John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T22:47:05-05:00
I only have work for a couple hours tomorrow, but it was voluntary. I must have been out of my mind
Anja "Cha!" Allen 2015-01-30T22:47:11-05:00
I'm trying to add all music related links to our YouTube channel...
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T22:47:17-05:00
@DDD - I'll have to think on what we can add without making it too crowded. The ribbon on the bottom - could possibly be a cat collar with a bell, for added cat-ness? (taking from what i saw in example crest). But simple might be best.
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-30T22:47:18-05:00
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T22:49:03-05:00
When the coat of paws is complete, I'll need it for the fb page
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T22:49:28-05:00
@Da Wolf - i always felt like it was more of a "Somebody's Watching me" type of things. I'm always just... paying attention, keeping an eye on comments.
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-30T22:49:31-05:00
Okay this is the message that I have decided on for the thunder clap.
#explodingKittens #gameofkittens Help us make this the #1 most funded Kickstarter. join us at
Anja "Cha!" Allen 2015-01-30T22:50:30-05:00
@Da Wolf...thanks! ..the hittens have put out for the 'throw downs'.... am I hearing any responses from the vittens?
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T22:51:13-05:00
@john Kelly - though that did make me laugh. I'm not a creepy person!!! I was just creeping along in the background for awhile! That's where the name originated.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T22:51:23-05:00
It's always a party with the hittens! We have free catnip margaritas!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T22:51:39-05:00
Almost 125,000 backers!
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T22:52:26-05:00
and @Cha! Stay Neutral! you're a troubadour! you sing the songs of lore! You need to stay impartial!
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T22:52:39-05:00
@Melissa - I get it. It's just a fun song :) Although I think Lurker would be a better term than Creeper
Anja "Cha!" Allen 2015-01-30T22:52:53-05:00
@John Kelly...added the creeper song :)
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T22:53:28-05:00
Creeping makes it seem as though you are up to something...Lurking makes it seem as though you are just uhhh lurking :p
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T22:53:38-05:00
@John - excellent point.
Anja "Cha!" Allen 2015-01-30T22:54:21-05:00
@The Creeper ... ohh no second thoughts here...I sing to my own tune and just share the stories of all in song :)
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-30T22:54:30-05:00
And a country version of the throw down song of all time
I am sure that KS got hit by alot of new people who never would have checked out KS if it were not for this campaign
Mike Kabala 2015-01-30T23:27:09-05:00
I have posted one last update to tonight. I'll be working with @Creeper via email to keep the site current. Have a good night everyone.
Anja "Cha!" Allen 2015-01-30T23:27:33-05:00
@John Kelly... not bad...I'm partial to this kind of heroic Metal
Experiencing Life to the Fullest-Da Wolf 2015-01-30T23:27:46-05:00
All Kitten Corps members - I have some sad news to report. Da Wolf's request for blank cards is not in the cards right now. We need to gather around and work towards catwashing the minds of those in control.
Bruno 2015-01-30T23:28:04-05:00
Beware the Lost Lurching Hidden Dancing Goat who Stares and Watches ....
Anja "Cha!" Allen 2015-01-30T23:28:05-05:00
Good Night @Mike...thank you & Melissa for all you do!!!
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T23:28:49-05:00
@Da Wolf, that's terrible news!
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T23:29:41-05:00
125k backers! (Sorry I'm late, I've been drinking on this Friday night)
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T23:29:54-05:00
@Cha! If you're into heroic metal, you could add through the fire and the flames and pretty much anything else by dragonforce
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T23:29:54-05:00
@Cha - I like it.
Dan Fox 2015-01-30T23:30:15-05:00
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T23:30:23-05:00
@Kevin - That's how it came up
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-30T23:30:42-05:00
On a side note...I've never heard of Heroic Metal
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T23:30:49-05:00
Ah, I was working and missed a bunch
Melissa "The Creeper" Nicole 2015-01-30T23:31:28-05:00
@Cha!, I think we settled in nitten for neutrals. We have vittens (like me), hittens, and nittens
Later Chris
@John @bakHan - funny, being female, I only heard it in the female sense- "do your dragon boobs hang low..."
sleep is for the weak....and employed
I refused to be categorized further than hero! Da Wolf is drawing a line in the dirt!
Don't let your dingle dongle dangle in the grass, pick it on up and put it............
they were hanging pretty low in the picture Melissa
8 more, and my tablet battery is at 4%
I only have work for a couple hours tomorrow, but it was voluntary. I must have been out of my mind
I'm trying to add all music related links to our YouTube channel...
@DDD - I'll have to think on what we can add without making it too crowded. The ribbon on the bottom - could possibly be a cat collar with a bell, for added cat-ness? (taking from what i saw in example crest). But simple might be best.
Just found The Creepers' song…
@Da Wolf...I stand corrected...I'm a Nitten...a troubadourish one :)
Coat of paws needs zombittens or kitten corpses
This can be the alternative Creepers's song…
When the coat of paws is complete, I'll need it for the fb page
@Da Wolf - i always felt like it was more of a "Somebody's Watching me" type of things. I'm always just... paying attention, keeping an eye on comments.
@Cha - It's all good. Time to get down and party.
Okay this is the message that I have decided on for the thunder clap.
#explodingKittens #gameofkittens Help us make this the #1 most funded Kickstarter. join us at
@Da Wolf...thanks! ..the hittens have put out for the 'throw downs'.... am I hearing any responses from the vittens?
@john Kelly - though that did make me laugh. I'm not a creepy person!!! I was just creeping along in the background for awhile! That's where the name originated.
It's always a party with the hittens! We have free catnip margaritas!
Almost 125,000 backers!
and @Cha! Stay Neutral! you're a troubadour! you sing the songs of lore! You need to stay impartial!
@Melissa - I get it. It's just a fun song :) Although I think Lurker would be a better term than Creeper
@John Kelly...added the creeper song :)
Creeping makes it seem as though you are up to something...Lurking makes it seem as though you are just uhhh lurking :p
@John - excellent point.
@The Creeper ... ohh no second thoughts here...I sing to my own tune and just share the stories of all in song :)
And a country version of the throw down song of all time…
125k bedtime
I meant the vittens
Gnight folks
Are those Vittle Kittens?
Good Night @non-euclitten :)
later Jelle
Good choice Cha! Here, have a niprita!
Or would that be niparita?
@Da Wolf...added... the vittens are falling behind :)
@LZ Neuparita?
Did you get the cat with two headsvby the aquabats?
See? Lord Zombitten pretends to be a Hitten, gives you a margarita and then unmasks his Vitten self. Trickery abounds.
I'm still calling 10k before 5Mil
It was a slip of the tongue. I didn't mean to deceive. Any nitten is welcome to a niparita
@Cha!, no I think niparita is correct. It's a catnip margarita
Maybe I've had too many beer, but I am now unable to follow the conversation.
Saying adios to the remaining vittens…
@john or not enough!
@LZ aww I thought you may have added a neutral shot into that concoction for extra deviousness taste
This thread is Goatist ....
.... where be all the Goat References ?
I raise you a HIDDEN GOAT CARD, and see all your EK's ......
Get outa that !
Good Night @Da Wolf...was a pleasure listening to your offers
@Allison - I like the way you think
Okay the Thunderclap campaign is pending approval. For free thunderclaps it takes upto 3 days to be approved.
Good Night Cha!
once it is approved I will post it here and I will ask Elan to give it a shout out in an official update.
The zombittens attack the goat!
Dang @The Creeper...I'm stuck on that GoT voice in repeat *shivers*
This heroes prefer mojitos prepared with an old family recipe!
don't goats defuse EK's?
@Da Wolf...mousitos?
@Cha - I stand corrected. mousitos with an old family recipe. Just found a video from johnny cat…
The Hidden Goat can dance The Dance .....
@Cha - also mohitos
@Da Wolf...I love the Hurt version by Johnny Cash :) Weren't you leaving? ;)
Just popped over to read comments and am having flashbacks of early 90s IRC.
I still think the army of kittens can take out a dancing goat
@Cha - not for a while. I thought you were leaving.
@Da Wolf... *laughs* well someone was leaving and it was neither of us
What about the NIN version Anja?
@John Kelly...uhhhhgghhmmm...yes BUT I have to go with Johnny Cat
The goat is no match for the zombitten horde!
@Cha - when I wrote saying adios to the vittens I meant the vittens are on the way to becoming extinct.
He's where it's at
He's some might say....The Cat's Pajamas
@DaWolf, that's an awfully premature assessment of the facts
.... having danced .... the Hidden Goat moves on .....
"what an army of kittens cannot perceive of, they cannot vanquish" ***
*** from the lost Art of War, Extreme Edition.
Aww @Da Wolf it was merely a broad sweeping gesture of vitten negligence one here has mentioned any dragons for a long time. I'm totally blaming the dragons for ending up here...again
You'll notice the goat moves with a lurch from now on...
*** that might be the Extremely Lost Edition ....
Who knows ?
It's Lost ....
Speaking of dragons…
sam L jackson looks great in this movie but the rest is unBEARable…
This one…
...the forest & Star dragons more precisely and having to stumble over exploding kittens and Schroedinger's cats and BYOBook and here I am...
I'm wondering if Kickstarter can run statistics on the influx of new AND returning backers just because of EK
I am sure that KS got hit by alot of new people who never would have checked out KS if it were not for this campaign
I have posted one last update to tonight. I'll be working with @Creeper via email to keep the site current. Have a good night everyone.
@John Kelly... not bad...I'm partial to this kind of heroic Metal…
All Kitten Corps members - I have some sad news to report. Da Wolf's request for blank cards is not in the cards right now. We need to gather around and work towards catwashing the minds of those in control.
Beware the Lost Lurching Hidden Dancing Goat who Stares and Watches ....
Good Night @Mike...thank you & Melissa for all you do!!!
@Da Wolf, that's terrible news!
125k backers! (Sorry I'm late, I've been drinking on this Friday night)
@Cha! If you're into heroic metal, you could add through the fire and the flames and pretty much anything else by dragonforce
@Cha - I like it.
@Kevin - That's how it came up
On a side note...I've never heard of Heroic Metal
Ah, I was working and missed a bunch
500, 465 and You're welcome @Cha!