LadyZ of the house Vampitten 2015-01-27T10:46:55-05:00
@K.L., that's hilarious! By the end of today we'll both be backing the same projects. Hahaha
Catzalcoatal 2015-01-27T10:58:17-05:00
I don't expect any updates from the creators today. Today is Elan's day after his B-day Hangover Day. Add in the adrenaline from breaking the $4 million mark and I'm sure the creators are just trying to not lose their minds right now.
Steven Parker 2015-01-27T11:00:54-05:00
Seriously? $4.1 million and two stretch goals?
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T11:02:40-05:00
Well, obviously $4M wasn't that much of a stretch considering how quickly they hit it. Stretch goals should be hard, right? :)
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-27T11:04:22-05:00
I'm sure we will get an update today. Just not as to sure as to when.
Matthias Diester 2015-01-27T11:04:28-05:00
I just hope that Bat Cat makes a prominent appearance on one of the cards.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T11:07:20-05:00
1)Soon to be the highest backed kickstarter ever.
2)has currently over $4.113 million funded.
3) $10,000 for fully funded.
4)backing levels of only $20 & $35.
And yes, @Steven Parker. Only 2 stretch goals.
Steven Parker 2015-01-27T11:08:10-05:00
Shocking really.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T11:10:57-05:00
Now, I can see if there were stretch goals thought up originally. They were probably demolished in the first hour. Maybe they were something like adding 2 cards to the NSFW deck every so many hundred thousand, or better cardstock. Since they might have been met in such a quick period of time, they lumped them all into the 2 they put up.
It was at times like eating peanuts: one more... just one more... nope, not good enough to be the last one... :)
A mad world this is. Nobody can lay off peanuts anymore.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T11:14:11-05:00
They haven't really needed to list them to increase funding, like normal kickstarters, as this has to be exponentially greater then they could have imagined.
This project needs another what, 700 backers to beat RR?
Chris Rees 2015-01-27T11:17:07-05:00
@Steven Parker
They say "We're keeping it as simple as possible: support our project and in return we'll send you the playable game". I wasn't expecting ANY stretch goals at all, nor should anyone else that read the Risks section. The fact that they have to make around 100,000 copies of the game is enough risk as it is.
Tyler Wiebenga 2015-01-27T11:17:32-05:00
If you double your backing amount.
will that count as 2 backers then?
This is how a Kickstarter should be done, no frills, no bonus exclusive items, just support us and if you want to, our product and we will give you our product. Supporting this game was a no brainier and i am proud to be a backer.
Bryan Lipscy 2015-01-27T11:26:34-05:00
41,105% funded....... The most backed kickstarter project.
Dexter Ho 2015-01-27T11:27:29-05:00
i keep checking this site, waiting for the next stretch goal :x
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T11:29:08-05:00
Probably over 200,000 actually as most people have bought at least two decks. They'll be printing extras for later sales as well. After the entire project is over it wouldn't shock me if they ended up printing well north of a half million copies.
I agree, I strongly dislike KS campaigns that have 20 different tiers and 30 'stretch goals' (If you hit a new SG every day, it's not much of a stretch imo). From a business side SGs SHOULD take advantage of economy of scale. Like, we get a price break at manufacturing 1,000 units, we need $1,800 more to get there, if we hit it we'll use the savings to make the game better. There are no economies of scale anymore at this point short of buying their own factory or distribution channel. I'd strongly prefer any additional SGs to be easy to produce and fit in the existing packaging so we can get this before 2017.
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-27T11:29:21-05:00
@Joshua he was referring to the game with the most backers, not the most funded game.
K. L. 2015-01-27T11:30:55-05:00
@Eric Aschner, are these premium specs undisclosed stretch goals?
@LadyZ, Arg! Just watched the video for RFD and it looks great! Gotta check my budget before backing it, but I'm 90% sure I will
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T11:32:14-05:00
@Bryan Lipscy, potato salad was at something like 554,920%
Catzalcoatal 2015-01-27T11:35:32-05:00
@ Eric Aschner
Agreed, quality of product is all I'm concerned with. If they can lengthen the expected life span of a deck through the manufacturing process I'm all for that.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T11:35:58-05:00
I have absolutely no idea what is rattling around their brains. I'm just thinking of it from a fulfillment and business perspective. People seem to think, "hey, I was one of 100,000 people to kick in to a pot of $4M. These guys made $4M in a week! They should buy us all a car!!!"
Really, from earlier calculations less than 40% is margin. Plus things like plastic cards would be super awesome. However I'm realistic. Adding $4 per deck in cost (a very conservative estimate for going plastic) at 200,000 decks is $800K. That's half of their entire margin right now. Shirts are worse, say $5 for the shirt and $4 for shipping, even if only one per backer it costs even more. I'm all for free, cool, exciting stuff... but I'd rather them actually make money on this thing, launch a successful product, and continue to pump out new merchandise down the road.
Peter S. 2015-01-27T11:37:58-05:00
Can people stop bringing up the stupid potato salad?
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T11:38:28-05:00
Also, one potential reason for a SG beyond economies of scale would be for some cheap advertising. They're already getting news, but will get more when they are the most backed ever. If they ended up taking a run at the cooler, that's a reason to drop a little money as well as the internet advertising would be huge.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-27T11:38:47-05:00
@Peter S. I feel ya on that.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T11:44:55-05:00
Potato salad, potato salad, potato salad. OK I'm done. ;-)
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-27T11:45:40-05:00
At the current rate of backing (roughly 2 per minute), it's going to take about 9 hours to reach105,858. I'm gonna go get lunch.
Dwight Odelius 2015-01-27T11:48:26-05:00
This game needs a television game show. Celebrity Pyramid of Exploding Kittens. Wheel of Kitten Misfortune. Jeopardy.
An online version would be cool, too. Partly because I think it has potential to be monetized, perhaps for charity or funding the Tesla museum, but mostly because I don't have enough friends willing to sit around a table with me for any length of time.
LadyZ of the house Vampitten 2015-01-27T11:49:55-05:00
@K.L., hahaha We are now even. I am sorry (sorta). But also, you're welcome!
when are they going to finally announce the new stretch goals ?
Pha3drus 2015-01-27T12:23:13-05:00
Hey guys! What other cool kickstarters/indigogos are you backing? Anything cool?
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T12:24:06-05:00
Maybe in another 988 backers.
Or whenever they feel like it.
Or maybe never. It's not like it's holding back this campaign's success.
Elan Lee 2015-01-27T12:29:21-05:00
guys, you're going to hit this milestone before we even have time to call it a milestone!
Niall Crallan 2015-01-27T12:29:58-05:00
Only viable stretch goal that won't slow down production is to promise that, at some unspecified point in the future, there will be another expansion released separately from this kickstarter, which would probably happen anyway.
That or releasing a video of a toy kitten being blown up.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T12:30:18-05:00
@Elan, still eating that cake?
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T12:31:01-05:00
I'd pitch in an extra buck for that video!
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-27T12:33:22-05:00
*waves at Elan* Congrats on such a successful KS!
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T12:39:16-05:00
Maybe we all get a piece of cake as our next stretch goal?
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T12:40:05-05:00
@Niall, @ Eric A........Shame!!!
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-27T12:40:27-05:00
@Eric hopefully. Because they said they would post the next update once they were done eating the cake. haha. I wonder what type of cake it is.
@owen nooo dont suggest that. we want them to keep the milestone as is and then make a new one :-)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T12:51:09-05:00
Maybe its taking so long because its a fruit cake, and seriously who likes fruit cake? It could take forever!
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-27T12:53:15-05:00
@Rod I like fruit cake..... jk no I don't. Your right no one likes fruit cake. I hope Elan has better taste than that. haha
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T12:54:53-05:00
@Cal, lol! If you're into it I think I have one that about 10 years old, help yourself! How would you even know if it was stale anyways right?
Niall Crallan 2015-01-27T12:56:32-05:00
Somewhere out there a fruit cake is reading the conversation and weeping.
Be respectful and considerate to baked goods too ;_;
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-27T12:57:33-05:00
@Rod you have a very good point. I don't think there is a way to find out if it was stale. A 10 year old fruit cake might survive a kitten explosion.
Catzalcoatal 2015-01-27T13:02:38-05:00
I wonder if they can make a Fruitcake card to diffuse an exploding kitten. If it can survive the explosion maybe it can find a way of stopping it.
Catzalcoatal 2015-01-27T13:03:36-05:00
Fruitcake Shield: Survive exploding kitten explosion. Reshuffle back into deck.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-27T13:03:54-05:00
lol Fruitcake Shield
JusticeBolt 2015-01-27T13:05:57-05:00
C'mon next stretch goal please!
Cas Master of Disaster 2015-01-27T13:06:25-05:00
I love checking back every day or two and seeing the progress. I am super excited to play this game and my excitement grows even more every time I watch the video. Thank you to all the creators and backers of this project. It is going to be amazing!!!! *insert super nerdy giggle here*
Claudia Frewin 2015-01-27T13:09:11-05:00
Holy Hairy Balls. And boobs. That is all.
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-27T13:09:32-05:00
@Erik: I like your suggestion. They should actually make a card like that.
Catzalcoatal 2015-01-27T13:10:32-05:00
It would definitely be a great card. Especially, with the due date, I'm sure some people are buying these as presents for next Christmas.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-27T13:12:21-05:00
No! No one should ever make a fruitcake ever again! Please for the love of all that is delicious (or even edible) no fruitcake anything!
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T13:12:51-05:00
@Erik, 2015 or do you mean 2016? I am guessing this will be delayed 6 months?
Granite26 2015-01-27T13:14:37-05:00
Interesting point on the difference between disarming the kitten and surviving the explosion. Different mechanics?
Nate Outland 2015-01-27T13:15:23-05:00
I'm assuming that they are waiting to release more stretch goals until after this project becomes backed by most people on KS?
Katherine Profeta 2015-01-27T13:17:51-05:00
Only about 853 more backers to go :D
Catzalcoatal 2015-01-27T13:18:57-05:00
@ Baumgarten
I figure that with the delivery targeted for July 2015, people would save these for Christmas 2015.
Yup, maybe surviving with the Fruitcake Shield card could cost X amount of cards to use and then you shuffle the EK back into the deck. That way unlike a single defuse card you actually have to think about which cards to eliminate with the survive card.
That record is gonna get CRUSHED!!!!! Mmmmmwwwwhahahahahahahahaha
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-27T13:27:06-05:00
I'm sure my math is off a bit, but at the time right around 105,000 backers, based on the numbers bought / backed; they have to print roughly 214,000 decks of cards. That's almost twelve million individual cards. There goes the Amazon rain forest for paper pulp.
Mike Kabala 2015-01-27T13:28:42-05:00
Wow, there are so many comments here that I don't need to worry about anyone ever reading this one. I saw this card game with a cute name on KickStarter today, the 27th of January 2015, so I read through the description and decided to go ahead and pledge for both decks. It was only after I had done that and tweeted about it that I looked at the totals! This is an incredible boost for both KS and card games. Fulfillment is gonna be intense. You guys can afford to hire an entire city to get these things shipped. I can't wait to see where it ends up by the end of the funding period.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-27T13:40:32-05:00
Welcome to the party, Mike K! :)
Cody Lee Taylor 2015-01-27T13:42:49-05:00
Give us another Challenge, we shall crush it. It will be Legen.........Wait for It.....
Justin 2015-01-27T13:43:46-05:00
Kit Pasold 2015-01-27T13:45:13-05:00
105,000+ backers. That's more than the entire population of cities like Burbank, CA or Green Bay, WI! Congrats guys! Enjoy the ride...
JusticeBolt 2015-01-27T13:47:10-05:00
We have no news about cards stock ( cards quality) ?
Mike Kabala 2015-01-27T13:48:18-05:00
Get ready for it people. With success like this it's only a matter of time before someone comes up with a copycat game called "Toxic Potato Salad!"
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T13:48:22-05:00
No. We do know they fit into sleeves.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T13:48:33-05:00
Not that I'm aware of.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-27T13:50:50-05:00
@Elan, was it an ice cream cake?
Jason Powell 2015-01-27T13:52:00-05:00
just another 780 backers to beat Reading Rainbow
Kristin Luna 2015-01-27T13:53:54-05:00
Elan and crew,
Hi there. I'm super excited about how things are going, but I have to admit, I'm getting a bit annoyed with lack of stretch goals. Four million dollars is no joke. I'd love to see you thanking us by adding more stretch goals that we'll inevitably hit. Kickstarters tend to slow down in the middle of the campaign in terms of backers, and setting another very large stretch goal of something like 200k backers seems like it would be a bit lame. Do you know what I mean? More easily attainable stretch goals will help keep up the momentum and make all of your backers very VERY thankful.
Thank you for your consideration!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T13:57:24-05:00
If it's easily attainable, by definition it's not a stretch.
Avena 2015-01-27T13:59:09-05:00
Backers constantly asking for more free stuff (stretch goals) gets annoying.
Marcel Chabot 2015-01-27T14:00:07-05:00
@Kristin: You are making the assumption that after 105,000 backers they want to keep the momentum going. As it stands now, they have over 20 tons of cards to product and deliver, not counting packaging material. A success on this scale presents a massive logistics issue that could greatly impact their ability to deliver the rewards in a timely fashion.
Success can be a problem in the case of a Kickstarter. While I'm sure they can pull it off, I would hate to be responsible for the death of someone because they died in a landslide of 20 tons of playing cards.
As a side note, how about a "20 Ton Card Land Slide" as a Kickstarter exclusive card?
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T14:00:58-05:00
I have an awesome idea for a SG. If nobody asks for another SG for the rest of the campaign, then they raffle off a Ferrari to one of the backers.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-27T14:02:41-05:00
@Eric. hahahaha good luck with that.
JusticeBolt 2015-01-27T14:03:49-05:00
Guys.. they already said that they will announce the new stretch goal soon..So it's normal that people ask for it !
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-27T14:04:40-05:00
People are getting annoyed by the lack of free stuff? Jeez.
Jeff "Great Cane of Doom"™ Saxton 2015-01-27T14:07:40-05:00
At this point, they need to print a stack of playing cards nearly two miles tall. Let them do that first, then next year do an expansion. Two decks of cards (times two sets) is all I ever wanted or needed.
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-27T14:08:48-05:00
BruceP - Exactly. Everything they give us besides what we pledged for is a bonus. It's like going to the store, buying something, then asking for extra free stuff. It doesn't work that way.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-27T14:10:21-05:00
But Best Buy is a multi-billion dollar company. My purchase helped make them that way, I deserve free stuff from them!
Kit Pasold 2015-01-27T14:12:38-05:00
"I just found out that the game I bought is super popular... clearly I deserve a free t-shirt." Wait, what?!
Nancie K 2015-01-27T14:12:58-05:00
@Marcel Chabot
I second your request for a Kickstarter-exclusive "20 Ton Card Land Slide" card.
Though I wouldn't be put out if it was non-exclusive card.
Dawn Wise 2015-01-27T14:14:29-05:00
is anyone else just sitting at work, refreshing the page and watching the backer count go up?
@K.L., that's hilarious! By the end of today we'll both be backing the same projects. Hahaha
I don't expect any updates from the creators today. Today is Elan's day after his B-day Hangover Day. Add in the adrenaline from breaking the $4 million mark and I'm sure the creators are just trying to not lose their minds right now.
Seriously? $4.1 million and two stretch goals?
Well, obviously $4M wasn't that much of a stretch considering how quickly they hit it. Stretch goals should be hard, right? :)
I'm sure we will get an update today. Just not as to sure as to when.
I just hope that Bat Cat makes a prominent appearance on one of the cards.
1)Soon to be the highest backed kickstarter ever.
2)has currently over $4.113 million funded.
3) $10,000 for fully funded.
4)backing levels of only $20 & $35.
And yes, @Steven Parker. Only 2 stretch goals.
Shocking really.
Now, I can see if there were stretch goals thought up originally. They were probably demolished in the first hour. Maybe they were something like adding 2 cards to the NSFW deck every so many hundred thousand, or better cardstock. Since they might have been met in such a quick period of time, they lumped them all into the 2 they put up.
It was at times like eating peanuts: one more... just one more... nope, not good enough to be the last one... :)
A mad world this is. Nobody can lay off peanuts anymore.
They haven't really needed to list them to increase funding, like normal kickstarters, as this has to be exponentially greater then they could have imagined.
This project needs more Bobcats.
This project needs another what, 700 backers to beat RR?
@Steven Parker
They say "We're keeping it as simple as possible: support our project and in return we'll send you the playable game". I wasn't expecting ANY stretch goals at all, nor should anyone else that read the Risks section. The fact that they have to make around 100,000 copies of the game is enough risk as it is.
If you double your backing amount.
will that count as 2 backers then?
It does not, @Tyler.
This is how a Kickstarter should be done, no frills, no bonus exclusive items, just support us and if you want to, our product and we will give you our product. Supporting this game was a no brainier and i am proud to be a backer.
41,105% funded....... The most backed kickstarter project.
i keep checking this site, waiting for the next stretch goal :x
Probably over 200,000 actually as most people have bought at least two decks. They'll be printing extras for later sales as well. After the entire project is over it wouldn't shock me if they ended up printing well north of a half million copies.
I agree, I strongly dislike KS campaigns that have 20 different tiers and 30 'stretch goals' (If you hit a new SG every day, it's not much of a stretch imo). From a business side SGs SHOULD take advantage of economy of scale. Like, we get a price break at manufacturing 1,000 units, we need $1,800 more to get there, if we hit it we'll use the savings to make the game better. There are no economies of scale anymore at this point short of buying their own factory or distribution channel. I'd strongly prefer any additional SGs to be easy to produce and fit in the existing packaging so we can get this before 2017.
@Joshua he was referring to the game with the most backers, not the most funded game.
@Eric Aschner, are these premium specs undisclosed stretch goals?
@LadyZ, Arg! Just watched the video for RFD and it looks great! Gotta check my budget before backing it, but I'm 90% sure I will
@Bryan Lipscy, potato salad was at something like 554,920%
@ Eric Aschner
Agreed, quality of product is all I'm concerned with. If they can lengthen the expected life span of a deck through the manufacturing process I'm all for that.
I have absolutely no idea what is rattling around their brains. I'm just thinking of it from a fulfillment and business perspective. People seem to think, "hey, I was one of 100,000 people to kick in to a pot of $4M. These guys made $4M in a week! They should buy us all a car!!!"
Really, from earlier calculations less than 40% is margin. Plus things like plastic cards would be super awesome. However I'm realistic. Adding $4 per deck in cost (a very conservative estimate for going plastic) at 200,000 decks is $800K. That's half of their entire margin right now. Shirts are worse, say $5 for the shirt and $4 for shipping, even if only one per backer it costs even more. I'm all for free, cool, exciting stuff... but I'd rather them actually make money on this thing, launch a successful product, and continue to pump out new merchandise down the road.
Can people stop bringing up the stupid potato salad?
Also, one potential reason for a SG beyond economies of scale would be for some cheap advertising. They're already getting news, but will get more when they are the most backed ever. If they ended up taking a run at the cooler, that's a reason to drop a little money as well as the internet advertising would be huge.
@Peter S. I feel ya on that.
Potato salad, potato salad, potato salad. OK I'm done. ;-)
At the current rate of backing (roughly 2 per minute), it's going to take about 9 hours to reach105,858. I'm gonna go get lunch.
This game needs a television game show. Celebrity Pyramid of Exploding Kittens. Wheel of Kitten Misfortune. Jeopardy.
An online version would be cool, too. Partly because I think it has potential to be monetized, perhaps for charity or funding the Tesla museum, but mostly because I don't have enough friends willing to sit around a table with me for any length of time.
@K.L., hahaha We are now even. I am sorry (sorta). But also, you're welcome!
Wow that's a big cake.update please
Getting so close to the record!!! :)
I'm just wondering when the evil/bad guy theme is going to start playing so we can hurry up and take over the world already. :P
Only 1,000 more to beat the most-amount-of-backers-record (currently at 105,857) :)
1,000 away from the Reading Rainbow record! (105,857)
Hope we can get there in the next 3 weeks.... :|
I keep thinking of Jimmy Falon doing the Jim Morrison impression cover of reading rainbow! Awesome sauce!
@Chace. The cake is a lie. ;) haha
when are they going to finally announce the new stretch goals ?
Hey guys! What other cool kickstarters/indigogos are you backing? Anything cool?
Maybe in another 988 backers.
Or whenever they feel like it.
Or maybe never. It's not like it's holding back this campaign's success.
guys, you're going to hit this milestone before we even have time to call it a milestone!
Only viable stretch goal that won't slow down production is to promise that, at some unspecified point in the future, there will be another expansion released separately from this kickstarter, which would probably happen anyway.
That or releasing a video of a toy kitten being blown up.
@Elan, still eating that cake?
I'd pitch in an extra buck for that video!
*waves at Elan* Congrats on such a successful KS!
Maybe we all get a piece of cake as our next stretch goal?
@Niall, @ Eric A........Shame!!!
@Eric hopefully. Because they said they would post the next update once they were done eating the cake. haha. I wonder what type of cake it is.
@Elan Might want to make the milestone another half of what you had planned. Just to push it even more.
@owen nooo dont suggest that. we want them to keep the milestone as is and then make a new one :-)
Maybe its taking so long because its a fruit cake, and seriously who likes fruit cake? It could take forever!
@Rod I like fruit cake..... jk no I don't. Your right no one likes fruit cake. I hope Elan has better taste than that. haha
@Cal, lol! If you're into it I think I have one that about 10 years old, help yourself! How would you even know if it was stale anyways right?
Somewhere out there a fruit cake is reading the conversation and weeping.
Be respectful and considerate to baked goods too ;_;
@Rod you have a very good point. I don't think there is a way to find out if it was stale. A 10 year old fruit cake might survive a kitten explosion.
I wonder if they can make a Fruitcake card to diffuse an exploding kitten. If it can survive the explosion maybe it can find a way of stopping it.
Fruitcake Shield: Survive exploding kitten explosion. Reshuffle back into deck.
lol Fruitcake Shield
C'mon next stretch goal please!
I love checking back every day or two and seeing the progress. I am super excited to play this game and my excitement grows even more every time I watch the video. Thank you to all the creators and backers of this project. It is going to be amazing!!!! *insert super nerdy giggle here*
Holy Hairy Balls. And boobs. That is all.
@Erik: I like your suggestion. They should actually make a card like that.
It would definitely be a great card. Especially, with the due date, I'm sure some people are buying these as presents for next Christmas.
No! No one should ever make a fruitcake ever again! Please for the love of all that is delicious (or even edible) no fruitcake anything!
@Erik, 2015 or do you mean 2016? I am guessing this will be delayed 6 months?
Interesting point on the difference between disarming the kitten and surviving the explosion. Different mechanics?
I'm assuming that they are waiting to release more stretch goals until after this project becomes backed by most people on KS?
Only about 853 more backers to go :D
@ Baumgarten
I figure that with the delivery targeted for July 2015, people would save these for Christmas 2015.
Yup, maybe surviving with the Fruitcake Shield card could cost X amount of cards to use and then you shuffle the EK back into the deck. That way unlike a single defuse card you actually have to think about which cards to eliminate with the survive card.
Only 850 backers to break the backer record. Wow!
That record is gonna get CRUSHED!!!!! Mmmmmwwwwhahahahahahahahaha
I'm sure my math is off a bit, but at the time right around 105,000 backers, based on the numbers bought / backed; they have to print roughly 214,000 decks of cards. That's almost twelve million individual cards. There goes the Amazon rain forest for paper pulp.
Wow, there are so many comments here that I don't need to worry about anyone ever reading this one. I saw this card game with a cute name on KickStarter today, the 27th of January 2015, so I read through the description and decided to go ahead and pledge for both decks. It was only after I had done that and tweeted about it that I looked at the totals! This is an incredible boost for both KS and card games. Fulfillment is gonna be intense. You guys can afford to hire an entire city to get these things shipped. I can't wait to see where it ends up by the end of the funding period.
Welcome to the party, Mike K! :)
Give us another Challenge, we shall crush it. It will be Legen.........Wait for It.....
105,000+ backers. That's more than the entire population of cities like Burbank, CA or Green Bay, WI! Congrats guys! Enjoy the ride...
We have no news about cards stock ( cards quality) ?
Get ready for it people. With success like this it's only a matter of time before someone comes up with a copycat game called "Toxic Potato Salad!"
No. We do know they fit into sleeves.
Not that I'm aware of.
@Elan, was it an ice cream cake?
just another 780 backers to beat Reading Rainbow
Elan and crew,
Hi there. I'm super excited about how things are going, but I have to admit, I'm getting a bit annoyed with lack of stretch goals. Four million dollars is no joke. I'd love to see you thanking us by adding more stretch goals that we'll inevitably hit. Kickstarters tend to slow down in the middle of the campaign in terms of backers, and setting another very large stretch goal of something like 200k backers seems like it would be a bit lame. Do you know what I mean? More easily attainable stretch goals will help keep up the momentum and make all of your backers very VERY thankful.
Thank you for your consideration!
If it's easily attainable, by definition it's not a stretch.
Backers constantly asking for more free stuff (stretch goals) gets annoying.
@Kristin: You are making the assumption that after 105,000 backers they want to keep the momentum going. As it stands now, they have over 20 tons of cards to product and deliver, not counting packaging material. A success on this scale presents a massive logistics issue that could greatly impact their ability to deliver the rewards in a timely fashion.
Success can be a problem in the case of a Kickstarter. While I'm sure they can pull it off, I would hate to be responsible for the death of someone because they died in a landslide of 20 tons of playing cards.
As a side note, how about a "20 Ton Card Land Slide" as a Kickstarter exclusive card?
I have an awesome idea for a SG. If nobody asks for another SG for the rest of the campaign, then they raffle off a Ferrari to one of the backers.
@Eric. hahahaha good luck with that.
Guys.. they already said that they will announce the new stretch goal soon..So it's normal that people ask for it !
People are getting annoyed by the lack of free stuff? Jeez.
At this point, they need to print a stack of playing cards nearly two miles tall. Let them do that first, then next year do an expansion. Two decks of cards (times two sets) is all I ever wanted or needed.
BruceP - Exactly. Everything they give us besides what we pledged for is a bonus. It's like going to the store, buying something, then asking for extra free stuff. It doesn't work that way.
But Best Buy is a multi-billion dollar company. My purchase helped make them that way, I deserve free stuff from them!
"I just found out that the game I bought is super popular... clearly I deserve a free t-shirt." Wait, what?!
@Marcel Chabot
I second your request for a Kickstarter-exclusive "20 Ton Card Land Slide" card.
Though I wouldn't be put out if it was non-exclusive card.
is anyone else just sitting at work, refreshing the page and watching the backer count go up?