Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-12T13:24:09-04:00
Howdy Creeper! How's the weather in NYC?
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-12T13:25:32-04:00
Thanks a lot Mother Nature. I was so hoping to get though March with no snow only to find out that we are due to get a snow storm Monday and Tuesday. I don't feel like having to take my work home with me.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-12T16:53:11-04:00
Hey, Creeper! How are things there? How's Leo?
Don't worry, Geist, we were supposed to get some, but got nothing, so maybe you'll have the same luck.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-12T16:53:46-04:00
Then again, knowing nature's rude sense of humor, I'll be the one to get none and you'll get 2 feet or something.
I'm so so cold! Cold cold cold. And there's a fresh batch of squirrely little kittens in the backyard! They were born in a snow storm, so they know how to handle the cold pretty well. Mama is taking good care of them.
Thanks for asking about Leo! He's doing well. Just got his yearly check up from the vet, all his shots, and tests. He did so well! The vet loves him because leo doesn't get upset at all when he's there. :) I'm proud of my baby!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-12T20:07:40-04:00
Aaw. How old is he now? I remember he was born while it was still pretty cold out as well, last year, right? Haha, remember how his mom kept leaving him because he was too weak, but now he's the best off of all of them!
he was born in the fall, late october! and yes! hes the strongst of the pack!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-13T00:50:28-04:00
Congrats to little Leo! What a trooper.
Yeah people are bombarding the grocery stores in my area due to all this talk of snow. Even if we get the 8 inches they are talking about, it will still melt enough by the weekend that all of the milk, eggs, bread and toilet paper people stocked up on will just go to waste.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-13T09:14:34-04:00
Morning kittens!
I had Friday off last week, thank goodness as I really needed to recharge!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-13T09:16:30-04:00
@Geist, yes there is a Universal in Cali, its about half the size of the one in Florida, but they've got the Harry Potter stuff so, its all good! There will be at least three halloween partys in Cali, Disney, Universal and Knottsberry Farm (Knott's Scary Farm!!!). So yeah, it will be a busy, haunted house filled trip! Spooky stuff! Muahahahahaha!!!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-13T09:42:41-04:00
So after 5 weeks of nonstop serious stress, apparently it even catches up with me at some point. Just one more week before spring break! With skiing!
Funny how in spring, we start the semester, immediately have a 3 day weekend, and then no break for over 10 weeks straight. That'd be fine with me if it didn't lead to the kind of crap I've been putting up with recently.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-13T09:50:05-04:00
@Zem, it wasn't hard to tell... ;) But its all good, glad you can see the light! Good luck with this week, and god speed on your skiing spring break!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-13T14:34:35-04:00
It's not fair, why does everyone else get snow now but us? I think I cursed this place. Or blessed it, depending on your preferences; Nature, in her sick irony, is giving everyone a ton of snow but the place with the one person who'd appreciate it! ;)
Hoo boy. Today is what is very possibly the most difficult exam of the semester, even moreso than most of my finals. On a monday. Better than the one I have this friday, though. Friday. Evening. Before spring break. That professor is a jerk, he put it then on purpose.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-13T15:50:05-04:00
@Zem, we're getting a chinook right now so temperatures are finally on their way up! I for one, will not miss the snow one bit, not one bit I say! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-13T16:12:53-04:00
Yeah, see, for you it makes sense. You live in Canada, and the second you cross the border, you're handed a maple leaf, a jug of maple syrup, and snow. But way down south here... heehee, I just wanted to say that. I don't often get to think of myself as down south from somewhere. But like in the northeast, with Geist and Creeper, I'd gladly take the snow off their hands, but Nature is just like, "Haha, that defeats the purpose; snow is for making people hate their lives, silly!"
And with this storm, it's hitting like all of America but here.
Dang it, BaKhan, when I asked you to send me some of your snow, you must have terrible aim! ;)
Actually, BETTER PLAN! I'm going skiing next week, so send even more snow to the Rockies!
@BaKhan: I won't miss the ice when it is finally all gone. Five more days of this weather and most of it will be melted.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-13T17:04:53-04:00
@GM, welp, daytime highs are all supposed to be above freeezing for the next two weeks (yeah I know, I know) so here's hoping we're at the end (yeah right) of the snow! \(^^)/
@GM, lol, thats actually what I'm thinking too... :(
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-13T18:01:55-04:00
Here's wishing you a St. Patty's in July, BaKhan. Meaning July like weather there. Haha, I'll never know why you of all people keep living in one of the colder regions on earth.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-13T22:22:14-04:00
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh my god... Sorry, I didn't feel comfortable letting that out somewhere else. That was more of a primal shout of relief, like in a cartoon when a character pops their back and it hurts but then feels much better.
It's finally over. Well, that at least. Though, "that" is a 3-hour organic chemistry exam, hardest of the year, so that's definitely something to be glad to bury. I was focusing on that for 6 hours straight, so it's nice to be done and have a life back. It went surprisingly well! I should probably get at least a 50%! ;) (that's a legitimate goal in this class, by the way)
That whole "that" thing is because I still have an essay and an exam this week. But at least this monster's out of the way.
Also, I drank half a pot of coffee and didn't pee for 4 hours, so if you'll excuse me...
Not to mention because of that I didn't get to eat, and now it's almost 9:30...
Lord Zombitten 2017-03-14T00:56:17-04:00
Hey, guys! Sorry I haven't been here for a really long time. This chemo business is the worst thing I've ever been through. I'll try to check in during the day. Just thought I'd let you all know that I'm still alive.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-14T02:48:58-04:00
LZ! How've... oh, yeah, that answers that, doesn't it. It's really that much worse than the treatments you were already going through? Man, that sucks. Remember, you can always come vent here to us if you need to (as I obviously remembered today;), we just love to hear from everyone!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-14T02:51:46-04:00
Then again, on the other end of the spectrum, I guess everyone here heard a bit too much from me today. Sorry, I couldn't really help it, but you all know what it's like. Come to think of it, yeah, we've all had a particularly bad time and needed to yell it all out somewhere it won't make a sound with understanding ears to nod silently in sympathy. Just makes me think of how much has gone on since we all started chatting here. Seems so long ago now! Nearly 110,000 comments!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-14T02:56:31-04:00
Holy crap! I just calculated it, and approximately 7.4% of all the comments here have been me! Nearly seven and a half percent all from my often inane daily ramblings! Dear god, I think you guys have heard enough from me for a lifetime! ;)
Yeah, good thing tomorrow is the day I sleep in till noon, and won't check in here until about 2pm my time. Give you guys a short reprieve!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-14T09:07:50-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-14T09:11:49-04:00
@LZ, its good to hear from you brother! Lets hope that this one is the last you'll need! Show this cancer who's boss! Parry, riposte, lunge! You got this!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-14T09:12:35-04:00
@Zem, you just keep being you buddy! Don't worry about any old thing at all! Just focus on getting those finals put to bed, and you're golden! Congrats on getting that first beast down!
Lord Zombitten 2017-03-14T11:29:13-04:00
Zem, yes, so much worse. When I was doing the treatments before, I was taking 170 mg of Temodar per day. Now, it's 450 mg of Temodar per day. I just finished one 5-day round. I get to wait 23 (now 22, ugh!) days and start again. Four more times, and I'm done, though! We'll show this cancer who's boss!'s me, by the way...
Lord Zombitten 2017-03-14T11:42:46-04:00
On the other hand, I will say that this time transition (to DST) has not affected me one bit. I guess that happens when your medicine causes you to sleep 16 hours per day on the weekend because you work through the misery of the medicine for 40 hours during the week.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-14T11:42:46-04:00
@LZ, I had no doubt as to who the boss was! Stay strong man, I know its got to be hard, but you're stronger than any drug or cancer!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-14T12:08:02-04:00
After all that talk of snow, my area only got a few inches of heavy wet crap. Not enough to shut the city down, just enough to make commuting miserable. Mother Nature can bite me.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-14T12:08:53-04:00
@LZ: sending good vibes your way. I know you will beat this.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-14T13:08:29-04:00
Haha, Geist, that's like exactly what I said would happen! Weather people always estimate way too little or too much. Though now I bet it's funny to laugh at all the people who rushed the grocery stores all for nothing. ;)
And Outlook crashes every time you try to attach one of them to an email...good thing the person I'm sending them to has access to that folder.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-14T14:43:15-04:00
Nevermind, we did get snow! Like... none, but hey, at least this time it won't melt and instantly refreeze to the streets making everything one big sheet of ice!
... for the first time this winter...
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-14T14:51:52-04:00
@GM: our Outlook lets us know when we've reached the limit of the file size. Some of the PDF files that I have to send to the treasurer are pretty big.
@Geist: Ours does too, and these files are within the size limitations, unfortunately, we have also been having trouble with Skype, and Outlook, all day, so things like this are bound to happen(it's on Microsofts end of things)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-15T00:10:59-04:00
Ah, finally had pie on Pi Day! It took like 5 years for it to finally happen, but it did!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-15T09:23:45-04:00
Morning kittens.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-15T09:47:41-04:00
Yes, that. Morning.
Can we petition the earth to stop having mornings and skip straight to afternoon or early evening? Particularly like a friday or saturday evening? I think we could get plenty of signatures for earth to have to listen to us. Perpetual weekend evenings!
Have you ever noticed that if you change the K in Scott Bakula's name to a C, then his last name becomes plural for "baculum?"
Lord Zombitten 2017-03-15T11:06:05-04:00
Like, it occurred to me a few years ago. Now, every time I hear the name, I have a little, juvenile, inward chuckle. Like "Hehe! Scott penis bones!"
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-15T12:37:03-04:00
I think it sounds like Dracula. That's what I'd think of every time I heard his name, if I ever did. Don't think I have, though.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-15T12:46:28-04:00
@Zem, probably because you're so damn young! ;P When I was a younger man, Quantum Leap was a pretty big show, and he was the star. He's done as bunch of other stuff including Star Trek, but I'll always remember him from QL. ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-15T13:13:16-04:00
Oh, I'm sorry, mr. Weather Forecast, did you have second thoughts? It literally dropped the high by 30 degrees. It said even just this morning a high of 76 degrees, and now it says 47. Nice going, forecast. Way to save face. Nobody'll ever suspect.
Seriously, I can understand being off the mark, even by like 10 degrees, but 30?! How?!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-15T13:15:20-04:00
Pssh, you act like I don't know any older shows. I just happen to not be much of a Trekkie and haven't seen Quantum Leap, though now that I think of it, I have seen his name before and thought it sounded really funny. And I did jump to the Dracula thought then as well! I just haven't heard that name very much.
@Zem: You should come to Calgary, where the weather is made up and the forecast doesn't matter.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-15T14:25:13-04:00
@Zem, lol, ok.... I was more trying to say, that because of your age, you wouldn't know about most of the b run tv shows from when I was a kid. If it didn't get a cult following, you most likely wouldn't have heard of it, and thats not a bad thing. So many terrible shows from the 80's that no one should ever have to sit through! ;) Airwolf, Blue Thunder, Knight Rider, The A Team, etc., etc. Just to name a few... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-15T14:35:47-04:00
What?! Knight Rider is a classic! Yeah, pretty bad, though, but The A-Team?! That's a great show! I love it! I mean, sure, it's not that great of quality, but it's a great show. Reminds me of the old Hulk series as well. Pretty good show sometimes, but that's definitely one that proves your point.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-16T00:56:14-04:00
Okay, I've struck out, so I'm coming here for help because I'm sure someone here'll be able to identify this for me. Don't mind the video itself, I've linked directly to the spot needed, and it's only a couple seconds.
What song do they use here for this "credits" sequence? It's annoying the hell out of me that I can't identify it, and haven't been able to for a couple days now!…
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-16T09:06:40-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-16T09:07:58-04:00
@Zem, if its what I think you're talking about, I believe the song is called "In the Summer Time", by Mungo Jerry.…
@BaKhan: Yup...the weather is made up, and the forecast doesn't matter. It's snowing again.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-16T10:11:49-04:00
@GM, it was so nice on the drive in this morning, then I just looked outside and saw that evil white stuff falling from the sky again! Well, at least I didn't cave and get a carwash yesterday... damn country... grrrr!
It was cool when I left home, chilly when I got on the train, and snow flakes were hitting my face when I got off the train. That was a total of 45min.
Lord Zombitten 2017-03-16T11:28:05-04:00
...and then there's me, riding my motorcycle around town...
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-16T11:30:56-04:00
@LZ, not this town... ;) Good to hear you feel well enough to ride your bike though!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-16T12:03:15-04:00
@GM, now its "really" snowing! Huge chunks of snow falling here! I just want to be done with all of this! How can I wait till May to get out of here! Ahhhh!
@BaKhan: Well, since I went into a meeting and just got out, it's stopped snowing. That's a bonus.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-16T13:07:52-04:00
THANK YOU BAKHAN! I knew you wouldn't let me down! That'd been bugging me forever!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-16T13:08:51-04:00
Sorry, meant to do the
thing, but accidentally hit tab and enter. On the weather, at least the forecast was right today, it'll be just under 70. It's not like yesterday, when it was actually 30 degrees colder than the forecast!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-16T13:18:37-04:00
@Zem, anytime on the music front my man! I crush those name that tune games!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-16T13:19:41-04:00
@GM, lol, now it's back above freezing and all the new stuff is almost gone! Don't like the weather? Give it five minutes... smh.
@BaKhan: Yup, definitely the quirkiest part of Calgary.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-16T14:43:15-04:00
Nebraska's the same way with weather. Heck, it fooled the weathermen by 30 degrees yesterday!
BaKhan, I actually brought that conundrum here specifically because I knew you could find it instantly. ;)
If Cha! still checked in here, I'm sure she could've helped as well.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-16T15:17:39-04:00
@Zem, surely she could have!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-17T09:07:58-04:00
Morning kittens! Its friday and I jdgaf! ;P
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-17T09:32:36-04:00
It's friday aaaaand...... Exam and 4 page paper due today!
*ahem* I meant the day before spring break. Pay no mind to the troubles behind the curtain.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-17T09:35:35-04:00
@Zem, good luck with your exam today! And, have fun skiing after!
Which means, it's the perfect day for some Flogging Molly
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-17T10:33:11-04:00
Which means corned beef, cabbage, mashed potatoes, and homemade soda bread when I finally get home! I don't know why people hate some of that stuff, it's one of my favorite meals ever! Even if corned beef isn't irish at all, but jewish-american!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-17T10:49:28-04:00
I have no Irish heritage, so St. Patrick's day never made any sense to me. I mean, no one celebrates St. Davids day, so seriously, who is this Patrick guy? All I know, is anyone pinching me today, is looking for a Scottish boot in their behind... ;)
@BaKhan: I've got Irish, Scottish, Russian, and Ukrainian we will see what happens if anyone pinches me. ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-17T11:02:08-04:00
I'm half German, and what's left is almost entirely an amalgam of the British Isles, and it's complex whether you want cultural or genetic because my dad was adopted, and his birth mom is polish and british, I think, but his adoptive dad is like 100% Irish. Hell, Philson is an Irish name! Even so, my mom's dad is Scotch-Irish, which counts, so I'm probably around 1/3 Irish all things considered. The rest gets complicated fast.
@Zem: Mine is confusing as well, the four I listed are the ones we have confirmation on, but there could be a smattering of other eastern European in me as well.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-17T11:08:28-04:00
Either way, I'm wearing full green today (okay, fine, my only green socks are at home and I don't have green shoes, sue me), so I'm safe from all the crab-claw-handed people out there. This sounds like a zombie apocalypse! The only way to stay safe from their hordes and pinches is to wear green! Or orange, depending on which part of Ireland, of course. ;)
Unless I pull up my pant legs to show my socks you won't see the green I'm wearing(Nightmare Before Christmas socks because it's Friday, and they were the first ones I grabbed out).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-17T11:22:12-04:00
Lol! I'm totally bucking that trend. I'm wearing a black hoodie, blue jeans, black sneakers, and a black hat with a maple leaf on it. No green what-so-ever! ;P
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-17T11:24:29-04:00
@GM, nice one, the socks I mean! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-17T12:40:05-04:00
Did okay on that exam, but the funny thing is I just need above a 50%. In this class, up to 2 exams (with at least 50%) can be overwritten by your final exam grade if that's better than them. That's SUPER lenient! It's Calc 3, but hey, it's something.
Well, that was interesting. Got a popup after clicking on a news story on MSN news, that said I needed to call a number for "support" help. Went and got IT instead. Nothing wrong with my computer, but they don't know what it was about either.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-17T17:41:35-04:00
@GM, sure sounds like a virus to me... or whatever. I'm not as savy as I once was.... ;)
Well, it did say something about ZEUS Virus(not googling it because that's sometimes a good way of accidentally downloading it)
You as well BaKhan. Hopefully I can get out of here shortly.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-17T17:59:55-04:00
Ah, finally. That paper was much nicer to write than I thought it'd be. Much, MUCH nicer than the last one. It's a sort of 3-4 page response to a movie using concepts from the class... last time it wasn't a fun time. And somehow I got a good grade. Good sign for this paper, I guess.
Either way, I'm done now. Freedom! Time to mosey my things together and meander on home, just in time for our corned beef and cabbage supper. Well, in my own time, of course. Just nice to have everything done for once.
Lord Zombitten 2017-03-17T21:43:55-04:00
The weekend starts with watching the sportsers run around on the ice with their knife shoes, smacking the rubber with their angle sticks!
Lord Zombitten 2017-03-17T21:44:49-04:00
And then, tomorrow will take me to Salt Lake Comic Con FanX
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-18T02:27:17-04:00
Really? Considering the holiday, I'd think the weekend would start first and foremost with the consumption of gratuitous amounts of ethanol.
Though then again, the angle-stick rubber smacking sportgame viewing is oft associated with the gratuitous consumption of ethanol.
Though ComicCon sounds awesome! Have way too much fun there, fun for all of us!
It goes well. Work on the other hand, is making me hate people
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-20T16:02:40-04:00
Oh yeah, it's monday. The weekend went fast and I have more weekend after that now. Though I kind of needed it, to be honest. Like alot. The week ended last week with 2 exams and a 4 page paper in under 18 hours.
Either way, good afternoon to everyone. I haven't even touched my computer and checked anything since friday afternoon!
Howdy Creeper! How's the weather in NYC?
Thanks a lot Mother Nature. I was so hoping to get though March with no snow only to find out that we are due to get a snow storm Monday and Tuesday. I don't feel like having to take my work home with me.
Hey, Creeper! How are things there? How's Leo?
Don't worry, Geist, we were supposed to get some, but got nothing, so maybe you'll have the same luck.
Then again, knowing nature's rude sense of humor, I'll be the one to get none and you'll get 2 feet or something.
I'm so so cold! Cold cold cold. And there's a fresh batch of squirrely little kittens in the backyard! They were born in a snow storm, so they know how to handle the cold pretty well. Mama is taking good care of them.
Thanks for asking about Leo! He's doing well. Just got his yearly check up from the vet, all his shots, and tests. He did so well! The vet loves him because leo doesn't get upset at all when he's there. :) I'm proud of my baby!
Aaw. How old is he now? I remember he was born while it was still pretty cold out as well, last year, right? Haha, remember how his mom kept leaving him because he was too weak, but now he's the best off of all of them!
he was born in the fall, late october! and yes! hes the strongst of the pack!
Congrats to little Leo! What a trooper.
Yeah people are bombarding the grocery stores in my area due to all this talk of snow. Even if we get the 8 inches they are talking about, it will still melt enough by the weekend that all of the milk, eggs, bread and toilet paper people stocked up on will just go to waste.
Morning kittens!
I had Friday off last week, thank goodness as I really needed to recharge!
@Geist, yes there is a Universal in Cali, its about half the size of the one in Florida, but they've got the Harry Potter stuff so, its all good! There will be at least three halloween partys in Cali, Disney, Universal and Knottsberry Farm (Knott's Scary Farm!!!). So yeah, it will be a busy, haunted house filled trip! Spooky stuff! Muahahahahaha!!!
So after 5 weeks of nonstop serious stress, apparently it even catches up with me at some point. Just one more week before spring break! With skiing!
Funny how in spring, we start the semester, immediately have a 3 day weekend, and then no break for over 10 weeks straight. That'd be fine with me if it didn't lead to the kind of crap I've been putting up with recently.
@Zem, it wasn't hard to tell... ;) But its all good, glad you can see the light! Good luck with this week, and god speed on your skiing spring break!
Morning kittens.
It's not fair, why does everyone else get snow now but us? I think I cursed this place. Or blessed it, depending on your preferences; Nature, in her sick irony, is giving everyone a ton of snow but the place with the one person who'd appreciate it! ;)
Hoo boy. Today is what is very possibly the most difficult exam of the semester, even moreso than most of my finals. On a monday. Better than the one I have this friday, though. Friday. Evening. Before spring break. That professor is a jerk, he put it then on purpose.
@Zem, we're getting a chinook right now so temperatures are finally on their way up! I for one, will not miss the snow one bit, not one bit I say! ;)
Yeah, see, for you it makes sense. You live in Canada, and the second you cross the border, you're handed a maple leaf, a jug of maple syrup, and snow. But way down south here... heehee, I just wanted to say that. I don't often get to think of myself as down south from somewhere. But like in the northeast, with Geist and Creeper, I'd gladly take the snow off their hands, but Nature is just like, "Haha, that defeats the purpose; snow is for making people hate their lives, silly!"
And with this storm, it's hitting like all of America but here.
Dang it, BaKhan, when I asked you to send me some of your snow, you must have terrible aim! ;)
Actually, BETTER PLAN! I'm going skiing next week, so send even more snow to the Rockies!
@BaKhan: I won't miss the ice when it is finally all gone. Five more days of this weather and most of it will be melted.
@GM, welp, daytime highs are all supposed to be above freeezing for the next two weeks (yeah I know, I know) so here's hoping we're at the end (yeah right) of the snow! \(^^)/
@BaKhan: End of the snow...for the week.
@GM, lol, thats actually what I'm thinking too... :(
Here's wishing you a St. Patty's in July, BaKhan. Meaning July like weather there. Haha, I'll never know why you of all people keep living in one of the colder regions on earth.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh my god... Sorry, I didn't feel comfortable letting that out somewhere else. That was more of a primal shout of relief, like in a cartoon when a character pops their back and it hurts but then feels much better.
It's finally over. Well, that at least. Though, "that" is a 3-hour organic chemistry exam, hardest of the year, so that's definitely something to be glad to bury. I was focusing on that for 6 hours straight, so it's nice to be done and have a life back. It went surprisingly well! I should probably get at least a 50%! ;) (that's a legitimate goal in this class, by the way)
That whole "that" thing is because I still have an essay and an exam this week. But at least this monster's out of the way.
Also, I drank half a pot of coffee and didn't pee for 4 hours, so if you'll excuse me...
Not to mention because of that I didn't get to eat, and now it's almost 9:30...
Hey, guys! Sorry I haven't been here for a really long time. This chemo business is the worst thing I've ever been through. I'll try to check in during the day. Just thought I'd let you all know that I'm still alive.
LZ! How've... oh, yeah, that answers that, doesn't it. It's really that much worse than the treatments you were already going through? Man, that sucks. Remember, you can always come vent here to us if you need to (as I obviously remembered today;), we just love to hear from everyone!
Then again, on the other end of the spectrum, I guess everyone here heard a bit too much from me today. Sorry, I couldn't really help it, but you all know what it's like. Come to think of it, yeah, we've all had a particularly bad time and needed to yell it all out somewhere it won't make a sound with understanding ears to nod silently in sympathy. Just makes me think of how much has gone on since we all started chatting here. Seems so long ago now! Nearly 110,000 comments!
Holy crap! I just calculated it, and approximately 7.4% of all the comments here have been me! Nearly seven and a half percent all from my often inane daily ramblings! Dear god, I think you guys have heard enough from me for a lifetime! ;)
Yeah, good thing tomorrow is the day I sleep in till noon, and won't check in here until about 2pm my time. Give you guys a short reprieve!
Morning kittens!
@LZ, its good to hear from you brother! Lets hope that this one is the last you'll need! Show this cancer who's boss! Parry, riposte, lunge! You got this!
@Zem, you just keep being you buddy! Don't worry about any old thing at all! Just focus on getting those finals put to bed, and you're golden! Congrats on getting that first beast down!
Zem, yes, so much worse. When I was doing the treatments before, I was taking 170 mg of Temodar per day. Now, it's 450 mg of Temodar per day. I just finished one 5-day round. I get to wait 23 (now 22, ugh!) days and start again. Four more times, and I'm done, though! We'll show this cancer who's boss!'s me, by the way...
On the other hand, I will say that this time transition (to DST) has not affected me one bit. I guess that happens when your medicine causes you to sleep 16 hours per day on the weekend because you work through the misery of the medicine for 40 hours during the week.
@LZ, I had no doubt as to who the boss was! Stay strong man, I know its got to be hard, but you're stronger than any drug or cancer!
After all that talk of snow, my area only got a few inches of heavy wet crap. Not enough to shut the city down, just enough to make commuting miserable. Mother Nature can bite me.
@LZ: sending good vibes your way. I know you will beat this.
Haha, Geist, that's like exactly what I said would happen! Weather people always estimate way too little or too much. Though now I bet it's funny to laugh at all the people who rushed the grocery stores all for nothing. ;)
Nothing like trying to email a 29,500kb file...and having four of them you need to send...and unable to send more than one per email;.
And Outlook crashes every time you try to attach one of them to an email...good thing the person I'm sending them to has access to that folder.
Nevermind, we did get snow! Like... none, but hey, at least this time it won't melt and instantly refreeze to the streets making everything one big sheet of ice!
... for the first time this winter...
@GM: our Outlook lets us know when we've reached the limit of the file size. Some of the PDF files that I have to send to the treasurer are pretty big.
@Geist: Ours does too, and these files are within the size limitations, unfortunately, we have also been having trouble with Skype, and Outlook, all day, so things like this are bound to happen(it's on Microsofts end of things)
Ah, finally had pie on Pi Day! It took like 5 years for it to finally happen, but it did!
Morning kittens.
Yes, that. Morning.
Can we petition the earth to stop having mornings and skip straight to afternoon or early evening? Particularly like a friday or saturday evening? I think we could get plenty of signatures for earth to have to listen to us. Perpetual weekend evenings!
Morning kittens.
Have you ever noticed that if you change the K in Scott Bakula's name to a C, then his last name becomes plural for "baculum?"
Like, it occurred to me a few years ago. Now, every time I hear the name, I have a little, juvenile, inward chuckle. Like "Hehe! Scott penis bones!"
I think it sounds like Dracula. That's what I'd think of every time I heard his name, if I ever did. Don't think I have, though.
@Zem, probably because you're so damn young! ;P When I was a younger man, Quantum Leap was a pretty big show, and he was the star. He's done as bunch of other stuff including Star Trek, but I'll always remember him from QL. ;)
Oh, I'm sorry, mr. Weather Forecast, did you have second thoughts? It literally dropped the high by 30 degrees. It said even just this morning a high of 76 degrees, and now it says 47. Nice going, forecast. Way to save face. Nobody'll ever suspect.
Seriously, I can understand being off the mark, even by like 10 degrees, but 30?! How?!
Pssh, you act like I don't know any older shows. I just happen to not be much of a Trekkie and haven't seen Quantum Leap, though now that I think of it, I have seen his name before and thought it sounded really funny. And I did jump to the Dracula thought then as well! I just haven't heard that name very much.
@Zem: You should come to Calgary, where the weather is made up and the forecast doesn't matter.
@Zem, lol, ok.... I was more trying to say, that because of your age, you wouldn't know about most of the b run tv shows from when I was a kid. If it didn't get a cult following, you most likely wouldn't have heard of it, and thats not a bad thing. So many terrible shows from the 80's that no one should ever have to sit through! ;) Airwolf, Blue Thunder, Knight Rider, The A Team, etc., etc. Just to name a few... ;)
What?! Knight Rider is a classic! Yeah, pretty bad, though, but The A-Team?! That's a great show! I love it! I mean, sure, it's not that great of quality, but it's a great show. Reminds me of the old Hulk series as well. Pretty good show sometimes, but that's definitely one that proves your point.
Okay, I've struck out, so I'm coming here for help because I'm sure someone here'll be able to identify this for me. Don't mind the video itself, I've linked directly to the spot needed, and it's only a couple seconds.
What song do they use here for this "credits" sequence? It's annoying the hell out of me that I can't identify it, and haven't been able to for a couple days now!…
Morning kittens!
@Zem, if its what I think you're talking about, I believe the song is called "In the Summer Time", by Mungo Jerry.…
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: Yup...the weather is made up, and the forecast doesn't matter. It's snowing again.
@GM, it was so nice on the drive in this morning, then I just looked outside and saw that evil white stuff falling from the sky again! Well, at least I didn't cave and get a carwash yesterday... damn country... grrrr!
It was cool when I left home, chilly when I got on the train, and snow flakes were hitting my face when I got off the train. That was a total of 45min.
...and then there's me, riding my motorcycle around town...
@LZ, not this town... ;) Good to hear you feel well enough to ride your bike though!
@GM, now its "really" snowing! Huge chunks of snow falling here! I just want to be done with all of this! How can I wait till May to get out of here! Ahhhh!
@BaKhan: Well, since I went into a meeting and just got out, it's stopped snowing. That's a bonus.
THANK YOU BAKHAN! I knew you wouldn't let me down! That'd been bugging me forever!
Sorry, meant to do the
thing, but accidentally hit tab and enter. On the weather, at least the forecast was right today, it'll be just under 70. It's not like yesterday, when it was actually 30 degrees colder than the forecast!
@Zem, anytime on the music front my man! I crush those name that tune games!
@GM, lol, now it's back above freezing and all the new stuff is almost gone! Don't like the weather? Give it five minutes... smh.
@BaKhan: Yup, definitely the quirkiest part of Calgary.
Nebraska's the same way with weather. Heck, it fooled the weathermen by 30 degrees yesterday!
BaKhan, I actually brought that conundrum here specifically because I knew you could find it instantly. ;)
If Cha! still checked in here, I'm sure she could've helped as well.
@Zem, surely she could have!
Morning kittens! Its friday and I jdgaf! ;P
It's friday aaaaand...... Exam and 4 page paper due today!
*ahem* I meant the day before spring break. Pay no mind to the troubles behind the curtain.
@Zem, good luck with your exam today! And, have fun skiing after!
Morning kittens.
Not only is it (finally) Friday, it's also St. Patrick's Day.
Which means, it's the perfect day for some Flogging Molly
Which means corned beef, cabbage, mashed potatoes, and homemade soda bread when I finally get home! I don't know why people hate some of that stuff, it's one of my favorite meals ever! Even if corned beef isn't irish at all, but jewish-american!
I have no Irish heritage, so St. Patrick's day never made any sense to me. I mean, no one celebrates St. Davids day, so seriously, who is this Patrick guy? All I know, is anyone pinching me today, is looking for a Scottish boot in their behind... ;)
@BaKhan: I've got Irish, Scottish, Russian, and Ukrainian we will see what happens if anyone pinches me. ;)
I'm half German, and what's left is almost entirely an amalgam of the British Isles, and it's complex whether you want cultural or genetic because my dad was adopted, and his birth mom is polish and british, I think, but his adoptive dad is like 100% Irish. Hell, Philson is an Irish name! Even so, my mom's dad is Scotch-Irish, which counts, so I'm probably around 1/3 Irish all things considered. The rest gets complicated fast.
@Zem: Mine is confusing as well, the four I listed are the ones we have confirmation on, but there could be a smattering of other eastern European in me as well.
Either way, I'm wearing full green today (okay, fine, my only green socks are at home and I don't have green shoes, sue me), so I'm safe from all the crab-claw-handed people out there. This sounds like a zombie apocalypse! The only way to stay safe from their hordes and pinches is to wear green! Or orange, depending on which part of Ireland, of course. ;)
Unless I pull up my pant legs to show my socks you won't see the green I'm wearing(Nightmare Before Christmas socks because it's Friday, and they were the first ones I grabbed out).
Lol! I'm totally bucking that trend. I'm wearing a black hoodie, blue jeans, black sneakers, and a black hat with a maple leaf on it. No green what-so-ever! ;P
@GM, nice one, the socks I mean! ;)
Did okay on that exam, but the funny thing is I just need above a 50%. In this class, up to 2 exams (with at least 50%) can be overwritten by your final exam grade if that's better than them. That's SUPER lenient! It's Calc 3, but hey, it's something.
Well, that was interesting. Got a popup after clicking on a news story on MSN news, that said I needed to call a number for "support" help. Went and got IT instead. Nothing wrong with my computer, but they don't know what it was about either.
@GM, sure sounds like a virus to me... or whatever. I'm not as savy as I once was.... ;)
Hope all you kittens have a good weekend!
Well, it did say something about ZEUS Virus(not googling it because that's sometimes a good way of accidentally downloading it)
You as well BaKhan. Hopefully I can get out of here shortly.
Ah, finally. That paper was much nicer to write than I thought it'd be. Much, MUCH nicer than the last one. It's a sort of 3-4 page response to a movie using concepts from the class... last time it wasn't a fun time. And somehow I got a good grade. Good sign for this paper, I guess.
Either way, I'm done now. Freedom! Time to mosey my things together and meander on home, just in time for our corned beef and cabbage supper. Well, in my own time, of course. Just nice to have everything done for once.
The weekend starts with watching the sportsers run around on the ice with their knife shoes, smacking the rubber with their angle sticks!
And then, tomorrow will take me to Salt Lake Comic Con FanX
Really? Considering the holiday, I'd think the weekend would start first and foremost with the consumption of gratuitous amounts of ethanol.
Though then again, the angle-stick rubber smacking sportgame viewing is oft associated with the gratuitous consumption of ethanol.
Though ComicCon sounds awesome! Have way too much fun there, fun for all of us!
Morning kittens!
Morning kittens.
Morning LZ. How goes the good fight?
It goes well. Work on the other hand, is making me hate people
Oh yeah, it's monday. The weekend went fast and I have more weekend after that now. Though I kind of needed it, to be honest. Like alot. The week ended last week with 2 exams and a 4 page paper in under 18 hours.
Either way, good afternoon to everyone. I haven't even touched my computer and checked anything since friday afternoon!