@Cal True... That is always a possibility. Especially given the number technically being sold as we speak. There could still be a market for it, even if it doesn't appear directly in stores though.
@Ozzy: I might be wrong, you should really send a message to project creator, but postage should only need to be added for the initial amount (say NSFW pledge + x for postage = y. Then y + NSFW base pledge amount for two sets). Could be different for different locations/projects, but that's my understanding of it.
@ederus: Shipping varies between states and countries, and fluctuates with weight and volume. It's not as easy as listing a shipping price, especially if the product changes too drastically. There's usually a thing/form/whatever at the end of kickstarters that address this matter unless I'm mistaken. There are 28 days to go, that's not a short amount of time. We all need to have a little patients.
Man I hope they post the update soon I am going a little crazy here.
Another idea for a card would be to have a cat walk jump inside a bazooka just as your about to pull the trigger
Elan Lee 2015-01-22T16:03:32-05:00
Get ready.
JusticeBolt 2015-01-22T16:04:24-05:00
My body is Ready. :D
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T16:05:02-05:00
@Adan and Evan. You both have good points.
Travis 2015-01-22T16:05:19-05:00
@Sebastian Strömberg, plastic cards will only jack the price. Normal playing cards are pretty liquid resitant. Be an adult don't spill everywhere. Yes accidents happen, but with that train of thought, carpets should be plastic too. And shirts.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T16:05:25-05:00
this is my response to Elan Lee saying "Get ready."
are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ?
I know it might be cheating but if any of you fellow backers has more than one account on here you should pledge $1 on the 2nd account so we can reach 100k backers asap :-)
Travis 2015-01-22T16:19:58-05:00
Alright, my excitement is now through the roof... is it July yet?
Jessica Turner 2015-01-22T16:21:52-05:00
Would love to a see the YOLO-screaming terminator smart car make an appearance. Makes my husband laugh out loud every time he sees it.
Scott Call 2015-01-22T16:21:54-05:00
You guys show add a game-store backer level with a certain # of decks (a case?) for so the game stores, which are a big reason the card game community is thriving, can get a crack at stocking them too.
Jose Ceniceros 2015-01-22T16:22:43-05:00
Any chance of expanding the kid friendly deck? Great job so far, I see 10 mil in the future!
Adam Lewis - Erudite Esoterist 2015-01-22T16:22:52-05:00
This update gives us what we wanted! A deck for 5-8 people! Though it's less good for people who don't want the NSFW one. Still, it's an awesome update, and a KS record too if we get there!
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-22T16:23:35-05:00
Sweet update!!
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-22T16:24:59-05:00
Awesome update! Very big and impressive SG! Lets get there people :- )
Now my list is significantly smaller... if we hit that one quickly... I would want the next SG to be upgraded box that holds both decks side by side (with partition)... upgraded components (or maybe they are already doing them?)... and then themed mini expansions.
Keep up the great work Elan!
Neil Denton 2015-01-22T16:25:46-05:00
In reference to Scott Call's comment, I would be interested in a Game Store Level as well. If there isn't to be a Game Store option will there be a channel for Game Stores to purchase these in the future?
Pawel Pieciak 2015-01-22T16:27:50-05:00
Love the hairy boob dragon :)) ! Can't wait to play a game and have a laugh with my friends and family. Elan, could you show your MS Paint skills? :)) All the best guys!
Susan Davis 2015-01-22T16:28:43-05:00
This game urgently needs a way to mash it up with Unexploded Cow.
So anyone want to take bets on when we will hit 100k backers ?
Tom Grinnell 2015-01-22T16:30:53-05:00
Fantastic Stretch Goal, will be great to be able to play with 8 people :)
Bryan Gurney 2015-01-22T16:31:05-05:00
Hit 100k in approximately 8 hours, 10 min 39 seconds.
David McGill 2015-01-22T16:31:12-05:00
I am going to be honest I am definitely not an avid oatmeal follower and i have rarely been on your website
The comics i do see, however I see them I really like them the simple (but good) art style and the humour. Most of all I like you as a person so much thats why I am supporting you as you do genuinely come accross as someone whos in it for the passion and not the money... a rare trait to see these days it would seem.
Oh plus the game looks like a right good hoot.
Brandon Guthrie 2015-01-22T16:31:17-05:00
Any stretch goals for the 5500 of us who pledged at the $20 level or are we SOL?
Thomas Howard Jr 2015-01-22T16:31:25-05:00
Wish there were more signed decks available. I was not fast enough! I haven't been this excited about something since see Ringling Brother's unicorn at the circus in the late 80's. I was crushed when I found out t was just a goat with a single horn.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T16:31:37-05:00
@Joshua I'm going to say late this evening or super early in the morning.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T16:33:01-05:00
@Brandon that's a good point. I didn't think about that when I saw the update. Hopefully they will.
JusticeBolt 2015-01-22T16:33:37-05:00
Full deck for NSFW?! Yes!
Bryan Gurney 2015-01-22T16:34:48-05:00
100k between 8 hours, 10 min 39 seconds and 19 hours 53 minutes and 28 seconds.
Adam Vetter 2015-01-22T16:34:52-05:00
Plastic cards!!!!!!
Brian Garlick 2015-01-22T16:35:04-05:00
Grrr....I backed this as a gift for my wife that I'll surprise her with later in the year, but that means I can't share it on FB and promote it to help achieve the stretch goal!! Oh well, looks like we're going to get there anyway.
Matt Meadow 2015-01-22T16:35:27-05:00
I see updates, but i don't see any stretch goals beyond funding targets. Am I missing what we've unlocked?
@Matt Meadow - If the project gets 100k backers, the NSFW expansion will become a full sized deck free of charge.
Adam Vetter 2015-01-22T16:36:53-05:00
They added a few cards for the first one. Kind of lame.
JusticeBolt 2015-01-22T16:37:03-05:00
I hope the new cards that are added are actually new cards with new arts and not duplicate cards..
Kirsten Blom 2015-01-22T16:37:54-05:00
Lol awesome game, weird new goals :) A shame you are not giving your current backers something nice because they just blew your world up ;) Asking for 30K more backers before the next goal... you can do better and more awesome!
Kyle Smidt 2015-01-22T16:38:35-05:00
I really love the idea of plastic cards. I hope they consider it!
Christopher McKeon 2015-01-22T16:38:43-05:00
1,000 in around 14 minutes, not bad.
B 2015-01-22T16:38:44-05:00
Since we haven't seen any samples.....how NSFW can the NSFW cards really be?
Helio 2015-01-22T16:39:00-05:00
Oh my gloooooooob!
Jennifer Klettke 2015-01-22T16:39:36-05:00
Brian Garlick, I believe there's a way to share with friends and exclude a specific person. though that may backfire with wall comments from friends not directly on the post. (Part of the "Custom" share options.)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-22T16:40:26-05:00
1000 backers in 38 mins!
ashley edwards 2015-01-22T16:40:32-05:00
Plastic cards with a tin please. Some of us have kids that like to eat things.
Ozzie Orlowski 2015-01-22T16:40:33-05:00
@0wen Middleton, tyvm I have followed your advice and dropped a line to Elan.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T16:40:38-05:00
@Brain just pm all your friends that may back it.
Adam Vetter 2015-01-22T16:40:54-05:00
This campaign is huge. I think she will find out about it anyway.
John Nicholson 2015-01-22T16:41:09-05:00
Can't wait to get a 56 NSFW deck instead of a 40 card deck that was given for breaking 2 million lets hit 100,000 so we get 16 extra cards!
Erin Bradley 2015-01-22T16:41:27-05:00
@Elan, I love that you backed another kitty card game!
somonflex 2015-01-22T16:41:55-05:00
So, you have 3 million dollars in 2 days, literally no strech goal, no multilingual support, and horrible shipping for non-US... seriously ?
Charles Rutterbush 2015-01-22T16:42:52-05:00
How about a new character or comic that is exclusive to the cards? This would make a cool surprise for when you're playing, especially the NSFW deck.
Other ideas:
Tesla related cards! That would be shocking!
Fire-extinguisher cards - to minimize the damage from an exploding kitten?
As a bonus of some sort - add-on cards for Cards Against Humanity. (They're very cool about people making up their own).
Super excited!
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T16:43:02-05:00
@somonflex is the last update not a stretch goal to you?
Steven Parker 2015-01-22T16:43:20-05:00
So $2.7m and only 2 stretch goals? Wow, these must be expensive cards...............
Sharon Clark 2015-01-22T16:43:38-05:00
@Brian PM your friends with large friends list to share it, and share it in any FB groups you're in that your wife isn't (and that are Closed or Secret, so those posts don't show to your wife in your feed).
Gabriel Kemm 2015-01-22T16:44:08-05:00
how about a jack bauer card to mitigate the kitties?
Adam Vetter 2015-01-22T16:45:09-05:00
Plastic cards and a tin instead of a box would be amazing. The entire game would be so durable at that point.
Jason Loveman 2015-01-22T16:45:10-05:00
Reading Rainbow had 105,857 backers.
Barbara Palace 2015-01-22T16:46:34-05:00
Getting to 100,000 backers seems rather promising... At my count a couple of minutes ago, there were 57 new backers in one minute. Not bad. ;-) I like this stretch goal! Being able to get two full decks is great - can share the Exploding Kitten love with more people at once.....
Charles Rutterbush 2015-01-22T16:46:47-05:00
A card that adds "drinking game" rules, including super crazy ways to get back into the game if you get an exploding kitten.
Plastic cards and a plastic case is an awesome idea!
@somonflex, you're right! If I was you, I wouldn't put up with this and just leave immediately! That'll show em!
Sarah Carratt 2015-01-22T16:48:12-05:00
Love the idea of the NSFW deck... but once it gets mixed in with the other cards, how are we supposed to play with just 4 people again? Once it's mixed in the original deck will never be "PG."
Reggie Bell 2015-01-22T16:48:37-05:00
You guys are dorks and I love you. I can't wait to drunk play this with my friends.
Avena 2015-01-22T16:48:56-05:00
If Exploding Kittens wants to be the biggest community ever, they would need to beat Reading Rainbow with 105,858 backers.
Steven Parker 2015-01-22T16:49:01-05:00
Dropped my pledge to $1 till I see real stretch goals, flame away.
Brian McCoy 2015-01-22T16:49:06-05:00
I am not this kick starter is going to make it to goal. Sorry guys.
Adam Vetter 2015-01-22T16:49:25-05:00
@somonflux- I totally agree. Most of the people backing have probably never backed before and have no idea that they should be getting a lot more for the money.
somonflex 2015-01-22T16:50:16-05:00
@Rod Mitchell > No, I stay here with my dollar, and I look at the progress of the project. But for now, no way I give more.
James Van Doren 2015-01-22T16:50:19-05:00
I LOVE IT! Just shared on Facebook, so I can get the Full NSFW deck.
For those who didn't, I hope they realize they can just select "manage your pledge", then up their pledge and select the higher level reward so they don't miss out! :)
Kelsy B 2015-01-22T16:50:49-05:00
As an avid KS backer, I'd like to see SGs based on the original game and $$, not backers. It's a bit disheartening that $3M, those of us who backed for the original concept (CAH already fills the NFSW niche, imho) have no SG in sight...
@Adam: Or a lot of people backed it for the initial rewards, and probably won't increase/adjust until stretch goals are completely released/adjusted to take into account how fast the backers nuked the initial requested amount.
Greg Friddle 2015-01-22T16:52:08-05:00
no stretch for the basic sets? (even if ordering multiple basic sets)
Adam Vetter 2015-01-22T16:52:37-05:00
@ Kelsy B- I think your best bet in that case is to wait for retail as it will probably be cheaper.
Carl W. 2015-01-22T16:53:00-05:00
This is why I backed:
"Production of the game is simple: it's just a card game, so other than building the box it's a relatively straightforward product to make. The biggest challenge for us could be fulfillment. (which we're addressing by working with our pals at Cards Against Humanity). None of us want this to be a campaign where you spend the next two years getting fifty emails about production updates and delays. We want you to back this project, and then within a few weeks of the campaign ending you'll get your stuff in the mail. This is why (for now) we're not offering t-shirts or other complicated reward tiers that would make the distribution process take a lot longer. We're keeping it as simple as possible: support our project and in return we'll send you the playable game."
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T16:54:02-05:00
@Sarah. Most games will have a different card back, symbol on the card front etc. CAH for example has a number on the bottom of the card showing which expansion its from.
Anthony Loch 2015-01-22T16:55:12-05:00
Personally, I'm fine with where it's going (I put in for the NSFW deck, because it is a must). I would suggest to all those with SG ideas... Post them, great. But know that this campaign has been active for.. what? A couple days? Give it some time to adjust to the flood of inbox mails, comments, and let's see what we get. I'm excited!
Adam Vetter 2015-01-22T16:55:54-05:00
@ Carl- With this many games being made it is already going to take way longer than they ever anticipated.
somonflex 2015-01-22T16:56:07-05:00
Carl W. > I totally understand this. But with these millions of $, the can at least offer new language, low shipping and better quality for cards...
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T16:56:55-05:00
@somonflex, I understand your point. I personal take my SG in any form I can. But a little more might be nice to. Guess we will see what happens.
@JusticeBolt, tyvm, $85.00 pledged �
It would be great if you gave any info considering shipping of more than one deck. 15$ for each deck in one pledge seems a bit much.
Cal - they might not sell in stores, but that presumably just means they'll sell online?
@Cal True... That is always a possibility. Especially given the number technically being sold as we speak. There could still be a market for it, even if it doesn't appear directly in stores though.
@Ozzy: I might be wrong, you should really send a message to project creator, but postage should only need to be added for the initial amount (say NSFW pledge + x for postage = y. Then y + NSFW base pledge amount for two sets). Could be different for different locations/projects, but that's my understanding of it.
@ederus: Shipping varies between states and countries, and fluctuates with weight and volume. It's not as easy as listing a shipping price, especially if the product changes too drastically. There's usually a thing/form/whatever at the end of kickstarters that address this matter unless I'm mistaken. There are 28 days to go, that's not a short amount of time. We all need to have a little patients.
Man I hope they post the update soon I am going a little crazy here.
Another idea for a card would be to have a cat walk jump inside a bazooka just as your about to pull the trigger
Get ready.
My body is Ready. :D
@Adan and Evan. You both have good points.
@Sebastian Strömberg, plastic cards will only jack the price. Normal playing cards are pretty liquid resitant. Be an adult don't spill everywhere. Yes accidents happen, but with that train of thought, carpets should be plastic too. And shirts.
@Elan we are more than ready!.... well hopefully.
Elan when you first started this campaign, did you ever think that it might get this big ? or were you totally surprised ?
Honestly the shipping fees are fairly cheap to some others that I been apart of.
Can not wait for this. It looks like so much fun.
My F5 is going to get warn out from how much I'm refreshing.
@Travis: Drunk people spill LOTS. Playing this game while drinking is going to be a given. But yes, liquid resistant cards is a VERY good idea.
mother fucking pterodactyl AND Jibbers Crabst please!
hurry up and post the update already :-)
@Owen, I've played Magic drunk, and CAH, along with countless poker games, things spill and cards wipe clean. We don't need plastic.
@owen if your that worried about it you could always get the cards laminated
@Cal Rasmussen Brock Lesnar's F5 doesn't wear out!
I feel like a cat getting teased with a laser pointer with this update. I know it's coming but I can't catch it.
this is my response to Elan Lee saying "Get ready."
are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ? are we there yet ?
Why not just buy sleeves for the cards if you're worried?
ohh 4 updates going to check it out now
Love the update!
I know it might be cheating but if any of you fellow backers has more than one account on here you should pledge $1 on the 2nd account so we can reach 100k backers asap :-)
Alright, my excitement is now through the roof... is it July yet?
Would love to a see the YOLO-screaming terminator smart car make an appearance. Makes my husband laugh out loud every time he sees it.
You guys show add a game-store backer level with a certain # of decks (a case?) for so the game stores, which are a big reason the card game community is thriving, can get a crack at stocking them too.
Any chance of expanding the kid friendly deck? Great job so far, I see 10 mil in the future!
This update gives us what we wanted! A deck for 5-8 people! Though it's less good for people who don't want the NSFW one. Still, it's an awesome update, and a KS record too if we get there!
Sweet update!!
Awesome update! Very big and impressive SG! Lets get there people :- )
Now my list is significantly smaller... if we hit that one quickly... I would want the next SG to be upgraded box that holds both decks side by side (with partition)... upgraded components (or maybe they are already doing them?)... and then themed mini expansions.
Keep up the great work Elan!
In reference to Scott Call's comment, I would be interested in a Game Store Level as well. If there isn't to be a Game Store option will there be a channel for Game Stores to purchase these in the future?
Love the hairy boob dragon :)) ! Can't wait to play a game and have a laugh with my friends and family. Elan, could you show your MS Paint skills? :)) All the best guys!
This game urgently needs a way to mash it up with Unexploded Cow.
So anyone want to take bets on when we will hit 100k backers ?
Fantastic Stretch Goal, will be great to be able to play with 8 people :)
Hit 100k in approximately 8 hours, 10 min 39 seconds.
I am going to be honest I am definitely not an avid oatmeal follower and i have rarely been on your website
The comics i do see, however I see them I really like them the simple (but good) art style and the humour. Most of all I like you as a person so much thats why I am supporting you as you do genuinely come accross as someone whos in it for the passion and not the money... a rare trait to see these days it would seem.
Oh plus the game looks like a right good hoot.
Any stretch goals for the 5500 of us who pledged at the $20 level or are we SOL?
Wish there were more signed decks available. I was not fast enough! I haven't been this excited about something since see Ringling Brother's unicorn at the circus in the late 80's. I was crushed when I found out t was just a goat with a single horn.
@Joshua I'm going to say late this evening or super early in the morning.
@Brandon that's a good point. I didn't think about that when I saw the update. Hopefully they will.
Full deck for NSFW?! Yes!
100k between 8 hours, 10 min 39 seconds and 19 hours 53 minutes and 28 seconds.
Plastic cards!!!!!!
Grrr....I backed this as a gift for my wife that I'll surprise her with later in the year, but that means I can't share it on FB and promote it to help achieve the stretch goal!! Oh well, looks like we're going to get there anyway.
I see updates, but i don't see any stretch goals beyond funding targets. Am I missing what we've unlocked?
@Matt Meadow - If the project gets 100k backers, the NSFW expansion will become a full sized deck free of charge.
They added a few cards for the first one. Kind of lame.
I hope the new cards that are added are actually new cards with new arts and not duplicate cards..
Lol awesome game, weird new goals :) A shame you are not giving your current backers something nice because they just blew your world up ;) Asking for 30K more backers before the next goal... you can do better and more awesome!
I really love the idea of plastic cards. I hope they consider it!
1,000 in around 14 minutes, not bad.
Since we haven't seen any samples.....how NSFW can the NSFW cards really be?
Oh my gloooooooob!
Brian Garlick, I believe there's a way to share with friends and exclude a specific person. though that may backfire with wall comments from friends not directly on the post. (Part of the "Custom" share options.)
1000 backers in 38 mins!
Plastic cards with a tin please. Some of us have kids that like to eat things.
@0wen Middleton, tyvm I have followed your advice and dropped a line to Elan.
@Brain just pm all your friends that may back it.
This campaign is huge. I think she will find out about it anyway.
Can't wait to get a 56 NSFW deck instead of a 40 card deck that was given for breaking 2 million lets hit 100,000 so we get 16 extra cards!
@Elan, I love that you backed another kitty card game!
So, you have 3 million dollars in 2 days, literally no strech goal, no multilingual support, and horrible shipping for non-US... seriously ?
How about a new character or comic that is exclusive to the cards? This would make a cool surprise for when you're playing, especially the NSFW deck.
Other ideas:
Tesla related cards! That would be shocking!
Fire-extinguisher cards - to minimize the damage from an exploding kitten?
As a bonus of some sort - add-on cards for Cards Against Humanity. (They're very cool about people making up their own).
Super excited!
@somonflex is the last update not a stretch goal to you?
So $2.7m and only 2 stretch goals? Wow, these must be expensive cards...............
@Brian PM your friends with large friends list to share it, and share it in any FB groups you're in that your wife isn't (and that are Closed or Secret, so those posts don't show to your wife in your feed).
how about a jack bauer card to mitigate the kitties?
Plastic cards and a tin instead of a box would be amazing. The entire game would be so durable at that point.
Reading Rainbow had 105,857 backers.
Getting to 100,000 backers seems rather promising... At my count a couple of minutes ago, there were 57 new backers in one minute. Not bad. ;-) I like this stretch goal! Being able to get two full decks is great - can share the Exploding Kitten love with more people at once.....
A card that adds "drinking game" rules, including super crazy ways to get back into the game if you get an exploding kitten.
Plastic cards and a plastic case is an awesome idea!
@Cal Rasmussen > a game like Conan https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/806316071/conan , Fireteam Zero https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/701653685/fireteam-zero-0 or Tokaido https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/funforge/tokaido-collectors-edition give us real SG, with content and rewards. Here, close to zero.
Wow are we growing since the stretch goal.
@somonflex, you're right! If I was you, I wouldn't put up with this and just leave immediately! That'll show em!
Love the idea of the NSFW deck... but once it gets mixed in with the other cards, how are we supposed to play with just 4 people again? Once it's mixed in the original deck will never be "PG."
You guys are dorks and I love you. I can't wait to drunk play this with my friends.
If Exploding Kittens wants to be the biggest community ever, they would need to beat Reading Rainbow with 105,858 backers.
Dropped my pledge to $1 till I see real stretch goals, flame away.
I am not this kick starter is going to make it to goal. Sorry guys.
@somonflux- I totally agree. Most of the people backing have probably never backed before and have no idea that they should be getting a lot more for the money.
@Rod Mitchell > No, I stay here with my dollar, and I look at the progress of the project. But for now, no way I give more.
I LOVE IT! Just shared on Facebook, so I can get the Full NSFW deck.
For those who didn't, I hope they realize they can just select "manage your pledge", then up their pledge and select the higher level reward so they don't miss out! :)
As an avid KS backer, I'd like to see SGs based on the original game and $$, not backers. It's a bit disheartening that $3M, those of us who backed for the original concept (CAH already fills the NFSW niche, imho) have no SG in sight...
@Adam: Or a lot of people backed it for the initial rewards, and probably won't increase/adjust until stretch goals are completely released/adjusted to take into account how fast the backers nuked the initial requested amount.
no stretch for the basic sets? (even if ordering multiple basic sets)
@ Kelsy B- I think your best bet in that case is to wait for retail as it will probably be cheaper.
This is why I backed:
"Production of the game is simple: it's just a card game, so other than building the box it's a relatively straightforward product to make. The biggest challenge for us could be fulfillment. (which we're addressing by working with our pals at Cards Against Humanity). None of us want this to be a campaign where you spend the next two years getting fifty emails about production updates and delays. We want you to back this project, and then within a few weeks of the campaign ending you'll get your stuff in the mail. This is why (for now) we're not offering t-shirts or other complicated reward tiers that would make the distribution process take a lot longer. We're keeping it as simple as possible: support our project and in return we'll send you the playable game."
@Sarah. Most games will have a different card back, symbol on the card front etc. CAH for example has a number on the bottom of the card showing which expansion its from.
Personally, I'm fine with where it's going (I put in for the NSFW deck, because it is a must). I would suggest to all those with SG ideas... Post them, great. But know that this campaign has been active for.. what? A couple days? Give it some time to adjust to the flood of inbox mails, comments, and let's see what we get. I'm excited!
@ Carl- With this many games being made it is already going to take way longer than they ever anticipated.
Carl W. > I totally understand this. But with these millions of $, the can at least offer new language, low shipping and better quality for cards...
@somonflex, I understand your point. I personal take my SG in any form I can. But a little more might be nice to. Guess we will see what happens.