@Jeff Patrella,
If you stop the video around the :47 mark, and look in the bottom-left corner, you'll see there's already a Mantis Shrimp card. :)
Shaun Fergus 2015-01-26T16:02:17-05:00
I also second the idea of making the card box large enough to accommodate sleeved cards, this would be SUPER helpful in preserving the cards over time.
The holofoil card idea is a great option as well... It would be nice to have the KS version card back art to differ in some way from what the retail cards are going to look like... to separate the KS backing minions from the rest of society...
And finally, CONGRATS on such a successful kickstarter venture... well played. Looking forward to discovering what heights you want us to climb.
JusticeBolt 2015-01-26T16:03:03-05:00
"Cats cards activate special powers when played as multiples" Can we have an example?
Aussie Jess 2015-01-26T16:03:41-05:00
Yay!!! You made it to 100,000! That's amazing. Can't wait for the announcement of the next stretch :D
Mr. PACG 2015-01-26T16:04:45-05:00
Holy Meow! Over 101k backers and almost $4M
Doug Orr 2015-01-26T16:05:41-05:00
Surprised at the amount of people asking for drinking rules… not sure if srs.
@Eric Aschner is the only one that can come up with this seemingly impossible feat on there own apparently
Shaun Fergus 2015-01-26T16:07:54-05:00
I also like the idea of making the card storage box large enough to accommodate sleeved cards... this would allow us to preserve the cards over time as well as store them.
The holocard idea is a good option as well...
I think making the card back art of the KS version different than the retail version of the game would be nice to see... to separate the KS backing minions from the rest of common society.
Finally, CONGRATS on such a successful KS project!!!... Looking forward to seeing what heights you will encourage us to climb in the near future.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-26T16:09:04-05:00
@Shaun, that was like deja vue all over again!
Bryan Lipscy 2015-01-26T16:12:46-05:00
@ExplodingKittens: Can you please open up more $100 level? I would like to upgrade if possible.
Patrick OGuinn 2015-01-26T16:15:26-05:00
This is one of those projects that you have to just sign up for just to back. Take my $35, and may the kittens be ever in your favor. Ahaha!
Timothy Laedke 2015-01-26T16:15:44-05:00
4.5k more backers and this will be the most backed campaign ever!!! kittens for everyone!
Jacob 2015-01-26T16:18:41-05:00
Perhaps some backer exclusive cards for stretch goals?
And now only 4500 backers to go before we break Reading Rainbow's record. Now that the backing pace seems to picking up again (likely because now you don't need to "double" the 35 buck pledge to get enough cards for 4 to 8 players) we will likely break THAT barrier as early as today... and STILL 24 days to go! Not bad for the first week o' funding. :P
Liran Dahan 2015-01-26T16:20:45-05:00
This is one of the most genius projects I've ever seen in my life.
Branden Flinchbaugh 2015-01-26T16:21:50-05:00
+1 for drinking game rules
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-26T16:22:17-05:00
The NSFW deck is Kickstarter exclusive. :)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-26T16:22:58-05:00
56 gloriously exclusive cards!
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-26T16:26:03-05:00
Do they really need to make a non kickatarter version? Everybody and their grandmothers are backing this game! Who is going to be left that needs one? ;-)
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-26T16:26:24-05:00
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-26T16:26:45-05:00
@Eric B,
The Oatmeal DOES have millions of fans, you know. ;)
Lewis Vaughan Thomas 2015-01-26T16:26:46-05:00
I can't wait, the game looks amazing.
Michael McCarthy Kellerman 2015-01-26T16:26:56-05:00
looking at $40,000,000 now!!! that escalated quickly!!!
Michael McCarthy Kellerman 2015-01-26T16:27:29-05:00
4 million i meant... typing fail
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-26T16:27:39-05:00
$40mil? What the what?
Jared Boehm 2015-01-26T16:27:44-05:00
@Michael McCarthy Kellerman: you're a crazy person.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-26T16:27:57-05:00
Michael McCarthy Kellerman 2015-01-26T16:28:06-05:00
it was a typo hahahah
Jared Boehm 2015-01-26T16:28:09-05:00
Hahahaha. Typo for the win.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-26T16:28:11-05:00
Dang typos! *shakes fist*
Michael McCarthy Kellerman 2015-01-26T16:28:54-05:00
Raising more money so quickly that, by the time Matthew completes the graphic for the next stretch goal that goal is surpassed == high quality problem.
(I'm waiting until 4 mill, whereupon I suggest we all sing a horrifically off-key and out-of-phase rendition of "Happy Birthday" to Elan.)
skabaas 2015-01-26T16:31:53-05:00
Couldn't resist anymore and became a backer. This is gonna be awesome!
Michael McCarthy Kellerman 2015-01-26T16:32:10-05:00
i vote for..... drinking game... a nice kick starter tin for the cards?
Rob Barra 2015-01-26T16:33:49-05:00
93,000 people bought the NSFW version.. I love the internet.
Catzalcoatal 2015-01-26T16:36:59-05:00
All I'm hoping for are some good counter/defense cards to offset all the attack cards. Now, RELEASE THE CAT-KEN!
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-26T16:38:36-05:00
Here are your drinking game rules: Drink while you play. :P
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-26T16:40:54-05:00
It took forever to go from 98,500 backers to 100,000. And it took no time to add the next 1,600.
I LOVE that someone mentioned a POG slammer. I wish I still had all of mine.
I really don't drink that often anymore, but I think this game kind of calls for it, so I would love drinking game rules, but I'm with Cal- we don't need no stinking rules....just drink while you play and hilarity is bound to ensue naturally.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-26T16:41:36-05:00
I've got free drinking rules all figured out! Just send me $5 and I'll hook you up!
Hahahahahahah @Rod, way to try and capitalize. ;-)
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-26T16:43:08-05:00
Yeah, seems it would be pretty easy to incorporate drinking rules. Just drink if you draw an exploding kitten, drink if someone plays a diffuser, etc...
I know Élan and crew are busy having a blast on his birthday, but I'm seriously chomping at the bit for the next stretch goal, because I'm just waiting to throw more money at them.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-26T16:46:45-05:00
I vote BruceP sheriff of Exploding Kittens comments section. And no, I'm not making a joke. I am glad he, and others, are quick to shut down the attempts of people posting about other games.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-26T16:47:17-05:00
@Eric B, +1
Raquel Riddle 2015-01-26T16:47:30-05:00
8th most funded ever. Well done sirs.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-26T16:48:00-05:00
lol Do I have to change my name again?
Jhonny Ayrout 2015-01-26T16:48:13-05:00
We just became the 8th most funded project on kickstarter ever!! I'm so proud to be a part of this whole thing!! I WANT MAH KITTIES!!
Robert Pendell 2015-01-26T16:48:35-05:00
For anyone wondering which "project" gets the award for most overfunded it is one of Penny Arcade's odd ball kickstarters...
Target: $10
Raised: $230,360
Overfunded %: Somewhere in the ballpark of 2.3m%
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-26T16:48:53-05:00
Lol, no name change
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-26T16:49:54-05:00
Wow, congrats on 8th most-funded!
Charlotte Lawson 2015-01-26T16:50:02-05:00
After much deliberation I am proud to be backer 101,664!!! WOOO HOOOO
Catzalcoatal 2015-01-26T16:53:11-05:00
@Charlotte Lawson. Congrats, I was aiming for backer 100,000 but then I fell asleep on the couch. My weak body betrayed me! (I'm somewhere in the 101,000 area now instead.)
Bonnie 2015-01-26T16:55:10-05:00
Happy birthday Elan and yay100.000+ backers! :D
Craig 2015-01-26T16:55:34-05:00
What about adding additional price levels? Example --- for "$$" you can work with the design team to design your very own card that will be in the game. For "$$" you can get an unframed/signed drawing of a Kickstarter exclusive picture (larger then the card). For "$$" you can be an actual character in one of the game cards. Just some ideas...excited to play the game!!!
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-26T16:55:37-05:00
Do folks know how you can find out your backer #? Under the menu in the very top right, choose View All under 'Backed Projects' and then click on the project in question. In the pop-up that comes up, it'll show your Backer #. (I'm #690 for Exploding Kittens)
Lance Parker 2015-01-26T16:55:49-05:00
Any chance the next stretch goal could augment the base game? It would be great for those of us who didn't buy the adult cards.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-26T16:58:17-05:00
Backer #47282
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-26T16:59:25-05:00
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-26T17:00:23-05:00
Under the menu in the very top right, choose View All under 'Backed Projects' and then click on the project in question. In the pop-up that comes up, it'll show your Backer #.
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-26T17:01:23-05:00
Nooo, no backer number floods unless you're in top 10 please!
Honjull 2015-01-26T17:02:16-05:00
Catzalcoatal 2015-01-26T17:03:02-05:00
@ BruceP Whoa, I'm actually backer #102,150. So the count on this page is actually way behind, especially compared to where I completed my payment process.
The numbers are a bit higher than what we are seeing. Probably by about 500 more backers than what is showing.
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-26T17:03:12-05:00
2135. And the proud owner of signed decks.
Chris 2015-01-26T17:04:04-05:00
thanks BruceP
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-26T17:04:05-05:00
@Tsveta Koleva good luck stopping the flood.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-26T17:04:08-05:00
@Erik S., what is happening there is that when people drop out or cancel their pledge they take that number with them.
Wow, I didn't realize I had backed it THIS early: #4236 (Two sets of the $35 dollar pledge level, now twice the goodness! :P)
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-26T17:10:58-05:00
I wonder if there's anyone in the first 100 backers still lurking around?
Tom Jørgen Bastiansen 2015-01-26T17:12:03-05:00
Happy "thatonedaywhenyourmomdidallthework" day! Hope the day is fantastic!
Sarah Osborne 2015-01-26T17:12:51-05:00
I was 40,001 from my other account, and 101,845 from this one. LOL
kristine iledan 2015-01-26T17:12:53-05:00
Happy Birthday Elan! :D:D
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-26T17:14:11-05:00
For those of you that are new to KS and haven't been here for the end of a big campaign, it's going to be CRAZY in the comments on the last day. It'll be hard to carry on a conversation at all. The comments will be FLYING past at the end. We might break Kickstarter. lol
$4mil in the next hour!
@Jeff Patrella,
If you stop the video around the :47 mark, and look in the bottom-left corner, you'll see there's already a Mantis Shrimp card. :)
I also second the idea of making the card box large enough to accommodate sleeved cards, this would be SUPER helpful in preserving the cards over time.
The holofoil card idea is a great option as well... It would be nice to have the KS version card back art to differ in some way from what the retail cards are going to look like... to separate the KS backing minions from the rest of society...
And finally, CONGRATS on such a successful kickstarter venture... well played. Looking forward to discovering what heights you want us to climb.
"Cats cards activate special powers when played as multiples" Can we have an example?
Yay!!! You made it to 100,000! That's amazing. Can't wait for the announcement of the next stretch :D
Holy Meow! Over 101k backers and almost $4M
Surprised at the amount of people asking for drinking rules… not sure if srs.
@Eric Aschner is the only one that can come up with this seemingly impossible feat on there own apparently
I also like the idea of making the card storage box large enough to accommodate sleeved cards... this would allow us to preserve the cards over time as well as store them.
The holocard idea is a good option as well...
I think making the card back art of the KS version different than the retail version of the game would be nice to see... to separate the KS backing minions from the rest of common society.
Finally, CONGRATS on such a successful KS project!!!... Looking forward to seeing what heights you will encourage us to climb in the near future.
@Shaun, that was like deja vue all over again!
@ExplodingKittens: Can you please open up more $100 level? I would like to upgrade if possible.
This is one of those projects that you have to just sign up for just to back. Take my $35, and may the kittens be ever in your favor. Ahaha!
4.5k more backers and this will be the most backed campaign ever!!! kittens for everyone!
Perhaps some backer exclusive cards for stretch goals?
And now only 4500 backers to go before we break Reading Rainbow's record. Now that the backing pace seems to picking up again (likely because now you don't need to "double" the 35 buck pledge to get enough cards for 4 to 8 players) we will likely break THAT barrier as early as today... and STILL 24 days to go! Not bad for the first week o' funding. :P
This is one of the most genius projects I've ever seen in my life.
+1 for drinking game rules
The NSFW deck is Kickstarter exclusive. :)
56 gloriously exclusive cards!
Do they really need to make a non kickatarter version? Everybody and their grandmothers are backing this game! Who is going to be left that needs one? ;-)
@Eric B,
The Oatmeal DOES have millions of fans, you know. ;)
I can't wait, the game looks amazing.
looking at $40,000,000 now!!! that escalated quickly!!!
4 million i meant... typing fail
$40mil? What the what?
@Michael McCarthy Kellerman: you're a crazy person.
it was a typo hahahah
Hahahaha. Typo for the win.
Dang typos! *shakes fist*
but yeah $4 million is a nice number...
Wow what a big cake. Still waiting for the stretch and 4 mil is around the corner. Missing the chance or aiming higher?
i need to come up with an idea that can make me $4 mil in 4 days... haha
Any chance you will add more collector/signed deck rewards?
@Ben they already said their hands are weak and feeble ;)
Raising more money so quickly that, by the time Matthew completes the graphic for the next stretch goal that goal is surpassed == high quality problem.
(I'm waiting until 4 mill, whereupon I suggest we all sing a horrifically off-key and out-of-phase rendition of "Happy Birthday" to Elan.)
Couldn't resist anymore and became a backer. This is gonna be awesome!
i vote for..... drinking game... a nice kick starter tin for the cards?
93,000 people bought the NSFW version.. I love the internet.
All I'm hoping for are some good counter/defense cards to offset all the attack cards. Now, RELEASE THE CAT-KEN!
Here are your drinking game rules: Drink while you play. :P
It took forever to go from 98,500 backers to 100,000. And it took no time to add the next 1,600.
I LOVE that someone mentioned a POG slammer. I wish I still had all of mine.
I really don't drink that often anymore, but I think this game kind of calls for it, so I would love drinking game rules, but I'm with Cal- we don't need no stinking rules....just drink while you play and hilarity is bound to ensue naturally.
I've got free drinking rules all figured out! Just send me $5 and I'll hook you up!
Hahahahahahah @Rod, way to try and capitalize. ;-)
Yeah, seems it would be pretty easy to incorporate drinking rules. Just drink if you draw an exploding kitten, drink if someone plays a diffuser, etc...
Happy Birthday Elan!
Some more cool KS board and card games that need your support (not affiliated in any way beyond being a backer): https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/ionas
I know Élan and crew are busy having a blast on his birthday, but I'm seriously chomping at the bit for the next stretch goal, because I'm just waiting to throw more money at them.
Please don't post other projects in here.
So close to becoming #8 most funded! https://www.kickstarter.com/discover/most-funded
I vote BruceP sheriff of Exploding Kittens comments section. And no, I'm not making a joke. I am glad he, and others, are quick to shut down the attempts of people posting about other games.
@Eric B, +1
8th most funded ever. Well done sirs.
lol Do I have to change my name again?
We just became the 8th most funded project on kickstarter ever!! I'm so proud to be a part of this whole thing!! I WANT MAH KITTIES!!
For anyone wondering which "project" gets the award for most overfunded it is one of Penny Arcade's odd ball kickstarters...
Target: $10
Raised: $230,360
Overfunded %: Somewhere in the ballpark of 2.3m%
Lol, no name change
Wow, congrats on 8th most-funded!
After much deliberation I am proud to be backer 101,664!!! WOOO HOOOO
@Charlotte Lawson. Congrats, I was aiming for backer 100,000 but then I fell asleep on the couch. My weak body betrayed me! (I'm somewhere in the 101,000 area now instead.)
Happy birthday Elan and yay100.000+ backers! :D
What about adding additional price levels? Example --- for "$$" you can work with the design team to design your very own card that will be in the game. For "$$" you can get an unframed/signed drawing of a Kickstarter exclusive picture (larger then the card). For "$$" you can be an actual character in one of the game cards. Just some ideas...excited to play the game!!!
Do folks know how you can find out your backer #? Under the menu in the very top right, choose View All under 'Backed Projects' and then click on the project in question. In the pop-up that comes up, it'll show your Backer #. (I'm #690 for Exploding Kittens)
Any chance the next stretch goal could augment the base game? It would be great for those of us who didn't buy the adult cards.
Backer #47282
How do you see which backer you are?
Backer #29968
Under the menu in the very top right, choose View All under 'Backed Projects' and then click on the project in question. In the pop-up that comes up, it'll show your Backer #.
Nooo, no backer number floods unless you're in top 10 please!
@ BruceP Whoa, I'm actually backer #102,150. So the count on this page is actually way behind, especially compared to where I completed my payment process.
The numbers are a bit higher than what we are seeing. Probably by about 500 more backers than what is showing.
2135. And the proud owner of signed decks.
thanks BruceP
@Tsveta Koleva good luck stopping the flood.
@Erik S., what is happening there is that when people drop out or cancel their pledge they take that number with them.
Happy Birthday Elan!
About $5.5k to go!
Booyah! n°8 overal funded project,... :)
@Rod ah that makes sense :-)
I would much rather see backer numbers than the incessant posts for plastic cards, sleeves, cheap intl shipping, and mantis shrimp cards, etc....
Or god forbid stretch goals haha
@John K,
Does get a bit redundant after awhile, huh? :)
@John K, I'm still trying to convince people to go for the tempory tatto style cards....
Wow, I didn't realize I had backed it THIS early: #4236 (Two sets of the $35 dollar pledge level, now twice the goodness! :P)
I wonder if there's anyone in the first 100 backers still lurking around?
Happy "thatonedaywhenyourmomdidallthework" day! Hope the day is fantastic!
I was 40,001 from my other account, and 101,845 from this one. LOL
Happy Birthday Elan! :D:D
For those of you that are new to KS and haven't been here for the end of a big campaign, it's going to be CRAZY in the comments on the last day. It'll be hard to carry on a conversation at all. The comments will be FLYING past at the end. We might break Kickstarter. lol
@BruceP especially with this quantity of backers!
If you can't beat them...
I want #42113 cards with plastic mantis shrimp in cheap long-sleeved shirts.
Wow. Only $3,147 from $4 Million.
Bruce is right on the last day we will have at least 50 new posts every minute given the sheer number of backers that we have on here.
They done eatin' that cake yet?
@David K,
Yeah, it'll be insane. I can't wait to watch the number of backers and dollar amount go up when it gets to the final hours. :)
This is the first project that I have watched the comments so closely. So that is good to know @BruceP. Thanks.
Oh, and #97766 here. Eagerly awaiting the next stretch goal announcement.