Well I'm sure we'll find some use for it, burn it for warmth?
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T22:48:43-05:00
If there were fruitcake and egg salad cards... what kind of effect would they have?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T22:48:48-05:00
Or maybe a special tin for it? Possibly a keychain?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T22:49:34-05:00
@Jason, nothing good.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T22:49:48-05:00
Sleeves for the fruitcake, and the tin needs to be big enough for sleeved fruitcakes.
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-28T22:50:12-05:00
Is there going to be a NSFW fruitcake?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T22:50:34-05:00
@Eric B, genius!
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T22:51:00-05:00
@NSFW fruitcake... more bourbon
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T22:51:10-05:00
Fruitcake is inherently NSFW.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T22:51:21-05:00
@Eric B, +1
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T22:51:46-05:00
apparently I am talking to fruitcake now, dang it
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T22:52:03-05:00
Fruitcake is actually NSFHC!
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T22:52:21-05:00
no more bourbon for me apparently
Nate Outland 2015-01-28T22:53:27-05:00
Umm any word of updates today?
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-28T22:53:34-05:00
@Eric B; good point, I suppose fruitcake is NSFAOA - Not Suitable for Anywhere Or Anyone... Unless there is bourbon involved, then all bets are off... Wait are we still talking about the same thing?
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T22:53:42-05:00
@Rod Not Safe For Human Consumption?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T22:54:19-05:00
@Eric B, yep!
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T22:55:18-05:00
@Jason, stop drinking the fruitcake!
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T22:56:05-05:00
@Eric.... hiccup... err.... hic
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T22:56:46-05:00
That's how they hook you, first they get you to eat some, next thing you know you're drinking it and then it's a slippery slope till you're mainlining!
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-28T22:56:48-05:00
@Nate - There was an update, but they deleted since it accidentally contained future updates and SG's. Only a few people got to see it.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T22:57:05-05:00
@Nate. As for EK, no. As for potato salad, egg salad, fruitcake ,bourbon, international shipping, and tin cases. Yes.
Ben Cooper 2015-01-28T22:58:13-05:00
As the project is almost 42,000% funded it's not like they need any more stretch goals. Sure making the cards or box better quality would be nice but that's about it. Keep it simple and it might ship on time which is a tough job now with so many backers. Praise jibbers.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T22:58:40-05:00
@John, maybe it was like a back to the future thing. "Marty! It's not your family, it's the update!"
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-28T22:58:49-05:00
New stretch goal: crack infused fruit cake with bourbon jellies
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T22:58:57-05:00
@Jason, may I suggest switching to Brandy. As in Brandy old fashioned sweet.
You're welcome in advance!!
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:00:00-05:00
You know... they are making a killing now, but make a stretch goal a $5 off orders of $20 or more at the oatmeal shop and they would be raking in the dough wanting to use their coupon....
mmm.... Brandy.... hic
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:01:11-05:00
Wow... drinking way too much... missed an entire part of the sentence... from people wanting to use their coupons
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:01:45-05:00
If you all could just hear my inner dialog it would make the commenting thing easier
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-28T23:01:59-05:00
Why am I still watching this?? Numbers, they go up! So hypnotizing ....
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T23:02:17-05:00
@Jason, time to lay off the fruit cake... Best switch to the potato salad.
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:02:38-05:00
My wife keeps wanting to know what I am chuckling about... she probably thinks I'm looking at porn
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T23:02:45-05:00
@ChrisL, classic move.
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:03:43-05:00
@Chris... what do you soak the eggs in?
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T23:03:50-05:00
@Jason. I am getting the same treatment.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T23:05:14-05:00
@Jason my wife has been doing the samesame thing.
@Eric B, sometimes it's best to go with the classics.
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-28T23:06:35-05:00
Breaking News, my cat has just informed me that it is bum licking time... yup, annnnd, it's still going... Ok, done... oh no! Wait, we're back to bum licking time... she's a perfectionist...
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T23:07:08-05:00
That's great! We're all getting dirty looks from our wives! Maybe we could have a stretch goal to get something for them, a trinket perhaps, to make it up to them?
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:07:08-05:00
Gotta make sure its purrfect
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-28T23:07:16-05:00
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T23:10:10-05:00
I saw the zombie cat thing earlier. Kind of creepy.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T23:10:58-05:00
I wonder how many lives that trip took off?
Perrin 2015-01-28T23:11:05-05:00
Passed 115,000 btw
Warren Goodwin 2015-01-28T23:11:15-05:00
Congrats on 115k + :)
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-28T23:11:53-05:00
@Eric B; Hmmm synchronized cat bum licking time? We're on to their scheme...
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T23:12:08-05:00
Whoo hoo! Where will this crazy train stop?
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T23:12:11-05:00
Close to beating Reading Rainbow by 10,000 backers.
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:13:56-05:00
Next game idea... Kickstarting Kittens... how many backer cards can you collect before your kitten explodes
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T23:14:22-05:00
Alright then, off to bed. One hell of a day ladies and gents. talk to you cool cats tomorrow.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T23:15:08-05:00
Or how many comments you can get before there's an update?
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-28T23:15:33-05:00
Yay 115K! I'm not sure why I'm so impressed by this, but I am. 0.0364% of the USA has backed EK
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:15:58-05:00
@Rod.... they were just waiting for Eric to go to bed... should be any minute now
LadyZ of the house Vampitten 2015-01-28T23:16:22-05:00
Next SG: ice packs to keep the potato salad fresh. None required for the fruitcake. That stuff could survive a nuclear blast. Maybe even an exploding kitten.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T23:16:40-05:00
Ha! I knew it!!!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T23:18:09-05:00
What if they shipped the fruitcake with the trinkets inside!?!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T23:18:22-05:00
@Eric B, good night, sir. Pleasant dreams filled with 'sploding kittens
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:18:27-05:00
They probably have Santa on staff... so they know your not sleeping
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T23:19:06-05:00
@Rod, I find your theories intriguing and wish to subscribe to your news letter.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T23:19:16-05:00
Hey! If they've got Santa, I want free international shipping!
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-28T23:20:11-05:00
Sorry, the CAH folks killed Santa...
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T23:20:12-05:00
@LadyZ, ooo good thinking on the ice packs
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:20:22-05:00
Is Santa EU friendly?
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-28T23:20:33-05:00
@LadyZ Yes! The fruitcake could withstand an expliding kitten! Fruitcake armor! Excellent idea for a defense card you had there!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T23:20:56-05:00
@Chris L, I'd tell you all about it but "they're" listening!
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-28T23:21:27-05:00
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T23:22:07-05:00
@Rod, that's why I always wear my foil hat... They won't steal my brainwaves that easily!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T23:22:11-05:00
The fruitcake is not what it seems...
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:22:13-05:00
"They're" probably wondering what we're laughing at too
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T23:22:54-05:00
Omg... The fruitcake is a lie!
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-28T23:23:02-05:00
@ Joshua D. Nope, no updates, but on the plus side, we've all gone insane and suddenly have an obsession with fruitcake...
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:23:23-05:00
Who wants odds that Eric is still reading this
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-28T23:23:45-05:00
The fruitcake is a lie. It is neither fruit nor cake.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T23:24:02-05:00
You know he is, I'm not taking that bet.
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:24:35-05:00
@Fizzziks... and potato salad
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T23:24:48-05:00
@Kevin, are you implying that fruitcake is a fig newton?
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T23:24:50-05:00
@Kevin B, that is the worst kind of lie...
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-28T23:25:13-05:00
I want a potato salad cake.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-28T23:26:23-05:00
No, fig newtons are worth eating. Fruit cake is...something worse.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T23:27:00-05:00
@Kevin B, does this cake have a trinket hidden in it?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T23:27:07-05:00
It's actually (literally) everything worse!
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-28T23:28:20-05:00
It better have a trinket hidden in it, or else I'm going to be very upset.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T23:29:06-05:00
Ummm excuse me we were promised trinkets?
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:29:16-05:00
There was a sleeve on the trinket but it melted in baking
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T23:29:59-05:00
@Jason C, that's bad...
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-28T23:30:11-05:00
I hate it when my trinket sleeve melts!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T23:30:11-05:00
Was it EU friendly at least?
Jason Clarke 2015-01-28T23:30:51-05:00
It was until its demise... now it is Ewww friendly
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T23:30:59-05:00
In light of this potato-salad-cake-trinketpotato-salad-cake-trinket fiasco I demand heat resistant sleeves!
Fizzziks "The Healer" 2015-01-28T23:31:28-05:00
You've all inspired me to read the wiki page on fruit cake, I have learned that in the US "fruitcake is ridiculed as a desert". We're going to give fruit cake a complex! And apparently we have Johnny Carson to blame for the popularizing fruit cake ridicule!
Well I'm sure we'll find some use for it, burn it for warmth?
If there were fruitcake and egg salad cards... what kind of effect would they have?
Or maybe a special tin for it? Possibly a keychain?
@Jason, nothing good.
Sleeves for the fruitcake, and the tin needs to be big enough for sleeved fruitcakes.
Is there going to be a NSFW fruitcake?
@Eric B, genius!
@NSFW fruitcake... more bourbon
Fruitcake is inherently NSFW.
@Eric B, +1
apparently I am talking to fruitcake now, dang it
Fruitcake is actually NSFHC!
no more bourbon for me apparently
Umm any word of updates today?
@Eric B; good point, I suppose fruitcake is NSFAOA - Not Suitable for Anywhere Or Anyone... Unless there is bourbon involved, then all bets are off... Wait are we still talking about the same thing?
@Rod Not Safe For Human Consumption?
@Eric B, yep!
@Jason, stop drinking the fruitcake!
@Eric.... hiccup... err.... hic
That's how they hook you, first they get you to eat some, next thing you know you're drinking it and then it's a slippery slope till you're mainlining!
@Nate - There was an update, but they deleted since it accidentally contained future updates and SG's. Only a few people got to see it.
@Nate. As for EK, no. As for potato salad, egg salad, fruitcake ,bourbon, international shipping, and tin cases. Yes.
As the project is almost 42,000% funded it's not like they need any more stretch goals. Sure making the cards or box better quality would be nice but that's about it. Keep it simple and it might ship on time which is a tough job now with so many backers. Praise jibbers.
@John, maybe it was like a back to the future thing. "Marty! It's not your family, it's the update!"
New stretch goal: crack infused fruit cake with bourbon jellies
@Jason, may I suggest switching to Brandy. As in Brandy old fashioned sweet.
You're welcome in advance!!
You know... they are making a killing now, but make a stretch goal a $5 off orders of $20 or more at the oatmeal shop and they would be raking in the dough wanting to use their coupon....
mmm.... Brandy.... hic
Wow... drinking way too much... missed an entire part of the sentence... from people wanting to use their coupons
If you all could just hear my inner dialog it would make the commenting thing easier
Why am I still watching this?? Numbers, they go up! So hypnotizing ....
@Jason, time to lay off the fruit cake... Best switch to the potato salad.
My wife keeps wanting to know what I am chuckling about... she probably thinks I'm looking at porn
@ChrisL, classic move.
@Chris... what do you soak the eggs in?
@Jason. I am getting the same treatment.
@Jason my wife has been doing the samesame thing.
@Eric B, sometimes it's best to go with the classics.
Breaking News, my cat has just informed me that it is bum licking time... yup, annnnd, it's still going... Ok, done... oh no! Wait, we're back to bum licking time... she's a perfectionist...
That's great! We're all getting dirty looks from our wives! Maybe we could have a stretch goal to get something for them, a trinket perhaps, to make it up to them?
Gotta make sure its purrfect
Wow-Zombie Cat http://www.chicagotribune.com/lifestyles/pets/chi-zombie-bart-the-cat-20150128-story.html
Come on guys, split screen
@Fizzziks. It must be that time for all cats. Mine is going after hers like there's fruitcake in there.
@Rod... should the trinket be presented in a tin?
Only if it can fit sleeved trinkets!
@Rod Well that goes without saying
@ J Kelly; I know right! Did you see the cat that survived 36 days in a box while a family moved to Hawaii?? Robust little creatures...
I saw the zombie cat thing earlier. Kind of creepy.
I wonder how many lives that trip took off?
Passed 115,000 btw
Congrats on 115k + :)
@Eric B; Hmmm synchronized cat bum licking time? We're on to their scheme...
Whoo hoo! Where will this crazy train stop?
Close to beating Reading Rainbow by 10,000 backers.
Next game idea... Kickstarting Kittens... how many backer cards can you collect before your kitten explodes
Alright then, off to bed. One hell of a day ladies and gents. talk to you cool cats tomorrow.
Or how many comments you can get before there's an update?
Yay 115K! I'm not sure why I'm so impressed by this, but I am. 0.0364% of the USA has backed EK
@Rod.... they were just waiting for Eric to go to bed... should be any minute now
Next SG: ice packs to keep the potato salad fresh. None required for the fruitcake. That stuff could survive a nuclear blast. Maybe even an exploding kitten.
Ha! I knew it!!!
What if they shipped the fruitcake with the trinkets inside!?!
@Eric B, good night, sir. Pleasant dreams filled with 'sploding kittens
They probably have Santa on staff... so they know your not sleeping
@Rod, I find your theories intriguing and wish to subscribe to your news letter.
Hey! If they've got Santa, I want free international shipping!
Sorry, the CAH folks killed Santa...
@LadyZ, ooo good thinking on the ice packs
Is Santa EU friendly?
@LadyZ Yes! The fruitcake could withstand an expliding kitten! Fruitcake armor! Excellent idea for a defense card you had there!
@Chris L, I'd tell you all about it but "they're" listening!
They're always listening...
still no new update :-(
@Rod, that's why I always wear my foil hat... They won't steal my brainwaves that easily!
The fruitcake is not what it seems...
"They're" probably wondering what we're laughing at too
Omg... The fruitcake is a lie!
@ Joshua D. Nope, no updates, but on the plus side, we've all gone insane and suddenly have an obsession with fruitcake...
Who wants odds that Eric is still reading this
The fruitcake is a lie. It is neither fruit nor cake.
You know he is, I'm not taking that bet.
@Fizzziks... and potato salad
@Kevin, are you implying that fruitcake is a fig newton?
@Kevin B, that is the worst kind of lie...
I want a potato salad cake.
No, fig newtons are worth eating. Fruit cake is...something worse.
@Kevin B, does this cake have a trinket hidden in it?
It's actually (literally) everything worse!
It better have a trinket hidden in it, or else I'm going to be very upset.
Ummm excuse me we were promised trinkets?
There was a sleeve on the trinket but it melted in baking
@Jason C, that's bad...
I hate it when my trinket sleeve melts!
Was it EU friendly at least?
It was until its demise... now it is Ewww friendly
In light of this potato-salad-cake-trinketpotato-salad-cake-trinket fiasco I demand heat resistant sleeves!
You've all inspired me to read the wiki page on fruit cake, I have learned that in the US "fruitcake is ridiculed as a desert". We're going to give fruit cake a complex! And apparently we have Johnny Carson to blame for the popularizing fruit cake ridicule!
@Rod M,
"What's included with the game?
A 56 card deck of Exploding Kitten cards, box, instructions, cheat sheet, and a yet-to-be-revealed-thing-of-incredible-delight."
You know what would have helped? If the tin would have held the sleeved, trinket filled, fruitcake!
Yes, heat-resistant trinket sleeves for all!
@ BruceP: "yet-to-be-revealed-thing-of-incredible-delight." = Anti-moister packet???