@steven, yes that is because this KS is on track to hit about 1 Million per day, at least for the first 2 or 3 days.
Morgan Ip 2015-01-21T14:30:47-05:00
NFSW you say? I say we need new characters. Saucy sexy ones .. and something to do with sriracha sauce and grammar .. actually maybe a re-interpretation of the gay steamroller. Imagine the possibilities.
Dana Montero 2015-01-21T14:30:49-05:00
We'd like to see the
M-F Bearodactyl
The Alot
JusticeBolt 2015-01-21T14:30:51-05:00
This comment section is now hilarious with the cool suggestions.
JusticeBolt 2015-01-21T14:31:00-05:00
This comment section is now hilarious with the cool suggestions.
kalle slocter 2015-01-21T14:31:02-05:00
im sure he is already in the game but Domino. effect tears... lots of tears
Curt Bouchard 2015-01-21T14:31:19-05:00
I'd like to see Nikola Tesla sicking a herd of cats to attack Edison. And of course the Bobs.
Ok Schroedinger's cat has to be in this I mean come on. As for PETA I think there should be an entire expansion with cards designed to poke fun at PETA.
Lara Roth 2015-01-21T14:34:24-05:00
Please make the Honda C*nt a card somehow in the NSFW deck!
we are going to top 1000 comments by noon PST at this rate :-)
Julia Gosztyla Ziobro 2015-01-21T14:36:19-05:00
Arial Bauman 2015-01-21T14:36:31-05:00
Mantis Shrimp and Wookie Jesus PLEASE!!!!!
Toni Marie Swats 2015-01-21T14:36:38-05:00
Steven Parker are you serious? It was 24 hours. And they reached the amount BEFORE having the time to even think about the stretch goal. I pledged because I want the card game for the price I pledged. If more people agree, that doesn't necessarily mean we need to get free stuff. That's the current Kickstarter convention, and that's great, but criticizing the creators because they didn't plan free prizes for 2 million dollars in pledges in 24 hours is kind of nitpicky, no?
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-21T14:36:45-05:00
@AlexB I love that idea.
Eric Schaufele 2015-01-21T14:36:57-05:00
A Raging Vagina Tractors card would be stellar.
Greg Hancock 2015-01-21T14:37:16-05:00
Jibbers Crabst destroys a kitten!
tgoVIPER 2015-01-21T14:38:04-05:00
Another vote for Mantis Shrimp and Wookiee Jesus.
Ian Hale 2015-01-21T14:38:10-05:00
im probably going to burn in hell.....but something along the lines of a chinese restaurant owner vs a cat.
Tansel Gönül 2015-01-21T14:38:13-05:00
I'm very excited about this game, but the most important thing is that I'm proud to be a part of this awesome feeling, being a part of this historic event in gaming history.
along the lines of @Ian Hale's idea we could have a Chinese Cat Sup deck showing a cat in a slow cooker :-)
Timm Dapper 2015-01-21T14:40:10-05:00
Probably this has been offered a number of times already, but if you're looking into doing a german translation, I'd be happy to help.
Deano Montreuil 2015-01-21T14:40:23-05:00
Japanese Hornets need to be on a card!
That and the purple "souls of 10,000 unborn panda bear" elixir
K. L. 2015-01-21T14:40:26-05:00
Stretch goal idea:
Contributor Expansion (also NSFW)
New Pledge level options:
$25? for regular game + Contributor Expansion (also NSFW) (unless Contributor Expansion is a free Stretch Goal)
$40? for regular game + NSFW + Contributor Expansion (also NSFW) (unless Contributor Expansion is a free Stretch Goal)
$1000-$??? (LIMIT 5-20) - Design your own card! Must contact The Exploding Kittens Team within 2 hours (or more time?) with your card idea. Send them a description/sketch of your image idea, as well as game mechanics text/flavor text for the card. Matt, Elan and Shane will all draw a version of the request (no art quality guarantees!) and all three versions will be printed for the Contributor Expansion with the text "Thank you [YOUR NAME]!" (or some personalized message). When the set releases, you will receive the regular set + NSFW + Contributor Expansion, as well as THE ORIGINAL ART used to create the cards, and 5 signed/numbered copies of each of the three cards. [Then a bunch of stuff about what's not allowed, i.e. copyright material].
Contributor Expansion Disclaimer: The mechanics for the Contributor Expansion cards HAVE NOT been tested with the main game mechanics. These are just for fun (and for the off chance that someone came up with something that works well with the game). Add these to a game at your own risk (of boredom/frustration).
Card submission examples:
>Exploding Kitten - Design the image for your own exploding kitten card.
>Sooperdoosh: The ugly secret that you love Thomas Edison is out, and now nobody wants you to win... also, you're greedy just like your hero. Draw four cards.
>Paper Bag Fort: Survive one exploding kitten. Recycling is good, shuffle this card back into the draw pile.
>Mantis Shrimp: Gain the power of the Mantis Shrimp. Choose a player to sonic explode.
>Mantis Shrimp Advanced Combat Body Armor: Survive any explosion.
Every time "Design your own card!" is sold out, Matt, Elan and Shane design the new cards. Once this is done they can open up the tier again (maybe higher price point if it fills up super quick?) for the next set of requests. This way they stay on top of the project and will have all of the design material ready when it comes time to print. It shouldn't delay getting sets out because all production content should be ready. All cards they create for the "Design your own card!" tier will be included in the Contributor Expansion (3 copies of each card, each with different art). This means that every time "Design your own card!" fills up, people get more cards! It sort of resembles stretch goals (the more high-end contributors they get, the more cards everyone else gets), though I realize it's not quite how stretch goals usually work. They could also add guest artist cards, variants, and other fun stuff to the Contributor Expansion.
Manuel Marcial 2015-01-21T14:40:31-05:00
Stretch goal suggestion: Make cards in durable casino style plastic card so they last longer and be used at the pool or beach!
if this keeps up we will hit 3 million mark in less than 48 hours :-) lets keep up the momentum and spread the word to everyone everywhere :-)
Nikola Radovanovic 2015-01-21T14:44:45-05:00
Will Engle 2015-01-21T14:44:54-05:00
Sriracha flamethrower grizzly- destroy any players card? Wookiee Jesus- auto save from kitten?
Chris Scalzo 2015-01-21T14:44:59-05:00
1000 coments is not that much for KS games... if the team was here to answer questions we might be a 2k-3k by now, but I do not think we will be breaking in comment records.
+1 for Copag or 100% plastic cards... I wish they would tell us the card quality too!
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-21T14:45:21-05:00
I feel like this will pass the Reading Rainbow KS.....
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-21T14:45:57-05:00
Are the Bob cats making an appearance? If not, they should be in the additional cards. Also, mantis shrimp, wookiee Jesus, motherfucking pterodactyl, and Skippy McSkipperskip from the comic about calling customer service. A card about turning a skull into a urinal would also be good.
spaztastic 2015-01-21T14:46:08-05:00
Must have a Tesla card. And yea! for American manufacturing!
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-21T14:46:33-05:00
I would love a card inspired by Maru the cat.
And good update. I just wish they had outlined a couple of SG. Otherwise tomorrow they might just be like... hey we already passed it again. Here you go. Hopefully the next one is for the base set!
Jeremy Curcio 2015-01-21T14:47:08-05:00
Got to have an alot in the deck. Hell, maybe a lot of alots!
Addison Dowd 2015-01-21T14:47:25-05:00
I think a Tesla card is a no brainer! And probably your cat Domino too.
Who could have guessed that Exploding Kittens was an underserved market?
whittnee lachapelle 2015-01-21T14:48:44-05:00
I third Manuel Marcia's suggestion below. That would be the best sg I can think of that also keeps this running on time and within budget (hopefully).
Greg Hancock 2015-01-21T14:49:03-05:00
E-Mail Monster distracts kittens with many little red flags
Damian Ferret Dean 2015-01-21T14:49:13-05:00
Need to have some dog paradox cards thrown in. Best comic yet.
Lordoftheslugs 2015-01-21T14:49:48-05:00
I don't mean to be a sour-pus (pun intended) or anything but i seem to be the only one who is underwhelmed with the stretch goal"s".
I realize you guys were not expecting this amount of backing but come on now. You've got more than 2mil on top of the original goal of 10.000 and what you come up with is 20 more cards?
You've been working so hard on this game for a long while it seems and yet you still only ask for $10.000 that must include work hours and printing and all that other jazz.
But when you turn over a pot-o-gold containing that much extra money, you end up with making only 20 extra cards? That's $100.000 a card here.
In a deck only $35+ backers get. I also realize that, the more backers, the more cards need printing, but i somehow think it can be done cheaper than $100.000 per card.
You could at the very least pimp out the end product. Most of us came here for the art since none of us played the actual game, it seems awesome though, but most of us came for The Oatmeal and that gives you not-really-but-close-to-unlimited possibilities okay-maybe-not-that-many-but-at-least-8.
You could make even more cards, even if they end up being only 10.000 per card, a new expansion with whole new mechanics.
Better card stock, better quality packaging, kickstarter exclusive cards, cardsleeves, boxes something anything, just make me feel like i'm part of something grand and not just one among all the others that never joined the kickstarter...
What i am trying to say is, you made one of the most succesful kickstarters in the history of kickstarters (so far) how abouts you celebrate that by celebrating what's special about the platform and give us some exclusives, make it an exciting journey full of wonderments and exciting surprises.
I love you Oatmeal, Elan and Shane, but purely in a materialistic and excited kind of way of course, please hear my overly long plee and make this a kickstarter not only remembered for the amount of $ but for the magnificence that is ShOatmElan :)
Georg 2015-01-21T14:49:52-05:00
+1 for plastic cards
Luca Soldaini 2015-01-21T14:49:54-05:00
First, congrats to you guys for passing the $2M mark. That's amazing!
Second, I'd like to add my vote for high-quality, plastic cards that can be played in the pool/when lots of booze is involved.
As far as favorite characters for the expansion set, I'd love to see the Gayroller2000 featured somewhere :D
Gordon 2015-01-21T14:49:59-05:00
Mantis shrimp is my fave.
Mark Kessell 2015-01-21T14:50:10-05:00
any chances of increasing the number of collectors editions?
or do you guys not want writers cramp?
James K 2015-01-21T14:50:13-05:00
I agree with Manuel Marcia 100%. Make it Durable
Jen Kehoe 2015-01-21T14:51:08-05:00
The Blerch. Dear lord, the Blerch.
Mark Kessell 2015-01-21T14:51:40-05:00
yes. more durable cards, embossed cards... double the number of cards in base game (if there's no 8 player expansion).
Damian Ferret Dean 2015-01-21T14:52:26-05:00
Plastic cards like the card game gloom would be awesome.
Julia Shaw 2015-01-21T14:55:28-05:00
I agrea with Jen Kehoe - the Blerch would be awesome to have on the deck.
fdk029 2015-01-21T14:56:44-05:00
I can't believe this is over 2 mil and still counting, great job guys. As far as stretch goals, you should think about more durable plastic coated cards, more bonus cards and maybe putting it in a tin rather then a box. Or give everyone there own pet Mantis shrimp, whichever.
Autumn Sorenson 2015-01-21T14:56:56-05:00
A "cat burgler" card that lets you steal a card from someones hand.
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-21T14:57:19-05:00
I agree with Lordoftheslugs. I find it disheartening that although you never thought you would reach 2 million dollars, that is where you put the first Stretch Goal. What next, 4 million? The 20 extra cards is definitely a disappointment. I would much rather have a seal, better card stock, nicer box, etc...
I also find it odd that you post the Stretch Goals after the fact. The two other projects I took part it put them in prior to the goals being met. Otherwise, who is to say that you did not plan on Stretch Goals for every $500,000 earned, but scrapped that when you saw how fast it was climbing.
All in all, Boooooooooooooooooo
Erin 2015-01-21T14:57:52-05:00
I don't care what you put on the NSFW extras as long as you include something with the Bob Cats.
Jeff Schmidt 2015-01-21T14:57:57-05:00
HQ cards, and Tesla must make an appearance.
Shawn Dunn 2015-01-21T14:58:33-05:00
Sriracha Flamethrower Bear is a must.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-21T15:00:17-05:00
I strongly suggest to those extremely few of you that are unhappy with how this is going as per strech goals etc., vote with your dollars. Its been less than two days, chill.
Silvia Soares 2015-01-21T15:00:45-05:00
I vote on Tesla and the Blerch cards!
Michael Steenbeke 2015-01-21T15:00:54-05:00
I think we should all get 18X24 posters, One for every one of the updates you made!!!
Zsolt Menyhart 2015-01-21T15:01:22-05:00
My friend said, that he wants the Homosexual steamroller card. To be honest I have no idea, how this fits in, but I'm sure, it could.
Grace Lezetc 2015-01-21T15:01:40-05:00
@John Kelly.....seriously?! then don't back this...
How were they supposed to know they'd have this much backing after 24 HOURS....NOT 24 DAYS...HOURS.
Casey Robinson 2015-01-21T15:02:36-05:00
Divine intervention card by Jibbers Crabst!
Silke Detamore 2015-01-21T15:02:38-05:00
Jibbers Crabst, our Lord and Savior, can send a bombardier beetle to defend against an attack from another player and negate that player's card. Or, if that card is taken, involvement in some other fashion will be welcome. Of course, the mantis shrimp, wookie Jesus, and Saturn should also make an appearance. And the Blerch.
AlexB 2015-01-21T15:03:04-05:00
wOW you guys reached your stretch goal before you even had time to think about what they would be. Guess this progressed a little faster than expected -_^ Great job though, love your website and I love this idea! Keep up the good work! (Also if you could add a card to the NSFW deck called 'Elon's Musk' that would be awesome!)
Melanie Whitefoot 2015-01-21T15:03:33-05:00
Stretch goal suggestion: an expansion pack with exploding puppies (or some other similarly dog themed idea). Grats on the 2 million - the power of the internet is a humbling thing!
Matthew Maney 2015-01-21T15:04:15-05:00
I'm all for more durable cards. When I play this at home there is likely to be drinks involved, and when I present it to my employees, well, they are slobs... so yeah, durability please.
Avery Abbott 2015-01-21T15:04:16-05:00
Is a retroactive stretch goal a contraction goal?
I'd love to see some limited edition foil cards for a couple of extra bucks, like a Nikola Tesla card, a Mantis Shrimp card, and a Blerch card.
Molly 2015-01-21T15:04:42-05:00
I want a Bobracha card!! :)
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-21T15:04:48-05:00
@Michael Steenbeke love the poster idea.
JusticeBolt 2015-01-21T15:05:08-05:00
Yep the first stretch goal at 2 millions is overwhelming. The next stretch goal is at 4 millions? Lol
Steven Golden 2015-01-21T15:05:29-05:00
The Bobcats
The Blerch
Mantis Shrimp
Evil printers
And Sriracha flamethrower bears would all make great cards
Jarlaath 2015-01-21T15:06:01-05:00
2 million dollars O-O !!! I'm also backing Conan and it is on the way to reach it's first million. What an amazing day.
Nice SG by the way. Twice the cards for the same price, that's really nice (I like rhymes^^')
Diana Mira Navarro 2015-01-21T15:06:01-05:00
I believe Tesla should be some kind of magical creature that has some overlord cat aura. The mantis shrimp is a must, rainbow colored death explosions, of course. And maybe a card in memoriam of all the whiners. +1 on all the durable comments: the Earth deserves much love from exploding kittens.
Aksel Schmidt 2015-01-21T15:06:02-05:00
I hope to see the following things in the cards :D
"nope godzilla" "japanese giant wasp" and "The bobcats".
Favorite Character EVER-MANTIS SHRIMP
@steven, yes that is because this KS is on track to hit about 1 Million per day, at least for the first 2 or 3 days.
NFSW you say? I say we need new characters. Saucy sexy ones .. and something to do with sriracha sauce and grammar .. actually maybe a re-interpretation of the gay steamroller. Imagine the possibilities.
We'd like to see the
M-F Bearodactyl
The Alot
This comment section is now hilarious with the cool suggestions.
This comment section is now hilarious with the cool suggestions.
im sure he is already in the game but Domino. effect tears... lots of tears
I'd like to see Nikola Tesla sicking a herd of cats to attack Edison. And of course the Bobs.
Any plans for stretch goals?
It's gone up roughly 30k in 20minutes. So if it keeps going, we are on track to hit that.
Thomas Edison's Electric Chair,
Nicola Tesla's laser eyed pigeon,
Blerch Cat,
Bobcat and Skydemon
Bobcats. Bobcats need to be in this game. <3
Wookiee Jesus
Oatmeal's DOG!
we deserve free wallpapers!!!!
Suggestion for stretch goal #2 - how about double decks so we can either play with 5-8 players, or make the original game last twice as long!
we might just knock out 3 records by the end of this. The most funded KS, most backed KS and most commented KS.
Make sure you do some card involving Peta, because you know they are going to say this is evil in some way.
Diffuse with a sonic explosion from the Mantas Shrimp. Diffuse with Schroedinger's (cardboard) Box.
Mantis Shrimp...
Hmmm not too impressed with one stretch goal between basic funding target and 2 mill
Ok Schroedinger's cat has to be in this I mean come on. As for PETA I think there should be an entire expansion with cards designed to poke fun at PETA.
Please make the Honda C*nt a card somehow in the NSFW deck!
++ Yes - wallpapers!!
Please add Elon's Musk to the NSFW deck!
we are going to top 1000 comments by noon PST at this rate :-)
Mantis Shrimp and Wookie Jesus PLEASE!!!!!
Steven Parker are you serious? It was 24 hours. And they reached the amount BEFORE having the time to even think about the stretch goal. I pledged because I want the card game for the price I pledged. If more people agree, that doesn't necessarily mean we need to get free stuff. That's the current Kickstarter convention, and that's great, but criticizing the creators because they didn't plan free prizes for 2 million dollars in pledges in 24 hours is kind of nitpicky, no?
@AlexB I love that idea.
A Raging Vagina Tractors card would be stellar.
Jibbers Crabst destroys a kitten!
Another vote for Mantis Shrimp and Wookiee Jesus.
im probably going to burn in hell.....but something along the lines of a chinese restaurant owner vs a cat.
I'm very excited about this game, but the most important thing is that I'm proud to be a part of this awesome feeling, being a part of this historic event in gaming history.
for the NSFW deck we need to have a PETA protester wearing flashing with a CAT fur jacket :-)
Jibbers Cranston card please.
@Cal Rasmussen Just saying it would be awesome! Also thanks!
Jibbers Crabst and an alot please!!!
along the lines of @Ian Hale's idea we could have a Chinese Cat Sup deck showing a cat in a slow cooker :-)
Probably this has been offered a number of times already, but if you're looking into doing a german translation, I'd be happy to help.
Japanese Hornets need to be on a card!
That and the purple "souls of 10,000 unborn panda bear" elixir
Stretch goal idea:
Contributor Expansion (also NSFW)
New Pledge level options:
$25? for regular game + Contributor Expansion (also NSFW) (unless Contributor Expansion is a free Stretch Goal)
$40? for regular game + NSFW + Contributor Expansion (also NSFW) (unless Contributor Expansion is a free Stretch Goal)
$1000-$??? (LIMIT 5-20) - Design your own card! Must contact The Exploding Kittens Team within 2 hours (or more time?) with your card idea. Send them a description/sketch of your image idea, as well as game mechanics text/flavor text for the card. Matt, Elan and Shane will all draw a version of the request (no art quality guarantees!) and all three versions will be printed for the Contributor Expansion with the text "Thank you [YOUR NAME]!" (or some personalized message). When the set releases, you will receive the regular set + NSFW + Contributor Expansion, as well as THE ORIGINAL ART used to create the cards, and 5 signed/numbered copies of each of the three cards. [Then a bunch of stuff about what's not allowed, i.e. copyright material].
Contributor Expansion Disclaimer: The mechanics for the Contributor Expansion cards HAVE NOT been tested with the main game mechanics. These are just for fun (and for the off chance that someone came up with something that works well with the game). Add these to a game at your own risk (of boredom/frustration).
Card submission examples:
>Exploding Kitten - Design the image for your own exploding kitten card.
>Sooperdoosh: The ugly secret that you love Thomas Edison is out, and now nobody wants you to win... also, you're greedy just like your hero. Draw four cards.
>Paper Bag Fort: Survive one exploding kitten. Recycling is good, shuffle this card back into the draw pile.
>Mantis Shrimp: Gain the power of the Mantis Shrimp. Choose a player to sonic explode.
>Mantis Shrimp Advanced Combat Body Armor: Survive any explosion.
Every time "Design your own card!" is sold out, Matt, Elan and Shane design the new cards. Once this is done they can open up the tier again (maybe higher price point if it fills up super quick?) for the next set of requests. This way they stay on top of the project and will have all of the design material ready when it comes time to print. It shouldn't delay getting sets out because all production content should be ready. All cards they create for the "Design your own card!" tier will be included in the Contributor Expansion (3 copies of each card, each with different art). This means that every time "Design your own card!" fills up, people get more cards! It sort of resembles stretch goals (the more high-end contributors they get, the more cards everyone else gets), though I realize it's not quite how stretch goals usually work. They could also add guest artist cards, variants, and other fun stuff to the Contributor Expansion.
Stretch goal suggestion: Make cards in durable casino style plastic card so they last longer and be used at the pool or beach!
Angry dishwasher lady!!!
I second Manuel Marcia's suggestion below
Can we get info on card stock and the box?
if this keeps up we will hit 3 million mark in less than 48 hours :-) lets keep up the momentum and spread the word to everyone everywhere :-)
Sriracha flamethrower grizzly- destroy any players card? Wookiee Jesus- auto save from kitten?
1000 coments is not that much for KS games... if the team was here to answer questions we might be a 2k-3k by now, but I do not think we will be breaking in comment records.
+1 for Copag or 100% plastic cards... I wish they would tell us the card quality too!
I feel like this will pass the Reading Rainbow KS.....
Are the Bob cats making an appearance? If not, they should be in the additional cards. Also, mantis shrimp, wookiee Jesus, motherfucking pterodactyl, and Skippy McSkipperskip from the comic about calling customer service. A card about turning a skull into a urinal would also be good.
Must have a Tesla card. And yea! for American manufacturing!
I would love a card inspired by Maru the cat.
And good update. I just wish they had outlined a couple of SG. Otherwise tomorrow they might just be like... hey we already passed it again. Here you go. Hopefully the next one is for the base set!
Got to have an alot in the deck. Hell, maybe a lot of alots!
I think a Tesla card is a no brainer! And probably your cat Domino too.
@Cucrio: What you did there, I see it.
Who could have guessed that Exploding Kittens was an underserved market?
I third Manuel Marcia's suggestion below. That would be the best sg I can think of that also keeps this running on time and within budget (hopefully).
E-Mail Monster distracts kittens with many little red flags
Need to have some dog paradox cards thrown in. Best comic yet.
I don't mean to be a sour-pus (pun intended) or anything but i seem to be the only one who is underwhelmed with the stretch goal"s".
I realize you guys were not expecting this amount of backing but come on now. You've got more than 2mil on top of the original goal of 10.000 and what you come up with is 20 more cards?
You've been working so hard on this game for a long while it seems and yet you still only ask for $10.000 that must include work hours and printing and all that other jazz.
But when you turn over a pot-o-gold containing that much extra money, you end up with making only 20 extra cards? That's $100.000 a card here.
In a deck only $35+ backers get. I also realize that, the more backers, the more cards need printing, but i somehow think it can be done cheaper than $100.000 per card.
You could at the very least pimp out the end product. Most of us came here for the art since none of us played the actual game, it seems awesome though, but most of us came for The Oatmeal and that gives you not-really-but-close-to-unlimited possibilities okay-maybe-not-that-many-but-at-least-8.
You could make even more cards, even if they end up being only 10.000 per card, a new expansion with whole new mechanics.
Better card stock, better quality packaging, kickstarter exclusive cards, cardsleeves, boxes something anything, just make me feel like i'm part of something grand and not just one among all the others that never joined the kickstarter...
What i am trying to say is, you made one of the most succesful kickstarters in the history of kickstarters (so far) how abouts you celebrate that by celebrating what's special about the platform and give us some exclusives, make it an exciting journey full of wonderments and exciting surprises.
I love you Oatmeal, Elan and Shane, but purely in a materialistic and excited kind of way of course, please hear my overly long plee and make this a kickstarter not only remembered for the amount of $ but for the magnificence that is ShOatmElan :)
+1 for plastic cards
First, congrats to you guys for passing the $2M mark. That's amazing!
Second, I'd like to add my vote for high-quality, plastic cards that can be played in the pool/when lots of booze is involved.
As far as favorite characters for the expansion set, I'd love to see the Gayroller2000 featured somewhere :D
Mantis shrimp is my fave.
any chances of increasing the number of collectors editions?
or do you guys not want writers cramp?
I agree with Manuel Marcia 100%. Make it Durable
The Blerch. Dear lord, the Blerch.
yes. more durable cards, embossed cards... double the number of cards in base game (if there's no 8 player expansion).
Plastic cards like the card game gloom would be awesome.
I agrea with Jen Kehoe - the Blerch would be awesome to have on the deck.
I can't believe this is over 2 mil and still counting, great job guys. As far as stretch goals, you should think about more durable plastic coated cards, more bonus cards and maybe putting it in a tin rather then a box. Or give everyone there own pet Mantis shrimp, whichever.
A "cat burgler" card that lets you steal a card from someones hand.
I agree with Lordoftheslugs. I find it disheartening that although you never thought you would reach 2 million dollars, that is where you put the first Stretch Goal. What next, 4 million? The 20 extra cards is definitely a disappointment. I would much rather have a seal, better card stock, nicer box, etc...
I also find it odd that you post the Stretch Goals after the fact. The two other projects I took part it put them in prior to the goals being met. Otherwise, who is to say that you did not plan on Stretch Goals for every $500,000 earned, but scrapped that when you saw how fast it was climbing.
All in all, Boooooooooooooooooo
I don't care what you put on the NSFW extras as long as you include something with the Bob Cats.
HQ cards, and Tesla must make an appearance.
Sriracha Flamethrower Bear is a must.
I strongly suggest to those extremely few of you that are unhappy with how this is going as per strech goals etc., vote with your dollars. Its been less than two days, chill.
I vote on Tesla and the Blerch cards!
I think we should all get 18X24 posters, One for every one of the updates you made!!!
My friend said, that he wants the Homosexual steamroller card. To be honest I have no idea, how this fits in, but I'm sure, it could.
@John Kelly.....seriously?! then don't back this...
How were they supposed to know they'd have this much backing after 24 HOURS....NOT 24 DAYS...HOURS.
Divine intervention card by Jibbers Crabst!
Jibbers Crabst, our Lord and Savior, can send a bombardier beetle to defend against an attack from another player and negate that player's card. Or, if that card is taken, involvement in some other fashion will be welcome. Of course, the mantis shrimp, wookie Jesus, and Saturn should also make an appearance. And the Blerch.
wOW you guys reached your stretch goal before you even had time to think about what they would be. Guess this progressed a little faster than expected -_^ Great job though, love your website and I love this idea! Keep up the good work! (Also if you could add a card to the NSFW deck called 'Elon's Musk' that would be awesome!)
Stretch goal suggestion: an expansion pack with exploding puppies (or some other similarly dog themed idea). Grats on the 2 million - the power of the internet is a humbling thing!
I'm all for more durable cards. When I play this at home there is likely to be drinks involved, and when I present it to my employees, well, they are slobs... so yeah, durability please.
Is a retroactive stretch goal a contraction goal?
I'd love to see some limited edition foil cards for a couple of extra bucks, like a Nikola Tesla card, a Mantis Shrimp card, and a Blerch card.
I want a Bobracha card!! :)
@Michael Steenbeke love the poster idea.
Yep the first stretch goal at 2 millions is overwhelming. The next stretch goal is at 4 millions? Lol
The Bobcats
The Blerch
Mantis Shrimp
Evil printers
And Sriracha flamethrower bears would all make great cards
2 million dollars O-O !!! I'm also backing Conan and it is on the way to reach it's first million. What an amazing day.
Nice SG by the way. Twice the cards for the same price, that's really nice (I like rhymes^^')
I believe Tesla should be some kind of magical creature that has some overlord cat aura. The mantis shrimp is a must, rainbow colored death explosions, of course. And maybe a card in memoriam of all the whiners. +1 on all the durable comments: the Earth deserves much love from exploding kittens.
I hope to see the following things in the cards :D
"nope godzilla" "japanese giant wasp" and "The bobcats".
The red velvet mite would be a great NSFW card!
Plastic cards? That would be awesome. Durable and drink/food proof.
+1 for increased card quality, possibly plastic
+1 plastic cards