Just looked, and it's partially shipped(took me a second to find it since I never did look before)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-09T11:18:59-04:00
@GM, sweet! I normally try to forget about them till they show up, or I get a tracking number in my email or something, but I've really been looking forward to getting this one tbh. I must be a glutton for punishment! ;) Sorry to hear that project doesn't look like it will get funded, it sucks when a cool looking project doesn't seem to get any traction. Who know though, there's still a chance it could turn around. Seems like they could have benefitted from a social media campaign.
Unfortunately, they only raised a bit over $11k, and their funding amount is $50k. With about 51hours to go. Not sure if it will turn around, but we can hope.
I'm supposed to be getting ready to go to Central park to meet up and hang out with people.. but I want a birthday nap. the light is perfect, window open, cozy blanket...
@Creeper, Happy Birthday! Congrats! If you take your years and rearrange the numbers, thats how old I'll be this year (August)!
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-09T16:08:56-04:00
Aw! I missed Geist and DDD! Damn chemo and crap signal at work!
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-09T16:09:57-04:00
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-09T17:54:25-04:00
Sorry I'm late, I accidentally slept 11 hours today and woke up at 3:30, bu.... Yeah, happy birthday, Creeper! That's awesome!
I turn 21 on the 25th!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-09T21:49:11-04:00
Hey, I just realized, in early June, we'll be traveling up to Maine to hit some states we've never been to, but our first day we're driving out to New York. (yes, straight there, 18 hours' drive!) Unfortunately, no chance to meet up with you and lil' Nugget, Creeper, we're staying with my mom's best friend on her birthday and then going straight on.
I really hate filing...sadly, I'm the only one who will do it.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-10T16:04:56-04:00
Afternoon, LZ, how are you?
Well, it has to be done. Maybe make it into a game to make it a more enjoyable experience... so that someone else might want to start doing it for you!
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-10T18:36:46-04:00
I'm doing well now. How are you?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-10T19:09:08-04:00
Great, it's summer break! Don't worry, I'm enjoying it while it lasts. ;)
Probably be better if for whatever reason Chrome didn't keep crashing or stopping working or resetting or "would like to make changes to your computer"ing today. So weird.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-11T14:34:59-04:00
Ahoy, mateys
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-11T16:58:51-04:00
Sorry if I'm always late to the party recently, I'm currently on... huh, the International Dateline timezone! I've been going to sleep at 4am central and waking up at noon, so assuming a "normal" person wakes up at like 8am and sleeps at like 10pm, yeah, I'm on UTC +12!
@Zem: Normally, I'm up about 6am(when my alarm goes off), and at work between 7:30 and 8(depending on traffic/problems with the transit). This week so far, I've been waking up 1.5 to 2 hours before my alarm, so between 4 and 4:30,(no clue as to why - no strange noises, or smells, or anything) and not been able to fall asleep until close to, if not after, midnight(I normally am going to bed between 10:30 and 11pm).
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-11T22:30:12-04:00
Haha, just like me to finish off 2 large full cups of coffee and then immediately take a nap!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-11T22:33:00-04:00
GM, if you wake up at the same time every day, your body tends to anticipate it and produce the waking-up horomones and frame of mind just before your alarm, which is one reason why people wake up a little before it or hate waking up. But if you've had the same schedule for years and it was a sudden jump to an hour and a half early, then it's more likely something recently messed up your sleep schedule and it's still affecting you. Hate when that happens, usually lasts for some time, too.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-11T22:40:39-04:00
Woo, finally got an email from the study abroad program saying I'm lucky caller number 7 and get to go to Berlin next spring for a semester or more!
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-12T13:06:50-04:00
Congrats, Zem, that's awesome!
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-12T13:06:52-04:00
Congrats, Zem, that's awesome!
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-12T13:06:55-04:00
Congrats, Zem, that's awesome!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-12T14:19:03-04:00
Today feels like an Amon Amarth type of day...possibly Rammstein...
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-16T23:12:13-04:00
We just watched Forrest Gump, and I just couldn't stop thinking of how high their song budget must've been! Dang, SO many famous songs played for just a few seconds!
Hi Everyone! Received my Tricksters game today! Was worried I may have moved before it showed up! Perfect belated Birthday present. :) (Mine was May 9th)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-17T15:04:52-04:00
Got my tricksters today as well! Never got tracking information, but that's not too bad since it's here. Perfect week-early birthday present! ;) (25th)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-18T16:08:40-04:00
Oh yeah, BaKhan, how's the upright-bass coming along?
I ask because I was reminded of it when I was listening to the Classical station on the radio yesterday and heard this amazing guy on double-bass, Edgar Meyer. Can't find what song it was he played for some reason, but you can take my word for it, it sounded cool.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-19T09:25:00-04:00
Morning kittens! My last day of work for a couple of weeks! Getting back June 5th. Can't wait to get to Florida!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-19T09:30:42-04:00
@Zem, apparently I'm coming along much faster on the bass than my instructor expected, so thats a good thing. One of the things that probably makes me a music wierdo is I like practicing scales. I've already learned so much over the last two months its incredible. I've played electric bass for 13 years, and now I'm actually filling in the blanks in my education. I always knew that I would need to do this someday, well, someday is here! There are a lot of techniques that are unique to the upright, mostly to do with whats called "shifting", and I'm actually able to hit those blind notes more often than not! I guess it was foolish to be afraid of not having fret markers for so long... ;) In other, yet still related news, my boss is going to an estate sale tomorrow, and one of the items featured is a beautiful Gotz bass (german) from 1962. I'll be out of town, but I told him, if he could get it for $1000 or less, I'd buy it blind. Its a plywood bass, not carved, so it isn't like the highest end or anything, but it looks great in all the pictures! Fingers crossed it works out! My rental costs me $70 a month, so $1000 wouldn't be much more than a years rental. Here's hoping that no one else knows what they're actually worth! ;)
I should be able to make it. As of right now there is nothing else planned.
Also, if you need help with anything again this year, let me know.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-19T11:10:22-04:00
@LZ, don't be ascared! ;) I know what you're thinking, but I admittadly don't have a great "ear", its just something that doesn't come naturally to me. I think the real reason behind this, is because I never really needed to. If the instrument was in tune, the fret would tell you what note you were playing, and the lazy kicks in and you just accept it. When you're playing fretless and you're "shiffting postitions" it does come, and you can hear the notes very clearly, whether or not they are in tune. There are also little tricks to check vs open strings as you are climbing up the neck. Cello is cool, its just like a little bass, like 1/4 scale. ;) The only real challange there would be getting used to the shorter scale neck and how far it is inbetween each note. I tried out a 1/2 scale base the other day, and really that was the only challange. I would feel bad if someone where trying to learn both at the same time, you wouldn't know who to trust!
If I remember correctly(it's been 12 years since I've played the 3/4 Standup Bass) it's something like every 2 inches is a new fret...but I could be wrong since it has been quite a while since I played.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-19T11:13:05-04:00
@GM, well you know what kind of crazy we get up to, so I will most likely be giving you a call for help! ;) Plus its fun to hang out with other kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-19T11:14:20-04:00
@GM, yeah, thats basically it, till you get to about the 4th position, then it starts to get smaller inbetween. Once you start getting to the 12th position its more like one inch. Thats part of the challange. ;)
I really should focus on one thing at a time, though. I need to get good at the banjo before I worry about cello
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-19T15:47:57-04:00
I really should focus on one thing at a time, though. I need to get good at the banjo before I worry about cello
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-19T15:47:57-04:00
I really should focus on one thing at a time, though. I need to get good at the banjo before I worry about cello
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-19T15:49:30-04:00
And you can tell that I mean it because my phone decided to post it three times
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-19T15:51:57-04:00
That sounds awesome, BaKhan! Cool, we won't have to rent a chamber ensemble for Kitten Cons if you're there!
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-19T15:56:13-04:00
In other news, the wall for my new office is finally in place. They still need to mud, sand, and paint it, but I'm able to work in my new office now. It's great to have privacy. It gets a bit chilly because of the 2 foot square (that's 4 square feet) omnidirectional vent in the new office space, which is roughly 8'x11' with no windows. I like it, though. And I get a better signal here than where I was before.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-19T15:59:42-04:00
@LZ, honestly, I could see a lot more use for the Banjo than the Cello, unless your into proforming in quartets a lot... ;) How is the banjo playing coming along? I've never played with finger and thumb picks before.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-19T16:00:29-04:00
@LZ, it is nice to have an office! They gave me an office a few years ago, and I haven't looked back, so much better than sitting in the cubicals!
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-19T16:03:06-04:00
The banjo is coming along slowly. Mostly, it's a time thing. Finger and thumb picks definitely take some getting used to.
I've had an office since I became the manager in August of '15, but I was sharing it with three other people. That doesn't work when you need to have sensitive conversations (discipline) or when working on related documents.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-19T19:38:31-04:00
Banjo is a time thing? Yeah, it doesn't come naturally until you're sitting on a wooden porch on a hand-whittled rocking chair sipping whiskey and smoking a cigar.
Oh, and the beard. A big, bushy beard is essential.
My oldest brother already has the beard and whiskey down, he's halfway there and he's only 25! He's ahead of his time, really.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-22T04:54:54-04:00
So to help learn German, I've changed the language of Fallout 4 to it, and it's really interesting and really does help! It also changes the game in numerous small ways, like perk differences, food/drugs do different things, some places don't exist, dialogue options are far different, etc. This was a really good idea to try!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-23T06:02:03-04:00
Hello kittens.
Sorry I've been away for so long. Things are still messy in my life right now so I need your well wishes. Hopefully things will get better.
@BaKhan: I'm so jelly of you right now. Enjoying Disney. Getting on the rides. Just relaxing. Wish I could be there to greet you and the misses.
@Creeper: Happy Belated Birthday. Can't wait to see pictures of the bakery when it opens. Please post them in the litterbox!
@LZ: Glad to see you hanging in there. How much longer do you have to go for treatments?
@Geist- I'm so sorry things are messy. I shall send you all the love, kitten kisses (three kittens in backyard currently), and even well wishes from my precious butter knife. :)
If you want to see updates and some new pics- there are some on my campaign page!
Contractors have started work on it, and I'm getting ready for the big move. I gotta say... with everything going on, it will be kinda nice to move to a smaller town. I was at work a block away from that guy who drove the car through times square... and all the political tension... Yeah. Give me farm land, please.
@LZ - I hope you're doing alright! Been thinking about you!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-23T14:31:24-04:00
Geist, Creeper! Hi, guys..... holy crap, it took me 15 seconds to remember how to spell "hi"! I tried "Hy" and had to think through like 5 other ways to make that sound!
Anyways, sorry to hear things are still so hard for you, Geist. Hope things get better for you soon. Nice to hear from you, though, we miss you in the daily stuff!
Hey, Creeper, good to hear from you as well! Are you going to update soon?
Speaking of which, where're the other daily guys? BaKhan and GM haven't been here these past 2 days. Usually just us 3 here during the day, and I'm waking up later, so I'm not even around with them for most of the day.
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-23T15:11:05-04:00
Hi all!
Geist, it's good to hear from you! I'm sending you all my well wishes! I start my second-to-last treatment a week from tomorrow. I'll be so glad when this is all over in July.
Creeper, my birthday is actually in January. Mrs. LZ's birthday and Little LZ'd birthday are in May. Littler LZ's birthday is in August.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-23T15:39:27-04:00
Wow, everyone's checking in today!
Wow, already just until July, LZ? That's awesome, it's almost through then, and only 2 more treatments to go!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-23T15:40:27-04:00
@Creeper: I was thinking about you when I read about the incident in NY. I was hoping you were unscathed. It's a pity how we treat mental illness in a country as rich as the U.S.
Which reminds me: if everything goes OK, I will be traveling to NY the weekend of June 10th to visit The Strand bookstore. I've wanted to visit for awhile now and I might as well do it before it gets too hot.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-23T15:41:04-04:00
Can't get over how big Leo is. Looks like he could tackle a full grown football player.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-24T06:24:42-04:00
Wait, barrel of booze? Where?! Can I have it right now? >.>
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-24T12:45:45-04:00
There's a Jack-in-the-Pulpits in the gardens in Omaha, and it's supposed to bloom soon, they only bloom once every many years, but admission is free until it blooms. Yay. My mom absolutely can't wait to smell rotting corpse for some reason, but maybe it'll be fun?
@Geist: Ah! That one. Actually, it was my parents who won it. It was a good $1,500 worth of hard liquors(Tequila, Rum, Scotch, Bourbon, Vodka, a few Bailey's type coffee creams, and some of those 4-packs of shots they have at the registers in the stores). Haven't really gotten into any of them. Though, my cousin told me about a store that I can visit on the way to the train after work called World of Whiskey. It's about the size of BaKhan's kitchen(maybe a bit larger) and is nothing but Scotch and Whiskey in there....they have three bottles that range from $23,000 - $35,000
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-24T14:37:13-04:00
@GM: I don't see myself ever paying that much for a bottle of booze. Ever. Unless there is a guarantee that it will give me super powers.
I remember when Cristal was popular and reading about people in the clubs who would order one glass and hold it all night because that is all they could afford. How stupid. If I order a liquid to quaff, I intend to consume it within 10 minutes and order another one.
@Geist: Yup. But part of the reason these ones cost so much is because there are between 50-100 TOTAL in the world of those. They come in very nice crystal decanters, very nice wooden boxes, and with crystal scotch glasses. But aside from that, outside of winning the $50m lottery, there is 0% chance of me ever getting, let alone trying, one of them.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-24T15:07:38-04:00
@GM: I like whiskey but not for $23,000. I would have it in a safe at a bank, never drink it and have it in my will.
I don't like the taste of bourbon. Even when I mix it with other stuff.
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-24T15:22:24-04:00
I wish I could afford a $23k bottle of booze. I wouldn't buy it; I just wish I could afford it.
@LZ: I don't doubt it. That is definitely one area where it sucks for all of you south of the border. And apparently with the changes being made, somethings are being added under pre-existing conditions that don't make sense(according to one of my friends supposedly acne is now a pre-existing thing that can exclude you from medical benefits...I haven't looked into it myself though to see what is on there or not).
Lord Zombitten 2017-05-24T15:49:55-04:00
Indeed. Fortunately, all of those bills have failed, except the one that passed the house but is stalling in the senate.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-24T17:09:09-04:00
Dude, I wish I had that bottle of whiskey! Just to sell, mind you, not even to drink. I just want that much money as well.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-25T02:39:17-04:00
Happy 78th birthday, Sir Ian McKellen!
Also Frank Oz, Mike Meyers, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Cillian Murphy, Demitri Martin, and anybody else in that list whom I didn't recognize.
Wait... he's only 78?! Dude, I thought he was WAY older! He certainly looks older than my grandparents in their mid-80s! Oh well, good to know he possibly has a good decade or even more of acting ahead of him yet!
@BaKhan: I haven't checked to be honest...I kind of treat KS projects like Christmas. It's always a pleasant surprise when they arrive.
Though, there is one I backed recently which looks like it won't get funded...really want it to since it looks like it will be fun.
Just looked, and it's partially shipped(took me a second to find it since I never did look before)
@GM, sweet! I normally try to forget about them till they show up, or I get a tracking number in my email or something, but I've really been looking forward to getting this one tbh. I must be a glutton for punishment! ;) Sorry to hear that project doesn't look like it will get funded, it sucks when a cool looking project doesn't seem to get any traction. Who know though, there's still a chance it could turn around. Seems like they could have benefitted from a social media campaign.
Unfortunately, they only raised a bit over $11k, and their funding amount is $50k. With about 51hours to go. Not sure if it will turn around, but we can hope.
*Birthday creeper enters the room smiling*
@Creeper: Today's your birthday?! Well, happy birthday to you!
Tis! A respectable 34 years old!
I'm supposed to be getting ready to go to Central park to meet up and hang out with people.. but I want a birthday nap. the light is perfect, window open, cozy blanket...
I want a "Filing is really boring and makes me sleepy" nap.
Oh totally... that's definitely nap worthy.
@Creeper, Happy Birthday! Congrats! If you take your years and rearrange the numbers, thats how old I'll be this year (August)!
Aw! I missed Geist and DDD! Damn chemo and crap signal at work!
Sorry I'm late, I accidentally slept 11 hours today and woke up at 3:30, bu.... Yeah, happy birthday, Creeper! That's awesome!
I turn 21 on the 25th!
Hey, I just realized, in early June, we'll be traveling up to Maine to hit some states we've never been to, but our first day we're driving out to New York. (yes, straight there, 18 hours' drive!) Unfortunately, no chance to meet up with you and lil' Nugget, Creeper, we're staying with my mom's best friend on her birthday and then going straight on.
Morning kittens.
What he said.
Afternoon, Kittens!
I really hate filing...sadly, I'm the only one who will do it.
Afternoon, LZ, how are you?
Well, it has to be done. Maybe make it into a game to make it a more enjoyable experience... so that someone else might want to start doing it for you!
I'm doing well now. How are you?
Great, it's summer break! Don't worry, I'm enjoying it while it lasts. ;)
Probably be better if for whatever reason Chrome didn't keep crashing or stopping working or resetting or "would like to make changes to your computer"ing today. So weird.
Morning kittens.
Morning, all
Ahoy, mateys
Sorry if I'm always late to the party recently, I'm currently on... huh, the International Dateline timezone! I've been going to sleep at 4am central and waking up at noon, so assuming a "normal" person wakes up at like 8am and sleeps at like 10pm, yeah, I'm on UTC +12!
@Zem: Normally, I'm up about 6am(when my alarm goes off), and at work between 7:30 and 8(depending on traffic/problems with the transit). This week so far, I've been waking up 1.5 to 2 hours before my alarm, so between 4 and 4:30,(no clue as to why - no strange noises, or smells, or anything) and not been able to fall asleep until close to, if not after, midnight(I normally am going to bed between 10:30 and 11pm).
Haha, just like me to finish off 2 large full cups of coffee and then immediately take a nap!
GM, if you wake up at the same time every day, your body tends to anticipate it and produce the waking-up horomones and frame of mind just before your alarm, which is one reason why people wake up a little before it or hate waking up. But if you've had the same schedule for years and it was a sudden jump to an hour and a half early, then it's more likely something recently messed up your sleep schedule and it's still affecting you. Hate when that happens, usually lasts for some time, too.
Woo, finally got an email from the study abroad program saying I'm lucky caller number 7 and get to go to Berlin next spring for a semester or more!
Congrats, Zem, that's awesome!
Congrats, Zem, that's awesome!
Congrats, Zem, that's awesome!
Wow, it was so amazing you did a triple-take!
Morning kittens.
Yep, it had nothing to do with the lousy signal I had at the time.
*pokes head in to check in here*
*pokes head out*
*pokes head in*
*shakes it all about*
*does the hokey-pokey*
And he turns himself around. That's what it's ALL A-BOOOUUUUUTTTTT!!
I'm listening to heavy metal right now...
I'm listening to Dream Theater.
Heavy Metal Hokey Pokey... why is this not a thing?! Headbang in, headbang out, headbang in and you thrash it all about.
I'm pretty sure there is one if you look hard enough Zem.
It's kind of like Rule 34 when it comes to songs and metal versions of them.
Rule 666: If a popular song exists, somewhere on the Internet, a heavy metal version of that song exists, as well.
Today feels like an Amon Amarth type of day...possibly Rammstein...
We just watched Forrest Gump, and I just couldn't stop thinking of how high their song budget must've been! Dang, SO many famous songs played for just a few seconds!
Hi Everyone! Received my Tricksters game today! Was worried I may have moved before it showed up! Perfect belated Birthday present. :) (Mine was May 9th)
Morning kittens.
Got my tricksters today as well! Never got tracking information, but that's not too bad since it's here. Perfect week-early birthday present! ;) (25th)
Oh yeah, BaKhan, how's the upright-bass coming along?
I ask because I was reminded of it when I was listening to the Classical station on the radio yesterday and heard this amazing guy on double-bass, Edgar Meyer. Can't find what song it was he played for some reason, but you can take my word for it, it sounded cool.
Morning kittens! My last day of work for a couple of weeks! Getting back June 5th. Can't wait to get to Florida!
@Zem, apparently I'm coming along much faster on the bass than my instructor expected, so thats a good thing. One of the things that probably makes me a music wierdo is I like practicing scales. I've already learned so much over the last two months its incredible. I've played electric bass for 13 years, and now I'm actually filling in the blanks in my education. I always knew that I would need to do this someday, well, someday is here! There are a lot of techniques that are unique to the upright, mostly to do with whats called "shifting", and I'm actually able to hit those blind notes more often than not! I guess it was foolish to be afraid of not having fret markers for so long... ;) In other, yet still related news, my boss is going to an estate sale tomorrow, and one of the items featured is a beautiful Gotz bass (german) from 1962. I'll be out of town, but I told him, if he could get it for $1000 or less, I'd buy it blind. Its a plywood bass, not carved, so it isn't like the highest end or anything, but it looks great in all the pictures! Fingers crossed it works out! My rental costs me $70 a month, so $1000 wouldn't be much more than a years rental. Here's hoping that no one else knows what they're actually worth! ;)
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: That is awesome that you're progressing like that on the bass.
@GM, thanks man, if you make it out to the halloween party this year, I'll be able to show you! ;)
I'm also scared of fretless stringed instruments. Although, I do kind of want to learn the cello...
I should be able to make it. As of right now there is nothing else planned.
Also, if you need help with anything again this year, let me know.
@LZ, don't be ascared! ;) I know what you're thinking, but I admittadly don't have a great "ear", its just something that doesn't come naturally to me. I think the real reason behind this, is because I never really needed to. If the instrument was in tune, the fret would tell you what note you were playing, and the lazy kicks in and you just accept it. When you're playing fretless and you're "shiffting postitions" it does come, and you can hear the notes very clearly, whether or not they are in tune. There are also little tricks to check vs open strings as you are climbing up the neck. Cello is cool, its just like a little bass, like 1/4 scale. ;) The only real challange there would be getting used to the shorter scale neck and how far it is inbetween each note. I tried out a 1/2 scale base the other day, and really that was the only challange. I would feel bad if someone where trying to learn both at the same time, you wouldn't know who to trust!
If I remember correctly(it's been 12 years since I've played the 3/4 Standup Bass) it's something like every 2 inches is a new fret...but I could be wrong since it has been quite a while since I played.
@GM, well you know what kind of crazy we get up to, so I will most likely be giving you a call for help! ;) Plus its fun to hang out with other kittens!
@GM, yeah, thats basically it, till you get to about the 4th position, then it starts to get smaller inbetween. Once you start getting to the 12th position its more like one inch. Thats part of the challange. ;)
@BaKhan: Always happy to help.
I really should focus on one thing at a time, though. I need to get good at the banjo before I worry about cello
I really should focus on one thing at a time, though. I need to get good at the banjo before I worry about cello
I really should focus on one thing at a time, though. I need to get good at the banjo before I worry about cello
And you can tell that I mean it because my phone decided to post it three times
That sounds awesome, BaKhan! Cool, we won't have to rent a chamber ensemble for Kitten Cons if you're there!
In other news, the wall for my new office is finally in place. They still need to mud, sand, and paint it, but I'm able to work in my new office now. It's great to have privacy. It gets a bit chilly because of the 2 foot square (that's 4 square feet) omnidirectional vent in the new office space, which is roughly 8'x11' with no windows. I like it, though. And I get a better signal here than where I was before.
@LZ, honestly, I could see a lot more use for the Banjo than the Cello, unless your into proforming in quartets a lot... ;) How is the banjo playing coming along? I've never played with finger and thumb picks before.
@LZ, it is nice to have an office! They gave me an office a few years ago, and I haven't looked back, so much better than sitting in the cubicals!
The banjo is coming along slowly. Mostly, it's a time thing. Finger and thumb picks definitely take some getting used to.
I've had an office since I became the manager in August of '15, but I was sharing it with three other people. That doesn't work when you need to have sensitive conversations (discipline) or when working on related documents.
Banjo is a time thing? Yeah, it doesn't come naturally until you're sitting on a wooden porch on a hand-whittled rocking chair sipping whiskey and smoking a cigar.
Oh, and the beard. A big, bushy beard is essential.
My oldest brother already has the beard and whiskey down, he's halfway there and he's only 25! He's ahead of his time, really.
So to help learn German, I've changed the language of Fallout 4 to it, and it's really interesting and really does help! It also changes the game in numerous small ways, like perk differences, food/drugs do different things, some places don't exist, dialogue options are far different, etc. This was a really good idea to try!
Hello kittens.
Sorry I've been away for so long. Things are still messy in my life right now so I need your well wishes. Hopefully things will get better.
@BaKhan: I'm so jelly of you right now. Enjoying Disney. Getting on the rides. Just relaxing. Wish I could be there to greet you and the misses.
@Creeper: Happy Belated Birthday. Can't wait to see pictures of the bakery when it opens. Please post them in the litterbox!
@LZ: Glad to see you hanging in there. How much longer do you have to go for treatments?
I forgot so many of us are May Birthday Babies! LZ- isn't your birthday in May?
I tried to read to catch up, but I'm crunched for time and my attention span is so short.
@Geist- I'm so sorry things are messy. I shall send you all the love, kitten kisses (three kittens in backyard currently), and even well wishes from my precious butter knife. :)
If you want to see updates and some new pics- there are some on my campaign page!
Contractors have started work on it, and I'm getting ready for the big move. I gotta say... with everything going on, it will be kinda nice to move to a smaller town. I was at work a block away from that guy who drove the car through times square... and all the political tension... Yeah. Give me farm land, please.
@LZ - I hope you're doing alright! Been thinking about you!
Geist, Creeper! Hi, guys..... holy crap, it took me 15 seconds to remember how to spell "hi"! I tried "Hy" and had to think through like 5 other ways to make that sound!
Anyways, sorry to hear things are still so hard for you, Geist. Hope things get better for you soon. Nice to hear from you, though, we miss you in the daily stuff!
Hey, Creeper, good to hear from you as well! Are you going to update soon?
Speaking of which, where're the other daily guys? BaKhan and GM haven't been here these past 2 days. Usually just us 3 here during the day, and I'm waking up later, so I'm not even around with them for most of the day.
Hi all!
Geist, it's good to hear from you! I'm sending you all my well wishes! I start my second-to-last treatment a week from tomorrow. I'll be so glad when this is all over in July.
Creeper, my birthday is actually in January. Mrs. LZ's birthday and Little LZ'd birthday are in May. Littler LZ's birthday is in August.
Wow, everyone's checking in today!
Wow, already just until July, LZ? That's awesome, it's almost through then, and only 2 more treatments to go!
@Creeper: I was thinking about you when I read about the incident in NY. I was hoping you were unscathed. It's a pity how we treat mental illness in a country as rich as the U.S.
Which reminds me: if everything goes OK, I will be traveling to NY the weekend of June 10th to visit The Strand bookstore. I've wanted to visit for awhile now and I might as well do it before it gets too hot.
Can't get over how big Leo is. Looks like he could tackle a full grown football player.
Morning kittens. Happy Rainy Hump Day.
Morning kittens.
@Geist: I wish it were rainy...it's cooling off a bit, but still a fair bit warm.
How have things been with you GM? Gotten through that barrel of booze yet?
Wait, barrel of booze? Where?! Can I have it right now? >.>
There's a Jack-in-the-Pulpits in the gardens in Omaha, and it's supposed to bloom soon, they only bloom once every many years, but admission is free until it blooms. Yay. My mom absolutely can't wait to smell rotting corpse for some reason, but maybe it'll be fun?
Who DOESN'T want to smell rotting corpse?(Me that's who)
@GM: Didn't you win a wheel barrel full of booze? (Which I think is a wicked prize to win btw)
@Geist: Ah! That one. Actually, it was my parents who won it. It was a good $1,500 worth of hard liquors(Tequila, Rum, Scotch, Bourbon, Vodka, a few Bailey's type coffee creams, and some of those 4-packs of shots they have at the registers in the stores). Haven't really gotten into any of them. Though, my cousin told me about a store that I can visit on the way to the train after work called World of Whiskey. It's about the size of BaKhan's kitchen(maybe a bit larger) and is nothing but Scotch and Whiskey in there....they have three bottles that range from $23,000 - $35,000
@GM: I don't see myself ever paying that much for a bottle of booze. Ever. Unless there is a guarantee that it will give me super powers.
I remember when Cristal was popular and reading about people in the clubs who would order one glass and hold it all night because that is all they could afford. How stupid. If I order a liquid to quaff, I intend to consume it within 10 minutes and order another one.
@Geist: Yup. But part of the reason these ones cost so much is because there are between 50-100 TOTAL in the world of those. They come in very nice crystal decanters, very nice wooden boxes, and with crystal scotch glasses. But aside from that, outside of winning the $50m lottery, there is 0% chance of me ever getting, let alone trying, one of them.
@GM: I like whiskey but not for $23,000. I would have it in a safe at a bank, never drink it and have it in my will.
I don't like the taste of bourbon. Even when I mix it with other stuff.
I wish I could afford a $23k bottle of booze. I wouldn't buy it; I just wish I could afford it.
@LZ: That too. If I could afford that, I wouldn't have any debt at all(still have ~$5-6k in student loans to pay off -.-)
That's about where my student loans are. Then there's the medical debt, which keeps expanding. Cancer is expensive!
@LZ: I don't doubt it. That is definitely one area where it sucks for all of you south of the border. And apparently with the changes being made, somethings are being added under pre-existing conditions that don't make sense(according to one of my friends supposedly acne is now a pre-existing thing that can exclude you from medical benefits...I haven't looked into it myself though to see what is on there or not).
Indeed. Fortunately, all of those bills have failed, except the one that passed the house but is stalling in the senate.
Dude, I wish I had that bottle of whiskey! Just to sell, mind you, not even to drink. I just want that much money as well.
Happy 78th birthday, Sir Ian McKellen!
Also Frank Oz, Mike Meyers, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Cillian Murphy, Demitri Martin, and anybody else in that list whom I didn't recognize.
Wait... he's only 78?! Dude, I thought he was WAY older! He certainly looks older than my grandparents in their mid-80s! Oh well, good to know he possibly has a good decade or even more of acting ahead of him yet!