As others have said, the Mantis Shrimp has to be there...
Japanese Honeybee could attack with a burn...
I like the idea someone else said about Elon Musk and Nikola Tesla being involved. :)
James Mazikowski 2015-01-21T14:12:36-05:00
LITERALLY The GayRoller 2000!
Thomas 2015-01-21T14:12:54-05:00
Please include Tesla :-)
David Sabban 2015-01-21T14:13:12-05:00
Would love to see the Working From Home guy's devolution represented. Maybe peeing on the floor and extinguishing a flaming kitty or something? Mazal Tov to you all!
Aaron Kim 2015-01-21T14:13:30-05:00
If it isn't already in the deck, a teddy bear that is humped by the cat should be added as a defuse card.
bsatt33 2015-01-21T14:13:49-05:00
A Ferrari-porking luck dragon card is a must
Nikki Nowinski 2015-01-21T14:14:13-05:00
I would give anything to see a polar bear on one of those cards... The "reasons to ride a polar bear to work" comic is one of my favorites... Because polar bears are awesome :)
Jeffrey Smith 2015-01-21T14:14:17-05:00
You poor, doomed fools. 1000 decks? You have no idea what you've unleashed.
The Blerch must appear
Luisanna Rodriguez 2015-01-21T14:14:21-05:00
I am so excited to get this game!!!! I can't wait to see it!!! Probably a really crazy idea but could there be a Corgi on one of the cards? My puppy Odin would LOVE it!
Rachel 2015-01-21T14:14:21-05:00
The Japanese hornets and Godzilla would be fun.
Laura Blackwell 2015-01-21T14:14:35-05:00
I vote for some sort of dragon card(s) and at least one blerch card :D
Jill Price 2015-01-21T14:14:59-05:00
Jibbers Crabst! Must have Jibbers!
riftsinger 2015-01-21T14:15:04-05:00
@Elan Lee your, nice idea ,great kickstarter your doomed now you know that don't you ? i mean what do you do next ?
Nick Chambers 2015-01-21T14:15:15-05:00
Jibbers Crabst should play a key role in the game. Perhaps with the new NSFW cards?
Eric Meyer 2015-01-21T14:15:38-05:00
A card absolutely needs to feature the angry lady from "How To Properly Load A Dishwasher"!!!!!!
Addison Denenberg 2015-01-21T14:16:02-05:00
Riding a polar bear! Specifically riding at warp speed and manatee armor upgrades!
Daniel Crum 2015-01-21T14:16:03-05:00
Bob Cats, obvi-mustly.
Conor O'Neil 2015-01-21T14:16:09-05:00
Charles Darwin
Nikola Tesla
Elon Musk
The new spiderman version of the new spiderwoman
a bee in a car
your dog
refurbished pop star
first-date stomach
hammer pants
Bob Trezise 2015-01-21T14:16:11-05:00
I strongly recommend that the cards be high durability; Magic:TG cards or better.
Adam Lewis - Erudite Esoterist 2015-01-21T14:17:05-05:00
The Bearadactyl and Mantis Shrimp are already confirmed - pause the video at 48 seconds to see!
Kasy Powell 2015-01-21T14:17:11-05:00
Can't wait to get my cards but all I can think is I must be doing something wrong in life.... $2million? Really? I'll sell someone my adorable 21 lb cat for $2million lol
Kat Kelley 2015-01-21T14:17:12-05:00
Would love to see a reward tier which involves a custom card drawing add-on for those of us who have already bought decks.
For instance seeing my clouder of cats on cards would be fantastic! I have my lovely fat ass cat Bat who likes to eat all the foods while Baby doesn't clean his fur and is disgusting then there is Boo who has to sleep on my head and Lily who just ignores the fuck out of all of them!
edward b 2015-01-21T14:17:26-05:00
mantis shrimp, fruity blergs, and the blerch please!
Jeff Kowal 2015-01-21T14:17:27-05:00
Make it $8 mil and everyone gets a free kitten and grenade.
Laura Blackwell 2015-01-21T14:17:41-05:00
If you ever get more of the signed card packs I'd be more than happy to pledge an additional $100. Anything to get the signed decks. ANYTHING 0-0
Pete Cotton 2015-01-21T14:17:49-05:00
This might be too ambitious, but I would love to see an online web version of the game as a stretch goal, so that we can play with far flung friends as well as near and dear ones.
Dalton 2015-01-21T14:17:50-05:00
We need the Tigersaw! And Bob's buff reflection when he poses in front of the mirror!
Matt kata 2015-01-21T14:17:51-05:00
Jibbers Crabst, Telsa, The MF Pterodactyl, The Japanese Honey Bee and the Mantis Shrimp
Wes Barichak 2015-01-21T14:17:52-05:00
Although it's not an original Oatmeal character, I'd really like to see a cat riding a tyrannosaurus rex.
And polar bears. The mascot of my college (Bowdoin) because of Peary and MacMillan. After all, our hockey game shout was "go you Bears" and sometimes "go you f***ing P-Bears." But only sometimes.
Ryan Kelly 2015-01-21T14:18:19-05:00
Mantis shrimp, Tesla, the Blerch, Japanese hornets, and anything to do with Sriracha
Greg Hancock 2015-01-21T14:18:29-05:00
Nikolai Tesla Electric Kitten Diffuser!
Sarah 2015-01-21T14:18:31-05:00
Jibbers Crabst!
Or the banana spider, they all work. ;D
Rad 2015-01-21T14:18:49-05:00
This thing just beat KDM and i dont even know half of whats the hype is all about o-0
craig milne 2015-01-21T14:19:18-05:00
I've pledged for the NSFW part but am in Canada, was thinking of getting 2 sets would this mean $75 would cover it and would they know that meant I wanted 2 sets?
Yvette Hamacek 2015-01-21T14:19:19-05:00
You should be able to diffuse the explosion by hexing the Kitten with the Blerch. Maybe the kitten is too lazy to explode right now.
Juliana Keeler 2015-01-21T14:19:22-05:00
The NSFW deck should definitely have The Motherfucking Pterodactyl.
Chris Kaknevicius 2015-01-21T14:19:24-05:00
NSFW Suggestions: Intergalatic Space Boat of Light and Wonder. Jibbers Crabst.
nick fioresi 2015-01-21T14:19:24-05:00
+1 for mantis shrimp, tesla and jibbers.
Darrell Staebler 2015-01-21T14:19:49-05:00
Jibbers Crabst's Galactic Intervention! Also the Mantis Shrimp sees EVERYTHING, including what you've done with those filthy hands. Show them!
Laura Dunlap 2015-01-21T14:20:00-05:00
Revival cards. It would really make the game interesting!
Bradford Webster 2015-01-21T14:20:14-05:00
War Kittens and the Blerch
Dalton 2015-01-21T14:20:20-05:00
What about the "Free hugs" guy? Seriously, defusing an exploding kitten with a pantless hug is a must.
Brian Sanders 2015-01-21T14:20:27-05:00
So I recruited everyone at the office to go pledge for this Kickstarter. You have a ton of new fans.
I'd like to echo what Penny said. I'm not sure where the line is drawn for "NSFW". If it's just slightly more crude humor (no swear words or sexual references, and no turbo crazy violence) then I'm in for the NSFW. If not, I'm sticking to the Pansy Pledge so I can play with my elementary school daughters!
Thanks again for such a great idea! Can't wait to get my hands on this game!
Grace Lezetc 2015-01-21T14:20:49-05:00
@craig milne: I did the same thing, so I'm hoping they know it means 2 sets lol. I think they'll add extra shipping later?
Lily Mulvey 2015-01-21T14:21:05-05:00
Rambo and the Bobcats, always and forever.
Karen 2015-01-21T14:21:08-05:00
Idea for the NSFW deck : THE PARADOX DOG... "The beginning of the end"... Drawing this card makes the player to the right AND left draw an extra card.. thus bringing you all closer to the end (either by your opponents pulling the EK card, or the fact that the deck is shrinking bringing you all closer to death) :)
Anna 2015-01-21T14:21:09-05:00
Bob Cats, Mantis Shrimp, Tesla - for sure.
Jon Cullen 2015-01-21T14:21:23-05:00
Cocaine T-Rex!
JP Casino 2015-01-21T14:21:27-05:00
I second the Elon Musk card. Preferably showing him b-slapping Mark Zuckerberg.
Matt Samberg 2015-01-21T14:21:45-05:00
T. Rex on Crack Cocaine!
Elizabeth Melby 2015-01-21T14:21:49-05:00
another shout out for The Blerch (with cake!)
Sandee Goodbody 2015-01-21T14:21:57-05:00
The dead parrot - a come back to life card! ;-)
Lane 2015-01-21T14:21:58-05:00
The bobcats!
Abraham 2015-01-21T14:22:00-05:00
Christopher Eugene Luc 2015-01-21T14:22:04-05:00
I know it's not an oatmeal character, but one should be a nude (male or female!) fairy riding a battle corgi :D
Adam Edwards 2015-01-21T14:22:05-05:00
Maybe a stretch goal would be something that accommodates more players? I can see this being a blast with 6-8 people.
Shawn MacDonald 2015-01-21T14:22:15-05:00
Blerch is a must; he can convince your opponent to slow down and take an extra bite of cake (draw two cards), or nullify the cheetah butt card, or something similar.
Bobcats, Mantis Shrimp, and Jibbers Crabst for sure. Tesla (positive effect), Edison (über-negative effect, unless you can't do that for legal reasons).
Fall into a tanning bed, become baked potato, holla up in da club all night and throw up (discard) two good cards.
NSFW deck: Spiderman (ala "new spiderwoman"), either as a detriment or as a distraction for the kittens.
Vicki Tomich 2015-01-21T14:22:27-05:00
Japanese giant hornets, Manbat, Party Gorilla, and Christopher Columbus.
Karen 2015-01-21T14:22:28-05:00
The bobcats rolling a big spliff of catnip....
Brian Thomas 2015-01-21T14:22:41-05:00
Idea's for cards:
Cat-a-rack: Could either be a blurry cat and to avoid blowing up, or could be a cat on a rack that would diffuse the bomb situation
Cat-Litter: distract kitten by making it poo in a pan
Cat-Man-Dew: A man-cat with a mountain dew or a cool haircut that distracts the cat
Matt Samberg 2015-01-21T14:22:43-05:00
Also, can you make a Whiskered Bear Trap (Composed of Claws, Teeth, and Agony) card? That's my Fantasy Football team name!
Chris Scalzo 2015-01-21T14:22:56-05:00
@adam buy 2 decks for 8 players
Brian Thomas 2015-01-21T14:23:16-05:00
Some kind of card that has to do with Christopher Walken (More Cowbell)
Godzilla, Japanese hornets, mantis shrimp and the Bleach have to be in the deck!
Justin Hewitt 2015-01-21T14:24:56-05:00
The magic purple drink!!! It gives you refreshed running powers! Possibly escaping a blerch attack or some other mystical power.
Cori O'Brien Paluck 2015-01-21T14:25:09-05:00
How about a new NSFW character with Tesla? Tesla could be chillin with a kitten who's all dress up in fancy science gear doing an experiment and they are both in mid-explosion from the kitten mixing up some science potions. :) From beakers. There must be beakers!
Greg Kravish 2015-01-21T14:25:18-05:00
I vote for The Bobs and the Sriracha Bear
Greg Hancock 2015-01-21T14:25:19-05:00
Perhaps team up with Allie at Hyperbole and a Half? Maybe as an expansion deck? I think her style and The Oatmeal might support each other well.
/thumbs up on:
Mantis Shrimp (sees everything!)
Dead Parrot
M-F Pterodactyl
Sooo much good material!
Sashmagash 2015-01-21T14:25:59-05:00
Patrick C Miller 2015-01-21T14:27:07-05:00
Fav characters...
1. Rollerblading Jesus
2. Mantis Shrimp
3. Nicola Tesla
JusticeBolt 2015-01-21T14:27:25-05:00
This comment section is now hilarious with the cool suggestions.
Chris Piekarz 2015-01-21T14:27:43-05:00
1) Rollerblading in the afterlife with our Dark Lord FireApe
2) Man in a Utilikilt
edward b 2015-01-21T14:27:55-05:00
ok...forgot jibbers... (may he forgive me without pinching me with his holy claws)
Jibbers Crabst (all praise!)
The Blerch
Mantis Shrimp
Fuity Blergs (sponsored by perhaps?)
Since you guys are in LA you need to have a launch party where we can all meet to play a tournament. start with 400 people playing 4 player games, 2nd round would be the 100 winners each playing a 4 player game and so on until you have the top 4 players for the last round.
penny yordy 2015-01-21T14:28:12-05:00
Brian, I contacted the creator, once he gets back to me (may be a while) ill put it up on this board
The Psion 2015-01-21T14:28:16-05:00
Favorite characters:
Jeebus Crabst
The Blerch
Steven Parker 2015-01-21T14:29:00-05:00
So that first stretch goal is for $2 million and no stretch goals before that?
Is there a "look at [other player]'s hand card? That could change things up. The only NSFW thing that comes to mind is the spider woman bit... Also, do the Tom Cats make an appearance or are you saving them for the expansion? "Hey bro, are you a flower?"
Tony Delfino 2015-01-21T14:29:38-05:00
A recurring favorite that would totally fit for the new card ideas: The Bob Cats.
As others have said, the Mantis Shrimp has to be there...
Japanese Honeybee could attack with a burn...
I like the idea someone else said about Elon Musk and Nikola Tesla being involved. :)
LITERALLY The GayRoller 2000!
Please include Tesla :-)
Would love to see the Working From Home guy's devolution represented. Maybe peeing on the floor and extinguishing a flaming kitty or something? Mazal Tov to you all!
If it isn't already in the deck, a teddy bear that is humped by the cat should be added as a defuse card.
A Ferrari-porking luck dragon card is a must
I would give anything to see a polar bear on one of those cards... The "reasons to ride a polar bear to work" comic is one of my favorites... Because polar bears are awesome :)
You poor, doomed fools. 1000 decks? You have no idea what you've unleashed.
The Blerch must appear
I am so excited to get this game!!!! I can't wait to see it!!! Probably a really crazy idea but could there be a Corgi on one of the cards? My puppy Odin would LOVE it!
The Japanese hornets and Godzilla would be fun.
I vote for some sort of dragon card(s) and at least one blerch card :D
Jibbers Crabst! Must have Jibbers!
@Elan Lee your, nice idea ,great kickstarter your doomed now you know that don't you ? i mean what do you do next ?
Jibbers Crabst should play a key role in the game. Perhaps with the new NSFW cards?
A card absolutely needs to feature the angry lady from "How To Properly Load A Dishwasher"!!!!!!
Riding a polar bear! Specifically riding at warp speed and manatee armor upgrades!
Bob Cats, obvi-mustly.
Charles Darwin
Nikola Tesla
Elon Musk
The new spiderman version of the new spiderwoman
a bee in a car
your dog
refurbished pop star
first-date stomach
hammer pants
I strongly recommend that the cards be high durability; Magic:TG cards or better.
Tesla to defuse a cat with electricity
A mom seducing a Kodiak bear!
Tesla. Absolutely Tesla.
also... would love to see a male anglerfish you get screwed card...
The Bearadactyl and Mantis Shrimp are already confirmed - pause the video at 48 seconds to see!
Can't wait to get my cards but all I can think is I must be doing something wrong in life.... $2million? Really? I'll sell someone my adorable 21 lb cat for $2million lol
Would love to see a reward tier which involves a custom card drawing add-on for those of us who have already bought decks.
For instance seeing my clouder of cats on cards would be fantastic! I have my lovely fat ass cat Bat who likes to eat all the foods while Baby doesn't clean his fur and is disgusting then there is Boo who has to sleep on my head and Lily who just ignores the fuck out of all of them!
mantis shrimp, fruity blergs, and the blerch please!
Make it $8 mil and everyone gets a free kitten and grenade.
If you ever get more of the signed card packs I'd be more than happy to pledge an additional $100. Anything to get the signed decks. ANYTHING 0-0
This might be too ambitious, but I would love to see an online web version of the game as a stretch goal, so that we can play with far flung friends as well as near and dear ones.
We need the Tigersaw! And Bob's buff reflection when he poses in front of the mirror!
Jibbers Crabst, Telsa, The MF Pterodactyl, The Japanese Honey Bee and the Mantis Shrimp
Although it's not an original Oatmeal character, I'd really like to see a cat riding a tyrannosaurus rex.
NSFW Card suggestion: The old men from the locker room from Minor Differences Part 2
And polar bears. The mascot of my college (Bowdoin) because of Peary and MacMillan. After all, our hockey game shout was "go you Bears" and sometimes "go you f***ing P-Bears." But only sometimes.
Mantis shrimp, Tesla, the Blerch, Japanese hornets, and anything to do with Sriracha
Nikolai Tesla Electric Kitten Diffuser!
Jibbers Crabst!
Or the banana spider, they all work. ;D
This thing just beat KDM and i dont even know half of whats the hype is all about o-0
I've pledged for the NSFW part but am in Canada, was thinking of getting 2 sets would this mean $75 would cover it and would they know that meant I wanted 2 sets?
You should be able to diffuse the explosion by hexing the Kitten with the Blerch. Maybe the kitten is too lazy to explode right now.
The NSFW deck should definitely have The Motherfucking Pterodactyl.
NSFW Suggestions: Intergalatic Space Boat of Light and Wonder. Jibbers Crabst.
+1 for mantis shrimp, tesla and jibbers.
Jibbers Crabst's Galactic Intervention! Also the Mantis Shrimp sees EVERYTHING, including what you've done with those filthy hands. Show them!
Revival cards. It would really make the game interesting!
War Kittens and the Blerch
What about the "Free hugs" guy? Seriously, defusing an exploding kitten with a pantless hug is a must.
So I recruited everyone at the office to go pledge for this Kickstarter. You have a ton of new fans.
I'd like to echo what Penny said. I'm not sure where the line is drawn for "NSFW". If it's just slightly more crude humor (no swear words or sexual references, and no turbo crazy violence) then I'm in for the NSFW. If not, I'm sticking to the Pansy Pledge so I can play with my elementary school daughters!
Thanks again for such a great idea! Can't wait to get my hands on this game!
@craig milne: I did the same thing, so I'm hoping they know it means 2 sets lol. I think they'll add extra shipping later?
Rambo and the Bobcats, always and forever.
Idea for the NSFW deck : THE PARADOX DOG... "The beginning of the end"... Drawing this card makes the player to the right AND left draw an extra card.. thus bringing you all closer to the end (either by your opponents pulling the EK card, or the fact that the deck is shrinking bringing you all closer to death) :)
Bob Cats, Mantis Shrimp, Tesla - for sure.
Cocaine T-Rex!
I second the Elon Musk card. Preferably showing him b-slapping Mark Zuckerberg.
T. Rex on Crack Cocaine!
another shout out for The Blerch (with cake!)
The dead parrot - a come back to life card! ;-)
The bobcats!
I know it's not an oatmeal character, but one should be a nude (male or female!) fairy riding a battle corgi :D
Maybe a stretch goal would be something that accommodates more players? I can see this being a blast with 6-8 people.
Blerch is a must; he can convince your opponent to slow down and take an extra bite of cake (draw two cards), or nullify the cheetah butt card, or something similar.
Bobcats, Mantis Shrimp, and Jibbers Crabst for sure. Tesla (positive effect), Edison (über-negative effect, unless you can't do that for legal reasons).
Fall into a tanning bed, become baked potato, holla up in da club all night and throw up (discard) two good cards.
NSFW deck: Spiderman (ala "new spiderwoman"), either as a detriment or as a distraction for the kittens.
Japanese giant hornets, Manbat, Party Gorilla, and Christopher Columbus.
The bobcats rolling a big spliff of catnip....
Idea's for cards:
Cat-a-rack: Could either be a blurry cat and to avoid blowing up, or could be a cat on a rack that would diffuse the bomb situation
Cat-Litter: distract kitten by making it poo in a pan
Cat-Man-Dew: A man-cat with a mountain dew or a cool haircut that distracts the cat
Also, can you make a Whiskered Bear Trap (Composed of Claws, Teeth, and Agony) card? That's my Fantasy Football team name!
@adam buy 2 decks for 8 players
Some kind of card that has to do with Christopher Walken (More Cowbell)
dang there is like a new comment every 20 seconds now lol
How about a yarn ball creature!
We definitely need the Blerch!! And also:
- Tesla
- The motherf*cking Pterydactyl!
Can you do a God card in the NSFW? I know its contraversial............
I, the undersigned, along with my friends, family and everyone I've ever heard of are demanding* cards involving the following characters:
Wookiee Christ
Nikola Tesla
The Oatmeal's Dog
Mantis Shrimp
Jibbers Crabst
*not really demanding so much as asking really really nicely please please please thankyou
Cat testicles are pretty hilarious. How about a card featuring a cat with an oversized, veiny nutsack?
And, you could even make it a defusal card! "Take ol hugenutz to the vet to get fixed"
ZOMBIES!!! ZOMBIE KITTENS!!!!!! ZOMBIE TESLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZOMBIE ELON MUSK.....oh wait maybe....ELON MUSK ON MARS!
Mantis shrimp, jibbers, and your dog
Yes! +1 for mantis shrimp, tesla and jibbers
Godzilla, Japanese hornets, mantis shrimp and the Bleach have to be in the deck!
The magic purple drink!!! It gives you refreshed running powers! Possibly escaping a blerch attack or some other mystical power.
How about a new NSFW character with Tesla? Tesla could be chillin with a kitten who's all dress up in fancy science gear doing an experiment and they are both in mid-explosion from the kitten mixing up some science potions. :) From beakers. There must be beakers!
I vote for The Bobs and the Sriracha Bear
Perhaps team up with Allie at Hyperbole and a Half? Maybe as an expansion deck? I think her style and The Oatmeal might support each other well.
/thumbs up on:
Mantis Shrimp (sees everything!)
Dead Parrot
M-F Pterodactyl
Sooo much good material!
Fav characters...
1. Rollerblading Jesus
2. Mantis Shrimp
3. Nicola Tesla
This comment section is now hilarious with the cool suggestions.
1) Rollerblading in the afterlife with our Dark Lord FireApe
2) Man in a Utilikilt
ok...forgot jibbers... (may he forgive me without pinching me with his holy claws)
Jibbers Crabst (all praise!)
The Blerch
Mantis Shrimp
Fuity Blergs (sponsored by perhaps?)
Blerch! Must have Blerch im there somewhere.
4. Bobcats
Since you guys are in LA you need to have a launch party where we can all meet to play a tournament. start with 400 people playing 4 player games, 2nd round would be the 100 winners each playing a 4 player game and so on until you have the top 4 players for the last round.
Brian, I contacted the creator, once he gets back to me (may be a while) ill put it up on this board
Favorite characters:
Jeebus Crabst
The Blerch
So that first stretch goal is for $2 million and no stretch goals before that?
Jibbers Crabst! He is my Dogmatic Crazy Glue!
Is there a "look at [other player]'s hand card? That could change things up. The only NSFW thing that comes to mind is the spider woman bit... Also, do the Tom Cats make an appearance or are you saving them for the expansion? "Hey bro, are you a flower?"
A recurring favorite that would totally fit for the new card ideas: The Bob Cats.
Mantis Shrimp and the Bobs!