@Geist, you have no idea how glad I am to see you post! I was starting to get worried! Best of luck with everything, and don't be a stranger! We miss you!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-09T09:24:17-05:00
@CB, that was an amazing story! That sounds like a herculean effort to get that printer in to place and then to be able to use it to such satisfaction! Kudos to you good sir! It reminds me of when I bought my last digital mixing board, quite large, having to set it all up, tweaking all the channels (24!) and then setting it up with my Mac. The results were so good, it almost made me sad I hadn't had something like it 20+ years ago! I'm proud of you for finding a way, and putting in the effort required! Congratulations!
Mike Kabala 2018-03-09T09:58:19-05:00
@BK, a 24 channel mixer, now I’m jealous!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-09T14:27:43-05:00
Woot! I got the part time job! I start my training next week and will start officially on the 24th of this month. That will help out a lot toward paying down my debt. Now to get a permanent job.
I just realized I might not be able to attend Awesome Con this month. Hmmm, gotta see if I can work something out.
Lord Zombitten 2018-03-09T14:31:28-05:00
Congrats, Geist!
CB, that is an amazing story! It's awesome that you were able to get that all squared away!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-09T14:31:39-05:00
That's freaking awesome, Geist, congratulations! Good to hear they can't keep you down too long!
Mike Kabala 2018-03-09T17:10:27-05:00
@Geist, good to hear. It revives my hope of getting a new assignment soon.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-11T18:39:43-04:00
Huzzah, I finally have a smartphone! My brother thought he might need one, a former exchange student gave him his old one, turned out he didn't need it after all, so he gave it to me because I really should have one here!
Anyways, now I can WhatsApp and chat the snaps with the best of 'em! I feel like a really old person who didn't even know computers could fit inside houses yet suddenly got introduced to the internet.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-12T04:53:20-04:00
Morning kittens. Today is the first of the temp job. They won't let me use the company computer for personal stuff so I'll have to check in on my phone. Hopefully I can catch on quickly with my duties so that I can keep the checks coming in. I start my training for my second job this Saturday. Thing is, I have to find a collared white cotton shirt to go with my training uniform. Not as easy as one would think since I know for a fact that women's clothing stores don't currently have this so I was thinking of checking out the men's clothing section. I might be able to find what I'm looking for in the extra large section.
@CB: if you are still being paid a check with benefits, why are you looking for work? Wouldn't you be, instead, waiting for your next assignment?
@BaKhan: Awwww. Thank you. I missed you guys. I didn't post because I was feeling really low. This layoff hit me pretty hard. Glad to get back on track to getting my bills paid.
Wait, Elan got married? Congrats to him!
Congrats to Creeper that her bakery is doing so well. I must take a road trip to her shop.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-12T09:22:47-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-12T09:24:35-04:00
@Geist, thats great stuff! I really hope you'll be able to find a full time/part time combo that works for you, and actually appreciates what you bring to the table! We're all rooting for you!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-13T07:49:24-04:00
Morning kittens.
So the first day of work was nice. They started me out on some easy stuff and are really nice to me. When I wouldn't take my coat off because of the cold, the manager got me a space heater. That is a first. Most offices don't let you have one because it's a fire hazard. I've worked at this location before (not for this company) and the only thing that changed is that they have a Starbucks in the lobby now. That is nice to know if I do forget my lunch.
We are almost through winter and still haven't had any snow although there was the bomb cyclone that hit us a couple of weeks ago. I stayed in my apartment for two days until the winds really died down. Was so worried one of the trees near my apartment would fall against the building and break one of the windows. Good thing it was during the day that I lost power so that I could spend most of that day snuggled in bed catching up on my reading.
Hope everyone else's week is going by good so far.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-13T08:03:26-04:00
Did anyone see the Black Panther movie? I did opening weekend. I give it points for bringing up some subjects that I thought were a bit taboo, over all I thought the plot was predictable. Very happy it passed the $1 billion mark at the box office though.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-13T09:21:10-04:00
Morning Kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-13T09:27:10-04:00
@Geist, I'm glad to hear such promising things on your first day! Remember to just keep smiling! Your personality will win them over and get them to give you a full time position! Really hopeful for you!
You didn't get any snow, because we decided to keep it all this year! Seriously, we have piles of snow, everywhere in parking lots, sides of streets etc. We have piles that have to be over 8 feet tall in my work parking lot. This has been one of the longer winters I can remember in some time. Zem would love it, me, not so much! ;)
Haven't seen the Black Panther movie yet, not sure we'll get the chance while its in theaters tbh. Misty has several cousins who were all pregnant at the same time (different fathers thankfully...) and they are starting to pop now, two down, two to go. So I would imagine that we'll be quite busy "seeing the baby" for the next little while. I may opt out of the obligatory Medicine Hat trip this time though... I'd like to just relax for one whole weekend for a change! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-13T11:08:18-04:00
Haha, BaKhan, you're pretty right! This is probably the mildest winter I've ever had! Not terrible, but just annoying to know home had a heavy winter just after I left. ;)
Geist, that's awesome, it's great to hear that it's coming along so well for you already!
Lord Zombitten 2018-03-13T15:00:12-04:00
Another bad apple has to be tossed before it spoils the whole barrel. I really don't like this part of the job, but she's been given too many chances already...
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-13T15:53:03-04:00
LZ, that sucks, sorry man! How is it that you keep getting people like this? Doesn't seem like the kind of job type where so many people would act like elementary schoolers on a playground, yet they keep pushing your hand!
Lord Zombitten 2018-03-13T16:06:47-04:00
Indeed. I think they think I won't actually fire anyone because I'm generally pretty laid back and easy going. If they keep up with the childish drama, though, I don't have a choice.
Mike Kabala 2018-03-13T17:33:19-04:00
Afternoon kittens.
@Geist, the reason I'm talking to recruiters is I don't trust my employer to find me another position and I don't want to be on the bench for months doing nothing. A guy could get used to that and that makes it tougher to re-engage once I do start a position.
My manager keeps telling me he doesn't expect to have me on the bench for long, but then he goes for a week or more without any updates on my situation. That makes me extremely nervous.
I also tend to spend more when work doesn't keep me busy. Since getting the printer, I've been busy upgrading my camera and lenses. Turns out the one I thought I had walked out of my living room about the same time my computer went missing. I still have two of the three lenses though.
Mike Kabala 2018-03-13T17:47:35-04:00
Speaking of lenses, the ones they sell you with the DSLR kits are all zoom lenses with a terrible maximum aperture. Back in my film photography days, my pride and joy was a 50mm f1.4 lens that paid for itself every time I took indoor photographs using available light.
Since I needed a new camera body any way, I also bought a 35mm f1.8 lens. Using this lens brings back memories of the past. 35mm in a Nikon D5600 gives me roughly the same viewing angle as the 50mm did in my old 35mm Nikkormat FTN because the image sensor is smaller by a factor of about 30%. Having a wide open fixed focal length lens is not only sharper, but the aperture range lets me play around with depth of field again.
My first shot was of my dog close up. His eyes have an almost liquid texture and the softening of focus around his nose and behind his head draw you right in to those eyes, especially when I print the photo out as a 13 x 19 inch enlargement.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-13T17:55:06-04:00
Heck, CB, maybe you should just take pictures to use for the tokens! We'd have to be careful to avoid any logos and such, maybe touch up our photoshop skills to alter some to give them our own logos, but that could be really cool too!
@Zem, we could use photographs, but then we would have to come up with models for each of the characters and mock-ups for all of the products. Cartoon images are actually much easier.
Another option that I sometimes use is to start with a photograph, draw over it, and eventually remove the photograph leaving just the drawing.
@LZ, how is the player mat coming along. Can you post a "work in progress?"
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-14T18:31:03-04:00
Oh, before it's too late, happy Pi Day, everyone!
Mike Kabala 2018-03-14T19:33:01-04:00
RIP Stephen Hawking.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-15T03:26:08-04:00
Also that, yeah. He went on Pi Day, forever darkening it just a bit.
Mike Kabala 2018-03-15T07:55:36-04:00
Morning kittens
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-15T09:23:38-04:00
Morning kittens. Is it Friday yet?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-15T11:14:02-04:00
Geist, not quite yet, thankfully. I have a big test on Friday.
Fun note, this is the first message I've posted here from my new phone! I've lurked a bit before, but never really had much to say.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-15T18:23:29-04:00
On that note, I won't probably be in much tomorrow (if we suddenly decide to be talkative for some reason) for that reason; I'll either be in the test or drunk off my mind waiting for the results. It's sort of a tradition here, since these tests are especially stressful, but happen every 5 weeks, then you have to wait for the results, which are posted that evening.
Thankfully I'm not too stressed this time; I fully expect not to pass. While that sounds terribly pessimistic, it's more realistic, and very normal for this level here, and isn't actually that big of a setback.
So... yeah, not really sure why it's so stressful or why everyone gets so drunk immediately after, now that I think about it! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-16T08:45:49-04:00
Morning kittens. Friday at last.
Interesting thing happened earlier this week. I got a call from a position I sent my resume to. They wanted to meet with me in person for an interview. I thought that was unusual because most places insist on a phone interview first before moving on to meet in person. Plus, I had just started this temp job so that would mean that I would have to lose hours to attend it. Still, I didn't feel right about turning them down so I went. The interview went well and the HR director said I was more than qualified for the job. So why didn't I feel happy about that?
Reason 1: The office is located in Virginia. This wouldn't bother me if I had a car but unlike the temp job, I would have to rely on the subway to get me to this facility and that would cost too much money. The Metro here isn't very reliable and there are no bus only connections to most of Virginia.
Reason 2: Since I've been on the temp job, I've got to admit that I enjoy it. They are open to me coming into work a little earlier so that I don't leave so late. It's real chill and laid back and unlike my last job, they are letting me learn at my own pace. I don't know if this other company will let me do that. The temp job allows for over time. Most companies don't and I'm done with working for free. From what she was telling me, the work load is massive so I foresee a lot of late nights.
Reason 3: At this point, I'm looking at the long game. What ever place I end up at, I will be saving up to go to school. I was hoping to get some prerequisite done before I leave and go full time and I'm not sure this new company will let me do that.
Now if they are willing to pay me $10 grand more than what I am currently making and throw in some kick ass benefits, then I would certainly make the switch. I would just have to save up for 3 years of college instead of two.
Since the interview was yesterday, if I get picked, I won't know until the middle of next week.
Mike Kabala 2018-03-16T09:36:24-04:00
Morning kittens.
I have an interview with an evangelistic association today to do web development. I'm nervous, so that must mean I really want the job. I just hope I don't stumble on a question during the interview. I've always wanted a job that combined work with ministry. I've spent enough time working for the devil. Hopefully it's time for that to change.
I'd say wish me luck, but I don't believe in luck. The last thing I need would be to be guided by something as fickle as that. I'll ask for prayers instead.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-16T11:34:20-04:00
Geist, I think you're totally justified with this. Even though it's just a temp job, it seems like it would be SO much better, even in the long run. Plus, didn't you say they had the opportunity for a permanent position? If so, and you really like it as much as you say, that would be perfect!
Not to mention, hey, they're paying you overtime for once! I hate that so many companies take advantage of salaries and make those poor people work so much overtime for no extra pay.
Haha, after what I said yesterday, I realized I don't need to be drunk off my ass. ... so I'm going to be regular drunk instead! ;) (hey, it's really just an excuse/occasion after all)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-16T11:38:21-04:00
CB, you absolutely have my prayers! This opportunity sounds awesome, and I really hope you turn out to be the perfect choice for the job!
Well...this is a first. I can't even type in the comment box on my work computer. I have to go on my phone to do it.
I swear...if the crap keeps up at work that is going on, I will pack up and walk out(was tempted on Wednesday due to the most prominent lie told here "not in the budget")
Mike Kabala 2018-03-16T15:21:45-04:00
Well, the position I interviewed for wasn't even close to the position the recruiter told e I'd be interviewing for. The hiring manager was kind enough to walk my resume over to the appropriate group for my skillset though, so it's in God's hands to provide the olpportunity.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-16T15:35:05-04:00
But then... I did pass, and so did at least 7 other people in my former class of 10, and not only that, but though they try to mix up the classes well, those 8 of us will be 8/10 people in my next class. So that's interesting. And weird. Hey, I guess we all know eachother pretty well by now!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-16T15:37:28-04:00
GM, hahaha, why would anyone bother telling you of all people what is or isn't in the budget?!
Really, though, I'm still surprised you haven't left. Someday, your doctor will probably prescribe quitting that job for stress reasons!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-16T15:38:23-04:00
CB, that may be all it took to get in the door! I'm praying they'll find something perfect for you!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-16T15:49:26-04:00
@CB: I'm sure everything will turn out just fine for you. Sending good kitten vibes your way.
@Zem: I can guarantee my doctor would say that. Especially when I am very rarely hungry, and when I do eat it's stuff that I really shouldn't be eating(high sugar content).
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-16T15:51:16-04:00
@GM: Walking out (tempting though it may be) wouldn't help you in terms of finding new employment. You'd need a good reference from your current job and that wouldn't happen if you just left abruptly.
@Geist: All the time since September(excluding when I was on vacation last month). Bus ride to and from work is spent looking, lunch break is spent looking. Spend an hour or so most nights, and a few hours on the weekends.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-16T17:25:46-04:00
GM, I was also wondering about that. It's good to know you're searching for the perfect replacement job, but you probably shouldn't spend SO much time. If absolutely nothing else, constantly thinking about a new job is only going to make your current one even harder on you.
But I really hope you find something great soon and can finally put an end to this all!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-17T04:05:38-04:00
Happy St. Sneaky Pete's Day, everyone!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-17T12:20:20-04:00
Happy International Turn Your Liver Green Day!
Mike Kabala 2018-03-17T13:10:10-04:00
Happy Saturday kittens.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-17T14:59:01-04:00
Not to be confused with regular Green Day.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-17T15:11:43-04:00
So far, I've got "Sneaky Pete's Day" (a reference, but also just sounds fun), "International Turn Your Liver Green Day" (not to be confused with regular Green Day), "National Exaggerate your Irish ethnicity day", and "The Irish Can Have National Pride Too Day".
And heck, why not: "Eat Food That's Less Irish Than You Are Whilst Drinking Beer That's More Irish Than Potatoes Day"
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-19T09:23:32-04:00
Morning Kittens.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-19T09:36:19-04:00
Morning kittens.
Finished my first weekend at my part time job. Very chill. The hours are so early in the morning that I hardly had to do anything for the first half of it. I got good reviews from the supervisor so as long as I don't break a rule (intentional or not) I got my extra income. The only sucky parts are the fact that in order for me to get there by 7 am, I have to leave the apartment by 5 am and there is no direct deposit for my pay so it will have to be mailed to me.
The business is a nursing home/rehab facility located in a fairly isolated part of D.C. It's within walking distance from the subway so I can get home quicker when I leave work. My co-workers seem nice although the nurses treat us like "other".
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-19T09:36:50-04:00
Hi BaKhan! Where were you last week?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-19T10:31:37-04:00
@Geist, glad to hear your new pt job is working out! I'm dealing with a fairly major gout attack in my right knee (which is normally my good knee) right now. I couldn't sleep at all on Wednesday night and called in sick to work on Thursday because of it. I had Friday off to take my vehicle into the dealership. There was an oil leak (covered under warranty) and a timing issue (also covered under warranty), and then about 3 different warranty recall issues (which seem to be pretty standard with new vehicles now a days). Looks like the only thing I'll actually have to pay for is the oil change! So they've put me up in a rental Chrysler 300s on their dime until my Journey is ready for pick up. At least theres that!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-19T13:14:48-04:00
Only two more weeks until Awesome Con! I am going to see if I can get off work early so that I can get some shopping in. I missed out on a rad fountain pen with a skull on top that I wanted.
Mike Kabala 2018-03-19T13:34:07-04:00
Hello kittens.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-19T15:18:36-04:00
Hey CB. How was your weekend?
Mike Kabala 2018-03-19T15:22:38-04:00
I had a rough weekend. Couldn't find a date to take to Red Lobster so I wound up going by myself. I got in ahead of a 1 hour and 15 minute waiting list though by taking a booth in the bar. I guess there ARE advantages to going out for dinner by myself.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-19T16:30:38-04:00
@CB: I've only been to a Red Lobster once. All I remember is the cheddar biscuits. There is a Red Lobster not far from where I currently work but I prefer to go to Dave and Busters for drinks/food/games.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-20T07:48:54-04:00
Morning kittens.
I need to sit down and have a talk with Mother Nature. On the first day of Spring, the weather man has told us that we are getting a snow storm. Nothing really major that will keep people house bound for days at a time but we are suppose to get 3 to 5 inches tomorrow. That will put a big hamper on getting to work. It's currently raining now and if the temp drops to the point that all of that water turns to ice, then the buses will not run in my area and I will lose a days wages. *sigh*
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-20T07:51:00-04:00
@GM: I'm impressed. The Rec Room has more variety and a better food menu than Dave and Busters. I will have to check them out the next time I visit.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-20T09:06:27-04:00
Morning kittens. I got bad news last night. Apparently the stuff for my car that was supposed to be under warranty is not. Because I didn't get my oil changes done at the dealership, they are claiming improper work was done, leading to the damage to the engine. I don't have all the info yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm screwed. I really can't afford this right now. I'm still trying to be hopeful, but its dwindling pretty fast.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-20T09:41:30-04:00
@BaKhan: Oh no! How do they know the damage was to improper work? Sounds to me like they want to get out of not paying by blaming you. Did you warranty say that you HAD to have the work done at the dealership? If not, then you are off the hook.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-20T10:01:03-04:00
@Geist, I think you're 100% right, I think that they are just trying to get out of doing the work. I haven't gone over the fine print, but knowing how these things work from where I am, I doubt I'll have much of a leg to stand on. I was certainly never told that I needed to have oil changes done at the dealership. I still don't have any other new yet, so I'll have to see what they say today. I will also be raising hell with Dodge directly, as much as I can anyways.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-20T10:19:40-04:00
@BaKhan: If they refuse to fix the part, how long would you be able to keep the loaner car? Wouldn't that mean that you and Misty would have to drive her car?
@BaKhan: All because you didn't get the oil changes at the dealership? Complete BS on that. They just don't want to pay the cost of it for faulty parts.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-20T11:01:54-04:00
@Geist, I have to take the loaner back today, but I'm waiting on the call first. I will also have to leave work to deal with all of this. So I'll end up losing more money. This money stuff is the worst. It should be the least important thing, but it always seems to be the most when you don't have it. I know that I'm not really in a position to complain, many many people have it much worse off. Its just so stressful!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-20T11:02:30-04:00
@GM, exactly! I will fight as hard as I can, but that normally just backfires on me anyways. Feeling a bit helpless about it all tbh.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-20T11:48:37-04:00
It should be the least important thing, but it always seems to be the most when you don't have it.
Tell me about it. Just let me be late with my rent by 6 days. They will file the eviction notices so fast, it will make your head spin. No trying to work something out. One of the reasons why I'm working 7 days a week is so that I can pay my bills and get to school so that I can make enough so that I can actually enjoy my life.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-20T12:11:52-04:00
@BaKhan: How much would it cost you to rent a car until you get your permanent one fixed? Nothing fancy. There has to be cheap rentals you could use so you wouldn't miss work.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-20T12:16:14-04:00
@Geist, I still don't have all the info, as they still haven't called me yet. So I'm not sure. Rental vehicles in Calgary are not cheap though. We don't have the same level of competition that you guys do in the states. I'm still hopeful that I can make this work somehow. The anxiety is soul crushing though.
Mike Kabala 2018-03-20T12:41:53-04:00
Good afternoon kittens.
Well, I just bombed out trying to pass a HackerRank skills assessment. It's too bad, because the company I wanted to interview with sounded really nice. It was in Phoenix, so I would have had to pull up stakes and move across the country. Now I won't be getting that chance though.
Weird thing is, I never had a problem with test anxiety back when I was in school, but nowadays, I spend more time looking at the clock than I do trying to answer the stupid questions. To make matters worse, every time I tried to check my work I would get an error message, even for simple stuff that should have rendered right away.
Maybe it's time to consider a career change, or a shift into management.
Mike Kabala 2018-03-20T14:06:05-04:00
Anything new regarding Blackest Friday? It's been a while since we've discussed this. I hope nobody has lost interest.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-20T14:07:01-04:00
@BaKhan: I am so sorry you are going through this tough time. With all that you and Misty have been going through, I know it can seem like life is just kicking you in the fruit for kicks. Hang in there my friend. I'll send good vibes and prayers your way
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-20T14:08:48-04:00
@CB: I haven't lot interest. Things have been a little crappy since I lost my job but now that I've got two of them, I'm on more financial footing. Did I get an invite to the Dropbox?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-20T14:20:00-04:00
@CB, I haven't lost interest at all. I'm just struggling with what feels like too much right now, to make any serious contributions. What I was thinking may help, is if we divided and accomplish? I haven't spent a lot of time, but if we could maybe list of the things left to do (of which there are many) and then listed them so people could pick a part, it might help me get more motivated/accomplishing stuff anyways. Just some thoughts.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-20T14:52:47-04:00
@Geist, thanks for the kind words!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-20T15:58:26-04:00
But of course, you got your oil changed somewhere else, for all you know, they put napalm and smuggled cocaine in there! Clearly this is unacceptable, so pay us all your money.
Mike Kabala 2018-03-20T16:00:20-04:00
@Geist, everryone who emailed me got an invite. Please send me your email to get added.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-21T03:00:59-04:00
Morning kittens. The "snow storm" is here and when I look out my window, I hardly see any. Of course, D.C. and the surrounding cities have over reacted, as usual. I think the buses have stopped running in my neighborhood. So now it looks like I will miss a days wages. And this is one of the many reasons why I hate temping.
Morning kittens...is it home time yet?(Yes, I am at work all because the payroll program was hung up and not processing the reports I needed to send to managers)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-21T09:35:23-04:00
Morning kittens.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-21T10:38:02-04:00
Morning kittens.
I so want to punch Mother Nature in the taint around about now. The federal government shut down before there was any snow on the roads and despite it coming down harder now, the buses and subways are still operational. So now I've lost a days wages. I'll have to work 12 hours tomorrow and Friday if I'm going to make it up and get a full check. This is one of the main reasons why I hate temping. Meanwhile, I just found out that manager position that I applied for went to another candidate. Can't say I was surprised but I'm more than a little disappointed. It would have been quite a feather in my cap to have gotten that job.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-21T11:27:51-04:00
@Geist, I'm sorry to hear that, I can totally understand how frustrating that is. Also sorry about that management postion too, I would be disappointed as well for sure. Hopefully something great is just waiting around the corner for you!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-21T11:46:48-04:00
Thanks BaKhan. I'm just so tired of this whole fucking profession.
How is the car situation going?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-21T12:15:37-04:00
@Geist, car situation is still ongoing. I'm dealing with the service manager now, and she seems to be more willing to be helpful. My main issue was not keeping my oil change receipts, which I now realize was really dumb. I just never expected to have an issue like this, the car is only 4 years old. So as with most of my life, stupid decisions are making everything complicated. I was able to get a couple of receipts from a Mr. Lube and send them into her, so I trying to be hopeful that it will make a difference. I'm very much still super stressed, and in a serious bind if they don't cover it under warranty. As of right now, my original motor is disassembled and they don't seem willing to put it back together, for what they say are safety reasons. To get a used motor (with less mileage than my current one) would cost over $7000, and right now, I just don't have that kind of money. If I saved up for a few months I could do it, but then I would be out of a car, and have no way to get to work. So, yeah, I'm a ball of stress right now. Hoping for good news.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-21T12:19:50-04:00
BaKhan and Geist, I'm really sorry for you guys right now. I know I haven't said much, but know that I'm hoping things turn around for you all soon!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-21T12:54:21-04:00
@Zem, thanks brother. I appreciate it.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-21T14:54:53-04:00
@BaKhan: all of on this planet have made a stupid decision or 2. How many of us keep our receipts anyway? I know of only one person in my lifetime and her reason is she tends to return things on a regular basis.
You and I didn't get the best life prep growing up so try not to be so hard on yourself. Try to find something that will help you take your mind off your troubles for a while. I like to dive into a good book or go to the movies. It helps me calm down and sometimes clears my head so I can think rationally.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-21T16:24:37-04:00
@Geist, thanks for that. I've been told so many times over the past couple of days how dumb I am for not keeping them. Its a fairly common thread when I tell people about the situation I'm in right now. Talk about kicking a guy when he's down.
@BaKhan: I can see why people say to keep them...but I probably would have done the same as you and thrown them out. I know my parents keep all receipts for items they paid for with credit cards, then check their statement against those receipts every month. They don't keep the receipts past that(to my knowledge). But keeping receipts from oil changes going back however many months/years....I really couldn't see the majority of people doing that.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-03-22T03:40:00-04:00
BaKhan, did you ask all of those people if they've kept all of their oil change receipts ever? Because the only people I know who do that are my parents, but even then I doubt they actually keep stuff like that more than a year or two. Why would people just be insensitive about this? It's not really common knowledge or practice to hold on to every seemingly not too important receipt for the entire life of a car.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-03-22T07:27:19-04:00
Morning kittens. I got into work around 7 am so I'm hoping to get some extra hours in even though the government is on a two hour delay. I could kick myself for not coming in the office yesterday when the bus and subway system were still running.
The roads are even more clear than yesterday. The only thing I have to look out for now is ice and, thankfully, most businesses keep their sidewalks clear. (Don't want a law suit to hit them) Got my last unemployment check. When I log in this Sunday, I'll have to let them know I've found work. All businesses report your employment to the surrounding unemployment agencies so you can get in trouble if caught. I know one woman I use to work with that had an undeclared part time job and when she went to renew, they told her that she couldn't until she paid back the over payment plus penalties.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-22T08:56:58-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-03-22T08:59:23-04:00
@Zem, I think its just human nature. If they can make the problem unique to you, then it doesn't effect them. I also think its like watching a famous person crash and burn, people get a perverse sense of enjoyment out of it.
Morning kittens!
@Geist, you have no idea how glad I am to see you post! I was starting to get worried! Best of luck with everything, and don't be a stranger! We miss you!
@CB, that was an amazing story! That sounds like a herculean effort to get that printer in to place and then to be able to use it to such satisfaction! Kudos to you good sir! It reminds me of when I bought my last digital mixing board, quite large, having to set it all up, tweaking all the channels (24!) and then setting it up with my Mac. The results were so good, it almost made me sad I hadn't had something like it 20+ years ago! I'm proud of you for finding a way, and putting in the effort required! Congratulations!
@BK, a 24 channel mixer, now I’m jealous!
Woot! I got the part time job! I start my training next week and will start officially on the 24th of this month. That will help out a lot toward paying down my debt. Now to get a permanent job.
I just realized I might not be able to attend Awesome Con this month. Hmmm, gotta see if I can work something out.
Congrats, Geist!
CB, that is an amazing story! It's awesome that you were able to get that all squared away!
That's freaking awesome, Geist, congratulations! Good to hear they can't keep you down too long!
@Geist, good to hear. It revives my hope of getting a new assignment soon.
Huzzah, I finally have a smartphone! My brother thought he might need one, a former exchange student gave him his old one, turned out he didn't need it after all, so he gave it to me because I really should have one here!
Anyways, now I can WhatsApp and chat the snaps with the best of 'em! I feel like a really old person who didn't even know computers could fit inside houses yet suddenly got introduced to the internet.
Morning kittens. Today is the first of the temp job. They won't let me use the company computer for personal stuff so I'll have to check in on my phone. Hopefully I can catch on quickly with my duties so that I can keep the checks coming in. I start my training for my second job this Saturday. Thing is, I have to find a collared white cotton shirt to go with my training uniform. Not as easy as one would think since I know for a fact that women's clothing stores don't currently have this so I was thinking of checking out the men's clothing section. I might be able to find what I'm looking for in the extra large section.
@CB: if you are still being paid a check with benefits, why are you looking for work? Wouldn't you be, instead, waiting for your next assignment?
@BaKhan: Awwww. Thank you. I missed you guys. I didn't post because I was feeling really low. This layoff hit me pretty hard. Glad to get back on track to getting my bills paid.
Wait, Elan got married? Congrats to him!
Congrats to Creeper that her bakery is doing so well. I must take a road trip to her shop.
Morning kittens.
@Geist, thats great stuff! I really hope you'll be able to find a full time/part time combo that works for you, and actually appreciates what you bring to the table! We're all rooting for you!
Morning kittens.
So the first day of work was nice. They started me out on some easy stuff and are really nice to me. When I wouldn't take my coat off because of the cold, the manager got me a space heater. That is a first. Most offices don't let you have one because it's a fire hazard. I've worked at this location before (not for this company) and the only thing that changed is that they have a Starbucks in the lobby now. That is nice to know if I do forget my lunch.
We are almost through winter and still haven't had any snow although there was the bomb cyclone that hit us a couple of weeks ago. I stayed in my apartment for two days until the winds really died down. Was so worried one of the trees near my apartment would fall against the building and break one of the windows. Good thing it was during the day that I lost power so that I could spend most of that day snuggled in bed catching up on my reading.
Hope everyone else's week is going by good so far.
Did anyone see the Black Panther movie? I did opening weekend. I give it points for bringing up some subjects that I thought were a bit taboo, over all I thought the plot was predictable. Very happy it passed the $1 billion mark at the box office though.
Morning Kittens.
@Geist, I'm glad to hear such promising things on your first day! Remember to just keep smiling! Your personality will win them over and get them to give you a full time position! Really hopeful for you!
You didn't get any snow, because we decided to keep it all this year! Seriously, we have piles of snow, everywhere in parking lots, sides of streets etc. We have piles that have to be over 8 feet tall in my work parking lot. This has been one of the longer winters I can remember in some time. Zem would love it, me, not so much! ;)
Haven't seen the Black Panther movie yet, not sure we'll get the chance while its in theaters tbh. Misty has several cousins who were all pregnant at the same time (different fathers thankfully...) and they are starting to pop now, two down, two to go. So I would imagine that we'll be quite busy "seeing the baby" for the next little while. I may opt out of the obligatory Medicine Hat trip this time though... I'd like to just relax for one whole weekend for a change! ;)
Morning kittens.
Haha, BaKhan, you're pretty right! This is probably the mildest winter I've ever had! Not terrible, but just annoying to know home had a heavy winter just after I left. ;)
Geist, that's awesome, it's great to hear that it's coming along so well for you already!
Another bad apple has to be tossed before it spoils the whole barrel. I really don't like this part of the job, but she's been given too many chances already...
LZ, that sucks, sorry man! How is it that you keep getting people like this? Doesn't seem like the kind of job type where so many people would act like elementary schoolers on a playground, yet they keep pushing your hand!
Indeed. I think they think I won't actually fire anyone because I'm generally pretty laid back and easy going. If they keep up with the childish drama, though, I don't have a choice.
Afternoon kittens.
@Geist, the reason I'm talking to recruiters is I don't trust my employer to find me another position and I don't want to be on the bench for months doing nothing. A guy could get used to that and that makes it tougher to re-engage once I do start a position.
My manager keeps telling me he doesn't expect to have me on the bench for long, but then he goes for a week or more without any updates on my situation. That makes me extremely nervous.
I also tend to spend more when work doesn't keep me busy. Since getting the printer, I've been busy upgrading my camera and lenses. Turns out the one I thought I had walked out of my living room about the same time my computer went missing. I still have two of the three lenses though.
Speaking of lenses, the ones they sell you with the DSLR kits are all zoom lenses with a terrible maximum aperture. Back in my film photography days, my pride and joy was a 50mm f1.4 lens that paid for itself every time I took indoor photographs using available light.
Since I needed a new camera body any way, I also bought a 35mm f1.8 lens. Using this lens brings back memories of the past. 35mm in a Nikon D5600 gives me roughly the same viewing angle as the 50mm did in my old 35mm Nikkormat FTN because the image sensor is smaller by a factor of about 30%. Having a wide open fixed focal length lens is not only sharper, but the aperture range lets me play around with depth of field again.
My first shot was of my dog close up. His eyes have an almost liquid texture and the softening of focus around his nose and behind his head draw you right in to those eyes, especially when I print the photo out as a 13 x 19 inch enlargement.
Heck, CB, maybe you should just take pictures to use for the tokens! We'd have to be careful to avoid any logos and such, maybe touch up our photoshop skills to alter some to give them our own logos, but that could be really cool too!
I'm actually pretty good with Photoshop
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
@Zem, we could use photographs, but then we would have to come up with models for each of the characters and mock-ups for all of the products. Cartoon images are actually much easier.
Another option that I sometimes use is to start with a photograph, draw over it, and eventually remove the photograph leaving just the drawing.
@LZ, how is the player mat coming along. Can you post a "work in progress?"
Oh, before it's too late, happy Pi Day, everyone!
RIP Stephen Hawking.
Also that, yeah. He went on Pi Day, forever darkening it just a bit.
Morning kittens
Morning kittens. Is it Friday yet?
Geist, not quite yet, thankfully. I have a big test on Friday.
Fun note, this is the first message I've posted here from my new phone! I've lurked a bit before, but never really had much to say.
On that note, I won't probably be in much tomorrow (if we suddenly decide to be talkative for some reason) for that reason; I'll either be in the test or drunk off my mind waiting for the results. It's sort of a tradition here, since these tests are especially stressful, but happen every 5 weeks, then you have to wait for the results, which are posted that evening.
Thankfully I'm not too stressed this time; I fully expect not to pass. While that sounds terribly pessimistic, it's more realistic, and very normal for this level here, and isn't actually that big of a setback.
So... yeah, not really sure why it's so stressful or why everyone gets so drunk immediately after, now that I think about it! ;)
Morning kittens. Friday at last.
Interesting thing happened earlier this week. I got a call from a position I sent my resume to. They wanted to meet with me in person for an interview. I thought that was unusual because most places insist on a phone interview first before moving on to meet in person. Plus, I had just started this temp job so that would mean that I would have to lose hours to attend it. Still, I didn't feel right about turning them down so I went. The interview went well and the HR director said I was more than qualified for the job. So why didn't I feel happy about that?
Reason 1: The office is located in Virginia. This wouldn't bother me if I had a car but unlike the temp job, I would have to rely on the subway to get me to this facility and that would cost too much money. The Metro here isn't very reliable and there are no bus only connections to most of Virginia.
Reason 2: Since I've been on the temp job, I've got to admit that I enjoy it. They are open to me coming into work a little earlier so that I don't leave so late. It's real chill and laid back and unlike my last job, they are letting me learn at my own pace. I don't know if this other company will let me do that. The temp job allows for over time. Most companies don't and I'm done with working for free. From what she was telling me, the work load is massive so I foresee a lot of late nights.
Reason 3: At this point, I'm looking at the long game. What ever place I end up at, I will be saving up to go to school. I was hoping to get some prerequisite done before I leave and go full time and I'm not sure this new company will let me do that.
Now if they are willing to pay me $10 grand more than what I am currently making and throw in some kick ass benefits, then I would certainly make the switch. I would just have to save up for 3 years of college instead of two.
Since the interview was yesterday, if I get picked, I won't know until the middle of next week.
Morning kittens.
I have an interview with an evangelistic association today to do web development. I'm nervous, so that must mean I really want the job. I just hope I don't stumble on a question during the interview. I've always wanted a job that combined work with ministry. I've spent enough time working for the devil. Hopefully it's time for that to change.
I'd say wish me luck, but I don't believe in luck. The last thing I need would be to be guided by something as fickle as that. I'll ask for prayers instead.
Geist, I think you're totally justified with this. Even though it's just a temp job, it seems like it would be SO much better, even in the long run. Plus, didn't you say they had the opportunity for a permanent position? If so, and you really like it as much as you say, that would be perfect!
Not to mention, hey, they're paying you overtime for once! I hate that so many companies take advantage of salaries and make those poor people work so much overtime for no extra pay.
Haha, after what I said yesterday, I realized I don't need to be drunk off my ass. ... so I'm going to be regular drunk instead! ;) (hey, it's really just an excuse/occasion after all)
CB, you absolutely have my prayers! This opportunity sounds awesome, and I really hope you turn out to be the perfect choice for the job!
Well...this is a first. I can't even type in the comment box on my work computer. I have to go on my phone to do it.
I swear...if the crap keeps up at work that is going on, I will pack up and walk out(was tempted on Wednesday due to the most prominent lie told here "not in the budget")
Well, the position I interviewed for wasn't even close to the position the recruiter told e I'd be interviewing for. The hiring manager was kind enough to walk my resume over to the appropriate group for my skillset though, so it's in God's hands to provide the olpportunity.
But then... I did pass, and so did at least 7 other people in my former class of 10, and not only that, but though they try to mix up the classes well, those 8 of us will be 8/10 people in my next class. So that's interesting. And weird. Hey, I guess we all know eachother pretty well by now!
GM, hahaha, why would anyone bother telling you of all people what is or isn't in the budget?!
Really, though, I'm still surprised you haven't left. Someday, your doctor will probably prescribe quitting that job for stress reasons!
CB, that may be all it took to get in the door! I'm praying they'll find something perfect for you!
@CB: I'm sure everything will turn out just fine for you. Sending good kitten vibes your way.
@Zem: I can guarantee my doctor would say that. Especially when I am very rarely hungry, and when I do eat it's stuff that I really shouldn't be eating(high sugar content).
@GM: Walking out (tempting though it may be) wouldn't help you in terms of finding new employment. You'd need a good reference from your current job and that wouldn't happen if you just left abruptly.
Are you still job hunting?
@Geist: All the time since September(excluding when I was on vacation last month). Bus ride to and from work is spent looking, lunch break is spent looking. Spend an hour or so most nights, and a few hours on the weekends.
GM, I was also wondering about that. It's good to know you're searching for the perfect replacement job, but you probably shouldn't spend SO much time. If absolutely nothing else, constantly thinking about a new job is only going to make your current one even harder on you.
But I really hope you find something great soon and can finally put an end to this all!
Happy St. Sneaky Pete's Day, everyone!
Happy International Turn Your Liver Green Day!
Happy Saturday kittens.
Not to be confused with regular Green Day.
So far, I've got "Sneaky Pete's Day" (a reference, but also just sounds fun), "International Turn Your Liver Green Day" (not to be confused with regular Green Day), "National Exaggerate your Irish ethnicity day", and "The Irish Can Have National Pride Too Day".
And heck, why not: "Eat Food That's Less Irish Than You Are Whilst Drinking Beer That's More Irish Than Potatoes Day"
Morning Kittens.
Morning kittens.
Finished my first weekend at my part time job. Very chill. The hours are so early in the morning that I hardly had to do anything for the first half of it. I got good reviews from the supervisor so as long as I don't break a rule (intentional or not) I got my extra income. The only sucky parts are the fact that in order for me to get there by 7 am, I have to leave the apartment by 5 am and there is no direct deposit for my pay so it will have to be mailed to me.
The business is a nursing home/rehab facility located in a fairly isolated part of D.C. It's within walking distance from the subway so I can get home quicker when I leave work. My co-workers seem nice although the nurses treat us like "other".
Hi BaKhan! Where were you last week?
@Geist, glad to hear your new pt job is working out! I'm dealing with a fairly major gout attack in my right knee (which is normally my good knee) right now. I couldn't sleep at all on Wednesday night and called in sick to work on Thursday because of it. I had Friday off to take my vehicle into the dealership. There was an oil leak (covered under warranty) and a timing issue (also covered under warranty), and then about 3 different warranty recall issues (which seem to be pretty standard with new vehicles now a days). Looks like the only thing I'll actually have to pay for is the oil change! So they've put me up in a rental Chrysler 300s on their dime until my Journey is ready for pick up. At least theres that!
Only two more weeks until Awesome Con! I am going to see if I can get off work early so that I can get some shopping in. I missed out on a rad fountain pen with a skull on top that I wanted.
Hello kittens.
Hey CB. How was your weekend?
I had a rough weekend. Couldn't find a date to take to Red Lobster so I wound up going by myself. I got in ahead of a 1 hour and 15 minute waiting list though by taking a booth in the bar. I guess there ARE advantages to going out for dinner by myself.
@CB: I've only been to a Red Lobster once. All I remember is the cheddar biscuits. There is a Red Lobster not far from where I currently work but I prefer to go to Dave and Busters for drinks/food/games.
@Geist: There is something like Dave and Busters here called the Rec Room. I haven't been yet, but one of these days I will end up going there.
Morning kittens.
I need to sit down and have a talk with Mother Nature. On the first day of Spring, the weather man has told us that we are getting a snow storm. Nothing really major that will keep people house bound for days at a time but we are suppose to get 3 to 5 inches tomorrow. That will put a big hamper on getting to work. It's currently raining now and if the temp drops to the point that all of that water turns to ice, then the buses will not run in my area and I will lose a days wages. *sigh*
@GM: I'm impressed. The Rec Room has more variety and a better food menu than Dave and Busters. I will have to check them out the next time I visit.
Morning kittens. I got bad news last night. Apparently the stuff for my car that was supposed to be under warranty is not. Because I didn't get my oil changes done at the dealership, they are claiming improper work was done, leading to the damage to the engine. I don't have all the info yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm screwed. I really can't afford this right now. I'm still trying to be hopeful, but its dwindling pretty fast.
@BaKhan: Oh no! How do they know the damage was to improper work? Sounds to me like they want to get out of not paying by blaming you. Did you warranty say that you HAD to have the work done at the dealership? If not, then you are off the hook.
@Geist, I think you're 100% right, I think that they are just trying to get out of doing the work. I haven't gone over the fine print, but knowing how these things work from where I am, I doubt I'll have much of a leg to stand on. I was certainly never told that I needed to have oil changes done at the dealership. I still don't have any other new yet, so I'll have to see what they say today. I will also be raising hell with Dodge directly, as much as I can anyways.
@BaKhan: If they refuse to fix the part, how long would you be able to keep the loaner car? Wouldn't that mean that you and Misty would have to drive her car?
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: All because you didn't get the oil changes at the dealership? Complete BS on that. They just don't want to pay the cost of it for faulty parts.
@Geist, I have to take the loaner back today, but I'm waiting on the call first. I will also have to leave work to deal with all of this. So I'll end up losing more money. This money stuff is the worst. It should be the least important thing, but it always seems to be the most when you don't have it. I know that I'm not really in a position to complain, many many people have it much worse off. Its just so stressful!
@GM, exactly! I will fight as hard as I can, but that normally just backfires on me anyways. Feeling a bit helpless about it all tbh.
It should be the least important thing, but it always seems to be the most when you don't have it.
Tell me about it. Just let me be late with my rent by 6 days. They will file the eviction notices so fast, it will make your head spin. No trying to work something out. One of the reasons why I'm working 7 days a week is so that I can pay my bills and get to school so that I can make enough so that I can actually enjoy my life.
@BaKhan: How much would it cost you to rent a car until you get your permanent one fixed? Nothing fancy. There has to be cheap rentals you could use so you wouldn't miss work.
@Geist, I still don't have all the info, as they still haven't called me yet. So I'm not sure. Rental vehicles in Calgary are not cheap though. We don't have the same level of competition that you guys do in the states. I'm still hopeful that I can make this work somehow. The anxiety is soul crushing though.
Good afternoon kittens.
Well, I just bombed out trying to pass a HackerRank skills assessment. It's too bad, because the company I wanted to interview with sounded really nice. It was in Phoenix, so I would have had to pull up stakes and move across the country. Now I won't be getting that chance though.
Weird thing is, I never had a problem with test anxiety back when I was in school, but nowadays, I spend more time looking at the clock than I do trying to answer the stupid questions. To make matters worse, every time I tried to check my work I would get an error message, even for simple stuff that should have rendered right away.
Maybe it's time to consider a career change, or a shift into management.
Anything new regarding Blackest Friday? It's been a while since we've discussed this. I hope nobody has lost interest.
@BaKhan: I am so sorry you are going through this tough time. With all that you and Misty have been going through, I know it can seem like life is just kicking you in the fruit for kicks. Hang in there my friend. I'll send good vibes and prayers your way
@CB: I haven't lot interest. Things have been a little crappy since I lost my job but now that I've got two of them, I'm on more financial footing. Did I get an invite to the Dropbox?
@CB, I haven't lost interest at all. I'm just struggling with what feels like too much right now, to make any serious contributions. What I was thinking may help, is if we divided and accomplish? I haven't spent a lot of time, but if we could maybe list of the things left to do (of which there are many) and then listed them so people could pick a part, it might help me get more motivated/accomplishing stuff anyways. Just some thoughts.
@Geist, thanks for the kind words!
But of course, you got your oil changed somewhere else, for all you know, they put napalm and smuggled cocaine in there! Clearly this is unacceptable, so pay us all your money.
@Geist, everryone who emailed me got an invite. Please send me your email to get added.
Morning kittens. The "snow storm" is here and when I look out my window, I hardly see any. Of course, D.C. and the surrounding cities have over reacted, as usual. I think the buses have stopped running in my neighborhood. So now it looks like I will miss a days wages. And this is one of the many reasons why I hate temping.
Morning kittens...is it home time yet?(Yes, I am at work all because the payroll program was hung up and not processing the reports I needed to send to managers)
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
I so want to punch Mother Nature in the taint around about now. The federal government shut down before there was any snow on the roads and despite it coming down harder now, the buses and subways are still operational. So now I've lost a days wages. I'll have to work 12 hours tomorrow and Friday if I'm going to make it up and get a full check. This is one of the main reasons why I hate temping. Meanwhile, I just found out that manager position that I applied for went to another candidate. Can't say I was surprised but I'm more than a little disappointed. It would have been quite a feather in my cap to have gotten that job.
@Geist, I'm sorry to hear that, I can totally understand how frustrating that is. Also sorry about that management postion too, I would be disappointed as well for sure. Hopefully something great is just waiting around the corner for you!
Thanks BaKhan. I'm just so tired of this whole fucking profession.
How is the car situation going?
@Geist, car situation is still ongoing. I'm dealing with the service manager now, and she seems to be more willing to be helpful. My main issue was not keeping my oil change receipts, which I now realize was really dumb. I just never expected to have an issue like this, the car is only 4 years old. So as with most of my life, stupid decisions are making everything complicated. I was able to get a couple of receipts from a Mr. Lube and send them into her, so I trying to be hopeful that it will make a difference. I'm very much still super stressed, and in a serious bind if they don't cover it under warranty. As of right now, my original motor is disassembled and they don't seem willing to put it back together, for what they say are safety reasons. To get a used motor (with less mileage than my current one) would cost over $7000, and right now, I just don't have that kind of money. If I saved up for a few months I could do it, but then I would be out of a car, and have no way to get to work. So, yeah, I'm a ball of stress right now. Hoping for good news.
BaKhan and Geist, I'm really sorry for you guys right now. I know I haven't said much, but know that I'm hoping things turn around for you all soon!
@Zem, thanks brother. I appreciate it.
@BaKhan: all of on this planet have made a stupid decision or 2. How many of us keep our receipts anyway? I know of only one person in my lifetime and her reason is she tends to return things on a regular basis.
You and I didn't get the best life prep growing up so try not to be so hard on yourself. Try to find something that will help you take your mind off your troubles for a while. I like to dive into a good book or go to the movies. It helps me calm down and sometimes clears my head so I can think rationally.
@Geist, thanks for that. I've been told so many times over the past couple of days how dumb I am for not keeping them. Its a fairly common thread when I tell people about the situation I'm in right now. Talk about kicking a guy when he's down.
@BaKhan: I can see why people say to keep them...but I probably would have done the same as you and thrown them out. I know my parents keep all receipts for items they paid for with credit cards, then check their statement against those receipts every month. They don't keep the receipts past that(to my knowledge). But keeping receipts from oil changes going back however many months/years....I really couldn't see the majority of people doing that.
BaKhan, did you ask all of those people if they've kept all of their oil change receipts ever? Because the only people I know who do that are my parents, but even then I doubt they actually keep stuff like that more than a year or two. Why would people just be insensitive about this? It's not really common knowledge or practice to hold on to every seemingly not too important receipt for the entire life of a car.
Morning kittens. I got into work around 7 am so I'm hoping to get some extra hours in even though the government is on a two hour delay. I could kick myself for not coming in the office yesterday when the bus and subway system were still running.
The roads are even more clear than yesterday. The only thing I have to look out for now is ice and, thankfully, most businesses keep their sidewalks clear. (Don't want a law suit to hit them) Got my last unemployment check. When I log in this Sunday, I'll have to let them know I've found work. All businesses report your employment to the surrounding unemployment agencies so you can get in trouble if caught. I know one woman I use to work with that had an undeclared part time job and when she went to renew, they told her that she couldn't until she paid back the over payment plus penalties.
Morning kittens.
@Zem, I think its just human nature. If they can make the problem unique to you, then it doesn't effect them. I also think its like watching a famous person crash and burn, people get a perverse sense of enjoyment out of it.