@Cheetah Butt,
Excellent questions to have answered. :)
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-30T21:23:31-05:00
@POT and @Mike great ideas.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T21:23:54-05:00
agreed, @Cheetah butt!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T21:24:29-05:00
@LZ, the android keyboard doesn't seem to play nice with the contents interface here. It occasionally seems to double up words.
Anja "Cha!" Allen 2015-01-30T21:25:00-05:00
I'm starting a YouTube channel for Exploding Kittens too.
Anyone interested in a FaceBook group for Kitten Corps?
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T21:25:31-05:00
Alright, who allowed LZ to make a zompoise?
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T21:25:39-05:00
@Cha! we're trying to keep everything in one place at the moment, to keep focus on the KS campaign
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T21:25:50-05:00
@Cha, I'm in!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T21:26:10-05:00
Did LZ's zombitten's bite a porpoise??
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-30T21:26:12-05:00
Ok, Kittens, I must depart. I'll likely be back at some point during the weekend. Enjoy your night/day/weekend/porpoises
*The Chameleon's features shift and dissolve until he looks exactly like Lord Zombitten, then he fades from view...*
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T21:27:01-05:00
I see, Historian, your double wine is fine, then
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T21:27:02-05:00
I think once the campaign is over, we could do something like that. But to keep everything and everyone organized, we should just keep it here, with updates on kittencorps.com for streamlined info.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T21:27:03-05:00
@Chameleon, the macs and the cheeses are good, especially when paired with a red wine. :)
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T21:27:15-05:00
@Cha, I'm in on the FB group. We just need someone to set it up.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T21:28:01-05:00
@Cheetah - i have a preliminary list of press articles on the google doc.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T21:28:51-05:00
@LZ, is double wine ever really a bad thing?
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T21:28:59-05:00
Chameleon gave everyone a porpoise. I are some of mine, and it turned.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T21:29:30-05:00
@Historian, only if it has turned
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T21:29:50-05:00
@Creeper, I'll be back at the computer I 1/2 hour. Still looking for a PM from you though.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T21:30:13-05:00
Understood on the waiting until campaign is over part for the FB group. Does anyone just already want to make it and keep it a secretively closeted group for now?
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T21:38:59-05:00
So both LZ and Non-E have powers of necromancy... But, will they provide free t-shirts to their ever growing army of the undead when we reach the next stretch goal?
Anja "Cha!" Allen 2015-01-30T21:39:06-05:00
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T21:40:07-05:00
@Cha! might be a smart idea, yes, to save the name on there.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T21:40:12-05:00
@Historian, yes
@Cha!, I can make a super-secret fb group tomorrow
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T21:40:26-05:00
In order to create a Zombitten using necromancy, you must first start with a kitten corpse but the Zombitten is more than just an animated corpse.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-30T21:40:48-05:00
Free t-shirt? I might just switch sides for that. ha
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T21:42:11-05:00
now i want kitten corpse avatar. but first i need to learn how to draw
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T21:43:24-05:00
@Cha, I'm down for the super secret group.
@Blackhawk, I hear the t-shirts are cursed.
"Diamond Dan" Drake 2015-01-30T21:43:27-05:00
Just had a wacky SG concept thought that would create a pretty crazy activity with a project like this... Offer up 2 different goals, but 1 for backers or comments, and 1 for pledges, but only one will pay out, contingent on what mark is hit first.
"Diamond Dan" Drake 2015-01-30T21:43:56-05:00
Not sure if that's "legal" though
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T21:44:19-05:00
Don't worry, Potatten. We're on the same side. I won't let my zombittens harm you. The salt's not a bad idea, though, in case something happens to me and they go rogue.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-30T21:44:28-05:00
@The Historian. Thanks for the heads up. Wouldn't want a cursed shirt.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T21:57:48-05:00
@Da Wolf, zompoises, an Fb group is in the works, a FAQ section is being developed for the website. Elan used the hastag 'kittencorps' on Twitter. Blackhawk almost turned villainous when he found out about the free t-shirts but changed his mind when I divulged that they were cursed.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T21:58:02-05:00
Welcome back, TC
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-30T21:58:11-05:00
@Ryan that is pretty great.
Joshua James Glass 2015-01-30T21:58:24-05:00
Update at $5,000,000?
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T21:58:44-05:00
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T21:58:59-05:00
@Ryan - awesome
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T21:59:36-05:00
@LZ- when did it happen? i missed it.
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T21:59:45-05:00
Nevermind! Just saw it...
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T22:01:07-05:00
@Dr. P, point
"Diamond Dan" Drake 2015-01-30T22:01:12-05:00
Anja "Cha!" Allen 2015-01-30T22:02:00-05:00
@The Historian Right! ;) Thank you for the hello. I went from dipping my paw into the chat pool to being swept away by a chat tide :)
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-30T22:03:48-05:00
Have added the FAQ's at top - and for anyone new, reading teh comments- this is our google doc of updated information and a rundown of the weird people on here. Never be afraid to jump in! We're updating the website soon. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-DrPTOVdHaf5ki0B-CwcBpuOPTw0Q1XCfwZrinAyrRs/edit#
@Cheetah Butt,
Excellent questions to have answered. :)
@POT and @Mike great ideas.
agreed, @Cheetah butt!
@LZ, the android keyboard doesn't seem to play nice with the contents interface here. It occasionally seems to double up words.
I'm starting a YouTube channel for Exploding Kittens too.
Anyone interested in a FaceBook group for Kitten Corps?
Alright, who allowed LZ to make a zompoise?
@Cha! we're trying to keep everything in one place at the moment, to keep focus on the KS campaign
@Cha, I'm in!
Did LZ's zombitten's bite a porpoise??
Ok, Kittens, I must depart. I'll likely be back at some point during the weekend. Enjoy your night/day/weekend/porpoises
*The Chameleon's features shift and dissolve until he looks exactly like Lord Zombitten, then he fades from view...*
I see, Historian, your double wine is fine, then
I think once the campaign is over, we could do something like that. But to keep everything and everyone organized, we should just keep it here, with updates on kittencorps.com for streamlined info.
@Chameleon, the macs and the cheeses are good, especially when paired with a red wine. :)
@Cha, I'm in on the FB group. We just need someone to set it up.
@Cheetah - i have a preliminary list of press articles on the google doc.
@LZ, is double wine ever really a bad thing?
Chameleon gave everyone a porpoise. I are some of mine, and it turned.
@Historian, only if it has turned
@Creeper, I'll be back at the computer I 1/2 hour. Still looking for a PM from you though.
oh right!
Kitte corpse > zombittens
@LZ, good point. OTOH, turned wine can be used in cooking.
@Non-E, who controls the kitten corpses at this point?
Can you really control a corpse? I mean, not counting the zimbified ones.
I don't control them, I just helped make them.
If you can over... Wait a sec. I'm not telling you how to control them, LZ!
About $492,967 If I did my math right, to pass RR.
That's what a Necromancer does. A Necrotten?
And that was before it jumped again. .....
Im an eldritch kitten sure i can reani mate corpses
What're we gonna hit first? 10k comments or $5mil?
I use necromancy to raise my zombittens, and other things; but then I'm controlling zombies, not mere corpses.
Understood on the waiting until campaign is over part for the FB group. Does anyone just already want to make it and keep it a secretively closeted group for now?
So both LZ and Non-E have powers of necromancy... But, will they provide free t-shirts to their ever growing army of the undead when we reach the next stretch goal?
@Cha! might be a smart idea, yes, to save the name on there.
@Historian, yes
@Cha!, I can make a super-secret fb group tomorrow
In order to create a Zombitten using necromancy, you must first start with a kitten corpse but the Zombitten is more than just an animated corpse.
Free t-shirt? I might just switch sides for that. ha
@cheetah butt, my point exactly
Zombittens don't like salt, that's the key. I always have some Morton's™ on hand.
now i want kitten corpse avatar. but first i need to learn how to draw
@Cha, I'm down for the super secret group.
@Blackhawk, I hear the t-shirts are cursed.
Just had a wacky SG concept thought that would create a pretty crazy activity with a project like this... Offer up 2 different goals, but 1 for backers or comments, and 1 for pledges, but only one will pay out, contingent on what mark is hit first.
Not sure if that's "legal" though
Don't worry, Potatten. We're on the same side. I won't let my zombittens harm you. The salt's not a bad idea, though, in case something happens to me and they go rogue.
@The Historian. Thanks for the heads up. Wouldn't want a cursed shirt.
@Lord Z Great! Thank you!
Those t-shirts turn you into zombitten when you were them
One must always have a [onshiteverythingisbackfiringonmeverybadlygahhh!] back-up plan, no mad scientist should go without one.
@Potatten, I agree
@non-Euclitten, Get in touch with Dave Edgerly. He drew the entire necromancy deck on KS. I'd post a link but that would be spamming.
The dangers of drinking Diet Coke - Kitten Explosion!
@Dr. P, ever think about teaming up with The Iodizer? He might be of assistance with keeping the zombittens in line.
@Blackhawk, no worries. Being cursed is a drag.
@Cha, wow, that isn't a side effect I've ever seen the coke company advertise.
Also, I don't think I properly said hello before, so... Hello!
What has happened in the last 2 hours?
@Dr. P, I thought mad scientists never had a backup plan and assumed that their plans were flawless.
Kitten corpseshappened
Has anyone else clicked on "Happenings" in the footer, Then scrolled down on "#Facts"? Too funny
Erm, there are some porpoises now. Some of them zombified, I believe.
Well we don't TALK about it, but we all know that the hero always wins. Why do you think Dr. WIly kept popping up?
greetings all I am home now
@Da Wolf, zompoises, an Fb group is in the works, a FAQ section is being developed for the website. Elan used the hastag 'kittencorps' on Twitter. Blackhawk almost turned villainous when he found out about the free t-shirts but changed his mind when I divulged that they were cursed.
Welcome back, TC
@Ryan that is pretty great.
Update at $5,000,000?
@Ryan - awesome
@LZ- when did it happen? i missed it.
Nevermind! Just saw it...
@Dr. P, point
@The Historian Right! ;) Thank you for the hello. I went from dipping my paw into the chat pool to being swept away by a chat tide :)
@The Historian - Thank fellow cat
Cat in french is chat
Cheese eating surrender monkeys
Cha! is the Troubadour for the Kitten Corps. We like to say that because it rhymes.
Did someone say CHEESE!
@John, cheese eating surrender monkeys are the best kind, easy to control. ;)
@Cha, Tis quite easy to get swept away here!
@Da Wolf, anytime
Cheesitten - their only weakness is crackers and cheese-its!
Thanks @TheCreeper ... I like rhythmic :)
We will need on a KittenCorps Signature Song...
Dang...I lost some words there...
Need to work/decide/come up with a KittenCorps Signature Song...there!
We have one, Cha!
I hear cheesittens go well with a nice chianti...
Not as good as fava beans though
Is that chianti EU friendly?
Yes- check out our cadence, Cha!
@John, the fava beans do really bring the flavor out.
@BaKahn, it is. And comes with your choice of trinket!
Doritos with molten cheesitten
now i wanna eat some cat, if you know what i mean
@The Historian, sweet! I'm assuming it's ambidextrous, sleeved, and come with commemorative tin as well?
@Non-E, cheesittens have that effect, perfectly understandable.
@BahKahn, gotta wait for the next SG for that ;)
Okay guys lets push for that sg!
Groutatten+cheesittens in a burrito. lol
@Blackhawk, now I'm hungry again...