My prescription is super weak. I don't wear my glasses most of the time now that I'm out of school. I only really needed them to see the board when I was sitting in the back of the class. I did wear my contact lens for a while to see if my migraines were being triggered by the strain of having near perfect vision in my left eye and slightly less perfect vision in my right eye, but that doesn't seem to be the case...
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-09T15:41:16-04:00
Is the prescription the "power" number on my contacts box? If so... whoof, my eyes are -6 and -7.5!
Also, the -6 is a toric lens, it's weird somehow, but I had no idea my left eye was that much better than my right, I thought it was only very slight.
Not sure what those numbers mean, but they're worse than GM's, and I know my eyes are almost certainly the worst in my entire family's history, just slightly beating out my mom, even though my dad has more than perfect vision even over 50 years old!
That feeling when the book you're reading, and are almost finished, doesn't have the paperback version of the next in the series out until October(I won't get hardcover since I have all the others in paperback...and they are lighter than the hardcover).
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-10T10:59:12-04:00
Finally! All day, my computer wouldn't connect to the internet, though my phone would. FINALLY it decided to bring up the "connect to wifi" page so I could sign in again!
My computer has a history of this. At UNL, there was this like safe browsing software it makes you download just once. My first year, anywhere from once in 2 months to literally twice in one hour, it'd bring that up and say I need to download it, but it wouldn't just redirect me, it'd abruptly halt everything I was doing, stop working for a good several seconds to several minutes, and THEN redirect me so I could download it again.
... over 100 times.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-10T11:00:06-04:00
For those wondering, "all day" for me by now is 5 pm, since it's later here. It worked early in the morning, but it took up a 9-5 job of irritating me.
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-10T11:46:36-04:00
Zem, yes. The prescription is the power. I just opened a new contact lens today and noticed the numbers on it were -0.00 -0.75 x 120
It's toric, so I'm assuming the two negative numbers are the power for each plain of the lens. I don't know what the 120 is for, though. Either way, you can see how weak my prescription is. The eye doctor told me that, since my left eye is nearly 20/20, it doesn't need any corrective lens
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-10T12:26:16-04:00
LZ, yeah, you're one of the lucky ones for whom it's just a bit annoying, and will probably want reading glasses as you get older. I wish it were so for me, but only one brother got my dad's eyes, and the other two have normal nearsightedness.
My genetics just decided to be as crazy as possible for some reason. Like how I'm also the tallest of any living relative by blood.
@Zem: Not since Sunday(though it is getting a bit loose, just not enough to need redoing).
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-11T13:14:02-04:00
My electric bill for this month is all of $4.02. How I managed that is beyond me since I have recently gotten into the habit of keeping the light on at night.
@Geist: While it may seem like a blessing could be an error on their end and they will end up sending a revised charge. Hopefully not...but it could potentially happen.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-11T13:39:42-04:00
@GM: Pepco is usually good at sending you the correct billing amount. Plus, I usually pay extra so that my bill is a little less. I know for a fact that I paid an extra $40 so I was looking forward to paying only $50 this month. If they do say it was an error, the weather will have been warm enough so that I can pay the error in full.
I love how people so easily dismiss me because of how quiet I am.
Case in point: One of the girls in accounting came to ask me how easy it would be to setup deductions for something(she didn't specify) so it comes out of each pay until it's repaid. I correctly guessed tires for her car(a few months ago she had mentioned it while a few of us were going to get coffee, and she was holding an invoice for Kal-Tire)...apparently I wasn't supposed to know since she had only talked to the corporate controller this morning about it.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-11T14:28:42-04:00
@GM: People tend to think that quiet people are pushovers. Most times that isn't true but the belief is a persistent one.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-11T15:12:56-04:00
GM, that's one of my favorite things about being quiet; people love to say things, and I love to listen. I typically hold information really well, so I've had several instances like that.
Not to mention I rarely open my mouth, and when I do, it's almost always for a joke, so I'm also a funny friend who usually says almost nothing but good jokes.
In fact, I may be quiet only because I don't say all the terrible jokes that go through my head... but yeah, I find if I don't have anything worthwhile to say, why say anything at all?
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-11T15:48:58-04:00
For me, it's a combination of being quiet and people forgetting that if my office door is open, it usually means I'm in there.
@LZ: People just don't come to my office anymore unless they have an issue really(and I am right behind the reception desk, where we have nobody sitting 99% of the time)...not that they went to my office before to begin with.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-11T16:44:13-04:00
@GM: You have an office? I can't remember the last time I had one of those.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-12T19:20:44-04:00
Yes, it's Mother's Day! I don't even know how many years now I've had this tradition, but every year, I can't wait to send my mom this video as my Mother's Day gift!
I remember I think I promised her one time I'd send this to her every year on Mother's Day, and so far, I haven't missed a single one!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-13T17:22:41-04:00
In other news, despite never having uploaded a video to youtube, my account just reached 50 subscribers! For what?! I guess I'm a pretty successful commenter, I very often get hundreds of likes on a comment, and I guess they're often very funny, but do people consider that worth subscribing? It really baffles me!
@Geist: I've technically had an office since I started with this company. The only times I've had my own office was when we were between payroll admins to help us out(today is the new one's first day, the last one stopped working for us on Apr 20).
That moment when you get an email from a bank you don't use, and it tells you your account security may be compromised.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-14T10:33:32-04:00
@GM, lol, I've gotten a few of those... ;) Actually had a written letter of the famous Nigerian millionaire inheritance scam the other day, I meant to save it, but accidentally chucked it out whilst cleaning. Too bad, it was good for a laugh. My favorite one right now is the "Canada Revenue Agency" calling and threatening to sue... like that is how they roll... ;)
@BaKhan: Those CRA scams...I wonder how many times they've called the actual CRA with that.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-14T10:54:02-04:00
@GM, because its a long distance number that they give you to call them back at, I tried it from work once, and basically went all gangster on the scammer. Telling him I knew it was a scam, and that I knew where he lived, etc. To give him credit though, he never backed down... Pretty sure they (CRA) aren't asking to be paid in Apple store cards though.... ;) I was never tempted to call the actual CRA though. I know damn well they aren't reaching out by phone, let alone threatening to sue. The CRA doesn't sue, they just garnish your wages till they get theirs. Why threaten when you don't have to right? ;)
Mike Kabala 2018-05-14T11:45:36-04:00
Morning kittens. One more week before I start my new job.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-14T11:58:15-04:00
@CB, thats great news! I must have missed your saying that you had managed to find one! Congrats man!
Mike Kabala 2018-05-14T12:01:40-04:00
Here's a good example of why I'm leaving my current employer. I emailed my manager a week ago to give him my two weeks notice. Yesterday, while going through my email for the week, I noticed in a correspondence between two managers that they assumed that I had submitted a form called eSep, which I had never heard of. I decided to look for "eSep" on the company website and found a page where I could submit it. This morning, I got a phone call from someone managing programming resources. The first thinmg he asked me was whether or not I had submitted an eSep.
I told him that I had just submitted it yesterday and took advantage of the opportunity to point out the horrible lack of communication between managers and employees. They just assume everyone knows about the dizzying array of applications and notifications throughout the company. The caller promised me that I would have an exit interview later this week. If it actually happens, it should be a lot of fun.
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-14T12:22:55-04:00
CB, that is insane. I don't understand why some companies just assume everyone will know all the particulars of doing something they don't regularly do. When I left my previous employer, they were very helpful. I asked my supervisor what all I needed to do in order to leave on good terms, and he gave me step-by-step instructions. When the exit interview happened, I didn't even know I had completed it because it was that casual. I'm sorry your experience is not as pleasant as that.
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-14T12:23:14-04:00
Oh, and congrats on finding a new job!
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-14T12:37:32-04:00
Tell You, what, though, there's nothing like coming in 3 hours early for a 2 hour meeting. Best way to start a Monday ever! /s
Mike Kabala 2018-05-14T12:43:52-04:00
@LZ, the worst thing about it is that I have repeatedly asked my supervisors about the proper procedures to follow in various situations and they always respond by saying, "Don't worry about it." In each of these situations, nothing ever got done.
Mike Kabala 2018-05-14T12:45:29-04:00
@LZ, I hope I don't end up sitting around for three hours prior to my exit interview. I'm also hoping against hope that they'll communicate information about the time and place prior to the interview. That is by no means certain with these guys.
Well...with the increase in temperature, I have one of the best seats in the office. Nothing like sitting and watching people walk around downtown for a few minutes to get away from work.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-14T16:11:36-04:00
CB, congrats on the new job, hope everything else goes smoothly, or at least smoothly-ish, from here!
GM, you're lucky. They don't believe in AC here. The best we have is something that's supposed to cool the air, but really just moves it and even warms it up a bit. During the day, I'll leave my windows wide-open to let out hot air, but the curtains closed to block the sun from heating my room up, yet it still gets sweltering every evening. It doesn't even really get hot here, but the rooms inside are hell during the summer!
Our options are to leave the windows open in hope of a slight breeze, but also hearing all traffic and sirens so we can't easily talk in class, or to die of heat with them shut.
@Zem: The buildings AC is on...but I'm sweating just sitting here(need to get an extension cord for my fan so I can get that going).
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-14T16:31:01-04:00
GM, that's what I'm saying, you're lucky just that you have something. I wish they'd at least get like oscillating fans for the classrooms or something. Why are they so morally opposed to cool air here?
Kevin R. 2018-05-14T16:59:41-04:00
I had temporarily forgotten I had posted here recently. I'm doing alright, apart from that ongoing development. Thankies. And I'm glad to see the new developments in peoples lives. ^==^
I am retired, live alone, still independently, but don't drive; though I have family nearby, so if I need to go shopping, I can give a jingle. I still have my cat colonies I visit daily, the walk doing me well. Still like to imagine I can engineer and tinker with things, though I grow more like Doc Brown, everyday - I do like my gizmos. ;) All-in-all, a pretty quiet life.
Mike Kabala 2018-05-14T17:25:07-04:00
@Zem, eventually you will find someone who is "morally opposed" to everything! In the current situation, anyone squandering precious resources for the sake of personal comfort is made out to be a Hedonistic, self-centered individual with total disregard for the welfare of the planet! ... And don't let your sweat hit the ground and further poison the planet!
Mike Kabala 2018-05-15T06:29:58-04:00
Morning kittens. I hope everyone is keeping cool. I have resorted to turning my AC off overnight to allow all of the condensation that has frozen on the coils during the day to melt. ... And it isn't even summer yet!
Today will be an interesting one. We ran out of disk space on our payroll drive, so I need to transfer files to and from a USB stick to update/load/save them...10MB files...10-15 of them to deal with.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-15T12:08:48-04:00
@GM, never a dull moment eh? ;)
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-15T13:19:57-04:00
Who has two thumbs and gets to go see Deadpool 2 for 4 bucks this Friday?
@BaKhan: It got even better. I can't even more the files OFF the USB stick anymore. Whether it be to my desktop, or the payroll drive. And that's after moving 2GB of data from that drive to the USB will be at least at 3GB used, of 5, when this day is through.
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-15T14:26:05-04:00
Free is better than $4. I could've gone on Thursday, but I have to work on Friday. I'd rather not be up late watching a movie and then have to get up to go to work in the morning
We're going at 7:30pm, so it won't be too crazy a night(though we will likely get food after).
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-15T17:53:32-04:00
Crap, yeah, I have to find a time to watch that! Maybe this weekend, or even next friday, my birthday, and the day we have a battery of tests the entire morning deciding if the past 5 weeks of our lives were a complete waste of time or if we can move on to the next level.
...aka a periodic drinking holiday. But Deadpool would also be a perfect idea for that!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-16T08:51:24-04:00
So this is by far one of the most interesting, crazy, and mind-blowing things I've seen in a very long time. Everyone has to watch it all the way through at least once, it's sounds almost exactly like a full organ, and he plays it so perfectly!…
Also this guy, it's just incredible. You at least should listen to the first minute or so and then skip to 6:20 for about a minute. You'll see why. This song is so perfect for accordian!…
@LZ: Fair enough. I'm not one to go to movies alone really...just not something I enjoy. I like the social aspect of going with a friend.
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-16T12:11:28-04:00
That's usually how I do it, but Jess isn't interested, and I had to do it this weekend because of the T-Mobile coupon. It didn't give me any time to coordinate with friends
David Guidry "Doc" 2018-05-16T16:02:27-04:00
I love that you guys are still here talking, how is everyone?
I'm doing alright, office isn't a sauna right now, so that's a plus. How have you been?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-16T17:16:04-04:00
Doc, howdy! And of course we are, the question is where are you talking that isn't here?
No, seriously, I need to know, I think we've become institutionalized. ;)
David Guidry "Doc" 2018-05-16T17:28:23-04:00
I mean I have been off of the platform for a while... I'm coming back for posthuman saga lol.
I have some of you on facebook and so I definitely get to see how some of you are doing but I'm missing quite a few lol
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-17T02:37:07-04:00
Haha, you probably wouldn't have seen almost anything of me, then, until I started studying abroad! The first time I really posted in a long time was of my trips in Germany.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-17T02:39:22-04:00
Forgot to add, which I'm only doing so my family doesn't complain that I left them out of the loop.
But still, yeah. How've things been going with you?
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-17T13:11:18-04:00
Afternoon kittens.
Sorry for the radio silence. My part time job pissed me off to the point that I'm looking for another to replace it. Long story short, a co-worker informed me that the supervisor was leaving our site. Something about getting into an argument with the DON and being escorted out of the building. Turned out to be not true but when I told the supervisor what I had heard, he seemed to take it in stride. However, when he got off the phone with me, he called the other co-worker and screamed at her. Seemed he threatened to have her written up/fired. She in turn called the job and screamed at me, implying that I broke her trust. I apologized and said that if they wrote her up, I'd leave the job but she asked that I don't do that since that would mean she would have to start working a double shift.
Well that whole incident bothered me and I started searching for another job to replace this one. Turns out the company that gave me my security license is hiring for weekend shift at a much nice time slot so I've asked them if I could come back and work for them. I'm still waiting for that to go through. (Seems they lost part of my paperwork so I might have to fill out another application)
As soon as give the go ahead, I am leaving. I don't get paid near enough to deal with that kind of drama. And this isn't the only reason. This incident was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-17T14:17:11-04:00
@Geist, yikes! No doubt, I don't blame you a bit. Who needs that kind of drama, especially for a pt job. Hopefully this works out for you! Fingers crossed!
@Geist: That type of situation is why I tend to keep super quiet about anything I hear in the office/from other people in the office. Even when it's something like a facility closing, but now knowing the dates(I knew almost 2months prior that it was happening).
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-17T15:32:41-04:00
Geist, wow. I don't know how some people apparently live for drama; I'm glad you have another offer to look into, any alternative would start to look really appetizing after that!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-17T16:33:10-04:00
@GM: There were 4 people there when this was discussed. Me, the other security officer who as telling the story and 2 employees of the rehab facility. I didn't hear this lady say "Just between us..." at all. It's not like she was telling the whole building this info.
Trust and believe, I've learned my lesson. This part time job is only to supplement my income. It's not a career move so I'm just going to go into work and keep my head down and say as little as possible.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-17T16:36:38-04:00
For the record, I'm going to see Deadpool at 7:30 tomorrow with a bunch of folks from the Geek meetup. I have no problem going to the movies by myself. I prefer it sometimes.
The only thing I don't like doing by myself is going to amusement parks. If I have to wait in line for an hour to get on a 3 minute ride, then I want someone to talk to.
David Guidry "Doc" 2018-05-17T18:11:14-04:00
Zem, I am doing good, still going to school but now I'm working towards becoming a CRNA .... less school and better pay than PT lol
David Guidry "Doc" 2018-05-17T18:12:42-04:00
Geist, yah this is why I don't like people.... they are whiney little shits.... and I lost my give a fuck long ago... lol.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-18T08:46:11-04:00
Morning kittens.
It's been a full week of nothing but rain and grey skies. Half the time, there was thunder and lightening. I love those but only from the comfort of my bed.
Still waiting to hear back from the other company. If I don't get an call/email from them by Tuesday, I'm going to call and see what the hold up is. I really want to be gone from this current part time gig before the end of the month.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-18T09:02:41-04:00
The week wasn't totally bad. I got to see an advanced screening of the new move sci-fi/action movie "Upgrade". Well made and very entertaining. Better than Pacific Rim 2 by a long country mile. The director showed up and was giving away movie posters but I didn't get one. Strangely enough, if I hadn't been so nice and traded seats with someone, I would have gotten a poster. :-( I'll see if a movie theater will let me have one of theirs for free when the movie comes out June 1st.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-18T09:03:34-04:00
Anyone planning on watching the Royal Wedding this Saturday? I'll be working and getting my hair done afterwards so I'll catch it on YouTube.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-18T09:05:44-04:00
Morning kittens.
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-18T13:46:27-04:00
Morning, all! I hadn't even heard about any royal wedding. Who's getting hitched?
Did you all hear about the new discovery in Anne Frank's first diary?
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-18T14:23:41-04:00
@LZ: I read about the Anne Frank news. Amazing how they found out what was behind the tape after all of these years.
I'm going to assume you are joking about the MM/Prince Harry nuptials.
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-18T14:30:23-04:00
Not joking at all. I don't watch the news; I read articles online. Even doing that, I'm surprised I haven't seen anything about the royal wedding
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-18T14:31:22-04:00
I couldn't find anywhere that actually said what the dirty jokes were, so I looked up an image of what was under the tape and read them for myself
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-18T14:34:16-04:00
@LZ: They have the images online?! I'm gonna have to search those. They have a Holocaust museum in D.C. that I have on my list to visit this year. I think they have an exhibit dedicated to Anne Frank.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-18T14:35:57-04:00
Also @LZ: you are better off not looking at the news. Nothing but crap out there nowadays. Still, there should be online content trumpeting the wedding announcements. I'll watch it online since I have no time to sit and watch the whole thing unfold on TV.
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-18T15:00:41-04:00
Yes, there are images online. I'll post translations of the jokes later today
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-18T15:14:10-04:00
Every day, we read and report on the news in German. It's really helpful, and the only reason I know what's going on in the world, but for whatever reason, the German media is just fixated on both Trump and Israel. I don't know what their deal is. Oh, and the Iran atomic-weapons treaty meeting. The summit is just being planned, but that's been on the news literally every day.
The only reason I know about any royal wedding, though, is because there are british people here. Otherwise, I would never hear anything like that.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-18T15:25:34-04:00
Also, oh my God. So I looked up the Anne Frank stuff (dank die Welt), but yeah, LZ, if you would like, transliterations would be very nice!
That article had translations into Hochdeutsch, (the standardized german) but still, the originals are so Platt- / Niederdeutsch! Every time I read dutch or dutch-ish, I suddenly understand all the jokes about it being "german with a head injury"! Trying to read it through a brain so used to Hochdeutsch is like trying to decipher a drunk text! ;)
I could understand the gist of them, but thank God they had transliterations!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-18T15:34:31-04:00
Like seriously, since when can you have an umlaut on a y?! They're called dialects, but each one is a completely different language, especially dutch since it's officially separate. Still, I live in Berlin, and even Berlinerisch is sometimes mind-boggling, and somehow even more french than most german.
Bayrisch (bavarian), unsurprisingly, is just what it sounds like when you're trying to speak german when you're really drunk.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-18T15:44:43-04:00
Okay, they didn't have all the jokes. Can't wait to hear the rest!
(also, sorry for throwing so many comments out, but things got more exciting, and I kept having more to say.)
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-18T16:03:56-04:00
You found translations of the jokes?! I couldn't even find the jokes on the Dutch language sites that were reporting on it!
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-18T16:08:28-04:00
As far as the umlaut on the y, that doesn't actually happen. First off, the Dutch simply call the umlaut "the two dots above it." Second, if you print, it's ij. It looks like a y with two dots above it in cursive, but it's the letter "ij." It's pronounced mostly how you'd pronounce "eye." We'll leave the fact that it's a single letter and it's the Dutch version of y to another discussion...
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-18T16:17:00-04:00
LZ, this article had Hochdeutsch translations of 2 of them, and somewhere it shows an image of the page with all the jokes too.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-18T16:17:18-04:00
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-18T16:21:08-04:00
Also, oooooh! That makes a ton of sense. It would be way easier in script to just make it a y with umlaut. So I'm guessing that's "I"? Like Ich, ick, eeck, ik, etc.
Why, German language? Why do you have to be so varied?
I mean... I guess Otto von Bismarck asked that exact question, hence "Hochdeutsch".
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-18T16:23:59-04:00
I think I just helped someone solve a problem at work and save face. How silly of me was that?
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-18T17:49:07-04:00
Geist, don't you know by now that no good deed goes unpunished? ;-p
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-18T17:52:22-04:00
Zem, the Dutch word for "I" is "ik." The Dutch letter for "y" is "ij" as in mijn, zijn, fijn, ijs, prijs, etc. If you see a "y" in a Dutch word (which they call a Greek y), it's because it's a foreign word that has been appropriated into the Dutch language (like "baby" or "sexy").
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-18T17:58:58-04:00
In all of those examples, the ij is pronounced similar to "eye," but then there are words like makkelijk, in which it's pronounced like the I in "it." It's kind of a crazy language.
My prescription is super weak. I don't wear my glasses most of the time now that I'm out of school. I only really needed them to see the board when I was sitting in the back of the class. I did wear my contact lens for a while to see if my migraines were being triggered by the strain of having near perfect vision in my left eye and slightly less perfect vision in my right eye, but that doesn't seem to be the case...
Is the prescription the "power" number on my contacts box? If so... whoof, my eyes are -6 and -7.5!
Also, the -6 is a toric lens, it's weird somehow, but I had no idea my left eye was that much better than my right, I thought it was only very slight.
Not sure what those numbers mean, but they're worse than GM's, and I know my eyes are almost certainly the worst in my entire family's history, just slightly beating out my mom, even though my dad has more than perfect vision even over 50 years old!
Morning kittens.
That feeling when the book you're reading, and are almost finished, doesn't have the paperback version of the next in the series out until October(I won't get hardcover since I have all the others in paperback...and they are lighter than the hardcover).
Finally! All day, my computer wouldn't connect to the internet, though my phone would. FINALLY it decided to bring up the "connect to wifi" page so I could sign in again!
My computer has a history of this. At UNL, there was this like safe browsing software it makes you download just once. My first year, anywhere from once in 2 months to literally twice in one hour, it'd bring that up and say I need to download it, but it wouldn't just redirect me, it'd abruptly halt everything I was doing, stop working for a good several seconds to several minutes, and THEN redirect me so I could download it again.
... over 100 times.
For those wondering, "all day" for me by now is 5 pm, since it's later here. It worked early in the morning, but it took up a 9-5 job of irritating me.
Zem, yes. The prescription is the power. I just opened a new contact lens today and noticed the numbers on it were -0.00 -0.75 x 120
It's toric, so I'm assuming the two negative numbers are the power for each plain of the lens. I don't know what the 120 is for, though. Either way, you can see how weak my prescription is. The eye doctor told me that, since my left eye is nearly 20/20, it doesn't need any corrective lens
LZ, yeah, you're one of the lucky ones for whom it's just a bit annoying, and will probably want reading glasses as you get older. I wish it were so for me, but only one brother got my dad's eyes, and the other two have normal nearsightedness.
My genetics just decided to be as crazy as possible for some reason. Like how I'm also the tallest of any living relative by blood.
Morning kittens.
Well, this weeks just redeemed itself a new glasses are in at Costco, so I get the weekend to adjust to them.
That's great! No more worrying about the tape. Have you had to redo them yet?
@Zem: Not since Sunday(though it is getting a bit loose, just not enough to need redoing).
My electric bill for this month is all of $4.02. How I managed that is beyond me since I have recently gotten into the habit of keeping the light on at night.
@Geist: While it may seem like a blessing could be an error on their end and they will end up sending a revised charge. Hopefully not...but it could potentially happen.
@GM: Pepco is usually good at sending you the correct billing amount. Plus, I usually pay extra so that my bill is a little less. I know for a fact that I paid an extra $40 so I was looking forward to paying only $50 this month. If they do say it was an error, the weather will have been warm enough so that I can pay the error in full.
I love how people so easily dismiss me because of how quiet I am.
Case in point: One of the girls in accounting came to ask me how easy it would be to setup deductions for something(she didn't specify) so it comes out of each pay until it's repaid. I correctly guessed tires for her car(a few months ago she had mentioned it while a few of us were going to get coffee, and she was holding an invoice for Kal-Tire)...apparently I wasn't supposed to know since she had only talked to the corporate controller this morning about it.
@GM: People tend to think that quiet people are pushovers. Most times that isn't true but the belief is a persistent one.
GM, that's one of my favorite things about being quiet; people love to say things, and I love to listen. I typically hold information really well, so I've had several instances like that.
Not to mention I rarely open my mouth, and when I do, it's almost always for a joke, so I'm also a funny friend who usually says almost nothing but good jokes.
In fact, I may be quiet only because I don't say all the terrible jokes that go through my head... but yeah, I find if I don't have anything worthwhile to say, why say anything at all?
For me, it's a combination of being quiet and people forgetting that if my office door is open, it usually means I'm in there.
@LZ: People just don't come to my office anymore unless they have an issue really(and I am right behind the reception desk, where we have nobody sitting 99% of the time)...not that they went to my office before to begin with.
@GM: You have an office? I can't remember the last time I had one of those.
Yes, it's Mother's Day! I don't even know how many years now I've had this tradition, but every year, I can't wait to send my mom this video as my Mother's Day gift!
I remember I think I promised her one time I'd send this to her every year on Mother's Day, and so far, I haven't missed a single one!
In other news, despite never having uploaded a video to youtube, my account just reached 50 subscribers! For what?! I guess I'm a pretty successful commenter, I very often get hundreds of likes on a comment, and I guess they're often very funny, but do people consider that worth subscribing? It really baffles me!
Morning kittens.
@Geist: I've technically had an office since I started with this company. The only times I've had my own office was when we were between payroll admins to help us out(today is the new one's first day, the last one stopped working for us on Apr 20).
Morning kittens.
That moment when you get an email from a bank you don't use, and it tells you your account security may be compromised.
@GM, lol, I've gotten a few of those... ;) Actually had a written letter of the famous Nigerian millionaire inheritance scam the other day, I meant to save it, but accidentally chucked it out whilst cleaning. Too bad, it was good for a laugh. My favorite one right now is the "Canada Revenue Agency" calling and threatening to sue... like that is how they roll... ;)
@BaKhan: Those CRA scams...I wonder how many times they've called the actual CRA with that.
@GM, because its a long distance number that they give you to call them back at, I tried it from work once, and basically went all gangster on the scammer. Telling him I knew it was a scam, and that I knew where he lived, etc. To give him credit though, he never backed down... Pretty sure they (CRA) aren't asking to be paid in Apple store cards though.... ;) I was never tempted to call the actual CRA though. I know damn well they aren't reaching out by phone, let alone threatening to sue. The CRA doesn't sue, they just garnish your wages till they get theirs. Why threaten when you don't have to right? ;)
Morning kittens. One more week before I start my new job.
@CB, thats great news! I must have missed your saying that you had managed to find one! Congrats man!
Here's a good example of why I'm leaving my current employer. I emailed my manager a week ago to give him my two weeks notice. Yesterday, while going through my email for the week, I noticed in a correspondence between two managers that they assumed that I had submitted a form called eSep, which I had never heard of. I decided to look for "eSep" on the company website and found a page where I could submit it. This morning, I got a phone call from someone managing programming resources. The first thinmg he asked me was whether or not I had submitted an eSep.
I told him that I had just submitted it yesterday and took advantage of the opportunity to point out the horrible lack of communication between managers and employees. They just assume everyone knows about the dizzying array of applications and notifications throughout the company. The caller promised me that I would have an exit interview later this week. If it actually happens, it should be a lot of fun.
CB, that is insane. I don't understand why some companies just assume everyone will know all the particulars of doing something they don't regularly do. When I left my previous employer, they were very helpful. I asked my supervisor what all I needed to do in order to leave on good terms, and he gave me step-by-step instructions. When the exit interview happened, I didn't even know I had completed it because it was that casual. I'm sorry your experience is not as pleasant as that.
Oh, and congrats on finding a new job!
Tell You, what, though, there's nothing like coming in 3 hours early for a 2 hour meeting. Best way to start a Monday ever! /s
@LZ, the worst thing about it is that I have repeatedly asked my supervisors about the proper procedures to follow in various situations and they always respond by saying, "Don't worry about it." In each of these situations, nothing ever got done.
@LZ, I hope I don't end up sitting around for three hours prior to my exit interview. I'm also hoping against hope that they'll communicate information about the time and place prior to the interview. That is by no means certain with these guys.
That's really rough. Good luck!
Well...with the increase in temperature, I have one of the best seats in the office. Nothing like sitting and watching people walk around downtown for a few minutes to get away from work.
CB, congrats on the new job, hope everything else goes smoothly, or at least smoothly-ish, from here!
GM, you're lucky. They don't believe in AC here. The best we have is something that's supposed to cool the air, but really just moves it and even warms it up a bit. During the day, I'll leave my windows wide-open to let out hot air, but the curtains closed to block the sun from heating my room up, yet it still gets sweltering every evening. It doesn't even really get hot here, but the rooms inside are hell during the summer!
Our options are to leave the windows open in hope of a slight breeze, but also hearing all traffic and sirens so we can't easily talk in class, or to die of heat with them shut.
@Zem: The buildings AC is on...but I'm sweating just sitting here(need to get an extension cord for my fan so I can get that going).
GM, that's what I'm saying, you're lucky just that you have something. I wish they'd at least get like oscillating fans for the classrooms or something. Why are they so morally opposed to cool air here?
I had temporarily forgotten I had posted here recently. I'm doing alright, apart from that ongoing development. Thankies. And I'm glad to see the new developments in peoples lives. ^==^
I am retired, live alone, still independently, but don't drive; though I have family nearby, so if I need to go shopping, I can give a jingle. I still have my cat colonies I visit daily, the walk doing me well. Still like to imagine I can engineer and tinker with things, though I grow more like Doc Brown, everyday - I do like my gizmos. ;) All-in-all, a pretty quiet life.
@Zem, eventually you will find someone who is "morally opposed" to everything! In the current situation, anyone squandering precious resources for the sake of personal comfort is made out to be a Hedonistic, self-centered individual with total disregard for the welfare of the planet! ... And don't let your sweat hit the ground and further poison the planet!
Morning kittens. I hope everyone is keeping cool. I have resorted to turning my AC off overnight to allow all of the condensation that has frozen on the coils during the day to melt. ... And it isn't even summer yet!
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
Today will be an interesting one. We ran out of disk space on our payroll drive, so I need to transfer files to and from a USB stick to update/load/save them...10MB files...10-15 of them to deal with.
@GM, never a dull moment eh? ;)
Who has two thumbs and gets to go see Deadpool 2 for 4 bucks this Friday?
@LZ: I'm going Thursday night with Phil and one of the guys he works with. And I don't have to pay, then I have a 4-day weekend!
@BaKhan: It got even better. I can't even more the files OFF the USB stick anymore. Whether it be to my desktop, or the payroll drive. And that's after moving 2GB of data from that drive to the USB will be at least at 3GB used, of 5, when this day is through.
Free is better than $4. I could've gone on Thursday, but I have to work on Friday. I'd rather not be up late watching a movie and then have to get up to go to work in the morning
We're going at 7:30pm, so it won't be too crazy a night(though we will likely get food after).
Crap, yeah, I have to find a time to watch that! Maybe this weekend, or even next friday, my birthday, and the day we have a battery of tests the entire morning deciding if the past 5 weeks of our lives were a complete waste of time or if we can move on to the next level.
...aka a periodic drinking holiday. But Deadpool would also be a perfect idea for that!
So this is by far one of the most interesting, crazy, and mind-blowing things I've seen in a very long time. Everyone has to watch it all the way through at least once, it's sounds almost exactly like a full organ, and he plays it so perfectly!…
Also this guy, it's just incredible. You at least should listen to the first minute or so and then skip to 6:20 for about a minute. You'll see why. This song is so perfect for accordian!…
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
7:30 wouldn't be so bad, but I'm going to see it alone, so I'd rather go after the kids are in bed, which is why I'm going at 9:45
@LZ: Fair enough. I'm not one to go to movies alone really...just not something I enjoy. I like the social aspect of going with a friend.
That's usually how I do it, but Jess isn't interested, and I had to do it this weekend because of the T-Mobile coupon. It didn't give me any time to coordinate with friends
I love that you guys are still here talking, how is everyone?
@Doc: Where else would we be talking?
I'm doing alright, office isn't a sauna right now, so that's a plus. How have you been?
Doc, howdy! And of course we are, the question is where are you talking that isn't here?
No, seriously, I need to know, I think we've become institutionalized. ;)
I mean I have been off of the platform for a while... I'm coming back for posthuman saga lol.
I have some of you on facebook and so I definitely get to see how some of you are doing but I'm missing quite a few lol
Haha, you probably wouldn't have seen almost anything of me, then, until I started studying abroad! The first time I really posted in a long time was of my trips in Germany.
Forgot to add, which I'm only doing so my family doesn't complain that I left them out of the loop.
But still, yeah. How've things been going with you?
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
Afternoon kittens.
Sorry for the radio silence. My part time job pissed me off to the point that I'm looking for another to replace it. Long story short, a co-worker informed me that the supervisor was leaving our site. Something about getting into an argument with the DON and being escorted out of the building. Turned out to be not true but when I told the supervisor what I had heard, he seemed to take it in stride. However, when he got off the phone with me, he called the other co-worker and screamed at her. Seemed he threatened to have her written up/fired. She in turn called the job and screamed at me, implying that I broke her trust. I apologized and said that if they wrote her up, I'd leave the job but she asked that I don't do that since that would mean she would have to start working a double shift.
Well that whole incident bothered me and I started searching for another job to replace this one. Turns out the company that gave me my security license is hiring for weekend shift at a much nice time slot so I've asked them if I could come back and work for them. I'm still waiting for that to go through. (Seems they lost part of my paperwork so I might have to fill out another application)
As soon as give the go ahead, I am leaving. I don't get paid near enough to deal with that kind of drama. And this isn't the only reason. This incident was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
@Geist, yikes! No doubt, I don't blame you a bit. Who needs that kind of drama, especially for a pt job. Hopefully this works out for you! Fingers crossed!
@Geist: That type of situation is why I tend to keep super quiet about anything I hear in the office/from other people in the office. Even when it's something like a facility closing, but now knowing the dates(I knew almost 2months prior that it was happening).
Geist, wow. I don't know how some people apparently live for drama; I'm glad you have another offer to look into, any alternative would start to look really appetizing after that!
@GM: There were 4 people there when this was discussed. Me, the other security officer who as telling the story and 2 employees of the rehab facility. I didn't hear this lady say "Just between us..." at all. It's not like she was telling the whole building this info.
Trust and believe, I've learned my lesson. This part time job is only to supplement my income. It's not a career move so I'm just going to go into work and keep my head down and say as little as possible.
For the record, I'm going to see Deadpool at 7:30 tomorrow with a bunch of folks from the Geek meetup. I have no problem going to the movies by myself. I prefer it sometimes.
The only thing I don't like doing by myself is going to amusement parks. If I have to wait in line for an hour to get on a 3 minute ride, then I want someone to talk to.
Zem, I am doing good, still going to school but now I'm working towards becoming a CRNA .... less school and better pay than PT lol
Geist, yah this is why I don't like people.... they are whiney little shits.... and I lost my give a fuck long ago... lol.
Morning kittens.
It's been a full week of nothing but rain and grey skies. Half the time, there was thunder and lightening. I love those but only from the comfort of my bed.
Still waiting to hear back from the other company. If I don't get an call/email from them by Tuesday, I'm going to call and see what the hold up is. I really want to be gone from this current part time gig before the end of the month.
The week wasn't totally bad. I got to see an advanced screening of the new move sci-fi/action movie "Upgrade". Well made and very entertaining. Better than Pacific Rim 2 by a long country mile. The director showed up and was giving away movie posters but I didn't get one. Strangely enough, if I hadn't been so nice and traded seats with someone, I would have gotten a poster. :-( I'll see if a movie theater will let me have one of theirs for free when the movie comes out June 1st.
Anyone planning on watching the Royal Wedding this Saturday? I'll be working and getting my hair done afterwards so I'll catch it on YouTube.
Morning kittens.
Morning, all! I hadn't even heard about any royal wedding. Who's getting hitched?
Did you all hear about the new discovery in Anne Frank's first diary?
@LZ: I read about the Anne Frank news. Amazing how they found out what was behind the tape after all of these years.
I'm going to assume you are joking about the MM/Prince Harry nuptials.
Not joking at all. I don't watch the news; I read articles online. Even doing that, I'm surprised I haven't seen anything about the royal wedding
I couldn't find anywhere that actually said what the dirty jokes were, so I looked up an image of what was under the tape and read them for myself
@LZ: They have the images online?! I'm gonna have to search those. They have a Holocaust museum in D.C. that I have on my list to visit this year. I think they have an exhibit dedicated to Anne Frank.
Also @LZ: you are better off not looking at the news. Nothing but crap out there nowadays. Still, there should be online content trumpeting the wedding announcements. I'll watch it online since I have no time to sit and watch the whole thing unfold on TV.
Yes, there are images online. I'll post translations of the jokes later today
Every day, we read and report on the news in German. It's really helpful, and the only reason I know what's going on in the world, but for whatever reason, the German media is just fixated on both Trump and Israel. I don't know what their deal is. Oh, and the Iran atomic-weapons treaty meeting. The summit is just being planned, but that's been on the news literally every day.
The only reason I know about any royal wedding, though, is because there are british people here. Otherwise, I would never hear anything like that.
Also, oh my God. So I looked up the Anne Frank stuff (dank die Welt), but yeah, LZ, if you would like, transliterations would be very nice!
That article had translations into Hochdeutsch, (the standardized german) but still, the originals are so Platt- / Niederdeutsch! Every time I read dutch or dutch-ish, I suddenly understand all the jokes about it being "german with a head injury"! Trying to read it through a brain so used to Hochdeutsch is like trying to decipher a drunk text! ;)
I could understand the gist of them, but thank God they had transliterations!
Like seriously, since when can you have an umlaut on a y?! They're called dialects, but each one is a completely different language, especially dutch since it's officially separate. Still, I live in Berlin, and even Berlinerisch is sometimes mind-boggling, and somehow even more french than most german.
Bayrisch (bavarian), unsurprisingly, is just what it sounds like when you're trying to speak german when you're really drunk.
Okay, they didn't have all the jokes. Can't wait to hear the rest!
(also, sorry for throwing so many comments out, but things got more exciting, and I kept having more to say.)
You found translations of the jokes?! I couldn't even find the jokes on the Dutch language sites that were reporting on it!
As far as the umlaut on the y, that doesn't actually happen. First off, the Dutch simply call the umlaut "the two dots above it." Second, if you print, it's ij. It looks like a y with two dots above it in cursive, but it's the letter "ij." It's pronounced mostly how you'd pronounce "eye." We'll leave the fact that it's a single letter and it's the Dutch version of y to another discussion...
LZ, this article had Hochdeutsch translations of 2 of them, and somewhere it shows an image of the page with all the jokes too.
Oh, whoops! Haha, this is important!
Also, oooooh! That makes a ton of sense. It would be way easier in script to just make it a y with umlaut. So I'm guessing that's "I"? Like Ich, ick, eeck, ik, etc.
Why, German language? Why do you have to be so varied?
I mean... I guess Otto von Bismarck asked that exact question, hence "Hochdeutsch".
I think I just helped someone solve a problem at work and save face. How silly of me was that?
Geist, don't you know by now that no good deed goes unpunished? ;-p
Zem, the Dutch word for "I" is "ik." The Dutch letter for "y" is "ij" as in mijn, zijn, fijn, ijs, prijs, etc. If you see a "y" in a Dutch word (which they call a Greek y), it's because it's a foreign word that has been appropriated into the Dutch language (like "baby" or "sexy").
In all of those examples, the ij is pronounced similar to "eye," but then there are words like makkelijk, in which it's pronounced like the I in "it." It's kind of a crazy language.