I turn away for a minute and now there are porpoises?!
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T16:37:03-05:00
I'm up for a thunder clap. I'll probably miss it in the comments though
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T16:37:04-05:00
@Josh D,
Is that your name? Thunder Clap sounds cool. Do you have weather-control powers?
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T16:37:38-05:00
ThunderClap sounds like an aggressive STD
Katie Pants Cheery Pie 2015-01-30T16:37:46-05:00
(scurrying back from Google)
What is Thunderclap?
Thunderclap is a tool that lets a message be heard when you and your friends say it together. Think of it as an "online flash mob." Join a Thunderclap, and you and others will share the same message at the same time, spreading an idea through Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr that cannot be ignored.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T16:37:56-05:00
@Creeper, @Cheetah Butts, should we just make the Google Doc the down and dirty crib sheet and direct everyone to the website for a clean view?
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-30T16:38:17-05:00
I like the idea of @Josd D aka Thunder Clap having weather control powers.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T16:38:25-05:00
Or it sounds like a guy who.I work with after a very dairy filled lunch.
@Katie Thunder Clap is a way to setup a social storm :-)
When people sign up on a Thunder Clap project it will use all of their social messaging accounts like twitter and facebook to send out the same message at a specific time.
So imagine seeing 100k tweets about this campaign time to be posted exactly 48 hours before this campaign ends.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T16:40:23-05:00
Next backer number looking forward to....124816.
Katie Pants Cheery Pie 2015-01-30T16:40:40-05:00
@Joshua "Thunder Clap" Didn't the 10th Doctor do something like that... with the phone calls and Martha (voice trails off....)
Oh and the 11th Doctor did it too with Prisoner Zero... and the phone calls and (voice trailing off again)
I will set the goal for the Thunder Clap when I get home at 25,000 members and we can try to get Elan to post an update on here as well as send a tweet out on twitter asking other people to join the Thunder Clap.
If we reach 25k members then the Thunder Clap will happen and it will be very exciting to watch :-)
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T16:42:32-05:00
@Thunder Clap,
Are you hero/villain/or neutral entity?
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T16:43:23-05:00
@Prof F, remember, I control history so I get to make you out anyway I choose.
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T16:43:29-05:00
25k seems slightly high for a thunder clap, maybe I'm wrong? Does it carry over across social media platforms?
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T16:44:03-05:00
gadammit, I can't stop laughing at those thundery gonorrhoea viral infections.
@Nate we have 124k backers and counting, that being said I will set it to 10k just so that we can make sure that the Thunder Clap happens, and yes it will carry over across all social channels that are currently supported by Thunder Clap.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T16:45:50-05:00
Let it be written, Thunder Clap is Neutral! (until he decides otherwise)
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T16:45:55-05:00
If the thunder clap was only broadcast in the comments, I think only a few hundred people would see it at all, much less participate
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T16:46:01-05:00
pity you have no control of the historical record, Prof. F. Megneto helm or not, you still have limited powers.
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T16:47:10-05:00
I am laser removing the Thunderclap's Kitty Corps tattoo until a camp decision has been reached
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T16:47:17-05:00
I just think it's high (unless it's announced in an update) only 10k comments for all these people mean a lot of them are lazy, and just pledged their money and have no further loyalty!
ohh would be sweet if we could screen cap 4,888,488
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T16:49:32-05:00
@Thunderclap, too late
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T16:50:16-05:00
Maybe 4,888,884?
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T16:50:22-05:00
I must take me leave once more. Do try to keep the Potattens in check. And if you can keep Prof F and Historian from destroying the timestream, that would be great!
*The Chameleon walks towards the door, fading from sight as he goes*
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T16:50:59-05:00
Souh for that...
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T16:51:13-05:00
@Chameleon, I'm the only one standing between Prof F and a sane time stream!
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T16:51:30-05:00
Prof, you're catching up fast on the spam list :) Just changing an avatar and wow.
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T16:52:17-05:00
Backer level screenshots are way easier, it seems the cool $$ amounts always get skipped over
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T16:52:29-05:00
I haz to leaves teh Interwebz again. Later corps!
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T16:52:41-05:00
Breaking News : Unknown villain wearing a wonky helmet exterminates the whole cast of Game of Thrones
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T16:53:02-05:00
Prof F Spam Level : Master
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T16:53:09-05:00
ok. my shoes are off, I've had a snack. I am ready to jump back in!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T16:53:30-05:00
@Trinkets, later!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T16:53:44-05:00
Can someone repost link to website? I have teh google doc opened, and might- as The Historian suggested, use that as a sheet to take notes on. I see that we've added ThunderClap
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T16:54:09-05:00
i'm still here, I finally made the switch from my cell to my laptop. I made a hefty goal of 5000 comments a day, my thumb isn't up for it
Thewarstore.com 2015-01-30T17:00:51-05:00
Not if everyone decides to buy two sets of decks for $70 thus throwing the whole thing out of wack, bringing us well over $7 million and destroying all timetables...
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T17:01:59-05:00
I bet everybody is waiting to do that until there are stretch goals announced though!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:02:16-05:00
Allison- have you decided on your purpose here? Villain? Hero? Neutral?
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:03:15-05:00
Is Nate Overland (in Google Doc) supposed to be Outland? How did he fool us all with his comments?
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T17:03:18-05:00
Douchebaggery Report : An unknown individual with some kind of supernatural power has removed the last page of every 50 shades of Grey novel on the planet ever printed in what amounted to be a fraction of a second. Authorities are baffled with the uncontrolled oestrogen explosion and the male population is facing a month long nagging, only to soothed with some quality S&M time.
Thewarstore.com 2015-01-30T17:03:39-05:00
I doubt we will see any further stretch goals anytime soon. It is possible they will just let this roll as it is.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:03:50-05:00
Sorry- just playing catching, wanting to do my job properly.
Ya know if after I create the Thunder Clap and get them on board with it, I wonder if they would consider adding a stretch goal based on the number of people that we get to sign up for the Thunder Clap ?
that would greatly increase the chances of us reaching 20, 30 or even 50k Thunder Claps :-)
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T17:07:15-05:00
OK, now I really AM crazy! KittenCorps.com was available, so I grabbed it. Our new home on the web is KittenCorps.com with links to the fact sheet and cadence. Not much window dressing, but it's a start.
@Mike have we officially gone insane? My next question is how many of us are actually working while trolling this kick-starter comment board?
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:09:50-05:00
Allison "Unemployed" McNab? it's the only personal thing i know about you.
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T17:10:35-05:00
t'is late here in Athens Greece, I was working later before signin off and no plans were planned for today.
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T17:10:43-05:00
+1 for being "at work"
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:10:55-05:00
@thewarstore - I have my own business, so I can bake into the night while keeping up to date on this site. Although Saturday and sunday night I will actually be working in a restaurant, so no contact from me whatsoever.
@Chameleon, where were you on that spamming?
Dock that Chameleon a days pay for nappin' on the job!
Are we having a hashtag party?!? What time?
What spamming? Did I miss a spamming?
Villainous Wire : Removes all THC from the world's Cannabis
HASTTAGS ##############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
@Katie I am going to setup a Thunder Clap when I get home from work tonight and everyone is welcome to join it :-)
I had to refresh, I see me now. Thanks.
OMG I am getting old. What the ^&$@ is a THUNDER CLAP? (scurries off to Google it)
@Powers of Tesla, you're on there at the bottom of the Heroes list.
Hmmmmmmm....... looks like we have ourselves a hashtagger.
@Chameleon, I got 'em for ya.
I turn away for a minute and now there are porpoises?!
I'm up for a thunder clap. I'll probably miss it in the comments though
@Josh D,
Is that your name? Thunder Clap sounds cool. Do you have weather-control powers?
ThunderClap sounds like an aggressive STD
(scurrying back from Google)
What is Thunderclap?
Thunderclap is a tool that lets a message be heard when you and your friends say it together. Think of it as an "online flash mob." Join a Thunderclap, and you and others will share the same message at the same time, spreading an idea through Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr that cannot be ignored.
@Creeper, @Cheetah Butts, should we just make the Google Doc the down and dirty crib sheet and direct everyone to the website for a clean view?
I like the idea of @Josd D aka Thunder Clap having weather control powers.
Or it sounds like a guy who.I work with after a very dairy filled lunch.
@Katie Thunder Clap is a way to setup a social storm :-)
When people sign up on a Thunder Clap project it will use all of their social messaging accounts like twitter and facebook to send out the same message at a specific time.
So imagine seeing 100k tweets about this campaign time to be posted exactly 48 hours before this campaign ends.
Next backer number looking forward to....124816.
@Joshua "Thunder Clap" Didn't the 10th Doctor do something like that... with the phone calls and Martha (voice trails off....)
Oh and the 11th Doctor did it too with Prisoner Zero... and the phone calls and (voice trailing off again)
Please tell me we aren't naming STD's now
Someone should add Thunder Clap to the roster.
@Prof F, Thunder Clap needs a tattoo. ;)
"He’s just plain mean, look no further than his acts of villainy throughout the comments section..."
That makes me sound like an old fart
I have another STD name... Ditch Witch
Tattoo brought to existence. Please check chest
@Trinkets me too. 4 8 16 23 42
I will set the goal for the Thunder Clap when I get home at 25,000 members and we can try to get Elan to post an update on here as well as send a tweet out on twitter asking other people to join the Thunder Clap.
If we reach 25k members then the Thunder Clap will happen and it will be very exciting to watch :-)
@Thunder Clap,
Are you hero/villain/or neutral entity?
@Prof F, remember, I control history so I get to make you out anyway I choose.
25k seems slightly high for a thunder clap, maybe I'm wrong? Does it carry over across social media platforms?
gadammit, I can't stop laughing at those thundery gonorrhoea viral infections.
oh nice Tat :-) I shall remain neutral until such time as I decide to back stab one faction in favor of the other faction :-)
Are there sleeves for the ThunderClap? And is it EU friendly?
25k does seem high. I'd be happy if we could get 10k people. If we can't get an update about it, it might be tough to get even that amount.
@The Historian in your absence, I built a helmet in a magneto fashion and your time bending abilities cannot further affect me.
That thunderclap had better come with trinkets...
@Nate we have 124k backers and counting, that being said I will set it to 10k just so that we can make sure that the Thunder Clap happens, and yes it will carry over across all social channels that are currently supported by Thunder Clap.
Let it be written, Thunder Clap is Neutral! (until he decides otherwise)
If the thunder clap was only broadcast in the comments, I think only a few hundred people would see it at all, much less participate
pity you have no control of the historical record, Prof. F. Megneto helm or not, you still have limited powers.
I am laser removing the Thunderclap's Kitty Corps tattoo until a camp decision has been reached
I just think it's high (unless it's announced in an update) only 10k comments for all these people mean a lot of them are lazy, and just pledged their money and have no further loyalty!
I fully expect that Elan will endorse the Thunder Clap once it is created so we should be able to reach at least 20k if not more.
@The Historian, give it a go
ohh would be sweet if we could screen cap 4,888,488
@Thunderclap, too late
Maybe 4,888,884?
I must take me leave once more. Do try to keep the Potattens in check. And if you can keep Prof F and Historian from destroying the timestream, that would be great!
*The Chameleon walks towards the door, fading from sight as he goes*
Souh for that...
@Chameleon, I'm the only one standing between Prof F and a sane time stream!
* so much for that.
I really don't know how that last post happened
Prof, you're catching up fast on the spam list :) Just changing an avatar and wow.
Backer level screenshots are way easier, it seems the cool $$ amounts always get skipped over
I haz to leaves teh Interwebz again. Later corps!
Breaking News : Unknown villain wearing a wonky helmet exterminates the whole cast of Game of Thrones
Prof F Spam Level : Master
ok. my shoes are off, I've had a snack. I am ready to jump back in!
@Trinkets, later!
Can someone repost link to website? I have teh google doc opened, and might- as The Historian suggested, use that as a sheet to take notes on. I see that we've added ThunderClap
site: http://www.thelittlepuzzlebox.com/EK.html
@The Creeper, better keep them shoes close. You never know what your feet might land into.
Which will hit first 125k backers or $5M ?
Did Allison or Paul join the corps? or did we frighten them away? or do they have jobs where they have to actively pay attention?
Definitely $5 million, if the average of $39/backers holds true
Sorry definitely 125k. I'm distracted by my work...
We'll be around 4,925,000 by the time we cross 125k backers
I had to reboot my Roku. Professor F - your doing??
i'm still here, I finally made the switch from my cell to my laptop. I made a hefty goal of 5000 comments a day, my thumb isn't up for it
Not if everyone decides to buy two sets of decks for $70 thus throwing the whole thing out of wack, bringing us well over $7 million and destroying all timetables...
I bet everybody is waiting to do that until there are stretch goals announced though!
Allison- have you decided on your purpose here? Villain? Hero? Neutral?
@Thewarstore I honestly wouldn't mind if that happened
I am Neutral
Is Nate Overland (in Google Doc) supposed to be Outland? How did he fool us all with his comments?
Douchebaggery Report : An unknown individual with some kind of supernatural power has removed the last page of every 50 shades of Grey novel on the planet ever printed in what amounted to be a fraction of a second. Authorities are baffled with the uncontrolled oestrogen explosion and the male population is facing a month long nagging, only to soothed with some quality S&M time.
I doubt we will see any further stretch goals anytime soon. It is possible they will just let this roll as it is.
Sorry- just playing catching, wanting to do my job properly.
@Professor F lol
@The Creeper, anything bad that happens to the world, is my fault. You needn't have asked.
I think for now i'll stay neutral, gives me a chance to gain intel on both sides
Noted, Allison. Do you have a nickname?
My wife just took my name, and her phone hasn't figured out not to autocorrect our last name to overland either, it happens
@McNab, no backsies
Ya know if after I create the Thunder Clap and get them on board with it, I wonder if they would consider adding a stretch goal based on the number of people that we get to sign up for the Thunder Clap ?
that would greatly increase the chances of us reaching 20, 30 or even 50k Thunder Claps :-)
OK, now I really AM crazy! KittenCorps.com was available, so I grabbed it. Our new home on the web is KittenCorps.com with links to the fact sheet and cadence. Not much window dressing, but it's a start.
bahahahahahaha kittencorps.com!!!
Our very own website?!
This is happening. This is actually happening.
@Mike, you won the day!
@Kittne Corps : your tattoo has been updated, please check.
@creeper no nickname
@Mike have we officially gone insane? My next question is how many of us are actually working while trolling this kick-starter comment board?
Allison "Unemployed" McNab? it's the only personal thing i know about you.
t'is late here in Athens Greece, I was working later before signin off and no plans were planned for today.
+1 for being "at work"
@thewarstore - I have my own business, so I can bake into the night while keeping up to date on this site. Although Saturday and sunday night I will actually be working in a restaurant, so no contact from me whatsoever.