@Dawn: I really should be working...people might want to get paid....
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T14:17:00-05:00
As a strech goal, they should make the cards out of recycled cardboard scratching posts!
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-27T14:17:41-05:00
Or recycled compressed kitty litter. I have plenty since I forgot to clean it out this morning. You're welcome!
Elizabeth 2015-01-27T14:17:54-05:00
Lol I'm watching the count.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T14:18:16-05:00
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T14:19:49-05:00
From the FAQ on the story page, so everyone asking for stretch goals knows. ..
Whatcha gonna do with all that cash?
The truth is: herding all of these combustible felines into their boxes and convincing the postal service to take possibly explosive packages is where a lot of our funding is going, but we're working hard to come up with more ways to reward our kickbutt backers for their incredible support.
Dang we are at 105k backers now. this is just crazy and I am loving it :-)
Stephen Roesch 2015-01-27T14:20:07-05:00
While I don't think any stretch goals are needed.. Pay for add-ons would be nice. I always sleeve my card games which creates a bit of an issue storing them. Exploding Kittens sleeves and a deck box to store them would be insta purchase on my part.
Shawn Mikiten 2015-01-27T14:20:53-05:00
watching via smartphone, partially covered with paperwork! ssssshhhh!!!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T14:21:21-05:00
Projected costs of a $35 deck (Warning, only my guesstimate):
KS cut - 5% = $1.75
Credit card processing fees - 3-5% = $1.40
Pre-fulfilment survey and processing - 3-5% = $1.40
Actual card production on decent cards - $2/pack = $4
Instructions / box / packaging = $2
'Thing-of-incredible-delight' = $2 (may vary depending on where you buy your delights)
Freight to Partners = $.50
Postal packing and shipping first class = $4
Sales tax - 7% = $2.45 (avg amongst the states by pop. I'm guessing)
Fulfilment partner cut = $2 (best guess from Amazon's site)
Revenue = $35 - $1.75 - $1.40 - $1.40 = $30.45
Costs = $4 + $2 + $2 + $.50 + $4 + $2.45 + $2 = $16.95
Profit per unit = $13.50 (39% of top line revenue)
The single decks are $15 cheaper, but only save about $5.25 in shipping and production costs. They're making less money per unit on the $20 / deck version compared to the $35 for two version.
Most of the excess revenue will still be pumped into production to produce games to sell after the KS. If they do keep any money, they have to pay income tax on it.
So, my question is... what SGs do you want?
Free t-shirt? $5 for printing and $4 for shipping = $9 x 105,000 backers = $945,000 (more than half their profit / seed)
Free pack of cards? $2 printing + $.25 freight + $2 bumping from FC to Priority mail = $446,250
Even a single free foil card adds up. Printing, plus you now have to manually pack the card since it's off a different sheet, then do it 100,000 times.
Also keep in mind, both decks are 56 cards. They are using a full sheet for each deck. Any additional cards are going to require different packing techniques.
both decks will likely have the same backing but a different boarder on the front of them.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-27T14:23:30-05:00
@Nikheil Singh,
I bet the backs of both decks will be the same so you can't tell which kind of card is coming up. Most likely, something will be different about the faces. Like a different background, or border, or symbol...
I will probably just mix in the exploding kitten cards from the NSFW deck to make a 4 player game faster and more challenging :-)
Greg Hancock 2015-01-27T14:25:17-05:00
@Eric Aschner
Don't forget that if a company has a standard industry distribution license (Alliance Distribution, etc.) that they take 60% for services; warehousing, shipping, advertising, etc.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T14:28:40-05:00
Most of those costs I looked up from various website quotes or FAQs. I'm assuming the distribution through Amazon who charges ~$2 for warehousing, packing, shipping, and other end of the line fulfillment. I presumed any additional taxes or fees for such would be taken from their cut, but could be wrong.
Justin Warrenfeltz 2015-01-27T14:29:24-05:00
I know there's a lot of call for extra stretch goals, or add-ons, or additional tiers of commitment, but honestly, all I want are my two decks of cards, delivered simply and in a reasonable amount of time. As it stands now, the creators are going to have to print 11,350,431 cards and ship them to 105,178 different postal addresses. And those number are only going to increase. The logistics of that kind of operation are unfathomable, with many different forseeable complications (stuff getting lost in the mail and having to ship replacement sets, sets sent to the wrong address and being returned to the creators, etc.).
So let the creators wrap their heads around distributing these kinds of products without having to worry about the logistics of bundling cards with other things like keychains or card sleeves, which have their own production issues. That's all I want!
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-27T14:31:02-05:00
+1 Justin W
Bryce Knorp 2015-01-27T14:32:23-05:00
@Justin Warrenfeltz: I think the calls for other goals are the same over and over: more durable cards and a better box. Imagine if you wait 6 months for your decks only to have them arrived damaged/ruined?
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T14:32:23-05:00
Honestly, I'd be 100% perfectly satisfied with no additional stretch goals and getting this by the end of the year.
If they wanted to add a SG, something along the lines of "Original KS backer - $5 our first expansion if we ever get around to making one" would be awesome.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T14:32:28-05:00
@Justin W, +1, oh and a lambo...
kelly 2015-01-27T14:32:59-05:00
Are the cards in the nsfw pack going to be a different color from the standard pack?
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T14:33:46-05:00
Plastic cards are another issue. Man, I would absolutely love these to be plastic. But those are $4-5 more per deck. That's about a million dollar add-on at this point.
@Kelly the backing of the cards will most likely be the same, if anything there will be an icon or a difference in the border color on the front of the cards that will allow you to easily identify which set they are apart of
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-27T14:34:19-05:00
We expect there will be some difference to the faces so people can tell them apart.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T14:34:37-05:00
Also any card that has genitalia is probably in the NSFW deck.
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-27T14:34:57-05:00
And those 11,350,431 plus cards when stacked are roughly 9, 450 feet tall!!
@Eric yup I am pretty sure that most of the cards can be easily separated based on the artwork alone.
RW Griswold 2015-01-27T14:36:01-05:00
I think as a continuation of what another backer mentioned about the reading rainbow kickstarter… you should add in a special Levar Purr-ton diffuse card into the decks.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T14:36:45-05:00
'Levar Purr-ton'!! That's gold!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T14:37:07-05:00
I'm pretty sure that as these guys are working with CAH that the cards will be the same quality. I'm not sure why so many people are assuming that they will be crap?
A Doctor Who set with the same rules would be bloody brilliant :-) and I would certainly back it on day 1.
Eric Lammertsma 2015-01-27T14:47:16-05:00
As huge fans of The Oatmeal and games in general, we'd love to make an app out of this but I don't want sound like a knob plastering company names here for lousy publicity and definitely don't want to go ripping off this fantastic game idea. So here's me asking for a chat on behalf of all the excited folks in our company that are eagerly awaiting Oatmeal-drawn NSFW decks!
In terms of quality of cards, given they are teamed up with CAH, those cards are decent enough quality for the price paid and will look great. I'm thinking there should be more practical stretch goals to help make it more appealing for a larger catchment of people to really make it something special to be a part of. The primary thing would be shipping costs to which they have hinted at in the FAQs if they can they will, if they can lick that logistical hurdle and make it a stretch goal that would be awesome. The whole being part of something so big is reward enough as it is. Anything else is a bonus considering how massive this project has become.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T14:48:30-05:00
@Eric L, send them a direct message, they would have a better chance of seeing it there.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-27T14:48:33-05:00
@Joshua Durben,
It would make sense to be Daleks since they're trying to exterminate everyone. :) If you draw one, you die (unless it can be stopped).
Peter S. 2015-01-27T14:49:10-05:00
I have faith in the team but I don't think we should assume anything about card and box quality. Want to hear details. It is odd to me that nothing has been said anywhere.
For the Doctor Who ones, would also need the Cyber-kittens. They explode enough in the Who-niverse. pretty much anything the Doctor goes up against goes boom at some point...or something they use.
Dawn Wise 2015-01-27T14:55:10-05:00
Peter- they said they are working with the same company that makes CAH (look at the FAQ on the main campaign page), so I expect the quality to be similar.
About independant expansion cards- just would not be the same if someone else did them and they didn't have Matt's unique illustration style.
*refreshing the page again*
Stephanie Garrow 2015-01-27T14:55:10-05:00
For this much money, the cards better be each hand-drawn, laminated with the tears of unicorn-mermaid hybrids, with christmas elves wrapping each and every set by themselves, and delivered via winged zombie birds.
Dawn Wise 2015-01-27T14:57:43-05:00
Of interest- the original creator of CAH has backed this project, according to his kickstarter profile. Wait, are there still people who haven't backed this?
I think most of the people I know haven't backed this. Though, I think my sister might have since she posted a link to it on her Facebook on the first day.
Peter S. 2015-01-27T15:04:54-05:00
Just because they are working with CAH or their printer doesn't mean EK will be he same quality.
@Rod: if they were magnetic they could be played ANYWHERE.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-27T15:12:22-05:00
Um they are hand drawn aren't they???
Justin 2015-01-27T15:13:36-05:00
@cal i think he meant each is hand drawn piece, not drawn and digitally printed a biajillion times
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T15:14:44-05:00
@Evan, I'm sure that wouldn't impact the cost at all!
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-27T15:17:28-05:00
I was kinda hoping that at some level of funding each backer would receive a hand signed solid 14 Karat gold exploding kitten card. Probably too much to hope for......
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T15:18:18-05:00
It was either that or the EK design Rolex. I think we chose wisely.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-27T15:18:19-05:00
@Justin. Good call. But that would suck bad if you had to draw that many cards.... We would never get them at that rate.
Mike Kabala 2015-01-27T15:21:04-05:00
As large as this project has gotten, I think the fewer stretch goals the better. Delivering just the decks is going to be so daunting that every little addition will slow down fulfillment even more. There's no way this many decks is going to all be delivered by July, especially when they started with an estimate of 1,000 decks.
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-27T15:22:19-05:00
@Eric A. I have to say, I could really go for a solid gold hand signed EK Rolex, but that's over the top, it's going to be hard enough to get hand signed solid gold playing cards made and distributed on time. Yeah, lets all ask them to do that.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T15:22:39-05:00
I think that they should hire out a bunch of monks to hand replicate each card and embelish them with 24k gold leaf, I mean, its the least they could do for us right?
@Mike: I completely agree. I think that anymore stretch goals should either remain similar in nature or be smaller/less frequent in nature. Maybe something gimmicky or silly, but nothing drastic (if anything at all).
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T15:24:57-05:00
I decree that there be no more Erics allowed in the comment section!!!
@Rod: I know that when you buy a bottle of Laphroig scotch there is a code on the booklet that comes with it where you get to claim 1 square foot of their island. And if you ever go to the distillery they will take you to your plot, and have a scotch with you.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T15:29:42-05:00
@Eric B
I was here first!! (maybe)
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-27T15:31:49-05:00
@Eric B and Eric A. Find your backer number. Then you will know who really was here first. haha
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T15:32:06-05:00
@Eric A. You're golden. So is Eric L. And Erik is welcome also. It's just going to get confusing if we have to deal with other Eric/Erik(s).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T15:32:17-05:00
@the Erics, do you guys have swords, cause I'm thinking there can only be one!
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T15:32:44-05:00
Highlander-Eric edition!!
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-27T15:33:08-05:00
@Rod, maybe they can play until the death with Exploding Kittens.
@Rod: I was going to suggest a card along those lines: The Throw Down of the Eric/Eriks.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T15:33:44-05:00
oooh exploding kitten death match!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T15:34:36-05:00
or we could just send them out on an epic viking adventure
Howard Eisen 2015-01-27T15:34:49-05:00
Only 500 more to pass Reading Rainbow!
Ian Knox 2015-01-27T15:36:47-05:00
Some ideas for potential stretch goals (and I'm only half joking...)
5M = Animated exploding kitten web series
6M = Plush exploding kitten with velcro-affixed grenade
7M = Free can of bat-fart spray
8M = Promo deal with taco bell for unicorn enchiladas and taco cats
9M = Elon Musk launches 3 lucky winners into space for first ever zero-G game of Exploding Kittens
10M = All profits donated to make most amazing Nikolai Tesla museum ever conceived
I'm backer #2631. I saw it up when it first posted, and there were still all the spots open on the highest tier.... what I saw after I confirmed was staggering because they were all gone, and we'd already completely backed it.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T15:40:47-05:00
Sadly, #34,579. I saw Matt's update on FB the day before to be prepared, then had a horrible day at work and didn't get home and look until late. Needless to say, it made my day better. :)
yeah... I really haven't gotten much done today. :/
Absolutely not ! *refreshes to watch own comment show up*
@Dawn: I really should be working...people might want to get paid....
As a strech goal, they should make the cards out of recycled cardboard scratching posts!
Or recycled compressed kitty litter. I have plenty since I forgot to clean it out this morning. You're welcome!
Lol I'm watching the count.
From the FAQ on the story page, so everyone asking for stretch goals knows. ..
Whatcha gonna do with all that cash?
The truth is: herding all of these combustible felines into their boxes and convincing the postal service to take possibly explosive packages is where a lot of our funding is going, but we're working hard to come up with more ways to reward our kickbutt backers for their incredible support.
Dang we are at 105k backers now. this is just crazy and I am loving it :-)
While I don't think any stretch goals are needed.. Pay for add-ons would be nice. I always sleeve my card games which creates a bit of an issue storing them. Exploding Kittens sleeves and a deck box to store them would be insta purchase on my part.
watching via smartphone, partially covered with paperwork! ssssshhhh!!!
Projected costs of a $35 deck (Warning, only my guesstimate):
KS cut - 5% = $1.75
Credit card processing fees - 3-5% = $1.40
Pre-fulfilment survey and processing - 3-5% = $1.40
Actual card production on decent cards - $2/pack = $4
Instructions / box / packaging = $2
'Thing-of-incredible-delight' = $2 (may vary depending on where you buy your delights)
Freight to Partners = $.50
Postal packing and shipping first class = $4
Sales tax - 7% = $2.45 (avg amongst the states by pop. I'm guessing)
Fulfilment partner cut = $2 (best guess from Amazon's site)
Revenue = $35 - $1.75 - $1.40 - $1.40 = $30.45
Costs = $4 + $2 + $2 + $.50 + $4 + $2.45 + $2 = $16.95
Profit per unit = $13.50 (39% of top line revenue)
The single decks are $15 cheaper, but only save about $5.25 in shipping and production costs. They're making less money per unit on the $20 / deck version compared to the $35 for two version.
Most of the excess revenue will still be pumped into production to produce games to sell after the KS. If they do keep any money, they have to pay income tax on it.
So, my question is... what SGs do you want?
Free t-shirt? $5 for printing and $4 for shipping = $9 x 105,000 backers = $945,000 (more than half their profit / seed)
Free pack of cards? $2 printing + $.25 freight + $2 bumping from FC to Priority mail = $446,250
Even a single free foil card adds up. Printing, plus you now have to manually pack the card since it's off a different sheet, then do it 100,000 times.
Also keep in mind, both decks are 56 cards. They are using a full sheet for each deck. Any additional cards are going to require different packing techniques.
Exploding kittens themed sleeves would be awesome, otherwise I would probably end up getting a good quality set of clear card sleeves
Will it be easy to tell the two packs apart from their backs? That would make it easier to separate the piles for when you play with civilised people.
both decks will likely have the same backing but a different boarder on the front of them.
@Nikheil Singh,
I bet the backs of both decks will be the same so you can't tell which kind of card is coming up. Most likely, something will be different about the faces. Like a different background, or border, or symbol...
@Nikheil: Throw the odd NSFW one in there for a little...interesting...rwaction.
I will probably just mix in the exploding kitten cards from the NSFW deck to make a 4 player game faster and more challenging :-)
@Eric Aschner
Don't forget that if a company has a standard industry distribution license (Alliance Distribution, etc.) that they take 60% for services; warehousing, shipping, advertising, etc.
Most of those costs I looked up from various website quotes or FAQs. I'm assuming the distribution through Amazon who charges ~$2 for warehousing, packing, shipping, and other end of the line fulfillment. I presumed any additional taxes or fees for such would be taken from their cut, but could be wrong.
I know there's a lot of call for extra stretch goals, or add-ons, or additional tiers of commitment, but honestly, all I want are my two decks of cards, delivered simply and in a reasonable amount of time. As it stands now, the creators are going to have to print 11,350,431 cards and ship them to 105,178 different postal addresses. And those number are only going to increase. The logistics of that kind of operation are unfathomable, with many different forseeable complications (stuff getting lost in the mail and having to ship replacement sets, sets sent to the wrong address and being returned to the creators, etc.).
So let the creators wrap their heads around distributing these kinds of products without having to worry about the logistics of bundling cards with other things like keychains or card sleeves, which have their own production issues. That's all I want!
+1 Justin W
@Justin Warrenfeltz: I think the calls for other goals are the same over and over: more durable cards and a better box. Imagine if you wait 6 months for your decks only to have them arrived damaged/ruined?
Honestly, I'd be 100% perfectly satisfied with no additional stretch goals and getting this by the end of the year.
If they wanted to add a SG, something along the lines of "Original KS backer - $5 our first expansion if we ever get around to making one" would be awesome.
@Justin W, +1, oh and a lambo...
Are the cards in the nsfw pack going to be a different color from the standard pack?
Plastic cards are another issue. Man, I would absolutely love these to be plastic. But those are $4-5 more per deck. That's about a million dollar add-on at this point.
@Kelly the backing of the cards will most likely be the same, if anything there will be an icon or a difference in the border color on the front of the cards that will allow you to easily identify which set they are apart of
We expect there will be some difference to the faces so people can tell them apart.
Also any card that has genitalia is probably in the NSFW deck.
And those 11,350,431 plus cards when stacked are roughly 9, 450 feet tall!!
@Eric yup I am pretty sure that most of the cards can be easily separated based on the artwork alone.
I think as a continuation of what another backer mentioned about the reading rainbow kickstarter… you should add in a special Levar Purr-ton diffuse card into the decks.
'Levar Purr-ton'!! That's gold!
I'm pretty sure that as these guys are working with CAH that the cards will be the same quality. I'm not sure why so many people are assuming that they will be crap?
@Eric A, I lolled!
yes! make a "Levar Purr-ton" card!!!
someone should use photoshop right now and make a Levar Purr-ton mock up and then post a link to it here :-)
* Remind Me Feature on KS
Does a creator get to see how many "Remind Me"s have been clicked?
would be interesting to know how many people are building up to be reminded on the last 2 days.
does any of those Kick Stat websites cover this?
Levar Purr-ton: Stuns the player from using defuse cards for three turns.
Not exactly an "exploding" card...but follows a Levar theme.
Or it could be a difuse card itself, every knows how much cats like to bug people when they're reading!
@Owen 3 turns is a little harsh I would change it to 2 turns.
Or uses his visor to see another player's hand
You know with all the suggestions pouring in, i think even just from a few people in here whole new games alt versions of the game could be created.
@Eric I like that idea and in addition to seeing their hand it should allow you to force them to play a card of your choice during their next round.
@Chris: I'm hoping against hope for a Doctor Who expansion at some point.
I haven't seen any site that has Remind Me stats. Not sure that's info is available anywhere to grab.
A Doctor Who set with the same rules would be bloody brilliant :-) and I would certainly back it on day 1.
As huge fans of The Oatmeal and games in general, we'd love to make an app out of this but I don't want sound like a knob plastering company names here for lousy publicity and definitely don't want to go ripping off this fantastic game idea. So here's me asking for a chat on behalf of all the excited folks in our company that are eagerly awaiting Oatmeal-drawn NSFW decks!
oh and instead of exploding cats it would be Exploding Tardis or Exploding Daleks :-)
In terms of quality of cards, given they are teamed up with CAH, those cards are decent enough quality for the price paid and will look great. I'm thinking there should be more practical stretch goals to help make it more appealing for a larger catchment of people to really make it something special to be a part of. The primary thing would be shipping costs to which they have hinted at in the FAQs if they can they will, if they can lick that logistical hurdle and make it a stretch goal that would be awesome. The whole being part of something so big is reward enough as it is. Anything else is a bonus considering how massive this project has become.
@Eric L, send them a direct message, they would have a better chance of seeing it there.
@Joshua Durben,
It would make sense to be Daleks since they're trying to exterminate everyone. :) If you draw one, you die (unless it can be stopped).
I have faith in the team but I don't think we should assume anything about card and box quality. Want to hear details. It is odd to me that nothing has been said anywhere.
@Eric good luck with that, I for would would love a digital version of the game that I can play online with my friends :-)
And we have to get a Levar Purrton card. Brilliant
@Peter S.
That is brilliant!
ROFL Levar Purrton @ Peter S.
How about a Dr. Mew card? Can't be defused!
For the Doctor Who ones, would also need the Cyber-kittens. They explode enough in the Who-niverse. pretty much anything the Doctor goes up against goes boom at some point...or something they use.
Peter- they said they are working with the same company that makes CAH (look at the FAQ on the main campaign page), so I expect the quality to be similar.
About independant expansion cards- just would not be the same if someone else did them and they didn't have Matt's unique illustration style.
*refreshing the page again*
For this much money, the cards better be each hand-drawn, laminated with the tears of unicorn-mermaid hybrids, with christmas elves wrapping each and every set by themselves, and delivered via winged zombie birds.
Of interest- the original creator of CAH has backed this project, according to his kickstarter profile. Wait, are there still people who haven't backed this?
I think most of the people I know haven't backed this. Though, I think my sister might have since she posted a link to it on her Facebook on the first day.
Just because they are working with CAH or their printer doesn't mean EK will be he same quality.
We need to get a drum-roll going....
I think that they should make the cards out of paper towel, that way if you spill on them, they just absorb it!
@Stephanie: We need at LEAST another 3 million for all that!
@Rod: if they were magnetic they could be played ANYWHERE.
Um they are hand drawn aren't they???
@cal i think he meant each is hand drawn piece, not drawn and digitally printed a biajillion times
@Evan, I'm sure that wouldn't impact the cost at all!
I was kinda hoping that at some level of funding each backer would receive a hand signed solid 14 Karat gold exploding kitten card. Probably too much to hope for......
It was either that or the EK design Rolex. I think we chose wisely.
@Justin. Good call. But that would suck bad if you had to draw that many cards.... We would never get them at that rate.
As large as this project has gotten, I think the fewer stretch goals the better. Delivering just the decks is going to be so daunting that every little addition will slow down fulfillment even more. There's no way this many decks is going to all be delivered by July, especially when they started with an estimate of 1,000 decks.
@Eric A. I have to say, I could really go for a solid gold hand signed EK Rolex, but that's over the top, it's going to be hard enough to get hand signed solid gold playing cards made and distributed on time. Yeah, lets all ask them to do that.
I think that they should hire out a bunch of monks to hand replicate each card and embelish them with 24k gold leaf, I mean, its the least they could do for us right?
@Mike: I completely agree. I think that anymore stretch goals should either remain similar in nature or be smaller/less frequent in nature. Maybe something gimmicky or silly, but nothing drastic (if anything at all).
I decree that there be no more Erics allowed in the comment section!!!
@Evan: Something random from the Oatmeal store...that doesn't exceed the PG rating of what you are getting.
I think a good strech goal would be to buy and island and give each backer 1 square foot, oh wait, I think someone else did that already....
@Rod: I know that when you buy a bottle of Laphroig scotch there is a code on the booklet that comes with it where you get to claim 1 square foot of their island. And if you ever go to the distillery they will take you to your plot, and have a scotch with you.
@Eric B
I was here first!! (maybe)
@Eric B and Eric A. Find your backer number. Then you will know who really was here first. haha
@Eric A. You're golden. So is Eric L. And Erik is welcome also. It's just going to get confusing if we have to deal with other Eric/Erik(s).
@the Erics, do you guys have swords, cause I'm thinking there can only be one!
Highlander-Eric edition!!
@Rod, maybe they can play until the death with Exploding Kittens.
@Rod: I was going to suggest a card along those lines: The Throw Down of the Eric/Eriks.
oooh exploding kitten death match!
or we could just send them out on an epic viking adventure
Only 500 more to pass Reading Rainbow!
Some ideas for potential stretch goals (and I'm only half joking...)
5M = Animated exploding kitten web series
6M = Plush exploding kitten with velcro-affixed grenade
7M = Free can of bat-fart spray
8M = Promo deal with taco bell for unicorn enchiladas and taco cats
9M = Elon Musk launches 3 lucky winners into space for first ever zero-G game of Exploding Kittens
10M = All profits donated to make most amazing Nikolai Tesla museum ever conceived
I'm backer #2631. I saw it up when it first posted, and there were still all the spots open on the highest tier.... what I saw after I confirmed was staggering because they were all gone, and we'd already completely backed it.
Will Domino make an appearance?
Sadly, #34,579. I saw Matt's update on FB the day before to be prepared, then had a horrible day at work and didn't get home and look until late. Needless to say, it made my day better. :)
I am curious who the first backer wound up being? Hello?! Are you out there backer number 1?! SAY HI!
If I didn't see where I was when I backed, is there a place in the profile that shows it?