[1] Keep our Cue- gan / [2] safe where we left them / [3] step- ping on the / [4] shore. The / [5] sea is- n't kind, it / [6] does what it wants. It / [7] may rise a- gain once / [8] more. We / [9] pray that the raft won't / [10] float a- way. We / [11] pray that they reach high / [12] ground, a- bove the / [13] fi- nal shore's ex- / [14] panse. We / [15] pray asc- / [16] en- ding seas do / [17] not re- claim our / [18] Meg and Cue's new / [19] home. / [20] All of this we / [21] pray: / [22] Be it safe to / [23] stay. / [24] Squir- pies and chir- pies / [25] fill the trees with / [26] joy in the pro- mised / [27] land. We be- / [28] seech Thee the / [29] For- ty have / [30] made it to main- land and / [31] not to an / [32] is- land and / [33] trapped in ri- sing / [34] wa- ter if the / [35] sea is not quite / [36] done ri- sing / [37] up. / [38] Lead them. / [39] Lead them. / [40] We be-seech Thee . / [41] now, at the / [42] end of / [43] Time. / [44] Hum- bly Thee we / [45] pray: / [46] Let them be o- / [47] kay. A- men / [48] A- . / [49] men.
Posted on 2013-08-04 05:23 by ucim.