@GM, ouch! Thats pretty much where I was at. No money for raises, with the days off without pay, I made less money per year, year over year for the last two years... No money for training, yet I saw many other banches providing training for their staff... Yeah, I think its time to update that resume bro!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-25T04:26:20-04:00
I guess the lesson is when they act like they don't want you there, be ready to not be there?
Dang, yesterday was busy, so I couldn't comment here. Well, I had the morning, but unless someone wants to get up at 2-3 am central time to have a conversation with me...
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-25T05:32:18-04:00
@GM: maybe it's because, in America, there is an expectation of getting a raise most every year. No matter how small. As long as you meet or exceed your yearly goals, it's thought you get a raise.
Not that a company HAS to give you one. No law says that but many companies don't want people to just stay for a couple of years and then bounce to another company. Takes too much money to hire and retrain someone else.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-25T09:04:46-04:00
Morning Kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-25T09:11:50-04:00
@Geist, that is normally what happens up here too. Normally, you will get what they call a cost of living allowance, which is a 2% raise per year as a minimum. The economy has been shite though, so when that happens, raises are typically the first thing to go. Alberta is an oil province, so when the cost of oil drops, it heavily effects our economy. So we tend to have a boom and bust cycle. Its been that way my whole life. Thats why we moved east when I was young, and why we came back. Its funny, but the good times are really good, just wish the low times weren't so low. ;)
You know when you have so much to do, and so many different things, that you don't know where to start? That's me today...and I'm going to lose it soon.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-25T14:12:25-04:00
@GM, you've just described my new job perfectly! ;) Start with the vegetables! I always put the least desirable things first, so it gets easier as you go! I find that it feels more rewarding that way. Just my opinion. ;) (oh, and now let the kittens at me for picking on vegetables...) ;p
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-25T14:26:20-04:00
My best friend is a vegetable!
wait, no, that actually means something way different than I meant it to. I meant like the food vegetable, I swear!
@BaKhan: Sadly, 90% of it is manual entries of adjustments where I need to jump from on divisions batch, to another, then another, then over to the salaried payroll, and do the same thing. THEN when the admins FINALLY get back to me, if there are changes then I need to delete the employees hours that were loaded already, update the spreadsheet they sent the adjustment in, reload it, re-run the reports for them to check over again, and fix any adjustments if there are any for employees that the admin had to correct. Plus anything my manager refuses(yes, she REFUSES to do anything US payroll related) to do.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-25T15:10:06-04:00
You know when you have so much to do, and so many different things, that you don't know where to start?
That is the way I feel when it's time to clean my apartment.
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-25T15:36:57-04:00
I know exactly what to do and where to start. My issue is that I don't want to. You see, my boss wants me to run the numbers on a new test platform AGAIN!! We've already run the numbers on this five times, and it's already been approved by the Diagnostic Committee twice. I don't understand what new information he hopes to glean from Running Numbers 6: The Runnenning
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-25T16:22:32-04:00
So yet another advantage to working from home... Fed Ex just showed up with my copy of Bears vs. Babies! Whoo hoo!
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-25T16:34:36-04:00
It's a fantastic game!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-25T16:50:39-04:00
Heck yeah, BaKhan! It really is fun, and apparently I'm pretty good at it. My brother only ever beat me once! I guess the trick is to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em..... no wait, is to know when to sacrifice and when to push your plans forward more than you're comfortable doing.
Man, if only we can all get together for a KittenCon, even with just EK and BvB it would be an amazing time, and yet we have so many more games! Heck, I haven't even tried Tricksters yet. (oh s***, no one tell Aether. I just haven't found a group to play it with yet.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-25T17:52:46-04:00
I can't wait to try it out! Hopefully this weekend! Love that furry box so much! If only it were plaid, ambidextrous and EU friendly... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-26T03:37:11-04:00
Well, the box itself, so far as I can tell, is plenty ambidextrous. It also fits in all standard furry-box sleeves. EU-friendly, though? I don't think fur made from the fury of a thousand bears is ideal for customs.
Want to know how I find out people have no fricken clue about what's going on? I send out lists EVERY payroll to the admins to check and make sure everyone who should be getting paid, is being paid. Apparently, nobody looks at it. Hell, the HR director doesn't know what's going on 80% of the time, considering she has a hand in all the salaried hires.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-26T09:53:48-04:00
@GM, ouch! Man I don't know what to say anymore. They are damned lucky to have you, thats all I know. I wouldn't be able to put up with that. People in charge, need to be in charge! If they aren't, how could they possibly be in a position of authority. Authority means, knowledge. Thats my minimum expectation. So if a person doesn't want to be in charge but wants the pay check, their manager should know this, and deal with it accordingly. I read a quote somewhere that said (paraphrased) exceptional people can't work for substandard ones. I really think this is your position bro. Things are starting to shake loose out there, I would start looking if I were you. Don't get caught in the trap of being there so long it feels comfortable, I know that trap all too well. I get praised every day for what I'm bringing to this new job, and it feels great. I was a scapegoat and an excuse not to get rid of substandard people around me because I felt obligated to pick up their slack. Its amazing how much you can get done, when you only have to do your own job, and not your managers as well. Just saying. Chin up GM, you got this!
@BaKhan: And not have to do HRs job of managing the 401k, benefits, following up with finding out how much is to be deducted for the benefits when they are eligible....I have filing that has been sitting on the spare desk in my office from Aug last year because whenever I try to get to it, shit hits the fan and I need to drop everything to pay some idiot who hands in his time late(had a guy hand in his time TODAY - cut off was Monday at noon)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-26T10:23:32-04:00
@GM, well Occam's razor would say, the only person who can help you here, is you! You know what to do marine! Go Go Go!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-26T15:42:00-04:00
Afternoon kittens! Sorry, it's been really hella busy here since the pay run is Friday. Hope you guys week is going by quick enough.
@BaKhan: I was thinking of bringing some American candy with me when I visit. What do you think? What candies do we have down here that you guys don't get much of up there?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-26T16:00:36-04:00
@Gesit, Good to see you! ;) Good luck with the rest of your week, you can do it!
As per American Candy... I don't really know. We have most of what you guys do as far as big name stuff goes (or equivalent) like chocolate bars. So I'll have to leave it to you to decide, don't forget I have a nut allergy... ;) I would think maybe if you guys have a regional favorite or something that would be cool. What would be great would be some of that chicken sauce you were talking about last time, that sounded great! ;) The only other thing I can think of is Mr. Phibs (sp?) I remember seeing something about that and being intrigued. But I think that was soda? Anyways... I'm pretty excited, whatever you end up bringing! Yay!
Not that I can think of. Maybe something that is made locally would be the best way to find something we don't have.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-26T16:14:19-04:00
Yeah, thats what I was thinking. ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-26T16:18:19-04:00
@BaKhan: Chicken sauce? Do you mean mumbo sauce? That was started exclusively in the D.C. area and you won't find it outside the area. I grew up eating that stuff and it's made a come back by showing up in some of the more "upscale" restaurants.
I can definantly bring some Mr. Pibbs. Pretty sure I saw that in some of the dollar stores. As far as candy goes, I will make sure to pick only the ones that say they are nut free but I can't guarantee it.
I found an outfit to wear to the party. It's on sale now so I'm hoping to snag it my first check of next month. I feel so bad about my costume last year. It's one of the reasons why I'm pursuing sewing classes.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-26T16:24:20-04:00
I think I know what candy to bring! There is a website that sells candy from the past. Like from the time I was a kid that isn't around in the stores all that much. I think I'll see about buying and bringing some of that candy. Bubble gum cigarettes anyone?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-26T16:30:41-04:00
@Geist, that sounds like the sauce! You need to bring some if you can! ;) Fwiw, we all loved the costume that you had, no need to feel ashamed of it! Honestly, we loved having you! Candy from the past! Wowza! ;) Bubble gum cigarettes, lol, I remember we had some that were chocolate inside, well not actual chocolate, but some artificial fake but still awesome chocolate! ;) Remember Dip 'ems? I loved those things when I was a kid, but I'd always eat the candy stick before all the flavoured powder, and wind up with a dyed finger... ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-26T16:52:04-04:00
I remember Dip ems! I even remember how much I use to pay for them. ($.25, wow that was really cheap) Candy watches and necklaces were some of my faves because you could ware them. :-)
I'll be sure to bring some mumbo sauce. There is a hotel near where I work that serves it with their fried chicken. I'll see if they will sell me a bottle. Or I can make some and bring it with me. :-)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-26T17:14:11-04:00
@Geist, that would be so great! If you're going to make it, just let me know what to get, that'll save you the trouble of bringing it that way. I was going to try and make it myself, but never having had the original, would never know if I did it right (which is important to me). My sister liked the candy necklaces and bracelets too! I wasn't as into those, maybe they weren't masculine enough for me back then? ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-26T17:24:40-04:00
Mr. Pibb's is a discount Dr. Pepper that's not nearly as good. It tastes more like pepper somehow, though. Stick with the sodas you like already, it's not super worth trying.
Hey, GM, whenever you're having a hard time like this, think of me today slogging (appropriate onomatopoeia) through a field of super tall corn (8+ ft) that's half deep mud because it's been raining literally all night. Oh, and it's still raining but doesn't have the decency to lightning to get us out of the field. Also, the rows you're walking in, when not filled with ankle-deep water, are in deep, U-shaped ruts that are super slippery and hard to walk in. Then, going to bail out the rest of the crew in another field, the bus gets stuck and you wait 1 1/2 hours in a full, hot, humid bus with no open windows (due to rain) for a tow-truck to pull it out of the mud only to get to the field, see that they had personnel carriers (machines that do just that, elevating you and making it so you don't have to walk) I could have been sitting on my butt driving the entire time, walking one round (really not worth going all the way there at that point) also in the rain, and waiting half an hour on that bus for no reason before going 1 1/2 hours home.
Man, that was longer and way more intense than I intended. It also switched from "you" to "I" alot, haha! But yeah, think of that and your day should feel smoother. You deal with frustrating people. I'm dealing with frustrating... literally everything. In fact, the hours isolate me from anyone not also detasseling and I can't do anything else because I need to sleep. But it should all be over in half a week or so, hopefully!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-26T17:26:52-04:00
Or you could just think of my little brother working at the Jamboree today. He got sick (not a good place to be it, you have to walk a ton and work alot) and the exact day he ran out of clothes, the laundry stopped taking new loads!
Much more succinct and probably actually worse than my day.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-27T08:01:17-04:00
Morning kittens!
@BaKhan: I will bring samples (there are slightly different versions of this sauce) and recipes. From there we can see which version you like.
I'm also bringing a special surprise that I found when I attended Awesome Con this year. :-)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-27T10:27:15-04:00
Morning Kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-27T10:30:03-04:00
@Geist, oooh sauce and a surprise! Is it October yet? ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-27T11:21:17-04:00
@BaKhan: I wish. I'm so looking forward to the time off. And seeing Pumpkin again. :-)
Will I get a chance to help decorate the house like last time?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-27T11:32:36-04:00
@Geist, well you know how much stuff we have to put out... so I can't imagine that there wouldn't be something left to help with! ;) Plus I need your power! You were awesome with that royal icing last time! My hand was getting sore, and you just stepped up like, lets do this! And totally rocked it! Pumpkin is always up for extended out of town trips... just saying... ;P
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-27T11:44:14-04:00
@BaKhan: speaking of cookies, I have the following cookie cutter at home. Do you want me to bring it?
@Geist, oh my god yes! And why won't they ship to Canada? Booo! Its $5 off right now, hey you wanna pick one up for me, and I'll catch you back when you get here? $5.99 seems pretty darned affordable!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-27T12:29:21-04:00
@BaKhan: Not only would I get one for you, you wouldn't have to pay me back at all. It's the least I could do for hosting me again this year.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-27T13:09:13-04:00
@Geist, well thats just plain awesome! You know, its totally our pleasure to host you though, right? Awesome people are always welcome at my house! We really enjoyed our conversations with you! You taught us a lot, and you are a laugh riot! Hey, this time, we'll actually know who you are when you get off the plane! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-27T14:39:07-04:00
Man, you're making me jealous again! Dang I wish I could make it up there! We still need to plan a KittenCon that everyone somehow, magically, miraculously, can make it to.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-27T16:22:28-04:00
@Zem, man at some point you have to make it up here! If only for the Timmies! ;) But yeah, I agree we have to have a full on KittenCon, just with most of you living in the States, it certainly makes it harder to arrange. Where there's a will, there's a way! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-27T17:05:12-04:00
I'd love to come up to Canada, and your Halloween party sounds like the perfect time, but the only time I really have is summer, and even then I have alot going on most of the time, and that's a long ways to drive alone. Then again, LZ might be back to able to pull off our little plan to make it up there! Only thing is that even then, it's in the middle of Fall semester, and if you remember (don't think I've talked about it much here) I'm going to be in Berlin for the Spring semester.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-27T18:50:40-04:00
@BaKhan: I don't see why we can't have a Kitten Con at Disney some day. It's in the U.S., you and Misty love Disney and I'm sure it more of us could travel to either Florida or California.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-27T18:54:58-04:00
@Geist, hey now, you know I'd for sure be down with that! Now, convince everyone else! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-27T18:57:26-04:00
@Zem, you won't be in school forever either... just saying! ;) It would be great if you guys could all make it up here! But, life it seems keeps rearing its ugly head and making things complicated. I guess a zen approach would say if it's meant to be, it will happen. ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-28T04:14:30-04:00
I'd love to, Geist! I'd love to alot, except that it's like 1200 miles away and costs more to go there than even the gas for a 2500+ mile round trip. If I could somehow convince my parents to go as well, though...
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-28T05:37:57-04:00
Morning kittens! Friday is here at last! The office is planning a company celebration which means a free lunch for me then off to enjoy the weekend. Only three more months before I celebrate Halloween in Canada. Woot!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-28T10:04:08-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-28T10:04:34-04:00
@Geist, that sounds awesome! Have a great day!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-28T10:50:55-04:00
How come it always rains right after I go through the trouble of washing my hair?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-28T11:11:48-04:00
@Geist, its natures way of saying, oh, you like your hair wet, yeah, we can do that! ;)
Today got off to a "good" start. Slept through my alarm(have been having trouble sleeping this week, and last night was so hot, and windy so I had to keep my window closed to have SOME silence, that I couldn't sleep). Woke up an hour later than normal, contemplated not coming in today only to realize I have too much to do before the weekend.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-28T14:49:24-04:00
I've been having trouble going to sleep as well this week, and I don't know why. You'd think physical labor would make it really easy to sleep, but it's been taking even up to 2+ hours to fall asleep! It's really ruining my schedule.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-28T15:19:20-04:00
Note to self: No matter how bad you need to wash your hair, do not EVER do it at 2 in the morning. I've been fighting sleep all day and it doesn't help that it's over cast and rainy outside.
And the company lunch sucked. Boo!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-28T16:30:56-04:00
Overcast: Great!
Rainy: Not so great.
Company lunch sucking: Boo!
Being tired through it all: Priceless. Wait, no, that shifts everything 3 notches even more towards the suck end of the spectrum. Sorry your day is going like that, but as you noted earlier, it's Friday!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-31T05:38:26-04:00
Morning kittens. Another day, another dollar.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-31T09:44:05-04:00
Morning Kittens!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-31T10:00:45-04:00
Morning BaKhan! How as Misty's birthday party?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-31T10:32:59-04:00
@Geist, it went pretty well, even though we didn't get a great attendance. I felt a little bad, but Misty seemed to still have a good time. Sad reality is, that as we get older, we seem to have less friends that can make it out to events. I know Misty wanted to relive that massive blowout party that she had when she was 30 (before my time), but we still had fun. That was a couple of weeks ago, we had it on the 15th. The best part for me was the baking. I made some orange cranberry white chocolate cookies, that if I must say were wicked awesome! I also made her favorite apple sauce cake, but had an emergency substitution! I was at the point of no return with the batter when I realized I didn't have any raisins! So doing what any normal person would do, I found some dehydrated fruit in the pantry, chopped up the pineapple into raisin sized pieces and added those instead. It was a big hit! So lessen learned, if you even need raisins but don't have them, substitute another dried fruit, I guarantee it'll work out! Peaches could have worked very well as well. Yeah, for not being afraid of cooking! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-31T10:45:20-04:00
@BaKhan: I guess that is one of the reasons why I attend different meetup and other gatherings that are hosted by people I don't know. People my age don't seem to be interested.
Hopefully I'll be doing more baking before the year is out. I wanna make my own bread and sweets. I have 135 cookbooks (and counting) and in untold number of recipes that I've printed out so I have no excuse for not cooking more. I was thinking of making my own brunches, taking a picture and posting it online.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-31T10:53:25-04:00
@Geist, I think my single biggest obstacle is motivation. I find it hard to do things for myself, if its for someone else, I'll put in a ton of effort. If its just for me canned soup, or some toast is about all I'm up to do... mostly... ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-31T11:00:07-04:00
@BaKhan: I'd like to increase my cooking skill and maybe have folks over my place for a small dinner and conversation. That kind of stuff is popular in D.C. I recently joined a group called "Meal Tribes". Someone agrees to host at their place and the invited bring over a dish. It's how I met the person I'm going to the Depeche Mode concert with. I love doing things like that.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-31T11:08:03-04:00
@Geist, thats because you don't have any problems, putting yourself out there! I think thats awesome! I have heard of these dining groups before, and the idea seem cool to me, but a lot of work and commitment. I love hosting, but I'm less inclined to go out myself... ;) There's always so much to do, and never enough time to do it all! I'm sure glad that you aren't more like me, or I probably would never have met you! ;) I think another part of my hesitation with something like that is my nut allergy. I hate having to explain it to people and the pity that comes with it... the inevitable picking apart of everything trying to find ingredients lists, etc. Its a real pain.
I find it hard to be motivated to do much cooking. I usually eat KD, grilled cheese, bacon and eggs, or just toast with butter/peanut butter/Nutella/plain...when I have to cook for myself(so on weekends mostly)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-31T11:34:32-04:00
@GM, when I was single and living on my own, I'd do something for myself around once a month, nice steak dinner or something. But normally, yeah, KD, Ramen noodles, or egg sandwich, something easy and cheap... ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-31T12:55:42-04:00
@BaKhan: If I didn't make myself go out and socialize, I would just go from work to home. And that is just what I did through most of my 20's and 30's. What a waste of time when I could have been having fun. I blame that on the abuse I suffered as a kid and as an adult from my family. I regret that it took me so long to dump that baggage.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-31T12:56:36-04:00
@Geist: Kraft Dinner - macaroni and cheese. Nothing special, just easy to make(takes 6-9minutes in microwave, and 30seconds adding butter/powdered cheese).
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-31T13:35:32-04:00
@GM: Real mac & cheese is better tasting. Besides, all that crap will catch up with you when you get older. Trust me, I know. I'm preparing myself to eat clean for 6 months so that I can lower my blood pressure and maybe get rid of some of this extra weight.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-31T14:46:36-04:00
@Geist, there is no doubt, however real mac n cheese takes a lot longer than 10 mins to make! ;) As a teenager, I survived off of KD. When I got into secondary school I downgraded to Ramen... ;) It is what it is I guess. Difference is I still like Ramen noodels, and I can't stand KD... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-31T14:47:40-04:00
@Geist, oh and I hope that the "clean" eating starts after your visit, or you might be in for a bad time... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-31T16:20:45-04:00
Oh dang, I just realized it's been awhile since I checked for updates on Creeper's gofundme and that the tab disappeared from my browser (I keep alot of stuff open to check on over time), but just saw she's opening up on the 3rd! Dang, I might even be able to make it! I doubt if I'll really be able to, it's a long-ish drive, but then again, I have nothing going on and would love to be there.
In truth, I actually wanted so bad to like move down there for a few weeks to help her set everything up. No idea how I'd've done it, but if it weren't for detasseling, I probably would have done that, I'd love to have been able to help!
Now all that work is paying off. It's a pipe dream, but I wonder if I could pay a visit... Worth a thought.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-31T16:24:37-04:00
Ah, the old college debate of how to eat super cheap, fast, and with no effort involved. Alot of the time, I just don't eat if I'm feeling like that. Maybe like a microwave popcorn, but I've also become a master at microwave Ramen. It just takes alot of effort to make it perfectly, but if you add Sriracha, it's like it's sent from the gods, just like Macaroni with LZ's hot sauce! Doesn't even have to be spicy, it's just the flavors that go so well together.
Macaroni is still one of my favorite things ever. I wish I could make it easily. Maybe I'll have to try perfecting a microwave strategy... but it's only super good if you add extra cheese. At home, we always add Velveeta, which isn't really cheese, but goes really well with it. We also found out that adding wine makes it tangy and a whole other thing, and if you add ground beef, it becomes a full, delicious meal!
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-31T16:43:26-04:00
Day's almost done. Hello, everyone!
So, Littlest LZ's birthday is on the 3rd. We decided to have his party yesterday. When we asked him what he wanted, he'd keep saying he wanted a guitar. So, we went and got him one of those cheap First Act Discovery guitars. He loves it. It doesn't sound too bad either, which kinda surprised me, seeing how it's made of plastic. The fact that I'm going to be teaching him and my niece to play inspired me to dig out my guitars. It's been far too long since I've played. My fingers hurt now...
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-01T04:36:30-04:00
That's great LZ. Yeah, before you can really teach them, you may need to re-teach your fingers! I imagine your fingers have softened up a bit if it's been awhile.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-01T08:22:18-04:00
Morning kittens!
@BaKhan: Real mac & cheese takes time but the good part is that you can make a big batch, divide it up and freeze it. Nuke each piece for 5 minutes. Better flavor and better for you.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-01T08:25:18-04:00
As far as clean eating while in Calgary: My plan is to eat clean while I'm home. That rule get lifted when I travel since in order to truly enjoy a place, you have to try some of the food that the natives eat. Trust me, if I make it to Romania, I will eating my way through that country.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-01T09:51:46-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-01T09:58:42-04:00
@LZ, thats great, I don't think its ever too soon to start teaching children music! Its the song of the soul! ;) Sorry about your fingers, but its trying to tell you something... you don't play enough! You should try to get at least 10 - 15 mins everyday if you can. It will keep those callouses up and keep your skills sharp. And, if you can, use an acoustic as you can hear off notes and fret buzz much more clearly. When you can hear a mistake, you can fix it! ;) None the less, proud of you bro, and happy for l'il LZ!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-01T10:06:20-04:00
@Geist, lol! Make a big batch of mac n cheese, and what? Save some for later, I think not! ;P Two days tops, even if I make a huge casserole. Neither Misty nor myself have any control around it! Seriously, mac n cheese is like ambrosia! One of my favourite "treat" meals is bacon wrapped meatloaf with mac n cheese (or cheesy grits). Its like everything thats bad for you, but totally delicious at the same time! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-01T10:11:00-04:00
@Zem, lol! Velveeta!? When I was a kid I used to love that stuff and Cheeze Whiz too! Something in my pallet changed as I got older. Now when I look at stuff like that it makes me mildly ill. Thats part of why I don't like boxed mac n cheese any more, that and over doing it when I was teenager. I don't dig on fake cheese anymore. Now if want something hearty and quick, I cube up some corned beef and add it to pork n beans. Boom, instant awesome and filling! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-01T10:45:36-04:00
@BaKhan: I know what you mean. Real mac & cheese is sooooo good. And I love meatloaf. Yes, with ketchup. And bacon wrapped to boot?! Sign me up!
What do I have to pay you to fix this when I arrive in October?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-01T10:55:48-04:00
@Geist, lol! ;) I don't know, it could be expensive... its gonna cost a plane ticket, a super cool cookie cutter, and some American candies! ;) I'd make you whatever you would like, so no need to worry about anything other than just asking! I might do another roast when you're up too, if you'd like.
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-01T10:58:00-04:00
Best mac and cheese recipe I ever found involved 5 cheeses (cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan, and two others that I can't think of at the moment), cream, steak, and lobster. Freakin' delish!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-01T11:07:11-04:00
@LZ, yeah I've had lobster mac n cheese before and it is awesome! We actually just had lobster for dinner the other night. We were talking to a friend and he mentioned that he'd never had lobster, or crab before! That was a crime against humanity as far as I'm concerned (sorry GM!), and had to be rectified. So we had bacon wrapped scallops, oysters Rockefeller, shrimp Caesar salad, lobster and king crab.... it was an awesome repast! As per your other cheeses, I'd so go with Gouda and Monteray jack (with jalapenos!). Or maybe even provolone? Why not right? ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-01T11:10:26-04:00
@LZ: Steak AND Lobster? Not sure how you would bake the steak so that it doesn't cook well done in the oven. Otherwise, it sounds heavenly. I might actually have to look that recipe up on Pintrest.
@LZ: You had me until lobster...then you just murdered something beautiful.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-01T11:28:12-04:00
@GM, I know that feeling well. Its like when someone says I brought a carrot cake.... with walnuts... >.>
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-01T11:29:08-04:00
Geist, this wasn'y a baked mac and cheese. So while the cheeses were melting in the double boiler, we fried the lobster pieces in butter and then cooked the steak until it was on the rare side of medium and boiled the macaroni. We cut up the steak into bite sized pieces, and then combined everything just before serving. I'm pretty sure if it had been a baked dish, the steak would have been way overcooked by the time it was done.
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-01T11:40:06-04:00
BaKhan, I always do my learning on the acoustic, for the very reasons you mentioned. Also, I figure if I can do the hammer ons, pull offs, bends, trills, etc. on the acoustic, it will sound much better on the electric than if I only did it on the electric. That's been my experience, anyway. The only exception is when the solos get really high, because my acoustic only has 20 frets, and it has a classic body, which makes the highest frets hard to access.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-01T11:59:29-04:00
@LZ: I might try that. Only with some cod fish instead of lobster
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-01T12:42:20-04:00
Since we are talking about bacon, I gotta try to make this before the year is out.
@LZ, yes that would be challenging on a classical for sure! I find solos just sound hollow with out the rest of the band backing anyways though. Must be my rhythm section roots showing! ;) I originally learned guitar to write accompanying music for my songs, so solos have always been less important to me. I love to hear good ones, but I'm not fussed if I'm not the one playing them. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-01T12:53:58-04:00
@Geist, that sounds super tasty!
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-01T13:35:43-04:00
I agree, solos sound better with the rest of the band; but I played lead when I had a band. We played metal, so solos were kinda important for me to master.
I miss playing in a band. We never went anywhere; we only played at a couple of talent shows. It was just fun to get together and have a reason to play.
@GM, ouch! Thats pretty much where I was at. No money for raises, with the days off without pay, I made less money per year, year over year for the last two years... No money for training, yet I saw many other banches providing training for their staff... Yeah, I think its time to update that resume bro!
I guess the lesson is when they act like they don't want you there, be ready to not be there?
Dang, yesterday was busy, so I couldn't comment here. Well, I had the morning, but unless someone wants to get up at 2-3 am central time to have a conversation with me...
@GM: maybe it's because, in America, there is an expectation of getting a raise most every year. No matter how small. As long as you meet or exceed your yearly goals, it's thought you get a raise.
Not that a company HAS to give you one. No law says that but many companies don't want people to just stay for a couple of years and then bounce to another company. Takes too much money to hire and retrain someone else.
Morning Kittens!
@Geist, that is normally what happens up here too. Normally, you will get what they call a cost of living allowance, which is a 2% raise per year as a minimum. The economy has been shite though, so when that happens, raises are typically the first thing to go. Alberta is an oil province, so when the cost of oil drops, it heavily effects our economy. So we tend to have a boom and bust cycle. Its been that way my whole life. Thats why we moved east when I was young, and why we came back. Its funny, but the good times are really good, just wish the low times weren't so low. ;)
You know when you have so much to do, and so many different things, that you don't know where to start? That's me today...and I'm going to lose it soon.
@GM, you've just described my new job perfectly! ;) Start with the vegetables! I always put the least desirable things first, so it gets easier as you go! I find that it feels more rewarding that way. Just my opinion. ;) (oh, and now let the kittens at me for picking on vegetables...) ;p
My best friend is a vegetable!
wait, no, that actually means something way different than I meant it to. I meant like the food vegetable, I swear!
@BaKhan: Sadly, 90% of it is manual entries of adjustments where I need to jump from on divisions batch, to another, then another, then over to the salaried payroll, and do the same thing. THEN when the admins FINALLY get back to me, if there are changes then I need to delete the employees hours that were loaded already, update the spreadsheet they sent the adjustment in, reload it, re-run the reports for them to check over again, and fix any adjustments if there are any for employees that the admin had to correct. Plus anything my manager refuses(yes, she REFUSES to do anything US payroll related) to do.
You know when you have so much to do, and so many different things, that you don't know where to start?
That is the way I feel when it's time to clean my apartment.
I know exactly what to do and where to start. My issue is that I don't want to. You see, my boss wants me to run the numbers on a new test platform AGAIN!! We've already run the numbers on this five times, and it's already been approved by the Diagnostic Committee twice. I don't understand what new information he hopes to glean from Running Numbers 6: The Runnenning
So yet another advantage to working from home... Fed Ex just showed up with my copy of Bears vs. Babies! Whoo hoo!
It's a fantastic game!
Heck yeah, BaKhan! It really is fun, and apparently I'm pretty good at it. My brother only ever beat me once! I guess the trick is to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em..... no wait, is to know when to sacrifice and when to push your plans forward more than you're comfortable doing.
Man, if only we can all get together for a KittenCon, even with just EK and BvB it would be an amazing time, and yet we have so many more games! Heck, I haven't even tried Tricksters yet. (oh s***, no one tell Aether. I just haven't found a group to play it with yet.
I can't wait to try it out! Hopefully this weekend! Love that furry box so much! If only it were plaid, ambidextrous and EU friendly... ;)
Well, the box itself, so far as I can tell, is plenty ambidextrous. It also fits in all standard furry-box sleeves. EU-friendly, though? I don't think fur made from the fury of a thousand bears is ideal for customs.
Morning kittens!
@Zem, thats a lot of furry fury! ;)
Want to know how I find out people have no fricken clue about what's going on? I send out lists EVERY payroll to the admins to check and make sure everyone who should be getting paid, is being paid. Apparently, nobody looks at it. Hell, the HR director doesn't know what's going on 80% of the time, considering she has a hand in all the salaried hires.
@GM, ouch! Man I don't know what to say anymore. They are damned lucky to have you, thats all I know. I wouldn't be able to put up with that. People in charge, need to be in charge! If they aren't, how could they possibly be in a position of authority. Authority means, knowledge. Thats my minimum expectation. So if a person doesn't want to be in charge but wants the pay check, their manager should know this, and deal with it accordingly. I read a quote somewhere that said (paraphrased) exceptional people can't work for substandard ones. I really think this is your position bro. Things are starting to shake loose out there, I would start looking if I were you. Don't get caught in the trap of being there so long it feels comfortable, I know that trap all too well. I get praised every day for what I'm bringing to this new job, and it feels great. I was a scapegoat and an excuse not to get rid of substandard people around me because I felt obligated to pick up their slack. Its amazing how much you can get done, when you only have to do your own job, and not your managers as well. Just saying. Chin up GM, you got this!
@BaKhan: And not have to do HRs job of managing the 401k, benefits, following up with finding out how much is to be deducted for the benefits when they are eligible....I have filing that has been sitting on the spare desk in my office from Aug last year because whenever I try to get to it, shit hits the fan and I need to drop everything to pay some idiot who hands in his time late(had a guy hand in his time TODAY - cut off was Monday at noon)
@GM, well Occam's razor would say, the only person who can help you here, is you! You know what to do marine! Go Go Go!
Afternoon kittens! Sorry, it's been really hella busy here since the pay run is Friday. Hope you guys week is going by quick enough.
@BaKhan: I was thinking of bringing some American candy with me when I visit. What do you think? What candies do we have down here that you guys don't get much of up there?
@Gesit, Good to see you! ;) Good luck with the rest of your week, you can do it!
As per American Candy... I don't really know. We have most of what you guys do as far as big name stuff goes (or equivalent) like chocolate bars. So I'll have to leave it to you to decide, don't forget I have a nut allergy... ;) I would think maybe if you guys have a regional favorite or something that would be cool. What would be great would be some of that chicken sauce you were talking about last time, that sounded great! ;) The only other thing I can think of is Mr. Phibs (sp?) I remember seeing something about that and being intrigued. But I think that was soda? Anyways... I'm pretty excited, whatever you end up bringing! Yay!
@BaKhan: I think it's Pibbs, and that it is similar to Dr. Pepper(not sure on it though as I've never had it).
@GM, can you think of any candy that they have that we don't, that we should try? ;)
Not that I can think of. Maybe something that is made locally would be the best way to find something we don't have.
Yeah, thats what I was thinking. ;)
@BaKhan: Chicken sauce? Do you mean mumbo sauce? That was started exclusively in the D.C. area and you won't find it outside the area. I grew up eating that stuff and it's made a come back by showing up in some of the more "upscale" restaurants.
I can definantly bring some Mr. Pibbs. Pretty sure I saw that in some of the dollar stores. As far as candy goes, I will make sure to pick only the ones that say they are nut free but I can't guarantee it.
I found an outfit to wear to the party. It's on sale now so I'm hoping to snag it my first check of next month. I feel so bad about my costume last year. It's one of the reasons why I'm pursuing sewing classes.
I think I know what candy to bring! There is a website that sells candy from the past. Like from the time I was a kid that isn't around in the stores all that much. I think I'll see about buying and bringing some of that candy. Bubble gum cigarettes anyone?
@Geist, that sounds like the sauce! You need to bring some if you can! ;) Fwiw, we all loved the costume that you had, no need to feel ashamed of it! Honestly, we loved having you! Candy from the past! Wowza! ;) Bubble gum cigarettes, lol, I remember we had some that were chocolate inside, well not actual chocolate, but some artificial fake but still awesome chocolate! ;) Remember Dip 'ems? I loved those things when I was a kid, but I'd always eat the candy stick before all the flavoured powder, and wind up with a dyed finger... ;)
I remember Dip ems! I even remember how much I use to pay for them. ($.25, wow that was really cheap) Candy watches and necklaces were some of my faves because you could ware them. :-)
I'll be sure to bring some mumbo sauce. There is a hotel near where I work that serves it with their fried chicken. I'll see if they will sell me a bottle. Or I can make some and bring it with me. :-)
@Geist, that would be so great! If you're going to make it, just let me know what to get, that'll save you the trouble of bringing it that way. I was going to try and make it myself, but never having had the original, would never know if I did it right (which is important to me). My sister liked the candy necklaces and bracelets too! I wasn't as into those, maybe they weren't masculine enough for me back then? ;)
Mr. Pibb's is a discount Dr. Pepper that's not nearly as good. It tastes more like pepper somehow, though. Stick with the sodas you like already, it's not super worth trying.
Hey, GM, whenever you're having a hard time like this, think of me today slogging (appropriate onomatopoeia) through a field of super tall corn (8+ ft) that's half deep mud because it's been raining literally all night. Oh, and it's still raining but doesn't have the decency to lightning to get us out of the field. Also, the rows you're walking in, when not filled with ankle-deep water, are in deep, U-shaped ruts that are super slippery and hard to walk in. Then, going to bail out the rest of the crew in another field, the bus gets stuck and you wait 1 1/2 hours in a full, hot, humid bus with no open windows (due to rain) for a tow-truck to pull it out of the mud only to get to the field, see that they had personnel carriers (machines that do just that, elevating you and making it so you don't have to walk) I could have been sitting on my butt driving the entire time, walking one round (really not worth going all the way there at that point) also in the rain, and waiting half an hour on that bus for no reason before going 1 1/2 hours home.
Man, that was longer and way more intense than I intended. It also switched from "you" to "I" alot, haha! But yeah, think of that and your day should feel smoother. You deal with frustrating people. I'm dealing with frustrating... literally everything. In fact, the hours isolate me from anyone not also detasseling and I can't do anything else because I need to sleep. But it should all be over in half a week or so, hopefully!
Or you could just think of my little brother working at the Jamboree today. He got sick (not a good place to be it, you have to walk a ton and work alot) and the exact day he ran out of clothes, the laundry stopped taking new loads!
Much more succinct and probably actually worse than my day.
Morning kittens!
@BaKhan: I will bring samples (there are slightly different versions of this sauce) and recipes. From there we can see which version you like.
I'm also bringing a special surprise that I found when I attended Awesome Con this year. :-)
Morning Kittens!
@Geist, oooh sauce and a surprise! Is it October yet? ;)
@BaKhan: I wish. I'm so looking forward to the time off. And seeing Pumpkin again. :-)
Will I get a chance to help decorate the house like last time?
@Geist, well you know how much stuff we have to put out... so I can't imagine that there wouldn't be something left to help with! ;) Plus I need your power! You were awesome with that royal icing last time! My hand was getting sore, and you just stepped up like, lets do this! And totally rocked it! Pumpkin is always up for extended out of town trips... just saying... ;P
@BaKhan: speaking of cookies, I have the following cookie cutter at home. Do you want me to bring it?
@Geist, oh my god yes! And why won't they ship to Canada? Booo! Its $5 off right now, hey you wanna pick one up for me, and I'll catch you back when you get here? $5.99 seems pretty darned affordable!
@BaKhan: Not only would I get one for you, you wouldn't have to pay me back at all. It's the least I could do for hosting me again this year.
@Geist, well thats just plain awesome! You know, its totally our pleasure to host you though, right? Awesome people are always welcome at my house! We really enjoyed our conversations with you! You taught us a lot, and you are a laugh riot! Hey, this time, we'll actually know who you are when you get off the plane! ;)
Man, you're making me jealous again! Dang I wish I could make it up there! We still need to plan a KittenCon that everyone somehow, magically, miraculously, can make it to.
@Zem, man at some point you have to make it up here! If only for the Timmies! ;) But yeah, I agree we have to have a full on KittenCon, just with most of you living in the States, it certainly makes it harder to arrange. Where there's a will, there's a way! ;)
I'd love to come up to Canada, and your Halloween party sounds like the perfect time, but the only time I really have is summer, and even then I have alot going on most of the time, and that's a long ways to drive alone. Then again, LZ might be back to able to pull off our little plan to make it up there! Only thing is that even then, it's in the middle of Fall semester, and if you remember (don't think I've talked about it much here) I'm going to be in Berlin for the Spring semester.
@BaKhan: I don't see why we can't have a Kitten Con at Disney some day. It's in the U.S., you and Misty love Disney and I'm sure it more of us could travel to either Florida or California.
@Geist, hey now, you know I'd for sure be down with that! Now, convince everyone else! ;)
@Zem, you won't be in school forever either... just saying! ;) It would be great if you guys could all make it up here! But, life it seems keeps rearing its ugly head and making things complicated. I guess a zen approach would say if it's meant to be, it will happen. ;)
I'd love to, Geist! I'd love to alot, except that it's like 1200 miles away and costs more to go there than even the gas for a 2500+ mile round trip. If I could somehow convince my parents to go as well, though...
Morning kittens! Friday is here at last! The office is planning a company celebration which means a free lunch for me then off to enjoy the weekend. Only three more months before I celebrate Halloween in Canada. Woot!
Morning kittens!
@Geist, that sounds awesome! Have a great day!
How come it always rains right after I go through the trouble of washing my hair?
@Geist, its natures way of saying, oh, you like your hair wet, yeah, we can do that! ;)
Morning kittens.
Today got off to a "good" start. Slept through my alarm(have been having trouble sleeping this week, and last night was so hot, and windy so I had to keep my window closed to have SOME silence, that I couldn't sleep). Woke up an hour later than normal, contemplated not coming in today only to realize I have too much to do before the weekend.
I've been having trouble going to sleep as well this week, and I don't know why. You'd think physical labor would make it really easy to sleep, but it's been taking even up to 2+ hours to fall asleep! It's really ruining my schedule.
Note to self: No matter how bad you need to wash your hair, do not EVER do it at 2 in the morning. I've been fighting sleep all day and it doesn't help that it's over cast and rainy outside.
And the company lunch sucked. Boo!
Overcast: Great!
Rainy: Not so great.
Company lunch sucking: Boo!
Being tired through it all: Priceless. Wait, no, that shifts everything 3 notches even more towards the suck end of the spectrum. Sorry your day is going like that, but as you noted earlier, it's Friday!
Morning kittens. Another day, another dollar.
Morning Kittens!
Morning BaKhan! How as Misty's birthday party?
@Geist, it went pretty well, even though we didn't get a great attendance. I felt a little bad, but Misty seemed to still have a good time. Sad reality is, that as we get older, we seem to have less friends that can make it out to events. I know Misty wanted to relive that massive blowout party that she had when she was 30 (before my time), but we still had fun. That was a couple of weeks ago, we had it on the 15th. The best part for me was the baking. I made some orange cranberry white chocolate cookies, that if I must say were wicked awesome! I also made her favorite apple sauce cake, but had an emergency substitution! I was at the point of no return with the batter when I realized I didn't have any raisins! So doing what any normal person would do, I found some dehydrated fruit in the pantry, chopped up the pineapple into raisin sized pieces and added those instead. It was a big hit! So lessen learned, if you even need raisins but don't have them, substitute another dried fruit, I guarantee it'll work out! Peaches could have worked very well as well. Yeah, for not being afraid of cooking! ;)
@BaKhan: I guess that is one of the reasons why I attend different meetup and other gatherings that are hosted by people I don't know. People my age don't seem to be interested.
Hopefully I'll be doing more baking before the year is out. I wanna make my own bread and sweets. I have 135 cookbooks (and counting) and in untold number of recipes that I've printed out so I have no excuse for not cooking more. I was thinking of making my own brunches, taking a picture and posting it online.
@Geist, I think my single biggest obstacle is motivation. I find it hard to do things for myself, if its for someone else, I'll put in a ton of effort. If its just for me canned soup, or some toast is about all I'm up to do... mostly... ;)
@BaKhan: I'd like to increase my cooking skill and maybe have folks over my place for a small dinner and conversation. That kind of stuff is popular in D.C. I recently joined a group called "Meal Tribes". Someone agrees to host at their place and the invited bring over a dish. It's how I met the person I'm going to the Depeche Mode concert with. I love doing things like that.
@Geist, thats because you don't have any problems, putting yourself out there! I think thats awesome! I have heard of these dining groups before, and the idea seem cool to me, but a lot of work and commitment. I love hosting, but I'm less inclined to go out myself... ;) There's always so much to do, and never enough time to do it all! I'm sure glad that you aren't more like me, or I probably would never have met you! ;) I think another part of my hesitation with something like that is my nut allergy. I hate having to explain it to people and the pity that comes with it... the inevitable picking apart of everything trying to find ingredients lists, etc. Its a real pain.
Morning kittens.
I find it hard to be motivated to do much cooking. I usually eat KD, grilled cheese, bacon and eggs, or just toast with butter/peanut butter/Nutella/plain...when I have to cook for myself(so on weekends mostly)
@GM, when I was single and living on my own, I'd do something for myself around once a month, nice steak dinner or something. But normally, yeah, KD, Ramen noodles, or egg sandwich, something easy and cheap... ;)
@BaKhan: If I didn't make myself go out and socialize, I would just go from work to home. And that is just what I did through most of my 20's and 30's. What a waste of time when I could have been having fun. I blame that on the abuse I suffered as a kid and as an adult from my family. I regret that it took me so long to dump that baggage.
I usually eat KD
If you don't mind my asking, what is KD?
@Geist: Kraft Dinner - macaroni and cheese. Nothing special, just easy to make(takes 6-9minutes in microwave, and 30seconds adding butter/powdered cheese).
@GM: Real mac & cheese is better tasting. Besides, all that crap will catch up with you when you get older. Trust me, I know. I'm preparing myself to eat clean for 6 months so that I can lower my blood pressure and maybe get rid of some of this extra weight.
@Geist, there is no doubt, however real mac n cheese takes a lot longer than 10 mins to make! ;) As a teenager, I survived off of KD. When I got into secondary school I downgraded to Ramen... ;) It is what it is I guess. Difference is I still like Ramen noodels, and I can't stand KD... ;)
@Geist, oh and I hope that the "clean" eating starts after your visit, or you might be in for a bad time... ;)
Oh dang, I just realized it's been awhile since I checked for updates on Creeper's gofundme and that the tab disappeared from my browser (I keep alot of stuff open to check on over time), but just saw she's opening up on the 3rd! Dang, I might even be able to make it! I doubt if I'll really be able to, it's a long-ish drive, but then again, I have nothing going on and would love to be there.
In truth, I actually wanted so bad to like move down there for a few weeks to help her set everything up. No idea how I'd've done it, but if it weren't for detasseling, I probably would have done that, I'd love to have been able to help!
Now all that work is paying off. It's a pipe dream, but I wonder if I could pay a visit... Worth a thought.
Ah, the old college debate of how to eat super cheap, fast, and with no effort involved. Alot of the time, I just don't eat if I'm feeling like that. Maybe like a microwave popcorn, but I've also become a master at microwave Ramen. It just takes alot of effort to make it perfectly, but if you add Sriracha, it's like it's sent from the gods, just like Macaroni with LZ's hot sauce! Doesn't even have to be spicy, it's just the flavors that go so well together.
Macaroni is still one of my favorite things ever. I wish I could make it easily. Maybe I'll have to try perfecting a microwave strategy... but it's only super good if you add extra cheese. At home, we always add Velveeta, which isn't really cheese, but goes really well with it. We also found out that adding wine makes it tangy and a whole other thing, and if you add ground beef, it becomes a full, delicious meal!
Day's almost done. Hello, everyone!
So, Littlest LZ's birthday is on the 3rd. We decided to have his party yesterday. When we asked him what he wanted, he'd keep saying he wanted a guitar. So, we went and got him one of those cheap First Act Discovery guitars. He loves it. It doesn't sound too bad either, which kinda surprised me, seeing how it's made of plastic. The fact that I'm going to be teaching him and my niece to play inspired me to dig out my guitars. It's been far too long since I've played. My fingers hurt now...
That's great LZ. Yeah, before you can really teach them, you may need to re-teach your fingers! I imagine your fingers have softened up a bit if it's been awhile.
Morning kittens!
@BaKhan: Real mac & cheese takes time but the good part is that you can make a big batch, divide it up and freeze it. Nuke each piece for 5 minutes. Better flavor and better for you.
As far as clean eating while in Calgary: My plan is to eat clean while I'm home. That rule get lifted when I travel since in order to truly enjoy a place, you have to try some of the food that the natives eat. Trust me, if I make it to Romania, I will eating my way through that country.
Morning kittens!
@LZ, thats great, I don't think its ever too soon to start teaching children music! Its the song of the soul! ;) Sorry about your fingers, but its trying to tell you something... you don't play enough! You should try to get at least 10 - 15 mins everyday if you can. It will keep those callouses up and keep your skills sharp. And, if you can, use an acoustic as you can hear off notes and fret buzz much more clearly. When you can hear a mistake, you can fix it! ;) None the less, proud of you bro, and happy for l'il LZ!
@Geist, lol! Make a big batch of mac n cheese, and what? Save some for later, I think not! ;P Two days tops, even if I make a huge casserole. Neither Misty nor myself have any control around it! Seriously, mac n cheese is like ambrosia! One of my favourite "treat" meals is bacon wrapped meatloaf with mac n cheese (or cheesy grits). Its like everything thats bad for you, but totally delicious at the same time! ;)
@Zem, lol! Velveeta!? When I was a kid I used to love that stuff and Cheeze Whiz too! Something in my pallet changed as I got older. Now when I look at stuff like that it makes me mildly ill. Thats part of why I don't like boxed mac n cheese any more, that and over doing it when I was teenager. I don't dig on fake cheese anymore. Now if want something hearty and quick, I cube up some corned beef and add it to pork n beans. Boom, instant awesome and filling! ;)
@BaKhan: I know what you mean. Real mac & cheese is sooooo good. And I love meatloaf. Yes, with ketchup. And bacon wrapped to boot?! Sign me up!
What do I have to pay you to fix this when I arrive in October?
@Geist, lol! ;) I don't know, it could be expensive... its gonna cost a plane ticket, a super cool cookie cutter, and some American candies! ;) I'd make you whatever you would like, so no need to worry about anything other than just asking! I might do another roast when you're up too, if you'd like.
Best mac and cheese recipe I ever found involved 5 cheeses (cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan, and two others that I can't think of at the moment), cream, steak, and lobster. Freakin' delish!
@LZ, yeah I've had lobster mac n cheese before and it is awesome! We actually just had lobster for dinner the other night. We were talking to a friend and he mentioned that he'd never had lobster, or crab before! That was a crime against humanity as far as I'm concerned (sorry GM!), and had to be rectified. So we had bacon wrapped scallops, oysters Rockefeller, shrimp Caesar salad, lobster and king crab.... it was an awesome repast! As per your other cheeses, I'd so go with Gouda and Monteray jack (with jalapenos!). Or maybe even provolone? Why not right? ;)
@LZ: Steak AND Lobster? Not sure how you would bake the steak so that it doesn't cook well done in the oven. Otherwise, it sounds heavenly. I might actually have to look that recipe up on Pintrest.
Morning kittens.
@LZ: You had me until lobster...then you just murdered something beautiful.
@GM, I know that feeling well. Its like when someone says I brought a carrot cake.... with walnuts... >.>
Geist, this wasn'y a baked mac and cheese. So while the cheeses were melting in the double boiler, we fried the lobster pieces in butter and then cooked the steak until it was on the rare side of medium and boiled the macaroni. We cut up the steak into bite sized pieces, and then combined everything just before serving. I'm pretty sure if it had been a baked dish, the steak would have been way overcooked by the time it was done.
BaKhan, I always do my learning on the acoustic, for the very reasons you mentioned. Also, I figure if I can do the hammer ons, pull offs, bends, trills, etc. on the acoustic, it will sound much better on the electric than if I only did it on the electric. That's been my experience, anyway. The only exception is when the solos get really high, because my acoustic only has 20 frets, and it has a classic body, which makes the highest frets hard to access.
@LZ: I might try that. Only with some cod fish instead of lobster
Since we are talking about bacon, I gotta try to make this before the year is out.
@LZ, yes that would be challenging on a classical for sure! I find solos just sound hollow with out the rest of the band backing anyways though. Must be my rhythm section roots showing! ;) I originally learned guitar to write accompanying music for my songs, so solos have always been less important to me. I love to hear good ones, but I'm not fussed if I'm not the one playing them. ;)
@Geist, that sounds super tasty!
I agree, solos sound better with the rest of the band; but I played lead when I had a band. We played metal, so solos were kinda important for me to master.
I miss playing in a band. We never went anywhere; we only played at a couple of talent shows. It was just fun to get together and have a reason to play.