Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T19:27:35-05:00
I'll work on compiling interviews, press- etc... then mike can add to list. Don't want to inundate him wtih work!
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T19:27:36-05:00
I agree, Historian. I must get some for future offenses!
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-30T19:27:49-05:00
@Tchotchke I love the idea. And I think the EK would too. :)
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T19:27:49-05:00
@Tchotchke, I can start pulling a list of links and putting them on doc for future reference and ultimate addition to the site.
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T19:28:09-05:00
@Thunder Clap, I'm more of a UI guy. If someone else would volunteer to maintain a Wordpress blog, I can load it into a subdomain and give him/her admin access.
I have added a link to the Google Doc on the main page for convenience.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T19:29:02-05:00
There are many sites that have had interviews. If you do a google search for "exploding kittens interviews", you'll get a bunch.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T19:30:11-05:00
The wall has fallen! Onward, my minions!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T19:30:21-05:00
That 5mil is starting to look closer!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T19:30:45-05:00
@The Historian - at bottom of google doc, I've started a Press list. Most recent is first. let's title each artlce and when it was originally posted by news outlet.
I am not great with web designing but I can work on getting us a wordpress site up and running or if there is an easier blogging CMS that we can use I would be up for that as well.
The reason I am suggesting the use a blog setup is that we could then share the responsibility for keeping the site maintained without having to know much about html or coding in general.
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T19:31:46-05:00
@Creeper, feel free to inundate me with work, but be sure to prioritize what you want first. My PM link is below.
Mike what hosting provider are you using ? and do they have a wordpress deployment wizard ?
The easiest way to setup a semi professional looking website would be to use a one click install wizard if it is offered by your hosting provider.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T19:34:21-05:00
@LZ, nice move with that rum sauce!
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T19:35:11-05:00
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T19:35:14-05:00
@Lord Zombitten, I want cheering you on, I was setting the trap. You broke through the wrong wall!!!!
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T19:35:41-05:00
@Thunder Clap, I agree. If we share Admin chores, we'll get the site looking spiffy in a jiffy. (Sorry, couldn't help myself.) I'll let the rest of you decide who wants to maintain the forum and then I'll load the software and assign admin rights to that part of the site.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T19:36:26-05:00
@LZ, my I love when a good trap is sprung, all the EU Friendly trinkets won't help you now.
Nice work @Trinkets
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T19:36:51-05:00
FYI I'm using GoDaddy, but I'm not selling any puppies. I promise.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T19:37:12-05:00
I absolutely suck at all things design, but if you run into any programming or tech hurdles, give me a shout.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T19:37:14-05:00
@CheetahButt, please refrain from spamming the comments
ugggggggggg I absolutely hate GoDaddy. They charge extra for domain privacy and they don't exactly have the best customer service, and on top of that its not easy to transfer domains away from them.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T19:38:33-05:00
@trinkets haaaaahaha. @The Historian - i've added a few already, mainly the major news outlets at the moment.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T19:39:15-05:00
@Trinkets, Nooooooooo!
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T19:39:22-05:00
I have to try and pre-avenge my future fallen friends in 2114 as you have foretold. Or is it recall for you? Are you looking ahead or behind in time?
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T19:41:01-05:00
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-30T19:41:24-05:00
GoDaddy is an agent of The Man!
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T19:41:28-05:00
@Lord Zombitten, all I needed to do was misdirected your attention.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T19:42:02-05:00
If you pre-avenge something that will never happen due to the pre-avenging, aren't you just committing murder at that point?
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T19:42:30-05:00
Wait, is that a cache of exploding hairballs? Halt! Get me those balls!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T19:42:57-05:00
Is pre-avenging EU friendly?
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T19:43:14-05:00
hahaha... Hell BaKhan!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T19:43:25-05:00
*ahem* sorry- HellO
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T19:43:34-05:00
Run, you scurvy zombittens. We'll be coming for you, and HELL'S COMING WITH US! DO YOU HEAR, HELL'S COMING WITH US!!!!!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T19:43:39-05:00
@Creeper, cool, I'll dump the links that I've collected so far into the doc in a sec. Then I need to depart again, Mrs. Historian requires fancy coffee drinks but I need more milk in order to make those a reality for her. be back in a bit!
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-30T19:43:43-05:00
Sorry Lord Z. It's just regular hairballs. The Powers of Tesla compels you!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T19:44:00-05:00
@Trinkets, I love Tombstone :)
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T19:44:24-05:00
It's a bummer we won't hit 5 million tonight, but I assume we'll at least hit 125k backers, not a bad consolation prize
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T19:44:25-05:00
Tesla has no power over the undead!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T19:44:45-05:00
I'm your huckleberry...
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-30T19:45:00-05:00
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T19:45:23-05:00
Your lies will not faze me. Those balls are MINE!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T19:45:25-05:00
@Creeper, nevermind, you grabbed what I've pulled so far. I'll see where you're at when I get back and I'll contribute any additional articles I track down.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T19:45:50-05:00
@Historian...Truer words, may never be uttered. That movie is...... I can't come up with an adjective appropriate enough to describe it. Perfection would be my only guess.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T19:45:51-05:00
@The Historian - enjoy making fancy coffee drinks for Mrs. The Historian
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T19:46:00-05:00
@LZ, I don't know if your information is current...
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T19:47:56-05:00
I saw a collector's tin of EU friendly hairballs with trinkets and sleeves. Why would ordinary hairballs have all that? No, they're exploders!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T19:48:50-05:00
Those EU Friendly Hairballs would most definitely need special handling gloves.
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-30T19:49:25-05:00
Half a mil. Levar. We're coming for you. Veronica, better start running.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T19:49:48-05:00
@Creeper, could I suggest sleeves?
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-30T19:50:19-05:00
Only half a mil? Dang!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T19:50:21-05:00
See why I didn't want to reveal my web host? You end up with a bunch of unhappy people! Remember, this started out as a simple HTML fact sheet. We'll be fine.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T19:52:52-05:00
See ya trinkets!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T19:53:01-05:00
@BaKhan - That's a given.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T19:53:29-05:00
agreed, Mike. Keep on keepin' on. No need to overcomplicate things!
Criswell The Tiny Epic Weatherman 2015-01-30T19:57:44-05:00
Eric, no, i was NOT calling you an idiot - I was commenting on the reference to tomorrow in update 7 - how many tomorrows have passed since then?
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T19:58:12-05:00
@Pottaten @Cheetah Butt- i think it's more people are super excited about everything, and getting head of themselves. We'll do one thing at a time. For now, I'm working on press links, and people are working on a logo. That's all we need for the time being. :) we'll keep it simple, don't worry.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-30T20:01:04-05:00
I changed my picture. :)
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T20:01:40-05:00
The amount of press and insane amount of backers has all their heads spinning a bit, and i'm sure they're trying to figure out a feasible update for all the backers!
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T20:05:07-05:00
Heheheeee! I got the hairballs. Now it's time to regroup and rebuild.
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T20:05:24-05:00
@Potatten, there's already talk about a blog or forum, but I don't want to pull people away from the comments here. It wouldn't be fair to the Creators and it would dilute this community too soon. I'm happy to keep it as a guide to the comments at least until the funding period is over.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-30T20:06:54-05:00
@Potatten totally understandable. I liked the lego kitty so much I had to use it.
have either of you had any experience with wordpress or Weebly ?
and I agree that the forum should wait until after the funding is over. The reason I want a forum though is that it would later on give us structure instead of having to scroll through 1,000's of posts each day.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T20:11:54-05:00
agreed on holding off on forum. One place to comment will be simpler, but i understand what you're saying Post-campaign. I use wix, so i do have some familiarity with templates, etc. But, I think what we've got so far, just an update on the campaign and the comments section is all we need right now. I can keep adding on google doc and send updates to mike when he has time.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T20:12:42-05:00
Ooooh... almost 9000 comments!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T20:12:54-05:00
Did backer 123456 ever show?
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T20:13:15-05:00
I have had experience with Wordpress, but it's just too constraining to me as a programmer. I have no problem with installing it for someone else to set up when the time comes.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T20:13:28-05:00
I don't think so
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T20:14:07-05:00
I don't think we need to do that just yet. I'm fine with how we're rolling for the time being. :)
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T20:14:44-05:00
Unless of course, yes- there's someone else that would rather get that taken care of. I have enough trouble working on my own site. I'm still happy to keep an eye on comments and updates here.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-30T20:15:48-05:00
Wasn't the comments at only 4,000 a couple days ago too?
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T20:15:55-05:00
@blackhawk - the juxtaposition between fluffy kitty and 'painful to step on' leggo's -quite nice.
I'll work on compiling interviews, press- etc... then mike can add to list. Don't want to inundate him wtih work!
I agree, Historian. I must get some for future offenses!
@Tchotchke I love the idea. And I think the EK would too. :)
@Tchotchke, I can start pulling a list of links and putting them on doc for future reference and ultimate addition to the site.
@Thunder Clap, I'm more of a UI guy. If someone else would volunteer to maintain a Wordpress blog, I can load it into a subdomain and give him/her admin access.
I have added a link to the Google Doc on the main page for convenience.
There are many sites that have had interviews. If you do a google search for "exploding kittens interviews", you'll get a bunch.
The wall has fallen! Onward, my minions!
That 5mil is starting to look closer!
@The Historian - at bottom of google doc, I've started a Press list. Most recent is first. let's title each artlce and when it was originally posted by news outlet.
I am not great with web designing but I can work on getting us a wordpress site up and running or if there is an easier blogging CMS that we can use I would be up for that as well.
The reason I am suggesting the use a blog setup is that we could then share the responsibility for keeping the site maintained without having to know much about html or coding in general.
@Creeper, feel free to inundate me with work, but be sure to prioritize what you want first. My PM link is below.…
@LZ, so how's it feel leading this latest charge?
I'll make lists on google doc, then send them to you. may as well streamline, then do one at a time. The historian will be adding as well.
It's good! The fruitattens aren't much of a match for my zombitten cavalry, especially with the pirattens there to devour them
Should I pull every news site mention of EK I can track down?
Mike what hosting provider are you using ? and do they have a wordpress deployment wizard ?
The easiest way to setup a semi professional looking website would be to use a one click install wizard if it is offered by your hosting provider.
@LZ, nice move with that rum sauce!
@Lord Zombitten, I want cheering you on, I was setting the trap. You broke through the wrong wall!!!!
@Thunder Clap, I agree. If we share Admin chores, we'll get the site looking spiffy in a jiffy. (Sorry, couldn't help myself.) I'll let the rest of you decide who wants to maintain the forum and then I'll load the software and assign admin rights to that part of the site.
@LZ, my I love when a good trap is sprung, all the EU Friendly trinkets won't help you now.
Nice work @Trinkets
FYI I'm using GoDaddy, but I'm not selling any puppies. I promise.
I absolutely suck at all things design, but if you run into any programming or tech hurdles, give me a shout.
@CheetahButt, please refrain from spamming the comments
ugggggggggg I absolutely hate GoDaddy. They charge extra for domain privacy and they don't exactly have the best customer service, and on top of that its not easy to transfer domains away from them.
@trinkets haaaaahaha. @The Historian - i've added a few already, mainly the major news outlets at the moment.
@Trinkets, Nooooooooo!
I have to try and pre-avenge my future fallen friends in 2114 as you have foretold. Or is it recall for you? Are you looking ahead or behind in time?
My personal preference for hosting is or if you want dirt cheap but still reliable then
GoDaddy is an agent of The Man!
@Lord Zombitten, all I needed to do was misdirected your attention.
If you pre-avenge something that will never happen due to the pre-avenging, aren't you just committing murder at that point?
Wait, is that a cache of exploding hairballs? Halt! Get me those balls!
Is pre-avenging EU friendly?
hahaha... Hell BaKhan!
*ahem* sorry- HellO
Run, you scurvy zombittens. We'll be coming for you, and HELL'S COMING WITH US! DO YOU HEAR, HELL'S COMING WITH US!!!!!
@Creeper, cool, I'll dump the links that I've collected so far into the doc in a sec. Then I need to depart again, Mrs. Historian requires fancy coffee drinks but I need more milk in order to make those a reality for her. be back in a bit!
Sorry Lord Z. It's just regular hairballs. The Powers of Tesla compels you!
@Trinkets, I love Tombstone :)
It's a bummer we won't hit 5 million tonight, but I assume we'll at least hit 125k backers, not a bad consolation prize
Tesla has no power over the undead!
I'm your huckleberry...
Your lies will not faze me. Those balls are MINE!
@Creeper, nevermind, you grabbed what I've pulled so far. I'll see where you're at when I get back and I'll contribute any additional articles I track down.
@Historian...Truer words, may never be uttered. That movie is...... I can't come up with an adjective appropriate enough to describe it. Perfection would be my only guess.
@The Historian - enjoy making fancy coffee drinks for Mrs. The Historian
@LZ, I don't know if your information is current...
I saw a collector's tin of EU friendly hairballs with trinkets and sleeves. Why would ordinary hairballs have all that? No, they're exploders!
Those EU Friendly Hairballs would most definitely need special handling gloves.
Half a mil. Levar. We're coming for you. Veronica, better start running.
@Creeper, could I suggest sleeves?
Only half a mil? Dang!
are they ambidextrous?
Mils are more accurate than degrees, there are more of them.
Crap. Hafta bounce. Keep up the fight and for God's sake, someone watch @Lord Zombitten!!
Hmmm levar purrton, Veronica mews?
@Creeper, of course! But now I suppose you'll want a tin?
@Rod: new super villains I'm unaware of?
See why I didn't want to reveal my web host? You end up with a bunch of unhappy people! Remember, this started out as a simple HTML fact sheet. We'll be fine.
See ya trinkets!
@BaKhan - That's a given.
agreed, Mike. Keep on keepin' on. No need to overcomplicate things!
Lego kitten approves
@Dr P, well that's what I've heard. I mean, I don't have anything against them personally, but they are in the way right?
@Cheetahbutt: people trying to make things more complicated than they need to be? I'm seriously asking, I missed like 700 comments...
Lego Kitty! ^-^
@Cheetah Butt, don't take any of that litter! I wouldn't put up with it either!…
Eric, no, i was NOT calling you an idiot - I was commenting on the reference to tomorrow in update 7 - how many tomorrows have passed since then?
@Pottaten @Cheetah Butt- i think it's more people are super excited about everything, and getting head of themselves. We'll do one thing at a time. For now, I'm working on press links, and people are working on a logo. That's all we need for the time being. :) we'll keep it simple, don't worry.…
Oh ok. I like where it's going; it was nice, simple and well put together. No need to break what wasn't broken after all.
HI Criswell - here's a link to Elan's comments that he's added since last official update:
I changed my picture. :)
The amount of press and insane amount of backers has all their heads spinning a bit, and i'm sure they're trying to figure out a feasible update for all the backers!
@Cal: for like a whole minuet it was just a blank white circle... I was trying to figure out what you were trying to infer lol...
@Potatten that is weird. I would be Blankhawk then if it had never changed.
@Blackhawk, nice one!
lol, that's why I was confused
Heheheeee! I got the hairballs. Now it's time to regroup and rebuild.
@Potatten, there's already talk about a blog or forum, but I don't want to pull people away from the comments here. It wouldn't be fair to the Creators and it would dilute this community too soon. I'm happy to keep it as a guide to the comments at least until the funding period is over.
@Potatten totally understandable. I liked the lego kitty so much I had to use it.
@Melissa and @Mike
have either of you had any experience with wordpress or Weebly ?
and I agree that the forum should wait until after the funding is over. The reason I want a forum though is that it would later on give us structure instead of having to scroll through 1,000's of posts each day.
agreed on holding off on forum. One place to comment will be simpler, but i understand what you're saying Post-campaign. I use wix, so i do have some familiarity with templates, etc. But, I think what we've got so far, just an update on the campaign and the comments section is all we need right now. I can keep adding on google doc and send updates to mike when he has time.
Ooooh... almost 9000 comments!
Did backer 123456 ever show?
I have had experience with Wordpress, but it's just too constraining to me as a programmer. I have no problem with installing it for someone else to set up when the time comes.
I don't think so
I don't think we need to do that just yet. I'm fine with how we're rolling for the time being. :)
Unless of course, yes- there's someone else that would rather get that taken care of. I have enough trouble working on my own site. I'm still happy to keep an eye on comments and updates here.
Wasn't the comments at only 4,000 a couple days ago too?
@blackhawk - the juxtaposition between fluffy kitty and 'painful to step on' leggo's -quite nice.
aside from Wordpress, do you have any suggestions as to what would be the best way to manage the site ?