Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T18:11:28-05:00
@DD- I think that yes, we should see what we can come up with custom-made. I know a couple of you have volunteered. I think we could wait it out a bit, hear from the others, and then decide from there.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T18:12:12-05:00
I'll chip in tomorrow if we don't get something better by then
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T18:12:14-05:00
I am too agreeable these past few minutes, WTF
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T18:12:32-05:00
But i agree on chipping in on server cost, as well.
im still kicking myself a little for not thinking about registering the domain I know that Mike is going to have an absolute blast setting up and managing the site
Bryan Lipscy 2015-01-30T18:26:11-05:00
$4.9M This is certifiably insane.....
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-30T18:27:29-05:00
@Bryan - This is Kitastic!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T18:27:50-05:00
I can't believe how far teh commenting as gone that we've now got a website of updates.... and a cadance!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T18:27:59-05:00
@TC: Considering it took all of 10 or 11 days to get 4.9, if it keeps going(and it will) potential to hit higher than 10m is there. Just need more people spreading the good word.
Well I would like for the Kitten Corps to have a nice looking website soon so that when bloggers start talking about the EK campaign the will also hopefully mention our community as well :-)
lol that was me, I removed the link though because it was suggested and rightly so that we need to enhance the look of the site before we post the link.
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T18:43:53-05:00
rightly so indeed, but say your fairwells to your hair nose nonetheless
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T18:44:09-05:00
Yeah, a lot of people will be looking at that wiki page, and it might get flagged for umm... a term i can't think of right now. We wanna look semi-not-crazy
"Diamond Dan" Drake 2015-01-30T18:44:49-05:00
@Lord Zombitten - Oh, you do, do you? You can expect to hear from my lawyers. After I do some artwork.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T18:45:48-05:00
Yeah, I researched a new way to create them. I hope I didn't accidentally violate a patent
Mike should setup Wordpress if you are familiar with it and then make you and I moderators :-)
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T18:53:13-05:00
I did catch our new home and book marked it already. Haven't popped into the doc recently, I'll check it in a sec. Anything beyond what's noted on the doc?
No one wants to wait a couple hours for something custom made?
I've already suggested that Thunderclap, and I am all in, for your suggestion too to chip in on server cost
this has made 5 million dollars
@DD- I think that yes, we should see what we can come up with custom-made. I know a couple of you have volunteered. I think we could wait it out a bit, hear from the others, and then decide from there.
I'll chip in tomorrow if we don't get something better by then
I am too agreeable these past few minutes, WTF
But i agree on chipping in on server cost, as well.
I'm a cheap ass. Well, I wag my tail goodnight.
eeer, I think we should ask/pay The Oatmeal to draw it
just to brag while i can... i have commented more comments than this entire comment section
Now i need two minutes to watch the Game of Thrones season 5 Trailer that I just realized came out.
The Creeper, They All DIE. No Spoiler Alert Villainous Douchebaggery
ohhhhhhh yes we must have the oatmeal take the best coat of paws submitted by us and give it his personal twist on it.
I believe Catbee has commented on his commenting on commented sites more than any commenter cares to comment on.
nope, the artowrk should be entirely his
Who all going to donate to the kitty?
Who commented on his commenting on commented sites more that any commenter cares to comment on?
I PLEDGE $20 (us) for The Oatmeal to draw the Coat of Paws
Ehhh, Matthew Inman miiiiight be a little busy right now...
I let my cousin borrow my truck and now I'm stuck at work....noooooooooooooooooo
well, not unless he raises one more million on a side project
We'll entertain you while you wait, John.
I would pledge money for Oats to draw the coat of paws, but I don't know if he'd be up for it
I though John was going to break into a country song or something.
So, John Kelly, have you seen Fight Club? No? So this is what happens at the end, Jack, the narrator, pulls a gun out of his mouth and....
I was getting down on some Merle earlier
*Shakes fist at Prof. F*
I am logging off to my comfy loophole The Historian made for me.
See you guys tomorrow, and don't break every aspect of the interwebs
G'night Prof
see ya tomorrow Professor
its funny how all of this came about today lol its going to be exciting to see our website change over the next two weeks.
Including the slow decline of my business...
in addition to the coat of paws we are going to need a banner and a layout theme for the site
im still kicking myself a little for not thinking about registering the domain I know that Mike is going to have an absolute blast setting up and managing the site
$4.9M This is certifiably insane.....
@Bryan - This is Kitastic!
I can't believe how far teh commenting as gone that we've now got a website of updates.... and a cadance!
@Bryan if you think thats insane wait until the last day. I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with 10 Million by the end of this campaign :-)
Welcome to the new insane Bryan.
Has anyone seen Ms Kitty? Puss n Boots? and Putty Cat?
@TC: Considering it took all of 10 or 11 days to get 4.9, if it keeps going(and it will) potential to hit higher than 10m is there. Just need more people spreading the good word.
Well I would like for the Kitten Corps to have a nice looking website soon so that when bloggers start talking about the EK campaign the will also hopefully mention our community as well :-)
Alright I need to go do productive things, you know court dates, parole officers because I'm badass. See all you weirdo's later!
House Arrest.. such a rebel. Keep that ankle bracelet tight!
@Allison - So how badass is it!
wow just wow. everyone check this out. I found out about that link from the tweet that Elan just sent out.
No link to our kittencorps website?
Someone with a computer should edit that wiki to include the link to kittencorps
Maybe we should gussy things up first.
Yeah - i think we should work on website first before putting it all out there.
Only a little more than a half mil. from rolling over Reading Rainbow like a locomotive over a VW Bug
awh, Levar...
@DDD, @Creeper, good point
Complete non sequiturs to follow:
"Are you not entertained?!" (but in a good way)
Also, KittenBowl seems very timely.
Any word on USPCC?
I would just like to announce that I now have zomponies!
who updated the wikipage while I was updating the wikipage with the fansite damn you
I'll shave your nose hair you while you sleep
FU, I'm going to bed
lol that was me, I removed the link though because it was suggested and rightly so that we need to enhance the look of the site before we post the link.
rightly so indeed, but say your fairwells to your hair nose nonetheless
Yeah, a lot of people will be looking at that wiki page, and it might get flagged for umm... a term i can't think of right now. We wanna look semi-not-crazy
@Lord Zombitten - Oh, you do, do you? You can expect to hear from my lawyers. After I do some artwork.
Yeah, I researched a new way to create them. I hope I didn't accidentally violate a patent
I have found that the best way to grow them is by using a chia-kitten and carefully water them until they are ready to harvest :-)
Hmm... well, maybe you have and maybe you haven't. Perhaps we can come to some out of court settlement.
Yes. Let's compare notes. If I have violated the patent, I will do my best to offer you adequate recompense
Nothing like a good last minute emergency at work. What have I missed?
watch out Diamond Dan its a trick he just wants to see your notes
Hey, hey! Not true!
Chris well were you here when we established the Kitten Corps and its home ?
@THe Historian - i've been updating google doc until we can update site- which is now
also we got Elan to tweet about us :-)
Can't remember last time you were here, did you see Elan Comment?
Mike should setup Wordpress if you are familiar with it and then make you and I moderators :-)
I did catch our new home and book marked it already. Haven't popped into the doc recently, I'll check it in a sec. Anything beyond what's noted on the doc?
this way we can easily make changes and add new pages to the site and we could even have our own forum that can be used after the campaign has ended.
What?! I missed an Elan comment? Cursed work!
Not much else has happened, but a little quiet on the homefront.
some of us are going to work on designing a Coat of Paws for the site :-)
I'm sitting on a plane trying to get work done. You guys have put a smile on my face so large that the people next to me are staring.
they will be submitting their artwork tomorrow for Melissa and Mike to review
A Cost of PawsPaws? I love it!
That last one was Elan's comment - not me. He was on the plane smiling.
Let me understand. This KS with all of our comments is linked to the wiki article. But the kittencorps website is not for what reason?
What melissa just said was a message that Elan posted on here about an hour or so ago
@Thunder, apparently I need to start using my twitter account again, that's awesome!
How are Prof F and Dr. P behaving?
I'm sending a wave of zombitten cavalry against the fruitattens
Da Wolf we dont want it on the wiki just yet.
The Historian - Cattoo announced the plane, the plane.
They are canceling each other out so its all good in the end.
There are zombittens on the plane!
@LZ, zombitten against frutatten? That's just madness.
Do kittens always hang out.
@LZ, but, are the zombittens EU friendly?
Go it. It needs to be NSFW first! wink, wink.
of course they do what else would a kitten do up in a tree but hang out :-)