Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-01T11:44:36-05:00
I haven't been to the ocean in a loooong time. I might have to put that on my bucket list. Luckly, there is a bus that can take me to Atlantic city where I can walk in the beach and visit their boardwalk which has shops, restaurants and slots.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-01T12:18:08-05:00
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-01T14:37:59-05:00
Boy, from how I've lived my entire life literally at least 1,000 miles from the nearest ocean, you'd think I was afraid of it or something! Or had a restraining order. The ocean has never really played a large part in my life. Just go look at google satellite images of the midwest and you'll understand why. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-01T14:57:09-05:00
When my wife was a kid her family would vacation for the summer in Oregon, so in a way she grew up with the ocean, and she misses it like crazy. Seriously crazy... ;) For me, I can take it or leave it. I mean its huge and awesome and stuff, but I live in the foothills of the rocky mountains, the huge and awesome and stuff too! ;) I love being out in nature, where ever it may be!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-01T15:11:34-05:00
My favorite thing is hiking and backpacking in mountains, it's the absolute best! The Rockies are perfect for it! That or in Utah and western Colorado, there're some great places there. My favorite place on earth is most likely Mee Canyon, Co, just 15 miles or so from the Utah border.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-01T15:20:08-05:00
@BaKhan: since your wife loves the ocean, do you guys go on a cruise each year? I have a friend whose family goes on one at least twice a year.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-01T15:59:21-05:00
Jeez, if I had that kind of money... well, yeah, I'd probably spend it on cruises or the like as well. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-01T16:08:10-05:00
@Geist, I wish! No, we have gone on two cruises though. One was at the end of a 18 day bus tour through Turkey, we did a 5 day cruise through the Greek Isles, that was awesome, but I was so tired! Then on our Honeymoon we went on a Disney cruise through the Bahammas, that was a lot of fun, even went to Disney's private island! I do love a good cruise!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-02T03:31:29-05:00
Disney has a private island? I never knew. I know they have a private bar/restaurant in Florida that you need a membership for.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-02T09:09:53-05:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-02T09:17:10-05:00
@Geist, yeah, its called Castaway Kay, it has the most beautiful white sand beaches! The water is so clear you can see the sand below, and the starfishes and sand dollars. Schools of small fish. They have these beach chairs you can take right into the water, and the waiters will come out into the ocean with your drinks! Probably the nicest beach I've ever been on, and I've seen a few! ;) Also, I thought that Club 33 was based in Disneyland, not Walt Disney World? Thats a bit rich for my blood at $25k annual dues... yikes! I love Disney, but for that money you could easily buy into the DVC (Disney vacation club) and stay once a year for a week for free in any Disney resort (over 500 around the world).
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-02T10:21:40-05:00
@BaKhan: Then I will have to put Castaway Kay on my bucket list. Sounds like a place I can relax.
Does it cost that much to join the DVC? I remember the hotel trying to get customers to buy into the last time I was in Florida but I never looked into the details.
@Geist, yep, the only way to get to Castaway Kay is to go on a Disney Cruise, which I totally recommend btw! ;) The DVC cost somewhere around 18k to get in, and that gets you around 100 points, which gets you around a week of stay per year, for 50 years, at any of the Disney properties. Some are more than others. My wife and I bought into two different properties so we have two weeks a year. Its pretty awesome! You can bank your points for a year, and borrow from the next year too if you want to have an epic stay once every three years, as an option as well. They have everything from studio rooms, like a hotel, single bedroom apartments, full living room, dining room, kitchen, etc., and then bigger ones double, room, up to four bedrooms for some of the biggest ones. Obviously the bigger they are the more points they cost, the better the view, etc. Still lots of nice ones at the lowest points levels too.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-02T10:43:27-05:00
Man, why are we all worrying about where to have the next Kitten Con when you answered it right there, BaKhan! Just save up for a few years and we could all fit in a suite you could get for free! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-02T11:12:07-05:00
@Zem, lol! But that would mean saving up for a couple of years, and not using those points ourselves! I could handle putting a couple of people up, but the corps! Yikes! That and given all the various personality types, people would probably need some more space... ;) If we got the same two bedroom set up as last time, when we took our friend with us, it can host upto two in the master, three in the living room with two people sharing the hidabed, and four people in the second bedroom two per bed. So a max of 9 there, but, who wants to share a bed? So more practically it would be six, that for two weeks maxes out our points. To get one of those huge ones would be double our points for only one week, but it would be a hella cool condo! They call them the tree houses, and they overlook the "savannah" from about 20' up, where you get to see the African animals walking around, giraffes, zebras, weird cow things, its pretty sweet actually. Hey, I got an idea, why not give me $40k, and I'll buy up those extra points! Then it would be no issues at all! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-02T14:46:19-05:00
I got a better idea, BaKhan. How about everyone give me $40k?
I mean, you're probably not going to see much back from it, but you get the nice warm, fuzzy feeling of helping someone out, right? ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-02T14:47:49-05:00
@BaKhan: I'd have to see where all of the other resorts are. I'm not really one to splurge on a hotel room since I don't plan on being in it except to sleep. Maybe for a 50th birthday and such but for regular travels, I sleep modest.
And I volunteer to find a hotel room so that other KC members can crash at your place. I know of a few in Florida that will be just fine.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-02T16:26:38-05:00
@Geist, its a lot more than just a hotel, but you're right, it doesn't need to be fancy. They do have a lot of studio rooms, that are just like a hotel room, couple of beds and a bathroom kinda thing. You can also use your points on an exchange and get into other timeshares as well, its pretty amazing how flexable it is. The main reason we normally get a suite is because it comes with in room laundry, which is nice as you don't need to pack as much that way, just do some laundry every few days, good to go! ;) As I said before, I don't want to arrange a full blown kitten con anywhere except my house, just too much work. But, I will gladly help with it!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-03T06:54:04-05:00
Morning kittens!
Happy Friday!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-03T09:09:07-05:00
Morning kittens!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-03T09:41:59-05:00
*crawls toward the finish line*
These last few weeks have been a bit heavy. I could really use a nice weekend.
As for being excited about the weekend...yes and no. Yes, because no work for two days. No because lots of other stuff to do that I've put off for too long. >.<
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-03T14:54:01-05:00
I'm going home for the weekend to house-sit the cats. My parents are in Switzerland seeing my brother and old exchange student who just had a baby, so we're taking care of their new cats, and I thought I might as well just stay the weekend there. It's super nice, great tv and amazing sound system, everything you need...
So... what I'm saying is party at my place this weekend. It's gonna be crazy, me and 2 cats!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-03T16:27:20-05:00
Party at Zem's parents house, everyone's invited! ;)
So...apparently lots of people are boycotting the live action version of Beauty and the Beast because of one character, and it's not Belle(Emma Watson). People are even calling for the boycott of Disney altogether because of it.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-04T09:37:54-05:00
@GM: I read about that. All because the movie will have the first gay character in it. The thing is, religious people (not all of them) are protesting the movie just for that. I read of a second protest from some in the gay community because the gay character (LeFou) will be the comedic side kick.
Either way it's a bold move by Disney.
Jamie Vann 2017-03-05T23:14:25-05:00
I just played this at a friend's house and it made me realize I never got my own copy of the game despite backing it.
Who should I talk to in order to receive my copy? Thanks!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-06T06:49:33-05:00
Morning kittens
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-06T09:07:59-05:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-06T09:09:41-05:00
@Jamie, wowza! Well I'm not sure that you still can, campaign has been over for quite a while now. However, your best bet at this juncture would be to email Best of luck!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-06T09:12:30-05:00
@GM, @Geist, well I think its been well past time. I also think its a shame that fear will cause many people not to see the movie. As far as it being insulting to gay people, I would hardly think so. My gay friends are some of the funnest, and funniest people you will ever meet! Seriously a laugh riot. I think it actually makes sense that, that particular character would have a gay vibe, who else would want to hang out with that jerk, if you didn't have a crush on him?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-06T09:25:55-05:00
Jamie, Wow, yeah, the game came out 2 years ago! But they should certainly still honor the pledge if you email support and explain everything like BaKhan said.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-06T09:47:16-05:00
Rented and watched the movie "Secret Life of Pets". Very very funny.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-06T09:52:15-05:00
@Geist, I do want to see that one, but have been avoiding it to be honest. I still miss Freddy so much, I know for me that movie would just be a big cry fest. I see the commercials and I get teary so... maybe some day.
@BaKhan: Definitely, I know some gay people that are much more tolerant and welcoming than some that practice a religion. I found it funny though. My aunt, who is a pastor, put on Facebook to boycott Disney until they change their "sinful" ways. My uncle(her brother-in-law, and my dad's brother) said he would rather support the Canadian constitution over a homophobic pastor, to which she replied gay people are welcome in her church. To me, that is contradictory.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-06T10:04:19-05:00
@GM, that sounds overly familiar to me. My mom's side of the family is the same way, all preachy and stuff, and using religion as an excuse to hate. The reason its hard to make sense of religion is because it fundamentally makes no sense! Of course she would welcome gays into her church, so that the power of God can "heal" them of their "sinful ways". SMH. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of good people that go to church, but theres also lots of hypocrites as well. Just remember that my made up super powerful deity is more powerful, forgiving, and real than yours... >.>
@BaKhan: I don't like 90% of the people who are religious because most of the time they pick and choose which parts of the bible they follow(ended quite a few "friendships" because they would say to do one thing, then ignore other parts)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-06T10:16:38-05:00
@GM, I always called those types of people, Sunday Christians... one day a week they follow thier religion, the rest of the time, they're completely oblivious... yep, they're the best!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-06T10:24:13-05:00
@GM: so gay people are welcome in her church just so she can tell them they are going to hell? There are much better ways I can think of to spend my Sunday.
@Geist: That's my understanding. She did say she wasn't homophobic, but that Disney is supposed to be a family friendly place/company.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-06T11:35:36-05:00
@GM, the funny thing about that is that Disney actually has "Gay Days", lol, its not "official" but it has been going on a long time. They are about being family friendly and inclusive of all types of families!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-06T14:40:16-05:00
First comment I read had a bit of salt in it. I don't know about you, but not quite nearly 90% of religious people I've met are like that, GM. I mean, yes, a large portion is like that, but you can't do the same thing and just pick one one group. Literally every group has every kind of person, whether extremist, never thinks for themself, hypocritical, only identifies as that in name and not in beliefs, etc.
I don't know what groups of people you talk to, but 90% is a bit of a high estimate. Just detecting a bit of edge putting me on mine, but we really shouldn't let this conversation keep like that.
For one, though, why shouldn't gays be allowed in church? Not as pastor, I can understand the reasoning, but I can't think of any reason why homosexuals shouldn't be allowed unless your church happens to be a certain one under the name of Westboro.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-06T14:48:27-05:00
Case in point about the heart-stopping levels of salt in this conversation, BaKhan, no offense, but if you're going to make spiteful, snide comments about people, try not to sound like a twitter edgelord. It doesn't help your case; the way you phrased all of that was specifically to induce argument that there's no calm and rational way to end. Especially that "The reason its hard to make sense of religion is because it fundamentally makes no sense!" bit. I had to keep from saying a few things that would turn this in a way that would leaving us all, lets just say, no longer anxious for the next Kitten Con. Even if you don't subscribe to an ideology, stuff like that is just unacceptably belittling, uneducated, and generalizing.
Which is to say to everyone that's exactly how I don't want this conversation to go, but if it continues, I can see it going that way all too easily, so for the good of the group, please nobody start throwing around general accusations and belittling stereotypes. It doesn't help anyone's cause and is just going to hurt relations in the long run.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-06T15:19:47-05:00
Since those were so long, maybe I should clarify. This isn't turning out as a friendly argument, nor if it continues will it become more reasoned and thoughtful. You know what Smokey the smokin' bear always says: "Only you can prevent internet flamewars."
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-06T15:32:24-05:00
@Zem, heart-stopping levels of salt? Maybe one of us is exagerating here? Maybe leave my comment in the context it was supposed to be read in, and not singled out in an attempt to prove some point? If I said something that you disagree with by all means, say what you will, I won't think less of you for doing so, but I might think less of you for not. You might also have noted where I point out that there are many good people that go to church? I was raised going to church, I believe that there are a lot of good values that come out of it. Sadly as with anything though, there are tools there for certain individuals to interpret in such a way as to justify disdain, ridecule, and hatred. I have personally witnessed these things, heard them, and rejected them, as they are not what I believe religion should be about. This is why I believe in spirituality and not religion. I believe that religion doesn't make sense, thats my personal belief. To each their own.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-06T15:40:55-05:00
*looks up weather*
"0% chance of precipitation"
*looks outside*
... now I'm no expert, but...
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-06T15:48:08-05:00
So you believe in the basis behind religions, but not in the organized Church itself, which sometimes promotes bastardization of their own beliefs? That I can understand and in VERY large part agree with. But in the context it was in, saying religion makes no sense without tying that to specifically organized religion comes off as saying all religion makes no sense because it's all just not true in the first place.
Though I agree with that point. Sunday Christians is a good name for people who identify in title but not in beliefs and only quote the bible to strengthen their argument out of context like a media sound byte, snoring while the guy up front in funny robes lectures.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-06T15:56:13-05:00
@Zem, the context was there, I just think you may have missed it. I was refering to a part of my family that I strongly classify as Sunday Christians, that use their religion to support their bs attitudes towards people, and don't acknowledge their own hypocracy. A religion that is supposed to be based on love, acceptance, and forgiveness, should not be preverted into something used to justify hate. Let vengence be mine, turn the other cheek, judge not lest ye be judged yourself, etc. Yet there they are judging people by what they've worn to church, those that don't go to church, or those that subscribe to a different belief system or lifestyle... It makes no sense.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-06T16:03:46-05:00
I see what you mean now. The context was probably there, just not direct and I'm really tired. Though isn't literally every major religion founded on peace, love, and acceptance? Even and probably especially islam; muslims (the vast majority that are non-extremist, obviously) are some of the most peaceful and kind people I've met, and are by FAR the best hosts to their friends, coming from a person in the midwest! ;)
But yeah, now I see what you mean, the people who bastardize things to fit their beliefs, which as I said, are in every group unfortunately. Everyone's a bit hypocritical, but it doesn't require justification.
Also, Google weather, what's wrong with you? If that's not rain, then what animal is peeing on my window to mess with me? Oh wait, no, now they changed it to 15%. Okay. Suuuure... ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-06T16:18:31-05:00
*looks at pile of wood and thinks about throwing a match on it*
*changes mind*
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-06T16:21:40-05:00
I also watched the documentary "Weiner". Now there is a guy who threw away the chance to be mayor of NY all for shady pics of his lower half.
Now, I know that each relationship is different and not at all cut and dry like the religious folks would have us believe but why in the world would this guy risk his marriage and career over something like this? No matter how much it gets you off, if your SO wouldn't be happy about it, why do it?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-06T16:27:34-05:00
@Giest, lol! The funniest thing about that whole situation (to me at least) was the guys name. Weiner... sending dick pics... how did no one see that coming! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-06T16:37:51-05:00
how did no one see that coming!
And unintended pun, I'm sure. ;-)
I felt so sorry for his poor wife. The last straw was when he took a crotch shot with his child asleep beside him. Dude! How stupid can you be?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-06T16:52:15-05:00
Weiner. Maybe it runs in the family, so they just named the family that as a warning?
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-07T07:36:28-05:00
Morning kittens. I have the day off today and the timing couldn't have been better. I was at work for 13 hours yesterday and only 8 of those I will get paid for. I enjoyed the extra hours of sleep I got in, let me tell you.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-07T09:04:22-05:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-07T09:04:45-05:00
@Geist, congrats on the extra sleep! I wish... so sleepy... ;)
@Geist: Only way that that is legal(as far as I understand it) is if you are salary, and overtime exempt. If that wasn't in your offer letter, and you didn't sign it, then pretty sure they can't do that.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-07T12:20:44-05:00
@GM: you are correct. My contact makes me a salaried employee. Just one of the ways they really make you work for that paycheck. In fact, more companies are hiring people salaried so that they don't have to pay anyone overtime money.
One of the reasons why I want to leave the accounting profession.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-08T06:48:16-05:00
Morning kittens. I needed that day off more than you know. In fact, I wanted to call out sick today but I have a rule of never using a sick day until after I have been at a company for a year.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-08T09:12:15-05:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-08T09:15:02-05:00
@Geist, to me that actually sounds scary. The nice thing about my work is that they are pretty reasonable about sick days. We get 6 paid sick days a year. You have to work two months then you are allowed a sick day, but they will work with you. Abusers get penalized. This has helped me out in past for sure. The more stressful your work environment is the more likely you are to be ill... it just doesn't make sense that they would want to put you under that kind of stress. I hope that it gets better for you!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-08T09:49:10-05:00
More than you know? I think I at least somewhat understand, Geist, that's how my past 3 full weeks went. I could still use a day off, actually, but then again that'd always be nice.
@BaKhan: I need to find me a company that is like that. I took a sick day(couldn't even get out away from throwing up long enough to do anything other than try and sleep) on a Monday, that just so happened to be a payroll processing day, and my boss chewed me out for it when I came in, still feeling like death had his cold hand on my shoulder, the next day.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-08T10:13:28-05:00
@GM, I couldn't handle that. The way I've always looked at it, is I know what I'm bringing to the company, and I know that you're going to have a hell of a time trying to get better than me, so when I look at my employers, I'm interviewing them. What are they bringing to the table, how are they to work for, what benefits do they offer, is it worth it to me? If my manager tried to give me a hard time about being sick, I'd quit and become their biggest competition! I'm loyal to a fault, I've been working here for 17 years, but when I'm angered I will get satisfaction! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-08T10:16:16-05:00
@BaKhan: I can't understand why companies seem uninterested in helping their employees maintain a proper balance between work/personal life. My manager told a new recruit that if he saw nothing but 8's on his time card, he was going to be upset? Why? My manager would think that you "just don't give a s*%t" and therefore would have no reason to give you a raise.
My supervisor has over 300 hours of vacation time that she wasn't able to use for the last two years and my manager still won't let her take them.
How in the world can staff be at their best if they can't chill for a few days/weeks?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-08T10:27:21-05:00
@Geist, simple answer. They can't! Its that draconian, soul sucking, masocistic type of atmosphere that most quickly takes people out, sometimes literally. People absolutely need down time, its not optional. Either you relax by your own free will, or your body will make you, one way or the other. I work to live, not the other way around, and I'll never mix those priorities up. A person can always find another job, but you can't always find another life...
@BaKhan: The worst part of it was that there were three of us in the payroll department at that time, and the person who shared an office with me knew EXACTLY what needed to be done to process the payroll on that day. My manager could have taken over the CDN payroll that day while the other guy took care of the US, but nope, it was my job, so my fault(she even said that she has never in her career missed a payroll processing that is supposed to mean anything)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-08T10:50:26-05:00
@BaKhan: then my supervisor's husband and family all need medals because she has worked 15 hour days and weekends when I first started here. I don't ever want to put my job in front of my life which is the main reason why I'm trying to get out of office work.
And you can best bet my manager makes damn sure he goes on vacation when he wishes.
@Geist: It's funny how that works. Employees can't take vacation because "the work will pile up, and no one can cover you", yet managers can take whatever vacations they want(mine is planning a month long visit to Australia...and I can't even get time off enough to recharge, and if I don't use my vacation days they disappear at the end of the year, no carryforward).
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-08T12:10:02-05:00
@GM: Then that is a poorly run office. What would they do if you got really sick and had to stay out on short term disability? Just let folks keep working and not get paid?
Heck, they might hand you the paperwork while you are on the operating table. >.>
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-08T12:20:03-05:00
All of which proves of course that managers are pretty much superfalous, who needs em!? ;) When our managers are away, things just go smoother... I honestly don't think that most managers really know what they should be doing, especially in the face of your guys' stories below.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-08T14:33:39-05:00
Just take vacation when your manager is on vacation. ;)
Not all managers are bad, and when implemented correctly, they really help the process. My dad, for instance, is a born leader and supervisor, and he's in charge of projects for his company in basically every airport in the eastern half of the US.
The problem arises when people are promoted to managerial positions for the wrong reasons. Companies, for whatever reason, think, "Oh, you're good at this job, you must be just as good at supervising it!", and sometimes don't even care if they're good at it in the first place. I can assure you, I might be great at some jobs, but I would always suck as a manager regardless. They're different positions entirely, and they promote people to them who have no clue what managing even is, so they abuse it, usually unwittingly.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-09T07:01:09-05:00
Morning kittens.
Wouldn't you know it? On the day that I decided to sleep in a little, my boss calls to tell me that she forgot her passkey and wants to know when I will be in. *sigh* This week is really trying to %$*# with me.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-09T09:48:55-05:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-09T09:49:42-05:00
@Geist, never fails! Hopefully, it works out for you, and the weekend is in sight! You can do it!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-09T11:07:13-05:00
On the day I decide to sleep in a little, I can't. I think the past 4 weeks are getting to me. Good thing I don't really have anything going on except classes from now through sunday, maybe I can finally relax, but then again, that's what I said about THIS week...
New computer for me at for the fun part of getting everything set up so that I can actually work(add all three other emails I have access to, get them to sync, reorganize my desktop, ensure everything is how it should be....guess I'm not getting anymore work done today)
Well, this machine is definitely faster. Biggest issue: They want me to use a program that I find is crap, and not worth it(Adobe) over the one I know works, how it works, where everything in it is(Nitro Pro). They are giving me 3 days to get used to Adobe, and then removing Nitro. Hooray for people that don't understand that i's about the user, not the program(since they are essentially the same, but I can do more with Nitro than with Adobe).
Oh, and the new machine also fixed my scrolling issue on KS.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-09T14:45:50-05:00
But hey, at least Adobe will run faster now for you than Nitro used to. ;)
And you still had that problem? Well, good to know it's fixed now! You can more easily avoid work and talk to us!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-10T06:22:00-05:00
Morning kittens. Friday is finally here. I got here early, I'm leaving early. I think this calls for a movie weekend after what I've been through. I hear good things about the new Wolverine movie so I might catch that. Or I might just curl up in bed the whole weekend and read. I'm currently in the middle of "The 5th Season". It was one of the novels recommended on a program on NPR about dystopian fiction books. After this one, I might read "1984" again. These types of books seem to be in vogue now that Trump is in power.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-10T06:23:01-05:00
@BaKhan: Did you know that there is a California Universal Studios? If you guys are going to the Disney in California next year, how about we swing by there for a day's visit?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-10T09:45:51-05:00
Ooh, California Disney and Universal? Is that 3 cello cases idea from the cruise conversation still a good one?
I may have figured out why my manager is trying to break our weekly meeting she told me to let her know when things get to be too much and she will petition the higher ups for approval to high another set of hands in payroll.
Also, I get to leave early today(YAY!), though I need to take the work laptop home(in case for some reason we can't get into the office and still need to get stuff done - last time something like that was in 2013 with the floods) since I have the new desktop.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-10T14:40:37-05:00
Really, GM? Well, that sucks, but at least now you know there's a reason your life sucks so much, and that it could possibly get better!
Did you immediately say, "Oh, too much was a long time ago!" or something?
No, I just kind of didn't say anything as I don't think they realize how much it does to actually break me...but when I do break, it won't be pretty...but I should have said that.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-10T15:59:55-05:00
Well, so much for leaving work early but now it's over. Time to go home and relax.
Morning kittens.
I haven't been to the ocean in a loooong time. I might have to put that on my bucket list. Luckly, there is a bus that can take me to Atlantic city where I can walk in the beach and visit their boardwalk which has shops, restaurants and slots.
Just in case you were curious
Boy, from how I've lived my entire life literally at least 1,000 miles from the nearest ocean, you'd think I was afraid of it or something! Or had a restraining order. The ocean has never really played a large part in my life. Just go look at google satellite images of the midwest and you'll understand why. ;)
When my wife was a kid her family would vacation for the summer in Oregon, so in a way she grew up with the ocean, and she misses it like crazy. Seriously crazy... ;) For me, I can take it or leave it. I mean its huge and awesome and stuff, but I live in the foothills of the rocky mountains, the huge and awesome and stuff too! ;) I love being out in nature, where ever it may be!
My favorite thing is hiking and backpacking in mountains, it's the absolute best! The Rockies are perfect for it! That or in Utah and western Colorado, there're some great places there. My favorite place on earth is most likely Mee Canyon, Co, just 15 miles or so from the Utah border.
@BaKhan: since your wife loves the ocean, do you guys go on a cruise each year? I have a friend whose family goes on one at least twice a year.
Jeez, if I had that kind of money... well, yeah, I'd probably spend it on cruises or the like as well. ;)
@Geist, I wish! No, we have gone on two cruises though. One was at the end of a 18 day bus tour through Turkey, we did a 5 day cruise through the Greek Isles, that was awesome, but I was so tired! Then on our Honeymoon we went on a Disney cruise through the Bahammas, that was a lot of fun, even went to Disney's private island! I do love a good cruise!
Disney has a private island? I never knew. I know they have a private bar/restaurant in Florida that you need a membership for.
Morning kittens.
@Geist, yeah, its called Castaway Kay, it has the most beautiful white sand beaches! The water is so clear you can see the sand below, and the starfishes and sand dollars. Schools of small fish. They have these beach chairs you can take right into the water, and the waiters will come out into the ocean with your drinks! Probably the nicest beach I've ever been on, and I've seen a few! ;) Also, I thought that Club 33 was based in Disneyland, not Walt Disney World? Thats a bit rich for my blood at $25k annual dues... yikes! I love Disney, but for that money you could easily buy into the DVC (Disney vacation club) and stay once a year for a week for free in any Disney resort (over 500 around the world).
@BaKhan: Then I will have to put Castaway Kay on my bucket list. Sounds like a place I can relax.
Does it cost that much to join the DVC? I remember the hotel trying to get customers to buy into the last time I was in Florida but I never looked into the details.
Morning kittens.
@Geist, yep, the only way to get to Castaway Kay is to go on a Disney Cruise, which I totally recommend btw! ;) The DVC cost somewhere around 18k to get in, and that gets you around 100 points, which gets you around a week of stay per year, for 50 years, at any of the Disney properties. Some are more than others. My wife and I bought into two different properties so we have two weeks a year. Its pretty awesome! You can bank your points for a year, and borrow from the next year too if you want to have an epic stay once every three years, as an option as well. They have everything from studio rooms, like a hotel, single bedroom apartments, full living room, dining room, kitchen, etc., and then bigger ones double, room, up to four bedrooms for some of the biggest ones. Obviously the bigger they are the more points they cost, the better the view, etc. Still lots of nice ones at the lowest points levels too.
Man, why are we all worrying about where to have the next Kitten Con when you answered it right there, BaKhan! Just save up for a few years and we could all fit in a suite you could get for free! ;)
@Zem, lol! But that would mean saving up for a couple of years, and not using those points ourselves! I could handle putting a couple of people up, but the corps! Yikes! That and given all the various personality types, people would probably need some more space... ;) If we got the same two bedroom set up as last time, when we took our friend with us, it can host upto two in the master, three in the living room with two people sharing the hidabed, and four people in the second bedroom two per bed. So a max of 9 there, but, who wants to share a bed? So more practically it would be six, that for two weeks maxes out our points. To get one of those huge ones would be double our points for only one week, but it would be a hella cool condo! They call them the tree houses, and they overlook the "savannah" from about 20' up, where you get to see the African animals walking around, giraffes, zebras, weird cow things, its pretty sweet actually. Hey, I got an idea, why not give me $40k, and I'll buy up those extra points! Then it would be no issues at all! ;)
I got a better idea, BaKhan. How about everyone give me $40k?
I mean, you're probably not going to see much back from it, but you get the nice warm, fuzzy feeling of helping someone out, right? ;)
@BaKhan: I'd have to see where all of the other resorts are. I'm not really one to splurge on a hotel room since I don't plan on being in it except to sleep. Maybe for a 50th birthday and such but for regular travels, I sleep modest.
And I volunteer to find a hotel room so that other KC members can crash at your place. I know of a few in Florida that will be just fine.
@Geist, its a lot more than just a hotel, but you're right, it doesn't need to be fancy. They do have a lot of studio rooms, that are just like a hotel room, couple of beds and a bathroom kinda thing. You can also use your points on an exchange and get into other timeshares as well, its pretty amazing how flexable it is. The main reason we normally get a suite is because it comes with in room laundry, which is nice as you don't need to pack as much that way, just do some laundry every few days, good to go! ;) As I said before, I don't want to arrange a full blown kitten con anywhere except my house, just too much work. But, I will gladly help with it!
Morning kittens!
Happy Friday!
Morning kittens!
*crawls toward the finish line*
These last few weeks have been a bit heavy. I could really use a nice weekend.
Morning kittens.
Nothing like a few rounds of drinks with co-workers to make you forget how much you want to throttle them during business hours.
Morning GM. It's the weekend. Are you excited?
@Geist: It's not the weekend just yet.
Whoops! I meant to say the weekend is near. *sigh* I blame a late night and a lack of sleep.
As for being excited about the weekend...yes and no. Yes, because no work for two days. No because lots of other stuff to do that I've put off for too long. >.<
I'm going home for the weekend to house-sit the cats. My parents are in Switzerland seeing my brother and old exchange student who just had a baby, so we're taking care of their new cats, and I thought I might as well just stay the weekend there. It's super nice, great tv and amazing sound system, everything you need...
So... what I'm saying is party at my place this weekend. It's gonna be crazy, me and 2 cats!
Party at Zem's parents house, everyone's invited! ;)
So...apparently lots of people are boycotting the live action version of Beauty and the Beast because of one character, and it's not Belle(Emma Watson). People are even calling for the boycott of Disney altogether because of it.
@GM: I read about that. All because the movie will have the first gay character in it. The thing is, religious people (not all of them) are protesting the movie just for that. I read of a second protest from some in the gay community because the gay character (LeFou) will be the comedic side kick.
Either way it's a bold move by Disney.
I just played this at a friend's house and it made me realize I never got my own copy of the game despite backing it.
Who should I talk to in order to receive my copy? Thanks!
Morning kittens
Morning kittens!
@Jamie, wowza! Well I'm not sure that you still can, campaign has been over for quite a while now. However, your best bet at this juncture would be to email Best of luck!
@GM, @Geist, well I think its been well past time. I also think its a shame that fear will cause many people not to see the movie. As far as it being insulting to gay people, I would hardly think so. My gay friends are some of the funnest, and funniest people you will ever meet! Seriously a laugh riot. I think it actually makes sense that, that particular character would have a gay vibe, who else would want to hang out with that jerk, if you didn't have a crush on him?
Jamie, Wow, yeah, the game came out 2 years ago! But they should certainly still honor the pledge if you email support and explain everything like BaKhan said.
Rented and watched the movie "Secret Life of Pets". Very very funny.
@Geist, I do want to see that one, but have been avoiding it to be honest. I still miss Freddy so much, I know for me that movie would just be a big cry fest. I see the commercials and I get teary so... maybe some day.
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: Definitely, I know some gay people that are much more tolerant and welcoming than some that practice a religion. I found it funny though. My aunt, who is a pastor, put on Facebook to boycott Disney until they change their "sinful" ways. My uncle(her brother-in-law, and my dad's brother) said he would rather support the Canadian constitution over a homophobic pastor, to which she replied gay people are welcome in her church. To me, that is contradictory.
@GM, that sounds overly familiar to me. My mom's side of the family is the same way, all preachy and stuff, and using religion as an excuse to hate. The reason its hard to make sense of religion is because it fundamentally makes no sense! Of course she would welcome gays into her church, so that the power of God can "heal" them of their "sinful ways". SMH. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of good people that go to church, but theres also lots of hypocrites as well. Just remember that my made up super powerful deity is more powerful, forgiving, and real than yours... >.>
@BaKhan: I don't like 90% of the people who are religious because most of the time they pick and choose which parts of the bible they follow(ended quite a few "friendships" because they would say to do one thing, then ignore other parts)
@GM, I always called those types of people, Sunday Christians... one day a week they follow thier religion, the rest of the time, they're completely oblivious... yep, they're the best!
@GM: so gay people are welcome in her church just so she can tell them they are going to hell? There are much better ways I can think of to spend my Sunday.
@Geist: That's my understanding. She did say she wasn't homophobic, but that Disney is supposed to be a family friendly place/company.
@GM, the funny thing about that is that Disney actually has "Gay Days", lol, its not "official" but it has been going on a long time. They are about being family friendly and inclusive of all types of families!
First comment I read had a bit of salt in it. I don't know about you, but not quite nearly 90% of religious people I've met are like that, GM. I mean, yes, a large portion is like that, but you can't do the same thing and just pick one one group. Literally every group has every kind of person, whether extremist, never thinks for themself, hypocritical, only identifies as that in name and not in beliefs, etc.
I don't know what groups of people you talk to, but 90% is a bit of a high estimate. Just detecting a bit of edge putting me on mine, but we really shouldn't let this conversation keep like that.
For one, though, why shouldn't gays be allowed in church? Not as pastor, I can understand the reasoning, but I can't think of any reason why homosexuals shouldn't be allowed unless your church happens to be a certain one under the name of Westboro.
Case in point about the heart-stopping levels of salt in this conversation, BaKhan, no offense, but if you're going to make spiteful, snide comments about people, try not to sound like a twitter edgelord. It doesn't help your case; the way you phrased all of that was specifically to induce argument that there's no calm and rational way to end. Especially that "The reason its hard to make sense of religion is because it fundamentally makes no sense!" bit. I had to keep from saying a few things that would turn this in a way that would leaving us all, lets just say, no longer anxious for the next Kitten Con. Even if you don't subscribe to an ideology, stuff like that is just unacceptably belittling, uneducated, and generalizing.
Which is to say to everyone that's exactly how I don't want this conversation to go, but if it continues, I can see it going that way all too easily, so for the good of the group, please nobody start throwing around general accusations and belittling stereotypes. It doesn't help anyone's cause and is just going to hurt relations in the long run.
Since those were so long, maybe I should clarify. This isn't turning out as a friendly argument, nor if it continues will it become more reasoned and thoughtful. You know what Smokey the smokin' bear always says: "Only you can prevent internet flamewars."
@Zem, heart-stopping levels of salt? Maybe one of us is exagerating here? Maybe leave my comment in the context it was supposed to be read in, and not singled out in an attempt to prove some point? If I said something that you disagree with by all means, say what you will, I won't think less of you for doing so, but I might think less of you for not. You might also have noted where I point out that there are many good people that go to church? I was raised going to church, I believe that there are a lot of good values that come out of it. Sadly as with anything though, there are tools there for certain individuals to interpret in such a way as to justify disdain, ridecule, and hatred. I have personally witnessed these things, heard them, and rejected them, as they are not what I believe religion should be about. This is why I believe in spirituality and not religion. I believe that religion doesn't make sense, thats my personal belief. To each their own.
*looks up weather*
"0% chance of precipitation"
*looks outside*
... now I'm no expert, but...
So you believe in the basis behind religions, but not in the organized Church itself, which sometimes promotes bastardization of their own beliefs? That I can understand and in VERY large part agree with. But in the context it was in, saying religion makes no sense without tying that to specifically organized religion comes off as saying all religion makes no sense because it's all just not true in the first place.
Though I agree with that point. Sunday Christians is a good name for people who identify in title but not in beliefs and only quote the bible to strengthen their argument out of context like a media sound byte, snoring while the guy up front in funny robes lectures.
@Zem, the context was there, I just think you may have missed it. I was refering to a part of my family that I strongly classify as Sunday Christians, that use their religion to support their bs attitudes towards people, and don't acknowledge their own hypocracy. A religion that is supposed to be based on love, acceptance, and forgiveness, should not be preverted into something used to justify hate. Let vengence be mine, turn the other cheek, judge not lest ye be judged yourself, etc. Yet there they are judging people by what they've worn to church, those that don't go to church, or those that subscribe to a different belief system or lifestyle... It makes no sense.
I see what you mean now. The context was probably there, just not direct and I'm really tired. Though isn't literally every major religion founded on peace, love, and acceptance? Even and probably especially islam; muslims (the vast majority that are non-extremist, obviously) are some of the most peaceful and kind people I've met, and are by FAR the best hosts to their friends, coming from a person in the midwest! ;)
But yeah, now I see what you mean, the people who bastardize things to fit their beliefs, which as I said, are in every group unfortunately. Everyone's a bit hypocritical, but it doesn't require justification.
Also, Google weather, what's wrong with you? If that's not rain, then what animal is peeing on my window to mess with me? Oh wait, no, now they changed it to 15%. Okay. Suuuure... ;)
*looks at pile of wood and thinks about throwing a match on it*
*changes mind*
I also watched the documentary "Weiner". Now there is a guy who threw away the chance to be mayor of NY all for shady pics of his lower half.
Now, I know that each relationship is different and not at all cut and dry like the religious folks would have us believe but why in the world would this guy risk his marriage and career over something like this? No matter how much it gets you off, if your SO wouldn't be happy about it, why do it?
@Giest, lol! The funniest thing about that whole situation (to me at least) was the guys name. Weiner... sending dick pics... how did no one see that coming! ;)
how did no one see that coming!
And unintended pun, I'm sure. ;-)
I felt so sorry for his poor wife. The last straw was when he took a crotch shot with his child asleep beside him. Dude! How stupid can you be?
@Geist, lol! Yeah, unintentional... definitely unintentional... ;) ;P
Weiner. Maybe it runs in the family, so they just named the family that as a warning?
Morning kittens. I have the day off today and the timing couldn't have been better. I was at work for 13 hours yesterday and only 8 of those I will get paid for. I enjoyed the extra hours of sleep I got in, let me tell you.
Morning kittens!
@Geist, congrats on the extra sleep! I wish... so sleepy... ;)
Morning kittens.
@Geist: Only way that that is legal(as far as I understand it) is if you are salary, and overtime exempt. If that wasn't in your offer letter, and you didn't sign it, then pretty sure they can't do that.
@GM: you are correct. My contact makes me a salaried employee. Just one of the ways they really make you work for that paycheck. In fact, more companies are hiring people salaried so that they don't have to pay anyone overtime money.
One of the reasons why I want to leave the accounting profession.
Morning kittens. I needed that day off more than you know. In fact, I wanted to call out sick today but I have a rule of never using a sick day until after I have been at a company for a year.
Morning kittens.
@Geist, to me that actually sounds scary. The nice thing about my work is that they are pretty reasonable about sick days. We get 6 paid sick days a year. You have to work two months then you are allowed a sick day, but they will work with you. Abusers get penalized. This has helped me out in past for sure. The more stressful your work environment is the more likely you are to be ill... it just doesn't make sense that they would want to put you under that kind of stress. I hope that it gets better for you!
More than you know? I think I at least somewhat understand, Geist, that's how my past 3 full weeks went. I could still use a day off, actually, but then again that'd always be nice.
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: I need to find me a company that is like that. I took a sick day(couldn't even get out away from throwing up long enough to do anything other than try and sleep) on a Monday, that just so happened to be a payroll processing day, and my boss chewed me out for it when I came in, still feeling like death had his cold hand on my shoulder, the next day.
@GM, I couldn't handle that. The way I've always looked at it, is I know what I'm bringing to the company, and I know that you're going to have a hell of a time trying to get better than me, so when I look at my employers, I'm interviewing them. What are they bringing to the table, how are they to work for, what benefits do they offer, is it worth it to me? If my manager tried to give me a hard time about being sick, I'd quit and become their biggest competition! I'm loyal to a fault, I've been working here for 17 years, but when I'm angered I will get satisfaction! ;)
@BaKhan: I can't understand why companies seem uninterested in helping their employees maintain a proper balance between work/personal life. My manager told a new recruit that if he saw nothing but 8's on his time card, he was going to be upset? Why? My manager would think that you "just don't give a s*%t" and therefore would have no reason to give you a raise.
My supervisor has over 300 hours of vacation time that she wasn't able to use for the last two years and my manager still won't let her take them.
How in the world can staff be at their best if they can't chill for a few days/weeks?
@Geist, simple answer. They can't! Its that draconian, soul sucking, masocistic type of atmosphere that most quickly takes people out, sometimes literally. People absolutely need down time, its not optional. Either you relax by your own free will, or your body will make you, one way or the other. I work to live, not the other way around, and I'll never mix those priorities up. A person can always find another job, but you can't always find another life...
@BaKhan: The worst part of it was that there were three of us in the payroll department at that time, and the person who shared an office with me knew EXACTLY what needed to be done to process the payroll on that day. My manager could have taken over the CDN payroll that day while the other guy took care of the US, but nope, it was my job, so my fault(she even said that she has never in her career missed a payroll processing that is supposed to mean anything)
@BaKhan: then my supervisor's husband and family all need medals because she has worked 15 hour days and weekends when I first started here. I don't ever want to put my job in front of my life which is the main reason why I'm trying to get out of office work.
And you can best bet my manager makes damn sure he goes on vacation when he wishes.
@Geist: It's funny how that works. Employees can't take vacation because "the work will pile up, and no one can cover you", yet managers can take whatever vacations they want(mine is planning a month long visit to Australia...and I can't even get time off enough to recharge, and if I don't use my vacation days they disappear at the end of the year, no carryforward).
@GM: Then that is a poorly run office. What would they do if you got really sick and had to stay out on short term disability? Just let folks keep working and not get paid?
Heck, they might hand you the paperwork while you are on the operating table. >.>
All of which proves of course that managers are pretty much superfalous, who needs em!? ;) When our managers are away, things just go smoother... I honestly don't think that most managers really know what they should be doing, especially in the face of your guys' stories below.
Just take vacation when your manager is on vacation. ;)
Not all managers are bad, and when implemented correctly, they really help the process. My dad, for instance, is a born leader and supervisor, and he's in charge of projects for his company in basically every airport in the eastern half of the US.
The problem arises when people are promoted to managerial positions for the wrong reasons. Companies, for whatever reason, think, "Oh, you're good at this job, you must be just as good at supervising it!", and sometimes don't even care if they're good at it in the first place. I can assure you, I might be great at some jobs, but I would always suck as a manager regardless. They're different positions entirely, and they promote people to them who have no clue what managing even is, so they abuse it, usually unwittingly.
Morning kittens.
Wouldn't you know it? On the day that I decided to sleep in a little, my boss calls to tell me that she forgot her passkey and wants to know when I will be in. *sigh* This week is really trying to %$*# with me.
Morning kittens.
@Geist, never fails! Hopefully, it works out for you, and the weekend is in sight! You can do it!
Morning kittens.
On the day I decide to sleep in a little, I can't. I think the past 4 weeks are getting to me. Good thing I don't really have anything going on except classes from now through sunday, maybe I can finally relax, but then again, that's what I said about THIS week...
New computer for me at for the fun part of getting everything set up so that I can actually work(add all three other emails I have access to, get them to sync, reorganize my desktop, ensure everything is how it should be....guess I'm not getting anymore work done today)
Well, this machine is definitely faster. Biggest issue: They want me to use a program that I find is crap, and not worth it(Adobe) over the one I know works, how it works, where everything in it is(Nitro Pro). They are giving me 3 days to get used to Adobe, and then removing Nitro. Hooray for people that don't understand that i's about the user, not the program(since they are essentially the same, but I can do more with Nitro than with Adobe).
Oh, and the new machine also fixed my scrolling issue on KS.
But hey, at least Adobe will run faster now for you than Nitro used to. ;)
And you still had that problem? Well, good to know it's fixed now! You can more easily avoid work and talk to us!
Morning kittens. Friday is finally here. I got here early, I'm leaving early. I think this calls for a movie weekend after what I've been through. I hear good things about the new Wolverine movie so I might catch that. Or I might just curl up in bed the whole weekend and read. I'm currently in the middle of "The 5th Season". It was one of the novels recommended on a program on NPR about dystopian fiction books. After this one, I might read "1984" again. These types of books seem to be in vogue now that Trump is in power.
@BaKhan: Did you know that there is a California Universal Studios? If you guys are going to the Disney in California next year, how about we swing by there for a day's visit?
Ooh, California Disney and Universal? Is that 3 cello cases idea from the cruise conversation still a good one?
Morning kittens.
I may have figured out why my manager is trying to break our weekly meeting she told me to let her know when things get to be too much and she will petition the higher ups for approval to high another set of hands in payroll.
Also, I get to leave early today(YAY!), though I need to take the work laptop home(in case for some reason we can't get into the office and still need to get stuff done - last time something like that was in 2013 with the floods) since I have the new desktop.
Really, GM? Well, that sucks, but at least now you know there's a reason your life sucks so much, and that it could possibly get better!
Did you immediately say, "Oh, too much was a long time ago!" or something?
No, I just kind of didn't say anything as I don't think they realize how much it does to actually break me...but when I do break, it won't be pretty...but I should have said that.
Well, so much for leaving work early but now it's over. Time to go home and relax.
HI guys...I'm gonna try to check in during the week when more of you are around. :)