I think the sheer numbers they are dealing with as of the second day might delay things slightly...and it keeps on going.
John Foster 2015-01-26T14:23:35-05:00
$17m is the projection from Kicktraq.
Stuff like this is notoriously hard to predict, but some were getting giddy about the prospect of hitting $17m.
Just trying to add a touch of sanity to the madness :-)
Andrey Dravinski 2015-01-26T14:24:03-05:00
100k backers! Woot! Now lets crack that 4mill raised one for a double whammy!
Scott Viverito 2015-01-26T14:24:34-05:00
Will be 3rd in games (8th overall) in about another 62 k
next step would be 2nd in games (7th overall) about 200k after that.
So I'd say should be 2nd in Games in about 3-4 days ;^D
Cyril Marques 2015-01-26T14:25:37-05:00
the biggest projects on kickstarter raised 50% of their total funding over the first 20% of funding period. So my "educated" guess would be $8M.
($4M after 6 days which is 20% of 30 days)
Pha3drus 2015-01-26T14:26:55-05:00
Wow, a lengthy blog about the accuracy about projection on kicktraq. http://blog.kicktraq.com/the-state-of-projections/ Looks like it really depends on a number of factors... but yes, 17 million is probably too high an estimate. More likely to be between 6 million and 10 million. Depending on stretch goals and 3rd party mentions that direct traffic to the project.... :-)
Pha3drus 2015-01-26T14:28:08-05:00
I wonder if they are waiting for us to break 4 million before posting an update??
Charlie N. 2015-01-26T14:30:23-05:00
@Creator CONGRATS!!! Let's see some good stretch goals that will give back to us backers who help make history :)
@Tsveta: If I can't convince them to do a dance, I definitely want them to at least do something silly.
Adeene 2015-01-26T14:36:01-05:00
Yay! We make the 100k backers stretch goal (and also made it to $4mil!).
Kat 2015-01-26T14:36:24-05:00
Just so happy for Matthew Elan and Shane. What a great success story - thrilled for you!!! Can't wait to get my decks! And I dont care about stretch gifts and things, just happy to be part of this awesome event!
Patrick Thurston 2015-01-26T14:37:05-05:00
Forget Pc Master race i think we just made a new Master Race the Cardgame Masterrace real life graphics and amazing frams per second!
I also love how people seem to not take into consideration that The Oatmeal (provider of the fantastic imagery we are all laughing over) already has a store-front with t-shirt options.. So for all of you whining about DONT DELAY ME GETTING MY HANDS ON THESE, take a pill. Those of us who want t-shirts (and I know you all do too, you just won't admit it) there are many work arounds to adding a t-shirt without delaying game fulfillment. Now if you all want your cake and eat it too by getting the t-shirt at the same time as the card game then that's where your thinking has mislead you. Get it sent separately. Get it as a discount code from their shop and kick in a few more dollars for them to ship it.
Will 2015-01-26T14:48:07-05:00
Woo hoo
Jonny 2015-01-26T14:49:49-05:00
Thanks for the update guys. You rock!!
JusticeBolt 2015-01-26T14:50:23-05:00
Wait.. The NSFW with deck only include new arts for the cards but the deck is the same as the base game?
@Justic... I'm sure their will be new cards... but I also won't be surprised if there is some overlap with just new art. I'm still quite happy with it though!
(not to mention a lot of the cards are the same with just different art... I assume most/all defuse and explode cards are the same minus the art afterall)
Julia Gosztyla Ziobro 2015-01-26T14:53:16-05:00
Oh, also, PLEASE USPCC printing! I love the Ad Magic folks, but I doubt that they are up to these quantities, and I know their quality is not as good as Bicycle playing cards. Thanks
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-26T14:54:24-05:00
@Elan hope its good cake that you get today. :)
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-26T14:55:49-05:00
Woohoo, update!
Robert Pendell 2015-01-26T14:57:11-05:00
Happy Birthday, Elan!
@JusticeBolt they indicated they made it a standalone deck instead of an expansion so there will be some overlap. The overlapping cards will likely have a NSFW art theme though.
So in this last update they mention only one other campaign has had more backers. I checked and that campaign happens to be the Reading Rainbow one by LeVar Burton. He hit the current record at 105,857. I'd, personally, be very interested to see if we could exceed that record. :)
Katy Marie Ellenich 2015-01-26T14:57:23-05:00
Happy Birthday Elan! Have another excellent trip around the sun!
Tyson Myhres 2015-01-26T14:58:12-05:00
Drinking game rules if we exceed the record of 105,857!!!!!!
Nate Outland 2015-01-26T14:58:40-05:00
Drinking game rules would be a blast!
Steve Lindauer 2015-01-26T14:58:47-05:00
Happy Birthday Elan! 100K backers on your birthday! Wow, just wow.
Simon Phipps 2015-01-26T15:00:48-05:00
Congrats, everyone! Now, for the next stretch, please can you cater for those of us with no use for NSFW cards? Thanks!
Jay Lathrop 2015-01-26T15:00:55-05:00
Happy Birthday Elan! Looking forward to the game.
Steve Chicken-Whiskers Weinberger 2015-01-26T15:01:40-05:00
Next stretch goal should increase decks to 60 cards a piece, more cards = more fun!
Fred Robel 2015-01-26T15:02:34-05:00
I love this project, and can't wait to play the game! I have a (dumb) question though: I wanted to get two of the regular decks, and one of the NSFW decks, but I can only select one reward. :( So I selected the regular + the nsfw; and I added another 20 dollars to my pledge. Will we be able to work that out?
Oh, and Happy Birthday Elan!
Vinicio Paz 2015-01-26T15:02:42-05:00
Drinking game rules!!!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-26T15:02:54-05:00
Drinking rules should be easy if you want them to be. If you blow up, take a shot. So if 6 people play and it takes 20 minutes, you'd have 5 people taking a shot 3x and hour, or 2.5 shots per hour per person.
Myborderland Murakami 2015-01-26T15:03:35-05:00
What are you going to do when you reach 10 millions?
Chris S Luzynski 2015-01-26T15:03:48-05:00
Happy Birthday to Elan, hope it's full of exploding kitten fun!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-26T15:04:06-05:00
Maybe, but seems unlikely. They almost certainly chose 56 cards due to how many fit on a sheet. I'd presume the sheets they are using are 7x8. It would be much easier to pack if you weren't having to collate from different sheets.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-26T15:06:08-05:00
@Fred Robel i'm 99% sure that's how it works. They will send out a survey to get all that worked out in the end. I'm planning to do that as well. But I'm waiting until closer to the end of the project to add them. Want to see what else gets put out first if anything. But if nothing else does I'm happy with what we have now.
Timothy Brown 2015-01-26T15:06:13-05:00
i implore you guy make them water proof or at the very least laminated
Nate Outland 2015-01-26T15:06:28-05:00
Nate Outland 2015-01-26T15:07:56-05:00
But no mention of next SG, sigh...
Keith "Virrgo" Goken 2015-01-26T15:08:02-05:00
And come on people's we can get to the 7th most money and #1most backed !!!!!!!!
"Göttingetten” 2015-01-26T15:08:36-05:00
Happy Birthday Elan.
Steve Hiner 2015-01-26T15:08:48-05:00
I'd love to see a $35 option to get two regular decks. I'd like to play more than 4 people since I have a family of 6, 2/3rds of which are children. When the NSFW deck was a small deck it made sense that it $15 extra but now it seems like a second regular deck shouldn't cost more than the NSFW deck.
Jarrett Wacker 2015-01-26T15:10:39-05:00
So, given that you guys have more almost 4 million dollars in backing (and will probably have much more by the end of the campaign), is there any way that the game will be released early?
Rellie 2015-01-26T15:10:43-05:00
Happy Birthday Elan!!! I can't wait to see this in my mail! You guys are sooo awsome
Max Wilson 2015-01-26T15:12:01-05:00
It's my birthday too!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-26T15:12:18-05:00
Ha, the bigger it is the LESS likely to be on time.
Nate Outland 2015-01-26T15:12:27-05:00
Generally when projects are way over funded like this, production and shipping generally gets pushed back a couple months, I have only ever had I've project fulfill early, it just doesn't happen
Nate Outland 2015-01-26T15:13:28-05:00
* one project
Blake Nabors 2015-01-26T15:13:57-05:00
You mentioned figuring out box design... May I suggest using the same type of boxes used by Fluxx?
1) They don't have flaps that will tear and rip off.
2) They are solid construction with a nice neat divider.
3) It feels like a game... Not just a deck of cards.
P.S. Congrats and Happy Birthday... Keep being awesome!
Venron 2015-01-26T15:14:34-05:00
Just goes to show you, a bunch of outrageous stretch goals and many different pledge options are not necessary for a successful kickstarter.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-26T15:15:34-05:00
@Venron Amen! I love me some SGs but they aren't always needed.
Grant Sanger 2015-01-26T15:15:35-05:00
Happy Birthday Elan! Keep up the good work!
kayla 2015-01-26T15:15:56-05:00
fvlgen 2015-01-26T15:16:04-05:00
Happy birthday, Elan!!!!!!!!
Davern Gary Civil 2015-01-26T15:17:40-05:00
Thsi sis cewl liek meh , the dne
Blake Nabors 2015-01-26T15:18:13-05:00
Oh... Also use the Fluxx style box because people are going to want to put their cards in sleeves (To protect from spilling beer and tears of laughter). The Fluxx style box would be able to contain the cards with sleeves.
Barbara Palace 2015-01-26T15:18:30-05:00
I'm sure Élan is having a pretty fantastic birthday.....100k backers is a nice present! ;-)
Mark Leger 2015-01-26T15:19:40-05:00
You guys should make a Reading Rainbow themed card if you surpass their number of backers. Maybe with LeVar Burton's involvement. Just as a tribute.
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-26T15:21:50-05:00
Canadian Drinking game rules: When you draw a card all your opponents take a drink. When you play a card you take a drink!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-26T15:22:06-05:00
It is very entertaining to watch the number of backers go up every couple seconds.
Kristina Morris 2015-01-26T15:22:25-05:00
Happy Birthday Elan, may your cake not be filled with exploding kittens. ;3
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-26T15:22:51-05:00
delicious delicious kittens.
Carolynn Hoople 2015-01-26T15:23:33-05:00
So I was just telling my co-workers about an amazingly successful game I was backing... Oh, the looks I got when I told them what it was called... :D
Snuffles00 2015-01-26T15:29:17-05:00
I have a question for the team. If we are to be getting two full decks for up to 8 players and a friend is getting two decks as well, will you be able to combine both sets totalling 16 people for a massive party game? Will the mechanics work like that?
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-26T15:33:14-05:00
Wow, what an obscure reference! :)
Think there's anyone around who still makes those?
Mike 2015-01-26T15:33:29-05:00
WOW this is fantastic! If I can make a suggestion on box design, could you please make them big enough to house the cards while sleeved? I sleeve everything I own to preserve the game, and half the time sleeved product can't fit in the box :(
Kyle Smith 2015-01-26T15:35:54-05:00
Andrew Thornton 2015-01-26T15:36:09-05:00
Will the cards be made of plastic or some other liquid-proof material? That would be great!
Kyle Smith 2015-01-26T15:37:00-05:00
Happy birthday Elan! Hope your day is awesome! ☺
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-26T15:37:23-05:00
I'd actually like the cards to be like temporary tattoos. If they get wet just slap 'em on your arm!
Reverend Dak 2015-01-26T15:38:01-05:00
Please, PLEASE consider updating to quality PLASTIC cards, instead of standard paper-based cards that wear out in a few months. Plastic playing cards are the new standard, and only cost about 20%-50% more. And it's better than using sleeves to extend the lives of the cards.
Michael Penny 2015-01-26T15:38:54-05:00
A bucketful of awesome; PLEASE WRITE YOUR $4million stretch goal quickly as you are likely to pass it before you finish typing ;0)
Mickey Schwarz 2015-01-26T15:39:00-05:00
Happy birthday Elan! Can't wait to play a NSFW only deck
@Reverend +1000 to that. I think with the quantities you are ordering....it shouldn't be too much more, especially with the quantity discount you should be getting. ;-)
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-26T15:39:55-05:00
I think plastic cards are a lot more than 20-50% extra. Probably 3-5x more at the least. (for the printing, which should be the smallest cost in this)
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-26T15:40:01-05:00
So many comments today. lol And getting close to $4mil, yay!
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-26T15:40:16-05:00
@Reverend a few months? I have never had a game wear out that quickly. Are you playing the same game days on end?
Kevin Lam 2015-01-26T15:40:54-05:00
What's the next stretch goal?
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-26T15:41:54-05:00
This is just the first place I could find with online quotes, but their plastic cards are 5.3x more expensive in bulk.
Maybe the next stretch goal should be to print backers' cards on really premium material so that our originals will not wear out as fast. The card backings can also look different from card sets bought commercially after the game is released to the public.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-26T15:45:03-05:00
Also $5 more per deck isn't that much. Except if you're talking about the 200,000 decks they've sold so far, that's a million bucks. Trust me, I would LOVE for this to happen. Plastic cards are great. I just doubt that it would be a 'throw in' considering the costs. Unless they already anticipated that and were planning on a much smaller markup from the beginning.
Greg Hancock 2015-01-26T15:49:00-05:00
Okay, okay... pledge upgraded!
Andrew Whiteoak 2015-01-26T15:56:17-05:00
Please do a stretch that includes something for your 7,000 Kittens-only backers! Thank you.
Starr Capps 2015-01-26T15:56:39-05:00
I hope that the NSFW and "regular" decks are distinct enough (obviously not on the back, but maybe on the face of the card?) that the combined sets can be "uncombined" again if you're playing with kids. I might buy an extra "regular" set just in case...
Jonathan Brown 2015-01-26T15:58:21-05:00
@ Andrew, I agree even though I support NSFW.
Stretch: blank cards (could be used in either)
Add-On: t-shirt
Those are my votes.
Jeff Petrella 2015-01-26T15:58:55-05:00
Can we get a card featuring the ever powerful mantis shrimp?
I think the sheer numbers they are dealing with as of the second day might delay things slightly...and it keeps on going.
$17m is the projection from Kicktraq.
Stuff like this is notoriously hard to predict, but some were getting giddy about the prospect of hitting $17m.
Just trying to add a touch of sanity to the madness :-)
100k backers! Woot! Now lets crack that 4mill raised one for a double whammy!
Will be 3rd in games (8th overall) in about another 62 k
next step would be 2nd in games (7th overall) about 200k after that.
So I'd say should be 2nd in Games in about 3-4 days ;^D
the biggest projects on kickstarter raised 50% of their total funding over the first 20% of funding period. So my "educated" guess would be $8M.
($4M after 6 days which is 20% of 30 days)
Wow, a lengthy blog about the accuracy about projection on kicktraq. http://blog.kicktraq.com/the-state-of-projections/ Looks like it really depends on a number of factors... but yes, 17 million is probably too high an estimate. More likely to be between 6 million and 10 million. Depending on stretch goals and 3rd party mentions that direct traffic to the project.... :-)
I wonder if they are waiting for us to break 4 million before posting an update??
@Creator CONGRATS!!! Let's see some good stretch goals that will give back to us backers who help make history :)
Charlie N.
Don't forget the video of the creators dancing update, that will be a must.
Elan eating cake from a kitty bowl! ;)
@Tsveta: If I can't convince them to do a dance, I definitely want them to at least do something silly.
Yay! We make the 100k backers stretch goal (and also made it to $4mil!).
Just so happy for Matthew Elan and Shane. What a great success story - thrilled for you!!! Can't wait to get my decks! And I dont care about stretch gifts and things, just happy to be part of this awesome event!
Forget Pc Master race i think we just made a new Master Race the Cardgame Masterrace real life graphics and amazing frams per second!
We did it!!!! 100 K backers!
@Joshua Durben, thanks for reiterating what I've already said a few times. And I love the idea of multiple shirt options!
We haven't quite made it to 4 mio yet, don't jinx it! ;)
NEW UPDATED!!! PLEASE! i want to be blown away harder than an exploding kitten!
4million for a drinking game rules :p
Please Bring back more $100 tiers! I really want signed decks!
I mean, cmon, John Green signed EVERY SINGLE COPY of his books first run (150,000 copies)....
Sure he ended up in the hospital with repetitive strain injury in his hand... but it is a small price to pay...
I also love how people seem to not take into consideration that The Oatmeal (provider of the fantastic imagery we are all laughing over) already has a store-front with t-shirt options.. So for all of you whining about DONT DELAY ME GETTING MY HANDS ON THESE, take a pill. Those of us who want t-shirts (and I know you all do too, you just won't admit it) there are many work arounds to adding a t-shirt without delaying game fulfillment. Now if you all want your cake and eat it too by getting the t-shirt at the same time as the card game then that's where your thinking has mislead you. Get it sent separately. Get it as a discount code from their shop and kick in a few more dollars for them to ship it.
Woo hoo
Thanks for the update guys. You rock!!
Wait.. The NSFW with deck only include new arts for the cards but the deck is the same as the base game?
congrats and happy birblefay
Happy birthday, Elan!
@Justic... I'm sure their will be new cards... but I also won't be surprised if there is some overlap with just new art. I'm still quite happy with it though!
(not to mention a lot of the cards are the same with just different art... I assume most/all defuse and explode cards are the same minus the art afterall)
Oh, also, PLEASE USPCC printing! I love the Ad Magic folks, but I doubt that they are up to these quantities, and I know their quality is not as good as Bicycle playing cards. Thanks
@Elan hope its good cake that you get today. :)
Woohoo, update!
Happy Birthday, Elan!
@JusticeBolt they indicated they made it a standalone deck instead of an expansion so there will be some overlap. The overlapping cards will likely have a NSFW art theme though.
So in this last update they mention only one other campaign has had more backers. I checked and that campaign happens to be the Reading Rainbow one by LeVar Burton. He hit the current record at 105,857. I'd, personally, be very interested to see if we could exceed that record. :)
Happy Birthday Elan! Have another excellent trip around the sun!
Drinking game rules if we exceed the record of 105,857!!!!!!
Drinking game rules would be a blast!
Happy Birthday Elan! 100K backers on your birthday! Wow, just wow.
Congrats, everyone! Now, for the next stretch, please can you cater for those of us with no use for NSFW cards? Thanks!
Happy Birthday Elan! Looking forward to the game.
Next stretch goal should increase decks to 60 cards a piece, more cards = more fun!
I love this project, and can't wait to play the game! I have a (dumb) question though: I wanted to get two of the regular decks, and one of the NSFW decks, but I can only select one reward. :( So I selected the regular + the nsfw; and I added another 20 dollars to my pledge. Will we be able to work that out?
Oh, and Happy Birthday Elan!
Drinking game rules!!!
Drinking rules should be easy if you want them to be. If you blow up, take a shot. So if 6 people play and it takes 20 minutes, you'd have 5 people taking a shot 3x and hour, or 2.5 shots per hour per person.
What are you going to do when you reach 10 millions?
Happy Birthday to Elan, hope it's full of exploding kitten fun!
Maybe, but seems unlikely. They almost certainly chose 56 cards due to how many fit on a sheet. I'd presume the sheets they are using are 7x8. It would be much easier to pack if you weren't having to collate from different sheets.
@Fred Robel i'm 99% sure that's how it works. They will send out a survey to get all that worked out in the end. I'm planning to do that as well. But I'm waiting until closer to the end of the project to add them. Want to see what else gets put out first if anything. But if nothing else does I'm happy with what we have now.
i implore you guy make them water proof or at the very least laminated
But no mention of next SG, sigh...
And come on people's we can get to the 7th most money and #1most backed !!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Elan.
I'd love to see a $35 option to get two regular decks. I'd like to play more than 4 people since I have a family of 6, 2/3rds of which are children. When the NSFW deck was a small deck it made sense that it $15 extra but now it seems like a second regular deck shouldn't cost more than the NSFW deck.
So, given that you guys have more almost 4 million dollars in backing (and will probably have much more by the end of the campaign), is there any way that the game will be released early?
Happy Birthday Elan!!! I can't wait to see this in my mail! You guys are sooo awsome
It's my birthday too!
Ha, the bigger it is the LESS likely to be on time.
Generally when projects are way over funded like this, production and shipping generally gets pushed back a couple months, I have only ever had I've project fulfill early, it just doesn't happen
* one project
You mentioned figuring out box design... May I suggest using the same type of boxes used by Fluxx?
1) They don't have flaps that will tear and rip off.
2) They are solid construction with a nice neat divider.
3) It feels like a game... Not just a deck of cards.
P.S. Congrats and Happy Birthday... Keep being awesome!
Just goes to show you, a bunch of outrageous stretch goals and many different pledge options are not necessary for a successful kickstarter.
@Venron Amen! I love me some SGs but they aren't always needed.
Happy Birthday Elan! Keep up the good work!
Happy birthday, Elan!!!!!!!!
Thsi sis cewl liek meh , the dne
Oh... Also use the Fluxx style box because people are going to want to put their cards in sleeves (To protect from spilling beer and tears of laughter). The Fluxx style box would be able to contain the cards with sleeves.
I'm sure Élan is having a pretty fantastic birthday.....100k backers is a nice present! ;-)
You guys should make a Reading Rainbow themed card if you surpass their number of backers. Maybe with LeVar Burton's involvement. Just as a tribute.
Canadian Drinking game rules: When you draw a card all your opponents take a drink. When you play a card you take a drink!
If they don't mind blatantly ripping off woot, this would work...
It is very entertaining to watch the number of backers go up every couple seconds.
Happy Birthday Elan, may your cake not be filled with exploding kittens. ;3
delicious delicious kittens.
So I was just telling my co-workers about an amazingly successful game I was backing... Oh, the looks I got when I told them what it was called... :D
I have a question for the team. If we are to be getting two full decks for up to 8 players and a friend is getting two decks as well, will you be able to combine both sets totalling 16 people for a massive party game? Will the mechanics work like that?
Congrats on reaching the 100K backers mark!
the next stretch mark should be a pog slammer
Wow, what an obscure reference! :)
Think there's anyone around who still makes those?
WOW this is fantastic! If I can make a suggestion on box design, could you please make them big enough to house the cards while sleeved? I sleeve everything I own to preserve the game, and half the time sleeved product can't fit in the box :(
Will the cards be made of plastic or some other liquid-proof material? That would be great!
Happy birthday Elan! Hope your day is awesome! ☺
I'd actually like the cards to be like temporary tattoos. If they get wet just slap 'em on your arm!
Please, PLEASE consider updating to quality PLASTIC cards, instead of standard paper-based cards that wear out in a few months. Plastic playing cards are the new standard, and only cost about 20%-50% more. And it's better than using sleeves to extend the lives of the cards.
A bucketful of awesome; PLEASE WRITE YOUR $4million stretch goal quickly as you are likely to pass it before you finish typing ;0)
Happy birthday Elan! Can't wait to play a NSFW only deck
@Reverend +1000 to that. I think with the quantities you are ordering....it shouldn't be too much more, especially with the quantity discount you should be getting. ;-)
I think plastic cards are a lot more than 20-50% extra. Probably 3-5x more at the least. (for the printing, which should be the smallest cost in this)
So many comments today. lol And getting close to $4mil, yay!
@Reverend a few months? I have never had a game wear out that quickly. Are you playing the same game days on end?
What's the next stretch goal?
This is just the first place I could find with online quotes, but their plastic cards are 5.3x more expensive in bulk.
Maybe the next stretch goal should be to print backers' cards on really premium material so that our originals will not wear out as fast. The card backings can also look different from card sets bought commercially after the game is released to the public.
Also $5 more per deck isn't that much. Except if you're talking about the 200,000 decks they've sold so far, that's a million bucks. Trust me, I would LOVE for this to happen. Plastic cards are great. I just doubt that it would be a 'throw in' considering the costs. Unless they already anticipated that and were planning on a much smaller markup from the beginning.
Okay, okay... pledge upgraded!
Please do a stretch that includes something for your 7,000 Kittens-only backers! Thank you.
I hope that the NSFW and "regular" decks are distinct enough (obviously not on the back, but maybe on the face of the card?) that the combined sets can be "uncombined" again if you're playing with kids. I might buy an extra "regular" set just in case...
@ Andrew, I agree even though I support NSFW.
Stretch: blank cards (could be used in either)
Add-On: t-shirt
Those are my votes.
Can we get a card featuring the ever powerful mantis shrimp?