A Few people have said it, but I like the idea of drinking game rules as a SG, for naive 5 million?
Sharon Clark 2015-01-22T16:57:14-05:00
I love the idea of a full deck of NSFW! If you put a NSFW logo on the face of those cards, we could seamlessly mix the two decks for more players and easily separate them afterwards. ;) I'm one of those living outside the USA, so I have to pay $15 for shipping one $35 set. Getting two full decks eases the sting a little. Now I'm hoping the cards are made from something that makes them durable to lots of handling and spilling of drinks, because only the people who own the cards are going to be concerned with being careful not to damage them during playing.
Michiel Pillards 2015-01-22T16:57:27-05:00
I know this is a bit of a silly thing, but can you make the boxes so that the cards fit in while sleeved? :)
Nate Outland 2015-01-22T16:58:17-05:00
And exactly how Nsfw might the cards be?
B 2015-01-22T16:59:09-05:00
@Nate, that is what I want to know. Maybe some samples?
Dominik Bašelj 2015-01-22T16:59:20-05:00
If I understand this correctly, a 35$ pledge will bring you the 7+ deck AND 56 NSFW deck? as in almost a hundred cards?
Bob Trezise 2015-01-22T17:00:17-05:00
SLLLEEEEEEEEVVVVEEEEESSS! Stretch goal add-in! (and we definitely hit that sucker)
Brandon Guthrie 2015-01-22T17:00:58-05:00
Here's a stretch goal idea: Something that includes the 5500 backers who pledged $110,000. All of the current goals leave us out in the cold.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-22T17:01:08-05:00
1926 new backers in the last hour!
Michiel Pillards 2015-01-22T17:01:30-05:00
Well costum made sleeves might be a bit expansive still. But here's to hoping anyway. :)
Justin 2015-01-22T17:02:09-05:00
this is when, since there isnt a money goal passed 2 mill, everyone drops their pledge to keep the money down until stretch goals come out and then closer to the end of the project you up your pledge amount to get what you want lol
sara crane 2015-01-22T17:02:30-05:00
Love the stretch goal. I plan to share this game at Geekgirl Con's game night, and being able to include more players would be kick ass!
Kristi Iverson 2015-01-22T17:02:57-05:00
@Sharon Clark That's a great idea but put a starkly different boarder color on the face so they will remain incognito when in hand and when drawing. That way you can seperate them easily!
Nate Outland 2015-01-22T17:03:44-05:00
Unless all the SGs are backer based and not $ based. I've never seen them based on backers though
Benjamin Chernik 2015-01-22T17:05:00-05:00
@nate the reaper kickstarter had backer-based stretch goals so it's not unheard of
Justin 2015-01-22T17:05:28-05:00
@nate that would definitly be a strange way of doing things but has been done before, though they did have a "SG" of sorts at 2mill so who knows
Brittany Heller 2015-01-22T17:05:47-05:00
Been lurking for 2 days and just backed, simply for the stretch goal. Despite the bitching, it's looking successful. I'm not much of an independent thinker so:
* Drinking game rules, please. (If you don't make it into one, we will. And it will be horrible. Save us from ourselves.)
* Plastic durable tin and cards. (See above)
* Made by The Oatmeal. (Already done and some low hanging fruit, so I can think you guys listen to my suggestions)
You guys rock and I can't wait to see it!
Adam Vetter 2015-01-22T17:06:21-05:00
Sleeves would not be necessary if the cards were plastic.
Carl W. 2015-01-22T17:07:16-05:00
To all the people who are wanting "Free Stuff™" (stretch goals), perhaps you can make your own KS campaign with a game you designed and art you made?
The logistics for creating a game are not as easy as it sounds and with this much money, it can actually get more complicated. I applaud this campaign for keeping things simple.
To the creators of this campaign, keep up the hard work. Us backers appreciate the effort you are making. ^_^
jonathan kipps-bolton 2015-01-22T17:08:26-05:00
just under $25k and this will pass zombicide season 3 and become the most backed game.
Plastic cards would be AMAZING!!!
considering they have 72k people buying $35 decks of cards its very do able
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-22T17:09:09-05:00
What many of the folks grumping about sg's don't seem to understand, is that they have already said the have no interest in over complicating this ks. They want to make the game and ship it out as fast as possible. Also, many games use sg's to show the value of the pledge, 72000 + backers have already seen the value and haven't required anything else to entice them. A handful of people whining doesn't prompt anyone to do anything, except ignore them. Just saying...
Benjamin Chernik 2015-01-22T17:09:21-05:00
outside of gloom i've never heard of any games having plastic cards...why are so many people asking for this?
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T17:10:42-05:00
@Carl W. Amen. I have a project on another site. The logistics of any crowdsourcing are not easy. I think it's great how well they have done. Would I like more? Yes. But am I happy with what is here so far? Sure am.
jonathan kipps-bolton 2015-01-22T17:10:46-05:00
supremacy had plastic cards
makes the game extra special
Justin 2015-01-22T17:13:01-05:00
I'd be happy if they made them out of the same material CAH made theirs out of. its durable and spill resistant, all around pretty sturdy.
Monty 2015-01-22T17:13:07-05:00
Printing Company: How can we help you?
Elan: Hi, I received a quote for 1000 decks of cards 2 months ago.
Printing Company: Oh yes, here is the quote.
Elan: I would like to increase the number of decks from 1000 to 100,000 by July 2015?
Printing Company: *phone clunks, sound of breaking glass*
Elan: That went well…..
Sebastien Smith 2015-01-22T17:13:14-05:00
plastic card woulb de awesome for heavy drinking night :P
Liz Westlake 2015-01-22T17:13:24-05:00
I hope they consider upping the number of spots for the $500 level - I need a Spinning Wheel of Death card!
Carl W. 2015-01-22T17:13:36-05:00
@Benjamin Chernik Actually, Bicycle makes a plastic playing card deck that feels almost like a paper one. Really high quality. TBH, I wish more games used plastic cards/pieces. :)
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T17:13:42-05:00
@Justin they are using the same company to print them. So I assume they will be.
Gabe Small 2015-01-22T17:14:12-05:00
"time to chime in with your favorite Oatmeal character votes."
Nope Godzilla
Ruth Hilton-Robinson 2015-01-22T17:14:57-05:00
I can't even tell you how excited I am about this game - the concept and the illustrations so far have had me in stitches! Excuse the suggestion if it is inappropriate or has already been made/considered, but as you are so far ahead of the initial goal with no sign of slowdown yet, could a small proportion of the excess funds or any future profit be set aside as a donation to an animal charity which operates nationally in the country where the majority of backers reside (presumably the US)? It is only an idea and I will absolutely understand if it is not practical/possible/appropriate and it will not affect my decision to back or enthusiasm for the project. Keep it up, I can't wait to buy mine!
Henea 2015-01-22T17:15:59-05:00
If the shipping to italy was cheaper i would have backed more :(
and with $35 i will have the NSFW :(
Nate Outland 2015-01-22T17:16:17-05:00
Awfully surprised that only 173 people have pledged $1 on this campaign
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T17:20:39-05:00
@Nate. I bet some of them are those that have the project reminder on. They may want to see what other goals they have before backing more, so they are helping to get it to this newest one.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-22T17:21:41-05:00
Can't believe people are bitching about SGs. Yeah, so it's not as glittery as some of the other KS campaigns, but hey, it's not crap. First off the NSFW is an exclusive and due to the popularity of this game, likely to be partially collectible. Second, they've already stated they want fulfillment to be simplified. Why? Uh.. I dunno, because it's been two days and they already have to ship out 75,000 boxes. Third, they obviously don't need tons of trinkets and shirts and shit to drum up interest.
Plus, people keep thinking they're 'owed' due to the amount of money being dumped in. News flash, they don't have $3M extra dollars. Once we take out production, packaging, shipping, and fulfillment labor and costs most of this money is already gone. What are they doing with the rest then? Uh, launching a new product like KS is intended for!
Paul Smout 2015-01-22T17:23:50-05:00
@ Nate Outland - Most are like me. Want to fully pledge but are in Europe and worried about the shipping and import duty costs. I pledged a dollar so that I could add my support to my fellow Europeans who have raised concerns over this.
I've already said that I'm ready to back this for three Normal/NFSW packs if the project clarifies the issue.
Peter Wells 2015-01-22T17:23:52-05:00
@Ruth Hilton-Robinson that is a fantastic idea to put the extra funds to a animal charity of some type. I hope they do that as well.
Joseph 2015-01-22T17:24:35-05:00
We need to make Exploding Kittens the TV series, then the Movie, then the kittens action figures...
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-22T17:25:15-05:00
@Eric A. I, for one, do not feel like I am owed something. I backed at $35 only seeing the original set of cards. Anything else is just gravy. Sweet beautiful bacon and mantis shrimp gravy!!
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T17:26:10-05:00
@Eric B. That's funny and my thoughts too.
Shyvax 2015-01-22T17:26:10-05:00
IN! looks awesome KS ^^ wetting myself at the intro movie
I'm with Eric Baumgarten on that. I backed because of how the same sounded and what the reward was, stretch goals are nice, the ideas that have been thrown out there for them to consider are nice, but the prize is the game itself for me.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-22T17:27:32-05:00
@ Ruth
It's against Kickstarter rules to designate money raised for charity or change allocation of funds after launch. While kind of odd, it's meant to protect what kickstarter is, a method of launching new startups that would otherwise not find funding through traditional methods.
Also, Matt has some history with changing funds to give to charity and he got sued for it. It was complete BS, and it's a hilarious read, but I'm sure he'd rather avoid the headache if possible.
Shannon Cross 2015-01-22T17:29:02-05:00
The folks over at AdMagic (the printer/manufacturer) must be popping champagne corks by now. Judging by their turnaround times for typical projects, I smell digital printing; but for a project this size, methinks there will be an honest-to-god printing press with bearing rollers and ink involved. Hope it all goes smoothly, and that the Creatives and Backers alike get a quality product, delivered in a timely fashion!
Samahanta Rodriguez 2015-01-22T17:30:04-05:00
If you hit 4 million please make a spanish version of the deck so I can play with my family! :D
Amie Rogers 2015-01-22T17:30:19-05:00
OMG...2.8M$$$$ Amazing!
Peter S. 2015-01-22T17:30:34-05:00
It really would be nice to at least hear what quality card and box we are talking about here.
GAMEHORDER 2015-01-22T17:31:05-05:00
these dudes are greedy
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-22T17:31:40-05:00
I think all those (well meaning) folks that want these guys to kick in funds to an animal shelter, should just go and donate to their own local animal shelters instead. How do you think these guys are going to have "all this extra" money when this is done?
JusticeBolt 2015-01-22T17:31:53-05:00
+1 We need to know the quality of the cards.
And we need drinking rules for sure.
Adam Gapen 2015-01-22T17:32:55-05:00
I think it would be awesome if there was a kickstarter exclusive added in some way if the NSFW doesn't have some aspect of this already. I think it would be awesome to include something that says, "I helped this game become what it did today." Maybe that is just me though.
William Jones 2015-01-22T17:34:48-05:00
SG $4mill: a few extra blank cards should be included in each pack so that we can draw our own.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-22T17:35:11-05:00
@Adam Gapen, the entire NSFW deck is KS exclusive!
Will Tingle 2015-01-22T17:35:35-05:00
The international shipping is too high as it is, and higher production volume will lower production costs... So how about a stretch goal to lower shipping costs? The volume is that high now that a localised distribution should be doable, with cards being sent out initially by the crate, then forwarded once they're in the right country.
Plastic cards would be nice, as would a good heavy duty box/tin (again the volume should make this doable at the same price point.
Blank cards could be useful for the creatively inclined.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-22T17:35:44-05:00
@Adam Gapen,
The NSFW cards/deck is already a Kickstarter exclusive. :)
@Adam Would be good indeed. But the game itself comes first. Maybe there could be a mark on the box or an extra card or something. Not that important though. I want 'dem grenade chewers!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-22T17:37:08-05:00
@BruceP, ;)
LordCrash - OD | OOoE | WoOS 2015-01-22T17:38:22-05:00
No word about shipping, hm... :/
Elan Lee 2015-01-22T17:38:36-05:00
You're blowing our butts off with all of your support.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T17:39:39-05:00
@LordCrash you must be psychic. Look at @Elan's comment.
Charles Babcock 2015-01-22T17:39:48-05:00
In the top 20. Almost 2.9 Million. Congrats! This project might make the top 10 in 30 days.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-22T17:40:11-05:00
@Elan, thats because you guys blew our butts off with Exploding Kittens!
Leafies 2015-01-22T17:40:17-05:00
$4 mil = Kitteh Grenades for all!
An Exclusive "KickStarter Backer" Game Box would be sweet though... with metal foil seal, like, limited collectorificationess
Or a plush kitten... But where are you all going to keep 100,000 plush semi suicidal kittens?!
Super Excited for you all and to get my kitten exploding ON!
Peggy Carpenter 2015-01-22T17:40:27-05:00
It's not that unusual for KS games to have stretch goals based on number of backers. I've backed several that unlocked things for number of backers, fb followers, twitter followers, and the like.
I don't care about other stuff for sg. I want the game and I don't feel like I've been ripped off because I can't get a darn t-shirt or other stuff. I want cards with kittens on them that explode. I'm going to get that. It's all good.
Shipping outside the US sucks. I do it all the time. There's only so much that can be done. I suck it up when I have to pay to get things from Europe and TROTW. Like everywhere else, businesses in the US don't get to set shipping rates. Man, I wish we did! I'd sell more to other countries. :)
LordCrash - OD | OOoE | WoOS 2015-01-22T17:40:33-05:00
Which comment do you mean? Sorry, I didn't follow the whole discussion here, I just meant the update.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-22T17:40:40-05:00
@Elan. Thanks for the updates and popping in with them on the comments section here. It is greatly appreciated!!
LordCrash - OD | OOoE | WoOS 2015-01-22T17:40:56-05:00
Oh, I see... :D
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-22T17:42:10-05:00
And a Hello to LordCrash. :)
LordCrash - OD | OOoE | WoOS 2015-01-22T17:42:21-05:00
Please think about using Amazon in Europe for shipping and fulfillment. Ask Stonemeier Games about it, they have profound experience on the topic.
LordCrash - OD | OOoE | WoOS 2015-01-22T17:42:29-05:00
Hi Bruce :)
Xeo 2015-01-22T17:42:45-05:00
Could you consider just setting up a production thingy in Europe somewhere? That'd be awesome.
Nate Outland 2015-01-22T17:44:56-05:00
Possibly completely unrelated to the campaign, but this is now the third project I can't star to remind me about. Anybody else having that issue?
Midori Eastham 2015-01-22T17:46:57-05:00
Summon Jibbers Crabst card please! Allows player to take one card from all other players.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-22T17:47:30-05:00
@Nate Outland,
I'm not sure why it works like this now, but I get the Remind Me star/link only after I scroll down past the main video. Then it shows up on the right-hand side. If I'm up at the top of the page, it's gone.
So I may have misinterpreted what the team was looking for in terms of just artwork for the NSFW set.
Anyways, watched the video a few times and it's unclear what some of the cards do...however these are some of the ideas for both things the cards do and vulgar things that artwork could be made for.
Feel free to critique/add/change what I've come up with, just stuff off the top of my head (...yes really :/ ) that I thought might add to the fun, and maybe they already have cards that do some of these things but I don't know, I'm not part of the creative process...though I'd like to be :)
Old Maid Queef - Send the rotation the opposite direction
Shart Shark - Everyone takes two cards this round (excluding the card holder)
F#ck the Lemons and Bail - Miss two turns
Cum Dumpster - everyone must discard 2 cards to the deck (randomly?)
Sh*tnado - must be played in concert with 'shitstorm'
Sh*tstorm - must be played in concert with 'shitnado'
*When both cards are played together all other players draw 1 card, look at it, then pass the drawn card and a card from their hand to the left
Goat T*ts - you must reveal your hand to all opponents
Dog F#cker - choose an opponent to take your turn
Sally Sl^tbag - take a card at random from each of your opponents hands
Kitty Kitty Bang Bang - block some of an attack, give half the attack score to someone other than the attacker
Anyways let me know what you think,
Adam Gapen 2015-01-22T17:50:13-05:00
@Rod Mitchell @BruceP @Tsveta Koleva given the success that this is having, I am sure these will be for sale after the kickstarter date ends. So my suggestion was adding just something 'extra' that wouldn't be available at a later time. I cannot read the future so I do not know where the NSFW deck stands (exclusive or not), but if it doesn't I would just love to see something extra.
Half the world owning NSFWNSFW mitigates exclusivity :)
Satoru 2015-01-22T17:52:20-05:00
Firstly as with all the backers I'm very excited about the product
But just like the lottery with success comes peril!
I hope the next update can aleviate some legitimate concerns
1) Do you anticipate any delays due to the increased volume?
The July timeframe was based on a fairly reasonable estimate of printing/shipping schedule based on a specific volume. No matter how much of a volume discount you get at this point, there's just the TIME of printing up that many cards. Even right now 70k packages of cards is an insane amount for a printing shop to handle. That's not getting 'better' as time goes on.
2) How are you handing shipping?
Maybe given your initial estimates you'd just get a few friends and bang it out on a weekend. I dont' think that's even reasonably possible now. Wnless you intend to hire kittens as indentured servants to package, stamp, ship the cards. How do you intend to handle the massive logistics of shipping the cards given the numbers at this point
Definitely keep to your original vision and keep the KS simple. Because the logistics of fufillment are likely already mind-boggling given the scale. Obviously it's a nice problem to have. But other projects have gotten massively derailed by fufillment problems, and stretch goals that wasted time and money.
@Tsveta Koleva half the world is by far a huge exaggeration, people will get this game come July, and others will see it. When seeing it, if they enjoy it they may buy it themselves. The only customers that this game will receive is surely not going to be ONLY here on kickstarter. So exclusivity does matter still, so it if the NSFW is exclusive, it does matter.
Rachel Tapp 2015-01-22T17:57:23-05:00
I'd like a sniper kitteh card that you can use to kick someone out of the game...
Daniel Chung 2015-01-22T17:58:57-05:00
I just pledged, when and how will I receive my shipment?
Dave Thomas 2015-01-22T18:00:07-05:00
Not sure if its just me, but as I want to play this with my kids, I didn't opt for the NSFW pack. So far the stretch goals help the pack I didn't opt for. Will there be anything extra for the backers of the "family" edition? I am very excited about this regardless, just was curious. Thanks!
Jeff 2015-01-22T18:00:10-05:00
Thanks for the Shadowrun Hong Kong shout out.
As a reward, I backed you crazy card playing drekheads's. (although I planned on it anyhow).
Congratulations on an awesomely crazy freken' successful Kickstarter. May the Farce be with you.
I think that a good difuse card would be putting an important document on the floor and watching as the kitty refuses to do anything else but sit on it. I use my cat currently sitting on my bills as reference
@Dave Thomas You could back at the NSFW level and get both copies of the the game, then put the NSFW version away until your kids are old enough to enjoy playing it.
@Daniel you'll receive your game either sometime around July of 2015 either in the mail or immediately by direct teleportation, if you have pledged at one of the secret backer levels. Don't tell anyone else about the secret backer levels- they are a secret
Honestly my guess is that the shipping for some of us will get delayed into August or possibly even September and I would be fine with that.
If this keeps going climbing up they will have well over 200k orders to process by the end of the campaign and that is going to be a crap ton of new orders to fulfil.
Nate Outland 2015-01-22T18:09:34-05:00
And hopefully this creator will address this fact and not hide from it like the creator of the coolest did. Fool was on national tv saying he could fulfill all the orders, which was idiotic, and now proving to be so.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-22T18:12:51-05:00
Yeah, most kickstarters end up being delayed for one reason or another. So I hope most people know/understand that.
Mark Kessell 2015-01-22T18:13:03-05:00
next stretch goal at 100k backers. achievable yes, but i also think that every million against should be a stretch goal. 25k more backers would almost be another 2 mil.
@Dave Thomas i haven no kids, but i do agree with this. the base game should receive the stretch goals first.
@joshua Durben thats not really that fair. yes, he can do that, but he's not getting nay benefit from the stretch goals if they are only for the NSFW deck. i'd have also preferred to see the first stretch goal for the base deck, then the next for the NSFW deck. because at least 1 stretch goal hits everyone.
Assuming an average of 1 new backer every 5 seconds, it will take about 35 hours to reach the current stretch goal and right now the counter is clicking up faster than once every 5 seconds :-)
Curtis M. Damon 2015-01-22T18:14:31-05:00
Couldn't Resist....backer I am.
Mark Kessell 2015-01-22T18:15:35-05:00
@joshua i think a stretch goal every million is still reasonable.
A Few people have said it, but I like the idea of drinking game rules as a SG, for naive 5 million?
I love the idea of a full deck of NSFW! If you put a NSFW logo on the face of those cards, we could seamlessly mix the two decks for more players and easily separate them afterwards. ;) I'm one of those living outside the USA, so I have to pay $15 for shipping one $35 set. Getting two full decks eases the sting a little. Now I'm hoping the cards are made from something that makes them durable to lots of handling and spilling of drinks, because only the people who own the cards are going to be concerned with being careful not to damage them during playing.
I know this is a bit of a silly thing, but can you make the boxes so that the cards fit in while sleeved? :)
And exactly how Nsfw might the cards be?
@Nate, that is what I want to know. Maybe some samples?
If I understand this correctly, a 35$ pledge will bring you the 7+ deck AND 56 NSFW deck? as in almost a hundred cards?
SLLLEEEEEEEEVVVVEEEEESSS! Stretch goal add-in! (and we definitely hit that sucker)
Here's a stretch goal idea: Something that includes the 5500 backers who pledged $110,000. All of the current goals leave us out in the cold.
1926 new backers in the last hour!
Well costum made sleeves might be a bit expansive still. But here's to hoping anyway. :)
this is when, since there isnt a money goal passed 2 mill, everyone drops their pledge to keep the money down until stretch goals come out and then closer to the end of the project you up your pledge amount to get what you want lol
Love the stretch goal. I plan to share this game at Geekgirl Con's game night, and being able to include more players would be kick ass!
@Sharon Clark That's a great idea but put a starkly different boarder color on the face so they will remain incognito when in hand and when drawing. That way you can seperate them easily!
Unless all the SGs are backer based and not $ based. I've never seen them based on backers though
@nate the reaper kickstarter had backer-based stretch goals so it's not unheard of
@nate that would definitly be a strange way of doing things but has been done before, though they did have a "SG" of sorts at 2mill so who knows
Been lurking for 2 days and just backed, simply for the stretch goal. Despite the bitching, it's looking successful. I'm not much of an independent thinker so:
* Drinking game rules, please. (If you don't make it into one, we will. And it will be horrible. Save us from ourselves.)
* Plastic durable tin and cards. (See above)
* Made by The Oatmeal. (Already done and some low hanging fruit, so I can think you guys listen to my suggestions)
You guys rock and I can't wait to see it!
Sleeves would not be necessary if the cards were plastic.
To all the people who are wanting "Free Stuff™" (stretch goals), perhaps you can make your own KS campaign with a game you designed and art you made?
The logistics for creating a game are not as easy as it sounds and with this much money, it can actually get more complicated. I applaud this campaign for keeping things simple.
To the creators of this campaign, keep up the hard work. Us backers appreciate the effort you are making. ^_^
just under $25k and this will pass zombicide season 3 and become the most backed game.
Plastic cards would be AMAZING!!!
considering they have 72k people buying $35 decks of cards its very do able
What many of the folks grumping about sg's don't seem to understand, is that they have already said the have no interest in over complicating this ks. They want to make the game and ship it out as fast as possible. Also, many games use sg's to show the value of the pledge, 72000 + backers have already seen the value and haven't required anything else to entice them. A handful of people whining doesn't prompt anyone to do anything, except ignore them. Just saying...
outside of gloom i've never heard of any games having plastic cards...why are so many people asking for this?
@Carl W. Amen. I have a project on another site. The logistics of any crowdsourcing are not easy. I think it's great how well they have done. Would I like more? Yes. But am I happy with what is here so far? Sure am.
supremacy had plastic cards
makes the game extra special
I'd be happy if they made them out of the same material CAH made theirs out of. its durable and spill resistant, all around pretty sturdy.
Printing Company: How can we help you?
Elan: Hi, I received a quote for 1000 decks of cards 2 months ago.
Printing Company: Oh yes, here is the quote.
Elan: I would like to increase the number of decks from 1000 to 100,000 by July 2015?
Printing Company: *phone clunks, sound of breaking glass*
Elan: That went well…..
plastic card woulb de awesome for heavy drinking night :P
I hope they consider upping the number of spots for the $500 level - I need a Spinning Wheel of Death card!
@Benjamin Chernik Actually, Bicycle makes a plastic playing card deck that feels almost like a paper one. Really high quality. TBH, I wish more games used plastic cards/pieces. :)
@Justin they are using the same company to print them. So I assume they will be.
"time to chime in with your favorite Oatmeal character votes."
Nope Godzilla
I can't even tell you how excited I am about this game - the concept and the illustrations so far have had me in stitches! Excuse the suggestion if it is inappropriate or has already been made/considered, but as you are so far ahead of the initial goal with no sign of slowdown yet, could a small proportion of the excess funds or any future profit be set aside as a donation to an animal charity which operates nationally in the country where the majority of backers reside (presumably the US)? It is only an idea and I will absolutely understand if it is not practical/possible/appropriate and it will not affect my decision to back or enthusiasm for the project. Keep it up, I can't wait to buy mine!
If the shipping to italy was cheaper i would have backed more :(
and with $35 i will have the NSFW :(
Awfully surprised that only 173 people have pledged $1 on this campaign
@Nate. I bet some of them are those that have the project reminder on. They may want to see what other goals they have before backing more, so they are helping to get it to this newest one.
Can't believe people are bitching about SGs. Yeah, so it's not as glittery as some of the other KS campaigns, but hey, it's not crap. First off the NSFW is an exclusive and due to the popularity of this game, likely to be partially collectible. Second, they've already stated they want fulfillment to be simplified. Why? Uh.. I dunno, because it's been two days and they already have to ship out 75,000 boxes. Third, they obviously don't need tons of trinkets and shirts and shit to drum up interest.
Plus, people keep thinking they're 'owed' due to the amount of money being dumped in. News flash, they don't have $3M extra dollars. Once we take out production, packaging, shipping, and fulfillment labor and costs most of this money is already gone. What are they doing with the rest then? Uh, launching a new product like KS is intended for!
@ Nate Outland - Most are like me. Want to fully pledge but are in Europe and worried about the shipping and import duty costs. I pledged a dollar so that I could add my support to my fellow Europeans who have raised concerns over this.
I've already said that I'm ready to back this for three Normal/NFSW packs if the project clarifies the issue.
@Ruth Hilton-Robinson that is a fantastic idea to put the extra funds to a animal charity of some type. I hope they do that as well.
We need to make Exploding Kittens the TV series, then the Movie, then the kittens action figures...
@Eric A. I, for one, do not feel like I am owed something. I backed at $35 only seeing the original set of cards. Anything else is just gravy. Sweet beautiful bacon and mantis shrimp gravy!!
@Eric B. That's funny and my thoughts too.
IN! looks awesome KS ^^ wetting myself at the intro movie
I'm with Eric Baumgarten on that. I backed because of how the same sounded and what the reward was, stretch goals are nice, the ideas that have been thrown out there for them to consider are nice, but the prize is the game itself for me.
@ Ruth
It's against Kickstarter rules to designate money raised for charity or change allocation of funds after launch. While kind of odd, it's meant to protect what kickstarter is, a method of launching new startups that would otherwise not find funding through traditional methods.
Also, Matt has some history with changing funds to give to charity and he got sued for it. It was complete BS, and it's a hilarious read, but I'm sure he'd rather avoid the headache if possible.
The folks over at AdMagic (the printer/manufacturer) must be popping champagne corks by now. Judging by their turnaround times for typical projects, I smell digital printing; but for a project this size, methinks there will be an honest-to-god printing press with bearing rollers and ink involved. Hope it all goes smoothly, and that the Creatives and Backers alike get a quality product, delivered in a timely fashion!
If you hit 4 million please make a spanish version of the deck so I can play with my family! :D
OMG...2.8M$$$$ Amazing!
It really would be nice to at least hear what quality card and box we are talking about here.
these dudes are greedy
I think all those (well meaning) folks that want these guys to kick in funds to an animal shelter, should just go and donate to their own local animal shelters instead. How do you think these guys are going to have "all this extra" money when this is done?
+1 We need to know the quality of the cards.
And we need drinking rules for sure.
I think it would be awesome if there was a kickstarter exclusive added in some way if the NSFW doesn't have some aspect of this already. I think it would be awesome to include something that says, "I helped this game become what it did today." Maybe that is just me though.
SG $4mill: a few extra blank cards should be included in each pack so that we can draw our own.
@Adam Gapen, the entire NSFW deck is KS exclusive!
The international shipping is too high as it is, and higher production volume will lower production costs... So how about a stretch goal to lower shipping costs? The volume is that high now that a localised distribution should be doable, with cards being sent out initially by the crate, then forwarded once they're in the right country.
Plastic cards would be nice, as would a good heavy duty box/tin (again the volume should make this doable at the same price point.
Blank cards could be useful for the creatively inclined.
@Adam Gapen,
The NSFW cards/deck is already a Kickstarter exclusive. :)
And yeah, what Rob said. lol
@Adam Would be good indeed. But the game itself comes first. Maybe there could be a mark on the box or an extra card or something. Not that important though. I want 'dem grenade chewers!
@BruceP, ;)
No word about shipping, hm... :/
You're blowing our butts off with all of your support.
Many of your questions about shipping and ordering have been added to the FAQ: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/elanlee/exploding-kittens#project-faqs
Drinking rules please :)
@LordCrash you must be psychic. Look at @Elan's comment.
In the top 20. Almost 2.9 Million. Congrats! This project might make the top 10 in 30 days.
@Elan, thats because you guys blew our butts off with Exploding Kittens!
$4 mil = Kitteh Grenades for all!
An Exclusive "KickStarter Backer" Game Box would be sweet though... with metal foil seal, like, limited collectorificationess
Or a plush kitten... But where are you all going to keep 100,000 plush semi suicidal kittens?!
Super Excited for you all and to get my kitten exploding ON!
It's not that unusual for KS games to have stretch goals based on number of backers. I've backed several that unlocked things for number of backers, fb followers, twitter followers, and the like.
I don't care about other stuff for sg. I want the game and I don't feel like I've been ripped off because I can't get a darn t-shirt or other stuff. I want cards with kittens on them that explode. I'm going to get that. It's all good.
Shipping outside the US sucks. I do it all the time. There's only so much that can be done. I suck it up when I have to pay to get things from Europe and TROTW. Like everywhere else, businesses in the US don't get to set shipping rates. Man, I wish we did! I'd sell more to other countries. :)
Which comment do you mean? Sorry, I didn't follow the whole discussion here, I just meant the update.
@Elan. Thanks for the updates and popping in with them on the comments section here. It is greatly appreciated!!
Oh, I see... :D
And a Hello to LordCrash. :)
Please think about using Amazon in Europe for shipping and fulfillment. Ask Stonemeier Games about it, they have profound experience on the topic.
Hi Bruce :)
Could you consider just setting up a production thingy in Europe somewhere? That'd be awesome.
Possibly completely unrelated to the campaign, but this is now the third project I can't star to remind me about. Anybody else having that issue?
Summon Jibbers Crabst card please! Allows player to take one card from all other players.
@Nate Outland,
I'm not sure why it works like this now, but I get the Remind Me star/link only after I scroll down past the main video. Then it shows up on the right-hand side. If I'm up at the top of the page, it's gone.
@Nate Outland No issues here.
So I may have misinterpreted what the team was looking for in terms of just artwork for the NSFW set.
Anyways, watched the video a few times and it's unclear what some of the cards do...however these are some of the ideas for both things the cards do and vulgar things that artwork could be made for.
Feel free to critique/add/change what I've come up with, just stuff off the top of my head (...yes really :/ ) that I thought might add to the fun, and maybe they already have cards that do some of these things but I don't know, I'm not part of the creative process...though I'd like to be :)
Old Maid Queef - Send the rotation the opposite direction
Shart Shark - Everyone takes two cards this round (excluding the card holder)
F#ck the Lemons and Bail - Miss two turns
Cum Dumpster - everyone must discard 2 cards to the deck (randomly?)
Sh*tnado - must be played in concert with 'shitstorm'
Sh*tstorm - must be played in concert with 'shitnado'
*When both cards are played together all other players draw 1 card, look at it, then pass the drawn card and a card from their hand to the left
Goat T*ts - you must reveal your hand to all opponents
Dog F#cker - choose an opponent to take your turn
Sally Sl^tbag - take a card at random from each of your opponents hands
Kitty Kitty Bang Bang - block some of an attack, give half the attack score to someone other than the attacker
Anyways let me know what you think,
@Rod Mitchell @BruceP @Tsveta Koleva given the success that this is having, I am sure these will be for sale after the kickstarter date ends. So my suggestion was adding just something 'extra' that wouldn't be available at a later time. I cannot read the future so I do not know where the NSFW deck stands (exclusive or not), but if it doesn't I would just love to see something extra.
I cannot wait to play this game!!!
Half the world owning NSFWNSFW mitigates exclusivity :)
Firstly as with all the backers I'm very excited about the product
But just like the lottery with success comes peril!
I hope the next update can aleviate some legitimate concerns
1) Do you anticipate any delays due to the increased volume?
The July timeframe was based on a fairly reasonable estimate of printing/shipping schedule based on a specific volume. No matter how much of a volume discount you get at this point, there's just the TIME of printing up that many cards. Even right now 70k packages of cards is an insane amount for a printing shop to handle. That's not getting 'better' as time goes on.
2) How are you handing shipping?
Maybe given your initial estimates you'd just get a few friends and bang it out on a weekend. I dont' think that's even reasonably possible now. Wnless you intend to hire kittens as indentured servants to package, stamp, ship the cards. How do you intend to handle the massive logistics of shipping the cards given the numbers at this point
Definitely keep to your original vision and keep the KS simple. Because the logistics of fufillment are likely already mind-boggling given the scale. Obviously it's a nice problem to have. But other projects have gotten massively derailed by fufillment problems, and stretch goals that wasted time and money.
In any case looking forward to the game.
Damn you autocorrect.
@Tsveta Koleva half the world is by far a huge exaggeration, people will get this game come July, and others will see it. When seeing it, if they enjoy it they may buy it themselves. The only customers that this game will receive is surely not going to be ONLY here on kickstarter. So exclusivity does matter still, so it if the NSFW is exclusive, it does matter.
I'd like a sniper kitteh card that you can use to kick someone out of the game...
I just pledged, when and how will I receive my shipment?
Not sure if its just me, but as I want to play this with my kids, I didn't opt for the NSFW pack. So far the stretch goals help the pack I didn't opt for. Will there be anything extra for the backers of the "family" edition? I am very excited about this regardless, just was curious. Thanks!
Thanks for the Shadowrun Hong Kong shout out.
As a reward, I backed you crazy card playing drekheads's. (although I planned on it anyhow).
Congratulations on an awesomely crazy freken' successful Kickstarter. May the Farce be with you.
I think that a good difuse card would be putting an important document on the floor and watching as the kitty refuses to do anything else but sit on it. I use my cat currently sitting on my bills as reference
@Dave Thomas You could back at the NSFW level and get both copies of the the game, then put the NSFW version away until your kids are old enough to enjoy playing it.
@Daniel you'll receive your game either sometime around July of 2015 either in the mail or immediately by direct teleportation, if you have pledged at one of the secret backer levels. Don't tell anyone else about the secret backer levels- they are a secret
Honestly my guess is that the shipping for some of us will get delayed into August or possibly even September and I would be fine with that.
If this keeps going climbing up they will have well over 200k orders to process by the end of the campaign and that is going to be a crap ton of new orders to fulfil.
And hopefully this creator will address this fact and not hide from it like the creator of the coolest did. Fool was on national tv saying he could fulfill all the orders, which was idiotic, and now proving to be so.
Yeah, most kickstarters end up being delayed for one reason or another. So I hope most people know/understand that.
next stretch goal at 100k backers. achievable yes, but i also think that every million against should be a stretch goal. 25k more backers would almost be another 2 mil.
@Dave Thomas i haven no kids, but i do agree with this. the base game should receive the stretch goals first.
@joshua Durben thats not really that fair. yes, he can do that, but he's not getting nay benefit from the stretch goals if they are only for the NSFW deck. i'd have also preferred to see the first stretch goal for the base deck, then the next for the NSFW deck. because at least 1 stretch goal hits everyone.
Assuming an average of 1 new backer every 5 seconds, it will take about 35 hours to reach the current stretch goal and right now the counter is clicking up faster than once every 5 seconds :-)
Couldn't Resist....backer I am.
@joshua i think a stretch goal every million is still reasonable.