@Tsveta: Lucky you, my work day just started. I have to wait at LEAST 9hours before I'm home and can have a potatten.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T10:15:09-05:00
@Tsveta, I just started my work day... I have 8+ hours before I can enjoy a good potatten.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T10:15:24-05:00
All the cheese!!! Hailing from the dairy state, I like that!!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-29T10:16:41-05:00
@Eric B, like so?
Thewarstore.com 2015-01-29T10:17:05-05:00
Maybe they don't plan on having another stretch goal. :) Doesn't seem like they need one right?
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T10:19:38-05:00
Maybe the next SG is that they will develop another SG.
Amanda Rene 2015-01-29T10:19:57-05:00
Whether we get another stretch goal or not I just want an update from the guys. I understand that they're overwhelmed but I feel like we're being kept in the dark. If they have no idea how the overwhelming response to their game is going to impact the release date, or shipping I just want them to say that, to at least let us know that they are focused on it.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-29T10:21:53-05:00
They post a lot of stuff on Twitter still.
In the last 24 hours they have confirmed they are still planning on shipping in July. They are working on EU distribution, but no updates or guarantees yet.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-29T10:23:23-05:00
I bet that they are working on getting definite answers to all of our questions before posting and update. Don't think we'll be seeing another sg, what would be the point?
Tomorrow's headlines:
"Kickstarter superproject Exploding Kittens inspires an all-new meal: Baked potattens stuffed with cheese and bacon! New project created to refine the recipe.
Disclaimer: no actual potattens have been harmed during the writing of this nonsense".
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-29T10:23:55-05:00
I know, we all want updates. But keep in mind that the creative team, in addition to trying to deal with the incoming emails, phone calls, and interview requests (and fulfillments) they have to deal with the logistics of the biggest Kickstarter project ever and make a living for themselves too. A little patience folks.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T10:23:58-05:00
So I had a thought. They mentioned wanting to build a community here on KS that was about us. What if part of the way they're doing that is by utilizing Fb and Twitter to get us information and letting us evolve into the a community here. Maybe its not the community we want, but it's the community we need.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-29T10:27:27-05:00
@Chris L, good point! I mean seriously who doesn't need a potatten?
Mike Kabala 2015-01-29T10:28:15-05:00
Dumb question: What's the hash tag?
Scott Paulsen 2015-01-29T10:29:02-05:00
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-29T10:29:18-05:00
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T10:29:56-05:00
@Rod, love the name update! Also, I feel very sad for anyone who doesn't have a Potatten... very sad indeed.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T10:30:38-05:00
Thank you, thank you! Now I can't stop thinking about how to actually make a potatten, as an appatizer! Like out of a fingerling potato or something.
Bradley Hartin 2015-01-29T10:35:41-05:00
@Elan - I had posted about that interview last night as well. I definitely didn't think for a moment that you had left anyone out--I was sure it was the usual news editing. Sucks the guys didn't get their credit, but not your fault!
@Thewarstore: Only the coolest new thing! It's like Mr. Potato, for KITTENS! (Get your Potatten™ today)
Amanda Rene 2015-01-29T10:45:40-05:00
@Eric A, Ah, thanks for the info about the twitter. I have to admit, I've had my Twitter account for ages but never see to use it or even look at it. I try to get glimpses of what's going on through the comments here, but sometimes it speeds by a bit.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-29T10:46:10-05:00
I don't think it's right that the US produces 20 million metric tons of potatoes annually, and even though I buy a few dozen potatoes myself I don't get any free stuff, just the potato. They make billions! It's just not right!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T10:46:54-05:00
I hear the potatten blow up the statue of liberty (you maniacs!) after the great potatten uprising sometime around 3978... damn them all to hell!
They also melt the Eiffel Tower due tk the heat produced when they explode in 3960.
Thewarstore.com 2015-01-29T10:53:44-05:00
I think I have lost the thread of conversation here, which is entirely o.k. because I have a feeling that if I did understand this then either I would be elevated to higher plane of existence or find people with a white jacket waiting for me at the door.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T10:55:23-05:00
@Evan, the problem is all historical records were lost so we don't know when it happened... it could be next year for all we know!
@Owen, those potatten just have no respect for great architecture...
These potatten need to learn respect before they destroy us all!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T10:55:53-05:00
@Thewarestore.com, the nice men in their clean white coats aren't so bad...
An exploding Potatten™ can melt your face off, but that's why it comes with instructions and warning labels. There's nothing to worry about if you don't try to eat them after midnight afterall.
Thewarstore.com 2015-01-29T10:56:59-05:00
Hmmm... I ordered 10 sets of a game called exploding kittens, I guess that already says something for my mental health.
Thewarstore.com 2015-01-29T10:59:09-05:00
Regardless of twitter and whatever we would all like a new update here, not everyone is hooked into social media after all.
Has it been confirmed we can order multiples of the 20/35 dollar tiers?
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T10:59:34-05:00
@Rod, we must stop The 12 at all costs. I refuse to let the potatten take over the planet... of course if they win, I, for one, welcome our new potatten overlords!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T11:00:49-05:00
@Owen, yup, just up your pledge by 20 (for each standard ed. of the game). I bumped my up so I'll get 2 copies of the standard ed. and 2 copies of the NSFW ed.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-29T11:01:15-05:00
I just want to know what the potattens have against the French, first the statue of Liberty, then the Ifel tower, I mean come on, thats not EU friendly at all!
The ones blowing up French built things are of English descent.
Mike Kabala 2015-01-29T11:04:51-05:00
Is the jello in the shape of jellottens? ... Is it EU friendly? What if the men are wearing pink coats instead of white ones? Should I still go with them? Ha Haa HAAAAAAAAAH!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-29T11:05:09-05:00
Maybe they don't like being called pomme d'etattens?
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T11:06:30-05:00
@Rod, how could they NOT want to be called pomme d'etattens?
@Mike K, If they're wearing pink I question their ability to their laundry properly. Best to steer clear of them. The Jello better be in the shape of Jellottens!
@Rod: The secret lies with chip and fries... FRENCH FRIES, that has to be it!
Jean "The Insta(nt)gator" Roberts 2015-01-29T11:09:50-05:00
I'd love to see an exploding kitten card where the kitten pushes something off a desk or table (bottle of nitroglycerin perhaps) which cases it to go Boom! With all these comments I'm sure this is going to get lost in the sauce, but one can hope.....One of my cats loves to push my cordless mouse off my desk causing the cover to fly off and the battery rolling across the floor. No matter where I put the mouse, he'll slap it off the desk and seems quite pleased with himself.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-29T11:10:51-05:00
@Jean, its a no brainer, cats don't really care that much for mice!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T11:13:58-05:00
@Jean, I like your idea! My cat is exactly the same way. She will actually start nudging something to the edge of a table, stop and stare right at me to make sure I see her push the object off the table.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T11:14:20-05:00
@Rod, perhaps the potatten need some therapy...
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-29T11:16:04-05:00
@Chris L, or a special tin... perhaps a trinket?
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T11:16:56-05:00
Pommel Chaton.... sacrebleu!!!
Jean "The Insta(nt)gator" Roberts 2015-01-29T11:17:23-05:00
@Chis, It's a very cat thing for sure. They really can be little assholes.
@Jean: But we love them anyway....they must be brainwashing us. No doubt about it.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T11:18:22-05:00
@Rod, so you're saying we should go for appeasement with the potatten hordes? I think a trinket will only work if we also provide protective sleeves for said trinket.
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-29T11:19:37-05:00
Zut Alors!
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T11:19:41-05:00
Voulez-vous un peu de buerre?
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-29T11:19:53-05:00
@Jean, they sure can.
@Owen, I've read studies that mention that cat vocalizations are typically only used around humans. Apparently they see us as 'trainable monkeys'.
Mike Kabala 2015-01-29T11:21:19-05:00
Let me go on record saying that I welcome our new potatten overlords.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T11:22:33-05:00
My cats do the same thing. And if you tell them not to knock stuff off, it's like they don't understand what I'm saying. But if ask them if they want treats, they gosh darn understand THAT!
@Chris: I'll do whatever it takes to not be on the receiving end of the face melting blast. Even if said blast would potentially improve things.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T11:25:37-05:00
Sorry, @Jean, did you say something?
Mike Kabala 2015-01-29T11:25:45-05:00
Even steappies know what "treat" means.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-29T11:27:22-05:00
Next thing you know steappies will want trinkets too!
Mike Kabala 2015-01-29T11:30:18-05:00
Ooh ... shiny!
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-29T11:30:21-05:00
How about a Kickstarter for random Stretch Goals....at $1,000 everyone gets something from the bottom drawer of my dresser.
Jean "The Insta(nt)gator" Roberts 2015-01-29T11:30:50-05:00
This is fun! I spend the last few days... (ok... every day since day 1) with this page on my screen watching it update in real time (I work from home on a second computer system) lurking and reading the messages. I'm not addicted. I can stop anytime I...oh look... more backers.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-29T11:31:21-05:00
@Eric B
How about KittensInSpace? ;)
If Tesla invented the potatten, I'm pretty sure Edison electrocuted it.
New stretch goals?
Mmmmm baked potatten! With bacon bits (trinkets?)!
I suddenly feel the urge to go home and make bio-plastic potattens with bacon bit accesories.
... which brings to mind, why not an Electric Potatten that Explodes when you push the button to electrocute it?
@Rod: Crispy bacon bits make it the NSFW exclusive.
@Mike K, I think you just figured out how to monetize the potattens.
Sour cream and chives open up at the next million too!
Next strech goal, twice baked, cheese stuffed potatten, with all the fixin's!
How about having a blank card, so we can make our own card?
@Nellie, will this blank card be EU friendly?
The cheese of your choosing too, until the next stretch goal when you can choose all the cheese!
Aaah now you made me hungry! I've got two more hours till end of workday, damned potattens.
@Rod, I suggest you change your name to Rod 'EU Friendly' Mitchell!
@Tsveta: Lucky you, my work day just started. I have to wait at LEAST 9hours before I'm home and can have a potatten.
@Tsveta, I just started my work day... I have 8+ hours before I can enjoy a good potatten.
All the cheese!!! Hailing from the dairy state, I like that!!
@Eric B, like so?
Maybe they don't plan on having another stretch goal. :) Doesn't seem like they need one right?
Maybe the next SG is that they will develop another SG.
Whether we get another stretch goal or not I just want an update from the guys. I understand that they're overwhelmed but I feel like we're being kept in the dark. If they have no idea how the overwhelming response to their game is going to impact the release date, or shipping I just want them to say that, to at least let us know that they are focused on it.
They post a lot of stuff on Twitter still.
In the last 24 hours they have confirmed they are still planning on shipping in July. They are working on EU distribution, but no updates or guarantees yet.
I bet that they are working on getting definite answers to all of our questions before posting and update. Don't think we'll be seeing another sg, what would be the point?
They should clearly honor the potatten™, it would be silly not to.
Tomorrow's headlines:
"Kickstarter superproject Exploding Kittens inspires an all-new meal: Baked potattens stuffed with cheese and bacon! New project created to refine the recipe.
Disclaimer: no actual potattens have been harmed during the writing of this nonsense".
I know, we all want updates. But keep in mind that the creative team, in addition to trying to deal with the incoming emails, phone calls, and interview requests (and fulfillments) they have to deal with the logistics of the biggest Kickstarter project ever and make a living for themselves too. A little patience folks.
So I had a thought. They mentioned wanting to build a community here on KS that was about us. What if part of the way they're doing that is by utilizing Fb and Twitter to get us information and letting us evolve into the a community here. Maybe its not the community we want, but it's the community we need.
@Chris L, good point! I mean seriously who doesn't need a potatten?
Dumb question: What's the hash tag?
@Rod, love the name update! Also, I feel very sad for anyone who doesn't have a Potatten... very sad indeed.
@Rod 'EU friendly' Mitchell.... +((infinity×infinity)+1)
That is sooooo awesome! !!
Thank you, thank you! Now I can't stop thinking about how to actually make a potatten, as an appatizer! Like out of a fingerling potato or something.
@Elan - I had posted about that interview last night as well. I definitely didn't think for a moment that you had left anyone out--I was sure it was the usual news editing. Sucks the guys didn't get their credit, but not your fault!
@Rod: Your welcome, because it is the goal of the Potatten™ KS to put one in every home.
@Evan, I want to put one in my belly!
People might be waiting for an update, but at least you guys are making the (EU-friendly) wait even fun!
@Silvana, they're here all week. Try to potatten, it's delicious!
@Rod: You may want to order your Potatten™ starter kit soon then, there's a lot of demand after all.
What is a Potatten??
Potatten is people!!!!!
Potatten is life.
All you need is Potatten!
@Thewarstore: Only the coolest new thing! It's like Mr. Potato, for KITTENS! (Get your Potatten™ today)
@Eric A, Ah, thanks for the info about the twitter. I have to admit, I've had my Twitter account for ages but never see to use it or even look at it. I try to get glimpses of what's going on through the comments here, but sometimes it speeds by a bit.
I don't think it's right that the US produces 20 million metric tons of potatoes annually, and even though I buy a few dozen potatoes myself I don't get any free stuff, just the potato. They make billions! It's just not right!
I hear the potatten blow up the statue of liberty (you maniacs!) after the great potatten uprising sometime around 3978... damn them all to hell!
Eat them before it's too late for us all!
@Chris: That's so far in the future that we don't need to worry about that, that's 3978's problem after all!
@Eric A: Clearly you haven't been following the SG's, because the backer tiers include all kinds of cool new stuff now.
They also melt the Eiffel Tower due tk the heat produced when they explode in 3960.
I think I have lost the thread of conversation here, which is entirely o.k. because I have a feeling that if I did understand this then either I would be elevated to higher plane of existence or find people with a white jacket waiting for me at the door.
@Evan, the problem is all historical records were lost so we don't know when it happened... it could be next year for all we know!
@Owen, those potatten just have no respect for great architecture...
These potatten need to learn respect before they destroy us all!
@Thewarestore.com, the nice men in their clean white coats aren't so bad...
You get lots of smoothies and jello if you go with the men in white coats.
@Chris L, it all started with the 12 potattens...
An exploding Potatten™ can melt your face off, but that's why it comes with instructions and warning labels. There's nothing to worry about if you don't try to eat them after midnight afterall.
Hmmm... I ordered 10 sets of a game called exploding kittens, I guess that already says something for my mental health.
Regardless of twitter and whatever we would all like a new update here, not everyone is hooked into social media after all.
Has it been confirmed we can order multiples of the 20/35 dollar tiers?
@Rod, we must stop The 12 at all costs. I refuse to let the potatten take over the planet... of course if they win, I, for one, welcome our new potatten overlords!
@Owen, yup, just up your pledge by 20 (for each standard ed. of the game). I bumped my up so I'll get 2 copies of the standard ed. and 2 copies of the NSFW ed.
I just want to know what the potattens have against the French, first the statue of Liberty, then the Ifel tower, I mean come on, thats not EU friendly at all!
@Rod: Careful man, you don't want the Potattens™ to think your on to them do you.
@Rod, perhaps the didn't get the 'EU Friendly' memo?
The ones blowing up French built things are of English descent.
Is the jello in the shape of jellottens? ... Is it EU friendly? What if the men are wearing pink coats instead of white ones? Should I still go with them? Ha Haa HAAAAAAAAAH!
Maybe they don't like being called pomme d'etattens?
@Rod, how could they NOT want to be called pomme d'etattens?
@Mike K, If they're wearing pink I question their ability to their laundry properly. Best to steer clear of them. The Jello better be in the shape of Jellottens!
@Rod: It's actually Pomme Chaton.
@Chris L, don't ask me, I'm not the one blowing up all these historical pieces!
@Rod: The secret lies with chip and fries... FRENCH FRIES, that has to be it!
I'd love to see an exploding kitten card where the kitten pushes something off a desk or table (bottle of nitroglycerin perhaps) which cases it to go Boom! With all these comments I'm sure this is going to get lost in the sauce, but one can hope.....One of my cats loves to push my cordless mouse off my desk causing the cover to fly off and the battery rolling across the floor. No matter where I put the mouse, he'll slap it off the desk and seems quite pleased with himself.
@Jean, its a no brainer, cats don't really care that much for mice!
@Jean, I like your idea! My cat is exactly the same way. She will actually start nudging something to the edge of a table, stop and stare right at me to make sure I see her push the object off the table.
@Rod, perhaps the potatten need some therapy...
@Chris L, or a special tin... perhaps a trinket?
Pommel Chaton.... sacrebleu!!!
@Chis, It's a very cat thing for sure. They really can be little assholes.
@Jean: But we love them anyway....they must be brainwashing us. No doubt about it.
@Rod, so you're saying we should go for appeasement with the potatten hordes? I think a trinket will only work if we also provide protective sleeves for said trinket.
Zut Alors!
Voulez-vous un peu de buerre?
@Jean, they sure can.
@Owen, I've read studies that mention that cat vocalizations are typically only used around humans. Apparently they see us as 'trainable monkeys'.
Let me go on record saying that I welcome our new potatten overlords.
My cats do the same thing. And if you tell them not to knock stuff off, it's like they don't understand what I'm saying. But if ask them if they want treats, they gosh darn understand THAT!
@Mike: You're really the leader of the steappy (steak puppy) resistance of them, aren't you?
....That doesn't have the ring it did in my head.
@Owen, SSSSHHHHHHHH!!! Don't blow his cover!
Whoa, whoa whoa. .. steappy and pottatens living together, mass hysteria!
@Eric, Selective comprehension - kinda like my husband when I remind him its his turn to take out the garbage
@Chris: I'll do whatever it takes to not be on the receiving end of the face melting blast. Even if said blast would potentially improve things.
Sorry, @Jean, did you say something?
Even steappies know what "treat" means.
Next thing you know steappies will want trinkets too!
Ooh ... shiny!
How about a Kickstarter for random Stretch Goals....at $1,000 everyone gets something from the bottom drawer of my dresser.
This is fun! I spend the last few days... (ok... every day since day 1) with this page on my screen watching it update in real time (I work from home on a second computer system) lurking and reading the messages. I'm not addicted. I can stop anytime I...oh look... more backers.
Can i have what's in the back left corner?