Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T13:52:26-05:00
Tchotchke, I think it actually does slow down. Where's Dr F or Fizzziks? They should know
JusticeBolt 2015-01-30T13:52:55-05:00
-On day 1 , the NSFW was an expansion that added 20 cards that you can add to the deck.
-Now it's a full deck ( and the deck is the same cards as the base game) and can't be mixed for a 2-4 player game. My question is.. Can we mix more cards to the base deck (using some NSFW cards) in a 2-4 players game?
@Justice: Where does it say anything about not being able to mix them? I don't see how it would affect the gameplay...other than making the whole thing NSFW.
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-30T13:54:51-05:00
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-30T13:55:03-05:00
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T13:55:29-05:00
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T13:55:31-05:00
...also you can combine the decks for an 8 player game. Moreover they've said that the decks will be nearly identical in use, just differ in names and drawings.
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-30T13:55:35-05:00
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-30T13:56:02-05:00
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T13:57:31-05:00
Seeing that will more than likely be the highlight of my day. I'm out for a bit, y'all.
JusticeBolt 2015-01-30T13:57:32-05:00
But It was an expansion before that added 20 new cards...and now it's the same base deck with new arts. I'm happy with pledge but that's not the same as an expansion.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T13:57:41-05:00
I saw it! For reals! No Micky talk!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T13:57:46-05:00
Shopped, can tell by the pixels.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T13:57:57-05:00
I got a screen grab of the 123456.
*The Chameleon fades into view, startling his teammates*
(126 more backers...)
SNS card with kittenjizz?
Oh, Dr Potatten, I've figured out what to do about the fruitattens
@Rod... a compromise, very well I'll add it to the SG's.
If it has to deal with rum I've taken care of that problem.
There we go, the glasses would make the shipping costs APPEAR to be cheaper. And would count as a trinket. And maybe they could smell like something.
Yes, I made a rum sauce to splash on them so the pirattens would eat them.
So, +1D glasses?
@DDD they could smell like unicorn enchiladas
@DDD, that's it exactly, maybe they could smell like freedom?
Top 10 commenters up to 17.47 UTC:
BruceP - The Chameleon 487
Rod "EU friendly" Mitchell 467
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 437
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 275
Chris "The Historian" Loth 245
Melissa "The Creeper" Fahlstrom 233
Joshua Durben 227
Evan "Potatten™" Weideman 213
Cal Rasmussen 211
Owen "Great Mountain" Middleton 169
What does freedom smell like?
Like a Bald Eagles breath
@Eric B: Yes, hyper-penta-dimensional glasses are in the works! They will also be scratch'n'sniff, and come with blackhole resistant sleeves.
@Lord Zombitten nothing smells more of freedom than a big load of
Awhh, the twin brothers are side by side in commenting.
hyper-bi-directional-penta-dimensional glasses
Peter, I have 172, which puts me above Great Mountain
Woot. I made it to the top 10 while commenting from deep in the mountains.
Did you solve the dimensional interference issue, then?
@LordZombitten, this can be, the data is about 45 minutes out of date, so to say.
Still working on that, it's definitely going to delay the projects... I'm going to need more SG's to sate my backers...
quantum entanglement was the solution
@Peter, how did you get those stats?
@peter, then you are forgiven. I'll withhold my horde of zombittens for now
@EU friendly, I ran the json I scraped from the site through pandas. I posted a link to the dump further down.
Where is the update they promised yesterday?!
@Peter, I see... Nodding my head like I understood any of that. ;)
ok here is a funny thought for an add-on, what about a boob dragon mousepad ? you know like the echi anime mouse pads you see from Japan.
@Creeper can we add update requests to the list, just under shipping inquiries?
@Chad, I think it was supposed to be a couple of days ago...
@Joshua - The boobs could be the padded wrist support
@LZ- i have to make a few deliveries and am getting ready to leave. If someone can make note of them, and we'll add them in later.
@John that as exactly my thinking on it :-)
50 backers to go!
@Creeper can do
only 43 more
Looks like Elan is too busy playing EK for all of his interviews to post that update.
So for all the micky taking about EU Friendly, do any of you know what that actually means?
@EU until what?
almost at 123,456 backers! :D
It means that the Queen gets her cut
@john lol
@Michael, are you being EU unfriendly now?
"Tomorrow we'll talk about some important update", this was on Jan. 27 :(
you might never see that 123.456 number you're all after
The talked it out and decided they didn't need to post it. That's common.
Does anyone know what "mickey taking" means, for that matter?
@Jocelyn: They never said they would tell us, just that they would talk about it.
I took a wicked mickey this morning. Damn Mexican food
Perhaps it's talking in a high falsetto? Ha ha!
24 to go!
Does it actually slow down near milestones or is that just kettle watching?
I gotta take a shower. Someone keep track of the update requests until The Creeper or I get back
16 more to go
Tchotchke, I think it actually does slow down. Where's Dr F or Fizzziks? They should know
-On day 1 , the NSFW was an expansion that added 20 cards that you can add to the deck.
-Now it's a full deck ( and the deck is the same cards as the base game) and can't be mixed for a 2-4 player game. My question is.. Can we mix more cards to the base deck (using some NSFW cards) in a 2-4 players game?
9 more
7 now
Then everyone tries to get it in the end causing it to skip the goal we all want to see
You can probably do whatever you want. Nobody will arrest you.
@justice, sure. Just don't add in the NSFW exploding kittens themselves
@Justice: Where does it say anything about not being able to mix them? I don't see how it would affect the gameplay...other than making the whole thing NSFW.
...also you can combine the decks for an 8 player game. Moreover they've said that the decks will be nearly identical in use, just differ in names and drawings.
1 more!
Whoo hoo!
Just 1,111,111 more to go until 1,234,567!!!!
Damn. Missed it.
called it...!
Wow.. great timing if I say so myself.....
!!! 123,456 !!!
I'm standing with my keys in hand watching! 123456- SHOW YOURSELF!
dang it jumped from 55 to 58
I saw it for a second.
I told you that you might not see it
I screen capped it.
I saw it stay at 55 for an imperceptibly long time and then jump to 58. :(
Seeing that will more than likely be the highlight of my day. I'm out for a bit, y'all.
But It was an expansion before that added 20 new cards...and now it's the same base deck with new arts. I'm happy with pledge but that's not the same as an expansion.
I saw it! For reals! No Micky talk!
Shopped, can tell by the pixels.
I got a screen grab of the 123456.
*The Chameleon fades into view, startling his teammates*
Oh, sorry, I sometimes forget to fade in before talking. ;)
Here's the link to my screengrab:
I saw it too ROD
@Eric No photoshop, seriously why photosop that lol
We must add that screen grab to the Google Doc.