down.
Mike Kabala 2015-01-29T20:22:33-05:00
@Creeper, I'm just here to help everyone learn to accept our new potattens overlords, who only have love for us in their hearts.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-29T20:22:46-05:00
See, Tchotchke is evil! He and Felina are in cahoots!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-29T20:22:54-05:00
What?! No! I'm not bad, I'm just drawn bad.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:23:14-05:00
Ahh, Yes- I do remember The Man. Didn't know he was officially a villain
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-29T20:23:53-05:00
@The Creeper thanks for the list again. Haven't been a hero very long to know who is who yet.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T20:24:19-05:00
@Tchotchke. Lolololol
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-29T20:24:27-05:00
@Eric; I would use my healing powers on your drawing, but alas, I suck at drawing...
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-29T20:24:38-05:00
Cheetah Butt is on the potattens' side! That means he's on Dr Potattens side. He's evil!
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-29T20:25:41-05:00
I thought Fizzziks was a hero? I would have thought a healer would be on the good side. :)
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-29T20:25:48-05:00
Ha, I could have done a good PS drawing, but I felt MS Paint was the more evil program.
Besides, wanted it to stick out enough in the tiny little comments pic for Trinkets to notice. ;)
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:25:54-05:00
And then I saw the reference to the Mighty No. 9 (number nine... number nine... number nine...) comment total of 355K and climbing. Goddess help us all... KickStarter really DOES need to fix their comments section. Threads would make this at least readable to the poor souls just jumping in. :P
Mike Kabala 2015-01-29T20:27:30-05:00
But I want to help save Tchotchke from The Evil Felina so that he too can spend the rest of his life in joyful service to the potattens.
If we had someone that could draw a megaman v. villainish picture representation of our spread that would be amazing!
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-29T20:28:27-05:00
That's fine. Not all the villains are allies.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-29T20:28:46-05:00
The random splay of comments is fine for just messin' around with potattens, but it would be nice to have at least a 'general' comments section and a 'faq' so we would get a few dozen fewer shipping inquiries every hour.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-29T20:29:31-05:00
Cheetah Butt- you may be a hero within your villainess crew- but you are still working with the Villains!!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-29T20:29:53-05:00
Wait? Swap one (beautiful and loving) master for another (starchy and bloated-y) master? That's not fair.
Mike Kabala 2015-01-29T20:30:23-05:00
@Creeper, glad we finally cleared that up.
Finlay 2015-01-29T20:31:55-05:00
Where be the update? and stretch goals?
Mike Kabala 2015-01-29T20:32:15-05:00
Well, gotta go work on my own Kickstarter. See y'all tomorrow.
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-29T20:33:20-05:00
@Finaly; You have to post here 100 times per day to see the updates...
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T20:33:22-05:00
Tchotchke is Felina's sycophant!
Take a gander at updated humans- Please let me know of any edits. (real life update-have made four batches of cookie dough)
Potatten are kittens and potatoes combine, they're an aggressive bunch that push things off of shleves and tables with impunity, they also explode taking out monuments such as the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower.
Fruitattens are fruit cake kittens, there's some animosity with the Potatten.
Steauppy- Steak puppies
Groutatten- Ground beef + kitten
Kittzels – Pretzel+kitten, twisted in mind AND body
Brussel Sprittens – Brussel Sprout Stink Bomb Kittens
Broccattens – Broccoli Kittens
Zombittens – Don’t get bit by one, you’ll become one
Dr. Pottaten – Evan W.
Lord Zombitten – Kevin B
Tchotchke, Trinket's evil twin- Eric A
Wicked Felina - Bad, bad girl
BaKahn - Rod M
The Chameleon – Bruce P
Trinkets - Eric B
Great Mountain – Owen M
JusticeBolt - JusticeBolt
Blind Justice - JusticeBolt's sister
BlackHawk – Cal R
Cheetah Butt Sycophant – Mike K
Da Wolf – Living F
Neutral Townsfolk:
The Creeper – Melissa F
The Historian- Chris L
Fizzziks the Healer - Fizzziks
Stretch Goal request –
Scratch and sniff hologram trinkets with mood ring capabilities in protective sleeves with fruitcake holographic armor and mystery smell SAS, a hairy boob dragon sweat booster deck, in a protective tin with a protective sleeve for the tin that is EU friendly, with a GPS locating device to find tin within protective trunk in protective lake that is EU friendly.
Also: Real life dragon boob hair
Lower Postage Rate Requests- 1,000,009 and counting
@Da Wolf; Sorry, I meant, most comments per/day on the EK campaign. It is truly scary how many comments the Top Commented On campaign received. Which project was that?
Yeah! Less than 349K comments until we are #1!
@Da Wolf Thanks. I'm at work right now. So... I can change that once I get home.
@Melissa; You should write a script that periodically reposts that history lesson :)
@Fizzziks - Mighty No. 9
Mighty No 9 has over 355k comments and still going strong!…
Really hoping for an update soon. With all that's been stated about community I can't imagine they would come out and have a SG concerning money so it would need to be about # of backers again.
@Creeper: Great Mountain should be under Neutral.
Also, what type of delicious cookies are we talking here?
@Creeper. An EU friendly sleeve for the real life dragon boob hair.
@Great Mountain - TA, was debating that for awhile.
Do you guys know if Creators can dump a complete log of all comments? It would be epic to read it from start to end
Holy crap, Mighty No. 9 had almost 16,000 comments on their last day of funding:
Also: Real life dragon boob hair with EU Friendly Ambidextrous sleeve, flannel optional
@The Chameleon - That sounds almost like an average
@Creeper, you're the best!
@Bruce; Thanks for the link. Didn't know you could keep commenting after the project ended. Makes total sense, but it means we still have hope! How can we persuade people on that thread to slow down and join our cause instead?? Hairy Dragon boobs??
@The Creeper - The real life dragon boob hair is kept warm at night. So sweet of you!
Wonder what the Pottatens have been up to while all this commenting. Making more Fruittatens, no doubt.
I sense a connection between Trinkets and The Creeper.
The potattens and fruitattens are enemies
Maybe we'll get lower shipping rates!!
@Da Wolf; Must protect the dragon boob hair!! So much was sacrificed to attain it!!
lol Sadly, I think even just their comments during their campaign far exceeds our output. :)
@Fizzziks - For sure. Only one was event found in the La Brea tar pits.
And 1,000,010.
@Lord Zombitten My mistake!! Still in a baking state of mind.
@trinkets It had been awhile since anyone requested it. needed to be said.
How did I get tone good again? If you're going to keep changing my orientation, maybe I should just be chaotic.
It's the backside. :-P
Ok, I just added up all the comments for Mighty No. 9 during their campaign. It's a fraction of their current total, but still WAY more than any other project. Here it is: 118,788.
Yes, Trinket, but whose backside?
We could use a few more villains, if you'd like to embrace your evil backside, sycophant
At least you get a choice... I spend time at work I'm just assigned to evil. :(
@Lord Zombitten, that is the $4,742,859.00 question
@Tchockie- its because you once had a goatee
@Lord Zombitten, maybe they just want us to "think" that they're enemies so that we'll let our guard down.
I see what you did there, Trinkets. Nice!
No, too many villains! :)
Wicked Feliina
Lord Zombitten
Dr. Pottaten
Cheetah Butt the Sycophant
The Man
I bet it is Shane's backside since we really haven't seen or heard from him. Hi Shane. We love you too.
I was assigned before I said anything about a goatee. :P
And lest we forget Tchotchke. Though he wants to be good, I can feel it!
@The Chameleon - Eric A is Eric B's evil twin... and what is this mention of The Man?
Everyone WANTS to be good. And I do good work. That path of bodies I left behind me? Had to be done for the greater Felina good.
@BruceP: 118K?! Why yes, that IS interrobang worthy!
And I thought I was lost in THIS insanity. :P
O!!!M!!!G!!!! Tchotchke, your pic is.......EVIL!!!
Dr. Pottaten – Evan W.
Lord Zombitten – Kevin B
Tchotchke, Trinket's evil twin- Eric A
Wicked Felina - Bad, bad girl from El Paso
Cheetah Butt Sycophant – Mike K
BaKahn - Rod M
The Chameleon – Bruce P
Trinkets - Eric B
JusticeBolt - JusticeBolt
Blind Justice - JusticeBolt's sister
BlackHawk – Cal R
Da Wolf – Living F
Neutral Townsfolk:
Great Mountain – Owen M
The Creeper – Melissa F
The Historian- Chris L
Fizzziks the Healer - Fizzziks
Tchotchke wants to be good, but he fell under Felina's spell. I'm glad that I'm immune to her wiles.
The Man is a villain we talked about awhile ago. You might have been baking. ;) He's always trying to keep us down.
@Creeper, I'm just here to help everyone learn to accept our new potattens overlords, who only have love for us in their hearts.
See, Tchotchke is evil! He and Felina are in cahoots!
What?! No! I'm not bad, I'm just drawn bad.
Ahh, Yes- I do remember The Man. Didn't know he was officially a villain
@The Creeper thanks for the list again. Haven't been a hero very long to know who is who yet.
@Tchotchke. Lolololol
@Eric; I would use my healing powers on your drawing, but alas, I suck at drawing...
Cheetah Butt is on the potattens' side! That means he's on Dr Potattens side. He's evil!
I thought Fizzziks was a hero? I would have thought a healer would be on the good side. :)
Ha, I could have done a good PS drawing, but I felt MS Paint was the more evil program.
Besides, wanted it to stick out enough in the tiny little comments pic for Trinkets to notice. ;)
@Tchotchke - Very well done on the pic.
And then I saw the reference to the Mighty No. 9 (number nine... number nine... number nine...) comment total of 355K and climbing. Goddess help us all... KickStarter really DOES need to fix their comments section. Threads would make this at least readable to the poor souls just jumping in. :P
But I want to help save Tchotchke from The Evil Felina so that he too can spend the rest of his life in joyful service to the potattens.
If we had someone that could draw a megaman v. villainish picture representation of our spread that would be amazing!
That's fine. Not all the villains are allies.
The random splay of comments is fine for just messin' around with potattens, but it would be nice to have at least a 'general' comments section and a 'faq' so we would get a few dozen fewer shipping inquiries every hour.
Cheetah Butt- you may be a hero within your villainess crew- but you are still working with the Villains!!
Wait? Swap one (beautiful and loving) master for another (starchy and bloated-y) master? That's not fair.
@Creeper, glad we finally cleared that up.
Where be the update? and stretch goals?
Well, gotta go work on my own Kickstarter. See y'all tomorrow.
@Finaly; You have to post here 100 times per day to see the updates...
Later @CheetahButt
I'm a wild card villain, Wild Felina just happened to fund the kickstarter
Later, Cheetah Butt!
@Dr Potatten,
"Wicked" Felina. ;)
That's what I meant #gettinglate
@EricA: Yeah, at least some way to "pin" some of the answers to an unofficial FAQ. Of course, that assumes that people will actually READ it first. :P
Her majesty on high requests that I ensure you recognize that 'Wicked' is just a name and not an apt descriptor.
She would say something like that.
For those that like metal dice, have you seen the Ako Dice Kickstarter? They look pretty cool.
Real life just kicked me and told me to interact with her. Later \m/
I only buy dice made from depleted uranium. They feel pretty solid.
Later, Trinkets!
See ya, Trinks.
Alas, time for me to decay into another particle.... Looking forward to seeing what's been created here tomorrow!
@Eric A,
It would be funny if you changed your name on here to be like Trinkets', but backwards. ;)
Bye Trinkets and Fizzziks. I will continue baking and continue to creep periodically. Please keep note of updates!
Later Fizzziks!
I'm hungry any one know where I can get some Unicorn Enchiladas?
Ask Great Mountain. He might be able to rustle up something for ya. ;)
Brief repose between dinner and dessert, what did I miss?
Expensive, but worth it for premium enchiladas.…
Oh, and Mrs. The Historian says "Hi"... And thinks we're nuts.
I want to feast on some bearodactyl
@The Historian,
Well, you didn't warn us of Fizzziks arrival. We almost had a brawl, but we got over it. :)
I missed bearodactyl?
@ Historian Mrs Lord Zombitten agrees.