@LadyZ: That treaty was signed in 3910. And it's still a controversial topic for the Fruitatten who feel wronged for being held responsible for the financial downfall of thr others for a war they didn't start.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T14:08:43-05:00
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T14:12:56-05:00
Yes, they've decreed that everyone who asks about updates and shipping info (dates or rates) is to get theirs last.
In fact the order is:
1. Ship everyone else's
2. Go on a month long cruise
3. Ship that group.
Poz 2015-01-30T14:13:31-05:00
Doing what? Talking to a card printing company? During the project campaign, this comment section should be their home.
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T14:14:04-05:00
actually they're going to ship the items with an ox carriage
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T14:14:08-05:00
Poz why do you have to be so negetive your like the only one who is complaining in the entire comment ection every time i look just have a good time talking to this community you didnt buy a product you gave money to a couple guy making a product that you think is awesome and they thank you by letting you have the product you get it when you get it dont back things if your worried about time!
i will give you anything you should start a kickstarter to fix the POZ problem
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T14:17:49-05:00
If someone could show poz the comment update from last night from Elan
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T14:17:53-05:00
@Chameleon's link is now on the web page.
Patrick Thurston 2015-01-30T14:18:22-05:00
Professor F Poz Hunter
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T14:18:56-05:00
Can I get a link to the wb page?
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T14:19:07-05:00
I wish there was a way to filter through 7,000+ comments and see the ones directly from the creator
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-30T14:19:19-05:00
- Elan checked in and had this to say in the comments-
• Sorry for the lack of updates in the last few days guys. You guys have certainly put us to work. Please don't interpret our silence as a lack of progress!
• scratch n sniff is quite an involved process. It has equal parts us considering the idea, laughing a lot, realizing it will delay shipping, feeling conflicted for a moment or two, tossing the idea out, going right back to stressing about the fact that you guys keep doubling in numbers.
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T14:19:46-05:00
I only get paid in ore & minerals. Let me get in touch with KS to set it up.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T14:20:04-05:00
Thanks silver!
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T14:20:12-05:00
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T14:20:13-05:00
No matter what else happens we'll always have 123456!
dammit, I was ready to screen grab that and sell it for $1, but heck, it jumped, how did the Chameleon grabbed that, it eludes me
@Great Mountain,
Looks like we have 2 grabs to choose from for the Doc. :)
@Rod. Not if a few thousand of us decide to back out. ;)
@Professor F,
The Chameleon is a sneaky one. ;)
only 2097 more comments to 10,000
@BruceP Yep, mine is 40$ since it include the 5$ shipping to Canada
Both those grabs are shopped. ;) The 6's look the same as the ones in the pledge total.
@Jocelyn me too :D
@Bolt, I'm hoping for a future expansion titled Kittens of Mass Destruction.
That's just crazy talk, Tchotchke
Is it sad that I screenshot that, too?
I think I hear Felina calling you. :P
<--Casts a spell of sexual preference confusion to this forum
@The Historian Is that the expansion where everyone says you have kittens and then goes through your hand only to find out you dont actually have any?
LadyZ, hero or villain?
Is LadyZ on the list? Every group needs a vampire! :)
I find your lack of stretch goals disturbing.
That I am! I am the villainous vampitten! (aka vambitten).
Ah, yep, she's on the Doc. :)
Excellent! I'm glad I'm not the only undead here.
Avery, you must be new around these parts. Stretch goals are against the treaty of 3950 between the Potattens and Groutattens.
So Bittens the Fruitcat is one of yours?
@Lord Z,
YOU'RE undead? You don't just control the Zombitten? Ick.
non-euclittens are still missing on the google doc
can we get cheaper EU friendly shipping?
@GM, don't forget the fruitattens, zombittens and vampittens!
Yeah, I am The Lord Zombitten! Bigger and more powerful than the rest. That's why I'm their leader
@Silver Ninjatten,
No fair trying to artificially increase the count. :P
@Jelle "non-euclitten",
Where do you stand on the whole good/evil/neutral thing?
@Chamelen thanks. My browzer froze at 123454 and I just now got rebooted and back on.
@Chameleon. I actually hadn't requested it yet.
If it's here it counts. Sorry :)
@LadyZ: That treaty was signed in 3910. And it's still a controversial topic for the Fruitatten who feel wronged for being held responsible for the financial downfall of thr others for a war they didn't start.
@Chameleon non-euclitten is neutral
Anyone around who can edit the list(s)?
my only allies are the eldritch abominations
soo neutral with a tendency for evil
Extremely rare, in-between screen-grab. http://i.imgur.com/bAQkc3d.jpg
Both of our list editors have left for the moment.
@Jelle "non-euclitten",
Sort of like our Harley Quinn. Though she's on Hero side for some reason
Random wickedness : Neuters the neutrals in an attempt to restrict their genes from being perpetuated
Scrawl it on the fruitcake.
@GM, I stand corrected! Upon review of my tomb's historical documentation, I see that you are correct. Carry on, my friend.
@DDD finally, a non-shopped grab! Thanks!
That's a lovely "screengrab" you have there. :)
Seems legit
Have they updated their timeline yet?
@DDD well done
Y'all think we hit $5 million by midnight tonight?
@Poz, not yet, they're working hard behind the scenes!
2015 to 1000 -1
I'm mobile for the moment. If cheetah butt could update the website- Thatd be great.
2050 dammmn
Yes, they've decreed that everyone who asks about updates and shipping info (dates or rates) is to get theirs last.
In fact the order is:
1. Ship everyone else's
2. Go on a month long cruise
3. Ship that group.
Doing what? Talking to a card printing company? During the project campaign, this comment section should be their home.
actually they're going to ship the items with an ox carriage
We took over
I'm going to have to go again, but for those that might have missed it, here's my screengrab of when we hit 123456: http://s29.postimg.org/ty0tghm53/123456.png
*The Chameleon fades into the background and is gone*
@Chameleon I grabbed your link too so i could share it with others.
Well, Elan has done about 2 dozen interviews in the last couple of days alone...
is cooking up a new steaming filter to release upon kittenanity
*pokes the wall into the eye* aaahhhha!
Poz why do you have to be so negetive your like the only one who is complaining in the entire comment ection every time i look just have a good time talking to this community you didnt buy a product you gave money to a couple guy making a product that you think is awesome and they thank you by letting you have the product you get it when you get it dont back things if your worried about time!
I can fix your Poz problem for a fee
@F no gender bending, imagine a Poz lady.
i will give you anything you should start a kickstarter to fix the POZ problem
If someone could show poz the comment update from last night from Elan
@Chameleon's link is now on the web page.
Professor F Poz Hunter
Can I get a link to the wb page?
I wish there was a way to filter through 7,000+ comments and see the ones directly from the creator
- Elan checked in and had this to say in the comments-
• Sorry for the lack of updates in the last few days guys. You guys have certainly put us to work. Please don't interpret our silence as a lack of progress!
• scratch n sniff is quite an involved process. It has equal parts us considering the idea, laughing a lot, realizing it will delay shipping, feeling conflicted for a moment or two, tossing the idea out, going right back to stressing about the fact that you guys keep doubling in numbers.
I only get paid in ore & minerals. Let me get in touch with KS to set it up.
Thanks silver!
@LZm here's the doc link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-DrPTOVdHaf5ki0B-CwcBpuOPTw0Q1XCfwZrinAyrRs/edit…
and the link i just posted is the website
@Nate, I think Creeper and Historian (and maybe Cheetah Butt) have been working on that.
*Fading in briefly*
@Nate O,
There is. Here you go: https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/elanlee/comments
*gets glare from woman on bus* "sorry ma'am, I need the elbow room to comment on KS."
Duhhhh, I'm an idiot, but thanks
*The Chameleon fades away again while saying "You're not an idiot......", and is gone*
@Creeper" lol I hate buss people.
@DDD Nice Grab :) Seriously mine is not shopped at all
Slaps a KS user across the face as an advance in good faith for type of services to be rendered.
@Prof. F, alright that's enough micky talk!
Only $132773 away from 5mil
oi matey, don't you point those sausages at me
I am pretty sure that we are going to hit 5 million by Sunday :-)
I expect we will roll over that before the day is over.
@Josh, +1
If 5 million doesn't happen tonight, it almost definitely happens early tomorrow morning
it's onlt 3974 backers at the NSFW level
I have added a link to Elan's comment stream on the webpage.
Well it "only" did $240K yesterday, and it's done half that already today. May not make it.
I suspect this weekend will slow right down... but you never know, I'm often wrong, ask my wife!
@Chetah butt Good job