Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:39:27-05:00
Hey Cheetah butt! i've updated a bit on the google doc:
Potatten are kittens and potatoes combine, they're an aggressive bunch that push things off of shleves and tables with impunity, they also explode taking out monuments such as the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower.
Groutatten- Ground beef + kitten
Kittzels – Pretzel+kitten, twisted in mind AND body
Pirattens - Pirate Kittens, Pitted against Ninjattens
Zombittens – Don’t get bit by one, you’ll become one
Fruitattens are fruit cake kittens, there's some animosity with the Potatten.
Ninjattens-Ninja Kittens, Pitted against Pirattens
now no one will wonder why I post comments at all hours
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T17:40:22-05:00
Allison, you should go for HouseArrestKitten
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T17:40:41-05:00
it will do wonders for your kitten cred
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:40:43-05:00
Thunder Clap - youre on the neutral list.
Allison - I've put you in neutral, but no nickname unless you decided on one
and I've updated "Hey, Why aren't they any updates?!?!" counter
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:41:06-05:00
Sorry @unemployed! just saw this!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:42:13-05:00
Great Mountain – Owen M
The Creeper – Melissa F
The Historian- Chris L
Fizzziks the Healer – Fizzziks
The Non-Euclitten - Jelle H
Nate Outland - Fooled the entire comments community with his demands… (man, we’re idiots)
Thunder Clap - Joshua D
Unemployed- Allison M
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:42:30-05:00
Ohh! I do like "House Arrest"
"Diamond Dan" Drake 2015-01-30T17:43:02-05:00
What kind of things do you think the KittenCorp logo would entail. I do a bit of artwork (though don't take my "screen-grab" as an example of quality. :P
Matthew McKinney 2015-01-30T17:43:57-05:00
Looking forward to an update.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T17:44:17-05:00
That screengrab was almost credible, don't give yourself such a hard time.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:44:23-05:00
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T17:52:13-05:00
Paw raised
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T17:52:35-05:00
2 paws raised high
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:52:51-05:00
@Sycophant Cheetah Butt- now that i have more time to focus, if you can send me a direct message (can you?) about updating website, I'll see if I can do it. I have some knowledge, and from what you've already set up, i'm sure it willbe easy for me to edit text without having to deal with actual layout.
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T17:53:11-05:00
5+1 mine gets us up to 6 for now
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T17:53:32-05:00
I ignored Nate's ADD
"Diamond Dan" Drake 2015-01-30T17:54:10-05:00
Any chance someone can collect some of this any of the logo idea preference stuff for the next hour. And I'll see if I can whip something up when I get home?
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T17:54:14-05:00
No way to send private messages on here. :(
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-30T17:54:21-05:00
when Mike has time to work on it we need to have him install wordpress or some other blogging system on the website as well as a Gallery and a private forum for us to use :-)
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-30T17:55:08-05:00
The Creeer you have to parse an email addy in clear view.
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-30T17:55:44-05:00
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:55:47-05:00
i'll chat with him on google doc when he comes back, i know it's still public there.. but less public.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:56:04-05:00
JusticeBolt 2015-01-30T17:56:14-05:00
No update today huh? I guess we will have to wait to 5 millions.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T17:56:16-05:00
haha..i know.. you were just fixing a typo.
"Diamond Dan" Drake 2015-01-30T17:56:18-05:00
Unless someone's already on the logo. Wasn't sure, the feed moves pretty fast and I'm trying to finish my work day. :o
Ya it all started when someone said the name Kitten Corps and then we made a military marching song and then Mike checked WhoIs on a whim and purchased
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T18:05:13-05:00
That first cadence was mine...sweet
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T18:05:48-05:00
I'll try to work on a logo tomorrow and submit it for review, too beat right now
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T18:06:04-05:00 corps..your corps one
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T18:06:33-05:00
Being a villain can be exhausting, ProfF
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T18:07:11-05:00
Douchebaggery Report : Professor F stole everyone's need to sleep rendering the world's population to 24h waking zombies
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T18:10:05-05:00
@Thunder Clap - I'm all for it too. But I do think a few guys are willing to design their own as well. So we should see what they come up with overnight, and then if we dont' hear back from them, we can go this route.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T18:10:24-05:00
I'll chip in, as well.
And with that, I'm off to do sneaky things...
*The Chameleon steps away from the group, fading into the background*
Hey Cheetah butt! i've updated a bit on the google doc:
Potatten are kittens and potatoes combine, they're an aggressive bunch that push things off of shleves and tables with impunity, they also explode taking out monuments such as the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower.
Groutatten- Ground beef + kitten
Kittzels – Pretzel+kitten, twisted in mind AND body
Pirattens - Pirate Kittens, Pitted against Ninjattens
Zombittens – Don’t get bit by one, you’ll become one
Fruitattens are fruit cake kittens, there's some animosity with the Potatten.
Ninjattens-Ninja Kittens, Pitted against Pirattens
Brussel Sprittens – Brussel Sprout Stink Bomb Kittens
Broccattens – Broccoli Kittens
Steauppy- Steak puppies
Twitter FTW
now no one will wonder why I post comments at all hours
Allison, you should go for HouseArrestKitten
it will do wonders for your kitten cred
Thunder Clap - youre on the neutral list.
Allison - I've put you in neutral, but no nickname unless you decided on one
and I've updated "Hey, Why aren't they any updates?!?!" counter
Sorry @unemployed! just saw this!
Great Mountain – Owen M
The Creeper – Melissa F
The Historian- Chris L
Fizzziks the Healer – Fizzziks
The Non-Euclitten - Jelle H
Nate Outland - Fooled the entire comments community with his demands… (man, we’re idiots)
Thunder Clap - Joshua D
Unemployed- Allison M
Ohh! I do like "House Arrest"
What kind of things do you think the KittenCorp logo would entail. I do a bit of artwork (though don't take my "screen-grab" as an example of quality. :P
Looking forward to an update.
That screengrab was almost credible, don't give yourself such a hard time.
@Cheetah Butt,
Here's something quick I did online:
It's simple, and it's not that big, but it's a start. :)
Hi @Matthew - THis is the link to Elan's comments- they get a little lost here.
PMed Elan. Don't tweet. That is for the birds.
I think it should be like a coat of arms
dammit I never thought of house arrest
that image is blocked for me for some reason i get http://blocked.cloudserver.private/blank.jpg when clicking on it
Allison - you can totally change if you'd like.
Random Kindness : You have my authorisation Alisson to use my idea
@Blackhawk use my KS "The Little Puzzle Box."
Professor F- That coat of Paws is amazing! YES! Something like that! Stupid watermark.
another coat of arms idea
Allison - change you KS name under edit profile and we will know of your decisions. Since are a bad girl, Da Wolf thinks house arrest is more fitting.
ok picture this then:
now have it be 5 cats instead of one and all of them wearing little military helmets.
each helmet should be a little different and they should represent the different type of kittens in the war :-)
@ThunderClap : Cool Kittens Don't Look at Explosions
Whoever wants a Coat of Paws as a logo, raise his paw
I very much like a coat of arms as the main logo, that's where my vote lies.
Ok I've made the change, I need all the street cred I can get
*paw is raised*
A howl out to House Arrest!
any more paws?
ok we also need a Kitten Corps avatar that we can display next to our names as well.
I raise a back paw while marking more territory.
Raises paw
Paw raised
2 paws raised high
@Sycophant Cheetah Butt- now that i have more time to focus, if you can send me a direct message (can you?) about updating website, I'll see if I can do it. I have some knowledge, and from what you've already set up, i'm sure it willbe easy for me to edit text without having to deal with actual layout.
5+1 mine gets us up to 6 for now
I ignored Nate's ADD
Any chance someone can collect some of this any of the logo idea preference stuff for the next hour. And I'll see if I can whip something up when I get home?
No way to send private messages on here. :(
The Creeper is hopped up on Java
when Mike has time to work on it we need to have him install wordpress or some other blogging system on the website as well as a Gallery and a private forum for us to use :-)
The Creeer you have to parse an email addy in clear view.
i'll chat with him on google doc when he comes back, i know it's still public there.. but less public.
No update today huh? I guess we will have to wait to 5 millions.
haha..i know.. you were just fixing a typo.
Unless someone's already on the logo. Wasn't sure, the feed moves pretty fast and I'm trying to finish my work day. :o
regarding the coat of arms, we can kickstart the $30 to buy the scalable vector should we like it enough,
unless someone finds it cheaper on another website.
You could get a turn and burn email to use for it.
I missed what we were voting for but whatever it was count me in!
I think at this point anyone that is good at digital should take a stab at making the logo and the best one will be used.
Good idea, Da Wolf. Welcome Back, Justice Bolt- Elan checked in for a hot second- was on a plane.
@Thuderclap, even better
@NZ- Noted.
I can try to do something with a logo later, but I'm at work right now
Less than 100 comments away from passing how many we had yesterday. ;)
The Creeper owes Da Wolf one big ginger snap to make up for the hurt feelings. :-(
@da wolf, where do I email you address for the sns card? I want to get in on that early to make sure I get one
Still 6 hours left in the Kicktraq day, too.
Good bye friends for a bit. I'll be sure to comment more later. haha
Ciao, Cal!
groovyedwin hotmail com I need Elan to send me 2 blank decks first!
@The Creeper: thanks for the update!
Does snapping my fingers apologetically work?
I'm off. Have a good Friday and a great weekend everyone. I'll check in from time to time before Monday.
*lobs exploding kitten into thread*
I must say I really like this :-)
I wouldn't mind if we set up a Go Fund Me to split the cost of getting it.
I'm sure when it updates in 1 minute, today will be the record for most comments in a day so far on this campaign
@Justicebolt - we have a website now -
Later, Cal!
Later, Geist!
Villain Report : Deletes all comments back to NIL
It's barebones at the moment, but will be updated soon.
"Hey, when are you guys updating your website about the updates?"
@Nate O,
Oh yeah, you're right! :)
Yep, we've got more comments today than we did yesterday. The most for the campaign so far. :)
LMFAO.. I can't stop laughing. A website now?
Passed yesterday's comments by 100 already. I don't get why Kicktraq updates 2 minutes past every hour
@Justicebolt YEP! With a Cadence!
@Nate O,
Yeah, it's slow
Currently working on getting our coat of arms logo, and Elan is finding this all highly entertaining.
Great website. Like the updates.
Ya it all started when someone said the name Kitten Corps and then we made a military marching song and then Mike checked WhoIs on a whim and purchased
That first cadence was mine...sweet
I'll try to work on a logo tomorrow and submit it for review, too beat right now corps..your corps one
Being a villain can be exhausting, ProfF
Douchebaggery Report : Professor F stole everyone's need to sleep rendering the world's population to 24h waking zombies
Coat of armseses??? Nope cannot follow today, will check the site tomorrow :)
Good night all. I'm a corps :P
Sorry - coat of paws.
@ Creeper, I was talking in my second identity capacity
Lets have Mike setup a project witha goal of $50 so we can pay for the Vector version of this: as well as pay for the cost of the domain and website hosting.
I will gladly chip in $2
@Thunder Clap - I'm all for it too. But I do think a few guys are willing to design their own as well. So we should see what they come up with overnight, and then if we dont' hear back from them, we can go this route.
I'll chip in, as well.
And with that, I'm off to do sneaky things...
*The Chameleon steps away from the group, fading into the background*