I don't think you've drawn this before but CAH inspired it: A Zesty Breakfast Burrito, an evil one of course
Chiara Giacomelli 2015-01-21T18:07:13-05:00
can we have the mantis shrimp card????? and the red velvet mite???
Amber Grauden 2015-01-21T18:07:24-05:00
Mantis shrimp! Sooooo many mantis shrimps... Maybe as a diffuse card? Punch it away before it explodes kind of thing? Good for 2 kitties since it has two claws?
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-21T18:07:33-05:00
I too will want 2 or more extra copies of the NSFW cards... one to keep in case mine get damaged... and one to keep sealed... and maybe some to gift out later on.
Haley 2015-01-21T18:08:03-05:00
This is so many shades of awesome. I think Godzilla giving the finger would be an awesome card. Maybe throw some Japanese giant hornets in there for good measure. I would be happy with anything having to do with bees on one of the cards. I love bees.....giant hornets on the other hand are a whole lot of NOPE!
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-21T18:08:10-05:00
There's already a Mantis Shrimp card. Check the video around the :46 mark. ;)
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-21T18:09:06-05:00
@ project creator (assuming you are reading all these) is there an option to get extras of just the NSFW cards since we won't be able to get them later at retail?
Also thanks for the awesome exclusive! I'm even more excited about the KS now after noticing it.
Mike Kalen 2015-01-21T18:11:21-05:00
Jibbers and your dog need to be cards.
Josh Wein 2015-01-21T18:12:04-05:00
I hope you'll consider adding more regular cards. 56 is a decent amount but I hope it doesn't lose it's charm after the first playthrough.
Haley 2015-01-21T18:14:40-05:00
Someone mentioned making an exploding kittens app. Wouldn't that be AWESOME! Now that you can each purchase a Model S with room to spare you may have enough left over to produce a web based game!
Natasha 2015-01-21T18:14:56-05:00
Can't wait for July!
Jamie Frost 2015-01-21T18:15:43-05:00
I'm with Haley below...team up with the person who coded cards against xyzzy...to make a web version :D
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-21T18:16:30-05:00
Also to clarify my question. I know we can pay $35 for an extra set of both decks... but does that mean I could do add $15 for just the NSFW cards (since base set extra copies are $20)?
Rose McKinney 2015-01-21T18:19:15-05:00
The Bobcats should make an appearance!!! Or the Blerch trying to convince you to quit the game and go eat snacks....
Christie/Evaine 2015-01-21T18:24:56-05:00
The Blerch should definitely make an appearance. And maybe a pet Canadian? He could calm the kitten with his soothing presence.
Tristan Stevens-King 2015-01-21T18:25:13-05:00
the red velvet sperm castle, sticks a card to each opponent.
Lukasz Z Koziol 2015-01-21T18:27:04-05:00
Please make a new character: the carrot cake monster!!!!!
- Exploding Kittens Backer
Stefanie Pollitt 2015-01-21T18:27:49-05:00
I'm seconding-thirding-fourthing-fiftiething the request to make sure the cards are laminated or in laminate-quality so that they can be used for many years. Don't cheap out on the card quality! You'll make the kittens sad.
Chris Mattson 2015-01-21T18:31:10-05:00
Attack: Mantis Shrimp nut punch from hell!
See The Future: Manbat views his territory from above
Shuffle: Japanese Giant Hornets come to make you shit yourself
Erico Nascimento 2015-01-21T18:33:58-05:00
Just request plastic cards or any card that will actually last.
Joel H Lantz 2015-01-21T18:34:14-05:00
Here's my one and only suggestion for a stretch goal: If you hit 3 million, double everyone's order.
Jodie White 2015-01-21T18:36:21-05:00
an idea for the extra cashola from the project is to maybe make all the cards holographic? definitely should be laminated
Thomas Gideon Eaton 2015-01-21T18:39:52-05:00
A Nikola Tesla experimental electrical device should clone an exploding cat and negate the explosion.
Lean Van Heerden 2015-01-21T18:45:24-05:00
You have to fit the Flying Spaghetti Monster into at least one of the cards ;)
Jeroen Gerritse 2015-01-21T18:46:45-05:00
Get a free shipping hub for Europe!!
Jarrod Fusco 2015-01-21T18:48:25-05:00
Considering you mention that you are working with Card Against Humanity; you should consider making a stretch goal that consist of an expansion that combines that two games together somehow. That would probably get you another $2 million in backers.
oh man that would be epic. CAH + Exploding Kittens = Mind Blown :-)
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-21T18:53:07-05:00
@Where does it say that they are working with CAH?
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-21T18:53:50-05:00
@Jarrod + my last comment. Messed that one up... ha
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-21T18:53:54-05:00
I'm sure the 56 card count is deliberate. Most playing card decks are printed as 54 cards (13*4 + 2 jokers) on likely a 9x6 sheet, but some have an 'instruction' card and a warranty card for 56 on likely an 8x7 sheet.
However, the 40 cards for the NSFW expansion pack is an odd choice, especially if already using a 56 card sheet. Wondering if the other 16 slots will be future stretch goals? Or maybe leave a few blanks in there to make our own? ;)
Pamela Wind 2015-01-21T18:55:52-05:00
I know what you have to add to the NSFW deck: grammar challenge cards "tell me the f-ing difference between..." cards. You know, its and it's, their there and they're, who and whom... etc.
@Eric you bring up a good point. I hope that they will increase it to 56 cards for the NSFW pack seeing as the cost wont be that much more than if they printed just 40 cards on the sheet.
Benny Gross 2015-01-21T18:58:07-05:00
I support this project because I love blowing up kitties and anything Elan Lee does is magic.
I met Elan on my second hike at Machu Picchu. Together we climbed the last leg of the trail and unlocked he secrets of he universe. I believe the secret to life had something to do with exploding kitties.
I cant wait for tomorrows update and it will be rather humorous if the stretch goal was at 3,000,000 and we were well past that when they post the update tomorrow morning.
I am hoping that PETA gets wind of this because I know it would make for a great laugh at PETA's expense :-)
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-21T19:00:13-05:00
Heck, if they were using a 56 count sheet once you add in labor to separate out the cards it might actually be cheaper!
Mary Alampi 2015-01-21T19:02:29-05:00
If I could stump for only two character additions, I'd vote for the "nope" Godzilla and The Blerch. May I add, I just ran the Disney Half Marathon for the first time and smiled for nearly half a mile when I passed a Blerch T-shirt. Thanks for the boost!
We need a Southern California tournament when the decks are shipped July of this year.
Jarrod Fusco 2015-01-21T19:08:17-05:00
@Cal Rasmussen Under the risk and challenges section of this project it says "The biggest challenge for us could be fulfillment. (which we're addressing by working with our pals at Cards Against Humanity)."
Mark Beckendorf 2015-01-21T19:09:24-05:00
Please please please make a Flying Spaghetti Monster card. It would be the win of all wins. Also a Hellen Keller card. I'll pickup my ticket to the netherworld now.
I'm still pushing for a shirt. Even if it's something they add to the Oatmeal store and we can buy at a discount. They already make shirts so it's not like this would hinder the card making process and delivery at all.
Yes please to more durable cards.
I pretty much second all the suggestions of characters everyone has give , especially some of the awesome obscure ones, however,
The Bobcats and The Blerch would really be appreciated.
And if we could suggest some sort of other exploding kitten card can it please be a cat getting tangled up in a radioactive ball of yarn or something? Just something for us cat and yarn addicts. Heheh
on the tee shirt front I could easily see them making one with all of the cat bomb cards on it. If they did that I would totally increase my pledge to buy it as an add-on.
Mathieu Boucher 2015-01-21T19:18:09-05:00
Hey everyone, stop the pledges so we can get more stretch goals before hitting 3M !
Lauren Nicole 2015-01-21T19:18:29-05:00
There definitely needs to be a card dedicated to the Mantis Shrimp if there's not already, because reasons. Refer to the tastefully written comic here: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/mantis_shrimp
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-21T19:21:04-05:00
I doubt that the pledging will stop before we get the SGs.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-21T19:21:48-05:00
Why all the FSM requests? The Oatmeal is a blasphemer and does not believe that the FSM boiled for your sins. He believes some stupid lobster named Jibbers Crabst boiled for your sins. These offenses can not be forgiven!!
(btw, these offenses can easily be forgiven by adding a Jibbers card if not already included)
Adam Lewis - Erudite Esoterist 2015-01-21T19:22:11-05:00
Guys, there is a mantis shrimp card. Play the video, pause at 48 seconds. Lower left corner. Upper left corner has the bearadactyl so we know that's in too.
@Joshua So glad someone else appreciates my humor! And YES glow in the dark ink on an exploding cat in a radioactive ball of yarn card! You just made my day!!
Oh please oh please powers that be, make it so!!
I also agree a shirt with all the exploding cat cards would make an excellent shirt. Quite frankly I don't care WHAT is on the shirt, they just need to make one for this Kickstarter. Truly would prefer it to be a Kickstarter exclusive thing, but hey I'll take what I can get.
JusticeBolt 2015-01-21T19:26:27-05:00
The next stretch goal is going to be at 3 Millions isn't it? I hope not lol...
@JusticeBolt why ? are you worried that we will hit the goal before they have a chance to post the next stretch goal ?
Stephan Krasner 2015-01-21T19:34:27-05:00
You should make a Jibbers Crabst card that will bring a dead player back to life.
Michael 2015-01-21T19:35:46-05:00
This game will be like crawling inside the bum of a tiger. Looking forward to this.
JusticeBolt 2015-01-21T19:35:50-05:00
No.. I just think 1 millions dollars for the next stretch goal is too much. But hey! I'm still happy with my pledge right now.
Rikard Lindström 2015-01-21T19:38:10-05:00
At the moment a little over 60 000 backers. That's about 5.58 millions playing cards... weighing about as butch as an elephant, a Tesla Model S, two horses and six fat cats (or about 8100kg).
Anthony Terragna 2015-01-21T19:39:41-05:00
I am looking forward to seeing a kitten dressed as Uncle Sam with a bomb near your bank account when taxes are due.
Dale 2015-01-21T19:41:33-05:00
There should be a card with a grizzly bear and a sriracha flame thrower.
SuBw00FeR 2015-01-21T19:48:29-05:00
One of the stretch goals should be free international shipping. :( I'm almost paying more for shipping than the actual cards!
Kyle N 2015-01-21T19:48:54-05:00
I think it could be cool to dedicate like 5 or so cards to one certain BRAND NEW comic. Something that we can't see on the website, but something that was created just for this game. I think it could be pretty cool too if the cards were all somehow related in their actual gameplay mechanics as well.
Josh Kimbell 2015-01-21T19:49:31-05:00
Sriracha needs to be involved somehow. Also Mantis Shrimp, Tesla & Godzilla. Oh and the Mantis Shrimp should have some gruesome card in the NSFW version.
Mike Taylor 2015-01-21T19:52:35-05:00
Would love to see the Google Terminator Car, the Gayroller and any of the Realistic Batman villains make their way into the NSFW deck somehow.
Robert Sloan 2015-01-21T19:52:40-05:00
Stephan's suggestion of the Jibbers/resurrection card gets my upvote! Maybe play it like a get out of jail free card that you can retain, but can also be played /by/ a living player /to/ a dead player to keep the game going.
Toni Dach 2015-01-21T20:04:37-05:00
Rambo! It's a natural fit for the extra cards!
Andrew Roberts 2015-01-21T20:09:02-05:00
Gay-kitten steam roller!!
Andrew Roberts 2015-01-21T20:12:40-05:00
Stock in the new "Exploding Kittens" corporation!
Christopher J Mischler 2015-01-21T20:13:56-05:00
Mantis Shrimp brutally destroying some poor little creature – but not a kitten; that's just cruel! ;).
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-21T20:14:17-05:00
Strategically, there's not much use in this kind of game for a resurrection card, it lowers your chances of winning substantially. Also if it was a choice get out of jail / bring back a player, that's even worse as the value for holding it is very positive and the value for using it on someone else is very negative. The resurrection would need to be a 'negative' outcome, like it's auto-played when drawn or it's very powerful but you MUST bring back a dead player if able.
A perfect combo might be "Play when you encounter an exploding kitten. You instantly change turns with another player of your choice who must deal with the kitten. Simultaneously bring back a different player from the dead of your choice, if any." Any flavor text is gravy, something about 'balance to the universe' or 'where there is life, there is death.'
Stuart Argus 2015-01-21T20:19:45-05:00
Anything to do with naked mole rats, in the harry potter universe my patrons would totally be a naked mole rat. Also anything to do with fungi to protozoans controlling other animals would be fun AND educational for a lot of people.
Donato Orlando 2015-01-21T20:19:55-05:00
NSFW Deck:
Pterodactyl, Bearodactyl, Sriracha Bear, and of course the Mantis Shrimp.
Amber Woywitka 2015-01-21T20:21:06-05:00
So when you play, can you just add the NSFW cards to the original ones for a bigger deck? :-)
JusticeBolt 2015-01-21T20:21:10-05:00
Bearodactyl already exist
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-21T20:27:55-05:00
@Amber W,
When you play, you DO add the NSFW cards to the main deck. ;)
Peter Komar 2015-01-21T20:53:23-05:00
mantis shrimp , Nikola Tesla and Schrodinger of course, he has to have an idea how to defuse a cat :P
Timothy Montminy 2015-01-21T20:58:58-05:00
I think Jibbers Crabst and the Bombadier Beetle should make an appearance...
Damian Witham 2015-01-21T20:59:43-05:00
Please include the Apple product card. It's the highest valued card in the whole deck and can do anything you want it to. Until..... The very next person has their turn. Then the apple card is worthless.
Damian Witham 2015-01-21T21:02:24-05:00
I also like the working from home poster. Put that in somewhere somehow.
Michael Millar 2015-01-21T21:10:09-05:00
Jeebus Crabst!!!!
Katie Julian 2015-01-21T21:10:58-05:00
The coked out tyrannosaurus.
Maybe it's a card that just totally wrecks havoc. You can make multiple players draw cards or some jazz.
Greg Dorrell 2015-01-21T21:12:06-05:00
Waqqas Hanafi 2015-01-21T21:12:53-05:00
I don't care about what's on the cards as long as the gameplay is good.
Domenic Tavianini 2015-01-21T21:14:12-05:00
For the NSFW deck, Chewbacca Jesus.
Cassidy aguirre-kuehl 2015-01-21T21:14:32-05:00
More Bob Cats!!!
Ana Pope 2015-01-21T21:16:29-05:00
The "Nope" Godzilla. You can return the exploding kitten card back to the deck.
Talbot Bluechel 2015-01-21T21:17:33-05:00
NSFW cards:
The printer from hell
Spider-man like Spider-Woman
Charles Carreon's mother seducing a Kodiak Bear
The asshole campfire
The undead parrot
First date stomache.
Anything man, whatever you guys come up with will be brilliant.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-21T21:25:19-05:00
Copy cat - clone an attack.
FU Godzilla - Repel attack on you back on to attacker.
Karen Gibeaut 2015-01-21T21:41:37-05:00
You should put an Edison card in there somewhere that allows you to totally screw over another player by maybe making them draw another card or you can steal something from them. Lol you could also do a Tesla card with pigeons to do something good. Maybe they're carrier pigeons of Tesla's that carry away the exploding kitten if you get it! :) Just some thoughts from my daughter and I. Thanks for listening! We can't wait to play the game! :)
Liz Callahan 2015-01-21T21:48:50-05:00
Have a prancing Alot card that confuses the kittens with its majestic stare.
Hieu Le 2015-01-21T21:50:28-05:00
Just wonder how this game works? Do you start with fixed amount of card then take turn to draw more card ?
J H 2015-01-21T21:55:33-05:00
Can't go wrong with a Luck Dragon porking a Ferrari.
Joanne Meyer Jones 2015-01-21T21:59:24-05:00
Stretch goal idea - The Oatmeal booster deck with all our favorites like Jibbers, Blerch, Nope Godzilla, Mantis Shrimp, Tesla, Sriracha Bear, the Bobcats...too many to list here... I'm sure you can fit them in with kittens somehow...
Chris 2015-01-21T22:00:49-05:00
What does NSFW stand for?
AbbyP2 2015-01-21T22:00:56-05:00
Schrodinger's Box - it may contain or not contain a Kitten, Draw another card to find out!
Stacie Davison 2015-01-21T22:01:25-05:00
Of course the Blerch would know how to bring out the laziness in a cat...the card should be called cat nap :)
Glenn Brockett 2015-01-21T22:02:04-05:00
Shirtcocking card, luck dragon, piggers, The Blerch
I don't think you've drawn this before but CAH inspired it: A Zesty Breakfast Burrito, an evil one of course
can we have the mantis shrimp card????? and the red velvet mite???
Mantis shrimp! Sooooo many mantis shrimps... Maybe as a diffuse card? Punch it away before it explodes kind of thing? Good for 2 kitties since it has two claws?
I too will want 2 or more extra copies of the NSFW cards... one to keep in case mine get damaged... and one to keep sealed... and maybe some to gift out later on.
This is so many shades of awesome. I think Godzilla giving the finger would be an awesome card. Maybe throw some Japanese giant hornets in there for good measure. I would be happy with anything having to do with bees on one of the cards. I love bees.....giant hornets on the other hand are a whole lot of NOPE!
There's already a Mantis Shrimp card. Check the video around the :46 mark. ;)
@ project creator (assuming you are reading all these) is there an option to get extras of just the NSFW cards since we won't be able to get them later at retail?
Also thanks for the awesome exclusive! I'm even more excited about the KS now after noticing it.
Jibbers and your dog need to be cards.
I hope you'll consider adding more regular cards. 56 is a decent amount but I hope it doesn't lose it's charm after the first playthrough.
Someone mentioned making an exploding kittens app. Wouldn't that be AWESOME! Now that you can each purchase a Model S with room to spare you may have enough left over to produce a web based game!
Can't wait for July!
I'm with Haley below...team up with the person who coded cards against xyzzy...to make a web version :D
Also to clarify my question. I know we can pay $35 for an extra set of both decks... but does that mean I could do add $15 for just the NSFW cards (since base set extra copies are $20)?
The Bobcats should make an appearance!!! Or the Blerch trying to convince you to quit the game and go eat snacks....
The Blerch should definitely make an appearance. And maybe a pet Canadian? He could calm the kitten with his soothing presence.
the red velvet sperm castle, sticks a card to each opponent.
Please make a new character: the carrot cake monster!!!!!
- Exploding Kittens Backer
I'm seconding-thirding-fourthing-fiftiething the request to make sure the cards are laminated or in laminate-quality so that they can be used for many years. Don't cheap out on the card quality! You'll make the kittens sad.
Attack: Mantis Shrimp nut punch from hell!
See The Future: Manbat views his territory from above
Shuffle: Japanese Giant Hornets come to make you shit yourself
Just request plastic cards or any card that will actually last.
Here's my one and only suggestion for a stretch goal: If you hit 3 million, double everyone's order.
an idea for the extra cashola from the project is to maybe make all the cards holographic? definitely should be laminated
A Nikola Tesla experimental electrical device should clone an exploding cat and negate the explosion.
You have to fit the Flying Spaghetti Monster into at least one of the cards ;)
Get a free shipping hub for Europe!!
Considering you mention that you are working with Card Against Humanity; you should consider making a stretch goal that consist of an expansion that combines that two games together somehow. That would probably get you another $2 million in backers.
oh man that would be epic. CAH + Exploding Kittens = Mind Blown :-)
@Where does it say that they are working with CAH?
@Jarrod + my last comment. Messed that one up... ha
I'm sure the 56 card count is deliberate. Most playing card decks are printed as 54 cards (13*4 + 2 jokers) on likely a 9x6 sheet, but some have an 'instruction' card and a warranty card for 56 on likely an 8x7 sheet.
However, the 40 cards for the NSFW expansion pack is an odd choice, especially if already using a 56 card sheet. Wondering if the other 16 slots will be future stretch goals? Or maybe leave a few blanks in there to make our own? ;)
I know what you have to add to the NSFW deck: grammar challenge cards "tell me the f-ing difference between..." cards. You know, its and it's, their there and they're, who and whom... etc.
@Eric you bring up a good point. I hope that they will increase it to 56 cards for the NSFW pack seeing as the cost wont be that much more than if they printed just 40 cards on the sheet.
I support this project because I love blowing up kitties and anything Elan Lee does is magic.
I met Elan on my second hike at Machu Picchu. Together we climbed the last leg of the trail and unlocked he secrets of he universe. I believe the secret to life had something to do with exploding kitties.
Wow, we are in for a wild ride here.
I cant wait for tomorrows update and it will be rather humorous if the stretch goal was at 3,000,000 and we were well past that when they post the update tomorrow morning.
I am hoping that PETA gets wind of this because I know it would make for a great laugh at PETA's expense :-)
Heck, if they were using a 56 count sheet once you add in labor to separate out the cards it might actually be cheaper!
If I could stump for only two character additions, I'd vote for the "nope" Godzilla and The Blerch. May I add, I just ran the Disney Half Marathon for the first time and smiled for nearly half a mile when I passed a Blerch T-shirt. Thanks for the boost!
We need a Southern California tournament when the decks are shipped July of this year.
@Cal Rasmussen Under the risk and challenges section of this project it says "The biggest challenge for us could be fulfillment. (which we're addressing by working with our pals at Cards Against Humanity)."
Please please please make a Flying Spaghetti Monster card. It would be the win of all wins. Also a Hellen Keller card. I'll pickup my ticket to the netherworld now.
honestly I would not be surprised if it takes them 2 or even 3 months to fulfill all of the orders given how popular this has become.
The Blerch!
@Jarrod thanks! And with that I'm totally on board with the idea of a cross over type of thing.
I'm still pushing for a shirt. Even if it's something they add to the Oatmeal store and we can buy at a discount. They already make shirts so it's not like this would hinder the card making process and delivery at all.
Yes please to more durable cards.
I pretty much second all the suggestions of characters everyone has give , especially some of the awesome obscure ones, however,
The Bobcats and The Blerch would really be appreciated.
And if we could suggest some sort of other exploding kitten card can it please be a cat getting tangled up in a radioactive ball of yarn or something? Just something for us cat and yarn addicts. Heheh
@Mark what would the helen keller card be ?
@Quinn lol radioactive ball of yarn.
Ya know it would be awesome if they could print that one using glow in the dark ink and slip it into the pack as a stretch goal. Just a thought :-)
on the tee shirt front I could easily see them making one with all of the cat bomb cards on it. If they did that I would totally increase my pledge to buy it as an add-on.
Hey everyone, stop the pledges so we can get more stretch goals before hitting 3M !
There definitely needs to be a card dedicated to the Mantis Shrimp if there's not already, because reasons. Refer to the tastefully written comic here: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/mantis_shrimp
I doubt that the pledging will stop before we get the SGs.
Why all the FSM requests? The Oatmeal is a blasphemer and does not believe that the FSM boiled for your sins. He believes some stupid lobster named Jibbers Crabst boiled for your sins. These offenses can not be forgiven!!
(btw, these offenses can easily be forgiven by adding a Jibbers card if not already included)
Guys, there is a mantis shrimp card. Play the video, pause at 48 seconds. Lower left corner. Upper left corner has the bearadactyl so we know that's in too.
@Joshua So glad someone else appreciates my humor! And YES glow in the dark ink on an exploding cat in a radioactive ball of yarn card! You just made my day!!
Oh please oh please powers that be, make it so!!
I also agree a shirt with all the exploding cat cards would make an excellent shirt. Quite frankly I don't care WHAT is on the shirt, they just need to make one for this Kickstarter. Truly would prefer it to be a Kickstarter exclusive thing, but hey I'll take what I can get.
The next stretch goal is going to be at 3 Millions isn't it? I hope not lol...
@JusticeBolt why ? are you worried that we will hit the goal before they have a chance to post the next stretch goal ?
You should make a Jibbers Crabst card that will bring a dead player back to life.
This game will be like crawling inside the bum of a tiger. Looking forward to this.
No.. I just think 1 millions dollars for the next stretch goal is too much. But hey! I'm still happy with my pledge right now.
At the moment a little over 60 000 backers. That's about 5.58 millions playing cards... weighing about as butch as an elephant, a Tesla Model S, two horses and six fat cats (or about 8100kg).
I am looking forward to seeing a kitten dressed as Uncle Sam with a bomb near your bank account when taxes are due.
There should be a card with a grizzly bear and a sriracha flame thrower.
One of the stretch goals should be free international shipping. :( I'm almost paying more for shipping than the actual cards!
I think it could be cool to dedicate like 5 or so cards to one certain BRAND NEW comic. Something that we can't see on the website, but something that was created just for this game. I think it could be pretty cool too if the cards were all somehow related in their actual gameplay mechanics as well.
Sriracha needs to be involved somehow. Also Mantis Shrimp, Tesla & Godzilla. Oh and the Mantis Shrimp should have some gruesome card in the NSFW version.
Would love to see the Google Terminator Car, the Gayroller and any of the Realistic Batman villains make their way into the NSFW deck somehow.
Stephan's suggestion of the Jibbers/resurrection card gets my upvote! Maybe play it like a get out of jail free card that you can retain, but can also be played /by/ a living player /to/ a dead player to keep the game going.
Rambo! It's a natural fit for the extra cards!
Gay-kitten steam roller!!
Stock in the new "Exploding Kittens" corporation!
Mantis Shrimp brutally destroying some poor little creature – but not a kitten; that's just cruel! ;).
Strategically, there's not much use in this kind of game for a resurrection card, it lowers your chances of winning substantially. Also if it was a choice get out of jail / bring back a player, that's even worse as the value for holding it is very positive and the value for using it on someone else is very negative. The resurrection would need to be a 'negative' outcome, like it's auto-played when drawn or it's very powerful but you MUST bring back a dead player if able.
A perfect combo might be "Play when you encounter an exploding kitten. You instantly change turns with another player of your choice who must deal with the kitten. Simultaneously bring back a different player from the dead of your choice, if any." Any flavor text is gravy, something about 'balance to the universe' or 'where there is life, there is death.'
Anything to do with naked mole rats, in the harry potter universe my patrons would totally be a naked mole rat. Also anything to do with fungi to protozoans controlling other animals would be fun AND educational for a lot of people.
NSFW Deck:
Pterodactyl, Bearodactyl, Sriracha Bear, and of course the Mantis Shrimp.
So when you play, can you just add the NSFW cards to the original ones for a bigger deck? :-)
Bearodactyl already exist
@Amber W,
When you play, you DO add the NSFW cards to the main deck. ;)
mantis shrimp , Nikola Tesla and Schrodinger of course, he has to have an idea how to defuse a cat :P
I think Jibbers Crabst and the Bombadier Beetle should make an appearance...
Please include the Apple product card. It's the highest valued card in the whole deck and can do anything you want it to. Until..... The very next person has their turn. Then the apple card is worthless.
I also like the working from home poster. Put that in somewhere somehow.
Jeebus Crabst!!!!
The coked out tyrannosaurus.
Maybe it's a card that just totally wrecks havoc. You can make multiple players draw cards or some jazz.
I don't care about what's on the cards as long as the gameplay is good.
For the NSFW deck, Chewbacca Jesus.
More Bob Cats!!!
The "Nope" Godzilla. You can return the exploding kitten card back to the deck.
NSFW cards:
The printer from hell
Spider-man like Spider-Woman
Charles Carreon's mother seducing a Kodiak Bear
The asshole campfire
The undead parrot
First date stomache.
Anything man, whatever you guys come up with will be brilliant.
Copy cat - clone an attack.
FU Godzilla - Repel attack on you back on to attacker.
You should put an Edison card in there somewhere that allows you to totally screw over another player by maybe making them draw another card or you can steal something from them. Lol you could also do a Tesla card with pigeons to do something good. Maybe they're carrier pigeons of Tesla's that carry away the exploding kitten if you get it! :) Just some thoughts from my daughter and I. Thanks for listening! We can't wait to play the game! :)
Have a prancing Alot card that confuses the kittens with its majestic stare.
Just wonder how this game works? Do you start with fixed amount of card then take turn to draw more card ?
Can't go wrong with a Luck Dragon porking a Ferrari.
Stretch goal idea - The Oatmeal booster deck with all our favorites like Jibbers, Blerch, Nope Godzilla, Mantis Shrimp, Tesla, Sriracha Bear, the Bobcats...too many to list here... I'm sure you can fit them in with kittens somehow...
What does NSFW stand for?
Schrodinger's Box - it may contain or not contain a Kitten, Draw another card to find out!
Of course the Blerch would know how to bring out the laziness in a cat...the card should be called cat nap :)
Shirtcocking card, luck dragon, piggers, The Blerch
Chris: Google it if you dare.