Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T09:48:12-05:00
@mr.PACG, are you talking like a face-off kind of face, where you switch faces?
God that movie sucked, sorry to have brought that up.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T09:48:39-05:00
@Prof F, I live outside time, it is neither ally nor enemy to me. You may be cosmic but your still bound by the time stream... now behave or I'm sending a you to the ends of the stream where you'll have naught but fuitattens to keep you company.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T09:48:49-05:00
@Professor F, you know what the problem with phenominal cosmic power is don't you?
I am going to have to go with villains. superpower- everything a kitty isn't. Sits there on the sofa judging people in a trollish manner. Eats normal things, and whose response to most things important is "really....meh"
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T09:49:00-05:00
@Trinkets, let us never speak of that movie again.
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-30T09:49:39-05:00
Sorry, I've given up on following the comments thread because it has devolved into something with zero relevant content re: Exploding Kittens. If anything, it could drive potential new backers off since it adds nothing of value to their awareness of the game.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T09:49:58-05:00 bad. I'm putting myself in time out for that. See you in 10 minutes.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T09:51:01-05:00
@Jeff, there's nothing new to discuss. When we get something new to talk about, that may change.
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-30T09:52:00-05:00
The trouble is all the static easily will bury any actual content that may arise.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T09:52:05-05:00
@Jeff, thats okay, but hey, turn that frown upside down! ;)
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T09:52:17-05:00
@The Historian, I eat black holes for breakfast while EinsteinRosen bridges have their way with me.
@Non-Euclitten, I suppose you felt my sensual powers and got lucky.
@EU Friendly, yes, no responsibilities whatsoever
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T09:52:27-05:00
@Trinkets, it's all good.
@Jeff, this is what happens when people wait in a comments section for an update. Once we have more information the comments will get back on point. In the meantime we're entertaining ourselves.
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T09:52:32-05:00
@Robb - The comments are nothing, but speculation and add nothing of relevance. We may as well have some fun with it.
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T09:53:00-05:00
Err sorry Rob, meant @Jeff
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T09:53:16-05:00
@Professor F, wrong. Itty bitty living space! *puts lid on the lamp and sets inside cave of wonders*
@jeff a community of people who are having fun around the game isnt a bad thing. if people who are thinking of backing, decide not to back because people on the comments are having fun, they probably werent going to back anyways. I threw my money at the game based on how simple and fun it would be. plus these comments are way better than the "GIVE ME STREEEEEECHHHHHH FREE STUFFFFFF NOWWWWSSSSS" and crap like that
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-30T09:53:58-05:00
Then mark me down as Jeff "The Curmudgeon" ...
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-30T09:54:17-05:00
Hello! Sorry I'm late. I wanted to join the villian team and had to have time to think of a name and superpower.
Name: Geist de la Muerte
Power: Granting exploding kittens nine lives (so that they can come back and explode some more)
Ruinaes 2015-01-30T09:54:35-05:00
Anxiously awaiting the next update. :)
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T09:54:37-05:00
/encloses the cave of wonders in a closed time loop...
well, so much for Prof. F. ;)
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T09:55:15-05:00
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T09:56:18-05:00
@The Curmudgeon, so... are you powers the ability to tell those 'darn kids to get off your lawn'? ;)
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T09:56:26-05:00
This whole thing evolved from us getting tired of people asking for SGs and EU friendly every 10 minutes. Heck, one guy posted the same request at least 2 dozen times over two days. So we started getting creative in our responses, and, well... the internet...
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T09:56:26-05:00
Welcome @curmudgeon, we've been expecting you.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T09:56:36-05:00
@The Crumudgeon, consider it done, would like to be neutral or a villain, I'm just assuming you didn't want to be a hero...
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T09:57:26-05:00
Welcome @ghost of the dead, we've been expecting you.
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-30T09:57:31-05:00
@ The Historian
Thanks! I wasn't sure if that power was taken already. Seemed like such an obvious one since cats seem to have nine lives anyway. (Especially the cat that came back to life after being buried for 5 days) 2015-01-30T09:57:33-05:00
Actually, I think this is much more interesting then most kickstarter comments because they tend to be a bit whiny usually. I suggest the oatmeal just write a few inane comics about the game and post them as updates.... probably what everyone wants anyways. The idea of getting much more than improved card-stock or possibly some sort of container for the game is ridiculous anyway unless it is an add-on item we have to pay more for. The fact is for $35 this is about maxed out for them to make a decent product. As someone who has worked in the printing industry, their are costs most people don't even know about and then their is shipping...
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T09:57:42-05:00
Just so everyone is aware, Wicked Felina regularly informs us that she does not tolerate belly-achers. So if he's evil, he's in another camp.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T09:57:45-05:00
@Da Horror, ummm nice to have you? lol!
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T09:57:52-05:00
attempting time loop penetration..
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2; a2 + b2 = (a + b)2 − 2ab
(a − b)2 = a2 − 2ab + b2; a2 + b2 = (a − b)2 + 2ab
(a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2(ab + bc + ca)
(a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab(a + b); a3 + b3 = (a + b)3 − 3ab(a + b)
(a − b)3 = a3 − b3 − 3ab(a − b); a3 − b3 = (a − b)3 + 3ab(a − b)
a2 − b2 = (a + b)(a − b)
a3 − b3 = (a − b)(a2 + ab + b2)
a3 + b3 = (a + b)(a2 − ab + b2)
an − bn = (a − b)(an−1 + an−2b + an−3b2 + ··· + bn−1)
an = a.a.a . . . n times = am+n
an = am−n if m>n
= 1 if m = n
= 1
an−m if m<n; a ∈ R, a 6= 0
13. (am)n = amn = (an)m
14. (ab)n =
15. a
= an
a0 = 1 where a ∈ R, a 6= 0
a−n = 1
an , an = 1
ap/q = √q ap
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T09:58:13-05:00
@Ruinaes, so say we all!
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-30T09:59:14-05:00
Tells kids to get off my lawn _and_ shakes my "Great Cane of Doom" ™ at them!
Non-euclittens are eldritch abominations. They exist outside yourdefintion of time and sace
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-30T09:59:40-05:00
Actually, I'm hanging out here, because I'm waiting for Rush pre-sales tickets to go on sale!!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T10:01:01-05:00
You know, it occurs to me that maybe we haven't seen Shane and Matt in the comments because they don't WANT to be seen. What if they're here just like everyone else but changed their display name to get people's thoughts undercover.
It has to be the one you least suspect... Eric B., TheWarStore... looking in your direction. ¬_¬
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T10:01:05-05:00
@Jeff, because I've always wanted to know, is old prog rock, modern now? lol
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T10:01:20-05:00
@The Curmudgeon, I haven't seen the Great Cane of Doom since the the Potatten Revolt of 2351, excellent use of it!
Jonathan Govednik 2015-01-30T10:01:30-05:00
Disarm Card Idea: Dolphin BBQ scratching post.
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-30T10:01:51-05:00
Welcome @ghost of the dead, we've been expecting you.
You know German and Spanish?
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-30T10:02:06-05:00
They can't be "the War Store" -- I've bought from that firm before!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T10:02:12-05:00
@Prof. F, you'll have to better than that...
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T10:03:40-05:00
That's why it's such a perfect disguise!!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T10:03:41-05:00
@Jonathan, is that scratching post made of a dolphin or just dolphin flavored?
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T10:03:54-05:00
attempting time loop penetration
α + β = −b a = − coeff. of x coeff. of x2 ii) α · β = c a = constant term coeff. of x2
(n) = Sn = n 2 (a + l) = n 2 {2a + (n − 1)d} = a + (n − 1)d.
γ3 = 13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + ··· + n3 = n2
4 (n + 1)2.
v = v0 + at ∑ F = m a
x = x0 + v0t + ½at2
∑ F = dp
v = ds
a = dv
v2 = v02 + 2a(x − x0)
v̅ = ½(v + v0)
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-30T10:04:02-05:00
Yeah, imagine my surprise. I bought this house, and in the back yard was a big rock with a cane stuck in it. I was the only one able to pull the cane from the stone, and thus became the wielder of the Great Cane of Doom ™
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T10:04:05-05:00
...or maybe you're one of them. ¬_¬
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T10:05:17-05:00
@Jeff, one of us, one of us, one of us!
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-30T10:05:50-05:00
We're only a half mil from knocking down Levar's other record; I still say he's kidnapped the EK crew and has locked them up in his old "Roots" shackles.
Mustafa Abbass 2015-01-30T10:06:34-05:00
Which shipping company will be handle freight shipping (worldwide)?
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-30T10:06:38-05:00
And Levar is force-feeding them old fruitcakes.
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T10:06:47-05:00
Exorbitant thought processes have taken a toll to my sexual prowess. Dropping some Cialis & going for a wank. Will be back in a few hours.
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-30T10:07:16-05:00
Need any tissues Professor?
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T10:08:09-05:00
No thanks, I let them ride free
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-30T10:09:33-05:00
LOL! Free range breeders!
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-30T10:09:57-05:00
When you get back Prof. F, try Raleigh Chaos Theory. If that doesn't work you're gonna have to go Mandelbrot all up in their business.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T10:10:10-05:00
@The Curmudgeon, Just remember, with Great Canes of Doom come great responsibility... and if you hit the SG a EU friendly trinket with sleeve.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T10:10:34-05:00
@Bob, quiet you fool, you'll release him!
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T10:10:35-05:00
@Bob, thanks, but apparently you live in a Faraday Cage
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-30T10:11:39-05:00
No Prof, I escaped the cage years ago. The Powers of Tesla, ENGAGE!
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T10:12:55-05:00
I think you got trapped in that Time Loop the Historian cast.
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T10:13:10-05:00
Cheetah Butt sprints in, seemingly out of nowhere.
Hi all. I'm about 40 comments from being current. Ready for another glorious day in Potattentopia!
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-30T10:13:30-05:00
@Bob Lindley
No wonder you escaped. Tesla is the electric Jesus after all.
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-30T10:13:33-05:00
Using the Great Cane of Doom ™ like whack-a-mole to nail trinkets and EU friendly shipping since 2015.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T10:13:56-05:00
@Mustafa, not sure, it's not in the FAQs yet.
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-30T10:14:44-05:00
May I be Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley?
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T10:14:49-05:00
@The Curmudgeon, that is a fantastic tag line, sir.
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T10:15:30-05:00
signs off
"Göttingetten” 2015-01-30T10:15:41-05:00
Shane and Matt probably are not in the comments because Elan is heading up this part of the job. He’s the one who is the “creator” of this Kickstarter so while the others probably are looking in from time to time Elan is the face of Team EK on Kickstarter. Matt is probably busy drawing and doing other things including his day job. Shane also has a day job. For right now Exploding Kittens probably is Elan’s day job and if so he’s busy working to get everything in place so production can get going as soon as the project is over and funds are released.
Go Elan and thank you.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T10:15:58-05:00
@Powers of Tesla, you got it (of course forthwith I'm shortening your name to 'POT').
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-30T10:16:59-05:00
@ Historian I am a child of the 60's/70's so.... that works.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T10:17:23-05:00
@Monica, what is this madness, how dare you inject reasonable ideas into this conversion?
Now... can I interest you in a nice fuitatten?
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-30T10:17:51-05:00
(hold cane over head) "By the Power of Grayhair"!!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T10:17:55-05:00
@POT, welcome to the club. So... are you hero, villain or neutral?
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-30T10:19:54-05:00
@Chris, Morning!
Jean "The Insta(nt)gator" Roberts 2015-01-30T10:20:07-05:00
I am The Instatgator -I stir things up, for my own amusement
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-30T10:20:56-05:00
@Jean Roberts, so you my kid brother. He likes to stir things up as well
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T10:21:19-05:00
Hmmm... the heros seem to be taking a beating this morning, all the saddness just makes my telepathetic powers stronger!
Jean "The Insta(nt)gator" Roberts 2015-01-30T10:21:31-05:00
@ DHJ It's a special talent...
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T10:22:19-05:00
Looks like an eleven-year-old wants a deck that's racier than the Kid Friendly, but not as hard core as the NSFW version. How many tweens would like to see a PG version? ... Perhaps with potattens?
Raccoon City's Finest 2015-01-30T10:22:35-05:00
Isn't "Hero" and "Villain" just a matter of perspective?
(At least until a winner is chosen. Then he gets do write the history.)
Emberlynn "Queen Kittzel" Smith 2015-01-30T10:22:40-05:00
I have to say these comments are very entertaining lol. Keep up the good work amusing the masses. =^.^=
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-30T10:22:42-05:00
I am a chaotic force within the universe, as was the man Tesla himself. A benign presence most of the time, attempting to use my powers only for the betterment of man (and Kitten) kind. I can be pushed to lash out with ferocity unexpected from one of my mild demeanor. My creations can be used for amazing good or horrific evil. Mess with me at your peril. : )
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-30T10:23:55-05:00
@EU Friendly
The villain is what makes a story interesting. Otherwise you have some nancy in blue and red spandex flying around doing nothing.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T10:24:17-05:00
@POT, is that peril EU friendly, does it come with trinkets? People need to know!
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-30T10:24:44-05:00
Now there's a villain name for you. "The Prancing Nancy" ...
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T10:25:14-05:00
...Great Mountain is greatly lost....this will teach me to have to go visit with unexpected visitors.
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-30T10:25:37-05:00
@Rod.. I'm afraid I am EU ambivalent.
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T10:25:40-05:00
Too much hero and villain talk right now. Everyone needs to get over themselves and resume the discussion about the fate of the free (kitten) world.
"Göttingetten” 2015-01-30T10:26:09-05:00
@ Chris, thanks but no. I just got up and stopped into look around. Since this space is for cheering on the creator (bless his heart), asking questions and talking to fellow backers; your conversations and silly fun are an entertaining part of the project. Enjoy yourselves and thanks for being respectful.
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-30T10:26:52-05:00
I grant kittens life. Isn't that enough for them?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T10:27:41-05:00
@GM, good morning to you sir!
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-30T10:28:03-05:00
@mr.PACG, are you talking like a face-off kind of face, where you switch faces?
God that movie sucked, sorry to have brought that up.
@Prof F, I live outside time, it is neither ally nor enemy to me. You may be cosmic but your still bound by the time stream... now behave or I'm sending a you to the ends of the stream where you'll have naught but fuitattens to keep you company.
@Professor F, you know what the problem with phenominal cosmic power is don't you?
I am going to have to go with villains. superpower- everything a kitty isn't. Sits there on the sofa judging people in a trollish manner. Eats normal things, and whose response to most things important is "really....meh"
@Trinkets, let us never speak of that movie again.
@Professor F you must be my new neighbour
Sorry, I've given up on following the comments thread because it has devolved into something with zero relevant content re: Exploding Kittens. If anything, it could drive potential new backers off since it adds nothing of value to their awareness of the game. bad. I'm putting myself in time out for that. See you in 10 minutes.
@Jeff, there's nothing new to discuss. When we get something new to talk about, that may change.
The trouble is all the static easily will bury any actual content that may arise.
@Jeff, thats okay, but hey, turn that frown upside down! ;)
@The Historian, I eat black holes for breakfast while EinsteinRosen bridges have their way with me.
@Non-Euclitten, I suppose you felt my sensual powers and got lucky.
@EU Friendly, yes, no responsibilities whatsoever
@Trinkets, it's all good.
@Jeff, this is what happens when people wait in a comments section for an update. Once we have more information the comments will get back on point. In the meantime we're entertaining ourselves.
@Robb - The comments are nothing, but speculation and add nothing of relevance. We may as well have some fun with it.
Err sorry Rob, meant @Jeff
@Professor F, wrong. Itty bitty living space! *puts lid on the lamp and sets inside cave of wonders*
@jeff a community of people who are having fun around the game isnt a bad thing. if people who are thinking of backing, decide not to back because people on the comments are having fun, they probably werent going to back anyways. I threw my money at the game based on how simple and fun it would be. plus these comments are way better than the "GIVE ME STREEEEEECHHHHHH FREE STUFFFFFF NOWWWWSSSSS" and crap like that
Then mark me down as Jeff "The Curmudgeon" ...
Hello! Sorry I'm late. I wanted to join the villian team and had to have time to think of a name and superpower.
Name: Geist de la Muerte
Power: Granting exploding kittens nine lives (so that they can come back and explode some more)
Anxiously awaiting the next update. :)
/encloses the cave of wonders in a closed time loop...
well, so much for Prof. F. ;)
@Da Horror, ooo good power! :) Welcome!
Welcome Jeff "the crumudgeon" saxton!
@The Curmudgeon, so... are you powers the ability to tell those 'darn kids to get off your lawn'? ;)
This whole thing evolved from us getting tired of people asking for SGs and EU friendly every 10 minutes. Heck, one guy posted the same request at least 2 dozen times over two days. So we started getting creative in our responses, and, well... the internet...
Welcome @curmudgeon, we've been expecting you.
@The Crumudgeon, consider it done, would like to be neutral or a villain, I'm just assuming you didn't want to be a hero...
Welcome @ghost of the dead, we've been expecting you.
@ The Historian
Thanks! I wasn't sure if that power was taken already. Seemed like such an obvious one since cats seem to have nine lives anyway. (Especially the cat that came back to life after being buried for 5 days)
Actually, I think this is much more interesting then most kickstarter comments because they tend to be a bit whiny usually. I suggest the oatmeal just write a few inane comics about the game and post them as updates.... probably what everyone wants anyways. The idea of getting much more than improved card-stock or possibly some sort of container for the game is ridiculous anyway unless it is an add-on item we have to pay more for. The fact is for $35 this is about maxed out for them to make a decent product. As someone who has worked in the printing industry, their are costs most people don't even know about and then their is shipping...
Just so everyone is aware, Wicked Felina regularly informs us that she does not tolerate belly-achers. So if he's evil, he's in another camp.
@Da Horror, ummm nice to have you? lol!
attempting time loop penetration..
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2; a2 + b2 = (a + b)2 − 2ab
(a − b)2 = a2 − 2ab + b2; a2 + b2 = (a − b)2 + 2ab
(a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2(ab + bc + ca)
(a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab(a + b); a3 + b3 = (a + b)3 − 3ab(a + b)
(a − b)3 = a3 − b3 − 3ab(a − b); a3 − b3 = (a − b)3 + 3ab(a − b)
a2 − b2 = (a + b)(a − b)
a3 − b3 = (a − b)(a2 + ab + b2)
a3 + b3 = (a + b)(a2 − ab + b2)
an − bn = (a − b)(an−1 + an−2b + an−3b2 + ··· + bn−1)
an = a.a.a . . . n times = am+n
an = am−n if m>n
= 1 if m = n
= 1
an−m if m<n; a ∈ R, a 6= 0
13. (am)n = amn = (an)m
14. (ab)n =
15. a
= an
a0 = 1 where a ∈ R, a 6= 0
a−n = 1
an , an = 1
ap/q = √q ap
@Ruinaes, so say we all!
Tells kids to get off my lawn _and_ shakes my "Great Cane of Doom" ™ at them!
Non-euclittens are eldritch abominations. They exist outside yourdefintion of time and sace
Actually, I'm hanging out here, because I'm waiting for Rush pre-sales tickets to go on sale!!
You know, it occurs to me that maybe we haven't seen Shane and Matt in the comments because they don't WANT to be seen. What if they're here just like everyone else but changed their display name to get people's thoughts undercover.
It has to be the one you least suspect... Eric B., TheWarStore... looking in your direction. ¬_¬
@Jeff, because I've always wanted to know, is old prog rock, modern now? lol
@The Curmudgeon, I haven't seen the Great Cane of Doom since the the Potatten Revolt of 2351, excellent use of it!
Disarm Card Idea: Dolphin BBQ scratching post.
Welcome @ghost of the dead, we've been expecting you.
You know German and Spanish?
They can't be "the War Store" -- I've bought from that firm before!
@Prof. F, you'll have to better than that...
That's why it's such a perfect disguise!!
@Jonathan, is that scratching post made of a dolphin or just dolphin flavored?
attempting time loop penetration
α + β = −b a = − coeff. of x coeff. of x2 ii) α · β = c a = constant term coeff. of x2
(n) = Sn = n 2 (a + l) = n 2 {2a + (n − 1)d} = a + (n − 1)d.
γ3 = 13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + ··· + n3 = n2
4 (n + 1)2.
v = v0 + at ∑ F = m a
x = x0 + v0t + ½at2
∑ F = dp
v = ds
a = dv
v2 = v02 + 2a(x − x0)
v̅ = ½(v + v0)
Yeah, imagine my surprise. I bought this house, and in the back yard was a big rock with a cane stuck in it. I was the only one able to pull the cane from the stone, and thus became the wielder of the Great Cane of Doom ™
...or maybe you're one of them. ¬_¬
@Jeff, one of us, one of us, one of us!
We're only a half mil from knocking down Levar's other record; I still say he's kidnapped the EK crew and has locked them up in his old "Roots" shackles.
Which shipping company will be handle freight shipping (worldwide)?
And Levar is force-feeding them old fruitcakes.
Exorbitant thought processes have taken a toll to my sexual prowess. Dropping some Cialis & going for a wank. Will be back in a few hours.
Need any tissues Professor?
No thanks, I let them ride free
LOL! Free range breeders!
When you get back Prof. F, try Raleigh Chaos Theory. If that doesn't work you're gonna have to go Mandelbrot all up in their business.
@The Curmudgeon, Just remember, with Great Canes of Doom come great responsibility... and if you hit the SG a EU friendly trinket with sleeve.
@Bob, quiet you fool, you'll release him!
@Bob, thanks, but apparently you live in a Faraday Cage
No Prof, I escaped the cage years ago. The Powers of Tesla, ENGAGE!
I think you got trapped in that Time Loop the Historian cast.
Cheetah Butt sprints in, seemingly out of nowhere.
Hi all. I'm about 40 comments from being current. Ready for another glorious day in Potattentopia!
@Bob Lindley
No wonder you escaped. Tesla is the electric Jesus after all.
Using the Great Cane of Doom ™ like whack-a-mole to nail trinkets and EU friendly shipping since 2015.
@Mustafa, not sure, it's not in the FAQs yet.
May I be Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley?
@The Curmudgeon, that is a fantastic tag line, sir.
signs off
Shane and Matt probably are not in the comments because Elan is heading up this part of the job. He’s the one who is the “creator” of this Kickstarter so while the others probably are looking in from time to time Elan is the face of Team EK on Kickstarter. Matt is probably busy drawing and doing other things including his day job. Shane also has a day job. For right now Exploding Kittens probably is Elan’s day job and if so he’s busy working to get everything in place so production can get going as soon as the project is over and funds are released.
Go Elan and thank you.
@Powers of Tesla, you got it (of course forthwith I'm shortening your name to 'POT').
@ Historian I am a child of the 60's/70's so.... that works.
@Monica, what is this madness, how dare you inject reasonable ideas into this conversion?
Now... can I interest you in a nice fuitatten?
(hold cane over head) "By the Power of Grayhair"!!
@POT, welcome to the club. So... are you hero, villain or neutral?
@Chris, Morning!
I am The Instatgator -I stir things up, for my own amusement
@Jean Roberts, so you my kid brother. He likes to stir things up as well
Hmmm... the heros seem to be taking a beating this morning, all the saddness just makes my telepathetic powers stronger!
@ DHJ It's a special talent...
Looks like an eleven-year-old wants a deck that's racier than the Kid Friendly, but not as hard core as the NSFW version. How many tweens would like to see a PG version? ... Perhaps with potattens?
Isn't "Hero" and "Villain" just a matter of perspective?
(At least until a winner is chosen. Then he gets do write the history.)
I have to say these comments are very entertaining lol. Keep up the good work amusing the masses. =^.^=
I am a chaotic force within the universe, as was the man Tesla himself. A benign presence most of the time, attempting to use my powers only for the betterment of man (and Kitten) kind. I can be pushed to lash out with ferocity unexpected from one of my mild demeanor. My creations can be used for amazing good or horrific evil. Mess with me at your peril. : )
@EU Friendly
The villain is what makes a story interesting. Otherwise you have some nancy in blue and red spandex flying around doing nothing.
@POT, is that peril EU friendly, does it come with trinkets? People need to know!
Now there's a villain name for you. "The Prancing Nancy" ...
Wardenclyffe trinket?
...Great Mountain is greatly lost....this will teach me to have to go visit with unexpected visitors.
@Rod.. I'm afraid I am EU ambivalent.
Too much hero and villain talk right now. Everyone needs to get over themselves and resume the discussion about the fate of the free (kitten) world.
@ Chris, thanks but no. I just got up and stopped into look around. Since this space is for cheering on the creator (bless his heart), asking questions and talking to fellow backers; your conversations and silly fun are an entertaining part of the project. Enjoy yourselves and thanks for being respectful.
I grant kittens life. Isn't that enough for them?
@GM, good morning to you sir!
I am however, oddly, fruitcake friendly.
Being fruitcake friendly is rather shocking. How can you be friendly to such a static item?
If it's cold enough outside, you can be friendly to anything.
@Great Mountain... I'm Powers of Tesla. Static is what I do.
We should all go Edison on the fruitcake and electrocute it.