Considering it's an oil and gas trucking company....weed is far out of the quwstion.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T16:05:36-05:00
I like Michael Bay and all, and today he'd probably do an enjoyable (even if terrible Terminator)... but... I mean he'd be like 22-23 when that project started.
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T16:05:43-05:00
Hell yeah! Made top 20 commentors, but just barely, gotta step it up so I don't lose the last spot!
@Nate: I'm in accounts payable and payroll...I'm fairly secure in my job. Considering we just do the moving of equipment, and rental of equipment, we aren't hit nearly as hard as the people pumping the oil really.
"the website has been updated""the website has been updated""the website has been updated""the website has been updated""the website has been updated""the website has been updated""the website has been updated"... I got this....
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T16:08:55-05:00
This sounds crazy, but this is a record breaking KS campaign. We're about 350k comments behind the Number one project for comments, BUT that could be erased if every backer commented 3 times, or if we had a nightly designated time to spam the hell out of the comment section to boost the totals
@Nate: we spam it all day, we don't need to pick a time to do that....
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T16:10:13-05:00
Villainy Report : Grammar Nazies Joshua and his anagram of BETS
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T16:10:21-05:00
LOL! @Potatten, maybe combine my technique and Tchotchke's technique for maximum effect. :-)
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T16:10:24-05:00
My stuff's not spam. Every one of my comments is GOLD. I should get paid for this.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T16:10:39-05:00
@Nate O,
Actually, the campaign with the highest comments DURING the KS was Camelot Unchained with a bit more than 120k comments. So not as bad as the 355k No 9 currently has. ;)
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T16:10:42-05:00
I mean competently useless spam. I think there are enough active commentors on here to push towards the comment record
CJ Rivas 2015-01-30T16:10:49-05:00
@BruceP Hey man, Long time. How's the forecast on this one ? will it past the Ouya ? that'd be super-awesome.! :)
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T16:11:46-05:00
Well crap, that's a piece of cake, each backer only has to comment once!?
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T16:11:49-05:00
@cheetah butt- I didn't have much to do yesterday. Heading home now- will be able to chip in shortly. Might have to make annotations in sep doc to have you update on sit.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T16:11:58-05:00
@CJ Rivas,
Hey! Not sure if we'll pass Ouya for money, but maybe! I bet the last 2 days will be CRAZY in here. :)
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T16:13:00-05:00
@Nate O,
Yeah, but we'd need more than 5000 comments a day until the end. We're not even close to that. :(
@CJ My guess is that we will likely see a $1.5 to $2 million dollar bump during the last 48 hours of the campaign, so its possibly that we might go past Ouya
@Creeper, yeah it would be much easier to go through a list of changes than to have to read through the whole thing trying to pick out what's different.
My Corps! Your Corps! Our Corps! KittenCorps!
I don't know, but I've been told
fruitcake don't grow no mold!
Kitten corps' a crazy bunch
You miss all if out for lunch!
Kitten corps' beyond compare
Feel our hair in your underwear!
lick, and sick with hairy holes
we don't care for stretchy goals!
We don't smoke, we chew on nip
kitten corps is über hip
We shed hair where ever we please
if you got allergies, prepare to sneeze!
Potattens, fruitattens, kitzels too
we know where you bury your poo!
Zombittens, vampittens, they're undead
don't mess with them, you'll lose your head!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T16:16:06-05:00
Am currently being held at station. Was this the work of a villain??
More advertisement, more numbers, more potential delays if we're not careful.... that's a lot of cards to print... far more than anyone realizes really...
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T16:19:00-05:00
Villainous Wire : Cruises by ice cream outlets and slaps the cones out of little children's hands
I'd love to put a photo of a KittenCorps tattoo on the website. Anyone who gets one please post a photo link that I can use.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T16:23:30-05:00
@Allison M,
How much of these comments is really useful, really? Really.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T16:23:38-05:00
Yes-@allison- join us!
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T16:23:49-05:00
tattoos have already been applied on unsuspected members
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-30T16:23:50-05:00
Haha I didn't get called out or not commenting more...... I will now I'm sure.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T16:24:11-05:00
@Prof F, would you stop messing with the time stream? Seriously, it's getting to be a bit of bother having to clean up your villainous exploits. How can I be expected to get any work done when I'm constantly having to get Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt back into the time stream while avoiding a young Michael Bay from getting the reigns to T2...
How about we organize a Thunderclap and time it go out on the 48 hour mark.
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T16:25:01-05:00
@Blackhawk you need to comment more and get a KittenCorps tattoo.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T16:25:11-05:00
The chameleon has a very good point. Don't worry, Allison. I crept in the background for a long time. Now I just randomly update and interject. We all have a purpose.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T16:25:16-05:00
@Josh D,
I'm sure Great Mountain could hook us up for that. :)
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T16:28:36-05:00
@cheetah butt I see what you did there.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T16:29:02-05:00
We should also have a piggy-backer link counter.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T16:29:07-05:00
Welcome paul!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T16:29:23-05:00
@Creeper, I haven't put anything into the doc yet, I've actually been pretty busy so I've constantly been in and out of the time stream over here (mostly to correct Prof F's antics)
@Allison, join us!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T16:29:34-05:00
@Paul, welcome!
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T16:30:11-05:00
Whoa, those cat ass coasters are real?
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T16:30:20-05:00
@Cal, Prof F takes care of all tatoos on this comments page
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T16:30:25-05:00
@Paul R,
Welcome! Will you join the Kitten Corps?
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T16:30:39-05:00
Good luck keeping up!
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T16:30:54-05:00
Do we have any more new recruits to add to the Kitten Corps roster?
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T16:31:01-05:00
@the historian cheetah butt has been updating my website quite actively, I believe. I'll jump in to help when I get home. Since I'm not as web saavy as he- I might make notes elsewhere and give him a list is blocked at work so I will have to set it up when I get home tonight. For those that don't know what it is i will explain below.
Thunderclap is a social enginering site where you can setup a project with a target TC goal and if enough people sign up to reach that goal then TC will use everyone's facebook, twitter, ect... social media sites to broadcast the same message at the exact same time.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T16:31:27-05:00
@Classic Playing cards , please refrain from spamming the comments with other projects. Click the be respectful and considerate link emerge it states that you shouldn't do it. Than you
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T16:31:39-05:00
Villainous Wire : Travels forward in time at the point in time where motor neurone disease medication is cheap & commonplace, travels back in time to 1963 and heals Stephen Hawking, which as a result, he never writes A Brief History of Time.
All this just to f**** with The Historian
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T16:32:05-05:00
Not "my". That was a typo. Would never declare it mine.
Considering it's an oil and gas trucking company....weed is far out of the quwstion.
I like Michael Bay and all, and today he'd probably do an enjoyable (even if terrible Terminator)... but... I mean he'd be like 22-23 when that project started.
Hell yeah! Made top 20 commentors, but just barely, gotta step it up so I don't lose the last spot!
@Zombitten: That depends highly on your views on how time functions....
*Fading in from the background...*
Hello to the KittyCorps. And how are we doing? What did I miss?
Make that 114
The best way to up your comment count,
Oil and gas? Y'all freaking out with the lower oil prices?
is to put each clause
@Cheetabutt: She's a boss!
in a separate comment.
Wow, comments are flying fast and furious at the moment...
I increased my comment count just by repeating "the website has been updated" over and over again.
Yeah I'll just keep it to myself
Villainy Report : Goes #1 in your left shoe, and #2 in your right shoe. Makes you choose which one disgusts you more.
@Nate: I'm in accounts payable and payroll...I'm fairly secure in my job. Considering we just do the moving of equipment, and rental of equipment, we aren't hit nearly as hard as the people pumping the oil really.
"the website has been updated""the website has been updated""the website has been updated""the website has been updated""the website has been updated""the website has been updated""the website has been updated"... I got this....
This sounds crazy, but this is a record breaking KS campaign. We're about 350k comments behind the Number one project for comments, BUT that could be erased if every backer commented 3 times, or if we had a nightly designated time to spam the hell out of the comment section to boost the totals
Huh? where?
Any best on when we will hit 10k comments ?
Looks like today we'll likely beat the amount of comments we reached yesterday. :)
@Nate: we spam it all day, we don't need to pick a time to do that....
Villainy Report : Grammar Nazies Joshua and his anagram of BETS
LOL! @Potatten, maybe combine my technique and Tchotchke's technique for maximum effect. :-)
My stuff's not spam. Every one of my comments is GOLD. I should get paid for this.
@Nate O,
Actually, the campaign with the highest comments DURING the KS was Camelot Unchained with a bit more than 120k comments. So not as bad as the 355k No 9 currently has. ;)
I mean competently useless spam. I think there are enough active commentors on here to push towards the comment record
@BruceP Hey man, Long time. How's the forecast on this one ? will it past the Ouya ? that'd be super-awesome.! :)
Well crap, that's a piece of cake, each backer only has to comment once!?
@cheetah butt- I didn't have much to do yesterday. Heading home now- will be able to chip in shortly. Might have to make annotations in sep doc to have you update on sit.
@CJ Rivas,
Hey! Not sure if we'll pass Ouya for money, but maybe! I bet the last 2 days will be CRAZY in here. :)
@Nate O,
Yeah, but we'd need more than 5000 comments a day until the end. We're not even close to that. :(
@CJ My guess is that we will likely see a $1.5 to $2 million dollar bump during the last 48 hours of the campaign, so its possibly that we might go past Ouya
@Creeper: #Modestmuch
@Creeper, yeah it would be much easier to go through a list of changes than to have to read through the whole thing trying to pick out what's different.
Time again for the Kitten Corps Cadence
My Corps! Your Corps! Our Corps! KittenCorps!
I don't know, but I've been told
fruitcake don't grow no mold!
Kitten corps' a crazy bunch
You miss all if out for lunch!
Kitten corps' beyond compare
Feel our hair in your underwear!
lick, and sick with hairy holes
we don't care for stretchy goals!
We don't smoke, we chew on nip
kitten corps is über hip
We shed hair where ever we please
if you got allergies, prepare to sneeze!
Potattens, fruitattens, kitzels too
we know where you bury your poo!
Zombittens, vampittens, they're undead
don't mess with them, you'll lose your head!
Am currently being held at station. Was this the work of a villain??
almost 1/4 of the way to 1,000,000 backers....
1/8 my bad....
We're definitely on track to pass Ouya as #3 most-funded campaign. If we get more than $1.5mil boost over the last 2 days, we can do it!
Villainous Wire : Travels back in time and rids the planet of Stalin, Roosevelt & Churchill before beating the Nazis
You mean 1/8th?
Let's be honest, with a name like exploding kittens I would be shocked it most of this stuff was NOT spam :>
And we just blew through 124,000 backers
@Joshua Durben and @Bruce ... totally agree on the 'scarcity mindset' at the end... it will be a rush, likely past 1 million .
I'm number 12? Hard to believe.
I'm an unemployed bum I could maybe bust out 5000 stupid comments a day
More advertisement, more numbers, more potential delays if we're not careful.... that's a lot of cards to print... far more than anyone realizes really...
Villainous Wire : Cruises by ice cream outlets and slaps the cones out of little children's hands
Unfortunately I work...and can't always be checking the Corps for updates.
well doen Tsveta Koleva
I think Allison should stop being a lazy bum and comment MOAR. :)
And she should join the Kitten Corps
for Kitten Corps sign ups, please follow the yellow line to your left, up the stairs, and through the corridor
I didn't say I'd have anything useful to add
I'd love to put a photo of a KittenCorps tattoo on the website. Anyone who gets one please post a photo link that I can use.
@Allison M,
How much of these comments is really useful, really? Really.
Yes-@allison- join us!
tattoos have already been applied on unsuspected members
Haha I didn't get called out or not commenting more...... I will now I'm sure.
@Prof F, would you stop messing with the time stream? Seriously, it's getting to be a bit of bother having to clean up your villainous exploits. How can I be expected to get any work done when I'm constantly having to get Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt back into the time stream while avoiding a young Michael Bay from getting the reigns to T2...
How about we organize a Thunderclap and time it go out on the 48 hour mark.
@Blackhawk you need to comment more and get a KittenCorps tattoo.
The chameleon has a very good point. Don't worry, Allison. I crept in the background for a long time. Now I just randomly update and interject. We all have a purpose.
@Josh D,
I'm sure Great Mountain could hook us up for that. :)
@Allison: One of us...One of us...One of us...
And some of us have a porposie
I want a porpoise!
There is a Tat I need to get now too?
@Chameleon : Sorry, weather phenomenon, aside from snow, are out of my range of expertise.
And some of us have a purr puss.
@allison- be you villain, hero, neutral? Did we create subcategories while I was out? I'm still out but almost home.
@Great Mountain,
Dang it! Though I bet you could arrange a good avalanche, and that would sound a lot like thunder. :)
this chat room is like a wicked round of double-dutch… i'm jumping in!
If you like Exploding Kittens then check out PussyButts!…
@cheetah butt I see what you did there.
We should also have a piggy-backer link counter.
Welcome paul!
@Creeper, I haven't put anything into the doc yet, I've actually been pretty busy so I've constantly been in and out of the time stream over here (mostly to correct Prof F's antics)
@Allison, join us!
@Paul, welcome!
Whoa, those cat ass coasters are real?
@Cal, Prof F takes care of all tatoos on this comments page
@Paul R,
Welcome! Will you join the Kitten Corps?
Good luck keeping up!
Do we have any more new recruits to add to the Kitten Corps roster?
@the historian cheetah butt has been updating my website quite actively, I believe. I'll jump in to help when I get home. Since I'm not as web saavy as he- I might make notes elsewhere and give him a list
till the day i die…or just get bored is blocked at work so I will have to set it up when I get home tonight. For those that don't know what it is i will explain below.
Thunderclap is a social enginering site where you can setup a project with a target TC goal and if enough people sign up to reach that goal then TC will use everyone's facebook, twitter, ect... social media sites to broadcast the same message at the exact same time.
@Classic Playing cards , please refrain from spamming the comments with other projects. Click the be respectful and considerate link emerge it states that you shouldn't do it. Than you
Villainous Wire : Travels forward in time at the point in time where motor neurone disease medication is cheap & commonplace, travels back in time to 1963 and heals Stephen Hawking, which as a result, he never writes A Brief History of Time.
All this just to f**** with The Historian
Not "my". That was a typo. Would never declare it mine.
@Josh D,
Oh! Cool.
So imagine 100,000+ tweets all with the same hashtag hitting the net at exactly 48 hours left on the campaign :-)
Awww. I didn't make it on tot he website. Have I offended?
@Creeper, it's as much yours as anyone else's. It belongs to the Corps.
POT, you're too high
@Powers of Tesla,
You're on there!