@Geist, god I hate backers like those whining in the polygons ks. Wha wha wheres my stuff I "ordered", blah blah, refunds, scam, etc., etc. I wish people like that would just stay away from ks, and not ruin things for the rest of us. Its a neat little thing, and thats about it, not the end of the world if its late, its not like a cake didn't get baked because they didn't have a polygon to measure ingredients with. Jeeeez! ;)
@BaKhan: The only time I'm like that is when the creator gives a hard deadline of when it will be out, as they have the product in their possession already.
Is anyone else having issues with KS today where you need to click multiple times in the "Leave a comment" box before it lets you comment? It's only KS that it is happening with, not anywhere else.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-14T10:39:17-04:00
@GM: I'm having the same issues. I was thinking it was the company network doing that.
@Geist: I thought it might be the web browser I use(stuck with Explorer because they won't let us download Chrome, or anything else). But when I tried it on another site, found out it was just KS. Even after I hit Post comment, when the screen refreshes, it will be stuck at the top. Where normally, it would bring the view back down so that the comments are instantly visible.
I'm thinking the KS servers(which they are likely leasing from a web hosting company) might be getting overloaded with the number of comments it's trying to keep track of across all the thousands of campaigns.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-14T10:49:04-04:00
@GM, I haven't noticed any issues from my end. I guess I'll post this and see... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-14T10:49:23-04:00
Nope, worked like normal. Weird.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-14T11:01:08-04:00
@BaKhan: I compare KS to gambling. You are betting money on whether or not you get a product that doesn't exist yet. Sucks when everything fails (pencil dice) or you get an inferior product (tea infuser).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-14T11:19:20-04:00
@Geist, well overwhelmingly, the ks's I've backed have been good. I've only had a couple of bad eggs. One that says they delivered, but didn't and didn't do anything about it. One that just failed to get into production. One that lied, and lied, and lied, and then lied some more, shipped out around 70% of what they owed me, and are still promising to deliver the rest, now some four years after the ks was supposed to have shipped. One that is also close to four years late, but the creator has offered other backers refunds, and promises mine are almost complete. One that delievered but the product that they sent was inferior/faulty and they still haven't made any headway on fixing it, so probably a write off (which sucks cause I really really wanted that one to work - wireless guitar connections). But over all, I've had really good luck with ks, far better than my luck with gambling... ;) The key is, for this ks game, you need patience, things take longer than anyone could expect, and backers need to realize that they are backers and not customers. Theres a big difference there.
@BaKhan: I've had 2 that I received refunds for(one canceled the production of the item well after campaign was completed, the other made so many changes and took so long to find a manufacturer that I requested the refund as it was no longer what I had pledged for, or something I needed anymore), 1 that in 5 years has never shipped, 1 that took 2 years to ship(it was a deck of cards of all things), and I have 20+ that are still in production with regular updates from the creators. There are a few that there has been little to no communication from the creators, and of those one said that everything was going to be shipped by May 26th as there was less than 90 backers total(was being shipped from Vancouver where they are based out of).
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-14T13:46:09-04:00
Out of 203 that I have backed, only 4 or 5 were duds. That is an excellent percentage to have. I would probably be more upset if I dropped $75 dollars or more and didn't get anything. I tend not to back anything mechanical since those tend to be very flawed or out right duds. If the campaign is a success, I'll gladly pay the higher price for a working model.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-15T09:19:14-04:00
Morning kittens!
Is it just me or is this week flying by? I can't believe its thursday already!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-15T10:28:53-04:00
@BaKhan: I don't know about the week but ever since I've been coming to work at 5:15 am, the day flies by. By the time the rest of the office comes in, my day is half done.
The stress level before going on vacation because people aren't verifying as they should be(especially when they know what they used to get paid, and what they should be due to receiving a raise...and they are a manager/director who sees it biweekly) is too damn high.
Apparently I missed entering two manager's raises(one being a district manager), and they went straight to the VP of US ops, rather than coming to me and asking what happened. -.-
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-15T12:43:58-04:00
@GM, that sucks, and is total bs. If people go over my head here, I always make them pay somehow. Its my nature. Got a problem with me, or my actions (or lack there of) come to me. Bring it to my manager, especially to try and get me in sh*t, get ready for the big payback! Gotta love James Brown... ;)
@BaKhan: I would prefer they came to me directly, as I usually have 9,000x more information, and easier to access information, than the higher ups that they go to. And I can always work it out with them quite rapidly to get things resolved(still did get it resolved quickly today...just doing an off-cycle for payment tomorrow).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-15T15:15:52-04:00
@GM, exactly! No need for the petty bs. Bring me your issue, and I will fix it, and/or explain myself.
I also got word that one of my manager's friends might be calling me about a possible job offer(if they bring their payroll in house rather than outsource it). Not sure what the company is, but my manager did say that they pay well, and have good benefits AND flex days...so hopefully it happens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-15T16:27:51-04:00
@GM, well hey, that sounds promising! Fingers crossed for you!
Not sure if it's going to happen, since everything is up in the air currently for them apparently, but the prospect of it is there.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-15T17:52:51-04:00
*finger crossing intesifies*
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-15T17:53:11-04:00
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-15T18:14:31-04:00
Good luck, GM!
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-15T18:18:06-04:00
Today's been a hectic one. The Lab Informatics System (LIS) server died last night. That meant everyone was running around like a head with its chicken cut off this morning, trying to fix issues.
This is only a day after I just barely learned that one of our reference labs has never gotten any diagnosis codes from us because their system truncates the order message we send them, and the requisitions we send don't have the option to populate the Dx code space. Gaaah!
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-15T18:21:34-04:00
Also, I saw today that some of the phlebotomists were going through the tedious process of transcribing patient check-in slips and cross-referencing them with draw times and calculating wait times...for a different location. I look at it and said the whole process was nuts and then wrote a simple Excel program to do most of the work for them.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-16T06:31:47-04:00
Morning kittens! Happy Friday!
I'm leaving early today because I'm volunteering at Awesome Con. Washington, D.C's home grown comic convention and this year they managed to have Stan Lee and David Tennant in attendance. Last year they had Adam West and Burt Ward there. I will always regret not making the time to see them since Adam is now gone.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-16T09:10:03-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-16T09:12:13-04:00
@LZ, that sounds like a nightmare! It will never cease to frustrate the hell out of me that our systems don't talk to each other properly! I mean, isn't tech theoretically supposed to make our lives easier? Its like, you've got one job. Do your job! ;) Hopefully they get it sorted soon, and it doesn't cause too much grief in the mean time. And not to go into "not my job" territory, but why doesn't that other location do their own damn work? ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-16T10:00:52-04:00
@Geist, congrats, and fun at the con! Say hi to Stan for me! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-16T10:34:16-04:00
@BaKhan: I'll try to post some pictures in the litter box. I love looking at all of the costumes that people wear and there are two game rooms that people get to enjoy. I love the table top game room. Lots of new board games to play.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-16T10:36:07-04:00
@Geist, thats the one thing I wish that they had here for the comicon. They do have a games area, but its dead. Nothing new, no one showing off any demos or anything. Just a bunch of people playing magic... sigh. Have fun!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-16T10:52:57-04:00
@BaKhan: There are two game rooms at our convention. One with lots of video games that you can play and the board game room. I love both and spend at least 3 hours of time enjoying them. I'm not a big video game fan but I love watching others playing.
10 more minutes and I'm off of work. Have a fun weekend kittens!!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-16T10:58:26-04:00
@Geist, enjoy! I'll just be over here, by myself, feeling jelly.
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-16T12:05:14-04:00
I agree, BaKhan, they should do their own damn work. But, the phlebs here tend to be primadonnas about any perceived extra work. I'm not actually their boss, so it's not actually my problem, but I am technically higher on the totem pole than the phlebotomy manager, so I expect that they will cooperate with what I've done.
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-16T12:06:08-04:00
I was surprised today to get an email, letting me know that Chessplus has been funded. I didn't think it would meet its goal.
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-16T14:34:13-04:00
I showed the phlebotomy manager my creation today. She's super excited about it.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-16T15:39:09-04:00
@LZ, well I'm glad that they appreciate what you've done for them at least! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-17T21:24:21-04:00
Hola! Did you miss me?
I don't know why I haven't been checking in, but hey, here I am. Basically so far, lots of driving, a bit of rain, seafood, and awesome scenery and stuff. So far we've mostly seen just a whole bunch of national parks and landmarks, like 2 or 3 a day, plus coastline, through Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, and New Hampshire. But tomorrow is the start of the best stuff, the coast of Maine and thence up to Canada! Actually, I think we'll cross the border 4 times, one time at Niagara and once literally just for lunch! ;)
Well, I say best stuff, but Cape Cod was awesome as well.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-17T21:52:54-04:00
Now for 6 days of catching up... I don't know why I haven't, I just needed to plug my computer in somewhere, but to save money and for fun, we're camping (in a tent) all the way except for maybe 3 nights, one being tonight in a super overpriced motel.
You took the job BaKhan? Awesome! Hope the opportunity develops itself and changes your life! (for the better of course)
Plushies?! Dude, I need to check this out! ... when I get back. Man I'm going to have some catching up to do when I return!
Holy cow, you guys back alot of things! I've backed maybe more than my budget allows, but it's nowhere near any of you!
"Is it just me or is this week flying by? I can't believe its thursday already!"
Tell me about it! In a couple days, we'll already be halfway done with the trip! I guess it goes faster because I don't tend to pay attention to and remember the driving parts, which is the majority so far.
Over 2100 miles so far, and very likely over 5000 by the end of the trip!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-17T22:50:39-04:00
But yeah, I feel so out of my element on this trip. I'm from the very center of a continent, a thousand miles from my nearest local ocean. Suddenly, 2 1/2 weeks and thousands of miles of coastline and seafood. My brain can't keep up with all the water!
Did you know it comes in two flavors now? Fresh AND sea salt!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-19T06:16:10-04:00
Morning kittens!
Awesome Con was...awesome. I got to see Stan Lee (didn't get an autograph or picture but I got to see him walking by) and had loads of fun hanging out in the table top game room. I'll post pictures this week in the litter box. (Hopefully I can retrieve the password from the site)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-19T09:21:31-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-19T09:22:33-04:00
@Zem, glad you're enjoying your trip! I've always wanted to do that trip up the east coast as well! So much history, and fantastic seafood! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-19T09:24:37-04:00
@Geist, I'm so glad you had a good time! You've needed some fun! I got to see Stan Lee a couple of years ago at our Comic Con, I can't believe how good he looks for a fella his age! Doing what you love for work really agrees with him I guess! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-19T10:46:28-04:00
@BaKhan: Did you get Stan's autograph? He is 95 years old and while he looks fragile (there was a strict "no touching him" policy in place) he walks pretty fast without a cane.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-19T10:50:55-04:00
@Geist, no, I didn't want to spend that much (even if it was for charity), and I've never really been a comic collector. Seeing him in person was enough for me! He seemed mighty agile for someone of that age to me.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-19T11:27:21-04:00
@BaKhan: I heard ya. He was charging $120 for a signature and $120.00 for a photo with him. I was assigned to his booth so I got to see him on Friday and that was enough for me.
They also had an Adam West display where you could write your condolences on.
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-19T13:01:15-04:00
See, I have friends who get between 4 and 10 photos at every con. Not just the main Salt Lake Comic Con, either. We have one six months later called FanX (an offshoot of Salt Lake Comic Con), so these people get between 8 and 20 photos per year! I'm glad they think it's worth it, but I think it's a colossal waste of money. I don't get star struck, though.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-19T23:33:59-04:00
@Creeper: Hola! How is the shop coming along? Is little Leo settling in ok?
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-20T06:08:18-04:00
@LZ: I've only ever paid for an autograph twice. Last year when I paid $55 for Ron Perlman's signature and $25 for one of the actors in the Hellraiser movie. I mostly get autographed books from authors. Those I place a higher value on than the ones I'd get in a comic convention.
Although, I might spring $55 for a picture with John Barrowman. He is so funny and seems to be up for any pose. His discussion panels are great entertainment and I will make it my business to attend his next year.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-20T06:08:49-04:00
Morning kittens. Busy day since the check run is next week and I have a ton of processing to do.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-20T09:09:34-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-20T09:13:28-04:00
@LZ, yeah, I guess for some the thrill of it is worth it? I don't know, we're in the same camp, its nice to see them, but meh, I don't need an autograph or a photo. When I was a kid my hockey team won a practice at Northlands Colosseum, where the Edmonton Oilers played. The Oilers were coming in as we were leaving. There was mad rush to get the great one's (Wayne Gretsky) autograph, he signed two and took off. I was so let down and ever since then I've thought, meh, its just an autograph. That might have something to do with it. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-20T09:14:03-04:00
@Creeper, congrats! Your bakery must be just about ready to go? Whoop whoop!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-20T09:22:21-04:00
@Geist, good luck with your day, you can do it!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-20T09:28:58-04:00
@BaKhan: I think there are two reasons people want the autographs.
It gives you a piece of the star you admire and that signature value. I'm sure Adam West's signature became more valuable since his death.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-20T09:41:13-04:00
@Geist, I agree with that, but I'd reverse the order maybe? It seems like so many people just get the autograph for the resale value. To each their own I say! I'd rather spend $120 on a game that we'd get hours and hours of enjoyment out of than some ink on a page... ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-20T12:57:42-04:00
I might be able to be persuaded to get a photo with John Barrowman, but it's like you said: it's because the guy is funny and willing to do just about any pose. The problem I'd have is coming up with a clever enough pose.
@bakhan- thanks! Not quite. I went up there today to work on tearing out more kitchen floor.
Contractors are nowhere near where I wanted them- but now that I'm here, I think they'll be moving a lot faster. They finished the hardest part, rest should be a lot simpler.
And I have a daily panic attack about money and bills. Like the deposit to pay for electric?? $658 up front! Wtf?!?!?
And Leo is settling in really well. He loves his new home with soooo many birds and flying creatures by the window.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-20T14:41:25-04:00
@Creeper, thats the problem with starting something new. There are so many what ifs, hidden costs, and I didn't expects... But, I know you can do it! Think about how mentally tough you'll be after you get this bakery up and running! The world could end the next day and you'll be like, yeah, I got this! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-20T14:41:53-04:00
The BvB update was the cats ass, so to speak... ;)
Yeah- it's had its ups and downs. But generally I've been fortunate. Have most of the kitchen equipment that I've found in good condition and the people that have sold it to me have been incredibly kind. It's so much easier buying things from people in the Midwest than in NYC.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-21T09:24:03-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-21T09:34:15-04:00
So I had a customer blow up on me over the phone this morning, which is a job hazzard and pretty par for the course. But it really stuck with me, I'm still pretty po'd. I'd never just walk off this job, but I was sure tempted. I really wanted to just hang up on him tbh. Last week flew by, the rest of the time I think is going to crawl. So much for nostalgia... ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-21T13:07:52-04:00
It's unfortunate that people can't be civil, even when they disagree with what's happening. I've had people blow up at me with the preface of "I know this isn't your fault but..." and then they start pitching a fit. I'm like, dude! If you know it's not my fault, then there's no reason to get loud and angry with me! It makes me so much less inclined to help people like that.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-21T14:47:09-04:00
@LZ, totally. Not only that, but because of the way I was raised, it incites me. It makes me angry, and on the offensive, and I hate that about myself. I hate that I have an "easy button". Its like they are able to cut through all the years of effort I've put into making myself a more reasonable and imo, better person. The second someone yells at me, I just want to punch them right in the face. Insta rage, skip the simmering anger part. I don't do it(well haven't in over 10 years), but damn its my first inclination to... sigh.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-22T09:13:10-04:00
Morning kittens.
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-22T13:30:28-04:00
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-23T09:05:58-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-23T09:06:10-04:00
Happy Friday!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-23T17:09:23-04:00
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-23T22:44:28-04:00
Whoo! Staying in a nice motel tonight because tomorrow we're hiking Mount Katahdin (just to say we did) and there's a high chance of thunderstorms tonight, and after 2 weeks of camping in the damp of the coast, we figured we could skip one night of super wet stuff and miserable conditions, not to mention packing up a soaking wet tent, all before a rigorous hike (most likely a very muddy one). But hey, because of that, I have a plug-in and internet, so I'm not complaining! ;)
So, update since last you heard from me. When was that? ... Haha, 6 days again! Night before we got to Maine.
Acadia was awesome. The one bad thing about this style of travel is not being able to spend much time in any one place, and Acadia definitely made me want to come back. Great hiking, beautiful coastline, and Thunder Hole is just plain entertaining!
Going all the way up the Bay of Fundy, it was incredible! We spent most of a day at Reversing Falls, totally worth it! We saw 21 foot tides. Man, I'm learning alot about tides. Though it's not as spectacular as everyone says, it's so amazing to watch in action, you just have to experience it. It's crazy to sit on some gravel and think that in 6 hours the water will be 15 feet above you! A whole valley opens up. And as you go further up the Bay, it just gets even crazier, something like 54 feet.
Today we visited Canada again, Saint Andrews I think it was, and were pleasantly surprised by Minister's Island. Well worth checking out! Only 30-something foot tides, though...
And of course we hit up a Tim Horton's on the way back.
Sorry for the long block of type, makes up for a week of being gone I guess.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-23T23:03:52-04:00
Wow, even longer than I thought. Interesting, though, if you miss me as much as I know you all do.
Now to catch up on another 6 days of out-of-the-loop-ness!
WOOOOO!!! BvB is shipping! Can't wait at all! Hope it gets there at about the same time as me! Though I likely won't be able to check for a shipping notification until I get back anyways.
Morning, Happy Friday.
BaKhan, you're totally right about the seafood! Though a bit expensive, obviously... We poor land-locked folk have it rough! Then again, in Nebraska, all beef including steak is pretty dang cheap, so it's a worthy trade. Full homemade steak dinner for right around $20? Heck yeah!
I'll miss the lobster though. I've had more on this trip than in my entire life!
Geist, on the Con, that's so cool! Yeah, I'm always amazed how healthy he seems for someone his age, though I think I remember he's not as well off as he seems. I hope he lives a good 30+ more years, though, this world won't be the same without him!
That update was amazing! They put a ton of effort into that! That's one of the things I've always loved about the Team.
Creeper, it's just growing pains, it's a sign that you're making progress! Stuff like that. Really, though, ouch, but once you get the ball rolling down the other side of the hill, I know it's going to surprise you how well it'll take off! Until then, we're all pushing it up alongside you! Kinda wish I could go down there and help get it set up personally, but I'm busy pretty much all summer. I'd love to do something like that for once, though, especially since someone's finally a day's drive from me.
I'll just have work overtime throwing extra positivity and prayers your way! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-23T23:07:13-04:00
Sorry, I know most of you will check this monday morning and be tired and busy. Don't worry if you're a bit rushed for time, just read this later during a slow time when you're bored and would like to catch up with me!
Heck, I likely won't even be able to check it for most of a week, so if it takes you a day to read all that, it doesn't make a difference to me! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-23T23:19:50-04:00
Oh yeah, sorry, one more thing.
I forgot to mention that at Reversing Falls, we got bonus entertainment in the boring parts: a team of archaeologists from University of New Brunswick were excavating a local site with plenty of shells, some arrowheads, and pottery! They were pretty interesting to talk with, and just as we got there to ask them about something we found (thought it might be an arrowhead, still might be, but also has a fossil on it!), they made a big discovery and an exciting 7-trowel operation happened to pull out the giant whatever it was. A big bunch of dirt they said they saw pottery and bone in.
I expect to have interviews with scientific journals inquiring about being present during the find of the century within the week.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-26T06:33:38-04:00
Morning kittens. Sorry I've been so quiet. It's the end of the financial year and it has been nothing but long (unpaid) days and stress. I've asked my supervisor for Friday off. Hopefully she'll give it to me because I need to catch up on a bunch of stuff.
@BaKhan: Hopefully last week was your last day at your old job and you start this new one with renewed vigor and joy. I envy you.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-26T09:29:14-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-26T09:30:55-04:00
@Geist, nope, my last day here will be July 14th, if they don't let me take the rest of my time off, if they don't they will have to pay me out for it, so it would be like an extra pay check. I can do, I'm just having a hard time dealing with stupid people, and as I get closer to the end, its getting harder. I have to keep reminding myself, professionalism and patience... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-26T09:32:03-04:00
@Zem, it sounds like a fantastic trip! I'm glad you're having a good time!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-26T09:39:56-04:00
@Geist, I hope you get your day off, sounds like its not even optional at this point! Best of luck!
First day back, and looks like a long day of fixing stuff
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-26T10:38:35-04:00
@BaKhan: I would be giving difficult customers a shit eating grin knowing that I'll be leaving. That is what I did at the last retail job I had. I just kept dancing around, happy that I was leaving and being rather blunt with customers.
Me: Yea, the prices are a bit high but the next time the CEO comes over to my house for a booty call, I'll be sure to let him know of your concerns.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-26T11:46:08-04:00
And now the system is acting like a fool. I have a ton of vouchers I need to go over and the system has crashed.
To top it all of, it looks like I won't get that day off. *sigh* Where is the nearest bar?
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-26T14:41:57-04:00
Geist, that sucks. You deserve a day off. End of fiscal year is the worst.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-27T09:16:46-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-27T09:19:06-04:00
@Geist, I'm doing the best I can with it. Some of these people have just become so needy, I don't know what they're going to do when I'm not here anymore. I may be good at what I do, but I'm certainly not the only one... I guess they'll need to figure that out for themselves though. ;) Sorry to hear that your day off wasn't approved, that really sucks! Hopefully you can still have a good weekend anyways!
@Geist, god I hate backers like those whining in the polygons ks. Wha wha wheres my stuff I "ordered", blah blah, refunds, scam, etc., etc. I wish people like that would just stay away from ks, and not ruin things for the rest of us. Its a neat little thing, and thats about it, not the end of the world if its late, its not like a cake didn't get baked because they didn't have a polygon to measure ingredients with. Jeeeez! ;)
@BaKhan: The only time I'm like that is when the creator gives a hard deadline of when it will be out, as they have the product in their possession already.
Is anyone else having issues with KS today where you need to click multiple times in the "Leave a comment" box before it lets you comment? It's only KS that it is happening with, not anywhere else.
@GM: I'm having the same issues. I was thinking it was the company network doing that.
@Geist: I thought it might be the web browser I use(stuck with Explorer because they won't let us download Chrome, or anything else). But when I tried it on another site, found out it was just KS. Even after I hit Post comment, when the screen refreshes, it will be stuck at the top. Where normally, it would bring the view back down so that the comments are instantly visible.
I'm thinking the KS servers(which they are likely leasing from a web hosting company) might be getting overloaded with the number of comments it's trying to keep track of across all the thousands of campaigns.
@GM, I haven't noticed any issues from my end. I guess I'll post this and see... ;)
Nope, worked like normal. Weird.
@BaKhan: I compare KS to gambling. You are betting money on whether or not you get a product that doesn't exist yet. Sucks when everything fails (pencil dice) or you get an inferior product (tea infuser).
@Geist, well overwhelmingly, the ks's I've backed have been good. I've only had a couple of bad eggs. One that says they delivered, but didn't and didn't do anything about it. One that just failed to get into production. One that lied, and lied, and lied, and then lied some more, shipped out around 70% of what they owed me, and are still promising to deliver the rest, now some four years after the ks was supposed to have shipped. One that is also close to four years late, but the creator has offered other backers refunds, and promises mine are almost complete. One that delievered but the product that they sent was inferior/faulty and they still haven't made any headway on fixing it, so probably a write off (which sucks cause I really really wanted that one to work - wireless guitar connections). But over all, I've had really good luck with ks, far better than my luck with gambling... ;) The key is, for this ks game, you need patience, things take longer than anyone could expect, and backers need to realize that they are backers and not customers. Theres a big difference there.
@BaKhan: I've had 2 that I received refunds for(one canceled the production of the item well after campaign was completed, the other made so many changes and took so long to find a manufacturer that I requested the refund as it was no longer what I had pledged for, or something I needed anymore), 1 that in 5 years has never shipped, 1 that took 2 years to ship(it was a deck of cards of all things), and I have 20+ that are still in production with regular updates from the creators. There are a few that there has been little to no communication from the creators, and of those one said that everything was going to be shipped by May 26th as there was less than 90 backers total(was being shipped from Vancouver where they are based out of).
Out of 203 that I have backed, only 4 or 5 were duds. That is an excellent percentage to have. I would probably be more upset if I dropped $75 dollars or more and didn't get anything. I tend not to back anything mechanical since those tend to be very flawed or out right duds. If the campaign is a success, I'll gladly pay the higher price for a working model.
Morning kittens!
Is it just me or is this week flying by? I can't believe its thursday already!
@BaKhan: I don't know about the week but ever since I've been coming to work at 5:15 am, the day flies by. By the time the rest of the office comes in, my day is half done.
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: I know! I can't believe it's already Friday. :P
@Geist, I always show up here early as well, its nice to get some work done before all the chaos errupts! ;)
@GM, ahhh you have tomorrow off then I take it? Good for you! Any big plans?
Not really...just relax for the next 10 days(I don't come back to work until the 26th)
@GM, ah yes, I had forgotten, well congrats! And enjoy!
I agree about the week having wings.
The stress level before going on vacation because people aren't verifying as they should be(especially when they know what they used to get paid, and what they should be due to receiving a raise...and they are a manager/director who sees it biweekly) is too damn high.
Apparently I missed entering two manager's raises(one being a district manager), and they went straight to the VP of US ops, rather than coming to me and asking what happened. -.-
@GM, that sucks, and is total bs. If people go over my head here, I always make them pay somehow. Its my nature. Got a problem with me, or my actions (or lack there of) come to me. Bring it to my manager, especially to try and get me in sh*t, get ready for the big payback! Gotta love James Brown... ;)
@BaKhan: I would prefer they came to me directly, as I usually have 9,000x more information, and easier to access information, than the higher ups that they go to. And I can always work it out with them quite rapidly to get things resolved(still did get it resolved quickly today...just doing an off-cycle for payment tomorrow).
@GM, exactly! No need for the petty bs. Bring me your issue, and I will fix it, and/or explain myself.
I also got word that one of my manager's friends might be calling me about a possible job offer(if they bring their payroll in house rather than outsource it). Not sure what the company is, but my manager did say that they pay well, and have good benefits AND flex days...so hopefully it happens.
@GM, well hey, that sounds promising! Fingers crossed for you!
Not sure if it's going to happen, since everything is up in the air currently for them apparently, but the prospect of it is there.
*finger crossing intesifies*
Good luck, GM!
Today's been a hectic one. The Lab Informatics System (LIS) server died last night. That meant everyone was running around like a head with its chicken cut off this morning, trying to fix issues.
This is only a day after I just barely learned that one of our reference labs has never gotten any diagnosis codes from us because their system truncates the order message we send them, and the requisitions we send don't have the option to populate the Dx code space. Gaaah!
Also, I saw today that some of the phlebotomists were going through the tedious process of transcribing patient check-in slips and cross-referencing them with draw times and calculating wait times...for a different location. I look at it and said the whole process was nuts and then wrote a simple Excel program to do most of the work for them.
Morning kittens! Happy Friday!
I'm leaving early today because I'm volunteering at Awesome Con. Washington, D.C's home grown comic convention and this year they managed to have Stan Lee and David Tennant in attendance. Last year they had Adam West and Burt Ward there. I will always regret not making the time to see them since Adam is now gone.
Morning kittens!
@LZ, that sounds like a nightmare! It will never cease to frustrate the hell out of me that our systems don't talk to each other properly! I mean, isn't tech theoretically supposed to make our lives easier? Its like, you've got one job. Do your job! ;) Hopefully they get it sorted soon, and it doesn't cause too much grief in the mean time. And not to go into "not my job" territory, but why doesn't that other location do their own damn work? ;)
@Geist, congrats, and fun at the con! Say hi to Stan for me! ;)
@BaKhan: I'll try to post some pictures in the litter box. I love looking at all of the costumes that people wear and there are two game rooms that people get to enjoy. I love the table top game room. Lots of new board games to play.
@Geist, thats the one thing I wish that they had here for the comicon. They do have a games area, but its dead. Nothing new, no one showing off any demos or anything. Just a bunch of people playing magic... sigh. Have fun!
@BaKhan: There are two game rooms at our convention. One with lots of video games that you can play and the board game room. I love both and spend at least 3 hours of time enjoying them. I'm not a big video game fan but I love watching others playing.
10 more minutes and I'm off of work. Have a fun weekend kittens!!
@Geist, enjoy! I'll just be over here, by myself, feeling jelly.
I agree, BaKhan, they should do their own damn work. But, the phlebs here tend to be primadonnas about any perceived extra work. I'm not actually their boss, so it's not actually my problem, but I am technically higher on the totem pole than the phlebotomy manager, so I expect that they will cooperate with what I've done.
I was surprised today to get an email, letting me know that Chessplus has been funded. I didn't think it would meet its goal.
I showed the phlebotomy manager my creation today. She's super excited about it.
@LZ, well I'm glad that they appreciate what you've done for them at least! ;)
Hola! Did you miss me?
I don't know why I haven't been checking in, but hey, here I am. Basically so far, lots of driving, a bit of rain, seafood, and awesome scenery and stuff. So far we've mostly seen just a whole bunch of national parks and landmarks, like 2 or 3 a day, plus coastline, through Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, and New Hampshire. But tomorrow is the start of the best stuff, the coast of Maine and thence up to Canada! Actually, I think we'll cross the border 4 times, one time at Niagara and once literally just for lunch! ;)
Well, I say best stuff, but Cape Cod was awesome as well.
Now for 6 days of catching up... I don't know why I haven't, I just needed to plug my computer in somewhere, but to save money and for fun, we're camping (in a tent) all the way except for maybe 3 nights, one being tonight in a super overpriced motel.
You took the job BaKhan? Awesome! Hope the opportunity develops itself and changes your life! (for the better of course)
Plushies?! Dude, I need to check this out! ... when I get back. Man I'm going to have some catching up to do when I return!
Holy cow, you guys back alot of things! I've backed maybe more than my budget allows, but it's nowhere near any of you!
"Is it just me or is this week flying by? I can't believe its thursday already!"
Tell me about it! In a couple days, we'll already be halfway done with the trip! I guess it goes faster because I don't tend to pay attention to and remember the driving parts, which is the majority so far.
Over 2100 miles so far, and very likely over 5000 by the end of the trip!
But yeah, I feel so out of my element on this trip. I'm from the very center of a continent, a thousand miles from my nearest local ocean. Suddenly, 2 1/2 weeks and thousands of miles of coastline and seafood. My brain can't keep up with all the water!
Did you know it comes in two flavors now? Fresh AND sea salt!
Morning kittens!
Awesome Con was...awesome. I got to see Stan Lee (didn't get an autograph or picture but I got to see him walking by) and had loads of fun hanging out in the table top game room. I'll post pictures this week in the litter box. (Hopefully I can retrieve the password from the site)
Morning kittens!
@Zem, glad you're enjoying your trip! I've always wanted to do that trip up the east coast as well! So much history, and fantastic seafood! ;)
@Geist, I'm so glad you had a good time! You've needed some fun! I got to see Stan Lee a couple of years ago at our Comic Con, I can't believe how good he looks for a fella his age! Doing what you love for work really agrees with him I guess! ;)
@BaKhan: Did you get Stan's autograph? He is 95 years old and while he looks fragile (there was a strict "no touching him" policy in place) he walks pretty fast without a cane.
@Geist, no, I didn't want to spend that much (even if it was for charity), and I've never really been a comic collector. Seeing him in person was enough for me! He seemed mighty agile for someone of that age to me.
@BaKhan: I heard ya. He was charging $120 for a signature and $120.00 for a photo with him. I was assigned to his booth so I got to see him on Friday and that was enough for me.
They also had an Adam West display where you could write your condolences on.
See, I have friends who get between 4 and 10 photos at every con. Not just the main Salt Lake Comic Con, either. We have one six months later called FanX (an offshoot of Salt Lake Comic Con), so these people get between 8 and 20 photos per year! I'm glad they think it's worth it, but I think it's a colossal waste of money. I don't get star struck, though.
sleepy baking kitten is sleepy. so so sleepy.
I'm back in missouri!!
And yay Geist!!! Glad you had such a good time!
@Creeper: Hola! How is the shop coming along? Is little Leo settling in ok?
@LZ: I've only ever paid for an autograph twice. Last year when I paid $55 for Ron Perlman's signature and $25 for one of the actors in the Hellraiser movie. I mostly get autographed books from authors. Those I place a higher value on than the ones I'd get in a comic convention.
Although, I might spring $55 for a picture with John Barrowman. He is so funny and seems to be up for any pose. His discussion panels are great entertainment and I will make it my business to attend his next year.
Morning kittens. Busy day since the check run is next week and I have a ton of processing to do.
Morning kittens!
@LZ, yeah, I guess for some the thrill of it is worth it? I don't know, we're in the same camp, its nice to see them, but meh, I don't need an autograph or a photo. When I was a kid my hockey team won a practice at Northlands Colosseum, where the Edmonton Oilers played. The Oilers were coming in as we were leaving. There was mad rush to get the great one's (Wayne Gretsky) autograph, he signed two and took off. I was so let down and ever since then I've thought, meh, its just an autograph. That might have something to do with it. ;)
@Creeper, congrats! Your bakery must be just about ready to go? Whoop whoop!
@Geist, good luck with your day, you can do it!
@BaKhan: I think there are two reasons people want the autographs.
It gives you a piece of the star you admire and that signature value. I'm sure Adam West's signature became more valuable since his death.
@Geist, I agree with that, but I'd reverse the order maybe? It seems like so many people just get the autograph for the resale value. To each their own I say! I'd rather spend $120 on a game that we'd get hours and hours of enjoyment out of than some ink on a page... ;)
I might be able to be persuaded to get a photo with John Barrowman, but it's like you said: it's because the guy is funny and willing to do just about any pose. The problem I'd have is coming up with a clever enough pose.
Okay, that BvB update was awesome!
I loved the update!
@bakhan- thanks! Not quite. I went up there today to work on tearing out more kitchen floor.
Contractors are nowhere near where I wanted them- but now that I'm here, I think they'll be moving a lot faster. They finished the hardest part, rest should be a lot simpler.
And I have a daily panic attack about money and bills. Like the deposit to pay for electric?? $658 up front! Wtf?!?!?
And Leo is settling in really well. He loves his new home with soooo many birds and flying creatures by the window.
@Creeper, thats the problem with starting something new. There are so many what ifs, hidden costs, and I didn't expects... But, I know you can do it! Think about how mentally tough you'll be after you get this bakery up and running! The world could end the next day and you'll be like, yeah, I got this! ;)
The BvB update was the cats ass, so to speak... ;)
Yeah- it's had its ups and downs. But generally I've been fortunate. Have most of the kitchen equipment that I've found in good condition and the people that have sold it to me have been incredibly kind. It's so much easier buying things from people in the Midwest than in NYC.
Morning kittens!
So I had a customer blow up on me over the phone this morning, which is a job hazzard and pretty par for the course. But it really stuck with me, I'm still pretty po'd. I'd never just walk off this job, but I was sure tempted. I really wanted to just hang up on him tbh. Last week flew by, the rest of the time I think is going to crawl. So much for nostalgia... ;)
It's unfortunate that people can't be civil, even when they disagree with what's happening. I've had people blow up at me with the preface of "I know this isn't your fault but..." and then they start pitching a fit. I'm like, dude! If you know it's not my fault, then there's no reason to get loud and angry with me! It makes me so much less inclined to help people like that.
@LZ, totally. Not only that, but because of the way I was raised, it incites me. It makes me angry, and on the offensive, and I hate that about myself. I hate that I have an "easy button". Its like they are able to cut through all the years of effort I've put into making myself a more reasonable and imo, better person. The second someone yells at me, I just want to punch them right in the face. Insta rage, skip the simmering anger part. I don't do it(well haven't in over 10 years), but damn its my first inclination to... sigh.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
Happy Friday!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Whoo! Staying in a nice motel tonight because tomorrow we're hiking Mount Katahdin (just to say we did) and there's a high chance of thunderstorms tonight, and after 2 weeks of camping in the damp of the coast, we figured we could skip one night of super wet stuff and miserable conditions, not to mention packing up a soaking wet tent, all before a rigorous hike (most likely a very muddy one). But hey, because of that, I have a plug-in and internet, so I'm not complaining! ;)
So, update since last you heard from me. When was that? ... Haha, 6 days again! Night before we got to Maine.
Acadia was awesome. The one bad thing about this style of travel is not being able to spend much time in any one place, and Acadia definitely made me want to come back. Great hiking, beautiful coastline, and Thunder Hole is just plain entertaining!
Going all the way up the Bay of Fundy, it was incredible! We spent most of a day at Reversing Falls, totally worth it! We saw 21 foot tides. Man, I'm learning alot about tides. Though it's not as spectacular as everyone says, it's so amazing to watch in action, you just have to experience it. It's crazy to sit on some gravel and think that in 6 hours the water will be 15 feet above you! A whole valley opens up. And as you go further up the Bay, it just gets even crazier, something like 54 feet.
Today we visited Canada again, Saint Andrews I think it was, and were pleasantly surprised by Minister's Island. Well worth checking out! Only 30-something foot tides, though...
And of course we hit up a Tim Horton's on the way back.
Sorry for the long block of type, makes up for a week of being gone I guess.
Wow, even longer than I thought. Interesting, though, if you miss me as much as I know you all do.
Now to catch up on another 6 days of out-of-the-loop-ness!
WOOOOO!!! BvB is shipping! Can't wait at all! Hope it gets there at about the same time as me! Though I likely won't be able to check for a shipping notification until I get back anyways.
Morning, Happy Friday.
BaKhan, you're totally right about the seafood! Though a bit expensive, obviously... We poor land-locked folk have it rough! Then again, in Nebraska, all beef including steak is pretty dang cheap, so it's a worthy trade. Full homemade steak dinner for right around $20? Heck yeah!
I'll miss the lobster though. I've had more on this trip than in my entire life!
Geist, on the Con, that's so cool! Yeah, I'm always amazed how healthy he seems for someone his age, though I think I remember he's not as well off as he seems. I hope he lives a good 30+ more years, though, this world won't be the same without him!
That update was amazing! They put a ton of effort into that! That's one of the things I've always loved about the Team.
Creeper, it's just growing pains, it's a sign that you're making progress! Stuff like that. Really, though, ouch, but once you get the ball rolling down the other side of the hill, I know it's going to surprise you how well it'll take off! Until then, we're all pushing it up alongside you! Kinda wish I could go down there and help get it set up personally, but I'm busy pretty much all summer. I'd love to do something like that for once, though, especially since someone's finally a day's drive from me.
I'll just have work overtime throwing extra positivity and prayers your way! ;)
Sorry, I know most of you will check this monday morning and be tired and busy. Don't worry if you're a bit rushed for time, just read this later during a slow time when you're bored and would like to catch up with me!
Heck, I likely won't even be able to check it for most of a week, so if it takes you a day to read all that, it doesn't make a difference to me! ;)
Oh yeah, sorry, one more thing.
I forgot to mention that at Reversing Falls, we got bonus entertainment in the boring parts: a team of archaeologists from University of New Brunswick were excavating a local site with plenty of shells, some arrowheads, and pottery! They were pretty interesting to talk with, and just as we got there to ask them about something we found (thought it might be an arrowhead, still might be, but also has a fossil on it!), they made a big discovery and an exciting 7-trowel operation happened to pull out the giant whatever it was. A big bunch of dirt they said they saw pottery and bone in.
I expect to have interviews with scientific journals inquiring about being present during the find of the century within the week.
Morning kittens. Sorry I've been so quiet. It's the end of the financial year and it has been nothing but long (unpaid) days and stress. I've asked my supervisor for Friday off. Hopefully she'll give it to me because I need to catch up on a bunch of stuff.
@BaKhan: Hopefully last week was your last day at your old job and you start this new one with renewed vigor and joy. I envy you.
Morning kittens.
@Geist, nope, my last day here will be July 14th, if they don't let me take the rest of my time off, if they don't they will have to pay me out for it, so it would be like an extra pay check. I can do, I'm just having a hard time dealing with stupid people, and as I get closer to the end, its getting harder. I have to keep reminding myself, professionalism and patience... ;)
@Zem, it sounds like a fantastic trip! I'm glad you're having a good time!
@Geist, I hope you get your day off, sounds like its not even optional at this point! Best of luck!
Morning kittens.
First day back, and looks like a long day of fixing stuff
@BaKhan: I would be giving difficult customers a shit eating grin knowing that I'll be leaving. That is what I did at the last retail job I had. I just kept dancing around, happy that I was leaving and being rather blunt with customers.
Me: Yea, the prices are a bit high but the next time the CEO comes over to my house for a booty call, I'll be sure to let him know of your concerns.
And now the system is acting like a fool. I have a ton of vouchers I need to go over and the system has crashed.
To top it all of, it looks like I won't get that day off. *sigh* Where is the nearest bar?
Geist, that sucks. You deserve a day off. End of fiscal year is the worst.
Morning kittens.
@Geist, I'm doing the best I can with it. Some of these people have just become so needy, I don't know what they're going to do when I'm not here anymore. I may be good at what I do, but I'm certainly not the only one... I guess they'll need to figure that out for themselves though. ;) Sorry to hear that your day off wasn't approved, that really sucks! Hopefully you can still have a good weekend anyways!
Morning kittens.
Morning, all. I'm really hoping we get that zombie unicorn in Green Horde!
@LZ, huzzah! Zombiecorn achieved!