@Geist, I could never go vegan, but could probably handle vegetarian. Vegan is just so much soy, almond, etc. Stuff that doesn't sit well with me. You can get most of your nutrients from plants, but you still need protein. I can't eat nuts, so that means I'd have to have some dairy, or pretty much fade away... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-22T11:16:30-05:00
Not that I couldn't use some fading though, tbh... ;p
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-22T11:16:31-05:00
Chocolate covered zebra tarantula. Still nope.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-22T11:18:19-05:00
Hmmm what about bacon wrapped zebra tarantula loaf? ;) Still nope!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-22T11:21:31-05:00
@BaKhan: I don't like soy so I try to stick with quinoa and veggies. I don't like the meat substitutes (no tofurkey for me) so if I do have a craving, I just have the real thing. Just not a lot of it.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-22T11:22:22-05:00
zebra tarantula in a rum cocktail. Hmmm...maybe since I wouldn't actually be eating it.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-22T11:32:29-05:00
So, one of the movies that I'm going to see is the new Star Wars flick. I don't want to see it in a room full of people because I know I'm going to cry when Carrie Fisher appears on screen but I'm trying to avoid spoilers on the internet. They already ruined this season of TWD by revealing a spoiler.
anyone else seen it?
Mike Kabala 2017-12-22T11:33:32-05:00
Ooh... a martini with a zebra tarantula abdomen (minus the legs and fangs) inst4ad of the olive!
Probably still nope, huh? ... but some people don't eat the olives either.
Mike Kabala 2017-12-22T11:38:46-05:00
@Geist, I've been avoidubng Game of Thrones spoilers for the past couple of years. George R. R. Martin keeps putting off publication of "Winds of Winter," but he keeps on releasing chapters from the book ahead of time. I don't want to read any of them, until I have the entire book ion my hands. To make matters worse, I'm waiting until Christmas Day to start watching saeason 7 of the HBO series, and I've already had to siderstep sppoilers about season 8, which won't even be released until 2019!
I'm beginning to thing I may never see "Dreams of Spring" in my lifetime.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-22T11:39:18-05:00
@CB: I would try that if it is used as a decoration instead of me consuming it. Like around the Halloween holiday.
Mike Kabala 2017-12-22T11:39:37-05:00
Wow, my typing is atrocious!
Mike Kabala 2017-12-22T11:59:37-05:00
I swear, I must have a tendency to do things motivated only by the weirdness factor. I clicked the checkout button and now my spider is expected to arrive on Christmas Eve.
If I survive, I may be getting more of them next October, even though I am NOT a party person. I guess I just like to gross people out...
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-22T12:00:07-05:00
@CB, by the time he releases the next book, I'll have to reread the series before I can even start it. There's just some much going on that I doubt I remember all of it, and I have a pretty good memory! ;) I won't watch the show, I caught the first couple of episodes and realized that continuing would just ruin it for me. Those actors look very little like what I pictured the characters looking like, and imo, they've HBO'd it too much (excessive nudity).
Mike Kabala 2017-12-22T12:01:09-05:00
... which begs the question ... When and where is the next KittenCon? I need to start making plans. My EK calendar arrived yesterday and KittenCon would be a perfect event to pencil in.
Mike Kabala 2017-12-22T12:04:32-05:00
@BK, I may have to reread the last two books just to refresh my memory about which parts of the story line come from the books and which ones come from when HBO began to diverge from that to continue the show.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-22T12:08:22-05:00
@CB: At the rate G.R.R. Martin is writing these books, he is going to go to the afterlife before they are finished. I stopped reading the books after the 3rd one because I don't think he will finish the series anytime soon.
I've only watched 2 episodes of GoT.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-22T12:11:59-05:00
@BaKhan: I kinda lost interest when they changed one of the scene from a romantic one to one of rape. Why change it? The books are plenty violent by themselves, you don't have to add extra.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-22T12:29:43-05:00
Well that was fun and interesting! We went to see two old buildings on campus be collapsed. I'm sure you can find the video somewhere online, UNL Cather and Pound demolition, but my mom will be uploading a good video later on, I'll link it here then.
I was so startled! Not because of the blasts, but because, it being 20 degrees and me not having gloves, after the sirens, I waited a couple minutes with the video going, couldn't stand it, and was just about to warm my hands up when the first round of blasts happened! So I scrambled to get the video back up, and just as the second round of blasts went, I started it, so it was perfectly cut to start just as they fell! It almost didn't work out nearly as well as it did!
Hour and a half standing on a parking garage roof in 20 degrees, but it was pretty worth it!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-22T12:32:54-05:00
BaKhan, this being Nebraska, Rocky Mountain Oysters are also common here. In fact, a local steakhouse has one of the bigger Testicle Festivals, a huge event every year trying them prepared several different ways. Actually, there's also a local bar, come to think of it, that has them as a side-dish, called Bull Fries!
I've never had them either, not really keen to, but everyone I know who's tried them says they taste surprisingly good as well.
Mike Kabala 2017-12-22T12:36:32-05:00
Weird how whenever I talk about how much I like both the books and the HBO series I encounter someone who's sworn off one or the other. I know it's a matter of personal taste, but it's become so polarized lately.
FWIW, the only ROMANTIC love I've seen in either story line is that between Danerys and Khal Drogo.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-22T12:38:16-05:00
Bacon-wrapped, cheese-covered, chocolate-dipped Zebra Tarantula loaf?
Yeah... too many good things just start to contrast with eachother. I think we should stop before we start adding maple bacon and coffee to the list!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-22T12:40:09-05:00
Okay, I could see zebra tarantula as a garnish in some kind of a spicy cocktail, maybe even whiskey or tequila, but that's about it.
I could see it as a garnish to one thing, and one thing only. It holds a bag, and goes out to the curb usually once a week, maybe once every two weeks.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-22T12:50:20-05:00
@CB, I think its just a sign of the times really. Old school book lovers and new school tv/visual media lovers rarely agree, imo. The internet, and the ability of so many to comment / be influenced by others comments, perhaps exacerbates the situation? My main complaint with anything brought to the screen is they have to cut down on the content in order to fill the time slot, and often the subtleties that I enjoy are cut. As far as ASoIaF goes, I haven't even thought of the tv show in a long time, and I certainly don't hold it against anyone for enjoying it (whether they've read the books or not). The show doesn't suit my personal tastes, but there's lots of things like that out there and I'm definitely not the one to say someone shouldn't do or watch something just because I don't feel its for me. Do as thou wilt and let your own conscious be your guide, thats my motto. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-22T12:51:19-05:00
@GM, yep, thats my thoughts on that as well... ;) Those fondant spiders I made for halloween, were close enough for me! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-22T12:56:13-05:00
Just kidding. As long as you enjoy it, it's all good. Speaking of which, I gave this to a co-worker for Christmas.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-22T13:00:30-05:00
@BaKhan: I got one and he got the other. Mine is the one that says "To Be Continued". I love it!
Mike Kabala 2017-12-22T13:06:56-05:00
I like to read the books first, for the reasons you mentioned, BK. Then I like to see how it's brought to the screen by a talented director. The two media are not the same, nor should they be. As Marshall McLuhan said, "The medium is the message."
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-22T13:10:55-05:00
I can't wait to see "Ready Player One" on the big screen read the book and loved it! I know it can't be like the book because getting the rights to all the property mentioned in the book would be impossible.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-22T13:17:47-05:00
BaKhan, having to cut the content down makes sense, but the thing I hate is when a movie director takes liberties with the source material. It's not always bad, and can even add to the books, but often it ends up ruining it all.
Think of Peter Jackson, the LotR series was great; it left a ton out, but it had to condense a few thousand pages into just 10 or so hours of movie, and even that's legendarily long. Still, they turned out great and are beloved.
But the Hobbit movies, he added way too much to. We're rewatching them now, and the first movie is great, the third is epic, but the second is where most of the absolute BS gets added in. I can understand him adding in the Necromancer subplot, because that's Saruman's reentry into the world, and even the White Orc, though he edited that quite a bit. That whole romance plot, though? And a ton of others... just why? JUST to make 3 super-long movies from what is essentially a children's novel? Is that worth it at all?!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-22T13:22:11-05:00
Geist, those bookmarks are amazing! I really want that now!
And I'm not too sure about Ready Player One. I liked the book the first couple times I read it, but the movie just won't be able to recreate most of what goes on. Heck, how are they going to recreate the motion controls we haven't even figured out with real VR yet? The characters move by "subtle hand gestures"?!
Other than that, I'm sure it'll be an epic movie, a great flick, but I doubt as well that it'll stay perfectly loyal to the book at many points.
Mike Kabala 2017-12-22T13:30:20-05:00
@Zem, I'm sure the movie will employ "Hollywood OS-VR" to its fullest. Just don't take the tech too seriously.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-22T13:46:57-05:00
So I'm designing a heating system for a house right now (shocker, I know), and just came across a type of room that I'd never heard of before. An Orangery. Literally a room (like a green house) inside of your house that orange trees grow in. I'd like to see that in Calgary!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-22T13:51:31-05:00
@Zem, I always thought that the way Jackson did The Hobbit, was as a response to how much hack 'n' slash chopping he did with LotR. Whilst I enjoyed the LotR movies, I would have enjoyed them more if they had, had more of the story in them, and less "fast forwarding" through significant plot points and character development. Imo of course!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-22T13:55:15-05:00
6 minutes until vacay! I will spend the rest of the day getting ready for the various parties and other stuff I'm going to on the weekend. I'll be online next week while I relax at home.
If I haven't said it: Merry Christmas kittens! Don't drink too much eggnog!
Well kittens, time for me to head home(hooray for a day where I practically did nothing...first time in a LONG time I've been able to do so). Have a merry Christmas/happy holidays/whatever it is you decide to celebrate. I will return on Tuesday.
Mike Kabala 2017-12-22T14:44:07-05:00
My main question for Peter Jackson id the following: Whatever happened to Tom Bombadil?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-22T15:00:57-05:00
BaKhan, I know hardcore fans like me would have loved a 24-hour "director's cut" with all of the stuff they had to cut out, but unfortunately, there's no way in hell that'd be profitable or even productive. LotR is just such an immense series that there's no way to fit it all in. Each book would need 2-4 feature-length films at least!
I've heard they're thinking of how to make The Silmarillion, but honestly, I think it's best to leave that book where it is. There's absolutely no way anyone could do it justice. Maybe some of the series of the Histories of Middle Earth, but the full Silmarillion, especially the beginning, would never work well, and it would leave so much vital information out, just confusing the storyline of the series even more.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-22T15:05:28-05:00
CB, Bombadil was probably a good choice to leave out since they had to remove so much. He was a beloved character, but doesn't add much to the stories, and is sort of a confused, unknown character to begin with. I love the theories on him. (my favorite being that he's Ea, the fire of creation, sent to burn at the heart of the world)
Although I've heard that in one of the walking shots, there's an extra person there that's most likely meant to be a nod to him.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-22T15:09:02-05:00
@CB, got it in one! All of the preamble stuff, such as Tom Bombadil, their run in with the lich, etc., where did it go? That was important stuff!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-22T15:11:28-05:00
@Zem, The Silmarillion didn't even do itself justice, seriously I got so bored reading that. The elves go here, the elves go there, blah blah blah elves blah. ;) The best part of the elves is the mystery of them, try to explain them in detail and they fall apart, imo. They should have been left to the ambiguity of imagination imo.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-22T15:32:20-05:00
The thing about the Silmarillion is that it's basically a crash-course on the entire history of everything in Middle Earth; it's like taking a college-level course on the history of the Tolkien universe. It's really, really good in that regard, and includes everything you didn't know, everything you didn't know you didn't know, and everything that explains anything you never realized you couldn't have known you didn't know.
It's a great book, it's just very information-dense.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-22T16:02:35-05:00
@Geist, Merry Christmas! I hope you have fun with all your plans!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-22T18:07:26-05:00
Merry Christmas kittens!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-23T00:19:11-05:00
I don't think I'll be around much to say it the next few days, nor do I expect people to be here to read it, so:
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-23T13:37:23-05:00
Oh, I forgot to link to my mom's video of the building demolition! It was pretty quick, but pretty interesting. https://youtu.be/wUAXPTgubpM
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-25T20:40:05-05:00
And it's a white Christmas for the first time in what now, 4 or 5 years?! The past 3 or so have just been ice and rain, a tiny bit of snow in january.
But lo, snow! And several inches, and just before and on Christmas! Driving's not as fun, but it's just nice to see it finally. Also, 5 degrees right now. Perfect for me!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-26T04:19:50-05:00
Morning kittens! I hope everyone's Christmas was wonderful. While things didn't go quite as planned for me, I may have gotten a small Christmas wish. I'll see how it goes within the next week or so.
Morning kittens. Looks like I was the first one in the office today.
@Geist: Hopefully it all goes positive.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-26T15:59:24-05:00
Almost forgot: Happy Boxing Day!
Canadian celebrate that day, right?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-27T02:27:23-05:00
And that's Christmas for me. 4 days in total could count this year due to circumstances, though today was a bit different. Happy holidays, though, everyone, hope they've been great so far!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-27T02:39:17-05:00
Also, our weather... I think Nature was dozing off, then just before Christmas realized what time it was and had to work overtime just to catch up. Maybe 2 days the whole year at or below freezing, then suddenly BAM: bunch of snow and never back above freezing as far as the eye can see, and in fact this whole weekend, it's only supposed to get significantly above 0 F once!
Of course, you know me, I'm thankful, not complaining. However, the first nice, real winter in 3-4 years, not just sleet and sheets of ice on roads... and I'm leaving right when it gets good! I'll be here for new years, through the 5th, then I go to Berlin, where it's typically above freezing almost all year! Only below once in the entire foreseeable forecast now!
My luck, huh! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-27T10:42:04-05:00
Morning kittens.
Sad news today I'm afraid. It looks like Pumpkin (our beloved cat) won't get to see the new year. We got home yesterday after leaving her for two days by herself, and when we returned she could barely walk, hadn't touched her food, and barely had any water. I'm afraid it isn't looking good. Misty will be taking her in today to see if there is anything we can do, but I think its the end of the road. She put up a brave fight, she's been fighting stage 4 renal failure for about a year and a half, and I think she's just done fighting. This is really hard on Misty as it was her first pet that she ever had. I was hard on her with our dog, but this is even more personal to her. Its going to be a rough one, and the timing couldn't be worse, not that there is ever a good time.
@BaKhan: I'm sorry to hear about Pumpkin. She definitely is a fighter. Definitely agree that there never is a good time for this to happen.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-27T11:11:05-05:00
@BaKhan: I am so so sorry. Pumpkin was a wonderful kitty and I am so glad I got to meet her twice. I know what it feels to have to put down a pet. The pain never goes away completely. Sending all my love and support your way.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-27T11:22:15-05:00
Thanks guys, I'll share that with Misty too.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-27T12:26:56-05:00
That's really hard news. I'm sad I never got to meet this amazing cat you guys talk so much about. We all know how hard it is to lose a pet you've loved so much for years, we're all here for you guys.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-27T12:53:16-05:00
Thanks Zem.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-27T13:45:00-05:00
So, Misty took her in to the vet. They've given her some fluids and some appetite enhancers, but they don't think she has long left. Because my wife is a doctor, they also gave her the shot, so when its time, we can just do it at home. I think it will be more peaceful for her that way, and really thats all I'm worried about at this point. Thanks again for being there guys, it means a lot.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-27T14:55:56-05:00
@BaKhan: Have Misty cradle Pumpkin and talk to her for however long she has left. Let her know she was a good kitty and how she will be missed. Then hold Misty after it's been done because she will be grieving heavily. I did the same when Neko had to be put down. This will take some time for her to get over but she is blessed to have you there with her.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-27T16:09:58-05:00
@Geist, thank you. I've been through this many times. I've had pets my whole life, and sadly this is a part of it. We've already had a good talk about this last night as well. It is hard, its the hardest part of having a pet, but its also how you love them. You have to love them enough to let them go on their terms.
Lord Zombitten 2017-12-27T16:37:11-05:00
I'm sorry to hear about Pumpkin, BaKhan. It's always hard to lose a beloved pet. I always tell myself "no more, I can't take it" but then go out and get another.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-27T19:05:00-05:00
@LZ: Not me. I just don't have it in me to be a pet owner again. I might want to foster one day but I can't go through the pain of falling in love with them only to lose them.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-27T21:29:55-05:00
That's the worst, and probably the only bad, part of having pets, is that almost all kinds have much shorter lifespans than us. It's certainly the hardest and most dreaded part, but I think it's well worth it knowing how astoundingly much light a tiny floofball can put in our lives, and the great memories we'll always have of them.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-28T10:37:53-05:00
Morning kittens.
So today is the day. Last night we gave Pumpkin some fluids subcutaneously, and I prepared a mini smorgasbord of her favorite foods, salmon, tuna, bacon, and chicken. She ate a tiny little bit of the salmon, which was nice to see. She perked right up when she smelled it, and ate a few bites. But she can't walk anymore. Her front paws are all curled up and she tries to walk on her elbows. I had a long talk with Misty about quality of life, and the personal sacrifice that pet owners need to make. The line between care and selfishness, and what must be the most important. I am taking the afternoon off, and we will get her as comfortable as possible, let her know how much she is loved, and has and will always mean to us, and let her go. It is hard for me, and even harder for Misty. Pumpkin is the first pet that she ever had, the one that taught her everything about being a pet owner, the one that taught her how much love a pet has to give. Its never an easy thing, but I'm being as strong as I can for her, I can deal with it on my own. She has been loved, and she will be greatly missed.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-28T11:07:21-05:00
I just want to say, that I know everyone is different in how they see and deal with things, especially loss. My perspective is that the loss of a pet does not out weight the joy that they have brought into the world, and that even when they pass, that joy lives on in our memories. Much as the saying goes it is better to have loved and lost, then to never have loved at all, I see pet ownership the same way. We give them a home, food, time, care and love, they give us unconditional love and joy in unlimited and boundless amounts. The joy and love are greater than the pain of loss, and the life that they had, that only we could give them, would otherwise not be guaranteed. The only way we can know that a pet has the very best care, is by giving it to them ourselves. I know that my life would be much lesser without animals in it, even the pain of loss is just a representation of how much joy and love was shared.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-12-28T12:46:24-05:00
@BaKhan: I see where you are coming from. For me, it's the guilt that I didn't do enough for my babies. Between multiple lay offs or having office jobs that simply didn't pay enough, I am racked with guilt that I could have done more. Especially for my younger cat who had cancer. I know that it's not my fault but I feel guilty none the less.
I can see myself fostering cats when I'm a home owner again. Maybe then my mind will chance and I will give one (or more) a forever home. Right now, no.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-29T10:24:25-05:00
Morning Kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-12-29T10:29:05-05:00
@Geist, I know where you are coming from. I think its normal and natural to feel that way. But I also know, from the hours we've spent talking, that those are undeserved feelings. I know that you would have done anything for those cats, not matter what. I also know that your past doesn't help, as you were blamed for pretty much everything by everyone, also undeservedly. I'm telling you, the Geist that I know is an exceptional person, with a great heart, and boundless compassion, that knows no limits to giving. I couldn't imagine a better person to be a pet owner. Thats not just lip service, either! Any pet would be lucky to have you as its owner, no matter what.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-30T09:34:11-05:00
Sorry to abruptly change tone in here (though it's been almost a day since anything was said on these matters anyways), but:
dagnabbit, it happened again. A youtube creator, a music professor who animates visualizations of famous pieces, Smalin (very worth checking his channel out! I especially love his first Toccata&Fugue in D minor) uploaded today what is very likely my favorite piece by Chopin, his nocturne "Murmurs de la Seine", who is in turn one of my top 3 composers of all time.
What I'm eventually getting at is that after watching that (3 times), I went back down the rabbit-hole of music for several hours! In fact, I'm probably not done, but I went through a video about virtuosity, and then on to many of my favorite, usually virtuosic, songs, and stuff about what makes/made eras or styles the best.
Sorry this is a bit rambly, but that's what it's just been like. It's so much fun when you just accidentally slip down a hole into your favorite things about music and just listen to stuff and learn about music theory and culture for hours on end.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-30T09:36:26-05:00
And don't worry about being up for hours now, I'm pre-adjusting my sleep schedule to ease my transition to Berlin, so it's actually late afternoon for me now, though only 8:30 here.
Ooh, here comes the sun! About time, it's already 3:30pm! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-30T09:39:43-05:00
Sorry for a 3rd in a row, but to clarify, his visualizations are of the notes being played. It's really interesting and adds alot to the understanding and enjoyment of most pieces.
And not "what makes/made eras or styles the best.", rather so great. Superlatives like "best" only work when you want one to be superior, but they're all super great and have merits and influence, hence all of those videos.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-12-31T03:07:20-05:00
Yeah, forget all that stuff. It was all interesting before I veritably accidentally spammed because I had no idea what I was talking about. Instead,
I know I'm early, I'm just getting it out of the way.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-01-01T01:13:07-05:00
Okay, sorry, didn't think I'd be up right now (adjusting time and whatnot), but since I am, I take it back.
And will say it again, now properly: HAPPY NEW YEAR, KITTENS!!!
May 2018 prove not to be as stifling, tedious, trying, and often plain boring as 2017 was for many people, as I know it was for me. Here's looking to a brighter, more progressive, and all-around more fun year ahead!
(I guess my new resolution should be to try to avoid spamming even like I accidentally have here, all by accident and lack of planning, this weekend)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-01-01T01:15:59-05:00
Not really having a party here now on my end; my family is all away in Ukraine helping out at a sort of church-based english-learning camp. It seems really cool, but it didn't work out for me since I'd have to leave in the middle of it anyways.
So the only difference so far for me is that now I'm drinking cheap champagne while browsing the internet. Later on I plan on really celebrating just as the sun comes up, on the coldest day so far by far.
It'll be around -17 to -20 degrees F later, and I plan on going out with a beer and a cigar on the patio laughing at my mom for having to miss out on weather I know she'd love as much as I know I do.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-01-02T03:45:19-05:00
Morning kittens and Happy New Year.
I spent 98% of my vacation being a lazy butt and it felt so good. Didn't think about the job. Watched a bunch of shows. Ate what I wanted to eat. Pity it has come to an end. We get a 3 day holiday next weekend so I might use some of my vacation to extend that to 5 days.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-01-02T03:45:35-05:00
@BaKhan: How is Misty holding up?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-01-02T10:04:44-05:00
Morning kittens. Happy New Year 2018!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-01-02T10:08:48-05:00
@Geist, shes doing as well as she can. Its been very hard on her, as anyone who knows her would know. She cares so much and so deeply, it will be a while till the tears stop. I'm helping her through it as much as I (or anyone) can. She will be ok, its just going to take some time. In good news, while her hearing still hasn't returned to her right side (I'm still hopeful, but it is looking like its going to take a second surgery) her balance is returning, so at least she will be able to drive. Not that you'd want to, the streets are a mess. Now with above freezing temperatures during the day, its only going to get muckier, and more slippery. Oh well... I'm hoping that this new year is a time for healing for us, and we can get back to the normally upbeat and positive people we strive to be!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-01-02T15:50:52-05:00
Sorry for the radio silence. I came back to work during month end close AND a payment run week. Funny how there can still be chaos with half of the office still gone.
@BaKhan: Do they know why the first operation didn't take? I thought she was hearing just fine when the operation was over?
@GM: When do you think you'll be able to move into the condo you were going to rent?
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-01-02T15:52:14-05:00
Forgot to mention: we got a new boss this morning! No warning, just "Hello. I will be the new person you'll be reporting to." And to make matters worse, his desk will be next to mine. Crap.
He seems like a nice enough fellow but looks can be deceiving.
@Geist: That condo is a no go. She wanted $1,500/month, and neither of us thought it would be worth it(especially since I get more for less than half that currently living with my parents)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-01-02T17:57:41-05:00
@Geist, its hard to say for sure. There are several possibilities. They could have damaged her nerve itself, which would be bad, but should come back. The implant could have shifted during healing. Scar tissue could have enveloped the implant. The implant could have been defective. I've been thinking it could be pressure. She has always had too much pressure build up in her head. She suffers from migraines, so thats a good indicator. The implant is basically like a spring, so my thoughts were pressure forcing the spring closed and not letting it open might have been the issue. However, after 6 weeks (well in two days its six weeks) that likely hood is dwindling. The surgeon thought the most likely reason was a defective implant. They will wait till summer time before they do anything else though, they like to wait at least 6 months after a surgery to redo it, so you can heal and to give the implant time to work on its own. Some patients have had a failed procedure start working up to 6 months later, very rarely though.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-01-02T17:59:43-05:00
@Geist, even a stern or strict boss might actually be a good thing, as long as they treat everyone the same. Thats always been my main concern anyways. That way they will also be strict on anyone joining the team and you won't have to deal with some of the bs that you have been with newbies taking too much vacation, etc.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-01-03T03:51:17-05:00
Morning kittens. Man, is it cold outside. I tried taking a hot shower as soon as I got in the house so that my cold feet would warm up but when I got into bed, my feet were cold again in no time. Even though I live in a studio, it seems to take forever for the apartment to get warm enough for me to sleep right away. I may have to go to the store tonight and get some extra covers.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-01-03T04:03:05-05:00
@GM: are you guys looking into other units to rent?
@BaKhan: I hope the implant works. Having to deal with a not functioning properly implant and the death of a beloved pet has got to be very stressful for her.
As for the new boss, we will see. I still don't like the fact that he is sitting next to me. I was hoping the new girl would since we seem to get along well enough and she was looking forward to getting a decent sized desk.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-01-03T04:18:37-05:00
Geist, ah, are you getting that nice blast of cold weather that came through here on New Year's? It got down to nearly -15 here for New Year's sunrise!
And yes, I was outside for an hour in that watching the sunrise.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-01-03T10:06:51-05:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-01-03T10:12:37-05:00
Its actually warmed up quite a bit here from -29.2F (before wind chill) on new years eve, to 26.6 this morning! I love a good chinook! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-01-03T10:14:03-05:00
@Geist, thanks, I really hope that this one works as well. I hate to see her suffering. I would gladly take all that pain away from her if I only could. Physically I can handle a lot of pain, but mentally, not so much. It hurts me to see her hurting, and it makes it worse knowing that there isn't much I can do. But, I do what I can anyways.
@Geist: At the moment, no. I want to build up a fair bit more of savings first before I go for my own place. Would rather buy than rent.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-01-03T11:24:58-05:00
@GM, thats the best plan. Much harder to save when you're paying rent, etc. Keep your cost of living down as much as you can, and you seem to get along fine with your parents so, why not right?
Mike Kabala 2018-01-03T11:39:41-05:00
Hello kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-01-03T11:58:09-05:00
@CB, good day sir!
Mike Kabala 2018-01-03T12:04:44-05:00
Sorry to hear about Pumpkin. I remember how helpful all of you were when Scoobie Dew died. I hope that this community can help BasKhan and Misty as well.
It took a good year before Diane and I started talking about getting another pet, and then shortly after that Diane passed as well. I am glad I took in Cappuccino after he was born. He's been the companion I needed during my period of grief and we've begun evolving into a family again. I had his DNA done and was surprised to discover that he has more Pekingese than Chihuaha in him. I believe that explains why he's so bitey when we play. He's also 10 percent Chinese Crested. LOL, I can still remember back when Pekingese and Chihuahuas were among my least favorite breeds.
I took ten days off over the holidays and expected Cappuccino to get spoiled during that time. Yesterday was my first day back to work, and after I got home he wanted to remain close to me all evening. He didn't even like sharing my lap with the knitting I was trying to get done.
I can't imaging trying to go through life without someone, whether that someone has fur or not.
Lord Zombitten 2018-01-03T15:26:22-05:00
Can it be the weekend yet? I'm slammed at work and battling a horrible head cold, which is sapping away all my energy
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-01-03T16:31:40-05:00
Well that's fun. My car wouldn't start in a parking lot a few blocks away, I have no clue why, I have no time to try and get it looked at since I have now 1 more day to get everything completely ready to fly out, and the entire rest of my family can't help because they're in Ukraine.
Well, at least it got stuck in a parking lot, where it's only an inconvenience to a few people, and not on a highway somewhere miles out.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-01-03T16:39:39-05:00
So worse news. Misty had her 6 week check up today. The doctor told her that not only is the implant defective, but it has damaged the nerve to the point that she has 0.5% hearing left in that ear, meaning that even a hearing aid wouldn't help. I am totally devastated right now. I'm trying to get it out of my system before I get home, so I can be strong for her. Her mom broke down crying when Misty told her, and Misty had to try and support her! I'm not happy about that either tbh. We try so hard to be good people, I don't know why these things keep happening to us. To say its not fair doesn't even scratch the surface.
@Geist, I could never go vegan, but could probably handle vegetarian. Vegan is just so much soy, almond, etc. Stuff that doesn't sit well with me. You can get most of your nutrients from plants, but you still need protein. I can't eat nuts, so that means I'd have to have some dairy, or pretty much fade away... ;)
Not that I couldn't use some fading though, tbh... ;p
Chocolate covered zebra tarantula. Still nope.
Hmmm what about bacon wrapped zebra tarantula loaf? ;) Still nope!
@BaKhan: I don't like soy so I try to stick with quinoa and veggies. I don't like the meat substitutes (no tofurkey for me) so if I do have a craving, I just have the real thing. Just not a lot of it.
zebra tarantula in a rum cocktail. Hmmm...maybe since I wouldn't actually be eating it.
So, one of the movies that I'm going to see is the new Star Wars flick. I don't want to see it in a room full of people because I know I'm going to cry when Carrie Fisher appears on screen but I'm trying to avoid spoilers on the internet. They already ruined this season of TWD by revealing a spoiler.
anyone else seen it?
Ooh... a martini with a zebra tarantula abdomen (minus the legs and fangs) inst4ad of the olive!
Probably still nope, huh? ... but some people don't eat the olives either.
@Geist, I've been avoidubng Game of Thrones spoilers for the past couple of years. George R. R. Martin keeps putting off publication of "Winds of Winter," but he keeps on releasing chapters from the book ahead of time. I don't want to read any of them, until I have the entire book ion my hands. To make matters worse, I'm waiting until Christmas Day to start watching saeason 7 of the HBO series, and I've already had to siderstep sppoilers about season 8, which won't even be released until 2019!
I'm beginning to thing I may never see "Dreams of Spring" in my lifetime.
@CB: I would try that if it is used as a decoration instead of me consuming it. Like around the Halloween holiday.
Wow, my typing is atrocious!
I swear, I must have a tendency to do things motivated only by the weirdness factor. I clicked the checkout button and now my spider is expected to arrive on Christmas Eve.
If I survive, I may be getting more of them next October, even though I am NOT a party person. I guess I just like to gross people out...
@CB, by the time he releases the next book, I'll have to reread the series before I can even start it. There's just some much going on that I doubt I remember all of it, and I have a pretty good memory! ;) I won't watch the show, I caught the first couple of episodes and realized that continuing would just ruin it for me. Those actors look very little like what I pictured the characters looking like, and imo, they've HBO'd it too much (excessive nudity).
... which begs the question ... When and where is the next KittenCon? I need to start making plans. My EK calendar arrived yesterday and KittenCon would be a perfect event to pencil in.
@BK, I may have to reread the last two books just to refresh my memory about which parts of the story line come from the books and which ones come from when HBO began to diverge from that to continue the show.
@CB: At the rate G.R.R. Martin is writing these books, he is going to go to the afterlife before they are finished. I stopped reading the books after the 3rd one because I don't think he will finish the series anytime soon.
I've only watched 2 episodes of GoT.
@BaKhan: I kinda lost interest when they changed one of the scene from a romantic one to one of rape. Why change it? The books are plenty violent by themselves, you don't have to add extra.
Well that was fun and interesting! We went to see two old buildings on campus be collapsed. I'm sure you can find the video somewhere online, UNL Cather and Pound demolition, but my mom will be uploading a good video later on, I'll link it here then.
I was so startled! Not because of the blasts, but because, it being 20 degrees and me not having gloves, after the sirens, I waited a couple minutes with the video going, couldn't stand it, and was just about to warm my hands up when the first round of blasts happened! So I scrambled to get the video back up, and just as the second round of blasts went, I started it, so it was perfectly cut to start just as they fell! It almost didn't work out nearly as well as it did!
Hour and a half standing on a parking garage roof in 20 degrees, but it was pretty worth it!
BaKhan, this being Nebraska, Rocky Mountain Oysters are also common here. In fact, a local steakhouse has one of the bigger Testicle Festivals, a huge event every year trying them prepared several different ways. Actually, there's also a local bar, come to think of it, that has them as a side-dish, called Bull Fries!
I've never had them either, not really keen to, but everyone I know who's tried them says they taste surprisingly good as well.
Weird how whenever I talk about how much I like both the books and the HBO series I encounter someone who's sworn off one or the other. I know it's a matter of personal taste, but it's become so polarized lately.
FWIW, the only ROMANTIC love I've seen in either story line is that between Danerys and Khal Drogo.
Bacon-wrapped, cheese-covered, chocolate-dipped Zebra Tarantula loaf?
Yeah... too many good things just start to contrast with eachother. I think we should stop before we start adding maple bacon and coffee to the list!
Okay, I could see zebra tarantula as a garnish in some kind of a spicy cocktail, maybe even whiskey or tequila, but that's about it.
I could see it as a garnish to one thing, and one thing only. It holds a bag, and goes out to the curb usually once a week, maybe once every two weeks.
@CB, I think its just a sign of the times really. Old school book lovers and new school tv/visual media lovers rarely agree, imo. The internet, and the ability of so many to comment / be influenced by others comments, perhaps exacerbates the situation? My main complaint with anything brought to the screen is they have to cut down on the content in order to fill the time slot, and often the subtleties that I enjoy are cut. As far as ASoIaF goes, I haven't even thought of the tv show in a long time, and I certainly don't hold it against anyone for enjoying it (whether they've read the books or not). The show doesn't suit my personal tastes, but there's lots of things like that out there and I'm definitely not the one to say someone shouldn't do or watch something just because I don't feel its for me. Do as thou wilt and let your own conscious be your guide, thats my motto. ;)
@GM, yep, thats my thoughts on that as well... ;) Those fondant spiders I made for halloween, were close enough for me! ;)
Just kidding. As long as you enjoy it, it's all good. Speaking of which, I gave this to a co-worker for Christmas.
@Geist, those book marks are pretty cool!
@BaKhan: I got one and he got the other. Mine is the one that says "To Be Continued". I love it!
I like to read the books first, for the reasons you mentioned, BK. Then I like to see how it's brought to the screen by a talented director. The two media are not the same, nor should they be. As Marshall McLuhan said, "The medium is the message."
I can't wait to see "Ready Player One" on the big screen read the book and loved it! I know it can't be like the book because getting the rights to all the property mentioned in the book would be impossible.
BaKhan, having to cut the content down makes sense, but the thing I hate is when a movie director takes liberties with the source material. It's not always bad, and can even add to the books, but often it ends up ruining it all.
Think of Peter Jackson, the LotR series was great; it left a ton out, but it had to condense a few thousand pages into just 10 or so hours of movie, and even that's legendarily long. Still, they turned out great and are beloved.
But the Hobbit movies, he added way too much to. We're rewatching them now, and the first movie is great, the third is epic, but the second is where most of the absolute BS gets added in. I can understand him adding in the Necromancer subplot, because that's Saruman's reentry into the world, and even the White Orc, though he edited that quite a bit. That whole romance plot, though? And a ton of others... just why? JUST to make 3 super-long movies from what is essentially a children's novel? Is that worth it at all?!
Geist, those bookmarks are amazing! I really want that now!
And I'm not too sure about Ready Player One. I liked the book the first couple times I read it, but the movie just won't be able to recreate most of what goes on. Heck, how are they going to recreate the motion controls we haven't even figured out with real VR yet? The characters move by "subtle hand gestures"?!
Other than that, I'm sure it'll be an epic movie, a great flick, but I doubt as well that it'll stay perfectly loyal to the book at many points.
@Zem, I'm sure the movie will employ "Hollywood OS-VR" to its fullest. Just don't take the tech too seriously.
So I'm designing a heating system for a house right now (shocker, I know), and just came across a type of room that I'd never heard of before. An Orangery. Literally a room (like a green house) inside of your house that orange trees grow in. I'd like to see that in Calgary!
@Zem, I always thought that the way Jackson did The Hobbit, was as a response to how much hack 'n' slash chopping he did with LotR. Whilst I enjoyed the LotR movies, I would have enjoyed them more if they had, had more of the story in them, and less "fast forwarding" through significant plot points and character development. Imo of course!
6 minutes until vacay! I will spend the rest of the day getting ready for the various parties and other stuff I'm going to on the weekend. I'll be online next week while I relax at home.
If I haven't said it: Merry Christmas kittens! Don't drink too much eggnog!
Well kittens, time for me to head home(hooray for a day where I practically did nothing...first time in a LONG time I've been able to do so). Have a merry Christmas/happy holidays/whatever it is you decide to celebrate. I will return on Tuesday.
My main question for Peter Jackson id the following: Whatever happened to Tom Bombadil?
BaKhan, I know hardcore fans like me would have loved a 24-hour "director's cut" with all of the stuff they had to cut out, but unfortunately, there's no way in hell that'd be profitable or even productive. LotR is just such an immense series that there's no way to fit it all in. Each book would need 2-4 feature-length films at least!
I've heard they're thinking of how to make The Silmarillion, but honestly, I think it's best to leave that book where it is. There's absolutely no way anyone could do it justice. Maybe some of the series of the Histories of Middle Earth, but the full Silmarillion, especially the beginning, would never work well, and it would leave so much vital information out, just confusing the storyline of the series even more.
CB, Bombadil was probably a good choice to leave out since they had to remove so much. He was a beloved character, but doesn't add much to the stories, and is sort of a confused, unknown character to begin with. I love the theories on him. (my favorite being that he's Ea, the fire of creation, sent to burn at the heart of the world)
Although I've heard that in one of the walking shots, there's an extra person there that's most likely meant to be a nod to him.
@CB, got it in one! All of the preamble stuff, such as Tom Bombadil, their run in with the lich, etc., where did it go? That was important stuff!
@Zem, The Silmarillion didn't even do itself justice, seriously I got so bored reading that. The elves go here, the elves go there, blah blah blah elves blah. ;) The best part of the elves is the mystery of them, try to explain them in detail and they fall apart, imo. They should have been left to the ambiguity of imagination imo.
The thing about the Silmarillion is that it's basically a crash-course on the entire history of everything in Middle Earth; it's like taking a college-level course on the history of the Tolkien universe. It's really, really good in that regard, and includes everything you didn't know, everything you didn't know you didn't know, and everything that explains anything you never realized you couldn't have known you didn't know.
It's a great book, it's just very information-dense.
@Geist, Merry Christmas! I hope you have fun with all your plans!
Merry Christmas kittens!
I don't think I'll be around much to say it the next few days, nor do I expect people to be here to read it, so:
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Oh, I forgot to link to my mom's video of the building demolition! It was pretty quick, but pretty interesting. https://youtu.be/wUAXPTgubpM
And it's a white Christmas for the first time in what now, 4 or 5 years?! The past 3 or so have just been ice and rain, a tiny bit of snow in january.
But lo, snow! And several inches, and just before and on Christmas! Driving's not as fun, but it's just nice to see it finally. Also, 5 degrees right now. Perfect for me!
Morning kittens! I hope everyone's Christmas was wonderful. While things didn't go quite as planned for me, I may have gotten a small Christmas wish. I'll see how it goes within the next week or so.
Morning kittens. Looks like I was the first one in the office today.
@Geist: Hopefully it all goes positive.
Almost forgot: Happy Boxing Day!
Canadian celebrate that day, right?
And that's Christmas for me. 4 days in total could count this year due to circumstances, though today was a bit different. Happy holidays, though, everyone, hope they've been great so far!
Also, our weather... I think Nature was dozing off, then just before Christmas realized what time it was and had to work overtime just to catch up. Maybe 2 days the whole year at or below freezing, then suddenly BAM: bunch of snow and never back above freezing as far as the eye can see, and in fact this whole weekend, it's only supposed to get significantly above 0 F once!
Of course, you know me, I'm thankful, not complaining. However, the first nice, real winter in 3-4 years, not just sleet and sheets of ice on roads... and I'm leaving right when it gets good! I'll be here for new years, through the 5th, then I go to Berlin, where it's typically above freezing almost all year! Only below once in the entire foreseeable forecast now!
My luck, huh! ;)
Morning kittens.
Sad news today I'm afraid. It looks like Pumpkin (our beloved cat) won't get to see the new year. We got home yesterday after leaving her for two days by herself, and when we returned she could barely walk, hadn't touched her food, and barely had any water. I'm afraid it isn't looking good. Misty will be taking her in today to see if there is anything we can do, but I think its the end of the road. She put up a brave fight, she's been fighting stage 4 renal failure for about a year and a half, and I think she's just done fighting. This is really hard on Misty as it was her first pet that she ever had. I was hard on her with our dog, but this is even more personal to her. Its going to be a rough one, and the timing couldn't be worse, not that there is ever a good time.
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: I'm sorry to hear about Pumpkin. She definitely is a fighter. Definitely agree that there never is a good time for this to happen.
@BaKhan: I am so so sorry. Pumpkin was a wonderful kitty and I am so glad I got to meet her twice. I know what it feels to have to put down a pet. The pain never goes away completely. Sending all my love and support your way.
Thanks guys, I'll share that with Misty too.
That's really hard news. I'm sad I never got to meet this amazing cat you guys talk so much about. We all know how hard it is to lose a pet you've loved so much for years, we're all here for you guys.
Thanks Zem.
So, Misty took her in to the vet. They've given her some fluids and some appetite enhancers, but they don't think she has long left. Because my wife is a doctor, they also gave her the shot, so when its time, we can just do it at home. I think it will be more peaceful for her that way, and really thats all I'm worried about at this point. Thanks again for being there guys, it means a lot.
@BaKhan: Have Misty cradle Pumpkin and talk to her for however long she has left. Let her know she was a good kitty and how she will be missed. Then hold Misty after it's been done because she will be grieving heavily. I did the same when Neko had to be put down. This will take some time for her to get over but she is blessed to have you there with her.
@Geist, thank you. I've been through this many times. I've had pets my whole life, and sadly this is a part of it. We've already had a good talk about this last night as well. It is hard, its the hardest part of having a pet, but its also how you love them. You have to love them enough to let them go on their terms.
I'm sorry to hear about Pumpkin, BaKhan. It's always hard to lose a beloved pet. I always tell myself "no more, I can't take it" but then go out and get another.
@LZ: Not me. I just don't have it in me to be a pet owner again. I might want to foster one day but I can't go through the pain of falling in love with them only to lose them.
That's the worst, and probably the only bad, part of having pets, is that almost all kinds have much shorter lifespans than us. It's certainly the hardest and most dreaded part, but I think it's well worth it knowing how astoundingly much light a tiny floofball can put in our lives, and the great memories we'll always have of them.
Morning kittens.
So today is the day. Last night we gave Pumpkin some fluids subcutaneously, and I prepared a mini smorgasbord of her favorite foods, salmon, tuna, bacon, and chicken. She ate a tiny little bit of the salmon, which was nice to see. She perked right up when she smelled it, and ate a few bites. But she can't walk anymore. Her front paws are all curled up and she tries to walk on her elbows. I had a long talk with Misty about quality of life, and the personal sacrifice that pet owners need to make. The line between care and selfishness, and what must be the most important. I am taking the afternoon off, and we will get her as comfortable as possible, let her know how much she is loved, and has and will always mean to us, and let her go. It is hard for me, and even harder for Misty. Pumpkin is the first pet that she ever had, the one that taught her everything about being a pet owner, the one that taught her how much love a pet has to give. Its never an easy thing, but I'm being as strong as I can for her, I can deal with it on my own. She has been loved, and she will be greatly missed.
I just want to say, that I know everyone is different in how they see and deal with things, especially loss. My perspective is that the loss of a pet does not out weight the joy that they have brought into the world, and that even when they pass, that joy lives on in our memories. Much as the saying goes it is better to have loved and lost, then to never have loved at all, I see pet ownership the same way. We give them a home, food, time, care and love, they give us unconditional love and joy in unlimited and boundless amounts. The joy and love are greater than the pain of loss, and the life that they had, that only we could give them, would otherwise not be guaranteed. The only way we can know that a pet has the very best care, is by giving it to them ourselves. I know that my life would be much lesser without animals in it, even the pain of loss is just a representation of how much joy and love was shared.
@BaKhan: I see where you are coming from. For me, it's the guilt that I didn't do enough for my babies. Between multiple lay offs or having office jobs that simply didn't pay enough, I am racked with guilt that I could have done more. Especially for my younger cat who had cancer. I know that it's not my fault but I feel guilty none the less.
I can see myself fostering cats when I'm a home owner again. Maybe then my mind will chance and I will give one (or more) a forever home. Right now, no.
Morning Kittens.
@Geist, I know where you are coming from. I think its normal and natural to feel that way. But I also know, from the hours we've spent talking, that those are undeserved feelings. I know that you would have done anything for those cats, not matter what. I also know that your past doesn't help, as you were blamed for pretty much everything by everyone, also undeservedly. I'm telling you, the Geist that I know is an exceptional person, with a great heart, and boundless compassion, that knows no limits to giving. I couldn't imagine a better person to be a pet owner. Thats not just lip service, either! Any pet would be lucky to have you as its owner, no matter what.
Sorry to abruptly change tone in here (though it's been almost a day since anything was said on these matters anyways), but:
dagnabbit, it happened again. A youtube creator, a music professor who animates visualizations of famous pieces, Smalin (very worth checking his channel out! I especially love his first Toccata&Fugue in D minor) uploaded today what is very likely my favorite piece by Chopin, his nocturne "Murmurs de la Seine", who is in turn one of my top 3 composers of all time.
What I'm eventually getting at is that after watching that (3 times), I went back down the rabbit-hole of music for several hours! In fact, I'm probably not done, but I went through a video about virtuosity, and then on to many of my favorite, usually virtuosic, songs, and stuff about what makes/made eras or styles the best.
Sorry this is a bit rambly, but that's what it's just been like. It's so much fun when you just accidentally slip down a hole into your favorite things about music and just listen to stuff and learn about music theory and culture for hours on end.
And don't worry about being up for hours now, I'm pre-adjusting my sleep schedule to ease my transition to Berlin, so it's actually late afternoon for me now, though only 8:30 here.
Ooh, here comes the sun! About time, it's already 3:30pm! ;)
Sorry for a 3rd in a row, but to clarify, his visualizations are of the notes being played. It's really interesting and adds alot to the understanding and enjoyment of most pieces.
And not "what makes/made eras or styles the best.", rather so great. Superlatives like "best" only work when you want one to be superior, but they're all super great and have merits and influence, hence all of those videos.
Yeah, forget all that stuff. It was all interesting before I veritably accidentally spammed because I had no idea what I was talking about. Instead,
I know I'm early, I'm just getting it out of the way.
Okay, sorry, didn't think I'd be up right now (adjusting time and whatnot), but since I am, I take it back.
And will say it again, now properly: HAPPY NEW YEAR, KITTENS!!!
May 2018 prove not to be as stifling, tedious, trying, and often plain boring as 2017 was for many people, as I know it was for me. Here's looking to a brighter, more progressive, and all-around more fun year ahead!
(I guess my new resolution should be to try to avoid spamming even like I accidentally have here, all by accident and lack of planning, this weekend)
Not really having a party here now on my end; my family is all away in Ukraine helping out at a sort of church-based english-learning camp. It seems really cool, but it didn't work out for me since I'd have to leave in the middle of it anyways.
So the only difference so far for me is that now I'm drinking cheap champagne while browsing the internet. Later on I plan on really celebrating just as the sun comes up, on the coldest day so far by far.
It'll be around -17 to -20 degrees F later, and I plan on going out with a beer and a cigar on the patio laughing at my mom for having to miss out on weather I know she'd love as much as I know I do.
Morning kittens and Happy New Year.
I spent 98% of my vacation being a lazy butt and it felt so good. Didn't think about the job. Watched a bunch of shows. Ate what I wanted to eat. Pity it has come to an end. We get a 3 day holiday next weekend so I might use some of my vacation to extend that to 5 days.
@BaKhan: How is Misty holding up?
Morning kittens. Happy New Year 2018!
@Geist, shes doing as well as she can. Its been very hard on her, as anyone who knows her would know. She cares so much and so deeply, it will be a while till the tears stop. I'm helping her through it as much as I (or anyone) can. She will be ok, its just going to take some time. In good news, while her hearing still hasn't returned to her right side (I'm still hopeful, but it is looking like its going to take a second surgery) her balance is returning, so at least she will be able to drive. Not that you'd want to, the streets are a mess. Now with above freezing temperatures during the day, its only going to get muckier, and more slippery. Oh well... I'm hoping that this new year is a time for healing for us, and we can get back to the normally upbeat and positive people we strive to be!
Morning kittens.
Sorry for the radio silence. I came back to work during month end close AND a payment run week. Funny how there can still be chaos with half of the office still gone.
@BaKhan: Do they know why the first operation didn't take? I thought she was hearing just fine when the operation was over?
@GM: When do you think you'll be able to move into the condo you were going to rent?
Forgot to mention: we got a new boss this morning! No warning, just "Hello. I will be the new person you'll be reporting to." And to make matters worse, his desk will be next to mine. Crap.
He seems like a nice enough fellow but looks can be deceiving.
@Geist: That condo is a no go. She wanted $1,500/month, and neither of us thought it would be worth it(especially since I get more for less than half that currently living with my parents)
@Geist, its hard to say for sure. There are several possibilities. They could have damaged her nerve itself, which would be bad, but should come back. The implant could have shifted during healing. Scar tissue could have enveloped the implant. The implant could have been defective. I've been thinking it could be pressure. She has always had too much pressure build up in her head. She suffers from migraines, so thats a good indicator. The implant is basically like a spring, so my thoughts were pressure forcing the spring closed and not letting it open might have been the issue. However, after 6 weeks (well in two days its six weeks) that likely hood is dwindling. The surgeon thought the most likely reason was a defective implant. They will wait till summer time before they do anything else though, they like to wait at least 6 months after a surgery to redo it, so you can heal and to give the implant time to work on its own. Some patients have had a failed procedure start working up to 6 months later, very rarely though.
@Geist, even a stern or strict boss might actually be a good thing, as long as they treat everyone the same. Thats always been my main concern anyways. That way they will also be strict on anyone joining the team and you won't have to deal with some of the bs that you have been with newbies taking too much vacation, etc.
Morning kittens. Man, is it cold outside. I tried taking a hot shower as soon as I got in the house so that my cold feet would warm up but when I got into bed, my feet were cold again in no time. Even though I live in a studio, it seems to take forever for the apartment to get warm enough for me to sleep right away. I may have to go to the store tonight and get some extra covers.
@GM: are you guys looking into other units to rent?
@BaKhan: I hope the implant works. Having to deal with a not functioning properly implant and the death of a beloved pet has got to be very stressful for her.
As for the new boss, we will see. I still don't like the fact that he is sitting next to me. I was hoping the new girl would since we seem to get along well enough and she was looking forward to getting a decent sized desk.
Geist, ah, are you getting that nice blast of cold weather that came through here on New Year's? It got down to nearly -15 here for New Year's sunrise!
And yes, I was outside for an hour in that watching the sunrise.
Morning kittens.
Its actually warmed up quite a bit here from -29.2F (before wind chill) on new years eve, to 26.6 this morning! I love a good chinook! ;)
@Geist, thanks, I really hope that this one works as well. I hate to see her suffering. I would gladly take all that pain away from her if I only could. Physically I can handle a lot of pain, but mentally, not so much. It hurts me to see her hurting, and it makes it worse knowing that there isn't much I can do. But, I do what I can anyways.
Morning kittens.
@Geist: At the moment, no. I want to build up a fair bit more of savings first before I go for my own place. Would rather buy than rent.
@GM, thats the best plan. Much harder to save when you're paying rent, etc. Keep your cost of living down as much as you can, and you seem to get along fine with your parents so, why not right?
Hello kittens.
@CB, good day sir!
Sorry to hear about Pumpkin. I remember how helpful all of you were when Scoobie Dew died. I hope that this community can help BasKhan and Misty as well.
It took a good year before Diane and I started talking about getting another pet, and then shortly after that Diane passed as well. I am glad I took in Cappuccino after he was born. He's been the companion I needed during my period of grief and we've begun evolving into a family again. I had his DNA done and was surprised to discover that he has more Pekingese than Chihuaha in him. I believe that explains why he's so bitey when we play. He's also 10 percent Chinese Crested. LOL, I can still remember back when Pekingese and Chihuahuas were among my least favorite breeds.
I took ten days off over the holidays and expected Cappuccino to get spoiled during that time. Yesterday was my first day back to work, and after I got home he wanted to remain close to me all evening. He didn't even like sharing my lap with the knitting I was trying to get done.
I can't imaging trying to go through life without someone, whether that someone has fur or not.
Can it be the weekend yet? I'm slammed at work and battling a horrible head cold, which is sapping away all my energy
Well that's fun. My car wouldn't start in a parking lot a few blocks away, I have no clue why, I have no time to try and get it looked at since I have now 1 more day to get everything completely ready to fly out, and the entire rest of my family can't help because they're in Ukraine.
Well, at least it got stuck in a parking lot, where it's only an inconvenience to a few people, and not on a highway somewhere miles out.
So worse news. Misty had her 6 week check up today. The doctor told her that not only is the implant defective, but it has damaged the nerve to the point that she has 0.5% hearing left in that ear, meaning that even a hearing aid wouldn't help. I am totally devastated right now. I'm trying to get it out of my system before I get home, so I can be strong for her. Her mom broke down crying when Misty told her, and Misty had to try and support her! I'm not happy about that either tbh. We try so hard to be good people, I don't know why these things keep happening to us. To say its not fair doesn't even scratch the surface.