Okay I am putting together the Thunder Clap now and need help creating the message that it will post on everyone's Twitter, and Facebook profile. The limit for the message is 116 characters
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T22:20:04-05:00
We'd have to add some jalapettens!
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T22:20:33-05:00
We need Alf!
Anja "Cha!" Allen 2015-01-30T22:20:46-05:00
Found the Cadence!...now how does that sound with music?
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T22:20:56-05:00
I like Purrito
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T22:20:59-05:00
@Cha, check out the website, the cadence is there.
@BahKahn I suppose you're right
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T22:21:04-05:00
@Thunder, ok, no pressure!
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-30T22:21:15-05:00
@John I totally forgot about him until you said that!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T22:21:40-05:00
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T22:24:04-05:00
Enjoyed as in, enjoyed them for sustenance
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T22:24:11-05:00
@John - keep an eye on your e-mail, they'll send you a survey for you to enter your mailing address.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T22:24:11-05:00
Some 80's tv shows are best left in the 80's...
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-30T22:24:14-05:00
SG Idea. An Alf card to defuse the kittens. Or just eat them..
Anja "Cha!" Allen 2015-01-30T22:24:34-05:00
You guys know that there will need to be a sung marchy version on this in the future!
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T22:24:35-05:00
@John Wayne, they'll message is at the end and ask for our shipping address. That might change slightly with the popularity of the project but we don't have details yet.
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T22:24:36-05:00
That would be awesome Cal
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T22:25:02-05:00
Eating them would defuse them; and probably remove them from the game
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-30T22:25:07-05:00
The cadence should be to the music from the movie Stripes. Where is your drill sergeant. Blown up sir. Am I to understand you finished basic training on your own. That is the fact jack!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T22:31:53-05:00
Oddly enough, John Kelly- i sang that in my head to this tune as i was JUST posting it to cha! for true troubadour song fashion - https://www.youtube.com/watch…
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-30T22:32:37-05:00
@ Cha - Thanks. You a hero or villain?
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T22:32:54-05:00
@John Wayne, anytime, stay a spell and join in the good natured madness. :)
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T22:32:58-05:00
Anyone else think of George Strait when you read Troubadour?
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T22:33:32-05:00
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T22:36:44-05:00
@BahKahn, @LZ, you could always give ALF some lint as well, that should make him happy.
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T22:36:48-05:00
@Rod - Don;t let your dingle dangle, dangle in the sand...pick on up and put it (I'll keep it G rated) ....is that what you were thinking of?
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T22:37:06-05:00
Yellow birdie is a classic
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T22:37:20-05:00
@Da Wolf, Cha! is neutral
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-30T22:38:03-05:00
@Lord Zombitten - Thanks.
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T22:38:13-05:00
Has anyone checked out the card website since it came back online? They have some pretty cool stuff
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T22:38:57-05:00
@John, nope, do you balls hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie em in a knot? Can you tie em in a bow? Can you throw em over your shoulder, like a continental soldier? Do your balls hang low?
Anja "Cha!" Allen 2015-01-30T22:39:24-05:00
@TheCreeper...great voice *purrrs*
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T22:39:34-05:00
@Rod - I've never heard that one. Nice!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-30T22:40:05-05:00
@John, it's really old...
Anja "Cha!" Allen 2015-01-30T22:40:24-05:00
@Da Wolf ...I'm a Neutritten :)
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T22:40:59-05:00
@Rod - Plus, aren't you from Canada?
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T22:41:32-05:00
@The Historian - Thanks about the coat of paws! Don't know right off hand what to do to improve it, depending on time etc. Haven't heard a lot of feedback as to what it should/shouldn't include. But still open to ideas. Just the first i had based off early suggestions. But perhaps others have their version offerings coming still?
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T22:43:39-05:00
Time to do some dishes. I'll try to pop back in later tonight. If I don't, have a pleasant evening (or day) all!
@Blackhawk, might that not be a burritten?
Or is it a purrito?
With kitteans! You can't forget the refried kitteans when makung a burrito!
Oh the puns
My brain is melting
@The Historian, once that cheese melts not much purring going on I think.
*peaks up* yes @Lord Zombitten @The Cripper ? Cadence?
@BahKahn & @The Historian. Both work. :)
Okay I am putting together the Thunder Clap now and need help creating the message that it will post on everyone's Twitter, and Facebook profile. The limit for the message is 116 characters
We'd have to add some jalapettens!
We need Alf!
Found the Cadence!...now how does that sound with music?
I like Purrito
@Cha, check out the website, the cadence is there.
@BahKahn I suppose you're right
@Thunder, ok, no pressure!
@John I totally forgot about him until you said that!
@Cha, think "military march"
Okay once we hit 125k im going to bed
Sound out each syllable as you take a step
Could not help myself.
@Cha, 4/4 60bpm
when you read "I don't know but I've been told" it should come to mind.
Does no one know who Alf is?
he enjoyed cats, correct?
ALF = Alien Life Form - a very fine cat if I say so myself.
Alf is old school...
@John, I've got season 1 on DVD :)
@John Kelly. I do I do. I just forgot :(
This is the first project I have ever backed, is there a way to set your address or do we have to wait until the funding ends?
It's the Year of the Cat :)
I dont know but i've been told
Eskimo pussy is mighty cold
@cha! https://www.youtube.com/watch…
Enjoyed as in, enjoyed them for sustenance
@John - keep an eye on your e-mail, they'll send you a survey for you to enter your mailing address.
Some 80's tv shows are best left in the 80's...
SG Idea. An Alf card to defuse the kittens. Or just eat them..
You guys know that there will need to be a sung marchy version on this in the future!
@John Wayne, they'll message is at the end and ask for our shipping address. That might change slightly with the popularity of the project but we don't have details yet.
That would be awesome Cal
Eating them would defuse them; and probably remove them from the game
The cadence should be to the music from the movie Stripes. Where is your drill sergeant. Blown up sir. Am I to understand you finished basic training on your own. That is the fact jack!
Soo what about this secret fb group
Is it a secret to everyone?
@Blackhawk, love it!
This is better - https://www.youtube.com/watch…
@NE, I'm setting it up tomorrow. It won't be a secret to the corps, but it will be to everyone else
But how would you defuse the Alf card and more importantly is it EU friendly?
@Non-E, it's on development yet, might come online this weekend. It's going to be dormant until after the project ends.
Alf is EU friendly since he is from outer space. I don't remember how they calmed him down in the show
I like the version in Apocalypse Now better though.
@BahKahn, definitely EU friendly
Okay, dodged a bullet on that one!
I really like the Alf card idea a lot. I wouldn't have thought of if it hadn't been for @John Kelly.
I just posted a link to an example of a cadence in case cha! wasn't familiar with the rhythm.
@Blackhawk, and that's community building at its best. :)
@Blackhawk, John is pretty awesome, lobstrosity card!
Apocalypse now..,. Isn't there a quote somewhere
I love the smell of pussy in the morning
Or was it napalm?
@TheCreeper...thank you! Now I got it. I did not know what a cadence was. I was thinking more about a song song...maybe...too :)
Was curious how the coat of paws test looked as an avatar...
They say that in the Kitten Corps the pay is might fine.
They pay you a $100 and take back $99
They say that in the Kitten Corps the chow is mighty fine
The chicken jumped off the table and started marking time
They say that in the Kitten Corps the women are might fine
They look like Phyllis Diller and walk like Frankenstein
sorry could not get that out of my get...oldie, but a goodie
The answer, SUPER tiny :)
@Jelle - This is a video of the Wicked Felina work her wicked ways
Well I'm moving to my phone for most of the weekend now. Might not be as active.
@Non-E, napalm in Apocalypse
@DaWolf..throwing a bit of Wagner in the mix...nice!
Ill stick to pussy
@Melissa and @Chris thanks for the info ^-^
Oddly enough, John Kelly- i sang that in my head to this tune as i was JUST posting it to cha! for true troubadour song fashion - https://www.youtube.com/watch…
@ Cha - Thanks. You a hero or villain?
@John Wayne, anytime, stay a spell and join in the good natured madness. :)
Anyone else think of George Strait when you read Troubadour?
@John K, now that you mention it...
Rains of castamere needs more malukah
Nope but it does make me think of the do your balls hang low song...
I've always like little yellow birdie... but it's not as [family friendly]
@BaKahn, I think eating a kitten would defuse Alf. It would satisfy his hunger, at least
@DDD, just took a peek at the coat of paws, that is brilliant!
@LZ, maybe, maybe
@Non-E - purrrty.
@creeper ikr
@BahKahn, @LZ, you could always give ALF some lint as well, that should make him happy.
@Rod - Don;t let your dingle dangle, dangle in the sand...pick on up and put it (I'll keep it G rated) ....is that what you were thinking of?
Yellow birdie is a classic
@Da Wolf, Cha! is neutral
@Lord Zombitten - Thanks.
Has anyone checked out the card website since it came back online? They have some pretty cool stuff
@John, nope, do you balls hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie em in a knot? Can you tie em in a bow? Can you throw em over your shoulder, like a continental soldier? Do your balls hang low?
@TheCreeper...great voice *purrrs*
@Rod - I've never heard that one. Nice!
@John, it's really old...
@Da Wolf ...I'm a Neutritten :)
@Rod - Plus, aren't you from Canada?
hey hey - nearing 125,000 backers
Cmon 125k i need sleep
@John, only since I was born. Don't hold it against me!
@ Cha - Cool! But if you come over to the hero side we have fantastic thrown downs with music like
@John, oh I get it now, I think it's British originally
@The Historian - Thanks about the coat of paws! Don't know right off hand what to do to improve it, depending on time etc. Haven't heard a lot of feedback as to what it should/shouldn't include. But still open to ideas. Just the first i had based off early suggestions. But perhaps others have their version offerings coming still?
Time to do some dishes. I'll try to pop back in later tonight. If I don't, have a pleasant evening (or day) all!