I agree that they should also have a stretch goal tied to the pledge amount, not just the backer level but I will gladly take what I can get.
Jessica Ye 2015-01-22T18:17:25-05:00
There should be a female angler fish card that can do something and a male angler fish card that can't actually do anything unless you play the female angler fish card. Then if you have Both, you can draw a card. But the female angler fish can do something by herself because female angler fish are freaking awesome
I've been a backer for other projects as well. Most recently a show called CHUG by Zane Lamprey, fully funded. Now on NGEO channel. This game fits my style...
Corey Heady 2015-01-22T18:20:59-05:00
When is the sidescroller going to be announced?
edward b 2015-01-22T18:21:52-05:00
28 days later...
And the kittens have taken over society...we are doomed
@Jessica hmm a little sexist are we with male anglerfish not being able to do anything without the female fish ?
Jed Empleo 2015-01-22T18:23:10-05:00
Stephen 2015-01-22T18:23:17-05:00
Almost $3million, we can do it!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-22T18:23:48-05:00
If you don't want to play the NSFW version, pledge $35 anyway. Put that deck away 2-3 months after everyone starts getting their cards and then eBay it. Might even get the full $35 out of it alone.
@Alethe Denis: soooo glad I'm not the only one who thinks there needs to be a plush with this. :-D
Brian Garlick 2015-01-22T18:25:59-05:00
They should start a twitter hashtag, I say #starterbeasts or #beaststarters and we could all start pushing it that way.
Zack "KitKat" Rice 2015-01-22T18:26:37-05:00
a bowl of oatmeal card, that has multiple uses that you choose from. its omnipotent, or you could throw it away and make everyone draw a card or something.
Ruth 2015-01-22T18:28:00-05:00
Teeny bit confused, When I pledged money for the NSFW deck I did it under the impression that I was getting two full games, one kid friendly, one not - "One copy of the Exploding Kittens deck PLUS one copy of the NSFW deck." But now the stretch goal is to make the NSFW expansion into a deck? I really hope this happens as I paid my money for two versions of the deck, not one and an expansion...
edward b 2015-01-22T18:28:16-05:00
psst.... @brian garlick.... #gameofkittens is the official tag
I actually found a #explodingkittens one as well. Still, I always want to be an oatmeal beast, so I'm going to try to get the #beaststarters up and going.
SeventhMold 2015-01-22T18:33:02-05:00
Card suggestion:
Using some of the monster baby pictures as previously drawn by The Oatmeal.
Ruth 2015-01-22T18:33:39-05:00
Thanks Josh, I shall not worry then! :) Maybe it is clear in the FAQs, but it isn't clear in the description in my opinion, but each to their own.
Satoru 2015-01-22T18:35:34-05:00
@Ruth the FAQ was fairly clear that the NSFW deck was an expansion and not a full fledged deck you could play with. The original text in the FAQ said it was 20 cards, which was expanded to 40, and now a full 56 deck
I wonder if we can order additional NSFW versions of the game without having to get additional copies of the kid safe version as well. If so then I might get like an extra 10 of the NSFW decks and hold onto them for a year or two as an investment.
Matt Massie 2015-01-22T18:40:10-05:00
Matthew needs to work Tesla in some how maybe static cats :)
@Matt hmm maybe static cats near a barrel of gasoline :-)
Kristen Piersa 2015-01-22T18:43:01-05:00
I like the idea of a bonus NSFW set. So for a stretch goal, why not a bonus set, but a clean and kid friendly set?
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-22T18:43:15-05:00
269 projects backed?! And here I thought I had backed a lot... ;)
Krissy Olson 2015-01-22T18:44:55-05:00
I wonder if there are dog cards?
Kristen Piersa 2015-01-22T18:45:54-05:00
I was thinking of adding dog cards too. But IDK how if that fits the game. It'd be like the revenge of the dogs tho. Like they try to get the kitty in trouble and blow itself up somehow. IDK. Or just set down traps or something.
Jonathan Gingell 2015-01-22T18:46:48-05:00
i know you will have hundreds of blerch suggestions, but don't forget the wall. and magical grape drink. and flying rainbow unicorns.
Marianne Arnesen 2015-01-22T18:47:52-05:00
Card suggestion: CRAZY CAT LADY - a must have defuser card in the NSFW deck
She grabs the cat and cuddles it into temporary submission and the previous player in the round, or the crazy cat lady player, can either be partly eaten before exploding or miraculously survive depending on the card put down by the next card player up in that round.
Probably a load of people have suggested something related to crazy cat lady's all over the world, but with the update speed on accessing older comments (like molasses) I found that I could not bear it if I was in remiss for not making sure that it was suggested +1 times at least. And now starting to wonder which layer of crazy you guys are on right now after this kickstarter explosion :)
PS! Can wait a long time - as long as it is for something good.
Mark Kessell 2015-01-22T18:49:26-05:00
@marianne the crazy cat lady card is one that starts a chain reaction, play it with an exploding kitten card to explode the next person to play a card. which can be countered by the normal means, thus saving you both.
SeventhMold 2015-01-22T18:49:56-05:00
@Jon Gingell, you reminded me that the Japanese hornet and the hug of death deserve a card.
Matt Schult 2015-01-22T18:51:07-05:00
How about a sneak peak/peek card
Marianne Arnesen 2015-01-22T18:51:14-05:00
@Mark - sounds like a worthy crazy cat lady card :)
Richard Goodwin 2015-01-22T18:54:50-05:00
For SG's, I vote for an SFW expansion, then if surpassed an NSFW expansion. Failing that, doubling the copies ordered, as has happened on many card games I've backed. Love watching those counters fly! :)
Corey Croot 2015-01-22T18:58:25-05:00
BOBCATS! My fiance wants to make sure The Bobcats are included! They make her happy!
Jeff 2015-01-22T19:00:05-05:00
Question: Why was it not called "Asplode Kitteh"?
K. L. 2015-01-22T19:00:09-05:00
$230k in about four and a half hours (since 11am). Not bad?
Dawn_ 2015-01-22T19:00:26-05:00
Hey Bruce! You know there is worst than me..i found one with 400+ projects backed and another with over 700..But, hey i am not all bad i guess :p
@dawn I saw that you backed Chaos Reborn. We shall have to play a game sometime :-)
James K 2015-01-22T19:05:04-05:00
An expansion set of optional "drinking game" cards would be great. Replace some of the exploding kitties with shots and whatnot...
Holly Troeger 2015-01-22T19:06:06-05:00
If you have an angler fish card along with the Abracrab Lincoln card my marine biologist daughter will explode along with all those kittens.
Dawn_ 2015-01-22T19:06:16-05:00
Sure Joshua ;). Well, i got the same ID on steam, if you're looking into me (i got a gintama pic, there is several Dawn, but i am Dawn²). But, first i need to learn how to play it! Because until now, i didn't even try the game once (too much game :p).
how is it that we have over 75k backers and yet there are only 1,854 comments as of this post.
Nicole Chaperon 2015-01-22T19:09:24-05:00
I vote for Jibbers Crabst as a defuse card ;)
ANDRES P. S. 2015-01-22T19:09:37-05:00
@Elan Lee.. What about SG spanish edición?
ANDRES P. S. 2015-01-22T19:10:18-05:00
I mean...edition
Elan Lee 2015-01-22T19:10:35-05:00
We're working to negotiate for better shipping costs for all our demented, pyromaniac friends around the world. Also: So many excellent card suggestions! We're compiling your answers for the NSFW expansion.
Coming up on $3 million. Our nipples are so tickled! You guys are the best.
@Elan can we please get a stretch goal for the SFW version at the 3,000,000 pledged mark ???
Dawn_ 2015-01-22T19:13:47-05:00
If you're looking into ideas for cards. Personally, my cat was often sleeping over the microwave. he stopped when i bought him a really warm cover/couch. I guess, you could make a card when the cat die into the microwave and a defuse one when he's sleeping next to a fireplace.
Kolja Kirsch 2015-01-22T19:14:02-05:00
Hey, this looks like the perfect party game....
the problem is: 15$ for international shipping increases the price by 40-75 percent plus import taxes which I have to pay for things that cost more than 25€ or so.
maybe you could offer a pdf version that we can print ourselves or something.
i would really like to play this game but ~52€ for a card game is kinda expensive...
even boardgames like catan, monopoly, ticket to ride are cheaper than 30€ sure those are big companies but I imagine the production cost to be much higher.
Robert Miller 2015-01-22T19:16:50-05:00
So only my 3rd backed project, if I wanted to get another deck for more people to play, do i just go back in and double my pledge?
Katherine Mui 2015-01-22T19:17:18-05:00
Please add more signed copies
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-22T19:18:05-05:00
@Robert Miller,
Yep. :)
K. L. 2015-01-22T19:18:18-05:00
@Robert Miller - exactly, just double the pledge amount
Jun 2015-01-22T19:18:48-05:00
Well backed $1 because.
ANDRES P. S. 2015-01-22T19:19:30-05:00
3M SG... Better shipping cost
ANDRES P. S. 2015-01-22T19:21:05-05:00
Make it EU friendly!!!
K. L. 2015-01-22T19:21:07-05:00
3m SG: underpants
Sam Covell 2015-01-22T19:21:29-05:00
I think you're going to have to get a bigger boat....
Michael firmstone 2015-01-22T19:21:57-05:00
How will it ship to me when available? I never put in an address
Ok I'm not trying to be annoying here but I will beg. My oldest and loviest and most pain in my ass cat just tried to kill my current knitting wip. (Work in progress) so I would truly love to live a little vicariously through this game with some manner of knitting related explosion.
Be it radioactive yarn bomb, or exploding knitting needles a la James Bond, or even a killer crochet hook would suffice. Please? Hahahahahahahaha
Catherine Keene 2015-01-22T19:22:34-05:00
Card suggestions: 1) Poop bombs... You're gonna need a hazmat suit to take out *that* litter, boy. 2) The cat fortress. 3) Call out another player by "Versing" that player... wait, you can't verse someone. Loose your next turn! And he looses his next turn, too. Maybe everyone should loose their next turn. NO VERSING.
K. L. 2015-01-22T19:22:54-05:00
@Michael firmstone, once pledging ends you send them the info they need I think.
given the rather high volume of international backers that we will have on this project I bet they could easily pay Amazon UK to handle the order fulfilment for all of europe, which would significantly reduce their costs.
Heck they might even be able to get a company in the UK to print up the cards so that they don't have to pay for Freight shipping from USA to the UK
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-22T19:23:07-05:00
I'm happy for my worldwide friends. "Creator Elan Lee 10 minutes ago
We're working to negotiate for better shipping costs for all our demented, pyromaniac friends around the world"
Would be nice if we could upvote comments. Then creator comments and popular card suggestions would be easier to find.
Justin 2015-01-22T19:25:39-05:00
@Catherine Keene loosing a turn is good, it keeps you in the game longer. a bad thing would be making them draw more cards
Michael firmstone 2015-01-22T19:28:31-05:00
Ok thanks KL
Colin Sullivan 2015-01-22T19:29:06-05:00
This KS falls into the "What? You mean The Oatmeal didn't already have a card game Kickstarter?," so it's kinda a no-brainer that almost justifies the silly sticker price. I like the "keep it simple" philosphy with only 4 pledge tiers, but really, at this level of production, I think they could easily add pledge tiers that discount the price for multiple decks. (Instead of "additional shipping costs may apply.") You'll probably want more of these Xmas gifts once you get them late summer ("July delivery" in Kickstarter translates as "Sometime between 7/31 and 9/30 if it's just playing cards.") New pledge tiers for 2, 3, 5 decks for base set and base/NSFW sets would be awesome if it made the 56-card decks less than $20(!) each.
Also, it would be great to see what kind of a casual-play game we've got. Maybe the rules or print-n-play pdf available for backers? That way we know if this is a giftable game in terms of ease of play, etc. etc.
tl;dr - Consider new pledge tiers for discounted multiple decks; publish the rules in advance for backers.
@Kendall omg that cartoon was my daughter this week with some nasty virus and then the second baby was essentially my husband with the same problem. I have dubbed this week "poopmageddaon" lmfao
@Colin I like your idea. they could add a new Delayed Shipping tier and anyone that moves their pledge to that tier would get a $1 or $2 discount per deck ordered with the understanding that their orders would not ship until October or November.
The advantage of this for the game developers is that it would make it easier for them to maintain the July shipping date for those that want the game as soon as humanly possible.
The way I see this it would be a Win/Win for everyone involved.
@Andres that would be nice but I doubt it would happen.
They will look into a EU friendly shipping option though and most likely what that will be that they send all of the decks as one large freight to a fulfilment center that would then unpack the freight and mail out the individual orders to all of the EU backers.
ANDRES P. S. 2015-01-22T19:44:34-05:00
@Joshua thank you
Colin Sullivan 2015-01-22T19:46:27-05:00
8M SG.. Mandarin language edition
9M SG.. North Korea-friendly (just remove the "Kat Jong Un" card from the NSFW edition)
10M SG.. Khoisan (African-click) language edition
11M SG.. Free Space Station delivery
12M SG.. Drinking game cards w/ shot of Exploded Kitten Vodka (with real kitten bits)
Well thats good news because I dont want to be stuck in traffic when it passes 3 million
ANDRES P. S. 2015-01-22T19:54:43-05:00
@Colin... Some games make SG another language edition... Why not this one who have 75000 bakers?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-22T19:55:00-05:00
2-3 hours? Maybe one, maybe. Just watched it for 1 min and it went up over $500.
Colin Sullivan 2015-01-22T19:57:14-05:00
@Andre - Yes, many KS projects that get a lot of EU backers have exactly the stretch goals you proposed. I'm just yanking your chain. (trans. = Sólo estoy tirando de su cadena. (?))
ANDRES P. S. 2015-01-22T20:07:04-05:00
@Colin - Ok...
Agreave 2015-01-22T20:07:19-05:00
Wow nearly 3m, go kittens go! Biggest ever KS.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-22T20:07:42-05:00
I am guessing that there will not be a stretch goal towards the reduction of international shipping. That is something the company needs to work out between themselves and distributors, and Elan has stated they are currently working on that. Stretch goals should be added to existing product by either increasing amount of product or increasing quality of the product.
LordCrash - OD | OOoE | WoOS 2015-01-22T20:09:00-05:00
I think different languages (Spanish, French, German) would be really good stretch goals. And of course EU friendly shipping.
welcome curtis :-) better late than never i say.
I could see a "Badly Loaded Dishwasher" card XD or "Grammatically Poor Cat". What about "Man-Bat"? O.o ew.
I agree that they should also have a stretch goal tied to the pledge amount, not just the backer level but I will gladly take what I can get.
There should be a female angler fish card that can do something and a male angler fish card that can't actually do anything unless you play the female angler fish card. Then if you have Both, you can draw a card. But the female angler fish can do something by herself because female angler fish are freaking awesome
Almost up to 3 mil. God.
You sir, Are. A. God.
I've been a backer for other projects as well. Most recently a show called CHUG by Zane Lamprey, fully funded. Now on NGEO channel. This game fits my style...
When is the sidescroller going to be announced?
28 days later...
And the kittens have taken over society...we are doomed
Jibbers be praised!
@Jessica hmm a little sexist are we with male anglerfish not being able to do anything without the female fish ?
Almost $3million, we can do it!
If you don't want to play the NSFW version, pledge $35 anyway. Put that deck away 2-3 months after everyone starts getting their cards and then eBay it. Might even get the full $35 out of it alone.
@Alethe Denis: soooo glad I'm not the only one who thinks there needs to be a plush with this. :-D
They should start a twitter hashtag, I say #starterbeasts or #beaststarters and we could all start pushing it that way.
a bowl of oatmeal card, that has multiple uses that you choose from. its omnipotent, or you could throw it away and make everyone draw a card or something.
Teeny bit confused, When I pledged money for the NSFW deck I did it under the impression that I was getting two full games, one kid friendly, one not - "One copy of the Exploding Kittens deck PLUS one copy of the NSFW deck." But now the stretch goal is to make the NSFW expansion into a deck? I really hope this happens as I paid my money for two versions of the deck, not one and an expansion...
psst.... @brian garlick.... #gameofkittens is the official tag
Amazing watching the backer count in real time, it's like 1 backer every 1-2 seconds.
I want my cat holding grenade plushie :-)
edward great idea for the # hashtag :-)
@ruth you should have paid attention to the FAQ and whatnot...
I wouldnt worry... this is gonna hit 100k backers
@Ruth I wouldnt worry about it at the rate were going its projected to reach 100,000 backers by Saturday night or some time Sunday morning.
It IS pretty clear the NSFW cards are an expansion, especially if you read the FAQ. But don't worry, we'll hit 100k backers easy.
@Joshua Durben I didnt come up with it... the creators did! https://twitter.com/gameofkittens
I actually found a #explodingkittens one as well. Still, I always want to be an oatmeal beast, so I'm going to try to get the #beaststarters up and going.
Card suggestion:
Using some of the monster baby pictures as previously drawn by The Oatmeal.
Thanks Josh, I shall not worry then! :) Maybe it is clear in the FAQs, but it isn't clear in the description in my opinion, but each to their own.
@Ruth the FAQ was fairly clear that the NSFW deck was an expansion and not a full fledged deck you could play with. The original text in the FAQ said it was 20 cards, which was expanded to 40, and now a full 56 deck
I wonder if we can order additional NSFW versions of the game without having to get additional copies of the kid safe version as well. If so then I might get like an extra 10 of the NSFW decks and hold onto them for a year or two as an investment.
Matthew needs to work Tesla in some how maybe static cats :)
If every backer went and told two of their friends about this and got them to back it we would more than double the goal of 100k backers :-)
My cat is scared that i backed your game. He runned away ;(
@Matt hmm maybe static cats near a barrel of gasoline :-)
I like the idea of a bonus NSFW set. So for a stretch goal, why not a bonus set, but a clean and kid friendly set?
269 projects backed?! And here I thought I had backed a lot... ;)
I wonder if there are dog cards?
I was thinking of adding dog cards too. But IDK how if that fits the game. It'd be like the revenge of the dogs tho. Like they try to get the kitty in trouble and blow itself up somehow. IDK. Or just set down traps or something.
i know you will have hundreds of blerch suggestions, but don't forget the wall. and magical grape drink. and flying rainbow unicorns.
Card suggestion: CRAZY CAT LADY - a must have defuser card in the NSFW deck
She grabs the cat and cuddles it into temporary submission and the previous player in the round, or the crazy cat lady player, can either be partly eaten before exploding or miraculously survive depending on the card put down by the next card player up in that round.
Probably a load of people have suggested something related to crazy cat lady's all over the world, but with the update speed on accessing older comments (like molasses) I found that I could not bear it if I was in remiss for not making sure that it was suggested +1 times at least. And now starting to wonder which layer of crazy you guys are on right now after this kickstarter explosion :)
PS! Can wait a long time - as long as it is for something good.
@marianne the crazy cat lady card is one that starts a chain reaction, play it with an exploding kitten card to explode the next person to play a card. which can be countered by the normal means, thus saving you both.
@Jon Gingell, you reminded me that the Japanese hornet and the hug of death deserve a card.
How about a sneak peak/peek card
@Mark - sounds like a worthy crazy cat lady card :)
For SG's, I vote for an SFW expansion, then if surpassed an NSFW expansion. Failing that, doubling the copies ordered, as has happened on many card games I've backed. Love watching those counters fly! :)
BOBCATS! My fiance wants to make sure The Bobcats are included! They make her happy!
Question: Why was it not called "Asplode Kitteh"?
$230k in about four and a half hours (since 11am). Not bad?
Hey Bruce! You know there is worst than me..i found one with 400+ projects backed and another with over 700..But, hey i am not all bad i guess :p
@dawn I saw that you backed Chaos Reborn. We shall have to play a game sometime :-)
An expansion set of optional "drinking game" cards would be great. Replace some of the exploding kitties with shots and whatnot...
If you have an angler fish card along with the Abracrab Lincoln card my marine biologist daughter will explode along with all those kittens.
Sure Joshua ;). Well, i got the same ID on steam, if you're looking into me (i got a gintama pic, there is several Dawn, but i am Dawn²). But, first i need to learn how to play it! Because until now, i didn't even try the game once (too much game :p).
how is it that we have over 75k backers and yet there are only 1,854 comments as of this post.
I vote for Jibbers Crabst as a defuse card ;)
@Elan Lee.. What about SG spanish edición?
I mean...edition
We're working to negotiate for better shipping costs for all our demented, pyromaniac friends around the world. Also: So many excellent card suggestions! We're compiling your answers for the NSFW expansion.
Coming up on $3 million. Our nipples are so tickled! You guys are the best.
@Elan can we please get a stretch goal for the SFW version at the 3,000,000 pledged mark ???
If you're looking into ideas for cards. Personally, my cat was often sleeping over the microwave. he stopped when i bought him a really warm cover/couch. I guess, you could make a card when the cat die into the microwave and a defuse one when he's sleeping next to a fireplace.
Hey, this looks like the perfect party game....
the problem is: 15$ for international shipping increases the price by 40-75 percent plus import taxes which I have to pay for things that cost more than 25€ or so.
maybe you could offer a pdf version that we can print ourselves or something.
i would really like to play this game but ~52€ for a card game is kinda expensive...
even boardgames like catan, monopoly, ticket to ride are cheaper than 30€ sure those are big companies but I imagine the production cost to be much higher.
So only my 3rd backed project, if I wanted to get another deck for more people to play, do i just go back in and double my pledge?
Please add more signed copies
@Robert Miller,
Yep. :)
@Robert Miller - exactly, just double the pledge amount
Well backed $1 because.
3M SG... Better shipping cost
Make it EU friendly!!!
3m SG: underpants
I think you're going to have to get a bigger boat....
How will it ship to me when available? I never put in an address
Ok I'm not trying to be annoying here but I will beg. My oldest and loviest and most pain in my ass cat just tried to kill my current knitting wip. (Work in progress) so I would truly love to live a little vicariously through this game with some manner of knitting related explosion.
Be it radioactive yarn bomb, or exploding knitting needles a la James Bond, or even a killer crochet hook would suffice. Please? Hahahahahahahaha
Card suggestions: 1) Poop bombs... You're gonna need a hazmat suit to take out *that* litter, boy. 2) The cat fortress. 3) Call out another player by "Versing" that player... wait, you can't verse someone. Loose your next turn! And he looses his next turn, too. Maybe everyone should loose their next turn. NO VERSING.
@Michael firmstone, once pledging ends you send them the info they need I think.
given the rather high volume of international backers that we will have on this project I bet they could easily pay Amazon UK to handle the order fulfilment for all of europe, which would significantly reduce their costs.
Heck they might even be able to get a company in the UK to print up the cards so that they don't have to pay for Freight shipping from USA to the UK
I'm happy for my worldwide friends. "Creator Elan Lee 10 minutes ago
We're working to negotiate for better shipping costs for all our demented, pyromaniac friends around the world"
Would be nice if we could upvote comments. Then creator comments and popular card suggestions would be easier to find.
@Catherine Keene loosing a turn is good, it keeps you in the game longer. a bad thing would be making them draw more cards
Ok thanks KL
This KS falls into the "What? You mean The Oatmeal didn't already have a card game Kickstarter?," so it's kinda a no-brainer that almost justifies the silly sticker price. I like the "keep it simple" philosphy with only 4 pledge tiers, but really, at this level of production, I think they could easily add pledge tiers that discount the price for multiple decks. (Instead of "additional shipping costs may apply.") You'll probably want more of these Xmas gifts once you get them late summer ("July delivery" in Kickstarter translates as "Sometime between 7/31 and 9/30 if it's just playing cards.") New pledge tiers for 2, 3, 5 decks for base set and base/NSFW sets would be awesome if it made the 56-card decks less than $20(!) each.
Also, it would be great to see what kind of a casual-play game we've got. Maybe the rules or print-n-play pdf available for backers? That way we know if this is a giftable game in terms of ease of play, etc. etc.
tl;dr - Consider new pledge tiers for discounted multiple decks; publish the rules in advance for backers.
@Kendall omg that cartoon was my daughter this week with some nasty virus and then the second baby was essentially my husband with the same problem. I have dubbed this week "poopmageddaon" lmfao
@Colin I like your idea. they could add a new Delayed Shipping tier and anyone that moves their pledge to that tier would get a $1 or $2 discount per deck ordered with the understanding that their orders would not ship until October or November.
The advantage of this for the game developers is that it would make it easier for them to maintain the July shipping date for those that want the game as soon as humanly possible.
The way I see this it would be a Win/Win for everyone involved.
3M SG.. 10$ shipping
4M SG.. 5$ shipping
5M SG.. Free shipping
6M SG.. EU friendly
7M SG.. Spanish edition
@Andres that would be nice but I doubt it would happen.
They will look into a EU friendly shipping option though and most likely what that will be that they send all of the decks as one large freight to a fulfilment center that would then unpack the freight and mail out the individual orders to all of the EU backers.
@Joshua thank you
8M SG.. Mandarin language edition
9M SG.. North Korea-friendly (just remove the "Kat Jong Un" card from the NSFW edition)
10M SG.. Khoisan (African-click) language edition
11M SG.. Free Space Station delivery
12M SG.. Drinking game cards w/ shot of Exploded Kitten Vodka (with real kitten bits)
@Colin... ¿...?
@Colin lol at the 12m SG
14M free entry into the kitten cult w/ prepaid kool-aide!
Closing in on $3M. I give it 2-3 hours to hit it as it seems to be slowing a bit.
Well thats good news because I dont want to be stuck in traffic when it passes 3 million
@Colin... Some games make SG another language edition... Why not this one who have 75000 bakers?
2-3 hours? Maybe one, maybe. Just watched it for 1 min and it went up over $500.
@Andre - Yes, many KS projects that get a lot of EU backers have exactly the stretch goals you proposed. I'm just yanking your chain. (trans. = Sólo estoy tirando de su cadena. (?))
@Colin - Ok...
Wow nearly 3m, go kittens go! Biggest ever KS.
I am guessing that there will not be a stretch goal towards the reduction of international shipping. That is something the company needs to work out between themselves and distributors, and Elan has stated they are currently working on that. Stretch goals should be added to existing product by either increasing amount of product or increasing quality of the product.
I think different languages (Spanish, French, German) would be really good stretch goals. And of course EU friendly shipping.
3 M-I-L-L-I-O-N.
In 2 days.