Schrödingers cat - 50/50 dead of alive in a box
Maru - Cat can't help but jump into box
Brian Lareau 2015-01-21T16:19:04-05:00
New Goal... FOIL DECK.....???? its over 2 mil.... Maybe sleeves for the cards?
David McGill 2015-01-21T16:19:30-05:00
i second the uk/eu distributors motion...
Daniel Snipes 2015-01-21T16:21:26-05:00
The blergh!
Daniel Snipes 2015-01-21T16:22:44-05:00
Elon Musk!
Email Monster!
Jason 2015-01-21T16:23:04-05:00
As a stretch goal bonus, perhaps there could be variant rules included where you want the kittens to explode, and whoever collects # exploding kittens first wins.
Alternately, you could have NSFW cards to substitute for the 'Exploding Kittens' cards where the graphics have the kittens blowing up the player.
(Hey, not everyone likes cats. Even The Oatmeal notes that they kill "too damn much.")
sara crane 2015-01-21T16:23:21-05:00
The dishwasher lady has to be in there. Also, +1 for Schrodinger
Rudy Toledo 2015-01-21T16:24:56-05:00
Something canine to counter someone's diffuse cat card?
Ayro 2015-01-21T16:25:18-05:00
Hi there! Congratz on being so awesome, we all love you as you might have figured out by now :)
I'd like to second the already numerous propositions for best (booze-proof) quality cards,
as well as extending the game to be playable by at least 6 persons without having to throw in an extra 20 dollars (yea I'm a student, I'm already amazed at how quickly I decided to give away 50 dollars on a card game, like... 8 seconds or so :D ), which I simply won't do, even though I know how much this'll limit the occasions I'll be able to play this game on...
That much would suffice to make your product absolutely perfect as far as I'm concerned :)
On the fancier side, foil cards would simply rock, but yea that's more of a gimmick.
However much more ridiculous the amount of money you get thrown at gets, you deserve it!
Heather Arvin 2015-01-21T16:25:30-05:00
Must have: the Blerch, Mantis Shrimp, Rollerblading Jesus and/or Wookie Jesus, Rambo the paradox dog (possible kitten diffuser?), Captain Higgins the flatworm, and of course... the BOBCATS!
Exuro Piechocki 2015-01-21T16:26:37-05:00
defuse card idea - LOUD NOISES/Barking dog : scares the kitten into hiding
It would also be great if there was a single "see the future" card that was more powerful than the others, maybe see the top 5, or put the top three back in whatever order you choose?
random card idea - Prophecy cat/Wizard cat : Look at your opponents hands
John Bruno 2015-01-21T16:26:58-05:00
Does this mean you could play a 6-8 player game with the main deck and the NSFW deck?
Jodie White 2015-01-21T16:27:33-05:00
Raiden Cat card that makes the next player pick up an extra card
Ninja Kitty card to cause next player of your choice to place back one card at random (you choose without seeing their card) and have them pick up the next card at the top of the deck.
Bobcat's Gas Chamber: take a card from someone else's hand as mercy payment.
Anabel Martinez 2015-01-21T16:28:00-05:00
Hey! Congratulations are in order, of course :)
I just pledged 2 NSFW decks, but I did not add the shipping costs (since it is not going to be paid yet in any case). I just wondered if there is going to be a way to make it clear how many decks we want (if the amount pledge is not clear due to the shipping costs).
D Raymond 2015-01-21T16:29:07-05:00
A diffuse card with:
Mrowwy Night on it...mesmerized by the moon and stars.
Kitten chasing marbles from the Hungry Hungry Hippos.
Huge cat farts lets you skip a turn or gives you an opportunity to peek at the draw stack up to the # of players, since those cat farts 'cleared the room'.
Bobcats..maybe the next player (or player of choice) is 'tied' to taking 2 cards.
In the spirit of the "looking into your eyes" card, being able to look at a # of cards from another player's deck.
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-21T16:29:19-05:00
+1 to Jason Batai idea (deluxe box that includes both the base and NSFW decks, and a partition between them)
Eric Thompson 2015-01-21T16:29:33-05:00
Godzilla "nope nope nope" and the super hornets of course!
BlazinJsin 2015-01-21T16:30:04-05:00
Middle finger Godzilla comes to mind. Also, realistically, I think the first several stretch goals should start off unlocked.
Robert Stewart 2015-01-21T16:30:25-05:00
Definitely the Blerch and the Mantis Shrimp. Nikolai Tesla would be cool to see with electricity acting as an EMP to diffuse kitten bombs. Maybe Elon Musk and a Tesla car to speed away from a bomb-toting kitty? I don't know if it is possible, but a superhero pug would be cool to see...saving us from feline infants.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-21T16:30:35-05:00
@John Bruno,
No, you need 2 regular decks to play with up to 8 people. They mention that on the front page FAQ
Jessica Tang 2015-01-21T16:35:58-05:00
The blerch convinces kitty to take a nap,
middle finger godzilla to not draw a card,
super hornets to cause card shuffle,
...and somewhere should be purple fizzy juice, mantis shrimp, and sriracha sauce.
Paul Smout 2015-01-21T16:37:44-05:00
Schrödingers cat card should be "Toss a coin to see if the cat is dead or not".
Jason Loveman 2015-01-21T16:40:21-05:00
Kitty eats sriracha and explodes!
Jesus 2015-01-21T16:44:04-05:00
Guest cards from the webcomic community would be a frakkin' FANTASTIC stretch goal. Start talking to Lar and Randall now ^_^
Janine B 2015-01-21T16:44:59-05:00
The Blerch. Mantis Shrimp. and Nikola Tesla is a must as my electrician husband might explode himself! He's as big of a Tesla geek as Matthew is!
Exploding baby poop diaper onto kitten
eric cook 2015-01-21T16:46:51-05:00
Just saw the article on cnn and was like hey whats this I love things on kickstarter! Watched the video and was just like TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!!!!!
Adeene 2015-01-21T16:47:24-05:00
I vote for Mantis Shrimp and Nikola GODDAMN Tesla as well. Tesla would be perfect because my kitties name is Tesla (and the other one is Curie).
Gina 2015-01-21T16:47:32-05:00
+1 vote for Mantis Shrimp, Nikola Tesla, Tesla Car and Elon Musk.
Henry 2015-01-21T16:47:36-05:00
Ok, backed this as it will be amazing!! One question, is it possible to get the cards made out of plastic for longevity as this game will be played for years in my house!
Gina 2015-01-21T16:49:44-05:00
Oh and I forgot to add, THE RED VELVET MITE. Sho cute.
Moar Bat cards would be nice....but no matter what I will love them all! I do hope the Bob Cats are in there somewhere! Bob Cats rule. <3
Scott Armitage 2015-01-21T16:50:25-05:00
Yes, I think guest cards from the wider webcomic community would be fantastic as well ^__^
Anthony Barajas 2015-01-21T16:53:15-05:00
Mentioned this on the Facebook for Save Point Tavern in Sacramento - that should bring a few hundred more pledges in. :)
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-21T16:54:26-05:00
I know a lot of people won't see this, but if you look at the video starting at the :46 second mark, you can see there's already a Mantis Shrimp card (lower left corner), as well as a Bearodactyl (upper left). :)
yarden lev 2015-01-21T16:55:26-05:00
wow! congrets!!!
i have a great idea for you. maybe you could lower a bit the international shipping (now that you've secured your future. 20$ are really ok, but you know, it's like buying a second deck of cards...
thank you for reading :) great project!!
Phillip Stai 2015-01-21T16:56:52-05:00
The Mantis shrimp driving a Tesla with a Sriracha shooting canon on it as an "attack" card
Eat enough Sriracha that your brain becomes fluid and precognitive as a "see the future" card.
Joshua Michael Wanger 2015-01-21T16:58:01-05:00
I'd like to see really high quality card material, particularly since this is definitely a party game and likely to be handled heavily by drinkers... or handled by heavy drinkers... can't wait!
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-21T17:00:52-05:00
Guest cards from webcomic community is an awesome idea. Could be a KS exclusive too if you are worried about continuity/consistency for retail release.
Jibbers Crabst for card. All I request is Jibbers. Praise Jibbers.
Tim McCloud 2015-01-21T17:04:48-05:00
I have an idea for your extra forty cards - why don't you let other webcomic/comic artists each do a special "guest" card? They could do the work for you! Many webcomics have cats...
- Rich Berlew (OOTS) - Has Mr Scruffy (an evil cat)
- Scott Adams (Dilbert) - Evil HR cat
- Scott Kurtz (PVP) - Who wouldn't like a card with Scratch Fury, Destroyer of worlds.
- Dave Kellett (Sheldon) - Lil' Butter eats anything - there has to be a card in there somewhere.
- Tatsuya Ishida (Sinfest) - Percy the cat is evil enough!
- Pete Abrams (Sluggy Freelance) - Bun Bun is a rabbit, but I'm sure he could do something NSFW and violent.
MIke Peters (Mother Goose and Grimm) - Attilla is an awesome cat to do something NSFW.
- Randall Monroe (XKCD) I'm sure a science card would be worth something
- Jeph Jacques - Pintsize could definitely distract a kitten. And be NSFW in the process.
- Paul Gilligan (Pooch Cafe) - Has tons of cats. And I'm sure that Poncho could do something to them.
- Jimmy Johnson (Arlo and Janis) - Ludwig the cat could do something normal.
- Stephen Pastis (Pearls before Swine) - I'm sure Rat would distract a kitty in a frightfully NSFW way.
And a couple others who have animals that might be worth cards...
- John Kovalic (Dork Tower) - Well, he does have a muscrat...
- Wiley Miller (Non-Sequitir) - Danae has a horse..
What do you think? Have other artists do the work for you!
Tim :)
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-21T17:07:19-05:00
Doubt there will be a Sriracha card. It's fine in parody, but selling someone else's trademark starts to make matters worse. Unless there's already (or very soon to be) a written agreement for free use it'll just take too long or cost too much or create too much hassle.
Strongly agree on the quality over quantity of cards. I've had cute decks of generic playing cards fall apart after five shuffles because of crap quality. Make them last! Plastic coating or full plastic so we can clean them!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-21T17:09:03-05:00
Oh, and if the NSFW attack cards doesn't include the MF PTERODACTYL, I'm gonna be super sad.
also I would like to second the creative idea suggested by Tim McCloud
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-21T17:11:17-05:00
@Eric Aschner,
"While the sriracha may be synonymous with Huy Fong Food and its signature green-capped bottle with the rooster label, the word sriracha can not be trademarked because it's derived from Si Racha, the name of a city in Thailand, according to the L.A. Times."
@Cal I for one hope it brings a crap load of new backers :-)
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-21T17:13:08-05:00
Me too. :)
Lior Kravitz 2015-01-21T17:15:25-05:00
+1 for Gayroller 2000 (and make the function somehow fit the Falwell quote).
Adam Brown 2015-01-21T17:15:45-05:00
Lol you guys could use Lil Bub like character that's called "Derp Cat" and it could be a dud explosive.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-21T17:16:38-05:00
@BruceP - I wonder about the iconic bottle then? How close is too close? Red with a green cap and a kitten instead of a rooster may be plenty to avoid any TM issues.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-21T17:17:37-05:00
I feel like at this rate they will be able to pay for any TM issues. ha
Andrew Aaron Petrie 2015-01-21T17:17:44-05:00
I am backing this game because I have confidence in the creative forces behind it, but I am concerned that the game hasn't had much play testing and user exposure to produce good feedback. Please make sure you put this sucker through the motions before you release it.
Praise Jibbers as well.
K. L. 2015-01-21T17:19:24-05:00
@Exuro Piechocki
"defuse card idea - LOUD NOISES/Barking dog : scares the kitten into hiding"
Since the cat is going "into hiding", have the player shuffle it back into the deck
Barbara Palace 2015-01-21T17:19:28-05:00
I respect the ideas to have other webcomic artists contribute, but maybe that can be for a future project.... The time it would take to get this coordinated (and all the legal aspects negotiated) would likely delay production and shipping. Given the high profile of this project, it probably should get out on time as much as possible. And anyway, I love the existing characters too much! It might take away from the original set.... Maybe future packs?
K. L. 2015-01-21T17:20:28-05:00
Card ideas:
>Sooperdoosh: The ugly secret that you love Thomas Edison is out, and now nobody wants you to win... also, you're greedy just like your hero. Draw five cards.
>Paper Bag Fort: Survive one exploding kitten. Recycling is good, shuffle this card back into the draw pile.
>Mantis Shrimp: Gain the power of the Mantis Shrimp. Choose a player to sonic explode.
>Mantis Shrimp Advanced Combat Body Armor: Survive any explosion.
Salamander Kane 2015-01-21T17:20:51-05:00
HELP!! So I Pledged $70 for 2 x the $35 reward - but what about shipping? Do I add it to the pledge now? - it says $15 to the UK - but is that for one reward or for the both?
I would love to see a card that references ThunderCats in the game :-)
Simon Kent 2015-01-21T17:36:23-05:00
Please include the bear wearing a tutu and flip-flops.
Scott Paulsen 2015-01-21T17:36:49-05:00
Do the creators have to wait the whole 30 days before closing contributions on the project? Just curious.
studog 2015-01-21T17:37:22-05:00
+1 for Jibbers Crabst.
Also.... would be really nice if there were some more signed decks (THE COLLECTOR'S DECK) made available. Currently 200 backers of 58,159 is 0.34%. Just sayin'.
Challenges involved for sure: don't want to add too many more (save your wrists) but there's tons of people wanting one so... a lottery? *flash_of_insight* An Exploding Kittens tournament!
Simon Kent 2015-01-21T17:37:33-05:00
Oh and Rambo as a special card.
Cliff Hilliard 2015-01-21T17:37:45-05:00
Plz include his noodly appendage
Michael Kulak 2015-01-21T17:38:32-05:00
Please include a card with the Tyrannosaurus Turkey.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-21T17:39:45-05:00
please increase the collectors deck limit from 200 backers to 400 backers :-) and give us a heads up at least 12 hours before you do it so we can have a chance to get it.
Karoline Fritz 2015-01-21T17:44:08-05:00
NSFW might be well served in the "exploding butthole" category. To be diffused by putting the card in the mouth for a round... failure to hold it in there will result in the kitten exploding and player being out of the game. Since we all KNOW we're getting a Jibbers card, I think the exploding butthole (and the erection of doom from the banana spider?) are shoe-ins.
Send our love to that sign-language translator from the lecture, too! WE LUB HER!
Who wants to plan an LA Meetup when the game is released ? would be awesome to have a couple hundred people get together one Saturday to play the game and celebrate its release.
Ilsa Loving 2015-01-21T17:48:55-05:00
Maybe with the money you could hire some developers to create mobile (ios/android/etc) versions of the game? Assuming that there's money left after you've each bought yourselves a fleet of lamborghinis.
Snuffles00 2015-01-21T17:49:54-05:00
It is so absolutely needs to have a bearodactyl and the caffeine high guy. A moist card. Something, something selfie stick. I would be over the moon if you could somehow incorporate all of these.
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-21T17:50:04-05:00
Totally missed the NSFW deck is KS exclusive. So does that mean it's never being sold outside this KS? Also how many players does the NSFW edition support? It sounds like it has more cards so could you play that with 6 players maybe?
@Brett where did you see that the NSFW deck will be KS exclusive ?
Chris Scalzo 2015-01-21T17:54:21-05:00
I do not think the NSFW deck is KS exclusive... at least nothing I have read has said that.
Menko Hospers 2015-01-21T17:56:46-05:00
Ok I surrender and I shall pledge, this madness is to great for me to ignore any longer.
Also don't forget kittens always knock stuff over. Claw into any human being with sometimes hilarious results and yet shall always remain to cute to directly harm.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-21T17:57:59-05:00
@Brett MacDonald
I've been wondering that myself as well. My guess for the limit is the deck structure. For example if there's actually only 3 exploding kittens, you can only play up to 4 people unless you do one of the following:
1) Reshuffle kittens back in after blowing up. (maybe even discard pile and their hand if you want a longer / more stressful game)
2) Have multiple winners.
3) Since they're adding 40 cards, maybe put in a couple extra kitties for us nice folks?
The first option could lead to more fun and 'screwing your neighbor' if you allow the 'blow-up-ee' to choose where to insert the card.
Adam Lewis - Erudite Esoterist 2015-01-21T17:59:21-05:00
Guys, it's been just one day and 5 hours, and it's already the 26th most funded KS project of all time:… And it's going to be getting higher up that list, I think! All 25 above it, are already finished!
Personally I think that they should just increase the NSFW deck from 40 to 56. this way we wont have to bother changing out cards.
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-21T18:01:06-05:00
It says kickstarter exclusive under the reward tiers (the ones with the pictures in the main page... not the summary ones on the right hand side) about halfway down the main page.
That is an awesome exlcusive if that is the case!
Didn't see Evan's post before i posted mine. Great minds think alike eh :-)
Damian Mills 2015-01-21T18:03:51-05:00
Godzilla, giving everyone the finger, saying NOPE.
Dragon Balls... dangerous, warm, and a whole lot of awesome
And a cruise missile covered in jiggling boners
Oh I may have to get two or 3 copies of the NSFW deck then since this will be the one and only time we can buy it unless they decide not to make it KS exclusive.
I mean if it is going to be limited to KS then I will want to have one that will never be opened right.
Schrödingers cat - 50/50 dead of alive in a box
Maru - Cat can't help but jump into box
New Goal... FOIL DECK.....???? its over 2 mil.... Maybe sleeves for the cards?
i second the uk/eu distributors motion...
The blergh!
Elon Musk!
Email Monster!
As a stretch goal bonus, perhaps there could be variant rules included where you want the kittens to explode, and whoever collects # exploding kittens first wins.
Alternately, you could have NSFW cards to substitute for the 'Exploding Kittens' cards where the graphics have the kittens blowing up the player.
(Hey, not everyone likes cats. Even The Oatmeal notes that they kill "too damn much.")
The dishwasher lady has to be in there. Also, +1 for Schrodinger
Something canine to counter someone's diffuse cat card?
Hi there! Congratz on being so awesome, we all love you as you might have figured out by now :)
I'd like to second the already numerous propositions for best (booze-proof) quality cards,
as well as extending the game to be playable by at least 6 persons without having to throw in an extra 20 dollars (yea I'm a student, I'm already amazed at how quickly I decided to give away 50 dollars on a card game, like... 8 seconds or so :D ), which I simply won't do, even though I know how much this'll limit the occasions I'll be able to play this game on...
That much would suffice to make your product absolutely perfect as far as I'm concerned :)
On the fancier side, foil cards would simply rock, but yea that's more of a gimmick.
However much more ridiculous the amount of money you get thrown at gets, you deserve it!
Must have: the Blerch, Mantis Shrimp, Rollerblading Jesus and/or Wookie Jesus, Rambo the paradox dog (possible kitten diffuser?), Captain Higgins the flatworm, and of course... the BOBCATS!
defuse card idea - LOUD NOISES/Barking dog : scares the kitten into hiding
It would also be great if there was a single "see the future" card that was more powerful than the others, maybe see the top 5, or put the top three back in whatever order you choose?
random card idea - Prophecy cat/Wizard cat : Look at your opponents hands
Does this mean you could play a 6-8 player game with the main deck and the NSFW deck?
Raiden Cat card that makes the next player pick up an extra card
Ninja Kitty card to cause next player of your choice to place back one card at random (you choose without seeing their card) and have them pick up the next card at the top of the deck.
Bobcat's Gas Chamber: take a card from someone else's hand as mercy payment.
Hey! Congratulations are in order, of course :)
I just pledged 2 NSFW decks, but I did not add the shipping costs (since it is not going to be paid yet in any case). I just wondered if there is going to be a way to make it clear how many decks we want (if the amount pledge is not clear due to the shipping costs).
A diffuse card with:
Mrowwy Night on it...mesmerized by the moon and stars.
Kitten chasing marbles from the Hungry Hungry Hippos.
Huge cat farts lets you skip a turn or gives you an opportunity to peek at the draw stack up to the # of players, since those cat farts 'cleared the room'.
Bobcats..maybe the next player (or player of choice) is 'tied' to taking 2 cards.
In the spirit of the "looking into your eyes" card, being able to look at a # of cards from another player's deck.
+1 to Jason Batai idea (deluxe box that includes both the base and NSFW decks, and a partition between them)
Godzilla "nope nope nope" and the super hornets of course!
Middle finger Godzilla comes to mind. Also, realistically, I think the first several stretch goals should start off unlocked.
Definitely the Blerch and the Mantis Shrimp. Nikolai Tesla would be cool to see with electricity acting as an EMP to diffuse kitten bombs. Maybe Elon Musk and a Tesla car to speed away from a bomb-toting kitty? I don't know if it is possible, but a superhero pug would be cool to see...saving us from feline infants.
@John Bruno,
No, you need 2 regular decks to play with up to 8 people. They mention that on the front page FAQ
The blerch convinces kitty to take a nap,
middle finger godzilla to not draw a card,
super hornets to cause card shuffle,
...and somewhere should be purple fizzy juice, mantis shrimp, and sriracha sauce.
Schrödingers cat card should be "Toss a coin to see if the cat is dead or not".
Kitty eats sriracha and explodes!
Guest cards from the webcomic community would be a frakkin' FANTASTIC stretch goal. Start talking to Lar and Randall now ^_^
The Blerch. Mantis Shrimp. and Nikola Tesla is a must as my electrician husband might explode himself! He's as big of a Tesla geek as Matthew is!
Exploding baby poop diaper onto kitten
Just saw the article on cnn and was like hey whats this I love things on kickstarter! Watched the video and was just like TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!!!!!
I vote for Mantis Shrimp and Nikola GODDAMN Tesla as well. Tesla would be perfect because my kitties name is Tesla (and the other one is Curie).
+1 vote for Mantis Shrimp, Nikola Tesla, Tesla Car and Elon Musk.
Ok, backed this as it will be amazing!! One question, is it possible to get the cards made out of plastic for longevity as this game will be played for years in my house!
Oh and I forgot to add, THE RED VELVET MITE. Sho cute.
This is definitely going to take 3 years to make.
Moar Bat cards would be nice....but no matter what I will love them all! I do hope the Bob Cats are in there somewhere! Bob Cats rule. <3
Yes, I think guest cards from the wider webcomic community would be fantastic as well ^__^
Mentioned this on the Facebook for Save Point Tavern in Sacramento - that should bring a few hundred more pledges in. :)
I know a lot of people won't see this, but if you look at the video starting at the :46 second mark, you can see there's already a Mantis Shrimp card (lower left corner), as well as a Bearodactyl (upper left). :)
wow! congrets!!!
i have a great idea for you. maybe you could lower a bit the international shipping (now that you've secured your future. 20$ are really ok, but you know, it's like buying a second deck of cards...
thank you for reading :) great project!!
The Mantis shrimp driving a Tesla with a Sriracha shooting canon on it as an "attack" card
Eat enough Sriracha that your brain becomes fluid and precognitive as a "see the future" card.
I'd like to see really high quality card material, particularly since this is definitely a party game and likely to be handled heavily by drinkers... or handled by heavy drinkers... can't wait!
Guest cards from webcomic community is an awesome idea. Could be a KS exclusive too if you are worried about continuity/consistency for retail release.
schrodinger's cat (very important)
top cat
Grumpy cat
Nyan cat
Kitkat (lol)
Jibbers Crabst for card. All I request is Jibbers. Praise Jibbers.
I have an idea for your extra forty cards - why don't you let other webcomic/comic artists each do a special "guest" card? They could do the work for you! Many webcomics have cats...
- Rich Berlew (OOTS) - Has Mr Scruffy (an evil cat)
- Scott Adams (Dilbert) - Evil HR cat
- Scott Kurtz (PVP) - Who wouldn't like a card with Scratch Fury, Destroyer of worlds.
- Dave Kellett (Sheldon) - Lil' Butter eats anything - there has to be a card in there somewhere.
- Tatsuya Ishida (Sinfest) - Percy the cat is evil enough!
- Pete Abrams (Sluggy Freelance) - Bun Bun is a rabbit, but I'm sure he could do something NSFW and violent.
MIke Peters (Mother Goose and Grimm) - Attilla is an awesome cat to do something NSFW.
- Randall Monroe (XKCD) I'm sure a science card would be worth something
- Jeph Jacques - Pintsize could definitely distract a kitten. And be NSFW in the process.
- Paul Gilligan (Pooch Cafe) - Has tons of cats. And I'm sure that Poncho could do something to them.
- Jimmy Johnson (Arlo and Janis) - Ludwig the cat could do something normal.
- Stephen Pastis (Pearls before Swine) - I'm sure Rat would distract a kitty in a frightfully NSFW way.
And a couple others who have animals that might be worth cards...
- John Kovalic (Dork Tower) - Well, he does have a muscrat...
- Wiley Miller (Non-Sequitir) - Danae has a horse..
What do you think? Have other artists do the work for you!
Tim :)
Doubt there will be a Sriracha card. It's fine in parody, but selling someone else's trademark starts to make matters worse. Unless there's already (or very soon to be) a written agreement for free use it'll just take too long or cost too much or create too much hassle.
Strongly agree on the quality over quantity of cards. I've had cute decks of generic playing cards fall apart after five shuffles because of crap quality. Make them last! Plastic coating or full plastic so we can clean them!
Oh, and if the NSFW attack cards doesn't include the MF PTERODACTYL, I'm gonna be super sad.
The Blerch and Manbat!
Whenever I'm weak, Jibbers Crabst carries me.
Jibbers Crabst. That is all.
Praise Jibbers.
This project was just mentioned on the Kickstarter newsletter :-)
snippet below was copied from the email i received.
Projects We Backed
A short film noir (Tieg)
Exploding Kittens (Aaron)
@Joshua I wonder how much traffic that will bring to the project.
also I would like to second the creative idea suggested by Tim McCloud
@Eric Aschner,
"While the sriracha may be synonymous with Huy Fong Food and its signature green-capped bottle with the rooster label, the word sriracha can not be trademarked because it's derived from Si Racha, the name of a city in Thailand, according to the L.A. Times."
@Cal I for one hope it brings a crap load of new backers :-)
Me too. :)
+1 for Gayroller 2000 (and make the function somehow fit the Falwell quote).
Lol you guys could use Lil Bub like character that's called "Derp Cat" and it could be a dud explosive.
@BruceP - I wonder about the iconic bottle then? How close is too close? Red with a green cap and a kitten instead of a rooster may be plenty to avoid any TM issues.
I feel like at this rate they will be able to pay for any TM issues. ha
I am backing this game because I have confidence in the creative forces behind it, but I am concerned that the game hasn't had much play testing and user exposure to produce good feedback. Please make sure you put this sucker through the motions before you release it.
Praise Jibbers as well.
@Exuro Piechocki
"defuse card idea - LOUD NOISES/Barking dog : scares the kitten into hiding"
Since the cat is going "into hiding", have the player shuffle it back into the deck
I respect the ideas to have other webcomic artists contribute, but maybe that can be for a future project.... The time it would take to get this coordinated (and all the legal aspects negotiated) would likely delay production and shipping. Given the high profile of this project, it probably should get out on time as much as possible. And anyway, I love the existing characters too much! It might take away from the original set.... Maybe future packs?
Card ideas:
>Sooperdoosh: The ugly secret that you love Thomas Edison is out, and now nobody wants you to win... also, you're greedy just like your hero. Draw five cards.
>Paper Bag Fort: Survive one exploding kitten. Recycling is good, shuffle this card back into the draw pile.
>Mantis Shrimp: Gain the power of the Mantis Shrimp. Choose a player to sonic explode.
>Mantis Shrimp Advanced Combat Body Armor: Survive any explosion.
HELP!! So I Pledged $70 for 2 x the $35 reward - but what about shipping? Do I add it to the pledge now? - it says $15 to the UK - but is that for one reward or for the both?
@Salamander Kane - check out this FAQ
Yes! ManBat and Jibbers!
Everyone needs a Manbat in their lives...
Don't you love it when stuff goes viral :) Congrats guys! Love the idea, look forward to many more!
I desire Jibbers Crabst to be in this game.
You should have an "If I fit I sit" defuse card
Wookie Jesus, pls.
The bobs!
Might I suggest the cards be laminated I forsee this being played at parties with drunk people
Kitty Roulette - Shuffle the deck. Each of the other players draws a random card from the deck.
Please please please put the Bobcats I'm here!! I need to see them!!!
@Tim isn't that called... I dunno... The Game!?!?!
I would love to see a card that references ThunderCats in the game :-)
Please include the bear wearing a tutu and flip-flops.
Do the creators have to wait the whole 30 days before closing contributions on the project? Just curious.
+1 for Jibbers Crabst.
Also.... would be really nice if there were some more signed decks (THE COLLECTOR'S DECK) made available. Currently 200 backers of 58,159 is 0.34%. Just sayin'.
Challenges involved for sure: don't want to add too many more (save your wrists) but there's tons of people wanting one so... a lottery? *flash_of_insight* An Exploding Kittens tournament!
Oh and Rambo as a special card.
Plz include his noodly appendage
Please include a card with the Tyrannosaurus Turkey.
@Scott I believe so.
please increase the collectors deck limit from 200 backers to 400 backers :-) and give us a heads up at least 12 hours before you do it so we can have a chance to get it.
NSFW might be well served in the "exploding butthole" category. To be diffused by putting the card in the mouth for a round... failure to hold it in there will result in the kitten exploding and player being out of the game. Since we all KNOW we're getting a Jibbers card, I think the exploding butthole (and the erection of doom from the banana spider?) are shoe-ins.
Send our love to that sign-language translator from the lecture, too! WE LUB HER!
Who wants to plan an LA Meetup when the game is released ? would be awesome to have a couple hundred people get together one Saturday to play the game and celebrate its release.
Maybe with the money you could hire some developers to create mobile (ios/android/etc) versions of the game? Assuming that there's money left after you've each bought yourselves a fleet of lamborghinis.
It is so absolutely needs to have a bearodactyl and the caffeine high guy. A moist card. Something, something selfie stick. I would be over the moon if you could somehow incorporate all of these.
Totally missed the NSFW deck is KS exclusive. So does that mean it's never being sold outside this KS? Also how many players does the NSFW edition support? It sounds like it has more cards so could you play that with 6 players maybe?
Flamethrowing Siracha Bear!
@Brett where did you see that the NSFW deck will be KS exclusive ?
I do not think the NSFW deck is KS exclusive... at least nothing I have read has said that.
Ok I surrender and I shall pledge, this madness is to great for me to ignore any longer.
Also don't forget kittens always knock stuff over. Claw into any human being with sometimes hilarious results and yet shall always remain to cute to directly harm.
@Brett MacDonald
I've been wondering that myself as well. My guess for the limit is the deck structure. For example if there's actually only 3 exploding kittens, you can only play up to 4 people unless you do one of the following:
1) Reshuffle kittens back in after blowing up. (maybe even discard pile and their hand if you want a longer / more stressful game)
2) Have multiple winners.
3) Since they're adding 40 cards, maybe put in a couple extra kitties for us nice folks?
The first option could lead to more fun and 'screwing your neighbor' if you allow the 'blow-up-ee' to choose where to insert the card.
Guys, it's been just one day and 5 hours, and it's already the 26th most funded KS project of all time:… And it's going to be getting higher up that list, I think! All 25 above it, are already finished!
They could make the NSFW deck function as a standalone deck maybe?
Personally I think that they should just increase the NSFW deck from 40 to 56. this way we wont have to bother changing out cards.
It says kickstarter exclusive under the reward tiers (the ones with the pictures in the main page... not the summary ones on the right hand side) about halfway down the main page.
That is an awesome exlcusive if that is the case!
Didn't see Evan's post before i posted mine. Great minds think alike eh :-)
Godzilla, giving everyone the finger, saying NOPE.
Dragon Balls... dangerous, warm, and a whole lot of awesome
And a cruise missile covered in jiggling boners
@brett wow, how did I miss that... good call.
Oh I may have to get two or 3 copies of the NSFW deck then since this will be the one and only time we can buy it unless they decide not to make it KS exclusive.
I mean if it is going to be limited to KS then I will want to have one that will never be opened right.