That Zombiecorn looks like Ixion from the Final Fantasy games...
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-27T18:16:30-04:00
Yess! I'm so happy about that. I think the box is kind of a meh last stretch goal, but I think the zombiecorn was meant to be the last, and they saw how much momentum the campaign had. It will be nice to have one place to store all the stretch goals.
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-27T18:30:37-04:00
Just a few minutes until I'm off work. I'm excited because the Mrs and I are going to see REO Speedwagon with Styx tonight. I don't care much for Styx, but I do enjoy Speedwagon.
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-27T21:24:34-04:00
Bonus: Don Felder (former lead guitarist of the Eagles) is the opening act
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-28T09:13:29-04:00
Morning Kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-28T09:17:58-04:00
@LZ, yeah the storage box means less to me than most of the folks there it seems, but still its nice that they listen to what the backers are asking for, there were quite a few goals like that this time actually. Congrats on the concert, I hope you had a great time! To me, there isn't much that beats good live music. I find even bands that I didn't care for prior to seeing them, can often win me over by playing well. Thats the acid test for me, if you can do your thing live, I will give you respect, if not, I'll never give another dime... ;) A good example of that was I went to a One Republic concert with my wife, I felt kinda meh about it, after the concert I picked up a few of their albums, they were that good! Absolutely amazing live, very talanted musicians, caught me totally by surprise!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-28T12:57:39-04:00
Ah good, not so much to catch up with this time I think. Howdy again, everyone! Back for good this time, though probably not going to be on as regularly as during the year proper.
So we visited Canadia 4 times total, and averaged 1 Tim Horton's check-in per visit as mandated by unofficial law (though one had to be in America, a sort of unofficial embassy).
Also, to all Canadian Kittens, if you've gone east in the last many years, have you visited Les 3 Brasseurs, the 3 Brewers? If not, go east as soon as possible! This was my second time going to Canada, going to that restaurant twice per visit, and it's always one of my favorite places to eat there. And this time I could try their beer (not called "3 brewers" for nothing), which is as really good as the food.
One whole visit to the country was literally just to eat there for lunch, another was to go to the other side of Niagara... and then we all agreed we should eat there again. It's a good thing it's like 1000 miles from me or I'd be bankrupt!
*more grumbling about how the Canadians keep all the best stuff for themselves*
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-28T13:05:05-04:00
LZ, that sounds like an awesome concert! Totally jealous.
I saw a sign for a Steve Miller Band and Peter Frampton concert somewhere, that sounds well worth seeing as well.
BaKhan, One Republic also kind of surprised me, though I never saw them live. My mom loved them and bought an album and played it a few times. I mean, I went from liking them to loving them to having heard enough of them within the span of a week or two, but even their CD was that good.
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-28T13:48:38-04:00
The concert was great. One drawback was the woman who was sitting ten feet from the fence, insisting that nobody could stand in front of her. People would stand in front of her, she'd complain, they'd apologize and invite her to come stand in front of them, she'd refuse and continue bitching until they'd give up and move.
@LZ: Unfortunately, there will always be people like that. I personally would have stayed standing in front of her since there was all that space that was being wasted.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-28T14:21:55-04:00
@Zem, I haven't been out east in Canada since I moved here from there in 92. It actually costs more to fly to Toronto, than it does to fly to Orlando, smh... I really do want to go back sometime and show my wife where I grew up and just how cool it can be out there. There is a lot of east Canada west Canada rivalry, as in they hate each other. Then there's Quebec, which is just another matter entirely... ;) Glad you got your Timmie Ho's fix, I get one every morning... ;) The funny thing about Niagra is you can see the Canadian side of the falls better when standing on the US side, on the Canadian side you get a great view of the American side, which isn't so great, sorry... ;) Did you guys do the tour of the power plant, or take a ride on the maid o' the mist? Anyways, glad you had a good time, sounds like a trip I would very much want to do sometime as well.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-28T14:25:25-04:00
@LZ, glad you had a good time at the concert! Anything surprise you or change your mind? As per the woman sitting on the ground, I'm with GM, too bad for her! At a concert here, no one would have even heard her complaining as the space would have been filled up. All the hype about how polite Canadians are, is mostly just hype... ;) We're actually just very pragmatic and the politeness is how we keep from killing each other! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-28T14:46:28-04:00
I was surprised at how heavy most of Styx was. I mostly associated them with "Mr. Roboto" and "Come Sail Away." I never realized that "Renegade" was a Styx song.
I just saw this news article(just sharing the snipit from it)...and had to share the disgusting sound of it...this coming someone who loves bacon, and poutine.
To celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary as a nation, fast-food restaurant chain Tim Hortons is releasing Canada-inspired delights on July 1 for a limited time.
The limited-offered menu includes Maple Timbits, bitesize maple-flavored doughnut holes that cost 25 cents for one or $1.99 for 10; the Maple Bacon Iced Capp, Tim Horton's frozen-coffee drink topped with whipped cream, maple flakes and bacon, which cost $3.49 for a medium size; and the Poutine Donut, a honey-dipped doughnut with potato wedges, gravy and cheese curds, which go for $1.49 each.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-28T15:05:24-04:00
@GM, yikes! Some of that sounds good, maple timbits, mmmaple. But a poutine donut, ugggg, I don't think so! And a maple bacon Ice capp? Seriously? Who do they think they are? Me? ;) But no, I wouldn't drink that. Something about drinking a days worth of calories in one beverage just says no to me... ;)
@BaKhan: The timbit I agree with, the rest is a firm no(even the comments on the article said the same about their stomachs giving them weird looks)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-28T15:18:02-04:00
@LZ, thats cool, I'm sure you appreciated that more than the Mr. Roboto style music! ;) I do like that song though... so I don't know what that says about me... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-28T20:55:27-04:00
I'm with GM. I would have just stood in front of her if she wasn't willing to find a solution. Why would someone want to stand 10 feet back, and somehow have the authority to keep an entire audience behind her?
LZ, that woman wasn't the Queen, was it?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-28T21:00:10-04:00
BaKhan, From the American side, you do get a better view of overall the Canadian one, the larger fall, but I personally liked the view from the Canadian side onto the Canadian one best, because I like to watch water flowing and moving up close. Though the American side was cool as well, if smaller, because it's more violent and has rocks at the bottom.
We didn't go on any of the optional extras, like the boat tours or the boardwalk-like tour up the the very bottom of the American falls (though it looked so amazing to be down there just in front of all that water, getting sprayed so hard!), mostly because each one cost over $20, in addition to the parking, which was also over $20 on each side. Kind of extortive, so we opted out and missed out, though that walkway down there looked so epic!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-28T21:09:40-04:00
BaKhan, case in point, Hockey, one of the most thinly veiled excuses for flat-out fighting outside of fighting matches, is far and away a Canadian sport. When you remove the politeness of Canadians, Hockey games break out in the streets.
LZ, Styx is one of those bands that I keep seeing something and thinking, "Huh, so they did that one too? Man, I apparently love these guys and never even knew it!"
I like Mr. Roboto as well, though I'm not sure if I knew they did it!
The Maple Timbits were actually pretty good, if I say so myself, though I just had a bite of one of my mom's.
While we were there, though, I got a Tim Horton's 150th Canada mug and a limited edition 3 Brewers glass for the occasion as well.
It may sound odd that I'm supporting Canada's 150th, but it's partially because of the incredibly strange coincidence that Canada was founded 4 months after Nebraska! We're basically twins! So we share Sesquicentennials this year, and all anniversaries! It's so strange and cool!
For my part, though, I was surprised to find that Canada was so young comparatively, nearly 90 years younger than the US.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-28T21:10:23-04:00
Eek, I missed the latter part of one day, and catching up makes me look like I'm spamming! Oh well, had some funny and exciting things to say.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-29T09:19:10-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-29T09:32:13-04:00
@Zem, I like that analogy of hockey breaking out on the streets! As a kid, we played street hockey all the time, till there was ice on our outside rink... ;) I've always seen Canada and America like siblings, and Great Britain being the parent. The oldest child always had to rebel harder, and kind break in the parent for the younger sibling. You guys needed to go to war to gain your freedom, we kinda just hung around for a bit and then asked for it... ;) Kinda like asking the parents for the car, the older sibling had to do a bunch of chores and prove responsibility, the younger sibling just need to whine about it to get the same privlage and some gas money. ;) I also don't think its weird for you to be supporting Canada, as I've always supported the US. We are for most sakes and purposes very much the same. Both countries have similar values, and are willing to defend them. Both countries are melting pots, accepting peoples from all around the world, and realizing that it makes us stronger. The primary differences that I see are really just cosmetic, and people are people. Really it could be summed up by saying America has a very outgoing personality, and Canada is a little more reserved. Nothing in the world beats a US party, cause a US party don't stop! ;) (and we love you guys for it!)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-29T10:27:26-04:00
BaKhan, I totally agree on all points. Except the street hockey, I never played that. But I realized this trip that I've never really thought of Canada and America being totally different countries, which is maybe why I like to make so many jokes about going abroad and all the foreign people there. Man, the younger sibling always gets the best deal!
Though you guys don't have the 4th of July! Wait... yes you do, but you don't use that specific date as an excuse to combine alcohol, tobacco, and fire[works]! I think the 4th may be because someone at the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms pissed off congress, so they made a new holiday just to give the ATF hell.
@Zem: We have July 1st as Canada Day. Which is the same as Independence Day celebrations, but we have poutine, hockey, beer(actual beer, not yellow water), and butter tarts...just to name a few. :P
(Here is a fun little video that someone shared on Facebook)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-29T10:40:50-04:00
Before I left, I started watching a youtube video. Now, 2 1/2 weeks later, I can finally finish it.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-29T10:50:58-04:00
@GM, don't forget the fireworks! (of course we have fireworks! and beer, whiskey, universal health care [which after the first three we need], maple syrup...)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-29T10:57:36-04:00
I loved the butter tarts thing!
So, what you're saying is that I should go back to canada to visit you guys just the day after tomorrow and then drive back here for the 4th? Man I wish I lived in a border town now!
I love how our independence holidays are even just a couple days apart! I've always thought the only part of Canada that could count for a different country is Quebec, just because they have the extra qualification of a different language. Thankfully the girl at Tim Horton's spoke english well enough!
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-29T11:15:40-04:00
Zem, if she was the queen, she had a damn good disguise; but she sure acted like the queen. Also, she wasn't standing 10 feet back and trying to control everyone in front of her; she was SITTING 10 feet back and trying to control everyone in front of her!
@Zem: Depending on what part of Quebec you go to, some will willingly speak to you in English, while others will refuse to speak anything except French.
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-29T11:31:32-04:00
I experienced the same thing in Belgium and among the people I've met from France.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-29T11:44:42-04:00
Thankfully, most everywhere you go, there will be at least a few people around who speak at least basic english, and often times now, most people learn it in school and understand it pretty well. English is a great language to be a native speaker of when traveling!
I can't stop laughing, and being happy at the same time, due to this article.
From the first few lines:
Imagine going to a friend’s house for a festive dinner and finding that your host is unwilling to eat the meal they’ve prepared for the occasion. Would that whet your appetite?
Canada’s largest fast food chain, Tim Hortons, announced a range of menu items for Canada Day — the country’s 150th birthday — that will be available only at select U.S. locations.
Lol, I can swear in french and ask where the bathroom is, and thats about it really... ;) I only took 3 years of french, first one was a catch up, second one I learned some stuff, third one I realized I'd never be able to speak french... ;)
@Zem: It's not that they don't KNOW English, it's that they REFUSE to speak it, or acknowledge people who are speaking it.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-29T12:16:03-04:00
That might also have something to do with the fact that many Tim's in America are franchised, so the owner of the location might have extra options and do those, whereas the mother chain may not do it themselves. Sometimes for good reason.
I don't know what you're talking about, though, to me at least poutine and donuts are both amazing, and might work well together. Gravy and donut... you never know. Besides, it's another way to introduce poutine to more americans, so hopefully it'll eventually become common.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-29T12:43:57-04:00
Gravy on fried dough is good, ala yorkshire pudding, but with the sweet component of the honey dip, I just can't see it working out. But, to each their own. I'm sure I eat stuff that some would find utterly revolting too. ;)
@BaKhan: You would think I knew this, considering my work history, but sadly I did not. I prefer just a bit of flour on it, and fried in bacon fat(after cooking said bacon of course)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-29T16:43:32-04:00
I don't typically like liver, but in some things it can be good. Though I'm not necessarily picky about food either, although I can't really think of gross things I eat right now.
I guess most people don't typically drink vinegar and soy sauce straight. And garlic. Raw garlic is so good!
Lord Zombitten 2017-06-29T17:53:08-04:00
Vinegar is one of Satan's bodily fluids. I was going to say it's his piss, but I think we've already decided that it's PBR. So, I guess vinegar would be his flop sweat?
As far as paté goes, the only difference I could tell between paté and liverwurst was €5-€10 per package, depending on the paté.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-30T00:14:29-04:00
Yeah, liverwurst and braunschweiger are about the only things I really love liver in. But braunschweiger on crackers is one of the best snacks ever!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-30T07:25:29-04:00
Happy Friday kittens. Sorry so quiet but the work load has been brutal this week.
@BaKhan: What? Vinegar is great! I use it for the base of my salad dressing and as a hair treatment. I also drink it mixed with a little water to help in an upset tummy.
@BaKhan: Actually I meant to say FRIED chicken livers with sautéed onions. My great aunt used to fix them the way GM mentioned. A little flour and cooked in bacon grease. I wish I had learned some recipes from her before she passed. Now all of that is lost.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-30T07:27:24-04:00
Paté and liverwurst. Both gross. Liverwurst especially since some folks tried to make me eat that stuff as a kid and I hated it then.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-30T09:09:29-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-06-30T09:15:18-04:00
@Geist, It was @LZ that doesn't like vinegar, not I! ;) I've had chicken livers before, and while I don't find them as off putting as beef liver, I would still prefer to eat most other things first... ;) As per losing your Grandma's recipies, I know the feeling. My Grandfather on my moms side, was one of the best bakers I've ever know (sorry Creeper!), his pie crusts were absolutely to die for, and as dumb as it sounds, his tolhouse cookies (chocolate chip) we unparalled, seriously never had better, now all gone. He never wrote anything down. Even though I have no children of my own to pass things to, I do have nieces and a nephew, so I make sure I write down my recipies, and make notes in my cookbooks. I may not be as good as some, but I think I'm not too bad at some things! ;) Sorry that people ruined pate for you, if you could find a way around that bad memory, I suggest trying it now. Adults have a much more developed sense of taste, and I bet you'd love it now.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-30T11:03:32-04:00
@BaKhan: I know there are lots of different versions of pate out there and I wouldn't be against trying some. But not liverwurst. I still have the memory of the last liverwurst sandwich I tried to eat. *shivers*
Same thing with bourbon. Can't drink the stuff because I don't like the taste, no matter how pricey. I even tried to make it tasty by making bourbon cream. Didn't work.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-06-30T11:03:52-04:00
As far as pate goes, there is a trio pack that we normally get from Costco that is rather good. One is cognac infused, one is peppered(has crushed peppercorn inside it), and I believe the last one is just a generic normal liver pate. I personally prefer the peppercorn one, but the cognac one is also quite enjoyable.
Also, my boss just came to me and said if I'm caught up with my work(which I could be in the next 45min...) I can leave around 2:30
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-30T11:20:30-04:00
Awesome, GM, happy short day!
My mom is thankfully really good at (eventually) writing down her recipes, as well as those my grandma forgets to. My mom wanted to make a family cookbook, complete with pictures of the process and everything, but keeps putting it off and forgetting to organize it all. But most of them are written down anyways so if any of us decides to cook more someday, all our favorites are there.
@Zem: My grandma on my dad's side did that for ALL the grandkids. We each have a copy of the book that has pictures of the final product, and the recipe in my grandma's, or grandpa's if it was his, hand writing.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-30T12:33:42-04:00
The most important thing was my grandma's bran muffins. That's quite possibly the most important recipe of all, because somehow, those are absolute magic. Just simple, small, dense, really bready muffins, but everyone who has them falls in love instantly.
The hardest ones are the things that don't really have a recipe, just adding several sometimes inconsistent ingredients "to taste", or works in progress like my mom's lobster bisque, one of the best I've ever tasted, but it's something she only makes about once a year and even then is still altering it. She only thought to take measurements for the book last time.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-06-30T16:40:49-04:00
Aha, haha! I was wondering about the sudden drop-off in comments compared to the rest of the time, and then I remembered it was Friday, so "everybody's workin' for the weekend". I had forgotten what day of the week it was because of vacation, both summer and of the road-trip variety, as is my wont even while working or in school. I'm terrible with days.
Have a great weekend, everykitten! I know you guys have earned it!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-01T10:27:01-04:00
For the record, I never knew Canada had it's own beer and I always say "sorry" when I bump ito someone. The cursing fact is a bit of a surprise but I'll stick with F bombs.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-01T18:35:31-04:00
I dunno about the accent thing, our waiter in the second 3 Brewers had the stereotypical accent VERY distinctly. Sure, it's not so common, but it does happen.
Who.... who the hell would say no to poutine? I make jokes about nobody could say no to coffee and bacon, but those I can understand. Fries and gravy, though? I've never seen anyone say it shouldn't exist even when they can't eat it.
Who thinks Canada is a state? I've never heard that before, even offhand or joking, though it's not unbelievable. I'd say it as a friendly joke, though, but not in an ignorant or offensive way.
''I DISAGREE WITH YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.'' ... why? Nobody takes offence to that sentiment being posited that politely. It's acknowledging and respectful, not at all like the "F*** religion, it makes no f***** sense and you're retarded and deluded if you believe in a flying Jew as your holy person." I get every time on the internet.
Also, yes, that's almost word for word the response I've gotten several times, not an exaggeration.
However, I'll agree with the Canadian beer one wholeheartedly. Sure, I had more craft-style there, but Canadians do know their beer. Though don't completely snub the American light beer, there were reasons it became favorable when beer started being made in America. It just seems weird that it's still so prevalent, though it's because of the same cultural traditional reasons as most cultural traditions that seem weird.
I think the person that wrote that sounded pretty spiteful, come to think of it. Like if you asked them, they'd have quite a few similar things they'd say about Americans. Just my thoughts, because they took minorly offensive statements and sounded really salty and severe about it.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-02T00:12:39-04:00
Oh yeah, though, happy Canada Day! Have all of the beer and stuff things that you guys do!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-03T03:08:34-04:00
Morning kittens. A short week for some. A full week for me since I'll be working on the 4th of July holiday.
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-03T17:17:53-04:00
I'm breaking out in hives again! I'm sure it has something to do with the chemo!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-03T18:04:30-04:00
Wow, that's not good, LZ. I hope you can figure out what it is and how to get rid of it soon!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-03T18:16:50-04:00
Woo! Got my BvB! Just in time, too, my family is all together for the first time in over half a year!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-04T09:30:37-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-04T09:31:46-04:00
Happy Independance Day to all my American Kittens!
Happy Independence Day to all of you south of the border.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-04T11:11:44-04:00
@LZ, have you talked to your doctor about this yet? I just would like to know that its not a symtom of a worse problem. As annoying as it is, I wouldn't want to see it get worse! Look after yourself bro!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-04T18:56:39-04:00
Happy 'Murica Day!
Too bad I just barely missed Canada Day, it'd be great to celebrate both.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-05T01:03:27-04:00
Soo... apparently my dad can get drunk now? Remember how I said he has a genetic condition that he filters alcohol and painkillers so fast he can't feel the effects of alcohol? He's... a wee bit over the edge. As in he just threw up everywhere. I can't impress upon you how ineffibly odd it is to see a man who drank 6 or 7 Bacardi 151s in an hour and DRIVE after it suddenly be super drunk. It has to be this weight-loss program, but... can that overpower genetics?!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-05T09:04:23-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-05T09:08:02-04:00
@Zem, there are many possible reasons why his tollerance has dropped, even temporarily. A lot of times when you are losing weight, you shed the stuff that is coating your intestines, so you absorb more nutrients, and other things... Also, age could be a factor, you bodies chemistry changes over time, and perhaps one of the side effects is now feeling the effects! As long as he's otherwise ok, I wouldn't worry about it. The down side of a lower alcohol tollerance is cheap drunk! ;)
@BaKhan: Or it could be a benefit becoming a cheap drunk. Think of how much you can save by being one.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-05T10:29:24-04:00
@GM, I wrote it poorly, but that is what I meant, ie: there is no down side! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-05T11:43:14-04:00
BaKhan, I called the nurse last time I had hives. She wasn't too concerned, but told me to be on guard in case they should come back with this last round. I have an appointment with the oncologist tomorrow, so I'll talk to him about it at that point.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-05T11:47:18-04:00
@LZ, ok that sounds good. Have they receded at all? If so then its probably just a reaction to the chemo, if not, then it could be more complicated. Either way, I'm glad you're getting it looked at! You've been through enough crap already! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-05T12:05:07-04:00
They recede when I take Benadryl and ranitidine. If I don't they advance. The weird thing this time is that they'd pop up in one place, spread, and then disappear from the original site.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-05T14:31:39-04:00
LZ, that's really weird. I really hope that doesn't cause complications with your very last round of treatments, this stuff just needs to be over finally!
BaKhan, we thought of all the reasons we could, but I seem to be the only person still confused and a bit concerned. He's lost weight before, been a lower weight, and been on diets and never got more than buzzed. He's been drinking close to how he did last night just recently and throughout this diet, and it's affected him for the most part like normal. I dunno, I just hope it's a good sign of something.
In the meantime, he's having a fun time sleeping off his first real hangover ever.
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-05T16:31:15-04:00
Yeah, my biggest fear right now is that the oncologist will say that, since my antibodies bound up all the chemo drugs, we have to switch drugs and do a couple more rounds.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-05T17:05:28-04:00
@Zem, I'm sure he'll be fine, its probably just a temporary thing. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-05T17:05:56-04:00
@LZ, well whatever it is, I hope that it isn't interfering with your treatments! Best of luck man!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-06T09:10:49-04:00
Morning Kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-06T09:11:32-04:00
Not that I'm counting down or anything, but I've only got 6 works days left here after today! Whoot!
@BaKhan: That can be both awesome, and slightly frightening due to the unknown of what can happen in those 6 days.
As for me, I have 8hours until I'm on a 3-day weekend. Have tomorrow off so I'm not fighting the impatient people who are over crowding the train to get downtown to watch the parade.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-06T11:07:19-04:00
@GM, congrats on the upcoming 3 day weekend! I know that you are probably busy/not interested, but I am having a couple of friends over on Saturday to play the DS boardgame, and could use a fourth. ;) I've really been enjoying this one!
As per the uncertainty of the upcoming 6 days, all I can do is my best. People are already trying to squeeze things in, and my boss is starting to flake out a bit (expected) but all I can see is freedom! I will finish everything that I have on my plate, and what I can't I'll pass along to my co-worker. I don't want to let them down, but at the same time, am looking to wind this down as I get closer to next Friday. The end is nigh! ;)
@BaKhan: I'm definitely interested in playing, but would have to double check the calendar when I get home to see if there is anything happening that day since my parents leave for an Alaskan cruise on Sunday.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-06T13:25:08-04:00
That's awesome and amazing for both of you!
I'm having a great time as well because this is kind of my third 4th of July party. First a bonfire with my brother's friends, then actual 4th of July with my family, now a ton of family and friends are coming over for steaks tonight. Unfortunately, that means cleaning. Everything.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-06T14:32:34-04:00
@GM, that would be awesome, and quite frankly astonishing! ;) Check it out, and let me know, either here, or just text me. Have you had a chance to play yet? The two guys coming over have not, so no worries, but if you have, then that would be a definite bonus!
@BaKhan: I would love to say yes I have had the chance, but with Phil now working two jobs due to his month long trip to Europe, and my other friends not having much interest(or not even getting back to me), I haven't played it yet. I basically opened the box the game was shipped in, saw what it was, and put it off to the side.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-06T15:10:41-04:00
@Zem, thats awesome! I love a good July 4th party, no matter what day it actually falls on! ;) I've been lucky enough to be in Disney for two of them! People can say what they want about Americans, but I tell you, you guys know how to have fun! Fire works, spontaneous dance partys in the streets, all ages hanging out and having fun, its hard not to feel jealous sometimes... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-06T15:14:03-04:00
@GM, no worries! You can play it solo as well as it is a co-op game. I realize that it might not seem like as much fun, but having done that a few times myself, I can say that it is fun! You can either manage all the characters yourself, or just play with one, and you get some extra stuff to start with to give you a chance. I find its a pretty true recreation of the video game, but on your table top. It is a long playing game 5+ hours to play the full deal, but you can always modify and stop at the mini-boss, or just beef your characters up and play the main boss. Anyways, hope you can make it!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-06T15:49:37-04:00
I guess 4th party if you count Kabsa with my brother's Arabic friends, but that wasn't really related to the holiday specifically. So we've done a 4th of July Bonfire, Party, mid-holiday party, and now the after-party. Haha, this week is way more eventful than I thought it would be!
BaKhan, well, I have to admit Canadians know what's up as well. Stronger beer, poutine, and colder weather alone make for a great celebration. You could go to Horton's to party in the morning, too! Seriously, though, I'm kind of jealous of the Tim's. Wish I lived in a border town with it, it really is much better than any coffee/donut shop in America. Dunkin' is close, but it just feels like a cheap knockoff. Glad we got anniversary mugs and a kilo of coffee while we were there, haha!
So I saw franchised Tim's on the border, like in Niagara, authorized by Tim Horton's America inc. or something like that. Think I could bring that goodness to the heart of the continent? ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-06T16:05:26-04:00
@Zem, lol! I love how you put cold weather in the list of good things about Canada... you know most of us hate the cold right? ;) I bet that with time, Timmies will eventually make its way across America, you can't get enough of a good thing afterall! It would also help to even out the cultural trade that our countries have enjoyed for a long time. I remember as a kid seeing the commercials for awesome things only to find out that they weren't available in Canada. First thing I can remember wanting so bad was Fruity Pebbles of all things.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-06T16:51:14-04:00
You didn't miss out there, BaKhan, Fruity Pebbles aren't that great.
Whoa, looking it up... "As of 2013, Tim Hortons has 4,304 restaurants, including 3,468 in Canada, 807 in the United States, 29 in the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Persian Gulf."
They have Arabic locations even?! And where are these literal hundreds in America, I've only seen a couple. Are they cheating by counting every one in a Coldstone Creamery? I also just found out they have them in many Coldstones.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-06T17:35:16-04:00
@Zem, I actually got to have some Fruity Pebbles back in the day when I was 6, we had a day trip into the states and my parents got me some. They are much different now, back then they were about the size of a rice crispy with the flavour of fruit loops, they were awesome, but you had to eat them fast or they would get super soggy. Fwiw, I loved them... ;) They've got Timmies in Arabic locations mostly because of how many Canadians work over there in their oil production efforts. Canadians can't be away from Timmies for too long! ;)
That Zombiecorn looks like Ixion from the Final Fantasy games...
Yess! I'm so happy about that. I think the box is kind of a meh last stretch goal, but I think the zombiecorn was meant to be the last, and they saw how much momentum the campaign had. It will be nice to have one place to store all the stretch goals.
Just a few minutes until I'm off work. I'm excited because the Mrs and I are going to see REO Speedwagon with Styx tonight. I don't care much for Styx, but I do enjoy Speedwagon.
Bonus: Don Felder (former lead guitarist of the Eagles) is the opening act
Morning Kittens!
@LZ, yeah the storage box means less to me than most of the folks there it seems, but still its nice that they listen to what the backers are asking for, there were quite a few goals like that this time actually. Congrats on the concert, I hope you had a great time! To me, there isn't much that beats good live music. I find even bands that I didn't care for prior to seeing them, can often win me over by playing well. Thats the acid test for me, if you can do your thing live, I will give you respect, if not, I'll never give another dime... ;) A good example of that was I went to a One Republic concert with my wife, I felt kinda meh about it, after the concert I picked up a few of their albums, they were that good! Absolutely amazing live, very talanted musicians, caught me totally by surprise!
Morning kittens
Ah good, not so much to catch up with this time I think. Howdy again, everyone! Back for good this time, though probably not going to be on as regularly as during the year proper.
So we visited Canadia 4 times total, and averaged 1 Tim Horton's check-in per visit as mandated by unofficial law (though one had to be in America, a sort of unofficial embassy).
Also, to all Canadian Kittens, if you've gone east in the last many years, have you visited Les 3 Brasseurs, the 3 Brewers? If not, go east as soon as possible! This was my second time going to Canada, going to that restaurant twice per visit, and it's always one of my favorite places to eat there. And this time I could try their beer (not called "3 brewers" for nothing), which is as really good as the food.
One whole visit to the country was literally just to eat there for lunch, another was to go to the other side of Niagara... and then we all agreed we should eat there again. It's a good thing it's like 1000 miles from me or I'd be bankrupt!
*more grumbling about how the Canadians keep all the best stuff for themselves*
LZ, that sounds like an awesome concert! Totally jealous.
I saw a sign for a Steve Miller Band and Peter Frampton concert somewhere, that sounds well worth seeing as well.
BaKhan, One Republic also kind of surprised me, though I never saw them live. My mom loved them and bought an album and played it a few times. I mean, I went from liking them to loving them to having heard enough of them within the span of a week or two, but even their CD was that good.
The concert was great. One drawback was the woman who was sitting ten feet from the fence, insisting that nobody could stand in front of her. People would stand in front of her, she'd complain, they'd apologize and invite her to come stand in front of them, she'd refuse and continue bitching until they'd give up and move.
@LZ: Unfortunately, there will always be people like that. I personally would have stayed standing in front of her since there was all that space that was being wasted.
@Zem, I haven't been out east in Canada since I moved here from there in 92. It actually costs more to fly to Toronto, than it does to fly to Orlando, smh... I really do want to go back sometime and show my wife where I grew up and just how cool it can be out there. There is a lot of east Canada west Canada rivalry, as in they hate each other. Then there's Quebec, which is just another matter entirely... ;) Glad you got your Timmie Ho's fix, I get one every morning... ;) The funny thing about Niagra is you can see the Canadian side of the falls better when standing on the US side, on the Canadian side you get a great view of the American side, which isn't so great, sorry... ;) Did you guys do the tour of the power plant, or take a ride on the maid o' the mist? Anyways, glad you had a good time, sounds like a trip I would very much want to do sometime as well.
@LZ, glad you had a good time at the concert! Anything surprise you or change your mind? As per the woman sitting on the ground, I'm with GM, too bad for her! At a concert here, no one would have even heard her complaining as the space would have been filled up. All the hype about how polite Canadians are, is mostly just hype... ;) We're actually just very pragmatic and the politeness is how we keep from killing each other! ;)
I was surprised at how heavy most of Styx was. I mostly associated them with "Mr. Roboto" and "Come Sail Away." I never realized that "Renegade" was a Styx song.
I just saw this news article(just sharing the snipit from it)...and had to share the disgusting sound of it...this coming someone who loves bacon, and poutine.
To celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary as a nation, fast-food restaurant chain Tim Hortons is releasing Canada-inspired delights on July 1 for a limited time.
The limited-offered menu includes Maple Timbits, bitesize maple-flavored doughnut holes that cost 25 cents for one or $1.99 for 10; the Maple Bacon Iced Capp, Tim Horton's frozen-coffee drink topped with whipped cream, maple flakes and bacon, which cost $3.49 for a medium size; and the Poutine Donut, a honey-dipped doughnut with potato wedges, gravy and cheese curds, which go for $1.49 each.
@GM, yikes! Some of that sounds good, maple timbits, mmmaple. But a poutine donut, ugggg, I don't think so! And a maple bacon Ice capp? Seriously? Who do they think they are? Me? ;) But no, I wouldn't drink that. Something about drinking a days worth of calories in one beverage just says no to me... ;)
@BaKhan: The timbit I agree with, the rest is a firm no(even the comments on the article said the same about their stomachs giving them weird looks)
@LZ, thats cool, I'm sure you appreciated that more than the Mr. Roboto style music! ;) I do like that song though... so I don't know what that says about me... ;)
I'm with GM. I would have just stood in front of her if she wasn't willing to find a solution. Why would someone want to stand 10 feet back, and somehow have the authority to keep an entire audience behind her?
LZ, that woman wasn't the Queen, was it?
BaKhan, From the American side, you do get a better view of overall the Canadian one, the larger fall, but I personally liked the view from the Canadian side onto the Canadian one best, because I like to watch water flowing and moving up close. Though the American side was cool as well, if smaller, because it's more violent and has rocks at the bottom.
We didn't go on any of the optional extras, like the boat tours or the boardwalk-like tour up the the very bottom of the American falls (though it looked so amazing to be down there just in front of all that water, getting sprayed so hard!), mostly because each one cost over $20, in addition to the parking, which was also over $20 on each side. Kind of extortive, so we opted out and missed out, though that walkway down there looked so epic!
BaKhan, case in point, Hockey, one of the most thinly veiled excuses for flat-out fighting outside of fighting matches, is far and away a Canadian sport. When you remove the politeness of Canadians, Hockey games break out in the streets.
LZ, Styx is one of those bands that I keep seeing something and thinking, "Huh, so they did that one too? Man, I apparently love these guys and never even knew it!"
I like Mr. Roboto as well, though I'm not sure if I knew they did it!
The Maple Timbits were actually pretty good, if I say so myself, though I just had a bite of one of my mom's.
While we were there, though, I got a Tim Horton's 150th Canada mug and a limited edition 3 Brewers glass for the occasion as well.
It may sound odd that I'm supporting Canada's 150th, but it's partially because of the incredibly strange coincidence that Canada was founded 4 months after Nebraska! We're basically twins! So we share Sesquicentennials this year, and all anniversaries! It's so strange and cool!
For my part, though, I was surprised to find that Canada was so young comparatively, nearly 90 years younger than the US.
Eek, I missed the latter part of one day, and catching up makes me look like I'm spamming! Oh well, had some funny and exciting things to say.
Morning kittens!
@Zem, I like that analogy of hockey breaking out on the streets! As a kid, we played street hockey all the time, till there was ice on our outside rink... ;) I've always seen Canada and America like siblings, and Great Britain being the parent. The oldest child always had to rebel harder, and kind break in the parent for the younger sibling. You guys needed to go to war to gain your freedom, we kinda just hung around for a bit and then asked for it... ;) Kinda like asking the parents for the car, the older sibling had to do a bunch of chores and prove responsibility, the younger sibling just need to whine about it to get the same privlage and some gas money. ;) I also don't think its weird for you to be supporting Canada, as I've always supported the US. We are for most sakes and purposes very much the same. Both countries have similar values, and are willing to defend them. Both countries are melting pots, accepting peoples from all around the world, and realizing that it makes us stronger. The primary differences that I see are really just cosmetic, and people are people. Really it could be summed up by saying America has a very outgoing personality, and Canada is a little more reserved. Nothing in the world beats a US party, cause a US party don't stop! ;) (and we love you guys for it!)
Morning kittens.
BaKhan, I totally agree on all points. Except the street hockey, I never played that. But I realized this trip that I've never really thought of Canada and America being totally different countries, which is maybe why I like to make so many jokes about going abroad and all the foreign people there. Man, the younger sibling always gets the best deal!
Though you guys don't have the 4th of July! Wait... yes you do, but you don't use that specific date as an excuse to combine alcohol, tobacco, and fire[works]! I think the 4th may be because someone at the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms pissed off congress, so they made a new holiday just to give the ATF hell.
@Zem: We have July 1st as Canada Day. Which is the same as Independence Day celebrations, but we have poutine, hockey, beer(actual beer, not yellow water), and butter tarts...just to name a few. :P
(Here is a fun little video that someone shared on Facebook)…
Before I left, I started watching a youtube video. Now, 2 1/2 weeks later, I can finally finish it.
@GM, don't forget the fireworks! (of course we have fireworks! and beer, whiskey, universal health care [which after the first three we need], maple syrup...)
I loved the butter tarts thing!
So, what you're saying is that I should go back to canada to visit you guys just the day after tomorrow and then drive back here for the 4th? Man I wish I lived in a border town now!
I love how our independence holidays are even just a couple days apart! I've always thought the only part of Canada that could count for a different country is Quebec, just because they have the extra qualification of a different language. Thankfully the girl at Tim Horton's spoke english well enough!
Zem, if she was the queen, she had a damn good disguise; but she sure acted like the queen. Also, she wasn't standing 10 feet back and trying to control everyone in front of her; she was SITTING 10 feet back and trying to control everyone in front of her!
@Zem: Depending on what part of Quebec you go to, some will willingly speak to you in English, while others will refuse to speak anything except French.
I experienced the same thing in Belgium and among the people I've met from France.
Thankfully, most everywhere you go, there will be at least a few people around who speak at least basic english, and often times now, most people learn it in school and understand it pretty well. English is a great language to be a native speaker of when traveling!
I can't stop laughing, and being happy at the same time, due to this article.
From the first few lines:
Imagine going to a friend’s house for a festive dinner and finding that your host is unwilling to eat the meal they’ve prepared for the occasion. Would that whet your appetite?
Canada’s largest fast food chain, Tim Hortons, announced a range of menu items for Canada Day — the country’s 150th birthday — that will be available only at select U.S. locations.…
Lol, I can swear in french and ask where the bathroom is, and thats about it really... ;) I only took 3 years of french, first one was a catch up, second one I learned some stuff, third one I realized I'd never be able to speak french... ;)
@Zem: It's not that they don't KNOW English, it's that they REFUSE to speak it, or acknowledge people who are speaking it.
That might also have something to do with the fact that many Tim's in America are franchised, so the owner of the location might have extra options and do those, whereas the mother chain may not do it themselves. Sometimes for good reason.
I don't know what you're talking about, though, to me at least poutine and donuts are both amazing, and might work well together. Gravy and donut... you never know. Besides, it's another way to introduce poutine to more americans, so hopefully it'll eventually become common.
Gravy on fried dough is good, ala yorkshire pudding, but with the sweet component of the honey dip, I just can't see it working out. But, to each their own. I'm sure I eat stuff that some would find utterly revolting too. ;)
@BaKhan: I know I eat stuff others find revolting. Fried liver and onions anyone?
@GM, I find offal awful... ;) That said, I don't mind a good liver pate though!
Chicken fried liver with gravy and sautéed onions=Mmmmmmmmmm
@Geist: Got me it's beef liver(typically veal)
..Apparently I'm having lots of troubles typing today.
@GM, chicken fried just means breaded... for example chicken fried steak.
@BaKhan: You would think I knew this, considering my work history, but sadly I did not. I prefer just a bit of flour on it, and fried in bacon fat(after cooking said bacon of course)
I don't typically like liver, but in some things it can be good. Though I'm not necessarily picky about food either, although I can't really think of gross things I eat right now.
I guess most people don't typically drink vinegar and soy sauce straight. And garlic. Raw garlic is so good!
Vinegar is one of Satan's bodily fluids. I was going to say it's his piss, but I think we've already decided that it's PBR. So, I guess vinegar would be his flop sweat?
As far as paté goes, the only difference I could tell between paté and liverwurst was €5-€10 per package, depending on the paté.
Yeah, liverwurst and braunschweiger are about the only things I really love liver in. But braunschweiger on crackers is one of the best snacks ever!
Happy Friday kittens. Sorry so quiet but the work load has been brutal this week.
@BaKhan: What? Vinegar is great! I use it for the base of my salad dressing and as a hair treatment. I also drink it mixed with a little water to help in an upset tummy.
@BaKhan: Actually I meant to say FRIED chicken livers with sautéed onions. My great aunt used to fix them the way GM mentioned. A little flour and cooked in bacon grease. I wish I had learned some recipes from her before she passed. Now all of that is lost.
Paté and liverwurst. Both gross. Liverwurst especially since some folks tried to make me eat that stuff as a kid and I hated it then.
Morning kittens!
@Geist, It was @LZ that doesn't like vinegar, not I! ;) I've had chicken livers before, and while I don't find them as off putting as beef liver, I would still prefer to eat most other things first... ;) As per losing your Grandma's recipies, I know the feeling. My Grandfather on my moms side, was one of the best bakers I've ever know (sorry Creeper!), his pie crusts were absolutely to die for, and as dumb as it sounds, his tolhouse cookies (chocolate chip) we unparalled, seriously never had better, now all gone. He never wrote anything down. Even though I have no children of my own to pass things to, I do have nieces and a nephew, so I make sure I write down my recipies, and make notes in my cookbooks. I may not be as good as some, but I think I'm not too bad at some things! ;) Sorry that people ruined pate for you, if you could find a way around that bad memory, I suggest trying it now. Adults have a much more developed sense of taste, and I bet you'd love it now.
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: I know there are lots of different versions of pate out there and I wouldn't be against trying some. But not liverwurst. I still have the memory of the last liverwurst sandwich I tried to eat. *shivers*
Same thing with bourbon. Can't drink the stuff because I don't like the taste, no matter how pricey. I even tried to make it tasty by making bourbon cream. Didn't work.
Howdy GM! Happy Friday to you.
@Geist: Happy Friday to you as well.
As far as pate goes, there is a trio pack that we normally get from Costco that is rather good. One is cognac infused, one is peppered(has crushed peppercorn inside it), and I believe the last one is just a generic normal liver pate. I personally prefer the peppercorn one, but the cognac one is also quite enjoyable.
Also, my boss just came to me and said if I'm caught up with my work(which I could be in the next 45min...) I can leave around 2:30
Awesome, GM, happy short day!
My mom is thankfully really good at (eventually) writing down her recipes, as well as those my grandma forgets to. My mom wanted to make a family cookbook, complete with pictures of the process and everything, but keeps putting it off and forgetting to organize it all. But most of them are written down anyways so if any of us decides to cook more someday, all our favorites are there.
@Zem: My grandma on my dad's side did that for ALL the grandkids. We each have a copy of the book that has pictures of the final product, and the recipe in my grandma's, or grandpa's if it was his, hand writing.
The most important thing was my grandma's bran muffins. That's quite possibly the most important recipe of all, because somehow, those are absolute magic. Just simple, small, dense, really bready muffins, but everyone who has them falls in love instantly.
The hardest ones are the things that don't really have a recipe, just adding several sometimes inconsistent ingredients "to taste", or works in progress like my mom's lobster bisque, one of the best I've ever tasted, but it's something she only makes about once a year and even then is still altering it. She only thought to take measurements for the book last time.
Aha, haha! I was wondering about the sudden drop-off in comments compared to the rest of the time, and then I remembered it was Friday, so "everybody's workin' for the weekend". I had forgotten what day of the week it was because of vacation, both summer and of the road-trip variety, as is my wont even while working or in school. I'm terrible with days.
Have a great weekend, everykitten! I know you guys have earned it!
I'm just gonna leave this here.…
For the record, I never knew Canada had it's own beer and I always say "sorry" when I bump ito someone. The cursing fact is a bit of a surprise but I'll stick with F bombs.
I dunno about the accent thing, our waiter in the second 3 Brewers had the stereotypical accent VERY distinctly. Sure, it's not so common, but it does happen.
Who.... who the hell would say no to poutine? I make jokes about nobody could say no to coffee and bacon, but those I can understand. Fries and gravy, though? I've never seen anyone say it shouldn't exist even when they can't eat it.
Who thinks Canada is a state? I've never heard that before, even offhand or joking, though it's not unbelievable. I'd say it as a friendly joke, though, but not in an ignorant or offensive way.
''I DISAGREE WITH YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.'' ... why? Nobody takes offence to that sentiment being posited that politely. It's acknowledging and respectful, not at all like the "F*** religion, it makes no f***** sense and you're retarded and deluded if you believe in a flying Jew as your holy person." I get every time on the internet.
Also, yes, that's almost word for word the response I've gotten several times, not an exaggeration.
However, I'll agree with the Canadian beer one wholeheartedly. Sure, I had more craft-style there, but Canadians do know their beer. Though don't completely snub the American light beer, there were reasons it became favorable when beer started being made in America. It just seems weird that it's still so prevalent, though it's because of the same cultural traditional reasons as most cultural traditions that seem weird.
I think the person that wrote that sounded pretty spiteful, come to think of it. Like if you asked them, they'd have quite a few similar things they'd say about Americans. Just my thoughts, because they took minorly offensive statements and sounded really salty and severe about it.
Oh yeah, though, happy Canada Day! Have all of the beer and stuff things that you guys do!
Morning kittens. A short week for some. A full week for me since I'll be working on the 4th of July holiday.
I'm breaking out in hives again! I'm sure it has something to do with the chemo!
Wow, that's not good, LZ. I hope you can figure out what it is and how to get rid of it soon!
Woo! Got my BvB! Just in time, too, my family is all together for the first time in over half a year!
Morning kittens!
Happy Independance Day to all my American Kittens!
Morning kittens.
Happy Independence Day to all of you south of the border.
@LZ, have you talked to your doctor about this yet? I just would like to know that its not a symtom of a worse problem. As annoying as it is, I wouldn't want to see it get worse! Look after yourself bro!
Happy 'Murica Day!
Too bad I just barely missed Canada Day, it'd be great to celebrate both.
Soo... apparently my dad can get drunk now? Remember how I said he has a genetic condition that he filters alcohol and painkillers so fast he can't feel the effects of alcohol? He's... a wee bit over the edge. As in he just threw up everywhere. I can't impress upon you how ineffibly odd it is to see a man who drank 6 or 7 Bacardi 151s in an hour and DRIVE after it suddenly be super drunk. It has to be this weight-loss program, but... can that overpower genetics?!
Morning kittens!
@Zem, there are many possible reasons why his tollerance has dropped, even temporarily. A lot of times when you are losing weight, you shed the stuff that is coating your intestines, so you absorb more nutrients, and other things... Also, age could be a factor, you bodies chemistry changes over time, and perhaps one of the side effects is now feeling the effects! As long as he's otherwise ok, I wouldn't worry about it. The down side of a lower alcohol tollerance is cheap drunk! ;)
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: Or it could be a benefit becoming a cheap drunk. Think of how much you can save by being one.
@GM, I wrote it poorly, but that is what I meant, ie: there is no down side! ;)
BaKhan, I called the nurse last time I had hives. She wasn't too concerned, but told me to be on guard in case they should come back with this last round. I have an appointment with the oncologist tomorrow, so I'll talk to him about it at that point.
@LZ, ok that sounds good. Have they receded at all? If so then its probably just a reaction to the chemo, if not, then it could be more complicated. Either way, I'm glad you're getting it looked at! You've been through enough crap already! ;)
They recede when I take Benadryl and ranitidine. If I don't they advance. The weird thing this time is that they'd pop up in one place, spread, and then disappear from the original site.
LZ, that's really weird. I really hope that doesn't cause complications with your very last round of treatments, this stuff just needs to be over finally!
BaKhan, we thought of all the reasons we could, but I seem to be the only person still confused and a bit concerned. He's lost weight before, been a lower weight, and been on diets and never got more than buzzed. He's been drinking close to how he did last night just recently and throughout this diet, and it's affected him for the most part like normal. I dunno, I just hope it's a good sign of something.
In the meantime, he's having a fun time sleeping off his first real hangover ever.
Yeah, my biggest fear right now is that the oncologist will say that, since my antibodies bound up all the chemo drugs, we have to switch drugs and do a couple more rounds.
@Zem, I'm sure he'll be fine, its probably just a temporary thing. ;)
@LZ, well whatever it is, I hope that it isn't interfering with your treatments! Best of luck man!
Morning Kittens!
Not that I'm counting down or anything, but I've only got 6 works days left here after today! Whoot!
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: That can be both awesome, and slightly frightening due to the unknown of what can happen in those 6 days.
As for me, I have 8hours until I'm on a 3-day weekend. Have tomorrow off so I'm not fighting the impatient people who are over crowding the train to get downtown to watch the parade.
@GM, congrats on the upcoming 3 day weekend! I know that you are probably busy/not interested, but I am having a couple of friends over on Saturday to play the DS boardgame, and could use a fourth. ;) I've really been enjoying this one!
As per the uncertainty of the upcoming 6 days, all I can do is my best. People are already trying to squeeze things in, and my boss is starting to flake out a bit (expected) but all I can see is freedom! I will finish everything that I have on my plate, and what I can't I'll pass along to my co-worker. I don't want to let them down, but at the same time, am looking to wind this down as I get closer to next Friday. The end is nigh! ;)
@BaKhan: I'm definitely interested in playing, but would have to double check the calendar when I get home to see if there is anything happening that day since my parents leave for an Alaskan cruise on Sunday.
That's awesome and amazing for both of you!
I'm having a great time as well because this is kind of my third 4th of July party. First a bonfire with my brother's friends, then actual 4th of July with my family, now a ton of family and friends are coming over for steaks tonight. Unfortunately, that means cleaning. Everything.
@GM, that would be awesome, and quite frankly astonishing! ;) Check it out, and let me know, either here, or just text me. Have you had a chance to play yet? The two guys coming over have not, so no worries, but if you have, then that would be a definite bonus!
@BaKhan: I would love to say yes I have had the chance, but with Phil now working two jobs due to his month long trip to Europe, and my other friends not having much interest(or not even getting back to me), I haven't played it yet. I basically opened the box the game was shipped in, saw what it was, and put it off to the side.
@Zem, thats awesome! I love a good July 4th party, no matter what day it actually falls on! ;) I've been lucky enough to be in Disney for two of them! People can say what they want about Americans, but I tell you, you guys know how to have fun! Fire works, spontaneous dance partys in the streets, all ages hanging out and having fun, its hard not to feel jealous sometimes... ;)
@GM, no worries! You can play it solo as well as it is a co-op game. I realize that it might not seem like as much fun, but having done that a few times myself, I can say that it is fun! You can either manage all the characters yourself, or just play with one, and you get some extra stuff to start with to give you a chance. I find its a pretty true recreation of the video game, but on your table top. It is a long playing game 5+ hours to play the full deal, but you can always modify and stop at the mini-boss, or just beef your characters up and play the main boss. Anyways, hope you can make it!
I guess 4th party if you count Kabsa with my brother's Arabic friends, but that wasn't really related to the holiday specifically. So we've done a 4th of July Bonfire, Party, mid-holiday party, and now the after-party. Haha, this week is way more eventful than I thought it would be!
BaKhan, well, I have to admit Canadians know what's up as well. Stronger beer, poutine, and colder weather alone make for a great celebration. You could go to Horton's to party in the morning, too! Seriously, though, I'm kind of jealous of the Tim's. Wish I lived in a border town with it, it really is much better than any coffee/donut shop in America. Dunkin' is close, but it just feels like a cheap knockoff. Glad we got anniversary mugs and a kilo of coffee while we were there, haha!
So I saw franchised Tim's on the border, like in Niagara, authorized by Tim Horton's America inc. or something like that. Think I could bring that goodness to the heart of the continent? ;)
@Zem, lol! I love how you put cold weather in the list of good things about Canada... you know most of us hate the cold right? ;) I bet that with time, Timmies will eventually make its way across America, you can't get enough of a good thing afterall! It would also help to even out the cultural trade that our countries have enjoyed for a long time. I remember as a kid seeing the commercials for awesome things only to find out that they weren't available in Canada. First thing I can remember wanting so bad was Fruity Pebbles of all things.
You didn't miss out there, BaKhan, Fruity Pebbles aren't that great.
Whoa, looking it up... "As of 2013, Tim Hortons has 4,304 restaurants, including 3,468 in Canada, 807 in the United States, 29 in the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Persian Gulf."
They have Arabic locations even?! And where are these literal hundreds in America, I've only seen a couple. Are they cheating by counting every one in a Coldstone Creamery? I also just found out they have them in many Coldstones.
@Zem, I actually got to have some Fruity Pebbles back in the day when I was 6, we had a day trip into the states and my parents got me some. They are much different now, back then they were about the size of a rice crispy with the flavour of fruit loops, they were awesome, but you had to eat them fast or they would get super soggy. Fwiw, I loved them... ;) They've got Timmies in Arabic locations mostly because of how many Canadians work over there in their oil production efforts. Canadians can't be away from Timmies for too long! ;)