@Zem: Sometimes it's the necessary evil though to get your life where you want it.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-25T16:16:38-04:00
@GM: I have 19 more years until I can retire on social security. (If it still exist when I retire) I don't want to spend it on a job that I absolutely hate with the heat of a 1000 suns. I figure I can get an associate degree in some medical field and make at least $10 to $20 grand more than what I make now and keep regular hours. And if I do have to work extra, they WILL pay overtime. More offices nowadays have salaried positions so that you don't collect any overtime now matter how many extra hours worked.
@Geist: Yup, sadly we don't make overtime here. And being in payroll, we actually put in more hours than what pretty much everyone else in the office does since we can't leave and make deadlines at a set time EVERY day. Granted, due to this, the VPs tend to give us more leniency in when we need to show up/can leave(every few Fridays I take off around 2-2:30 since I'm almost always in between 7:30 and 8, and tend to leave usually between 4:30 and 7).
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-25T17:37:46-04:00
Geist, I've read about that pepper before. I don't believe that it could kill a person, unless they had some previous condition, like a capsaicin allergy. I've eaten a pepper that was rumored to be close to 2.5 million Scoville Units, hence my skepticism. But, time will tell. You know someone is going to try eating this in the near future.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-26T01:40:42-04:00
Some people can eat dozens of peppers that are hot enough to cause actual damage, and some people can't even stand the spice on a pizza sauce (true story). So it not only depends on the person and their built-up tolerance, but also how prepared they are to eat it. I have no doubt if someone's stupid enough, they'd try it without any milk or anything nearby and could start to choke on themselves from the heat reaction, but most people would eat it just the same as Reapers, I'm sure.
Sounds like a fun pepper, though! I had some cheese curds spiced with Carolina Reaper bits once, and they were great.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-26T01:43:13-04:00
But yeah, like I said earlier, I know some people with alot of famous birthdays they share, but those people don't have Sir Ian McKellen! Although one brother does have Wayne Brady. But I also have Frank Oz and Mike Meyers on my dream team!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-26T06:14:56-04:00
@LZ: You've eaten a pepper that was 1 million Scoville Units? My insides salute you sir. My tolerance for spicy is much lower. Mouth pain is not a good taste.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-26T06:16:28-04:00
@GM: I usually get into the office around 5:30-6:00 am. There are few people in the office (other than my supervisor) and by the time people get back from lunch, I'm leaving for the day. It helps me avoid traffic (most days) and I get more time at home. Plus, I seem to get more work done when there is no one to bother me.
Hooray! It's Friday...only 6.5-ish hours to go. -.-
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-26T11:06:52-04:00
Lucky you GM. I should be leaving work in about 3 hours but that looks doubtful with my workload.
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-26T11:08:45-04:00
Geist, indeed I have! The hottest I've eaten is the chocolate bhutlah, which is rumored to be hotter than the Carolina Reaper, which is about 2.3 million. The chocolate bhutlah had a surprisingly floral taste to it. I'm sure if I hadn't trained myself to eat hot stuff, I wouldn't have been able to taste it, though.
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-26T11:09:13-04:00
Y'all are lucky. I'm just starting my work day
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-26T12:01:09-04:00
The chocolate bhutlah had a surprisingly floral taste to it
Pain has a floral taste? I sweat when I eat a jalapeno. Doesn't the capasin(sp?) melt the lining of your stomach? Then it the burn on exit.
You know something isn't meant for eating when you put it in blender and it melts the skin off your finger if you dip a digit in it.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-26T12:16:46-04:00
@LZ: I'd only consider it lucky if I could work alone. That is the main reason why I arrive at work 5:30 in the morning.
@Geist: I'm usually the second person in the office(our corporate controller gets in about 7am every day, we used to have a lady that got here between 6 and 6:30, but she moved and works out of one of our divisions up north), but the first one on my side. So there is nobody but me for a good 30min-1hour. I would get in earlier, but with where I'm house sitting, the first bus isn't until about 6:30am, and it takes a good 30-45min to get downtown.
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-26T12:39:04-04:00
@Geist, thanks, I needed a laugh. Capsaicin actually only harms your stomach if you already have an ulcer. It irritates mucous membranes, stimulating the production of mucous, so if you don't already have an ulcer, it can help prevent them.
I will admit, though, you have to be something of a masochist to enjoy eating really hot foods.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-26T13:24:32-04:00
Yeah, after a point, it's just not worth the pain for spicy things. It's not even spicy anymore, it literally feels the same as holding a red-hot metal rod to your tongue. I don't remember the hottest I've ever eaten, but compared to normal people, I like eating stuff really hot! Compared to people like you, LZ, I like my milk with a little bit of seasoning in it.
I don't know, I know how spicy things are to me, and I'll eat things up to the point where I can still taste them, but after a certain point, it's just burn and not flavorful to me. So I don't really expand my tolerance much either, but I do have a pretty nice one to begin with.
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-26T13:32:50-04:00
I used to be the same, Zem. Then I took on a few stupid dares and bets. Now I can taste the flavor in even the hottest foods. There is a certain point, though, where the pain doesn't get any worse. After all, you've only got so many receptors.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-26T14:22:44-04:00
I believe I posted a link to an article where a restaurant was putting a pureed Carolina Reaper sauce on a hamburger and some fool ate it with extra sauce and ended up burning a hole in his throat.
I'd rather drink a gallon of Pabst than eat that. :-P
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-26T14:45:34-04:00
Burning a hole in his throat? I don't think that's how it works. But it would certainly feel that way for maybe a week, could certainly cause permanent damage, and cause you to start dangerously choking. Spicy food has certainly sent some people to the hospital before, but the funny part is that they're usually dumb about it or unprepared.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-29T07:04:44-04:00
Morning kittens. I know most of you are enjoying the day off but due to the amount of work and the higher up moving month close back a few days, I'll slaving away in the office. At least there is no one on the floor yet so blasting the speakers on the computer and enjoying the peace.
@LZ: Have you ever watched a documentary about the bank Anvil? I've seen it twice but since I'm not much into heavy metal music, I was wondering what you think of their music.
@Geist: Most of our US staff are taking the day off(office staff primarily, the field guys only get 4 holidays off a year - those being New Years Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day).
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-29T11:38:19-04:00
@GM: So I take it you are working today? I will say this about the company I work for: they give us more holidays off and if you work on those days, it turns it to a floating holiday for you. So far I have 3 floaters that I can use for days off nearly whenever I want. I'm trying to carry over as much vacation time as possible so that I have plenty when BaKahn and his wife visit California Disney next year. And of course, Kitten Con 2. ;-)
@Geist: Yup, since I'm in Canada, we don't get the holidays that the US staff get, we get the Canadian ones. We get a total of 9 holidays up here(New Years Day, Good Friday, Victoria day - was last Monday, Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and Remembrance Day - which they are giving us Dec 27 instead of the actual day itself as it's a Sat)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-29T12:20:11-04:00
9 is a good number. That is about what this company offers and I like that I can use the day off on another day if I work it.
The last company I worked for was stingy with holiday pay. Only Memorial Day (the owner is a veteran), 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The rumor mill at the company I am currently working at is that they will be giving us the last week of the year off this year with pay. That should be fun and well worth the rest.
@Geist: I wish I could get that last week off, but we have a large payroll to do that week. And 3 of the holiday days fall on that week(25, 26, 27)...payroll gets to work 2 of those 3 days, and no one else will aside from the admins that need to get us the hours or nobody gets paid.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-29T13:07:22-04:00
@GM: That sucks! Can't you move the deadline up for your department so that you can have those days off? Or at least pay you double time?
I swear companies treat the thought of overtime like cooties.
@Geist: We get time off in lieu of working it. Which means I will probably take the 28/29 off...if my manager approves. Sadly, she likely wont approve of me taking those days off instead since if it's anything like last year, we will have 4 off-cycles to do before the end of that week.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-29T13:32:35-04:00
Let me ask you a question: was this what you went to college to do and if not, would you consider going back to school to change careers to something you would enjoy?
I did actually go to school(sort of) for this. I learned the Canadian payroll in school, and was sort of thrown into the US payroll and learned on the go.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-29T13:56:58-04:00
But do you enjoy it? Or would you rather being doing something else less stressful?
There are the ups and downs. Would I rather being doing something other than working? Definitely. Would I rather be doing a different job? Can't really say.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-29T14:15:24-04:00
Accounts Payable is nothing but a ball of frustration as I watch people submit junk that I have to clean up and get rewarded for it. Which is why I'm itching to leave this profession. I need a job that has a balance to it and the finance field simply doesn't have it.
Don't get me wrong. I'm getting paid more money in my current position due to living so close and the slight pay bump but having to come in on holidays plus working extra free hours during the weekdays? I've had more than enough of that.
If I must go into spinsterhood, than I want to do it simply enjoying life.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-29T14:23:06-04:00
Ding ding ding! 8 hours and time to go home. Hope your day goes smoothly GM and I'll catch ya tomorrow.
@Geist: Hopefully my day goes smoothly for the last 3.5 hours I'm here. Waiting on people to get me information so that I can actually pay people.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-29T18:26:46-04:00
Hey, guys! That's... awesome? Terrible? Apply both of those to where you think they apply to your conversation today.
Sorry I wasn't here, I spent an extra day at my grandparents before coming back. Had a great weekend with them and alot else of my family, though.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-30T05:30:21-04:00
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-30T11:09:16-04:00
While visiting my local liquor store, I spied some mini bottles near the register with all kinds of different flavor booze. One stood out. It was mini bottle of Jalapeno grapefruit flavored vodka.
No. Just...no.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-30T12:44:27-04:00
On my 21st, I tried this like serrano pepper beer. That was the weirdest thing ever! It tasted exactly like the pepper, not even like beer, but with no spiciness whatsoever. Worth trying, I guess, but I'm glad it was only a sample, I could never have finished a full one. Having the very distinct flavor of a strong pepper with no spice whatsoever? It had the benefits of both not tasting good AND being too weird to drink!
Jalapeno-grapefruit vodka? I can't even imagine!
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-30T12:49:15-04:00
Jalapeño and grapefruit? That sounds dreadful!
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-30T13:05:59-04:00
Geist, I had actually never heard of Anvil before. I've been listening to them, and so far, it's a positive experience. The first song left me saying that I wouldn't change the station if they came on. Others had an early Judas Priest sound to them. Judas Priest is one of my favorite bands. I have added Anvil to my Pandora list.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-30T19:43:02-04:00
Hey, LZ, how's stuff?
Awesome, I love it when you randomly happen upon a band that instantly becomes one of your favorites ever! Then for the next month they're about half the songs you listen to.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-31T07:00:18-04:00
@LZ: When I watched the documentary, it gave the impression that back in the 80's Anvil was a trailblazer as for as their sound and music was concerned and had other people from Metallica, Twisted Sister, Lemmy and others saying that Anvil so influential in how other metal bands sounded yet it was bad management and being in Canada (???) that is the reason why they didn't get the success that others did.
Yet searching the net, some of the opinion is that Anvil was never that good in the first place. I just liked the documentary. They seem like such nice guys and I was hoping that they would get the fame they were seeking.
So I'm backing the new Zombicide game (because, duh!). It's amazing how fast we're chewing through the stretch goals
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-31T13:20:26-04:00
Man, how many Zombicide kickstarters are there going to be? I'd think that after awhile, you should just be able to let out the next installments and games without Kickstarter, like with Pebble watches. Especially with them. They were just abusing the system.
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-31T14:28:56-04:00
At least CMON makes it worth the backers' while. They give tons of KS exclusives to the backers for free, along with a bunch of other freebies. I got about $700 worth of stuff for Black Plague for about $200. When they did The Others: 7 Sins, I pledged a similar amount and got around $500 worth of stuff.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-31T15:49:47-04:00
@LZ: As a horror fan, I would love to have those games but I just CANNOT see myself trying to paint them. My eyes are bad enough.
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-31T16:14:40-04:00
I haven't painted very many of them yet. They're fun to play with unpainted miniatures. Painting them does add to the aesthetic of the game, but using them unpainted helps to identify what kind of zombie it is.
Eric 'Drinkets' Baumgarten 2017-05-31T20:33:27-04:00
Did someone say booze?
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-31T20:59:31-04:00
Trinkets! How are you my friend? Still making the devil giggle?
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-31T21:01:09-04:00
I didn't not say booze
Eric 'Drinkets' Baumgarten 2017-05-31T21:38:15-04:00
I did.
I am absolutely fantastic!! Geist, LZ how are you doing?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-01T00:06:38-04:00
Trinkets, the master of the self fulfilling prophecy. "Did someone say this?" "No." "Well it's a good thing I did then!"
Hey, Trinkets! Good to see you again!
Vaughn Reynolds 2017-06-01T07:50:08-04:00
So, if you love blowing up kittens, I thought you might like Daimyo's Fall (http://kck.st/2rIpkRy). Japanese, brut humour... blowing up kittens... same same? Anyway, check if out if you like Anime and Deckbuilders!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-01T09:49:32-04:00
Morning kittens. Is it the weekend yet?
@LZ: This is the KC. Don't we usually mention booze at least once a day?
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-01T10:40:51-04:00
Indeed, we do, Geist. I think there's a case of brain autocorrect going on here, as it appears people thought my comment said that I did not say booze. In actuality, I said that I didn't not say booze.
I knew I should have put some emphasis in there to keep the joke from falling flat on it's face. Oh well, they can't all be gut busters!
@LZ: Somewhat tired. It was a bit too warm last night, even with the window open(right above the bed) and a fan going. Just couldn't get to sleep until after 1am, then woke up because the sun was reflecting off the neighbours window and right into my face around 5:30....but I'm awake(ish) and functioning(ish).
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-01T10:59:28-04:00
Busy! I can't believe they let the new guy have a day off during month end close. I am buried under paperwork and there is no way I'm going to work a 12 hour shift today.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-01T11:14:06-04:00
And just so you know...
It's the 50th birthday of the St. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club album. Just heard it on the radio and now I can't get those songs out of my head. I don't think that is a bad thing.
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-01T13:02:44-04:00
There are certainly worse songs to have stuck in your head.
Eric 'Drinkets' Baumgarten 2017-06-01T14:55:19-04:00
Howdy all.
I am guilty of misreading your statement LZ.
I'm just not a Beatles fan. Their solo careers after The Beatles I like more.
Eric 'Drinkets' Baumgarten 2017-06-01T14:57:21-04:00
I heard that Kathy Griffin likes blowing up Vaughn Reynolds.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-01T18:03:01-04:00
GM, my room gets really hot easily, so I actually had to sleep in our family room last night, which has a really good air conditioner, so I could sleep, but it disrupts everyone else's morning when I do. Better than my room in the attic though, which has gotten over 100 degrees before.
Sgt. Pepper's 50th?! That's awesome! Thankfully, though, my brother decided while we were doing something just now to blast the HEYEAYEA song 10 hour version, so I'm safe from anyh other earworms.
Eric 'Drinkets' Baumgarten 2017-06-01T20:17:02-04:00
@LZ: Sucks that what's supposed to help you makes you feel like that. Ironically, we had a conversation in the office about how doctors/nurses try and keep people alive as long as possible, even when there is less than a fraction of a fraction of a percent that anything can be done to save the person(liver/kidneys/other organs shutting down).
@LZ: Of course I accidentally hit post before finishing...
At least there is something that can be done to kill the cancer(hopefully without it ever coming back).
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-02T11:01:02-04:00
GM, that's true, but I was told that for someone my age, the chances of it not coming back are almost non-existent. I'm just hoping it waits a few decades before popping up again.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-02T11:42:51-04:00
@LZ: I know the treatment sucks and if I had the ability to, I'd shoulder some of the burden but just remind yourself that it's almost over and when it is, you'll be good as new and ready to come to Kitten Con 2 this year. :-)
I can't wait to be back in my own bed tonight(last night was the last night of me house sitting, though technically the person I was house sitting for isn't back until Sat afternoon)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-02T14:24:26-04:00
LZ, just one more then! Wow, I can't even imagine how good it's going to feel once it's all over and you don't have to do it again, at least for a long time.
Geist, good point, what's Kitten Con going to be now? I say middle of America works best for everyone, everyone will have to travel about the same distance.
Party at my place? ;)
GM, awesome! That first time back in your own bed after a week or two is the best time of your life. Also, good job cutting yourself off at the absolute worst time in that comment! ;)
@Zem: It's been a month since I last slept in my own bed.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-02T14:30:37-04:00
Really? Dang, I forgot how long you were there! I've done that too. Let me tell you, after well over a full month of just camping, it doesn't even have to be your bed, just any bed feels like it was sent by God!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-04T03:17:29-04:00
I've thought of two amazing superpowers I'd love to have. The power to see things right before your very eyes and the power to be invisible to anything that doesn't have eyes.
Particularly that first one, because how many times have you looked for something only for it to be in that place you knew it was and looked through 6 times? All too many times.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-04T23:23:47-04:00
I just tried gin for the first time, and I'm astounded by how juniper-y it tastes. I love juniper! It's one of my favorite plants and smells, almost certainly because I associate it with several things and places I love, most particularly travel, like through Utah and the Mojave, and also my grandparent's house. So I may find I really love gin now!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-05T08:44:45-04:00
@Geist: Not too bad...the only downside is that my sister's cat won't leave me alone, and he takes up 3/4 of the queen size bed. If I try locking him out of my room at night, he cries right outside my door until someone lets him in(not me, I can sleep through most of it).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-05T10:56:36-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-05T10:57:12-04:00
Two days back in Calgary, and I'm already peeling... oh well, at least I had a tan... ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-05T10:58:28-04:00
@GM: Wait a minute. You have a queen sized bed and a cat that can take up most of that? You must have a Maine Coon because they are usually bigger than the average house cat.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-05T10:59:28-04:00
How you doing BaKhan! How was the trip? Wonderful I'm sure. I'm soooooo jelly of you. >.>
@Geist: He's just a normal 16lbs orange tabby...but he spreads out and has claws.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-05T11:37:34-04:00
@Geist, it was awesome, and exhausting! ;) I'll need a week before I'll be able to walk properly... I'm suffling along like an old man right now. ;) The cruise was great, I love the carribean so much! And Disney was the bomb, as usual. ;) The new Pandora expansion at the Animal Kindom was simply amazing, so much so that its a bit overwhelming, you don't know where to look first! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-05T11:38:27-04:00
16 lbs is a BIG kitty. My Neko was a Maine Coon around the same weight. When he would stretch out behind me a night, would be a long as my back to the back of my knees if you include his tail. Plus he sometimes snored.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-05T11:44:04-04:00
@BaKhan: there is a website that had an article about the secrets to the Cinderella castle. I had no idea that there is a hotel room in there that you can rent. I'd imagine that it's a tad expensive but it would still be so cool to spend a night there.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-05T11:49:14-04:00
@Geist, that suite is actually offered out to folks that get married on Disney property (huge $$$), and sometimes as a special treat for a lucky couple. It would be very cool to be able to say that you stayed in the castle though, for sure! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-05T12:57:28-04:00
Maine Coons are huge! Ours is so much fun. In my arms, we make eachother look normal size, which isn't easy for a cat to do! Their necks are so long, though, it's so weird when you pet them.
He's a cutie, though. Whenever you go to pet him, he just falls over onto one side and stretches out to help you get optimum pet length!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-06T05:29:13-04:00
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: At least you avoided all of the darn rain that we got here last week.
Morning kittens. Seems like this rain will never end. It was cold enough last night that I had to put the space heater on.
Ah student loans. Something I hope to get myself involved in within the next 2 years when I go back to school.
Morning kittens.
Geist, I would see that as a reason NOT to go back to school, not something to look forward to!
@Zem: Sometimes it's the necessary evil though to get your life where you want it.
@GM: I have 19 more years until I can retire on social security. (If it still exist when I retire) I don't want to spend it on a job that I absolutely hate with the heat of a 1000 suns. I figure I can get an associate degree in some medical field and make at least $10 to $20 grand more than what I make now and keep regular hours. And if I do have to work extra, they WILL pay overtime. More offices nowadays have salaried positions so that you don't collect any overtime now matter how many extra hours worked.
@Geist: Yup, sadly we don't make overtime here. And being in payroll, we actually put in more hours than what pretty much everyone else in the office does since we can't leave and make deadlines at a set time EVERY day. Granted, due to this, the VPs tend to give us more leniency in when we need to show up/can leave(every few Fridays I take off around 2-2:30 since I'm almost always in between 7:30 and 8, and tend to leave usually between 4:30 and 7).
For you LZ
Geist, I've read about that pepper before. I don't believe that it could kill a person, unless they had some previous condition, like a capsaicin allergy. I've eaten a pepper that was rumored to be close to 2.5 million Scoville Units, hence my skepticism. But, time will tell. You know someone is going to try eating this in the near future.
Some people can eat dozens of peppers that are hot enough to cause actual damage, and some people can't even stand the spice on a pizza sauce (true story). So it not only depends on the person and their built-up tolerance, but also how prepared they are to eat it. I have no doubt if someone's stupid enough, they'd try it without any milk or anything nearby and could start to choke on themselves from the heat reaction, but most people would eat it just the same as Reapers, I'm sure.
Sounds like a fun pepper, though! I had some cheese curds spiced with Carolina Reaper bits once, and they were great.
But yeah, like I said earlier, I know some people with alot of famous birthdays they share, but those people don't have Sir Ian McKellen! Although one brother does have Wayne Brady. But I also have Frank Oz and Mike Meyers on my dream team!
@LZ: You've eaten a pepper that was 1 million Scoville Units? My insides salute you sir. My tolerance for spicy is much lower. Mouth pain is not a good taste.
@GM: I usually get into the office around 5:30-6:00 am. There are few people in the office (other than my supervisor) and by the time people get back from lunch, I'm leaving for the day. It helps me avoid traffic (most days) and I get more time at home. Plus, I seem to get more work done when there is no one to bother me.
Hooray! It's Friday...only 6.5-ish hours to go. -.-
Lucky you GM. I should be leaving work in about 3 hours but that looks doubtful with my workload.
Geist, indeed I have! The hottest I've eaten is the chocolate bhutlah, which is rumored to be hotter than the Carolina Reaper, which is about 2.3 million. The chocolate bhutlah had a surprisingly floral taste to it. I'm sure if I hadn't trained myself to eat hot stuff, I wouldn't have been able to taste it, though.
Y'all are lucky. I'm just starting my work day
The chocolate bhutlah had a surprisingly floral taste to it
Pain has a floral taste? I sweat when I eat a jalapeno. Doesn't the capasin(sp?) melt the lining of your stomach? Then it the burn on exit.
You know something isn't meant for eating when you put it in blender and it melts the skin off your finger if you dip a digit in it.
@LZ: I'd only consider it lucky if I could work alone. That is the main reason why I arrive at work 5:30 in the morning.
@Geist: I'm usually the second person in the office(our corporate controller gets in about 7am every day, we used to have a lady that got here between 6 and 6:30, but she moved and works out of one of our divisions up north), but the first one on my side. So there is nobody but me for a good 30min-1hour. I would get in earlier, but with where I'm house sitting, the first bus isn't until about 6:30am, and it takes a good 30-45min to get downtown.
@Geist, thanks, I needed a laugh. Capsaicin actually only harms your stomach if you already have an ulcer. It irritates mucous membranes, stimulating the production of mucous, so if you don't already have an ulcer, it can help prevent them.
I will admit, though, you have to be something of a masochist to enjoy eating really hot foods.
Yeah, after a point, it's just not worth the pain for spicy things. It's not even spicy anymore, it literally feels the same as holding a red-hot metal rod to your tongue. I don't remember the hottest I've ever eaten, but compared to normal people, I like eating stuff really hot! Compared to people like you, LZ, I like my milk with a little bit of seasoning in it.
I don't know, I know how spicy things are to me, and I'll eat things up to the point where I can still taste them, but after a certain point, it's just burn and not flavorful to me. So I don't really expand my tolerance much either, but I do have a pretty nice one to begin with.
I used to be the same, Zem. Then I took on a few stupid dares and bets. Now I can taste the flavor in even the hottest foods. There is a certain point, though, where the pain doesn't get any worse. After all, you've only got so many receptors.
I believe I posted a link to an article where a restaurant was putting a pureed Carolina Reaper sauce on a hamburger and some fool ate it with extra sauce and ended up burning a hole in his throat.
I'd rather drink a gallon of Pabst than eat that. :-P
Burning a hole in his throat? I don't think that's how it works. But it would certainly feel that way for maybe a week, could certainly cause permanent damage, and cause you to start dangerously choking. Spicy food has certainly sent some people to the hospital before, but the funny part is that they're usually dumb about it or unprepared.
Morning kittens. I know most of you are enjoying the day off but due to the amount of work and the higher up moving month close back a few days, I'll slaving away in the office. At least there is no one on the floor yet so blasting the speakers on the computer and enjoying the peace.
@LZ: Have you ever watched a documentary about the bank Anvil? I've seen it twice but since I'm not much into heavy metal music, I was wondering what you think of their music.
Morning kittens.
@Geist: Most of our US staff are taking the day off(office staff primarily, the field guys only get 4 holidays off a year - those being New Years Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day).
@GM: So I take it you are working today? I will say this about the company I work for: they give us more holidays off and if you work on those days, it turns it to a floating holiday for you. So far I have 3 floaters that I can use for days off nearly whenever I want. I'm trying to carry over as much vacation time as possible so that I have plenty when BaKahn and his wife visit California Disney next year. And of course, Kitten Con 2. ;-)
@Geist: Yup, since I'm in Canada, we don't get the holidays that the US staff get, we get the Canadian ones. We get a total of 9 holidays up here(New Years Day, Good Friday, Victoria day - was last Monday, Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and Remembrance Day - which they are giving us Dec 27 instead of the actual day itself as it's a Sat)
9 is a good number. That is about what this company offers and I like that I can use the day off on another day if I work it.
The last company I worked for was stingy with holiday pay. Only Memorial Day (the owner is a veteran), 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The rumor mill at the company I am currently working at is that they will be giving us the last week of the year off this year with pay. That should be fun and well worth the rest.
@Geist: I wish I could get that last week off, but we have a large payroll to do that week. And 3 of the holiday days fall on that week(25, 26, 27)...payroll gets to work 2 of those 3 days, and no one else will aside from the admins that need to get us the hours or nobody gets paid.
@GM: That sucks! Can't you move the deadline up for your department so that you can have those days off? Or at least pay you double time?
I swear companies treat the thought of overtime like cooties.
@Geist: We get time off in lieu of working it. Which means I will probably take the 28/29 off...if my manager approves. Sadly, she likely wont approve of me taking those days off instead since if it's anything like last year, we will have 4 off-cycles to do before the end of that week.
Let me ask you a question: was this what you went to college to do and if not, would you consider going back to school to change careers to something you would enjoy?
I did actually go to school(sort of) for this. I learned the Canadian payroll in school, and was sort of thrown into the US payroll and learned on the go.
But do you enjoy it? Or would you rather being doing something else less stressful?
There are the ups and downs. Would I rather being doing something other than working? Definitely. Would I rather be doing a different job? Can't really say.
Accounts Payable is nothing but a ball of frustration as I watch people submit junk that I have to clean up and get rewarded for it. Which is why I'm itching to leave this profession. I need a job that has a balance to it and the finance field simply doesn't have it.
Don't get me wrong. I'm getting paid more money in my current position due to living so close and the slight pay bump but having to come in on holidays plus working extra free hours during the weekdays? I've had more than enough of that.
If I must go into spinsterhood, than I want to do it simply enjoying life.
Ding ding ding! 8 hours and time to go home. Hope your day goes smoothly GM and I'll catch ya tomorrow.
@Geist: Hopefully my day goes smoothly for the last 3.5 hours I'm here. Waiting on people to get me information so that I can actually pay people.
Hey, guys! That's... awesome? Terrible? Apply both of those to where you think they apply to your conversation today.
Sorry I wasn't here, I spent an extra day at my grandparents before coming back. Had a great weekend with them and alot else of my family, though.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
While visiting my local liquor store, I spied some mini bottles near the register with all kinds of different flavor booze. One stood out. It was mini bottle of Jalapeno grapefruit flavored vodka.
No. Just...no.
On my 21st, I tried this like serrano pepper beer. That was the weirdest thing ever! It tasted exactly like the pepper, not even like beer, but with no spiciness whatsoever. Worth trying, I guess, but I'm glad it was only a sample, I could never have finished a full one. Having the very distinct flavor of a strong pepper with no spice whatsoever? It had the benefits of both not tasting good AND being too weird to drink!
Jalapeno-grapefruit vodka? I can't even imagine!
Jalapeño and grapefruit? That sounds dreadful!
Geist, I had actually never heard of Anvil before. I've been listening to them, and so far, it's a positive experience. The first song left me saying that I wouldn't change the station if they came on. Others had an early Judas Priest sound to them. Judas Priest is one of my favorite bands. I have added Anvil to my Pandora list.
Hey, LZ, how's stuff?
Awesome, I love it when you randomly happen upon a band that instantly becomes one of your favorites ever! Then for the next month they're about half the songs you listen to.
@LZ: When I watched the documentary, it gave the impression that back in the 80's Anvil was a trailblazer as for as their sound and music was concerned and had other people from Metallica, Twisted Sister, Lemmy and others saying that Anvil so influential in how other metal bands sounded yet it was bad management and being in Canada (???) that is the reason why they didn't get the success that others did.
Yet searching the net, some of the opinion is that Anvil was never that good in the first place. I just liked the documentary. They seem like such nice guys and I was hoping that they would get the fame they were seeking.
Morning kittens.
So I'm backing the new Zombicide game (because, duh!). It's amazing how fast we're chewing through the stretch goals
Man, how many Zombicide kickstarters are there going to be? I'd think that after awhile, you should just be able to let out the next installments and games without Kickstarter, like with Pebble watches. Especially with them. They were just abusing the system.
At least CMON makes it worth the backers' while. They give tons of KS exclusives to the backers for free, along with a bunch of other freebies. I got about $700 worth of stuff for Black Plague for about $200. When they did The Others: 7 Sins, I pledged a similar amount and got around $500 worth of stuff.
@LZ: As a horror fan, I would love to have those games but I just CANNOT see myself trying to paint them. My eyes are bad enough.
I haven't painted very many of them yet. They're fun to play with unpainted miniatures. Painting them does add to the aesthetic of the game, but using them unpainted helps to identify what kind of zombie it is.
Did someone say booze?
Trinkets! How are you my friend? Still making the devil giggle?
I didn't not say booze
I did.
I am absolutely fantastic!! Geist, LZ how are you doing?
Trinkets, the master of the self fulfilling prophecy. "Did someone say this?" "No." "Well it's a good thing I did then!"
Hey, Trinkets! Good to see you again!
So, if you love blowing up kittens, I thought you might like Daimyo's Fall (http://kck.st/2rIpkRy). Japanese, brut humour... blowing up kittens... same same? Anyway, check if out if you like Anime and Deckbuilders!
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens. Is it the weekend yet?
@LZ: This is the KC. Don't we usually mention booze at least once a day?
Indeed, we do, Geist. I think there's a case of brain autocorrect going on here, as it appears people thought my comment said that I did not say booze. In actuality, I said that I didn't not say booze.
I knew I should have put some emphasis in there to keep the joke from falling flat on it's face. Oh well, they can't all be gut busters!
How is everyone today?
@LZ: Somewhat tired. It was a bit too warm last night, even with the window open(right above the bed) and a fan going. Just couldn't get to sleep until after 1am, then woke up because the sun was reflecting off the neighbours window and right into my face around 5:30....but I'm awake(ish) and functioning(ish).
Busy! I can't believe they let the new guy have a day off during month end close. I am buried under paperwork and there is no way I'm going to work a 12 hour shift today.
And just so you know...
It's the 50th birthday of the St. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club album. Just heard it on the radio and now I can't get those songs out of my head. I don't think that is a bad thing.
There are certainly worse songs to have stuck in your head.
Howdy all.
I am guilty of misreading your statement LZ.
I'm just not a Beatles fan. Their solo careers after The Beatles I like more.
I heard that Kathy Griffin likes blowing up Vaughn Reynolds.
GM, my room gets really hot easily, so I actually had to sleep in our family room last night, which has a really good air conditioner, so I could sleep, but it disrupts everyone else's morning when I do. Better than my room in the attic though, which has gotten over 100 degrees before.
Sgt. Pepper's 50th?! That's awesome! Thankfully, though, my brother decided while we were doing something just now to blast the HEYEAYEA song 10 hour version, so I'm safe from anyh other earworms.
This song Zem?
Nope, Trinkets, this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch…
Morning kittens. Friday at last. Busy weekend with movies, cleaning, card games and shopping. Hopefully it won't rain.
Morning kittens.
Can I be dead? Chemo makes me wonder if it's worth it sometimes. But the good news is that I only have one more round of chemo after this.
@LZ: Sucks that what's supposed to help you makes you feel like that. Ironically, we had a conversation in the office about how doctors/nurses try and keep people alive as long as possible, even when there is less than a fraction of a fraction of a percent that anything can be done to save the person(liver/kidneys/other organs shutting down).
@LZ: Of course I accidentally hit post before finishing...
At least there is something that can be done to kill the cancer(hopefully without it ever coming back).
GM, that's true, but I was told that for someone my age, the chances of it not coming back are almost non-existent. I'm just hoping it waits a few decades before popping up again.
@LZ: I know the treatment sucks and if I had the ability to, I'd shoulder some of the burden but just remind yourself that it's almost over and when it is, you'll be good as new and ready to come to Kitten Con 2 this year. :-)
I can't wait to be back in my own bed tonight(last night was the last night of me house sitting, though technically the person I was house sitting for isn't back until Sat afternoon)
LZ, just one more then! Wow, I can't even imagine how good it's going to feel once it's all over and you don't have to do it again, at least for a long time.
Geist, good point, what's Kitten Con going to be now? I say middle of America works best for everyone, everyone will have to travel about the same distance.
Party at my place? ;)
GM, awesome! That first time back in your own bed after a week or two is the best time of your life. Also, good job cutting yourself off at the absolute worst time in that comment! ;)
@Zem: It's been a month since I last slept in my own bed.
Really? Dang, I forgot how long you were there! I've done that too. Let me tell you, after well over a full month of just camping, it doesn't even have to be your bed, just any bed feels like it was sent by God!
I've thought of two amazing superpowers I'd love to have. The power to see things right before your very eyes and the power to be invisible to anything that doesn't have eyes.
Particularly that first one, because how many times have you looked for something only for it to be in that place you knew it was and looked through 6 times? All too many times.
I just tried gin for the first time, and I'm astounded by how juniper-y it tastes. I love juniper! It's one of my favorite plants and smells, almost certainly because I associate it with several things and places I love, most particularly travel, like through Utah and the Mojave, and also my grandparent's house. So I may find I really love gin now!
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
Hey GM! How does it feel to be sleeping back in your bed?
@Geist: Not too bad...the only downside is that my sister's cat won't leave me alone, and he takes up 3/4 of the queen size bed. If I try locking him out of my room at night, he cries right outside my door until someone lets him in(not me, I can sleep through most of it).
Morning kittens!
Two days back in Calgary, and I'm already peeling... oh well, at least I had a tan... ;)
@GM: Wait a minute. You have a queen sized bed and a cat that can take up most of that? You must have a Maine Coon because they are usually bigger than the average house cat.
How you doing BaKhan! How was the trip? Wonderful I'm sure. I'm soooooo jelly of you. >.>
@Geist: He's just a normal 16lbs orange tabby...but he spreads out and has claws.
@Geist, it was awesome, and exhausting! ;) I'll need a week before I'll be able to walk properly... I'm suffling along like an old man right now. ;) The cruise was great, I love the carribean so much! And Disney was the bomb, as usual. ;) The new Pandora expansion at the Animal Kindom was simply amazing, so much so that its a bit overwhelming, you don't know where to look first! ;)
16 lbs is a BIG kitty. My Neko was a Maine Coon around the same weight. When he would stretch out behind me a night, would be a long as my back to the back of my knees if you include his tail. Plus he sometimes snored.
@BaKhan: there is a website that had an article about the secrets to the Cinderella castle. I had no idea that there is a hotel room in there that you can rent. I'd imagine that it's a tad expensive but it would still be so cool to spend a night there.
@Geist, that suite is actually offered out to folks that get married on Disney property (huge $$$), and sometimes as a special treat for a lucky couple. It would be very cool to be able to say that you stayed in the castle though, for sure! ;)
Maine Coons are huge! Ours is so much fun. In my arms, we make eachother look normal size, which isn't easy for a cat to do! Their necks are so long, though, it's so weird when you pet them.
He's a cutie, though. Whenever you go to pet him, he just falls over onto one side and stretches out to help you get optimum pet length!
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: At least you avoided all of the darn rain that we got here last week.